67 september 2016

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E ca aio ork started rece tl o Pool Meado Car Park re eali g hat looks to e so e archaeolog . Co ser aio Oicer Chris Patrick ca e up ith the dei ii e a s er. He said: With possi ilit of stude t acco odaio ei g uilt o the site see ack page e ere sei g out i te io all to i d the cit all. “o it as ’t just stu led upo . We fou d it i pret good co diio a d just elo the tar ac of the car park. •It as co pleted i 1 , a d just o er t o iles lo g. It as arou d eight feet thick, o er t el e feet high a d had t e t to ers a d t el e gates. The all as said to e o e of the ost i pressi e cit alls i the cou tr .

A three o th co sultaio starts o the 1 th of this o th o er the future for Co e tr ’s li rar ser ice. It has ee idel reported that hile all 1 li raries across the cit ill re ai ope for the i e ei g the lo ger ter future for i e of the looks disi ctl leak. The Cou cil has stated that Caludo , Che les ore, Cou do , Earlsdo a d Fi ha face closure if co u it support groups ca ot e fou d to ru the . Threate ed :The Car egie li rar i Earlsdo U der the proposal, o l Ce tral, Bell Gree , Foleshill, “toke a d Tile Hill li raries ill re ai u der Cou cil co trol. Co u it li raries arou d the cit pla a ajor part i our su ur a societ . Not o l do the pro ide a loa i g ser ice for ooks, audio discs a d d d’s, ut are used those ithout i ter et at ho e for a purposes a d as a eei g place a ariet of for al a d i for al groups You o l ha e to step i side to see these li raries packed ith i for aio a d displa s desig ed to help e gage local people. The oder pu lic li rar s ste i Britai de eloped ater the Pu lic Li raries Act of 1 . The Act irst ga e local oroughs the po er to esta lish free pu lic li raries a d as the irst legislai e step to ard the creaio of a e duri g aio al i situio that pro ides u i ersal free access to i for aio a d literature. A dre Car egie alo e uilt o er li raries i the U“, li raries i Britai , i addiio to a ore i the Co o ealth. O e of the Car egie o es u der threat is the uch-lo ed co u it li rar at Earlsdo . The co sultaio lasts fro “epte er 1 to Dece er 1 . Ne t

eei g:

Proje ts u dertake y Mar hi i Curra Asso iates, Noi gha A prese taio Nick Marchi i highlighi g ork his co pa i cludi g the for er Nurses Ho e i Co e tr , co ersio s of a old “pifire factor i to phar acolog la s, a d re odelli g of Cli e of I dia House, Lo do Mo day, Septe er at 7. p The “hop Fro t Theatre, Cit Arcade Light refresh e ts; Visitors £

September2016 “epte er 1: Hu a itaria a d author, Terr Waite ill lecture i Co e tr Cathedral’s Na e o the su ject: "Is Peace Possi le?" The e e t is i co ju cio ith I ter aio al Da of Peace a d starts at p .

Earlier this ear Pru Porreta asked people a d groups arou d the cit to produce a s all tapestr . Each ould depict a period i Co e tr ’s 1, ear histor . Ma schools a d o e ’s groups ha e ee i ol ed a d their ork ill e o displa for the irst i e this co i g Frida , “epte er i Co e tr Cathedral as part of Heritage Ope Da s.

This eeke d e are sei g up our pro oio stall at the Prior Visitor Ce tre. It’s a opportu it to ork ith Carole Do ell , the perso ehi d o es to re-ope the ce tre. We eed t o ore perso s to staf the displa o er the t o da s. If ou ca ofer a couple of hours please co tact Terr Ke o 1 ore ail terke @tesco. et


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