Su da , O to er the first sa the re-lau h of the Chur h of St Mark’s at S a s ell Pool, ears to the da after it losed its doors. More tha ere there at the high e erg e e t to ele rate its resurre tio as a resour e hur h. It is ai ed at stude ts a d ou g people, usi g loud usi a d dis o lighti g to ri g a a ie t essage to a ou ger o gregatio . A ordi g to Chur hCare A ity e tre resour e hur h is a Chur h hi h, orki g losely ith the lo al ishop, i te tio ally resour es issio a ross a ity, y pla ti g a d re italisi g hur hes, de elopi g leaders a d pro idi g other resour es for issio . Its ai is to help e a gelise the ity a d tra sfor so iety. The idea of ri gi g the Chur h a k to life as the isio of the Bishop of Co e tr , The Right Re ere d Dr Christopher Co ks orth, ho appoi ted Re ere d Phil Atki so a d his ife Ra hel to lead the St. Mark’s Chur h o u it . Si e losi g i the uildi g had a aried e iste e, as a lo al radio statio , the Outpatie ts Depart e t of Co e tr a d War i kshire Hospital, a do tors surger a d a arehouse for Carriers of Hope, supporti g refugees a d e arri als i the it . The ost ota le feature of the uildi g is a large ural o hat as origi all the east i do of the Chur h. The i do as ri ked up follo i g Warti e o da age a d i / the Chur h o issio ed Ger a é igré artist Ha s Fei us h to pai t a large ural, e titled As e sio . Fei us h as a fa ous Je ish artist a d as the last to sur i e ho as i luded o Geo al's i fa ous list of "dege erate artists". He e igrated to Britai a d pai ted urals i hur hes a d i i uildi gs arou d the ou tr . He died i at the age of . Fei us h's ork is o re og ised as ei g of atio al i porta e. Although the uildi g is a k i use a d prote ted, there is still u h to e do e to restore the fa ri of the uildi g a d to o ser e the ural. With Co e tr ’s id to e Cit of Culture the ti e is right to o ser e the ural for the future. It is u derstood that the Chur h pla to ake a appli atio to the Heritage Lotter Fu d a d the So iet has o itted its support to su h a appli atio . We are delighted to see the Grade II listed St. Mark’s Chur h re-ope .
Monthly meeting
Follo i g the su ess of the talk gi e Jere Gould i No e er , Jere has agreed to retur to talk a out post- ar de elop e t i Co e tr , this ti e fo usi g o uildi gs outside the Ri g Road. The talk is titled "Co e tr the Su ur s". Jere rites: The architectural history of British post-war cities has focused on the rebuilding of city centres. This lecture looks at the suburbs where the new Coventrians lived,worked and played. Here, architects and planners tried to create egalitarian, social democratic utopias against a background of political change and financial restriction. The suburbs were at once experimental and traditional; at best forming new communities and places, at worst creating remote, mono-cultural ghettos. Amongst it all was some of the best post-war architecture in Britain.
Refresh e ts Ad issio for Visitors £
November 2017
The Chur h of St Marks at S a s ell Pool filled to apa it he it as relau hed last o th, ears to the da after it losed its doors
Are you able to do a little bit more for the Coventry Society? Would you like to contribute to a discussion about the future of the Society? If the answer to these questions is YES, then please come to a participatory workshop: Tuesday, November 28 at 6.30 p.m. in the Board Room of the former Coventry Telegraph Building, Corporation Street. The workshop will be led by Ian Harvey, Executive Director of Civic Voice.
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