Summer Camp 2016 at Covenant Harbor

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Summer C amp 2016

PARENTS I look forward to the possibility of welcoming your camper to Summer Camp 2016 at Covenant Harbor! Our staff is committed to providing a fun week of activities in a safe place where our campers are taught the truths of the Bible while being given the opportunity to develop new friendships, to learn life skills and to enjoy a host of recreational activities. There is never a dull moment! From the high-energy worship times with singing, games, and Bible lessons to the “talk back times” for each cabin group following the worship times, campers are encouraged to ask questions and dialogue together in order to grow in their faith. All activities and programs are age appropriate and during free time each afternoon campers may choose from a variety of activities such as swimming, boating, archery, climbing wall, crafts, skate park and other engaging activities. Over 70 college students and a few high school students have been prayerfully chosen to be part of a dynamic summer staff team whose mission is to love kids and share Jesus. Coming from all over the country, they have extensive training before the arrival of your campers. They will welcome your camper with enthusiasm and serve them well while they are here. Our entire staff looks forward to serving your campers!

Ray Warren

Executive Director




Day Camp

Grades K-6: p.6 Grades 4K-3: p.7 Grades 3-6: p.8




Grades 1-3 Partial Week: p.11 Grades 1-3 Full Week: p.12



Pier 30

Grades 3-5: p.15 Grades 4-5: p.16 Grades 6-8: p.17



BaseCamp Grades 9-12: p.19




Grades 9-12: p.21 (Age 15+)


DAY CAMP Grades 4K-6

Imagine playing outside, hanging out with friends, swimming in the lake, racing your counselor across the playground, singing songs, and more. Imagine doing all that in 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. And getting to sleep in your own bed. Turns out your camper really can have it all when they come to Day Camp at Covenant Harbor. Day Camp is for campers in 4K through 6th grade. The summer schedule rotates between K-6 weeks and 4K-3 or 3-6 grade specialized weeks. We plan activities and lessons in an age appropriate way. For our K-6 weeks, we create “teams” of campers around the same age, but there are plenty of times where everybody is together, which makes it a great chance for siblings, neighbors, and friends to come to camp together. Every day is unique in Day Camp. Some days they’ll get to challenge themselves on one of our adventure activities. Other days they’ll get to ride the banana boat with their team. The schedule will also be packed with new Bible teaching, songs, team games, free time (with choices from the bounce castle to the tree swing and beyond), canteen time and so much more. If your camper comes for one week or many, they’re sure to have plenty of new experiences!



>>> “Sending my son back to Covenant Harbor is a no-brainer for me. It is another place where he can be impacted in a positive fashion, as he continues to mature as a young man and in his faith. It brings me great joy to know that he is rubbing shoulders with caring adults who love Jesus and know how to have a blast with kids.�

-Day Camp Parent



Grades K-6

June 15-17: $129 June 20-24: $199 July 5-8: $189 July 11-15: $199 July 25-29: $199 Aug. 8-10: $129

This is a great opportunity for siblings, neighbors and friends to come together and/or to meet new friends. Campers will be teamed up with others in their age group and enjoy options that best fit their developmental level. Other parts of the day will allow the large group to come together for sessions, big games, waterfront time, and so much more. Grades are based on the 20152016 school year.




Day Camp

July 18-22: $199


Day Camp

DAY CAMP Grades 4K-3

A great introduction to the camp experience, the 4K-3 week is designed with this age group in mind. We will celebrate theme days, where our program team carefully selects a new theme for activities, counselor costumes, songs and more throughout the week. Of course our 4K-3 Day Camp wouldn’t be complete without the opportunity to experience our waterfront, classic camp songs, large group sessions, messy games and adventure activities. Grades are based on the 2015-2016 school year.


June 27-July 1: $199 Aug. 1-5: $199 Optional Thursday Overnight $35

Grades 3-6 This experience is great for campers just finishing 3rd through 6th grade. Many of the elements of the typical Day Camp experience are adjusted to provide this group with new opportunities. Campers get to visit the waterfront, brave the adventure course, and make more activity choices during their “Free Time.� Campers choose one skill to focus on during the week along with experiencing many different activities that camp offers. Skill options are available on our website. Grades are based on the 2015-2016 school year.




Day Camp



If your camper is in 1st, 2nd or 3rd grade and wants to try out an overnight camp experience, then Kishwauketoe (Kish-wah-KEY-toe) is just the place for them! Kishwauketoe (or “Kish” for short) is really the best. Here are a few reasons why we think your camper should come check it out: Kish is a blast. Campers of all ages think back on their time at Kish with a smile on their face. They can’t help but get excited when they recall the first time they stayed in a cabin, won the duck races, beat the counselors in the big game, went to their evening session in their PJ’s, or screamed so loud on the giant swing. Kish is just for them. Kish is specifically designed with younger campers in mind. The Kish campers have their own space to stay at camp. It’s a magical wonderland with unique

cabins, its very own fire pit, a nature center and a tree swing. Up to 45 campers can stay in Kish at a time, so there’s a chance to get to know everyone. Kish Camps are offered in full week or partial week options. If your camper has never tried camp before, coming to Kish for a partial week is a great way to see if they’ll like camp. If they’re ready for more adventure, the full week is a great option for them! Either way, we intentionally program Kish so that it’s best for 1st through 3rd grade campers. Kish is a great place to try something new. Maybe it’s your camper’s first time at camp. Even if it’s not, Kish offers a chance to make new friends (even if they bring some with them), try new activities (have you ever seen the banana boat or our adventure activities?), and learn tons of other new things about themselves, their fellow campers, and most importantly, about who God is and how much He loves them.


>>> “Not only did my daughter have a BLAST at camp, but it was so cool to see her reading her Bible and talking about some of the scriptures they discussed at camp, once she got home - without being prompted by us. The parent communication during her camp experience was great too. It was neat getting the updates and photos on Facebook to see activities and happy faces!�

-Kish Parent



June 19-22: $344 June 22-25: $344 July 3-6: $375 July 6-9: $375 July 17-20: $375 July 20-23: $375


Kish Partial Week



The partial week program is perfect for campers who are interested in trying out overnight camp for the first time or want to return for a shorter experience. For three nights, this fun-filled option allows campers to get a taste of all the greatest parts of the camp experience. Grades are based on the 2015-2016 school year.


June 12-18: $506 June 26-July 2: $506 July 24-30: $567 July 31-Aug.6: $567




Kish Full Week

Grades 1-3 The full-week program is great for first time or returning campers who are ready for a longer stay. Campers who join us for the six-night experience will enjoy taking the next step with more activities and new adventures. Grades are based on the 2015-2016 school year.



PIER 30 Grades 3-8


Campers come to Pier 30 for many reasons. Some because their friends are here (most wind up making new friends they look forward to seeing next year). Others love to play in the lake, and we have plenty of chances to do that: banana boats, tubing, water playground, fishing, canoes, sailboats, just plain name it.

On top of a fun list of experiences and adventures campers probably won’t have anywhere else, there are the sessions (think of a crazy dance party, combined with a ridiculous game show, combined with a hilarious play, combined with relevant and life-changing teaching and you’re pretty close).

Or, what about adventure activities? There’s rock climbing (indoor and outdoor), a zipline, high ropes, low ropes, giant swing, adventure around every corner. There’s big games, campfires, cabin hangout, fun in the woods. The point is: there’s a ton to do here and a Pier 30 experience presents almost everything we have to offer.

Pier 30 is classic summer camp experience with a ton of twists. Odds are good if your camper tries it once, they’ll want to come back. They’ll build memories and friendships that can last a lifetime, they’ll do things they’ve never done before, they’ll learn more about the world and its creator, and they’ll learn more about themselves.


>>> “I am always impressed with the staff at Covenant Harbor. They are great at communicating with parents and campers. They are organized and ready to answer all questions. They made me feel like they had time to answer my questions and make me feel comfortable with leaving my son with them for a week. Keep up the amazing work! You are making a difference in the lives of our children!�

-Pier 30 Parent



Aug. 7-11: $425


Pier 30

PIER 30 Grades 3-5

Our 3rd-5th grade camp is a 4-night overnight camp. It’s a great chance for first time campers to try out overnight summer camp. Like our full week camps, all the tried and true camp favorites like swimming, banana boating, high ropes, double tubing, skate park, and arts and crafts are on the schedule along with many more incredible activities (some invented specifically for this summer!). Grades are based on the 2015-2016 school year.


June 19-25: $547 July 10-16: $598 July 24-30: $598

Grades 4-5 Our 4th-5th grade camps introduce campers to the large-group camp experience. All the tried and true camp favorites like swimming, banana boating, high ropes, double tubing, skate park, and arts and crafts are on the schedule along with many more incredible activities. There will be no shortage of big games, dynamic biblical teaching in exciting sessions, and a whole lot of great hang-out time. Grades are based on the 2015-2016 school year.




Pier 30

June 12-18: $598 June 26-July 2: $598 July 3-9: $598 July17-23: $638 July 31-Aug.6: $638


Pier 30

PIER 30 Grades 6-8

Our 6th-8th grade camps include all the great camp activities: lake activities like tubing; adventure activities like high ropes; camp classics like arts and crafts, and many new activities invented specifically for this summer! Of course, we’ll also have big games, dynamic biblical teaching in exciting sessions, and great hang-out time. In addition to all that, 6th-8th grade campers get the chance to customize their camp experience with our skills program. See our website for a full list of skills! Grades are based on the 2015-2016 school year.


Basecamp Grades 9-12


In the summer we offer a week of High School camp separate from our Alpha program. It’s called BaseCamp. This week offers campers a lot of the classic camp experience (think waterfront and rockwall and campfires and free get it) but, much more importantly, it offers challenge. There are many things that makes BaseCamp different from our other programs: the teaching and discussion. (crazy as it sounds, even though it’s a week in the summer, away from school, we find that, year after year, high schoolers are anxious to learn and discuss), unique challenges, freedom, and trust. High School camp is built around the knowledge that high schoolers are often people in the midst of great personal change. We seek to give them a week to focus on who


they’re hoping to become, not just what they’re doing. They’re working to try to figure out what they believe and why, we see this week as an opportunity to help them along in their journey. BaseCamp is a week with unique speakers and activities, chosen just for this group, just for this time in their lives. The whole thing will be exciting, fun, and memorable (it’s camp!) but in the midst of that, our larger goal is to provide an experience that strengthens, encourages, and helps these powerful young people move closer to being the people they’re uniquely made to be. Come prepared to love it here, and be challenged; to meet new people and learn more about yourself, what you’re capable of, and the one who created you.

July 10-16: $628



BASECAMP Grades 9-12

Whether campers have been coming to Covenant Harbor for years, or this is their first time, BaseCamp offers a week of camp intentionally designed to be a unique experience which includes special lodging. All of the camp favorites that our other age groups get to participate in like tubing, high ropes, and arts and crafts (just to name a few) are available to BaseCamp campers. Grades are based on the 2015-2016 school year.


ALPHA Grades 9-12 / Age 15+


Alpha is really different from our other camps. High schoolers come to Alpha and they work hard. That may not sound pleasant at all, but when you see a group of Alphas on their last day here, hugging each other and crying because their two weeks are over, you may change your mind. Alpha is aimed at high schoolers who want to grow, develop relationships with peers and mentors, and serve the ministry of Covenant Harbor. During their two weeks here, Alphas put in 60 hours of service all around camp; they help us make camp happen. While they’re working, they sweat, and get sore, and learn a lot, and get to know each other and our staff. In the midst of all that hard work, something intangible and surprising starts to happen. The value of their work starts to shine through. They begin to feel ownership over what they’re doing, and when they return in future years, they can actually see the mark they left on camp.


The experience winds up making a significant change in them too. Of course, there’s time in the Alpha schedule to play, too. All of our camp activities are open to them at different times during their session (take it from us, playing in the lake is that much sweeter after a couple hours of hard work). Alphas also get a ton of time to hang out with each other and our staff. They have more control over their schedule than campers in other programs, and they receive a letter verifying they earned 60 community service hours at the end of their session. Many Alphas keep coming back, year after year, partly because they love their experience. But if you ask, most of them will say they’re back because of the relationships they built here and the growth they experienced. While working alongside them, our college-age Alpha staff guides Alphas through intentional times of learning and mentorship.

June 12-25: $465 June 26-July 9: $465 July 10-23: $465 July 24-Aug. 6: $465


Alpha (age 15+)

ALPHA Grades 9-12 / Age 15+

Alpha is a two-week high school camp focused on daily service. Alpha campers learn the value of hard work first-hand, and they get to enjoy many of camp’s favorite activities along with relevant and focused Bible teaching and many special privileges that come with serving at Covenant Harbor. Each Alpha camper receives a letter certifying that they have served 60 community service hours upon completion of their session. Grades are based on the 2015-2016 school year and campers must be age 15+.



Early Registration

1. Register online by going to and clicking on the “Register” button. 2. Paper registration forms are available to those who are without an internet connection or who must pay deposit by check. Call our office at 262-2483600 to request one. 3. We do not accept phone registrations. 4. To complete your online registration either pay a deposit or pay in full with MasterCard or Visa. 5. Your balance is due on or before May 15 and may be paid by check or credit card. 6. If registering after May 15, full payment is required. 7. Financial assistance is available to those who qualify. We don’t want anyone to miss out on camp because of financial need. Contact our office to apply for a scholarship.

(Does not apply to Alpha campers) Save $30 when you register and pay in full by March 15. You may use this discount in addition to the Bring-A-Friend discount. Please note: meeting the early registration discount does not guarantee camp availability.

The Next Step

Triple Play

After registering you will receive a confirmation email and additional camp details. If you do not receive a confirmation within 3 weeks, please contact our camp registrar.

Day Campers save $15 per session when they register for 3 or more Day Camps. The same camper must attend all 3 (or more) sessions.

DAY CAMP DISCOUNTS** YMCA Geneva Lakes YMCA members save $10 per Day Camp session. Child attending camp must be part of the membership. Membership number must be entered to qualify for this discount.

Early Registration Day Campers save $10 per person when you register and pay in full by May 15.

**Day Camp discounts only apply to 5 day sessions.

OVERNIGHT CAMP DISCOUNTS Bring-A-Friend (6 night camps only) Bring a friend who has never before been to a Covenant Harbor summer camp program and you each save $50. You must both attend the same week of camp and register on the same day.


REGISTRATION POLICIES GRADE GROUPS Campers must stay within the appropriate grade group, which is based on the grade the camper is in for the 20152016 school year.

CABIN MATES Cabin mates must request one another. Only two cabin mate choices are allowed. If more than three children request each other, they will be separated based on their first choice. Groups of 4 or more that loop themselves together will be separated.

CREDIT CARDS We accept Visa and MasterCard.

CANCELLATION POLICY If you must cancel, we must receive a written notification via email (camp@ or by mail. Refunds are given based on when we receive a written notice of cancellation. • More than 30 days before the first day of camp: full refund except non-refundable deposit ($100 for overnight camps, $25 for day camps) • 7 to 30 days before the first day of camp: all but $150 of payments made will be refunded to overnight campers; all but $50 of payments made will be refunded to day campers. • Less than 7 days before the first day of camp: no refund. • Medical cancellations: If we receive a doctor’s written verification prior to the start of camp, you will receive a full refund minus a $25 processing fee. • Overnight campers: Cancellations (except for medical reasons) involving the Bring-A-Friend discount will cause the friend to lose that discount.

CAMP ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE Overnight Camp begins in the afternoon of the first day of camp and ends by 10 a.m. on the last day. Specific details will be communicated after registering. Day Camp drop off is 8:30-9:00 a.m. and pick-up is 4:00-4:30 p.m. Encore, our late pickup option for Day Camps, is at 6:00 p.m. for an extra cost.


Summer C amp

Covenant Harbor, located on beautiful Geneva Lake in southeastern Wisconsin, is the ideal choice for summer camp! Day Camps and Overnight Camps offer the perfect option for every camper. Enjoy our swimming and boating activities or arts and crafts, archery, climbing tower, zipline and much more. There is something for every camper!





Grades K–6 June 15–17 June 20–24 July 5–8 July 11–15 July 25–29 Aug. 8–10 Grades 4K–3 July 18–22 Grades 3–6 June 27–July 1 Aug. 1–5

Grades 1–3 Partial Week June 19–22 June 22–25 July 3–6 July 6–9 July 17–20 July 20–23 Grades 1–3 Full Week June 12–18 June 26–July 2 July 24–30 July 31–Aug. 6

Grades 3–5 Aug. 7–11 Grades 4–5 June 19–25 July 10–16 July 24–30 Grades 6–8 June 12–18 June 26–July 2 July 3–9 July 17–23 July 31–Aug. 6

Grades 9–12 July 10–16

ALPHA Grades 9-12 Age 15+ June 12–25 June 26–July 9 July 10–23 July 24–Aug. 6

Grades based on 2015-2016 School Year

1724 W Main Street • Lake Geneva, WI 53147 • 262.248.3600 •

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