2 minute read
Growing together.
A framework for student wellbeing

Spiritual & emotional growth.

At Covenant Christian School, our aim is for students to be equipped to live for God’s glory. We want to help each student to know and understand their identity in Christ and recognise how this shapes all aspects of life and wellbeing.
Within our wellbeing framework we focus on the whole student. In caring for the whole person, we aim to love and support our students across four domains of wellbeing: spiritual wellbeing, social/emotional wellbeing, physical wellbeing and academic wellbeing. We see these different domains of wellbeing to be grounded in the love of God, found in Jesus Christ.
We take a whole school approach to wellbeing. Research has demonstrated the importance of everyone playing a role in the development of student wellbeing and therefore we believe all our staff hold responsibility for the wellbeing of our students. This requires us to be active in knowing the students in our care. As a Prep to Year 12 school, we are uniquely positioned to provide a consistent and continuous wellbeing framework throughout a child’s schooling. In partnership with parents and our wider community, and in particular our local churches, our staff seek to demonstrate Christian love and genuine care while providing our students with general wellbeing support.
Our Wellbeing Team provides more targeted support for students who are struggling with their wellbeing. This team consists of the Director of Student Wellbeing, Junior School Stage Coordinators, Secondary Wellbeing Coordinators, Secondary Year Advisors, and the Counselling Team. This team works closely with families to enable students to flourish in their wellbeing.
3 To 5 Year Olds
Covenant provides a warm, safe and nurturing environment that allows our Prep children to stretch their creative thinking, practise their social skills, meet new challenges and build resilience. We prioritise the formation of an emerging trust in God and a Christian worldview right from the beginning of a child’s education. For this reason, teachers and parents work together closely in partnership.
We view each child as an individual, with unique God-given gifts. We believe that each child is capable and resourceful, and we therefore aim to extend their thinking, learning and problem solving abilities through day-to-day, play-based experiences.
Prep is intended for children in the two years before they enter Kindergarten and is designed to prepare students for the school enviroment. Our program for early childhood education is grounded in a biblical curriculum and emphasises communication, early numeracy and literacy, scientific exploration, as well as the development of gross and fine motor skills. Our goal is to provide the best possible foundation for children’s growth, development, love of learning and skills for life. Prep teachers work closely with Kindergarten teachers to enable each child to be confident and ready for school. The transition program we implement during Term 4 ensures that Kindergarten is a familiar and welcoming place by the time Prep children start school. This greatly enhances the excitement and joy of this special milestone.
Our Prep space is designed to stimulate children’s interest through exploration, creative play, group work, music, drama and problem solving. Visits to the Junior School library, Infants playground, music room, Kindergarten classes and other areas of the larger school grounds, enhance their learning opportunities.
Our Prep program has two and three day options. It operates during school hours and in term times.
Start at the beginning with Christ at the centre.