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Thursday, April 12, 2007 • St. Mary’s County, Maryland
Established 2006 • Volume 2 • Issue 15 • FREE
RPD Task Force Mulls Over The Mandatory Selling of TDR’s
County Gives the Go-Ahead to New Elementary School in Wildewood
By Adam Ross Staff Writer The St. Mary’s Board of County Commissioners implemented the Rural Preservation Task Force to recommend effective ways to protect land in Rural Preservation District. After its first meeting Monday, the task force found itself engulfed in a number of situational dilemmas - created in part by other task forces that have spent years trying to iron out the county’s future. At times Monday, members agreed to disagree, citing philosophical differences to the Transferable Development Rights (TDR) plan that offers money up front to landowners in exchange for the future development rights to their land. The current program designates one TDR for every three acres of developable land. If the St. Mary’s Board of County Commissioners approves changes to the ordinance, that amount would change to one TDR for every five acres. The program is intended to provide incentives for landowners to sell development rights, while allowing builders to acquire extra building density for projects going forward in other areas. Rural Preservation Task Force Chairman Robin Hahnel said the changes proposed by the TDR and APF task forces would not solve the county’s See RPD page A-
Index Encroachment A-2
Track Meet B-1 Op.-Ed ..........Page A - 4 Obits .............Page A - 5 Police ............Page B - 5 Classifieds.....Page B - 7
For Continual News Updates Visit: Local Weather Friday Partly Cloudy 57° Saturday Few Showers 65° Sunday T-Storms 55°
By Adam Ross Staff Writer
Photo by Guy Leonard
Donna Meador of Mechanicsville looks to her husband Rob Meador during the candle light vigil in memorium of Ethan Chewning, the 16-year-old Chopticon High School student who was killed last week in an automobile accident. The Meadors joined more than 100 people at the Chewning resident to support the family.
Family, Friends Still Mourning The Loss Of Ethan Chewning By Guy Leonard Staff Writer The family and friends of Ethan Chewning, the 16 year old Chaptico high school student killed in a tragic car accident last week are still coming to grips with his death and looking for healing. Throughout the week following his death the community rallied around the family that has lost a member they say was dear to their hearts. More than 100 people gathered at the Chewning home Monday night for a candlelight vigil to help say goodbye to their lost loved one and remember the impact he had on their lives. His mother, Kaye Chewning, remembered her son’s exu-
berant nature and his wisdom that exceeded his years. “He drove me crazy and kept me sane at the same time,” she said. “He was a good boy, he always did what I told him. “But he always corrected me because he always knew better. And you know he was usually right.” The tragedy was magnified family members say because it happened so close to the Easter holiday; a traditionally happy time of gathering for the family. Virginia Quade, Ethan Chewning’s grandmother, said she nearly decided not to hold the Easter celebration, complete with an Easter egg hunt for the family’s young ones, be-
See Go-Ahead page A-
Photo Courtesy of Virginia Quade
Ethan Chewning, 16, of Chaptico who
See Fatal Accident page A- was killed April 4 in an automobile accident on Sunnyside Road in Clements.
Leonardtown Man Killed In Weekend Wreck Friends and family mourn the loss of Kenneth Bacon By Guy Leonard Staff Writer The county has suffered its second fatal accident in only the past week with the death of Kenneth “Kenny” Bacon, 24, of Leonardtown. Just three days earlier, Ethan Chewning, 16, of Chaptico was killed in a head on collision on Sunnyside road in Clements. According to reports from the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office, Bacon was driving his 2001 Toyota Tundra south on Route 5 in the early morning hours of April 7, and, as he passed Route 243 in Leonardtown, he failed to make the curve in his vehicle and ran into an embankment. The vehicle rolled over on its roof, and Bacon died on the scene, police said. Investigators are still looking into the cause of the crash but they believe speed and poor weather were contributing factors. Photo Courtesy of Susan Bacon Bacon’s mother, Susan Bacon, was still stunned by her son’s death. Kenneth Bacon, 24, who was killed April 7 in an automobile wreck in LeonardShe said she remembered him as town served in Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. Here he is shown seated in a See Kenneth Bacon page A-
The St. Mary’s County Planning Commission gave final approval Monday to the concept site plan for the new elementary school slated for Wildewood, after noise and accident concerns made by local pilots and the airport advisory committee were put to rest. Final approval was then given by the commissioners Tuesday for the site’s water and sewer amendments. Both approvals will lead to a ground breaking scheduled for the end of August, according to J. Bradley Clements, chief operating officer of public schools. Tuesday marked the end of a long road for the new school plan, which has had to endure tenuous battles with the St. Mary’s County airport and surrounding neighborhoods. Representatives from the airport advisory committee, and pilots that utilize the airport, have previously voiced concerns that the school site was subject to excessive aircraft noise and accidents because of its location underneath the flight pattern of the airport. However, George Erichsen, the air-
throne in one of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s presidential palaces. Bacon served with the 3rd Infantry Division during the invasion of Iraq.
Civic Group Continues Fight With County, Developer Over Myrtle Point By Guy Leonard Staff Writer The Potomac River Association is going head-to-head with the county government and a local developer in Circuit Court next month over their claim that the county ignored its own zoning law to allow houses to be built on lots in Myrtle Point. The court case marks the latest round in a battle that goes back to last year in which civic activists sought to stop housing developments they say cause soil erosion in critical watershed areas thus damaging the environment. “The county doesn’t seem to have a high priority for saving the creeks [at Myrtle Point], said Erik Jansson, president of the Potomac River Association [PRA]. “Something’s got to give here. “The county’s basically decided to violate the law on behalf of a developer.” At the core of the association’s argument, according to papers filed at the Circuit Court, is that the county Department of Public Works and Transportation erroneously issued grading permits to developer P.F. Summers Myrtle Point LLC to build homes on six lots out of a total of 55 that had slopes with a greater than 15 percent grade. The county Board of Appeals disagreed, court papers stated, and upheld the decision of the department to issue the permits in June of 2006. Their interpretation stated that the law allows the county to issue such permits if See Myrtle Point page A-