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Thursday, November 8, 2007 • St. Mary’s County, Maryland



Times Established 2006 • Volume 2 • Issue 45 • FREE

St. Mary’s County’s Largest And Only Locally Owned Newspaper

Mattingly, Bohanan At Odds Over State Funding

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Juvenile Admits To MurderFor-Hire Plot

By Adam Ross Staff Writer St. Mary’s County isn’t likely to face the $11 million curveball Gov. Martin O’Malley threatened last month, but legislators across party lines are saying the counties will have to pitch in to recover the state’s $1.7 billion deficit. “The counties are going to have to step up,” said Del. John L. Bohanan (D-St. Mary’s), citing examples of how the state has funded significant education increases, and teacher pensions. “If not this year than in the future, and pick up contributions on things like these.” With the special session now well over a week into meetings, committees are reviewing a variety of new bills that aim to cut spending, and raise revenue. One would levy 50 percent of teacher pensions to the county - costing St. Mary’s 5.1 million. Bohanan said the legislature would likely not pass half of teachers’ pensions onto the counties this year, but that the discussion “needs to be on the table.” The state currently pays 100 percent of those pensions. Commissioner Thomas A. Mattingly Sr. (D-Leonardtown) called the bill “unfair,” and said that it would only take away staff and programs for schools. “The county didn’t create the deficit,” Mattingly added. “It’s irresponsible to pass unfunded proSee Special Session page A-

By Guy Leonard Staff Writer Photo Courtesy of Chris Corrigan

Chris Corrigan, left, then a Lt. Commander in the U.S. Navy, hands out gifts to Afghan villagers as part of his overseas service in the war on terror.

War Veterans Remember Their Service With Pride By Guy Leonard Staff Writer Paul Wible, of Hollywood, remembers his year of combat experience in Vietnam as being in constant danger. As a first lieutenant in a U.S. Army mechanized infantry unit he conducted lethal ambushes, got wounded by a rocket propelled grenade and started into the eyes of death at close range. He has some hard memories, but some good ones as well. And as he remembered his service it was with gratitude for being alive. “I feel lucky to still be here,” said Wible, a volunteer with the Hollywood Volunteer Fire Department.

And with Veterans Day coming up he also had a surge of pride. “You ever get that lump in your throat?” Wible asked. “Being there, seeing that flag and knowing that you’ve been through it… it’s better than a warm fuzzy. I’m proud.” Local veterans who recall their service in foreign wars have the same surge of pride at having served their country under the most difficult of circumstances. Chris Corrigan, a retired Lt. Commander with the U.S. Navy who served in Afghanistan in the war on terrorism, remembered that while he never had to fire his weapon or take part in any heavy combat, the danger See Veterans page A-

Corey Ryder, the 17-year-old juvenile accused of trying to hire an undercover police officer to kill his mother and stepfather earlier this year admitted to the crime in county Circuit Court Nov. 2. Ryder, of Valley Lee, took a plea deal to a count of solicitation of murder of his mother rather than face first-degree attempted murder charges. Ryder will receive his disposition for the crime, Nov. 27 according to his attorney Public Defender John Getz. Getz would not discuss the case in-depth but said that his client was in the custody of the Department of Juvenile Services. Ryder has been incarcerated at a youth facility in Cheltenham since he was charged with the crime back in June. “There’s a lot of mitigating cirSee Ryder page A-

Inside High School Brawls Result in Arrests Op.-Ed .......... Page A - 4 Obituaries..... Page A - 9 Community... Page B - 4 Police ............ Page B - 7 Games........... Page B - 8 Classifieds..... Page B - 9

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By Guy Leonard Staff Writer Deputies with the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office and trooper with the Maryland State Police arrested 14 students at Great Mills High School Monday after numerous fights broke out in the school disrupting classes and causing the school to be locked down. According to Sgt. Steven Hall, spokesman for the sheriff’s office, deputies and troopers responded before midday Monday to calls for assistance from the school’s resource officer Senior Deputy First Class Andrew Holton after a fight broke See Fights page A-

Photo by Guy Leonard

Police surround the front entrance to Great Mills High School Monday after several fights broke out between students, 14 of whom were arrested as a result.

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