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Maturity through Christ.
Years 9 to 10
Students build on their education with core subjects as well as selecting from a broad range of electives. Classes are organised in a combination of mixed ability and graded classes. Teachers focus on assisting students to achieve their God-given potential and to work faithfully in each subject. Students have the opportunity to participate in a range of co-curricular activities including the Duke of Edinburgh Award, school musicals and sport opportunities.
Years 11 to 12
As students progress into their senior years, the curriculum builds on and fine tunes the foundational skills developed in earlier secondary schooling. Students can select from a wide range of Higher School Certificate subjects with options to study either at school, through TAFE or via distance education. Quiet study rooms, small group tutoring in English, maths and science, and expert teaching staff provide our senior students with tremendous academic support. The wellbeing of each student remains a significant focus throughout the senior years, and we have a number of support structures in place to help students navigate these final years.
Much consideration is given to the future vocation of each student. Our Careers Advisor works closely with each student and their family to determine their passions, interests, gifts and abilities for vocational planning. The senior years also provide students with opportunities, choices and challenges. From showcase evenings for HSC major works to opportunities for leadership, the senior years grow and equip our students for a life of service for the glory of God.