December Devotional Journal 2013

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Meet an irresistible God Live an irresistible life Be an irresistible church


contents Foreword By Senior Pastors


Guide To Using This Devotional Journal


Morning Prayer


Calendar (November-December 2013)


December Devotion


December 1, Sunday: Review, Reflect and Response


December 2, Monday: Has God’s Promise Failed


December 3, Tuesday: Little by Little


December 4, Wednesday: Fullness of the Time


December 5, Thursday: Marriage with Unbelievers (1)


December 6, Friday: Marriage with Unbelievers (2)


December 7, Saturday: What is Christian Marriage?


December 8, Sunday: Review, Reflect and Response


December 9, Monday: God with Us: God’s Desire


December 10, Tuesday: God with Us: God’s Death


December 11, Wednesday: God with Us: Our Devotion


December 12, Thursday: Theology of the Ark: God Dwelling among His People


December 13, Friday: Theology of the Ark: Holiness of the Covenant God


December 14, Saturday: Theology of the Ark: Meeting with the Redeemer King


December 15, Sunday: Review, Reflect and Response


December 16, Monday: Why Take Serving God Seriously


December 17, Tuesday: Holy Service in the Holy Presence


December 18, Wednesday: Do I Really Know God?


December 19, Thursday: God’s Anger and His Covenant


December 20, Friday: Joshua Would Not Depart from the Tent


December 21, Saturday: God and His Obstinate People


December 22, Sunday: Review, Reflect and Response


December 23, Monday: How God Punishes the Guilty


December 24, Tuesday: “I find no guilt in Him”


December 25, Wednesday: The Powerful Powerless God


December 26, Thursday: Sacred Church Building (1)


December 27, Friday: Sacred Church Building (2)


December 28, Saturday: Moses Could Not Enter the Tabernacle


December 29, Sunday: Review, Reflect and Response


December 30, Monday: God’s Final Word for Failure


December 31, Tuesday: Wisdom for the New Year


Worship Songs



FOREWORD BY SENIOR PASTORS MEET THE IRRESISTIBLE GOD! At the annual listening retreat in September last year, we distinctively heard the passionate call of God for His people to walk in intimacy with Him. There is nothing radical about this invitation. Since the Garden of Eden, God has not stopped issuing this call for us to walk closely with Him. It’s the modern man who has often worked God out of the equation and subtracted Him from our daily lives. Hence in 2013, one of the primary expressions of our redeemed life is to meet the irresistible God through our in-house devotional. We will not only walk through the book of Exodus as our devotional but we will also include 35 days of the Lent season to prepare us for Good Friday and Easter. Other important topics will be included to enhance our spiritual intimacy with God. The Book of Exodus is the overarching frame for this daily devotional. Exodus is about meeting with God. Israel reached the foot of Mount Sinai after leaving Egypt. There, God renewed His covenant made with Abraham, with Israel as a nation (Ex 19). The covenant renewal took place when “Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with God… at the foot of the mountain” (Ex 19:17). God stated very clearly His purpose for redeeming Israel — “They shall know that I am the LORD their God who brought them out of the land of Egypt that I might dwell among them” (Ex 29:46).


The God whom we shall meet in Exodus is an irresistible God. Throughout the whole Exodus narrative, the people of God faced various situations and obstacles en-route the Promised Land. But God proves Himself as the great Redeemer! He is the irresistible God — “There is no one like Me in all the earth”. (Ex 9:14) Exodus is all about meeting this irresistible God. What was true of Israel as a covenant people is also true of us today as the New Covenant people of God. May you meet and experience the irresistible God this year, and find Him too irresistible not to follow!

Ps Tony and Ps Kay Kiong

Exodus is all about meeting this irresistible God. What was true of Israel as a covenant people is also true of us today as the New Covenant people of God. 7

GUIDE TO USING this devotional journal Prepare your heart in God s presence Select a fixed time (preferably mornings before you begin the rest of your day) and a quiet place where you can be alone and undisturbed. Observe a moment of silence as you acknowledge God’s presence.

Worship God with a song or hymn. (Refer to the list of worship songs provided) Offer a prayer to God as you prepare to listen to His word. (A sample prayer you can use is the morning prayer by John Stott found on the next page)



Allow God to S.O.A.P. you with His Word and Spirit

Each daily devotional entry is divided into four parts: Scripture — take your time to meditate on the Scripture passage for the day. Pause and mull over words and phrases that stand out for you. Observation — jot down significant insights and reflections from the passage you have read. Use the guiding questions provided. Application — note down a specific and practical commitment to God’s Word for you. Is there a command to obey, a sin to avoid, an example to follow, or a principle to live out? Where appropriate, share your devotional entry with someone. Prayer — bring your response to God in prayer using the suggested prayer for the day.


Morning Prayer by John Stott

good morning heavenly father, good morning lord jesus, good morning holy spirit Heavenly Father, I worship You as the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. Lord Jesus, I worship You, Saviour and Lord of the world. Holy Spirit, I worship You, Sanctifier of the people of God. Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.


Heavenly Father, I pray that I may live this day in Your presence and please You more and more. Lord Jesus, I pray that this day I may take up my cross and follow You. Holy Spirit, I pray that this day, You will fill me with Yourself and cause Your fruit to ripen in my life—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Holy, blessed and glorious Trinity, three persons in one God, have mercy upon me. Amen. Prayer Before Opening The Bible Blessed Lord, who has caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning—Grant that we may in such wisdom hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of Your holy Word, we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which You have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. Book of Common Prayer













CG Bible Guide Series 16



Make-up hol




CG Bible Guide Series 17

Alpha 6







9 Banquet of Honour


CG Bible Guide Series 18/ Alpha Alpha Getaway Getaway







Prayer & Praise







Men’s/ CG Bible Guide Series 19/ Men’s/Marriage BTW Marriage BTW

Ownership Events (The Non-Negotiables)


10 17 GOM













Watch Night Service



Men’s/ Marriage BTW



6 Women’s BTW



Women’s BTW

Women’s BTW















Christmas Outreach

Christmas Outreach







Christmas Service/Outreach



Ownership Events (The Non-Negotiables)


ber 1 , Decem y Sunda


1. Review — look back at your past week using the Examen (modified) a. What was my high point?

b. What was my low point?

c. What gave me life?

d. What drained me?

e. How was the Spirit of God at work?


2. REFLECT — What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light

of what has happened?

3. RESPONSE a. What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?

b. Journal your prayer


ber 2, m e c e D y Monda


Has God’s Promise Failed?

SCRIPTURE Exodus 23:24–26; Luke 1:5–25 After many failed attempts to have a child since the early years of their marriage, Zacharias and Elizabeth began to stare at this promise, “There shall be no one…barren in your land” (Ex 23:26). Until “they were advanced in years,” they still “had no child because Elizabeth was barren” (Lk 1:7). They were perplexed over God withholding this blessing from them, especially so when they were “both righteous in the sight of God, walking blamelessly” with full obedience to God’s Word (v 6). Has God’s promise failed? The barrenness was very painful for Elizabeth—it was “the disgrace I have endured among my people” (v 25, NRSV). They had been asking God for a child, to a point when they simply had to face reality. They stopped asking—for a long time it seems—because when Gabriel told Zacharias, “Your petition has been heard” (v 13), Zacharias found it hard to believe (v 18). Here we see seemingly “unfulfilled” promises and “unanswered” prayers in times of perplexing pains, but ultimately there is a purpose that God alone knows: a son of destiny in the form of John the Baptist! (vv 13-17).

OBSERVATION What was Hannah’s experience like in 1 Samuel 1:1–11; 19–23?


APPLICATION What is an area in my life where I am perplexed over God and how should I respond to Him?

PRAYER Silence‌O, Divine Silence‌O, Silent God, my heart fails in waiting on You. Lift up my fainting spirit; be the strength of my frail heart, that I may be steadfast in You, Presence of Silence. That I may be able to trust in You again, Silence of Wisdom. That I may be able to continue waiting on You, Silence of Love, Compassionate Silence, Faithful Silence. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:


ber 3, m e c e D ay Tuesd


Little by Little

SCRIPTURE Exodus 23:27–33; Joshua 24:4–8, 11–13 “I will not drive them out before you in a single year” (Ex 23:29), “I will drive them out before you little by little” (v 30). God has promised Israel victory and conquest over “ALL the people” and “ALL your enemies” in Canaan (v 27), and He has the power to do that easily and effortlessly, but it will happen “little by little,” “a little at a time”—not instantly and totally. When God works out His purposes and plans for our lives, He does consider external factors. If He works too fast or too much, it will do us more harm than good—“the land would become desolate and the wild animals would multiply and threaten you” (v 29, NLT). God also consider internal factors. He works according to our inner readiness—“until your population has increased enough to take possession of the land” (v 30, NLT). In our world of fast food and instantaneous gratification, ‘McDonald’s spirituality’ is foreign to how God works.

OBSERVATION How did God give land to Esau and Jacob differently according to Joshua 24:4–8, 11–13 and why?


APPLICATION What is an area in my life that I need to wait patiently upon the Lord?

PRAYER Help me to recognise You and submit to You as the God of the ‘little by little’ and ‘step by step’. It seems like nothing is changing in my trials but teach me to continue to bring them to You. Open my eyes to notice the little good changes in the difficult people or relationships in my life; the little positive development of things in my adverse situations; and to always give thanks to You. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:


ber 4, m e c e D sday Wedne


Fullness of the Time

SCRIPTURE Galatians 4:4–5; Ecclesiastes 3:1–11 God works by the principle of “the fullness of the time” (Gal 4:4; cf. Eph 1:10). The divine fullness of the time presupposes a gradual outworking process over a period of time towards fulfilling a purpose. When Adam and Eve fell into sin, God did not send the Saviour immediately or the next day. God wants to redeem fallen humankind, but according to the fullness of the time. Even when the fullness of time was reached to send the Saviour, He began with an egg in a womb. It is God who defines process and time, and He is in total sovereign control in all things at all times. Doesn’t God have a sense of urgency? Yet God is both urgent and patient. God is urgent in terms of the seriousness of a matter; He is patient in terms of the suitability of the moment. For humans, when something is urgent, we rush, hurry, and expect things to happen quickly. But God is never rushing or in a hurry: “I am coming quickly!” (Rev 22:20)—that is urgency. “Here is the perseverance of the saints” (Rev 14:12)—that is patience.

OBSERVATION What does Ecclesiastes 3:1–11 say about God, time, and events?


APPLICATION What is God saying to me concerning His timing and the way(s) He works in my life?

PRAYER Eternal God, with whom one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day,1 You make all things beautiful in Your time.2 Today, things are not beautiful. Tomorrow, things may remain not beautiful‌for weeks, months, or years. But help me to see that each day, You, in Your love and wisdom are in the process of making them beautiful in Your time. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 1 2 Peter 3:8 2 Ecclesiastes 3:11


ber 5, m e c e D day Thurs


Marriage with Unbelievers (1)

SCRIPTURE Exodus 23:32–33; 34:10–17; 2 Corinthians 6:14–7:1 God in Scripture says a clear, emphatic ‘No’ to His people marrying unbelievers. God commands that “You shall make no covenant with” “the inhabitants of the land” (Ex 23:32; 34:12). When Israel makes a covenant with the idolatrous Canaanites, inter-marriage will inevitably take place (Ex 34:15–16). In today’s culture of having a courtship before marriage, is dating an unbeliever (even with marriage as the end in mind) violating God’s command? A common argument goes: “But we’re not married yet.” While it’s probably true that, going by the letter, we may not have sinned, we need to check what attitude lies behind this type of argument: is it “I have not sinned against God yet” or “I do not want to sin against God”? If it is the former, then we are trying to be ‘shrewd’ toward God with an ulterior motive. If it is the latter, we will not date an unbeliever in the first place, since our intention is eventually to marry that person. Ultimately, God looks beyond an act; He looks at what is true—our hearts (cf. Pr 16:2).

OBSERVATION What does God say about unholy alliances, which include marriage, in 2 Corinthians 6:14–7:1?


APPLICATION What is my personal conviction concerning a believer dating an unbeliever?

PRAYER God, You created humans male and female, who can be physically attracted to and feel romantically for the opposite sex. We cannot understand how that happens, as Your Word tells us.3 But You forbid Your people to marry those who are not Your children. We pray for Your children, especially the young people, that they seriously seek to abide in Your will in this matter. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 3 Proverbs 30:18–19


ber 6, m e c e D y Frida


Marriage with Unbelievers (2)

SCRIPTURE Exodus 23:32–33; 34:10–17; Nehemiah 13:23–27 God warns of the certain consequence of marrying an unbeliever—“they will seduce your sons [you] to commit adultery against Me by worshipping other gods” (Ex 34:16, NLT). In this kind of “unequally-yoked” relationship (cf. 2 Co 6:14–16), the unbeliever has a greater spiritual influence over the believer. Yet, there is this common spiritually dangerous reasoning for dating an unbeliever: “I want to influence him/her to become a Christian.” Granted, there are incidents of believers having influenced unbelievers to Christ; but these are exceptions of God’s sovereign work, not the norm; and we dare not be presumptuous. Do we dare think we are stronger than God and His warning in His Word, that we can overcome what He warns against? At the end of the day, if your partner remains an unbeliever, a difficult and often painful decision arises: will you still go ahead with the marriage? We are exhorted to “watch yourself”, and “be very careful” (Ex 34:12). And we need to remember the heart of this matter: that “the LORD whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God” (Ex 34:14).

OBSERVATION How does God look at believers in Christ marrying unbelievers through the actions and words of Nehemiah (Ne 13:23–27)?


APPLICATION What implications does God objecting marriage between a believer and unbeliever have on me?

PRAYER God, You understand, as our Creator, the difficulty a child of Yours faces when he/she has a liking for an unbeliever, but seeks to walk in Your will in this area of marriage. The liking is not wrong, but natural, as You have created us male and female. Give strength and grace to Your children who obey You, but who are struggling to overcome the attraction and emotions toward unbelievers. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:


, ber 7 m e c e D day Satur


What is Christian Marriage?

SCRIPTURE Ephesians 5:22–33 Years ago, I visited a campus cell group as a pastor. The group was discussing the topic of boy-girl relationships. A visitor, who was an unbeliever, asked, “Why is it that a Christian cannot marry a non-Christian?” I answered her question by explaining what a Christian marriage is: a Christian marriage is more than just a relationship between a man and a woman as husband and wife; it also involves a third person, who is Jesus Christ. The most important person in a Christian marriage is Christ, and not the husband or the wife. It is Christ who makes all the difference in the marriage, and who gives it its distinctiveness. Everything that Paul talks about marriage in Eph 5:22–33 has Christ as the reference point. Christ is Lord of the marriage—in its relational foundation, spiritual formation, and practical function. To some, a marriage is Christian simply because it is a Christian marrying a Christian; but a true Christian marriage is one where Christ is preeminent within the marriage for the glory of God.

OBSERVATION What else does Ephesians 5:22–33 teach about the distinctives of Christian marriage?


APPLICATION What changes do my spouse and I need to make in being Christ-centred in our marriage?

PRAYER O God, Spirit of truth, help us to be truthful to one another in our marriage. O God, Spirit of gentleness, help us to be gentle with one another. God, who knows what is in our hearts more clearly than our own selves, help us to hear and listen to one another. O God, lead us in the way of truth and love.4 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 4 Adapted from the prayer of Richard Harries


, ber 8 m e c e D y Sunda


1. Review — look back at your past week using the Examen (modified) a. What was my high point?

b. What was my low point?

c. What gave me life?

d. What drained me?

e. How was the Spirit of God at work?


2. REFLECT — What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light

of what has happened?

3. RESPONSE a. What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?

b. Journal your prayer


ber 9, m e c e D y Monda


God with Us: God’s Desire

SCRIPTURE Exodus 24:1–2, 9–11; John 1:1–5, 9–14 Exodus 24:1–11 begins and ends with the same idea—the presence of God, but with a significant contrast. In verse 1, it is written that 74 people went up to God, but halfway, “Moses alone…shall come near to the LORD,” while the remaining 73 people “shall not come near” but “worship at a distance” (vv 1–2). But at the end of the short narrative, all 74 people dined in God’s presence (vv 9–11) and God “did not stretch out His hand against” them, but “they saw God, and they ate and drank” (v 11; cf. Rev 3:20). Ex 24:1–2 set Moses’s privilege of access to the divine apart from the rest of his colleagues; but now, the glory of God’s presence is the privilege of all 74 people. The contrast is made by a progression from being distant from God to dining before God. This reveals God’s desire to have His people drawn near to Him. God’s people worshipping Him at a distance is a divine dissatisfaction and God would do anything to get His people to be near Him. Such is His divine desire!

OBSERVATION How is God’s desire to be present with humankind shown in John 1:1–5, 9–14?


APPLICATION What does God’s desire to be near to me, mean to me?

PRAYER O God in all, be Thou in my walking and in my talking. Be Thou in my life and in my strife. Be Thou in my seeing and in my being. Be Thou in my days and in my ways. Be Thou in my night and in my plight. Be Thou in my reason and in every season. With Thee, O God, I am bound all around. Circle me, O Father, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit.5 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 5 Adapted from David Adam, Tides and Seasons: Modern Prayers in the Celtic Tradition (SPCK, 1989), 20


, ber 10 m e c e D ay Tuesd


God with Us: God’s Death

SCRIPTURE Exodus 24:3–8; Matthew 1:21–23 with 26:27–28 God would do anything to get His people to be near Him—even if it means the death of God. What has made progression from being distant from God (Ex 24:1–2) to dining before God (vv 9–11) possible is “the blood of the covenant” (v 8). “Half of the blood” is “sprinkled” Godward “on the altar” (v 6)—because of God’s holiness. And the remaining half of the blood is “sprinkled” manward “on the people” (v 8)—because of man’s sinfulness. It is the blood of the covenant that makes it possible for the holy God to be present with sinful man and to have fellowship with him. This “blood of the covenant” points to the ultimate blood of the covenant—“My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins” (Mt 26:27). It is the death of God! God must die for us in order that we might live before Him. “’Tis mystery all! The Immortal dies: Who can explore His strange design?”6

OBSERVATION How does Matthew show the connection between God with us in Jesus and Jesus saving us from sin in Matthew 1:21–23 and Matthew 26:27–28?


APPLICATION What do these words “Amazing love! How can it be that Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?”(Charles Wesley) mean to me?

PRAYER God, when I am lonely, I want You to be close to me but feel You are far away; when I am guilty, I want You to be far away but can’t escape the sense of Your presence. My feelings, I know, have little to do with the reality of Your presence. Thank you for being with me, to bless and not condemn, to comfort and not accuse, even in Jesus Christ. Amen. (Eugene Peterson)7 Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 6 From Charles Wesley’s hymn And Can It Be 7 Eugene H. Peterson, Praying with the Psalms (Zondervan, HarperCollins), Dec 1 reading


, ber 11 m e c e D sday Wedne


God with Us: Our Devotion

SCRIPTURE Exodus 24:3–8; Psalm 42:1–5 God fulfilled His desire to have us near to Him through His death, and this Divine Grace calls us to respond to Him with our devotion. Israel built an altar to God on which they offered “burnt offerings” and “peace offerings” for the redemptive “blood of the covenant” (Ex 24:5–6, 8), as well as an expression of their devotion to God. The burnt offering symbolises commitment to God—“the holding of nothing back from God (cf. Ge 22:2, 12)”, and the peace offering symbolises “communion with God.”8 Commitment and communion are undergirded by obedience to God’s Word (v 3, 7). But commitment and communion need to be sustained by the cleansing of sins. “God knows that the best of intentions fall constantly short and provided the blood of sacrifice to be at the ready to cater for each and every lapse from His revealed way.”9 “If we walk in the light as He is in the light”—commitment to God and communion with God—“the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 Jn 1:7).

OBSERVATION What can I learn from the psalmist’s devotion to God in Psalm 42:1–5?


APPLICATION How do I want my present devotion to God to be?

PRAYER I want to be ready, Lord Jesus, for Your daily entrance into my life. I know that You will come to me—because You loved me and gave Yourself for me that You may come to me. I also know that the way You will come will differ from my preconceptions. Prepare me to receive You as You will come to me. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 8 Alec Motyer, The Message of Exodus, The Bible Speaks Today (IVP, 2005), 249 9 Alec Motyer, 249


, ber 12 m e c e D day Thurs


Theology of the Ark: God Dwelling among His People

SCRIPTURE Exodus 25:10–15; 1 Samuel 4:1–11 The ark (Ex 25:10) “was always regarded as the visible symbol of God’s presence.”10 Thus, in Israel’s journey toward the Promised Land, “when the ark set out,” Moses’ response was “Rise up, O LORD!” (Nu 10:35); and “when it came to rest,” Moses said, “Return, O LORD” (v 36). Scripture shows God’s presence manifested in varying degrees of intensity. The whole tabernacle is the dwelling place of God among His people (Ex 25:8); but the ark inside the tabernacle represents God’s presence with greater intensity in holiness and glory. Whenever you come across the ark in Scripture, consciously look at its theological significance: the presence of God and not just a sacred furniture. Jeremiah foresaw the day of the new covenant when the ark as a symbol of God’s presence “would no more be needed”11 (Jer 3:16; 31:31). It would be God’s presence in Jesus Christ—Emmanuel (Mt 1:23), the Word who is God “became human and made His home among us” (Jn 1:14, NLT).

OBSERVATION How did Israel view the ark of the covenant in 1 Samuel 4:1–11?


APPLICATION How do I view the presence of God?

PRAYER God, Your presence is sovereign and gracious. Forgive us for thinking that we can “bring down� Your presence, or make Your presence stronger, by praying the right words, by certain forms of worship, or by the kind of songs we sing. O, how sacrilegious it is to think and act as if we can control You, God! You are present with us only in Christ through His blood. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 10 Alan Cole, Exodus, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (IVP, 1973), 191 11 Alan Cole, 192


, ber 13 m e c e D y Frida


Theology of the Ark: Holiness of the Covenant God

SCRIPTURE Exodus 25:16–20; 1 Chronicles 13:5–14 The construct of the ark has certain features that reflect various aspects of God’s presence. God’s Covenant Presence—The ark is called “the ark of the covenant of the LORD” (Nu 10:33), and “the ark of the testimony” (Ex 25:22). Placed inside the ark are “the two tablets of the testimony” (Ex 25:16; 32:15), “the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments” (Ex 34:27–28). God’s covenant presence is with His covenant people by virtue of His covenant relationship with them. Observe the parallelism in Isaiah 41:10—“Fear not, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.” The “testimony” also “witnessed to the nature of God who was worshipped there.”12 God’s Holy Presence—The ark is placed in the holy of holies (Ex 26:33). The two cherubim on the ark (Ex 25:18-20) function as temple guardians keeping sinful humans from going near the holy God, lest they die. When we come into God’s presence, we must always remind ourselves and be conscious of God’s holiness and our sinfulness.

OBSERVATION What can I learn about God and man in the incident related to the ark of the covenant in 1 Chronicles 13:5–14?


APPLICATION What do I need to pay attention to concerning the presence of God?

PRAYER Lord, I come into Your holy place: I bow in adoration in Your presence. Let me be still and close to You: quieting myself before Your love. Awaken me to Your glory: that I may rejoice in Your grace. Awaken me to Your love: that I may know Your care. Lord, I seek to do Your will.13 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 12 Alan Cole, 192 13 Adapted from David Adam, Music of the Heart: New Psalms in the Celtic Tradition (SPCK, 2004), 31


, ber 14 m e c e D day Satur


Theology of the Ark: Meeting with the Redeemer King

SCRIPTURE Exodus 24:21–22; Leviticus 16:1–4, 14–16 God’s Holy Presence is a Meeting Presence—“There I will meet with you” (Ex 25:22). The God Most High seeks to draw nigh. How can the holy God meet with sinful humans? The “atonement cover” (or “mercy seat”) in the ark makes it possible—“you shall put the atonement cover on top of the ark” (Ex 24:21). God’s Redemptive Presence—Atonement for sins “was not usually performed at the ark, but by the blood shed at the altar (Lev 17:11): however, the transference is easy and natural;”14 although once a year on the Day of Atonement, blood was actually sprinkled on the atonement cover (Lev 16:14–16). With atonement, there is forgiveness of sins (Lev 4:20). Ultimately, Christ is “the sacrifice that atones for our sins” (1 Jn 2:2). God’s Lordship Presence—“the ark of God, the LORD who is enthroned above the cherubim, where His name is called” (1 Ch 13:6). The relationship and fellowship with God who redeemed us is true only when we live under God’s holy lordship.

OBSERVATION What does God reveal about Himself in His requirement on the Day of Atonement in Leviticus 16:1–4, 14–16?


APPLICATION Why should I treasure meeting with God?

PRAYER God eternal and infinite, heaven and even the highest heaven cannot contain You!15 But now You are dwelling in my heart through the Holy Spirit, and I can meet You in my heart through Christ. You have made this possible: the new covenant promise of the Holy Spirit fulfilled through the blood of the new covenant shed on the cross. O, What unfathomable grace! Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 14 Alan Cole, 191 15 1 Kings 8:27


, ber 15 m e c e D y Sunda


1. Review — look back at your past week using the Examen (modified) a. What was my high point?

b. What was my low point?

c. What gave me life?

d. What drained me?

e. How was the Spirit of God at work?


2. REFLECT — What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light

of what has happened?

3. RESPONSE a. What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?

b. Journal your prayer


, ber 16 m e c e D y Monda


Why Take Serving God Seriously?

SCRIPTURE Exodus 29:1–2; 1 Peter 2:1–5 We are redeemed to be priests to serve God (Ex 19:4–6; 1 Pe 2:9). It is one thing to serve God, but it is quite another that God accepts my service. But why should God accept my service? The starting point of serving God is consecration—“consecrate them to minister as priests to Me” (Ex 29:1). Here is passive consecration: we are being consecrated by God. How? Through holy sacrifices: “one young bull and two rams without blemish” and “unleavened bread,” cakes and wafers (vv 1–2). All sacrifices in the Old Testament point to the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. God has consecrated me through the sacrifice of Christ so that I can serve Him; and my service is acceptable to Him only in and through Christ. We are not qualified to serve God apart from Christ and His redemptive sacrifice. This truth demands us to take serving God seriously.

OBSERVATION What does it mean to be a priest to God according to 1 Peter 2:1–5?


APPLICATION What is my understanding of serving God as a priest?

PRAYER God of all grace, I pause and ponder: All that You have done, do, and will do to me and for me is but Your grace of surpassing riches, that You freely bestowed and lavished on me in Christ.16 It’s this grace that saved me that I may serve You.17 It’s this grace that I can serve You. All that I serve You with are but this grace. Keep me from falling short of this grace. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 16 Ephesians 1:6–8; 2:7 17 Ephesians 2:8–10


, ber 17 m e c e D ay Tuesd


Holy Service in the Holy Presence

SCRIPTURE Exodus 30:17-21; Malachi 1:6-11 God requires a laver of bronze to be placed between the tent of meeting and the altar—for the purpose of “washing” (Ex 30:18). Here is active consecration: the priests must wash their hands and feet before they can serve God. Failing to do so, they shall die (vv 20–21). Why is it so serious? It is serious because we serve as priests in the holy presence of a holy God, and our service must be holy service. When we serve God, we “approach the altar to minister, by offering up in smoke a fire sacrifice to the LORD” (v 20). We must walk with holy “feet” in approaching the altar, and offer our service to God with holy “hands.” The priests do so each time they approach the altar to minister to God. Let us also do the same each time before we serve God. But we must remember that our hands and feet are holy only when our heart is holy.

OBSERVATION What do you observe about God, His people and worship in Malachi 1:6–11?


APPLICATION How should I be vigilant in worshipping and serving God?

PRAYER Lord Jesus, let Your love shine through my eyes. Let Your Spirit inspire my words. Let Your wisdom fill my mind. Let Your mercy control my hands. Let Your will capture my heart. Let Your holiness pervade my being—until I am changed into Your likeness from glory to glory.18 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 18 Adapted from the prayer of Michael Perry


, ber 18 m e c e D sday Wedne


Do I Really Know God?

SCRIPTURE Exodus 32:1–10 It appears rather strange and surprising that Israel’s response to Moses’ delay is “Come, make us a god” (Ex 32:1). It sounds like Israel does not have a god, and they need one. They need a god to lead them—“who will go before us” (v 1). They make a god—a molten calf. They associate this god with their deliverance from the Egyptian bondage (v 4). We wonder, which god does Israel associate the miraculous provision of food and water in the wilderness with? What is Israel’s idea of God when they recently heard Him speaking to them in a thunderous voice, and just 40 days ago they made a commitment to God to obey Him fully (Ex 24:3, 7)? Yet they now call the molten calf ‘Yahweh’, ‘the LORD’ (Ex 32:5)— the name of the true God. Israel’s theology and spirituality are incongruent, mistaken, confusing, and superficial. They think it is God; but it is not. Israel does not really know the true God.

OBSERVATION What else does Exodus 32:1–10 tell us about Israel and God?


APPLICATION How do I answer the question “Do I really know God?”?

PRAYER O Lord, I want to know You more. Deep within my soul I want to know You. O I want to know You; to feel Your heart and know Your mind. Looking in Your eyes stirs up within me cries that say I want to know You. And I will give my final breath to know You in Your death and resurrection. O I want to know you more.19 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 19 From chorus of O I Want to Know You More


, ber 19 m e c e D day Thurs


God’s Anger and His Covenant

SCRIPTURE Exodus 32:9–14; Micah 7:7–10 God’s response to Israel’s idolatry is His “burning anger” (Ex 32:10–12), that seeks to “destroy” His people (v 10). The incident does not end with God releasing His anger, but God relenting from destroying His people (v 14) as a result of Moses’ intercession (vv 11–13). There is always the possibility of God changing His mind, but it is God Himself who makes it possible, not prayer per se. Prayer is a God-given means of grace to appeal to that divine possibility. It is not something intrinsic in prayer that works. It is who God is—a merciful and gracious God—that makes the petition acceptable. God has seen and knows that Israel is “an obstinate people” (v 9). Nothing has changed on Israel’s part, and note that Moses did not ask God to change Israel. His focus is on God’s covenant faithfulness: that Israel is “Your people” (vv 11–12), and for God to remember His covenant promise to the patriarchs (v 13). The last word in the incident is “His people” (v 14)—God’s covenant faithfulness. Let us anchor our prayers on who God is.

OBSERVATION What does Micah 7:7–10 say about God and His anger?


APPLICATION How does what God reveal of Himself in Micah 7:7–10 affect my relationship with Him?

PRAYER O Lord, don’t rebuke me in Your anger or discipline me in Your rage. Have compassion on me, Lord, for I am weak. Heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony. I am sick at heart. How long, O Lord, until You restore me? Return, O Lord, and rescue me. Save me because of Your unfailing love.20 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 20 Psalm 6:1–4 (NLT)


, ber 20 m e c e D y Frida


Joshua Would Not Depart from the Tent

SCRIPTURE Exodus 33:7–11; Nehemiah 8:1–8 Before the tabernacle is built, a “Tent of Meeting” is pitched “outside the camp,” made available to “everyone who sought the LORD” (Ex 33:7). The privilege and opportunity to seek God and meet Him at the Tent of Meeting is for “everyone.” However, apparently there is the “special privilege” given to Moses, and the “ordinary privilege” for the rest of the people.21 Whenever Moses enters the tent, the pillar of cloud would descend and stand at the entrance (v 9), and Moses has intimate communion with God (v 11). But, whenever Moses goes into the tent, “all the people” would stand outside their tents and watch or worship (v 8, 10). The narrative ends by telling us that “when Moses returned to the camp… Joshua would not depart from the tent” (v 11). Joshua does not want to leave the presence of God and the communion with Him. He makes the most of the ordinary privilege given to him, unlike “all the people” who are contented to be just watching.

OBSERVATION What does Nehemiah 8:1–8 tell us about the people of God?


APPLICATION How does the devotion of Joshua and God’s people (in Neh 8:1–8) challenge me personally?

PRAYER O gracious Lord, grant me to have a heart to desire You like the psalmist: Whom have I in heaven but You? And besides You I desire nothing on earth.22 One thing I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in His temple.23 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 21 Alec Motyer, 298 22 Psalm 73:25 23 Psalm 27:4


, ber 21 m e c e D day Satur



God and His Obstinate People

Exodus 32:9–10; 33:3–5; 34:9 God looks at idolatrous Israel as “an obstinate people”—described four times as such in Exodus 32–34. The sin committed by this obstinate people is a “great sin” (repeated three times in Ex 32:21, 30, 31). Yet this obstinate people is also God’s people—“Your people” (Ex 32:11), “His people” (Ex 32:14). God’s anger burns against His obstinate people for their great sin (Ex 32:9–10). But Moses intercedes, and God changes His mind of destroying them (Ex 32:14). Then God says His direct presence will not go with Israel to possess the Land “because you are an obstinate people.” This is actually an act of divine mercy, because “should I go up in your midst for one moment, I would destroy you” (Ex 33:3, 5). This is despite the fact that God has changed His mind not to destroy them. Moses then asks God for His direct presence to go with Israel into Canaan, to pardon their sin, and take them as His own possession—“even though the people are so obstinate” (Ex 34:9). God answers the prayer: He renews His covenant with Israel (Ex 34:10).

OBSERVATION What do you think of God in the ways that He deals with His obstinate people?


APPLICATION How does God relating with His obstinate people speak to me?

PRAYER Lord, when I refused to confess my sin, my body wasted away, and I groaned all day long. Day and night Your hand of discipline was heavy on me. My strength evaporated like water in the summer heat. Finally, I confessed all my sins to You and stopped trying to hide my guilt. I said to myself, “I will confess my rebellion to the Lord.� And You forgave me! All my guilt is gone.24 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 24 Psalm 32:3-5 (NLT)


, ber 22 m e c e D y Sunda


1. Review — look back at your past week using the Examen (modified) a. What was my high point?

b. What was my low point?

c. What gave me life?

d. What drained me?

e. How was the Spirit of God at work?


2. REFLECT — What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light

of what has happened?

3. RESPONSE a. What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?

b. Journal your prayer


, ber 23 m e c e D y Monda


How God Punishes the Guilty

SCRIPTURE Exodus 34:5–9; Psalm 103:8–14 Moses asks God, “Show me Your glory” (Ex 33:18) in the context of Israel’s great sin of idolatry. God reveals His glory (Ex 34:5–7)—“all My goodness” (Ex 33:19): “God is holy love.”25 A holy God “will by no means leave the guilty unpunished” (Ex 34:7b). But the holy loving God punishes compassionately and graciously. He is “slow in anger” in punishing and He punishes in abounding steadfast love and abounding faithfulness—as a covenant-keeping God. He also punishes as a forgiving God: He forgives the full range of sin: iniquity—straying away from God; transgression—rebellion against God; and sin—falling short of God’s standard (cf. Ps 51:1–2). Against one statement on punishment are a sevenfold description of God’s love. Seeing this divine glory, Moses pleads with humility, “Let the Lord go along in our midst, even though the people are so obstinate, and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us as Your own possession” (Ex 34:9). Let us “make haste to bow to the ground and worship” our God (Ex 34:8)!

OBSERVATION What does Psalm 103:8–14 say about God?


APPLICATION How do I respond to God as revealed in Ps 103:8–14?

PRAYER Have mercy on me, O God, because of Your unfailing love. Because of Your great compassion, blot out the stain of my sins. Wash me clean from my guilt. Purify me from my sin. I recognise my rebellion; it haunts me day and night. Against You, and You alone, have I sinned; I have done what is evil in Your sight. Create in me a clean heart, renew a loyal spirit within me.26 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 25 Maxie D. Dunnam, Exodus, The Preacher’s Commentary (Nelson, 1987), 345 26 Psalm 51:1-4a, 10 (NLT)


, ber 24 m e c e D ay Tuesd


“I find no guilt in Him”

SCRIPTURE John 18:38–19:7; Isaiah 53:4–7 The religious authorities viewed Jesus as “an evildoer”; they brought Him to Pilate (Jn 18:29–30). Pilate interrogated Jesus and his verdict was, “I find no guilt in Him” (Jn 18:38). Yet Pilate had Jesus scourged; the soldiers crowned Him with a crown of thorns, clothed Him with a purple robe, and slapped Him (Jn 19:1–3). After that, Pilate declared a second time, “I find no guilt in Him” (v 4). When the religious authorities demanded for Jesus’ crucifixion, Pilate declared for the third time, “I find no guilt in Him” (v 6). When Jesus was crucified, a voice came from heaven, “I find guilt in Him!” because Jesus stood before the judgment seat of God “as our representative, to face our charges and to stand in our place.”27 “He made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Cor 5:21). God said of His Son, “I find guilt in Him,” so that He may say to us, “I find no guilt in you.”

OBSERVATION According to the portrait of the Suffering Servant of the LORD in Isaiah 53:4–7 (cf. 1 Pe 2:21–25), what was happening when Jesus was crucified?


APPLICATION How do I respond to God for the way He gave His Son for my salvation?

PRAYER Jesus, my Lord, my Saviour, I gaze on Your cross: Your hands are outstretched with love for me and all mankind; with my sins I have pierced You and keep wounding You. Was there ever love like Yours, and gratitude so poor as mine? Take me to Yourself, keep me in Your wounds, ever to love You, in pain and in bliss, on earth and in heaven, with You forever.28 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 27 Bruce Milne, The Message of John, The Bible Speaks Today (IVP, 1993), 276 28 Adapted from Gilbert Shaw


, ber 25 m e c e D sday Wedne


The Powerful Powerless God

SCRIPTURE Matthew 2:1–23 There was a time when God was helpless— A time when God was managed by man; A time when the Creator was cared for by His own creatures. That was the time when God was in the Cradle. There was a time when God was powerless— A time when God was manipulated by man; A time when the Creator was controlled by His own creatures. That was the time when God was on the Cross. Yet, not for a single moment of the divine helplessness and powerlessness, God was not the Master of supreme sovereignty and determined destiny. God was the Powerful Powerless God! Because He was a Powerful God, He became a Powerless God by choice. Although He was a Powerless God, He was still the Powerful God in control. Such was the Powerful Powerless God! What a paradox! What a mystery! What a glory!

OBSERVATION What does the repetition of the two words “king” and “child” in Matthew 2:1–23 tell us about God?


APPLICATION What is my response to the all-powerful God who became powerless for my salvation?

PRAYER Lord Jesus, I thank You that in times when I feel so helpless and powerless, I am not alone. You are with me, not just as the Almighty Sovereign God; but also as one who have experienced in our humanness our helplessness and powerlessness. You fully understand and feel with me in my great struggles. Hold my hand and put Your hand on my situation. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:


, ber 26 m e c e D day Thurs


Sacred Church Building (1)

SCRIPTURE Exodus 35:4–10, 20–35; 36:1–7; Ephesians 2:11–22 The Church is the new covenant Temple of God, indwelled by the Spirit of God (1 Cor 3:16–17). The Church also has her “work of the construction of the sanctuary” (Ex 36:1), but the work is that of people building people in service, to spiritual maturity into the likeness of Christ (Eph 4:12–13). Certain principles in Israel’s construction of the Tabernacle are applicable to church-building. The starting point is: it is the command of God—“This is the thing which the LORD has commanded” (Ex 35:4, 10, 29; 36:1). Serving God in church-building is an act of obedience; it is not voluntary work. So, it is true to say that all Christians are called to full-time ministry. Church-building is sacred because it is the work of constructing “the sanctuary” (Ex 36:1). It is sacred also because it is commanded by God. And the divine command is for “the whole congregation” of God’s people (Ex 35:4) because He has redeemed us to be one people—“a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession” (1 Pe 2:9; Ex 19:4–6).

OBSERVATION What does Paul say about the church as “a holy temple in the Lord” in Ephesians 2:11–22?


APPLICATION Where do I fit in in the church, the “holy temple of the Lord”?

PRAYER Lord Jesus, You are the Living Cornerstone of God’s temple—rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to Him. I come to You, as one of the numerous living stones that God is building into a Spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering Spiritual sacrifices acceptable to Him through You.29 Help this living stone to be a living sacrifice to God.30 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 29 1 Peter 2:4-5 30 Romans 12:1


, ber 27 m e c e D y Frida


Sacred Church Building (2)

SCRIPTURE Exodus 35:4–10, 20-35; 36:1–7; Romans 12:1–8 In building the Church as “a whole congregation”, each person—“all the men and women” (Ex 35:29), “every skillful person in whom the LORD has put skill and understanding” (Ex 36:1) has a God-given part to play. “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God” (1 Pe 4:10). Each person is not only given the competency, but also the capacity—“every man, who has in his possession” (Ex 35:23), “everyone who could make a contribution” (Ex 35:24). Building the Church involves the ‘heart’—“all whose hearts moved them” (Ex 35:5, 21, 22, 26, 34), the ‘hands’—“all the skilled women spun with their hands” (Ex 35:25), and the ‘head’—“in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge” (Ex 35:31). Israel was “bringing much more than enough” in their contributions to such an extent that they “were restrained from bringing any more” (Ex 36:5–7). How awesome it is when the commitment of God’s people to church-building is overflowing in abundance!

OBSERVATION What does Paul say about the church in Romans 12:1–8?


APPLICATION How am I to be part of the church?

PRAYER Lord Jesus, Head of the Church which is Your body, help me to be a faithful steward of the grace You have given me as You have intended: to serve one another, to build up one another, that as one people of God, we may grow spiritually together in truth and love. Help me to be sensitive to the needs of people and to seek the needy ones out as the Holy Spirit directs me. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:


, ber 28 m e c e D day Satur


Moses Could Not Enter the Tabernacle

SCRIPTURE Exodus 40:34–35 Exodus 40:34–35 seems to highlight Moses “not being able to enter the tent of meeting.” It gives the reason clearly and emphatically (repeated twice): the cloud covered the tent of meeting and God’s glory filled the tabernacle. Consider this in light of Moses’ intimate walk with God. When God called 74 leaders to Himself, only Moses was allowed to “come near to the LORD” while the rest “shall not come near” but “worship at a distance” (Ex 24:1-2). God “used to speak to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend” (Ex 33:11). There was a time “whenever Moses went into the presence of the LORD to speak with Him” “the skin of Moses’ face shone” (Ex 34:34–35). But now, the intensity of God’s glorious holy presence is too immense for Moses. Even the best of man—represented by Moses—will hit a limit no matter how closely he walks with God. He can go no further and closer to God. This is the narrator’s vivid and concrete way to show the immense intensity of God’s glorious holy presence. Yet, in spite of this, “the Word became human and made His home among us” (Jn 1:14, NLT).

OBSERVATION What are your thoughts on God’s presence with you as you ponder on Moses’ experience with God’s presence and the Incarnation31?


APPLICATION How do I relate my thoughts on God’s presence to my life?

PRAYER Lift up my soul, O Lord, above the weary round of harassing thoughts, to Your eternal presence. Lift up my mind to the pure, bright, serene atmosphere of Your presence, that I may breathe freely, and rest there in Your love. From there, surrounded by Your peace, may I return to do or bear whatever shall best please You, O blessed Lord.32 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 31 The Incarnation was the act of God the Son whereby He took to Himself a human nature. 32 Adapted from Edward Pusey (1800–1882)


, ber 29 m e c e D y Sunda


1. Review — look back at your past week using the Examen (modified) a. What was my high point?

b. What was my low point?

c. What gave me life?

d. What drained me?

e. How was the Spirit of God at work?


2. REFLECT — What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light

of what has happened?

3. RESPONSE a. What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?

b. Journal your prayer


, ber 30 m e c e D y Monda


God’s Final Word for Failure

SCRIPTURE 2 Kings 25:27–30; Luke 15:11–24 1 Kings and 2 Kings show how the kingdom of Israel reached its glorious peak, and then declined to its gloomiest pit. King Solomon’s unfaithfulness to God resulted in a divided kingdom: Israel in the north, Judah in the south. God preserved the Davidic monarchy in Judah because of His covenant with David (1 Ki 11:9–13). Apostasy prevailed in Israel that led to its exile to Assyria (2 Ki 17:1–6); 136 years later, Judah went into exile to Babylon for the same reason (2 Ki 25:1–11). The narrative concludes with the Babylonian king releasing Jehoiachin, king of Judah and a descendant of David, from prison (2 Ki 25:27), and putting him in an exalted position with a regular provision “all the days of his life” (vv 28–30). Here is God’s final word for His people’s failure: a glimpse of God’s covenant faithfulness. God will keep His promise to David: “your house and your kingdom shall endure before Me forever” (2 Sam 7:16). Perhaps, your year is chequered with failures. Don’t lose heart. Because God has the final word for failure: hope.

OBSERVATION How does God view my shortcomings before Him according to Jesus’ parable in Luke 15:11–24?


APPLICATION How do I deal with my shortcomings before God?

PRAYER Father, You never forget me or turn away from me even when I fail You. You sent Your Son Jesus, who gave His life for us, cured those who were sick, cared for those who were poor and cried with those who were sad. But most of all, He forgave sinners. For all Your love I give You thanks. I open my heart to Jesus and I remember how He died for my sins and rose again to live now in me.33 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 33 Adapted from a Scottish Liturgy


, ber 31 m e c e D ay Tuesd


Wisdom for the New Year

SCRIPTURE Proverbs 16:1–9 A new year is coming. Proverbs 16:1–9 provides wisdom—“an ability to navigate life”34—to help us to prepare for it. Overarching and undergirding our life must be the sovereignty of God—“the LORD” is repeated eight times in the nine verses. We make plans for the year, but God has the final say on them (v 1). And He usually does that one step at a time, so that we keep looking to Him, seeking Him, trusting Him. Surrender our life in every aspect to God, and He will establish us according to His loving will (v 3). When we commit our life to God, we are in the safest hands of the wisest Person who can and does give us the best. Self-awareness of the heart is something critical to develop. Our heart, prone to self-deception, tends to see “all his ways as clean in his own sight” (v 2). But as we live our life in surrender to God and under His sovereignty, we will grow in self-awareness of our thinking, attitudes, and motives through the Holy Spirit who exposes our darkness and enlightens us to the Light.

OBSERVATION How else can the wisdom in Proverbs 16:1–9 help you to prepare for the coming year?


APPLICATION What will I prepare myself for the coming year?

PRAYER Lord Jesus, help me to follow You, that my food is to do the will of God who calls me, and to accomplish His work.35 Let Your presence go before me into the new year, and be with me in every step that I take.36 Increase my faith in You37 when I face mountains. Give me Your wisdom when I come to a crossroads.38 Give me Your grace to persevere in adversity.39 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 34 Tremper Longman III, How to Read Proverbs (IVP, 2002), 16 35 John 4:34 36 Deuteronomy 31:8 37 Luke 16:5 38 James 1:5 39 2 Corinthians 12:9–10


WORSHIP SONGS God Is Here Open our eyes Lord, we want to see You Open our hearts Lord, we want to know You Open our ears Lord, we need to hear You Jesus be revealed Jesus be revealed Chorus God is here, God is here God is here He is able We draw near to see Jesus face to face God is here, God is here God is here, He is faithful We draw near, to see Jesus Oh Jesus be revealed Open the gates Lord, reveal Your glory Open the nations, establish Your kingdom Open the Heavens, pour out Your Spirit Jesus be revealed Jesus be revealed Bridge Holy.. we cry holy Hallelujah God is here Holy.. we cry holy Hallelujah God is here


in christ alone In Christ alone my hope is found He is my light my strength my song This cornerstone this solid ground Firm through the fiercest drought and storm What heights of love what depths of peace When fears are stilled when striving cease My Comforter my All in All Here in the love of Christ I stand Verse 2 There in the ground His body lay Light of the world by darkness slain The bursting forth in glorious day Up from the grave He rose again And as He stands I victory Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me For I am His and He is mine Bought with the precious blood of Christ Verse 3 No guilt in life no fear in death This is the power of Christ in me From life’s first cry to final breath Jesus commands my destiny No power of hell no scheme of man Can ever pluck me from His hand Till He returns or calls me home Here in the power of Christ I stand


ARMS OPEN WIDE Take my life, I lay it down At the cross where I am found All I have I give to You oh God Take my hands and make them clean Keep my heart in purity That I may walk in all You have for me Chorus Oh here I stand Arms open wide Oh I am Yours And You are mine Jesus Take my moments and my days Let each breath that I take Be ever only for You oh God Bridge My whole life is Yours I give it all Surrendered to Your Name And forever I will pray Have Your way Have Your way


Be Thou my vision Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart Nought be all else to me, save that Thou art Thou my best thought, by day or by night Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord Thou my great Father, and I Thy true son Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise Thou mine inheritance. now and always Thou and Thou only, first in my heart High King of heaven, my treasure Thou art High King of heaven, my victory won May I reach heaven’s joys, O bright heaven’s Sun Heart of my own heart, whatever befall Still be my vision, O Ruler of all


Praise Is The Offering Come and let us sing for joy Let us praise and shout aloud To the lifter of our heads To the Rock we’re standing on Your salvation is our song Now we can’t stay silent We will sing how Chorus Great is Your love for us And great are the things You’ve done And praise is the offering we bring to You Lord we come to worship You Lord we bow our hearts in awe By Your love we are redeemed We are Yours and You’re our God Your salvation is our song We we can’t stay silent We will sing how Chorus Great is Your love for me And great are the things You’ve done for me And praise is the offering we bring to You All of our heart and soul And all that You are and more And praise is the offering we bring to You Bridge Lord we come to worship You Lord we bow our hearts in awe By Your love we are redeemed We are Yours and You’re our God We are Yours and You’re our God We are Yours and You’re our God 80

how to worship a king You give me joy You give me life You give me strength To stand in the fire Now I can live Live what I sing Showing the world How to worship a King Chorus Lord, I give You thanks God, I give You praise I give You a life that shows I’m living like a child who bears Your name Now with every day Let my life proclaim what I sing I worship my King Bridge With all my heart all my strength All that God has given me This is how I worship my King


CORNERSTONE My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest frame But wholly trust in Jesus’ name Chorus Christ alone, Cornerstone Weak made strong, in the Savior’s love Through the storm He is Lord, Lord of All When darkness seems to hide His face I rest on His unchanging grace In every high and stormy gale My anchor holds within the veil My anchor holds within the veil Then He shall come with trumpets sound Oh, may I then in Him be found Dressed in His righteousness alone Faultless, stand before the throne


10,000 Reasons Bless the Lord O my soul, O my soul Worship His holy name Sing like never before, O my soul I’ll worship Your holy name The sun comes up it’s a new day dawning It’s time to sing Your song again Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me Let me be singing when the evening comes You’re rich in love and You’re slow to anger Your name is great and Your heart is kind For all Your goodness I will keep on singing Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find And on that day when my strength is failing The end draws near and my time has come Still my soul will sing Your praise unending Ten thousand years and then forever


In jesus name God is fighting for us God is on our side He has overcome yes He has overcome We will not be shaken we will not be moved Jesus You are here Carrying our burdens covering our shame He has overcome yes He has overcome We will not be shaken we will not be moved Jesus You are here Chorus I will live I will not die I will declare and lift You high Christ revealed and I am healed In Jesus Name Bridge God is fighting for us, pushing back the darkness Lighting up the Kingdom, that cannot be shaken In the Name of Jesus enemy’s been defeated And we will shout it out, shout it out


as we pray As we pray, the darkness turns to light As we pray, the will of God and man align With one voice we lift our hands to say We only trust in Jesus name Lord of mercy hear this prayer we raise Let Heaven’s gates be open Let words of life be spoken Not ours but Your will be done Father, as we pray to You

Bring freedom and forgiveness Bring healing and repentance For only You can save us Father, as we pray to You

As we pray, the blind are given sight As we pray, the heart of God and man unite With one voice we lift our hands to say We only trust in Jesus name Lord of mercy hear this prayer we raise

We lift one voice to one God For one cause that all may know You One voice to one God For one cause that all may know You One voice to one God For one cause that all may know Your love

Let Heaven’s gates be open Let words of life be spoken Not ours but Your will be done, Father, as we pray to You

Let Heaven’s gates be open Let words of life be spoken Not ours but Your will be done, Father, as we pray to You Bring freedom and forgiveness Bring healing and repentance For only You can save us Father, as we pray to You


god of ages God of ages bringing glory here You are good, You are good Son of righteousness, You are all I seek With all my heart Pre-Chorus Giver of life, hope for the lost, is in You All of the earth, shines with Your light Your glory Chorus You are the God who lives You are the God who heals You are my hope, my everything You brought salvation to us, Offered Your peace to the world You are my Lord, my everything In Your promise, and Your faithfullness I will trust, all my days King forever, reign in majesty Be glorified Tag I’ll trust in You I’ll trust in You I’ll trust in You, with all my heart


Your Presence Is Heaven Who is like You Lord in all the earth Matchless love and beauty, endless worth Nothing in this world will satisfy Jesus You’re the cup that won’t run dry Pre Chorus Your presence is heaven to me Your presence is heaven to me Verse 2 Treasure of my heart and of my soul In my weakness you are merciful Redeemer of my past and present wrongs Holder of my future days to come Pre Chorus Your presence is heaven to me Your presence is heaven to me Your presence is heaven to me Your presence is heaven to me Chorus Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus Your presence is heaven to me Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus Your presence is heaven to me Verse 3 All my days on earth I will await The moment that I see You face to face Nothing in this world will satisfy ‘Cause Jesus You’re the cup that won’t run dry Nothing in this world will satisfy Jesus You’re the cup that won’t run dry Jesus You’re the cup that won’t run dry 87

Scandal Of Grace Grace, what have You done? Murdered for me on that cross Accused in absence of wrong My sin washed away in Your blood Pre-Chorus 1 Too much to make sense of it all I know that Your love breaks my fall The scandal of grace You died in my place So my soul will live Chorus 1 Oh to be like You Give all I have just to know You Jesus there’s no-one beside You Forever the hope in my heart Verse 2 Death, where is your sting? Your power is as dead as my sin The cross has taught me to live And mercy my heart now to sing Pre-Chorus 2 The day and its troubles shall come I know that Your strength is enough The scandal of grace You died in my place So my soul will live Bridge And it’s all because of You Jesus It’s all because of You Jesus It’s all because of Your love That my soul will live 88

man of sorrows Man of sorrows, Lamb of God By His own betrayed The sin of man and wrath of God Has been on Jesus laid Silent as He stood accused Beaten mocked and scorned Bowing to the Father’s will He took a crown of thorns Chorus Oh that rugged cross my salvation Where Your love poured out over me Now my soul cries out hallelujah Praise and honour unto Thee Sent of heaven God’s own Son To purchase and redeem And reconcile the very ones Who nailed Him to that tree Bridge Now my debt is paid It is paid in full By the precious blood That my Jesus spilled Now the curse of sin Has no hold on me Whom the Son sets free Oh is free indeed See the stone is rolled away Behold the empty tomb Hallelujah God be praised He’s risen from the grave 89




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