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Thursday, June 21, 2007 • St. Mary’s County, Maryland
Established 2006 • Volume 2 • Issue 25 • FREE
Remembering One Of St. Mary’s BCI Overcomes City’s Most Entrepreneurial Citizens Heavy Load with Small Staff
See St. Mary’s Citizen page A-
By Guy Leonard Staff Writer One of the top supervisors in the St. Mary’s Sheriff’s Office’s Bureau of Criminal Investigation says his staff of nine detectives is really too small to do what it does with a county increasing in size towards 100,000 residents and crime rising to match. But with a 95 percent closure rate when it comes to investigating all major crimes in St. Mary’s, Sgt. William Rosado, a state trooper, said that BCI detectives are getting excellent results despite long hours, stressful schedules and little time with their families. The national average for closing major cases according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation was just 45 percent, less than half of the success rate of the BCI detectives, Rosado said. “Could we use more detectives? Sure,” Rosado said. “But we manage our time the best we can; the closure rate says it all.” Lt. Rick Burris, commander of BCI, said funding made it difficult to hire more investigators. Rosado used to have 10 detectives, but that has since dropped by one staff member. “We try and try to get more money but it’s just budgetary issues” Burris said. See Heavy Load page A-
By Adam Ross Staff Writer
patrol cars is over thanks to a partnership between the sheriff’s office and the U.S. Navy. The sheriff’s office took possession of a new mobile command center last week that was custom made for them by technicians and specialists from the Special
St. Mary’s County Public Schools’ students are in large part more proficient in math and reading than they were last year, outpacing state averages in grades 3 through 7 on the Maryland State Assessment, but ongoing deficiencies continue to stick out. Spring Ridge Middle School has failed to make the state’s adequate yearly progress benchmarks for four straight years and is on corrective action, but the school’s 2007 testing results only rose significantly in grade 6 reading while decreasing in grade 7 and 8 math and grade 7 reading. The MSA test is used to track individual student achievement and ensure that school systems are on pace with federal and state achievement standards. Under No Child Left Behind requirements, all students must score at the proficient level or higher in reading and math by 2014 or the school system could face consequences that include replacing school staff or serious reorganization from an independent contractor. Four out of five elementary and middle schools had at least one grade score lower on this year’s test, but with other gains the drops were offset, according to results released Wednesday by the Maryland State Department of Education. “We are doing some very exciting and focused work in St. Mary’s County Public Schools and this has translated into very positive results for our students,” Superintendent Michael J. Martirano in a written release. “We are addressing our challenges and we are implementing programs to address our concerns and to enhance our learning environment for all children.” While certain deficiencies remain, namely in grade 7 where scores in the county fell by approximately 1 percent, Grades 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 all saw increases in reading over last year. The county has addressed the middle school math deficiency by adding an additional period of math for all students, a new math supervisor, two additional math teachers at each school and new textbooks. The changes came as recommendations from a Middle School Task Force. Grades 4, 5, 6 and 8 experienced math increases over last year as well, while grades 3 and 7 dropped.
See Command Center page A-
See MSA Testing page A-
Photo by Guy Leonard
Henry Miller, director of research at Historic St. Mary’s City survey’s the reconstruction of Garrett Van Sweringen’s meeting house and lodge that catered to the colony’s elite back in the 17th century. Van Sweringen was one of St. Mary’s City’s most prominent citizens.
Hospital Shock: Health Officials Slash Services By Adam Ross Staff Writer The St. Mary’s County Health Department is experiencing an unprecedented shock trauma as its budget deficit widens and its expenditures spiral deeper into a refractory state. While the health department did receive a slight increase of one to two percent for fiscal 2008, its expenditures rose nearly six percent in the face of employee cost of living adjustments (COLAs). “The 2008 projected budget deficit is no longer projected,” said St. Mary’s County Deputy Health Officer Tracy L. Kubinec. According to Kubinec, the COLA and retirement increases mandated by the state are not backed by adequate funding, prompting health officials to cut a number of public health activities. The department also plans to raise its environmental health fees by six percent, the first time a fee increase has been proposed in 10 years.
“Welcome to the world of health departments,” Kubinec said, “it’s great to give COLAs except we have to pay for it.” The cuts included emergency preparedness and poison prevention for children, transportation initiatives and nursing services to public and private schools. “Fewer people are getting transportation to their medical appointments,” Kubinec added, “and if they are, they have to spend longer in transit.” Additionally, Kubinec confirmed that all the county’s public and private schools lost their nursing support services. The board of education has since transferred the cost of 24 nurses onto its payroll. “This is unfortunate,” said board member Daniel H. Raley. “I mean, one nurse took care of 16 [private] schools.” The health department will continue to do vision and hearing screening mandated by the state. See Hospital Shock page A-
Yankees B-1
Sheriff’s Office Gets New Mobile Command Center By Guy Leonard Staff Writer
Carriage Ride B-4
The days of sheriff’s deputies handling difficult and dangerous situations, such as barricades, from their
Suspicious House Fire In Golden Beach Under Investigation
Op.-Ed ..........Page A - 4 Obits .............Page A - 7 Police ............Page B - 5 Classifieds.....Page B - 7
For Continual News Updates Visit: Local Weather Friday Partly Cloudy 87°
By Guy Leonard Staff Writer
Saturday Partly Cloudy 84° Sunday T-Storms 89°
Public Schools Improve Test Scores
Photo by Guy Leonard
Sgt. Ted Belleavoine, of the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Department talks with Del. John Wood (D-Dist.29A) on board the sheriff’s department’s new mobile command center, built by the Special Communications Requirements Division of NAVAIR.
Officials with the State Fire Marshal’s office say that a early Monday morning blaze that destroyed a house in Golden Beach was set on purpose. “It was an incendiary fire,” said Faron Taylor, spokesman for the Fire Marshal’s office Tuesday. “That means they set it deliberately.” See Arson page A-