September Devotional Journal 2013

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Meet an irresistible God Live an irresistible life Be an irresistible church


contents Foreword By Senior Pastors


Guide To Using This Devotional Journal


Morning Prayer


Calendar (September-October 2013)


September Devotion


September 1, Sunday: Review, Reflect and Response


September 2, Monday: Are You A Disciple-maker?


September 3, Tuesday: Disciple-making is Changing Lives


September 4, Wednesday: Disciple-making is Serious Business


September 5, Thursday: Disciple-making is Spiritual Parenting


September 6, Friday: Disciple-making is Spiritual Warfare


September 7, Saturday: Disciple-making with Consuming Passion


September 8, Sunday: Review, Reflect and Response


September 9, Monday: Elim, Wilderness, Sinai


September 10, Tuesday: Resurrection of Egypt


September 11, Wednesday: Understanding God’s Provision


September 12, Thursday: Learning to be Content


September 13, Friday: Primacy of the Word


September 14, Saturday: “Give us this day our daily bread”


September 15, Sunday: Review, Reflect and Response


September 16, Monday: Grace and Glory


September 17, Tuesday: Journey with God


September 18, Wednesday: “What Shall I Do?”


September 19, Thursday: Conflicts at Rephidim


September 20, Friday: The Enemy Strikes Back!


September 21, Saturday: Despair and Deliverance


September 22, Sunday: Review, Reflect and Response


September 23, Monday: All That the Lord Has Done


September 24, Tuesday: Dynamic of Worship and Fellowship


September 25, Wednesday: “Listen to me”


September 26, Thursday: Living Life in the Lord


September 27, Friday: Even If You’re Not a Leader


September 28, Saturday: Your Vital Contribution


September 29, Sunday: Review, Reflect and Response


September 30, Monday: Divine Appointment


Worship Songs



FOREWORD BY SENIOR PASTORS MEET THE IRRESISTIBLE GOD! At the annual listening retreat in September last year, we distinctively heard the passionate call of God for His people to walk in intimacy with Him. There is nothing radical about this invitation. Since the Garden of Eden, God has not stopped issuing this call for us to walk closely with Him. It’s the modern man who has often worked God out of the equation and subtracted Him from our daily lives. Hence in 2013, one of the primary expressions of our redeemed life is to meet the irresistible God through our in-house devotional. We will not only walk through the book of Exodus as our devotional but we will also include 35 days of the Lent season to prepare us for Good Friday and Easter. Other important topics will be included to enhance our spiritual intimacy with God. The Book of Exodus is the overarching frame for this daily devotional. Exodus is about meeting with God. Israel reached the foot of Mount Sinai after leaving Egypt. There, God renewed His covenant made with Abraham, with Israel as a nation (Ex 19). The covenant renewal took place when “Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with God… at the foot of the mountain” (Ex 19:17). God stated very clearly His purpose for redeeming Israel — “They shall know that I am the LORD their God who brought them out of the land of Egypt that I might dwell among them” (Ex 29:46).


The God whom we shall meet in Exodus is an irresistible God. Throughout the whole Exodus narrative, the people of God faced various situations and obstacles en-route the Promised Land. But God proves Himself as the great Redeemer! He is the irresistible God — “There is no one like Me in all the earth”. (Ex 9:14) Exodus is all about meeting this irresistible God. What was true of Israel as a covenant people is also true of us today as the New Covenant people of God. May you meet and experience the irresistible God this year, and find Him too irresistible not to follow!

Ps Tony and Ps Kay Kiong

Exodus is all about meeting this irresistible God. What was true of Israel as a covenant people is also true of us today as the New Covenant people of God. 7

GUIDE TO USING this devotional journal Prepare your heart in God s presence Select a fixed time (preferably mornings before you begin the rest of your day) and a quiet place where you can be alone and undisturbed. Observe a moment of silence as you acknowledge God’s presence.

Worship God with a song or hymn. (Refer to the list of worship songs provided) Offer a prayer to God as you prepare to listen to His word. (A sample prayer you can use is the morning prayer by John Stott found on the next page)



Allow God to S.O.A.P. you with His Word and Spirit

Each daily devotional entry is divided into four parts: Scripture — take your time to meditate on the Scripture passage for the day. Pause and mull over words and phrases that stand out for you. Observation — jot down significant insights and reflections from the passage you have read. Use the guiding questions provided. Application — note down a specific and practical commitment to God’s Word for you. Is there a command to obey, a sin to avoid, an example to follow, or a principle to live out? Where appropriate, share your devotional entry with someone. Prayer — bring your response to God in prayer using the suggested prayer for the day.


Morning Prayer by John Stott

good morning heavenly father, good morning lord jesus, good morning holy spirit Heavenly Father, I worship You as the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. Lord Jesus, I worship You, Saviour and Lord of the world. Holy Spirit, I worship You, Sanctifier of the people of God. Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.


Heavenly Father, I pray that I may live this day in Your presence and please You more and more. Lord Jesus, I pray that this day I may take up my cross and follow You. Holy Spirit, I pray that this day, You will fill me with Yourself and cause Your fruit to ripen in my life—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Holy, blessed and glorious Trinity, three persons in one God, have mercy upon me. Amen. Prayer Before Opening The Bible Blessed Lord, who has caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning—Grant that we may in such wisdom hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of Your holy Word, we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which You have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. Book of Common Prayer





















6 IDMC/ACK Conf Teacher’s Day



35th Anniversary Service





CG Women’s Summit 2





20 CG Bible Guide Series 13





27 Prayer & Praise

Ownership Events (The Non-Negotiables)



29 Children’s Sunday















CG Men’s Summit 2 Children’s Day





Alpha 1

14 21



Hari Raya Haji

Alpha 2







CG Bible Guide Series 14




25 Prayer & Praise

13 Baptism 4


CG Bible Guide Series 14

Alpha 3


20 Membership Acceptance 2


27 Baby Dedication 2


Alpha 4

Ownership Events (The Non-Negotiables)


1, mber e t p e S y Sunda


1. Review — look back at your past week using the Examen (modified) a. What was my high point?

b. What was my low point?

c. What gave me life?

d. What drained me?

e. How was the Spirit of God at work?


2. REFLECT — What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light

of what has happened?

3. RESPONSE a. What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?

b. Journal your prayer


ber 2 , m e t p e S y Monda


Are You A Disciple-maker?

SCRIPTURE Hebrews 5:11–6:2 The writer of Hebrews says to his readers, “Though by this time you ought to be teachers” (Heb 5:12). He is not speaking to a group of gifted teachers who are not teaching. He is addressing the Christians who are not growing. The presupposition behind these words is that Christians should be growing in such a way that by a certain time, they ought to be teaching others. It seems that biblically, the basic ministry of a growing Christian is teaching. The least he can do is to teach one believer who is spiritually younger. Being a few steps ahead in knowledge and experience, he can disciple a Christian who is less mature. God intends for every believer to be a disciple of Christ and a discipler of others, who will in turn pass it on to others also. This is called spiritual multiplication. You are to mature towards disciple-making. Are you maturing? If you are not, then, “press on to maturity” (Heb 6:1). If you are, go disciple someone because you should and you can.

OBSERVATION What does Hebrews 5:11–6:2 say about spiritual maturity and immaturity?


APPLICATION What do I want to do about my maturing in Christ and discipling someone?

PRAYER Lord, grant me to delight in Your Word, and dig deeply into Your Word; that I may grow to be like a tree planted by streams of living water,1 taking root downward and bearing fruit upward.2 May You use the fruit my life bears, to bring spiritual nourishment and enrichment to others and contribute to their spiritual growth. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 1 Psalm 1:2-3 2 Isaiah 37:31


ber 3 , m e t p e S ay Tuesd


Disciple-making is Changing Lives

SCRIPTURE 1 Thessalonians 1:2–10 1 Thessalonians 1–3 contains a good number of practical principles of disciplemaking. 1 Th 1 may be summarised in two words: transformation (v 2–5) and multiplication (v 6–10). When Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, they were growing tremendously, bearing three important marks of transformation: “work of faith,” “labour of love,” and “steadfastness of hope” (v 3). When Paul wrote to them again, their “faith is greatly enlarged, and the love of each one of you toward one another grows ever greater” (2 Th 1:3). Transformation in greater depth! Paul evangelised the Thessalonians and established them in their faith with the truth of God’s Word, speaking out of deep conviction, impacting their lives powerfully through the Holy Spirit (v 5). This is a ministry of transformation. True transformation of a life does not stop there. It cannot and will not just stop there. A truly transformed life seeks to multiply itself into other transformed lives!

OBSERVATION What can you observe about spiritual multiplication in 1 Th 1:5–8?


APPLICATION Do I want to live a life of transformation and multiplication? How will I begin this most worthwhile journey?

PRAYER Lord, build my faith to be marked by action, lest my faith becomes dead.3 Build love in me, that I may be able to love the unlovable; and to increasingly do all things out of love, lest I do the right and good thing without love.4 Build my hope in You that I may endure and be steadfast in times of adversity, with perseverance to wait eagerly for the day of Christ.5 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 3 James 2:26 4 1 Corinthians 13:3 5 Romans 8:25


ber 4 , m e t p e S sday Wedne


Disciple-making is Serious Business

SCRIPTURE 1 Thessalonians 2:1–6 Biblical disciple-making is from the inside-out. What a disciple-maker is on the inside, is of paramount importance to God. A disciple-maker has to be authentic before God. In relating and ministering to the Thessalonians, Paul’s life was marked by authenticity. It was marked by sincerity and there was no impurity, or deceit (v 3); no words of flattery and no pretext for greed (v 5). Paul’s life was marked by self-denial. There was no attempt at self-glorification or dominance, “even though as apostles of Christ we might have asserted our authority” (v 6). A true disciple-maker needs to be approved by God (v 4). A true disciplemaker sees ministry as a stewardship from God (“so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God”) and serves under the scrutiny of God (“God who examines our hearts”). Disciple-making is serious business.

OBSERVATION What could be the contributing factor(s) to Paul’s life being authentic before God and approved by Him according to 1 Th 2:1–6?


APPLICATION How do I want to strive toward living a life that is authentic before God and approved by Him?

PRAYER Lord, keep me from loving human approval more than the approval of God.6 Help me to seek to be an audience of one, for what really matters is how God sees me.7 So, help me to live a life that is real and true before You; and to pay careful attention to my heart,8 for, I can do the right thing without a right heart.9 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 6 John 12:43 7 1 Corinthians 4:3–4 8 Proverbs 4:23 9 2 Chronicles 25:2


ber 5 , m e t p e S day Thurs


Disciple-making is Spiritual Parenting

SCRIPTURE 1 Thessalonians 2:7–12 As an apostle of Christ, Paul could have asserted his authority over the Thessalonians in requiring support from them (1 Th 2:6). But he deliberately denied himself of his apostolic right. Such self-denial came out of the heart of a spiritual parent. Paul discipled the Thessalonians like a caring mother—“like a mother feeding and caring for her own children” (v 7, NLT). He loved them so much that he shared with them not only God’s Word, but his own life as well. He did so by toiling night and day to support himself, and not to burden them (v 8–9). He discipled them like an exemplary father— “you are witnesses, and so is God”, “how devoutly and uprightly and blamelessly we behaved toward you”, “how we were exhorting and encouraging and imploring each one of you” (v 10–11). The purpose of spiritual parenting was so that the Thessalonian disciples would learn to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord (v 12).

OBSERVATION What can you observe about Paul’s character in his spiritual parenting of the Thessalonians disciples?


APPLICATION Do I want to be a spiritual parent to others? How can I grow to be one?

PRAYER Lord, open my eyes to see the many in the church who need spiritual nurturing. I offer my life of five loaves and two fishes to You. Use me to serve a younger believer in Christ through nurturing him or her to grow spiritually. Lord, You know I’m so imperfect; but I know that as long as I keep on learning and growing; by Your grace, I will be able to do a good job. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:


ber 6 , m e t p e S y Frida


Disciple-making is Spiritual Warfare

SCRIPTURE 1 Thessalonians 2:17–3:5 Paul was separated from the Thessalonians (2:17) as a result of the Jewish opposition against his ministry in Thessalonica (Acts 17:13–14). He was forced to leave these young believers abruptly, having quite inadequately equipped them to face the determined opposition. Paul viewed this situation from a spiritual warfare perspective with two battlefronts in mind. One is the disciple-making battlefront. Paul made several attempts to reconnect with the Thessalonians; but was hindered by Satan until then (2:18). The other battlefront was in the area of discipleship. During this time of separation, Paul was fearful that “the tempter might have tempted” the Thessalonians in the afflictions that they were suffering for their faith (3:4–5). Disciple-making is spiritual warfare.

OBSERVATION How does Paul show his sense of urgency in reconnecting with the Thessalonians concerning spiritual warfare in 1 Th 2:17–3:5?


APPLICATION How does the spiritual warfare faced when nurturing young believers affect my understanding, perspective, and attitude towards disciple-making?

PRAYER Lord, in Your sovereignty, You may permit the enemy to sift Your disciples like wheat. We pray, as You prayed, that our faith will not fail, even when we momentarily stumble and fall.10 Deliver us in Your victory and grace, and strengthen us that we may strengthen one another to stand firm in the Lord and in His power against the enemy’s attacks.11 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 10 Luke 22:31 11 Ephesians 6:10–11


ber 7 , m e t p e S day Satur


Disciple-making with Consuming Passion

SCRIPTURE 1 Thessalonians 2:17–3:10 The short separation of Paul and the Thessalonians seemed an unbearable one. Drawn by a consuming passion, Paul makes all possible attempts to reconnect with them. Paul’s passion for them is seen in 1 Th 2:17–18—“we tried very hard to come back because of our intense longing to see you again. We wanted very much to come to you, and I, Paul, tried again and again”. This can be seen too in 1 Th 3:1, 5, 6 and 10—“when we could endure it no longer” (3:1), “when I could bear it no longer… I was afraid that the tempter had gotten the best of you” (3:5, NLT), “we also long to see you” (3:6), “night and day keep praying most earnestly” “asking God to let us see you again” (3:10). Paul’s consuming passion is seen in how he views the Thessalonians. They are his “hope and joy… proud reward and crown” (2:19, NLT), his “glory and joy” (2:20).

OBSERVATION Why does Paul have such a consuming passion in making disciples as seen in 1 Th 2:17–3:10?


APPLICATION Do I want to have such consuming passion? How would I begin to cultivate this consuming passion?

PRAYER Lord Jesus, You loved the church, and gave up Your life for her, to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word; to present her to Yourself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish, holy and faultless.12 The church is Your glory and joy. Help me to share in Your passion, that I may see and serve Your church as You do. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 12 Ephesians 5:25–27


ber 8 , m e t p e S y Sunda


1. Review — look back at your past week using the Examen (modified) a. What was my high point?

b. What was my low point?

c. What gave me life?

d. What drained me?

e. How was the Spirit of God at work?


2. REFLECT — What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light

of what has happened?

3. RESPONSE a. What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?

b. Journal your prayer


ber 9 , m e t p e S y Monda


Elim, Wilderness, Sinai

SCRIPTURE Exodus 16:1–3; Mark 10:17–23 Israel “set out from Elim…came into the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai” (Ex 16:1). The journey from Elim to Sinai involved passing through the wilderness. Which is better—Elim or Sinai? Elim is a place with “twelve springs of water and seventy date palms” (15:27); Sinai is a place to meet God (Exodus 19; v 17). Perhaps, we prefer Elim to Sinai. Perhaps, we would like to have Sinai, but are not prepared or willing to pass through the wilderness. If we have to pass through the wilderness, we would rather remain in Elim. Often we, like the Israelites, dislike or detest the wilderness (16:3), even though it is a divine necessity. To follow the Lord, we have to consider: what we must go after—Sinai; what we must leave behind—Elim; and what we must pass through—wilderness. Where is our heart? What are our values? What are our priorities? What are our preferences?

OBSERVATION How does the rich man’s encounter with Jesus in Mark 10:17–23 show the “Elim, the wilderness, Sinai” reality?


APPLICATION What is my perspective and attitude towards Elim, the wilderness, and Sinai in my relationship with God?

PRAYER Servant Lord, help me to follow You into the wilderness of God’s will and to fast with You, denying false luxury, refusing the tempting ways of self-indulgence, the way of success at all costs and the way of coercive persuasion. Help me to follow You all the way, without turning back.13 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 13 Adapted from Angela Ashwin, The Book of a Thousand Prayers (Zondervan, 1996, 2000), 329


, ber 1 0 m e t p e S ay Tuesd


Resurrection of Egypt

SCRIPTURE Exodus 16:1–3; Philemon 1:24 with 2 Timothy 4:9–10 This is the first time after the triumphant crossing of the Red Sea, that Israel looks back to Egypt; and looking back in comparison, they conclude that they prefer the “better life” in Egypt. But hadn’t Egypt already been destroyed? Didn’t God say when He drowned the Egyptian army, “the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever” (Ex 14:13)? Notice the emphatic “never… again forever.” However, while outwardly, Israel was out of Egypt; inwardly she was still in Egypt. Israel saw the destruction of the evil, oppressive Egypt; but now in the wilderness, Egypt had resurrected in their hearts. Although in Christ “everything connected with getting our own way and mindlessly responding to what everyone else calls necessities is killed off for good—crucified” (Gal 5:24, MSG); Egypt can resurrect in our hearts again, and again; until the end of the age.

OBSERVATION What can you learn from Demas’ example in Phm 1:24 (during Paul‘s imprisonment in Rome) and 2 Ti 4:9–10 (during Paul’s last imprisonment in Rome)?


APPLICATION How can I guard myself from walking the Demas’ way?

PRAYER Lord, what are my riches? What stops me from giving everything to You? What weighs me down and ties my hands? What denies me true freedom? Show me, and give me grace to abandon my idols, so that when You look at me with love, I shall not walk away still cluttered. Amen.14 Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 14 Adapted from Angela Ashwin, 327


, ber 1 1 m e t p e S sday Wedne


Understanding God’s Provision

SCRIPTURE Exodus 16:3–5, 32–35 In receiving and enjoying God’s provision, we must guard against focusing on the provision, and not the Provider; on the gifts, and not the Giver. It’s essential, then, to understand God’s provision. What God provides: God provides our needs—“bread” (Ex 16:4); not our wants. This is God’s gracious basic commitment to His children. God focuses on our needs (Mt 6:8, 32). However, He does bless us with our healthy wants too, even without us asking. Where God provides: It can be in the wilderness where we may mistakenly think that God wants “to kill” us “with hunger” there (v 3). How God provides: God provides in His sovereignty, in whatever way He chooses—“I will rain bread from heaven” (v 4). God provides with sufficiency— “a day’s portion every day” (v 4). Why God provides: for discipleship training— that “they will walk in My instruction” (v 4), knowing and trusting Him deeper.

OBSERVATION What else can you learn about God’s provision in Ex 16:32–35?


APPLICATION What are some aspects of God’s provision that I need to embrace or grow deeper in?

PRAYER Yahweh Yireh, the LORD who will provide, You have provided me my most important need—the Lamb of God to take away all my sin.15 I thank You for the gracious assurance that since You did not spare Your own Son, but gave Him up for us all, You will also give me everything else16 that is for my highest good and to Your glory. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 15 Genesis 22:13-14; John 1:29 16 Romans 8:32


, ber 1 2 m e t p e S day Thurs


Learning to be Content

SCRIPTURE Philippians 4:10–13, 19–20; Hebrews 13:5–6 One favourite promise of many Christians is “And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Php 4:19). It gives us a deep sense of security. The word “all” sounds comprehensive and absolute. But, God’s promise to supply our needs is only one side of the same coin. God does not necessarily supply our needs every time. There are times God chooses not to supply our needs. If God does not supply our needs, the divine agenda is that we suffer need (v 12). It is in the context of suffering need that Paul speaks of God supplying all our needs. In fact, Paul here talks more about suffering need (three verses, v11–13) than supply of needs (one verse). Whether our needs are supplied or we suffer need, is secondary. What is primary is “to be content in whatever circumstances I am” (v 11). It is a discipleship “secret” that God wants us to learn (v 12).

OBSERVATION What does Heb 13:5–6 say about contentment?


APPLICATION Is my life marked by contentment or discontentment? What action(s) do I want to take, or attitude(s) to adopt to learn contentment?

PRAYER Lord Jesus, it was God’s will for You to fast for 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness. You became hungry; but found nothing to eat. As the Son of God, You could easily and effortlessly command stones to become bread to meet Your legitimate need; but You chose to wait upon God to provide in His way, being content in God’s will.17 Help me to follow You, Lord. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 17 Matthew 4:1-4


, ber 1 3 m e t p e S y Frida


Primacy of the Word

SCRIPTURE Deuteronomy 8:1–6 Dt 8:1-6 presents another perspective on Ex 16—God feeding Israel with manna in the wilderness. In Deuteronomy, the emphasis is God developing in Israel the primacy of the Word—“man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the LORD” (v 3— cf. v 1, 6). God develops this conviction through hunger—“He let you be hungry” (v 3). Israel’s hunger in the wilderness points to suffering need and desperation. Only God alone can do something about the situation. If God does not provide the bread, Israel will die of hunger. Our only hope in the God-led wilderness hunger is the Word of God. God develops the conviction in the “heart” (v 2). The question here is “Do I know my heart?” The wilderness hunger shows (what it is like) and shapes (what it should be) our heart. God also develops primacy of the Word in our lives through humbling us (v 2, 3).

OBSERVATION What has God humbling Israel in the wilderness to do with Israel understanding the primacy of God’s Word?


APPLICATION Where am I in my life with regards to the primacy of God’s Word? What are actions that I need to take in response?

PRAYER Teach me, Lord, the meaning of Your laws, that I may obey them always. Explain Your laws to me, and I will obey them; I will keep them with all my heart. Keep me obedient to Your commandments, because in them I find happiness. Give me the desire to obey Your laws, and keep me from paying attention to what is worthless.18 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 18 Psalm 119:33-37a (Good News Translation)


, ber 1 4 m e t p e S day Satur


“Give us this day our daily bread”

SCRIPTURE Matthew 6:11; John 6:48–58 What do we mean when we say “Give us this day our daily bread” (Mt 6:11) when we pray the Lord’s Prayer; when in reality many of us today know we will have food to eat for the whole week, month and even longer? It is unlike “the precarious lifestyle of many first-century workers who were paid one day at a time and for whom a few days’ illness could spell tragedy.”19 For us, it should be thanksgiving rather than petition. However, we do need to ask God daily for our spiritual bread, the Word of God. The theological backdrop to asking God daily for bread is God’s day by day provision of manna to Israel in the wilderness, with the purpose of teaching them about the greater need of living by God’s Word (Dt 8:3). Do we see ourselves having a “precarious lifestyle” such that we need God’s Word daily and we need to pray, “Give us this day our daily spiritual bread”?

OBSERVATION What does it mean to relate with Jesus as the bread of life (Jn 6:48–58)?


APPLICATION How am I doing in relating with Jesus as the bread of life and feeding on God’s Word as my daily bread? How will I move on from here?

PRAYER Lord, the unfolding of Your Word gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. I open my mouth and pant, longing for Your commands. Turn to me and have mercy on me, as You always do to those who love Your name. Direct my footsteps according to Your word; let no sin rule over me. Make Your face shine on Your servant and teach me Your decrees.20 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 19 D. A. Carson, Matthew, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Vol. 8 (Zondervan, 1984), 171 20 Psalm 119:130-133, 135 (NIV)


, ber 1 5 m e t p e S y Sunda


1. Review — look back at your past week using the Examen (modified) a. What was my high point?

b. What was my low point?

c. What gave me life?

d. What drained me?

e. How was the Spirit of God at work?


2. REFLECT — What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light

of what has happened?

3. RESPONSE a. What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?

b. Journal your prayer


, ber 1 6 m e t p e S y Monda


Grace and Glory

SCRIPTURE Exodus 16:6–12 God directs Israel, who is grumbling against Him, to pay attention to two points of the day: the beginning—“evening,” and the end— “morning” (v 6–7; cf. Ge 1:5). God wants to reveal Himself to Israel at these two moments. God wants Israel to know His grace in the evening—“you will know that the LORD has brought you out of the land of Egypt” (v 6); and to see His glory in the morning (v 7). Begin your day by knowing God’s grace for fortitude—by spending time with Him and receiving His grace for the day. God’s grace is for the unworthy (1 Ti 1:13–14) and the unable (2 Co 12:9–10). End the day by seeing God’s glory with gratitude through worshipful reflection. God’s glory is manifested in His grace, even in the mundane things like eating and drinking (1 Co 10:31). Let God fill your day with His grace and glory. Let your life be marked by God’s grace to God’s glory.

OBSERVATION What can you learn about God in the strange mixture of grumbling, grace, and glory in Ex 16:6–12?


APPLICATION How would I go about living my life by God’s grace to God’s glory?

PRAYER God of all grace, You have called me to Your eternal glory in Christ.21 Give me each day Your all-sufficient grace that I may be well content with weaknesses, insults, distresses, persecutions, difficulties for Christ’s sake. It is Your glory that Your power is the greatest when I am weak, and it is when I am weak, that I am strong.22 Fill my life with Your grace and glory. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 21 1 Peter 4:10 22 2 Corinthians 12:9-10


, ber 1 7 m e t p e S ay Tuesd


Journey with God

SCRIPTURE Exodus 17:1–7 Our life on earth as God’s people, individually and as a community, is a journey with God. Ex 17:1 shows three basic characteristics of God’s journey with us. Our journey with God is a process and takes place by stages. How many stages are there and what are the stages? How long is each stage? Most of the time, if not always, God does not tell us. God says, “Just keep following Me.” Each stage of the journey is according to “God’s command”— God’s will and leading. This is the only place of security, especially in the face of adversity and uncertainty. It is the best place we can ever be. During the journey, we will definitely encounter difficult situations – no water. When that happens, the temptation to call it quits is high. We may ask God, “Why and how could this have happened?” But in the journey, God simply requires us to give Him our hand to lead us, and our heart to Him to follow Him faithfully, with our weaknesses and struggles.

OBSERVATION What can you learn about God and us (fallen human beings) in what Israel and God say in God’s journey with Israel (Ex 17:2-7)?


APPLICATION What is most encouraging to me, and what do I need most, as I reflect on my journey with God?

PRAYER Oh God, You are both the light and the guide of those who put their trust in You. Grant me in all my doubts and uncertainties, the grace to ask what You would have me do; that the Spirit of wisdom may save me from all false choices, and that in Your light I may see light; through Jesus Christ my Lord.23 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 23 Adapted from prayer of William Bright, Angela Ashwin, 68


, ber 1 8 m e t p e S sday Wedne


“What Shall I Do?”

SCRIPTURE Exodus 17:4; 2 Chronicles 20:1–12 “What shall I do?” is a question that reflects a sense of lostness and helplessness. It is a common question. It is comforting to know that even Moses, the man of God to whom God speaks “face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend” (Ex 33:11) asks this question. Intimacy with God does not keep us from being human. For Moses, it is a question concerning difficult and dangerous people, who “a little more and they will stone me.” Very often, problems and pains are caused by people. This includes redeemed and regenerated people of God. There is in Moses a deep sense of urgency—“a little more”, and desperation—“Moses cried out.” In such situations, the only answer to the question is “to the LORD.” God will respond (v 5), but He will not necessarily tell us exactly what to do. Jesus, powerless and helpless with His hands and feet nailed to the cross, can only commit Himself into His Father’s loving hands (Lk 23:46). Follow Jesus!

OBSERVATION In 2 Ch 20:1–12, what can you learn from Jehoshaphat’s “we do not know what to do” crisis (v 12)?


APPLICATION How will I face the “I don’t know what to do” situations in my life?

PRAYER Lord, do not be far from me, for trouble is near and there is no one to help. Many bulls surround me; strong bulls of Bashan encircle me. Roaring lions that tear their prey open their mouths wide against me. Do not be far from me. You are my strength; come quickly to help me. Rescue me from the mouth of the lions; save me from the horns of the wild oxen.24 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 24 Psalm 22:11-13, 19, 21 (NIV)


, ber 1 9 m e t p e S day Thurs


Conflicts at Rephidim

SCRIPTURE Exodus 17:1-2, 7–16 It is interesting to notice that Ex 17 records two incidents at Rephidim: Israel finds no water there (v 1), and there Amalek attacks Israel (v 8). Both incidents are stories of conflict. The first story begins and ends with the word “quarrel” (v 2, 7): God’s people attack their leaders. In the second story, an external enemy, Amalek, attacks God’s people. The latter is expected; but the former is unfortunate. Sadly, so often, instead of combating the enemy outside, God’s people create enmity within. When God’s people attack God’s people, it is not just a human matter. God is at the heart of it, whether we like it or not—“Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you test the LORD?” (v 2) Conflict in human relationship is inevitable. When we are caught in conflicts in our relationships, let God be in our dominant consciousness. It is the key to commitment and determination to resolving any conflict, however difficult.

OBSERVATION Despite the conflict amongst His people, what does God do when His people are attacked by an enemy from outside (Ex 17:8-16), and what does that tell us about God?


APPLICATION How will I face conflicts at a human level, regardless of whether the conflict is started by others or myself?

PRAYER Lord, You are our peace, who has bought peace through the cross.25 Keep me from going to bed with anger, and let the devil have a foothold in my life.26 Help me to put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; to make allowance for others’ faults, and forgive anyone who offends me, just as You have forgiven me.27 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 25 Ephesians 2:14-15 26 Ephesians 4:26-27 27 Colossians 3:12-13


, ber 2 0 m e t p e S y Frida


The Enemy Strikes Back!

SCRIPTURE Esther 3:1–6 and 8:1–2, 7; 1 Peter 5:8–11 Haman the Agagite (Est 3:1) was a descendant of Agag, an Amalekite king (1 Sa 15:8–9);28 who was “the enemy of the Jews” (3:10; 8:1). “It is the long-standing enmity between Israel and the Amalekites,” since the day God promised to utterly wipe out the Amalekites (Ex 17:14, 16). This “explains why Haman, whose anger was originally directed only at Mordecai for not bowing to him, would broaden the object of his wrath and seek to destroy all the Jews (3:5–6).”29 The enemy strikes back! The continuity of God’s purpose in redemptive history is threatened. What is at stake, is not only the continued existence of God’s people, but also the appearance of the Redeemer Messiah.30 Had “all the Jews” been destroyed, how could the Messiah have come? This is spiritual warfare and God strikes back at the enemy and wins (8:1–2, 7). We cannot be sure whether God will prevent a danger from happening, but we can certainly be sure that ultimately, God will prevail!

OBSERVATION What does 1 Pe 5:8–11 teach us about spiritual warfare?


APPLICATION What aspects of spiritual warfare in 1 Pe 5:8–11 are relevant for me?

PRAYER Almighty God, You are my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? You are the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid? When evildoers advance against me to devour me, You will cause my enemies and my foes to stumble and fall. Though a mighty army surrounds me, my heart will not fear; though war breaks out against me, even then I will be confident in You.31 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 28 Tremper Longman III & Raymond B. Dillard, An Introduction to the Old Testament, Second Edition (Zondervan, 1994, 2006), 221 29 Tremper Longman III & Raymond B. Dillard, 222 30 Tremper Longman III & Raymond B. Dillard, 222 31 Psalm 27:1-3


, ber 2 1 m e t p e S day Satur


Despair and Deliverance

SCRIPTURE Exodus 18:1–4; Psalm 18:4–6, 16–19 The names of Moses’ two sons reflect Moses’ understanding of his journey with God. His first son’s name is “Gershom,” because “I have been a sojourner in a foreign land” (Ex 18:3). It reflects his despair, resulting from the greatest failure of his life (Ex 2:11–22). He named his second son “Eliezer,” because “the God of my father was my help, and delivered me from the sword of Pharaoh” (v 4). It reflects his appreciation of God’s deliverance. “Eliezer” “suggests a rekindling of faith in Moses’ heart” from “the despair shown in the name ‘Gershom’”32 We may be so overwhelmed by the rough times in life that we fall into despair. The final word in such times need not be “despair”. Rather, it should be “deliverance”. The psalmist’s answer to his question, “Why are you in despair, O my soul?” is “Hope in God,” who is our Help (Ps 42:5).

OBSERVATION How is David’s experience of despair and deliverance portrayed in Psalm 18:1-6, 16–19?


APPLICATION What will I do when I fall into despair?

PRAYER Good Shepherd, I am wandering in desert wastelands, finding no way to a place I can settle in. My soul faints within me. I cry out to You in my trouble. Deliver me from my distress. Lead me by a straight way to the place of Your will. Satisfy my thirsty soul; fill my hungry soul with what is good. For You are good and Your steadfast love endures forever.33 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 32 Alan Cole, Exodus, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (IVP, 1973), 138 33 Psalm 107:1, 4-9


, ber 2 2 m e t p e S y Sunda


1. Review — look back at your past week using the Examen (modified) a. What was my high point?

b. What was my low point?

c. What gave me life?

d. What drained me?

e. How was the Spirit of God at work?


2. REFLECT — What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light

of what has happened?

3. RESPONSE a. What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?

b. Journal your prayer


, ber 2 3 m e t p e S y Monda


All That the Lord Has Done

SCRIPTURE Exodus 18:8–9; Nehemiah 9:15–17 Moses sums up Israel’s “journey” with God from Ex 5–17 as “all that the Lord had done”—“for Israel’s sake” (Ex 18:8). It is “for Israel’s sake” because God loves and cares for Israel. It is “for Israel’s sake” despite Israel’s unbelief and grumblings. What grace from God! The “all that the Lord had done” includes “all the hardship” (v 8). But we are to see, that in “all the hardship” is “all the goodness” God “had done for Israel” (v 9), which includes having to live without water, undrinkable bitter water, and having no food in the wilderness journey. It is so easy for us to see “all the hardship,” and struggle to see “all the goodness” amidst the hardship. However, God wants us to understand that “all the goodness” is always larger than “all the hardship”; that at the centre of and overarching “all the hardship”, is “all His goodness”.

OBSERVATION Ne 9:15–17 is Nehemiah’s theological reflection of Israel’s journey through the wilderness after God had delivered them from Egypt. What can you learn from Nehemiah’s reflection?


APPLICATION Do I always see “all the goodness” of God in “all the hardship” in my life? What changes do I need to make regarding this?

PRAYER Oh Lord my God, I enter into Your presence through Jesus Christ34 with thanksgiving and with praise. I give thanks to You and bless Your glorious name. For truly You are good, truly Your steadfast love is everlasting, and Your faithfulness continues through all generations.35 Be the strength of my heart and my help, that in all the hardship of my life I remain faithful to You. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 34 Ephesians 2:18 35 Psalm 100:4-5


, ber 2 4 m e t p e S ay Tuesd


Dynamic of Worship and Fellowship

SCRIPTURE Exodus 18:10–12; Matthew 5:21–26 Worship is knowing God and blessing God. After Jethro heard Moses’ report of God’s mighty deliverance of Israel from the Egyptians, his response was, “Now I know that the LORD is greater than all the gods” (Ex 18:11). It is “now” that Jethro comes to know something about God that hitherto he had not known. We must see ourselves growing to know God better and deeper, with the “Now I know” moments in our journey. Knowing God leads us to blessing and worshipping God—“Blessed be the LORD” (v 10). After Jethro had offered “a burnt offering and sacrifices for God,” Aaron and the elders came to “eat a meal” with him (v 12). Eating a meal is the fellowship of God’s people. Fellowship is sacred because it is “in the presence of God” (NIV). Fellowship flows out of worship. Worship to God is incomplete without fellowship at the human level. God has designed it so that worship and fellowship dynamically go hand-in-hand together.

OBSERVATION What does Jesus teach about worship to God and fellowship of God’s people in Mt 5:21–26?


APPLICATION What changes do I need to make to how I view and value the dynamic of worship and fellowship?

PRAYER Lord, You are present when Your disciples, even just two or three persons, meet in Your name.36 Build into our dominant consciousness that a simple fellowship with You at the centre, is a worship to You; and in worship, it is not just ‘me and God’ but ‘we and God’. Help us to live in the reality of fellowship in worship and worship in fellowship in Christ. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 36 Matthew 18:20


, ber 2 5 m e t p e S sday Wedne


“Listen to me”

SCRIPTURE Exodus 18:13–19a; Proverbs 2:1–8 Jethro observes how his son-in-law spends everyday ministering to God’s people alone (Ex 18:13–14). He feels led to say to Moses, “Now listen to me: I shall give you counsel” (v 19a). Moses has a direct line to God; but God has never intended for him to be without need of human counsel. Ask others for their counsel. It is not often that others take the initiative to offer us counsel. Accept counsel from others. We need the humility and teachability to accept counsel from others, especially in what we do not like to hear. It is godly wisdom to listen to godly wisdom. Avail ourselves to counsel others. This is not easy for we may do so out of pride or presumptuousness. However when we have the ability to, we should do so; in humility, seeking to love and serve. In all scenarios, anchor in God “and God be with you” (v 19a).

OBSERVATION What does Pr 2:1-8 teach about godly counsel?


APPLICATION What is my posture in others giving me counsel and/or in me giving counsel to others? What aspect(s) of my posture need I guard against and what do I need to grow in?

PRAYER God who disciplines in love and wisdom, keep me from pride; lest I become a fool who rejects and mocks wisdom. Help me to be a humble and wise person, that I may love those who correct me. As I keep receiving counsel and instructions from godly people, I may learn even more, and grow even wiser.37 Help me to hear and discern Your voice through godly words. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 37 Proverbs 9:8-9


, ber 2 6 m e t p e S day Thurs


Living Life in the Lord

SCRIPTURE Exodus 18:19-20; James 4:13-17 It is Moses’ responsibility to make known to Israel “the way in which they are to walk and the work they are to do” through teaching them the Word of God (Ex 18:20). It is essentially about living life in the Lord. The way we are to walk is objective in nature. It refers to God’s will as revealed in His Word that applies to all people all the time. It is vital then, that we are grounded in God’s Word, grasping it, growing in it, and governed by it. The work we are to do is subjective in nature. It refers to God’s particular will for particular individuals, in particular areas, at particular times. These are our works that we are to commit to God, and seek His direction (Pr 16:3). The work we are to do must be governed and guided by the way we are to walk. It is by living a life dedicated to God that we will be able to discern God’s will for us (Ro 12:1–12).

OBSERVATION What does Jas 4:13–17 teach about living our life in the Lord?


APPLICATION What has been my experience of discerning God’s will for my life? What changes do I need to make to be sharper in discerning God’s will?

PRAYER Lord, Your Word makes wise the simple and gives insight for living. Open my eyes to know Your Word and strengthen my heart to keep Your Word that You may give light to my feet and make straight my path. If I should in my weakness stray away from Your will, restore my soul and guide me in the paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake.38 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 38 Psalms 19:7-8; 23:3; 119:18, 105; Proverbs 3:6


, ber 2 7 m e t p e S y Frida


Even If You’re Not a Leader

SCRIPTURE Exodus 18:21–22; 1 Timothy 3:1-7 Although Ex 18:21–22 is about the criteria for selecting leaders, the stated qualities are also applicable to God’s people who are not leaders. It doesn’t mean that, because we are not leaders, we are not required to fear God and be people with integrity (v 21). It does mean that those who are chosen for leadership must all the more possess these qualities. Both leaders and nonleaders must grow in character. Just as leaders are chosen, every disciple of Jesus has a calling from God. All of us are capable in our own ways and endowed with certain competencies to serve the society and the church. We all have different capacities in what we can do—“of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties and of tens.” J. O. Sanders said, “Leadership is influence.” As we mature spiritually, we can influence lives, making us leaders in a way even though we may not be operating within the setting of an organisation.

OBSERVATION What are the qualities for leadership in 1 Ti 3:1–7 that are also qualities every disciple of Jesus must grow in?


APPLICATION What is one quality that I need to grow in?

PRAYER Father, You are the Potter and I am the clay.39 Mold me, make me and grow me more in Christ-likeness. Help me to discern Your call for my life, and the competencies that You have given me as a gift to serve You by serving people. Help me be obedient to You by being a faithful steward in answering Your call to serve. Let all that I do and say flow out of what I am in Christ and like Christ. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: 39 Isaiah 64:8


, ber 2 8 m e t p e S day Satur


Your Vital Contribution

SCRIPTURE Exodus 18:17–23; 1 Peter 4:10–11 Like a gigantic jigsaw puzzle, every believer in Christ is a unique piece in the puzzle, without which the puzzle cannot be complete. Every unique piece is chosen and created by God. It is God’s grace for each one of us, as a member of Christ’s body, the church (Eph 4:7). God has made each one of us an important contributor in building the church to maturity. What will happen when parts of Christ’s body are not functioning and contributing? The functioning parts will have to do more and work harder. They will! It is because they love the Lord and His church. However, the consequences are that they “will surely wear out;” because “the task is too heavy” for them; and such a condition is “not good” (Ex 18:17–18). What is true for Moses in leading Israel is also true for God’s people in building the church. As a unique piece in the puzzle, you can make vital contributions with your God-given talents in building the church.

OBSERVATION What does 1 Pe 4:10–11 teach about spiritual gifts?


APPLICATION What are certain truths concerning spiritual gifts in 1 Pe 4:10–11 that are of relevance to me?

PRAYER Lord, help us, Your church, to agree whole-heartedly with each other; loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose. Keep us from becoming selfish. Help us to be humble, thinking of others as better than ourselves; not to look out only for our own interests, but to take an interest in others, as well.40 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 40 Philippians 2:2-5 (NLT)


, ber 2 9 m e t p e S y Sunda


1. Review — look back at your past week using the Examen (modified) a. What was my high point?

b. What was my low point?

c. What gave me life?

d. What drained me?

e. How was the Spirit of God at work?


2. REFLECT — What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light

of what has happened?

3. RESPONSE a. What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?

b. Journal your prayer


, ber 3 0 m e t p e S y Monda


Divine Appointment

SCRIPTURE Exodus 18:5, 27; Acts 16:16–34 The narrator seems to have made Jethro a rather important character in Exodus 18. The narrative begins with Jethro “heard all that God had done” for Moses and Israel (v 1), which prompted him to visit his son-in-law in the wilderness (v 5-6). When Jethro arrived, Moses received him personally (v 7). The narrative ends with Moses bidding his father-in-law farewell, and Jethro “went his way into his own land” (v 27). During his stay with Moses, Jethro made a very significant contribution to Moses’ leading of Israel as a nation, by giving him wise counsel (v 13–26). Of the 20 verses on Jethro’s stay with Moses (v 8–27), 15 verses are about his counsel to Moses. Jethro’s visit to Moses was certainly by divine appointment with a divine agenda—to provide Moses the counsel he needed. When Jethro “went his way into his own land,” it indicates that the God-assigned mission was accomplished. Jethro’s visit was under divine providence rather than by divine command.

OBSERVATION What can you learn about divine appointment in Ac 16:16–34?


APPLICATION What are some practical things I need to do on my part to walk by divine appointment?

PRAYER Sovereign God, in You we live and move and exist.41 Go before me and with me in every step I take each day,42 and let my day be marked by divine appointment and agenda. Let it be that the people I meet, the words that I say, the moments of listening, the deeds I do, my smile and my touch; be filled with Your grace and glory. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 41 Acts 17:28 42 Deuteronomy 31:8


WORSHIP SONGS ARMS OPEN WIDE Take my life, I lay it down At the cross where I am found All I have I give to You oh God Take my hands and make them clean Keep my heart in purity That I may walk in all You have for me Chorus Oh here I stand Arms open wide Oh I am Yours And You are mine Jesus Take my moments and my days Let each breath that I take Be ever only for You oh God Bridge My whole life is Yours I give it all Surrendered to Your Name And forever I will pray Have Your way Have Your way


Be Thou my vision Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart Nought be all else to me, save that Thou art Thou my best thought, by day or by night Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord Thou my great Father, and I Thy true son Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise Thou mine inheritance. now and always Thou and Thou only, first in my heart High King of heaven, my treasure Thou art High King of heaven, my victory won May I reach heaven’s joys, O bright heaven’s Sun Heart of my own heart, whatever befall Still be my vision, O Ruler of all


CORNERSTONE My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest frame But wholly trust in Jesus’ name Chorus Christ alone, Cornerstone Weak made strong, in the Savior’s love Through the storm He is Lord, Lord of All When darkness seems to hide His face I rest on His unchanging grace In every high and stormy gale My anchor holds within the veil My anchor holds within the veil Then He shall come with trumpets sound Oh, may I then in Him be found Dressed in His righteousness alone Faultless, stand before the throne


Crown Him with many crowns Crown Him with many crowns The Lamb upon His throne Hark how the heavenly anthem drowns All music but it’s own Awake my my soul and sing Of Him who died for me And hail Him as thy matchless King Through all eternity Chorus Majesty, Lord of all Let every throne before Him fall The King of kings, O come adore Our God who reigns forevermore Crown Him Lord of life Who triumphed o’er the grave And rose victorious in the strife For those He came to save His glories now we sing Who died and rose on high Who died eternal life to bring And lives that death may die Bridge All hail Redeemer hail For He has died for me His praise and glory shall not fail Throughout eternity


god of ages God of ages bringing glory here You are good, You are good Son of righteousness, You are all I seek With all my heart Pre-Chorus Giver of life, hope for the lost, is in You All of the earth, shines with Your light Your glory Chorus You are the God who lives You are the God who heals You are my hope, my everything You brought salvation to us, Offered Your peace to the world You are my Lord, my everything In Your promise, and Your faithfullness I will trust, all my days King forever, reign in majesty Be glorified Tag I’ll trust in You I’ll trust in You I’ll trust in You, with all my heart


God of this city You’re the God of this City You’re the King of these people You’re the Lord of this nation You are You’re the Light in this darkness You’re the Hope to the hopeless You’re the Peace to the restless You are There is no one like our God There is no one like our God Chorus For greater things have yet to come And greater things are still to be done in this City Greater thing have yet to come And greater things are still to be done in this City


HOW TO WORSHIP A KING You give me joy You give me life You give me strength To stand in the fire Now I can live Live what I sing Showing the world How to worship a King Chorus Lord, I give You thanks God, I give You praise I give You a life that shows I’m living like a child who bears Your name Now with every day Let my life proclaim what I sing I worship my King Bridge With all my heart all my strength All that God has given me This is how I worship my King


God Is Able God is able He will never fail He is Almighty God Greater than all we seek Greater than all we ask He has done great things Chorus Lifted up, He defeated the grave Raised to life, our God is able In His name, He overcome For the Lord our God is able God is with us God is on our side He will make a way Far above all we know Far above all we hope He has done great things Bridge God is with us He will go before us He will never leave us He will never leave us God is for us He has open arms He will never fail us He will never fail us


In Christ Alone In Christ alone my hope is found He is my light my strength my song This cornerstone this solid ground Firm through the fiercest drought and storm What heights of love what depths of peace When fears are stilled when striving cease My Comforter my All in All Here in the love of Christ I stand Verse 2 There in the ground His body lay Light of the world by darkness slain The bursting forth in glorious day Up from the grave He rose again And as He stands I victory Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me For I am His and He is mine Bought with the precious blood of Christ Verse 3 No guilt in life no fear in death This is the power of Christ in me From life’s first cry to final breath Jesus commands my destiny No power of hell no scheme of man Can ever pluck me from His hand Till He returns or calls me home Here in the power of Christ I stand


Man Of Sorrows Man of sorrows, Lamb of God By His own betrayed The sin of man and wrath of God Has been on Jesus laid Silent as He stood accused Beaten mocked and scorned Bowing to the Father’s will He took a crown of thorns Chorus Oh that rugged cross my salvation Where Your love poured out over me Now my soul cries out hallelujah Praise and honour unto Thee Sent of heaven God’s own Son To purchase and redeem And reconcile the very ones Who nailed Him to that tree Bridge Now my debt is paid It is paid in full By the precious blood That my Jesus spilled Now the curse of sin Has no hold on me Whom the Son sets free Oh is free indeed See the stone is rolled away Behold the empty tomb Hallelujah God be praised He’s risen from the grave 83

mighty to save Everyone needs compassion Love that’s never failing Let mercy fall on me Everyone needs forgiveness The kindness of a saviour The hope of nations Chorus Saviour He can move the mountains My God is mighty to save He is mighty to save Forever Author of salvation He rose and conquered the grave Jesus conquered the grave So take me as you find me All my fears and failures Fill my life again I give my life to follow


Everything I believe in Now I surrender Shine your light and Let the whole world see We’re singing for the glory Of the risen King Jesus, shine your light and Let the whole world see We’re singing for the glory Of the risen King Outro Shine your light and Let the whole world see We’re singing for the glory Of the risen King Jesus, shine your light and Let the whole world see We’re singing for the glory Of the risen King

Praise Is The Offering Come and let us sing for joy Let us praise and shout aloud To the lifter of our heads To the Rock we’re standing on Your salvation is our song Now we can’t stay silent We will sing how Chorus Great is Your love for us And great are the things You’ve done And praise is the offering we bring to You Lord we come to worship You Lord we bow our hearts in awe By Your love we are redeemed We are Yours and You’re our God Your salvation is our song We we can’t stay silent We will sing how Chorus Great is Your love for me And great are the things You’ve done for me And praise is the offering we bring to You All of our heart and soul And all that You are and more And praise is the offering we bring to You Bridge Lord we come to worship You Lord we bow our hearts in awe By Your love we are redeemed We are Yours and You’re our God We are Yours and You’re our God We are Yours and You’re our God 85

Scandal Of Grace Grace, what have You done? Murdered for me on that cross Accused in absence of wrong My sin washed away in Your blood Pre-Chorus 1 Too much to make sense of it all I know that Your love breaks my fall The scandal of grace You died in my place So my soul will live Chorus 1 Oh to be like You Give all I have just to know You Jesus there’s no-one beside You Forever the hope in my heart Verse 2 Death, where is your sting? Your power is as dead as my sin The cross has taught me to live And mercy my heart now to sing Pre-Chorus 2 The day and its troubles shall come I know that Your strength is enough The scandal of grace You died in my place So my soul will live Bridge And it’s all because of You Jesus It’s all because of You Jesus It’s all because of Your love That my soul will live 86

SHOW US THE ANCIENT PATHS Lord we confess that we have wandered Far from Your purpose and plan And willingly walked in the wrong direction We’ve disobeyed Your commands Father forgive us, Spirit come lead us Back to the way, back to the truth Back to the foot of the Cross Chorus Show us the ancient paths Lead us along eternal highways We want to walk in the ways of Jesus We want to enter Your rest Show us the ancient paths Lead us along eternal high ways We want to follow the footsteps of Jesus We want to enter Your rest Lord, it’s Your mercy and good intention that constantly call us to You Your infinite patience and kind correction Your covenant love coming through You are our hope and our salvation You promise joy, You give us grace And courage to carry the cross We want to leave a clear set of footprints For those who will follow behind Signposts in our lives that point to Jesus A pathway they’ll easily find We want to fill up the sufferings of Jesus As we obey our lives display The glorious way of the cross


Your Presence Is Heaven Who is like You Lord in all the earth Matchless love and beauty, endless worth Nothing in this world will satisfy Jesus, You’re the cup that won’t run dry Pre Chorus Your presence is heaven to me Your presence is heaven to me Treasure of my heart and of my soul In my weakness you are merciful Redeemer of my past and present wrongs Holder of my future days to come Pre Chorus Your presence is heaven to me Your presence is heaven to me Your presence is heaven to me Your presence is heaven to me Chorus Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus Your presence is heaven to me Oh Jesus, Oh Jesus Your presence is heaven to me All my days on earth I will await The moment that I see You face to face Nothing in this world will satisfy ‘Cause Jesus You’re the cup that won’t run dry Nothing in this world will satisfy Jesus You’re the cup that won’t run dry Jesus You’re the cup that won’t run dry


10,000 Reasons Bless the Lord O my soul, O my soul Worship His holy name Sing like never before, O my soul I’ll worship Your holy name The sun comes up it’s a new day dawning It’s time to sing Your song again Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me Let me be singing when the evening comes You’re rich in love and You’re slow to anger Your name is great and Your heart is kind For all Your goodness I will keep on singing Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find And on that day when my strength is failing The end draws near and my time has come Still my soul will sing Your praise unending Ten thousand years and then forever





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