Thursday, January 17, 2008 • St. Mary’s County, Maryland
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Established 2006 • Volume 3 • Issue 3
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Photo Courtesy of U.S. Navy
New Presidential Helicopter Begins Testing At Pax River
Ryken Falls Short To Huntingtown
If they continue to play like that, we’ll give ourselves a chance to win.” - St Mary’s Ryken Assistant Coach
Hil Frankforter
See pg. A-6 For Story
Expansion Of Leonardtown Sewer Plant Delayed By Guy Leonard Staff Writer The Leonardtown town government will now have to prioritize approval of development in its limits since the announcement Monday that the expansion of the nearby sewage treatment plant has been delayed, according to town officials. The town government was depending on three major housing developments, Tudor Hall Farms, Leonard’s Grant and Clark’s Rest, to pay much-increased impact fees that
would fund the expansion. But with the bankruptcy of the Tudor Hall Farms development, town administrator Laschelle Miller said, the town no longer has the funding to ensure the build-out of the expansion by late this year. “One-third of the funding is gone and Clark’s Rest is not moving ahead as fast as we expected,” Miller said. “We’re going to have to be diligent about what [developments] are approved in the next one or two years.” This means that there are only about 100 equivalent See Sewage Delay page A-10
State Funds Providing Rental Assistance to Poor Reduced 60% The Board of County Commissioners approved a reduction in State funding from $50,000 last year to $20,000 this year for the “Rental Allowance Program” which helps people of low income make rent payments. Because of the reduced amount, Housing Director Denis Nicholson said that only about 6 families would be helped this year.
County Approves Spending $180,000 for Emergency Services Upgrades The Board of County Commissioners approved a plan presented by Emergency Management Director David Zylak to spend $34,500 to refurbish the County’s backup communication tower in Leonardtown and $45,500 to purchase 10 new hand held emergency radios.
Increase To Senior Meals Program The Board of County Commissioners approved a budget amendment to increase funding to the “Nutrition Services Program” through the County’s Department of Aging by $11,978. The additional funds are part of a federal grant award and will be used to increase the number of meals served each year to seniors.
Task Force Recommends Growth Policy A local citizens task force has recommended to the Board of County Commissioners an annual growth policy that would allow residential growth of 2.25% a year. The proposal has been sent to the Planning Commission for public hearing and Commission recommendation. The proposal also includes changes to the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance effecting school capacity determinations.
Inside Op.-Ed .......... Obituaries..... Community... Police ............ Classifieds..... Thursday Showers 44°
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It’s not a snow day for this dump truck that braved Tuesday’s unexpected snowy conditions.
Board of Education May Reduce Graduation Requirements Andrea Shiell Staff Writer Educators reacted with surprise and concern when they were presented with an issue at the most recent meeting of the St. Mary’s County Board of Education. According to data presented by Charles Ridgell, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, and Scott Smith, Director of Secondary Instruction at Tuesday’s meeting, 3.7% of students in the graduating class of 2007 were not able to receive their diplomas because they did not earn
the 23 credits required by the county to graduate. This may not have surprised so many in the room if those same students had not met the state requirements for graduation, which include four credits of English, three credits of social studies, three credits of math, three credits of science, See Reduction page A-
Former Local Lawyer Pleads Guilty To Theft By Guy Leonard Staff Writer Julian J. Izydore, a well-known attorney who practiced law in St. Mary’s several years ago before being investigated for improperly handling a client’s estate pleaded guilty to theft in Circuit Court before visiting Judge Arthur Ahalt. Izydore also pleaded to one count of using trust money from a client’s estate for purposes other than what it was intended. Izydore was indicted in August of last year for stealing money from the estate of Gail I. Wood during 2001 and 2002. According to the plea agreement that Izydore consented to Tuesday he also filed false adminis-
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See Theft page A-