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Good morning, Mes Amis Sunday, July 14, 2019
Houma, Louisiana
Coast Guard rescues 12 in Terrebonne Parish By Julia Arenstam Staff Writer
A resident walks Saturday through a flooded field in Montegut, where water from area marshes had topped a levee. [JED LEVRON/ CORRESPONDENT -- HOUMATODAY/DAILYCOMET]
IT’S NOT OVER YET Barry could still drop more rain on HoumaThibodaux By Julia Arenstam and Dan Copp Staff Writers
As it churned inland Saturday, Tropical Storm Barry continued to batter the Houma-Thibodaux area with wind and rain and more was expected Sunday. After briefly becoming a Category 1 hurricane, the slow-moving storm weakened to a tropical storm as it made landfall just before 1 Saturday afternoon near Intracoastal City, about 85 miles west of Houma. “It looks like Tropical Storm Barry has moved inland but still has a lot of battering winds off the coast of Terrebonne and across Lafourche and Terrebonne parishes,” Fred Ziegler, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Slidell, said Saturday night. “The latest winds we had from the Houma Airport
A fire truck inches through floodwater Saturday afternoon on Pointe-aux-Chenes Road. Parish officials recommended residents evacuate the small community in southern Terrebonne Parish as tides from then-Tropical Storm Barry moved in from the Gulf of Mexico. [JED LEVRON/CORRESPONDENT -- HOUMATODAY/DAILYCOMET]
have a gust of about 38 mph and sustained winds at 22 mph. So it’s still blowing up out there.” Sustained winds varied between 20 mph and 40 mph most of Saturday in Houma, with gusts of up to 59 mph, according to the Weather Service. Forecasters said the Houma-Thibodaux area
could receive 6-10 inches of rain Saturday night, with a large downpour possible around midnight. “That’s something to be concerned about because there’s going to be a lot of water persisting until Sunday and probably Monday,” Ziegler said. “Tonight is going to be dangerous in terms of rain
and thunderstorms.” As of 8 p.m. Saturday, Barry had dumped about 1.4 inches of rain on Terrebonne and about 1.5 inches on Lafourche, Ziegler said. Terrebonne Parish issued a mandatory evacuation notice for parts of Dularge early Saturday afternoon as water from nearby marshes overtopped levees there and in Montegut. Construction had already been underway to raise the levees from 8 feet to the 12-foot standard of the parish’s Morganza levee system. Terrebonne did not issue a curfew Saturday, but officials strongly cautioned residents to avoid the lower areas of the parish with higher water. Lafourche ordered a curfew from 10 p.m. Saturday to 6 a.m. Sunday. “Tropical Storm Barry has caused a few problems for us, but our emergency-response crews have responded quickly and effectively,”
The Coast Guard rescued a total of 12 people stranded or in need of emergency help as Tropical Storm Barry swept through Terrebonne Parish. Eleven residents and two pets were evacuated from Isle de Jean Charles Saturday morning along with one resident experiencing a medical emergency in the Dulac area, a Coast Guard spokesperson said. The Isle de Jean Charles residents were evacuated by Coast Guard helicopters and taken to the Houma-Terrebonne Airport. A response boat was dispatched from Morgan City but ultimately not used during the rescue operations. Initial reports came in around 4:30 a.m. of people in distress along Island Road, the only way in and out of Isle de Jean Charles, a Coast Guard spokesperson said. The Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office initially planned to dispatch its Water Patrol but called the Coast Guard for assistance because weather conditions were too dangerous. “We dispatched a Water Patrol agent so that a rescue by boat could be done,” Sheriff Jerry Larpenter said. “With the weather conditions at that time, particularly in darkness, the risk for that plan was too great both for deputies and for the people they would rescue.” Initial reports stated five houses along the island were underwater, a Coast Guard spokesperson said. Island Road remained entirely underwater Saturday. The area was included in a voluntary evacuation order issued by the parish. As the storm continued to progress, Larpenter and Coast Guard Rear Adm. Paul Thomas urged residents to pay attention to local officials’ warning and take the storm seriously. “We have a good working relationship with the Coast Guard, which makes this kind of cooperative effort possible,” Larpenter said. See RESCUE, A14
See BARRY, A14
Local emergency shelters see light turnout By Scott Yoshonis Staff Writer
Two local emergency shelters set up for Hurricane Barry saw few people in need of their services Saturday. Shelters using the facilities of the Houma Municipal Auditorium and the Raceland Recreation Center each housed fewer than 20 people after the storm started knocking out power and causing sporadic flooding throughout Volume 141, Issue 195 For subscription information, please call 985-857-2222.
Terrebonne and Lafourche Friday night. Darrel Waire, Terrebonne Parish Housing and Human Services director, said the shelter at the Municipal Auditorium had just 12 people as of noon Saturday. He said that the shelter's capacity is about 300. He also said that, contrary to some previous reports, the 12 people evacuated from Isle de Jean Charles early Friday morning were not taken to the Calendar ....................B4 Classified ................... B5 Puzzles ......................A7
auditorium shelter. "They didn't come here," Waire said. "I would guess that they had family members that they probably went to. But none of the people that the Coast Guard picked up came here." Suzette Bartnesky, shelter coordinator at the Raceland Recreation Center, said that there were 18 people at noon Saturday in that facility, which has an official capacity of 388. Obituaries ................ A14 Opinion ....................A15 Weather .....................A3
"We have encouraged anyone who feels unsafe in their residence to come over," Bartnesky said, "especially if they're on any sort of medical device, like a CPAP machine or oxygen." One of those at the Raceland shelter was Joyce Soudelier, who brought her father, Nolan Delaune, Friday afternoon as a precautionary measure. Delaune is a cancer patient
IN THE COMMUNITY Puppeteer to bring educational show to Terrebonne libraries
T-storms 82° / 75°
A t-storm 85° / 75°
T-shower 88° / 75°