4 minute read
Green Solar Machine
A Green, Mean Solar Machine
So you’ve bought your electric vehicle. Nice. Planet saved. Or is it? What about the electricity used to charge your EV? How do you keep your ‘green’ car ‘green’? There must be a better way than syphoning energy off the grid?
Beaches COVERED. caught up with David Veal, Managing Director of Solarpro to get the low down on EV solar chargers.
It is a common misconception that EV chargers use solar power. Most suck it off the grid like water through a straw, thwarting your pure intentions. Solarpro talked to Beaches COVERED. about how you can charge your EV with solar power keeping it eco focused.
“Most people are surprised when they fi nd out that if they use a standard EV charger, their ‘green’ car will be charged from coal-based electricity even if solar power is available,” explained David.
EV Chargers work by using the energy generated from your solar power system and using it to power your car. However, there are a lot of variables to consider. Solar can be slow to charge and your car will often drain your entire household supply.
David told us about the SolarEdge EV Charger and Inverter. It is the world’s fi rst EV charging inverter which charges with renewable and non-renewable energy. This wall mounted solar inverter allows you to charge your car from the grid in conjunction with solar power. This really cool feature can maximise effi ciency. Using a hybrid of solar and off-the-grid energy allows it to charge up to four times faster than other chargers.
The beauty of this system is that you have full control over which energy you use. If you are in a hurry you can pull energy off the grid for a rapid charge. If time is not an issue you can ensure to slow charge your EV using only solar power. You can also program a charge schedule ensuring you only use off-peak energy.
“We are selling a lot of these. It gives you full visibility of the energy that you are using,” explained David.
Energy usage can be controlled and tracked from your phone. Using the SolarEdge app, you can remotely turn your EV charger off/on, track solar, EV and grid consumption, charging status and duration. This full visibility allows you to manage your overall household effi ciency.
EV solar chargers are relatively inexpensive, making the payback period short. On top of this they provide large returns, saving you money on charging stations or electricity from the grid.
In theory, if you can rely on solar power to charge your EV, you can eliminate fuel costs completely, saving costs to both your pocket and the environment.
‘We recommend that if you own an EV or think you are likely to in the future, you should install a SolarEdge Inverter and EV Charger now so that you are set up,” explained David.
Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular. With government incentives available, it is likely that your next car will be electric. Solarpro recommends that you think ahead. If renovating, think about installing a Solar EV charger Inverter. It won’t be long before you need it.
“We hear comments from our customers that they are setting themselves up now not just for their own vehicle but assuming their kids will have them as well,” said David.
Head into the Solarpro showroom for more details about the EV Inverter or to discuss all things solar. •
SOLARPRO // (02) 9453 1485 // INFO@SOLARPRO.COM.AU // INSTA @SOLARPROSYDNEY // www.solarpro.com.au
ISSUE 29: WINTER 2022 Circulation: 12,500 PUBLISHER: John Vickery CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Megan Vickery JOURNALIST: Lauren Goldsack SUB EDITOR & DISTRIBUTION: Jane Hewitson MARKETING PARTNERSHIPS: John Vickery 0412 415 657 john@allbasescovered.com.au
This issue of Beaches COVERED. would not have been possible without the following contributors: Ben Symons, Mark Smith, Joseph Smith, Mark Gibson and Wiltliving. If you would like to contribute to Beaches COVERED. email us at: info@allbasescovered.com.au
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Beaches COVERED. / All Bases Covered 2/10 Orchard Rd, Brookvale NSW 2100 Phone: 0412 415 657 www.beachescovered.com.au While all care has been taken, some information in this magazine may have changed since its publication. All Bases Covered regrets it cannot accept liabilites from errors or omissions contained in this publication, however caused. The Publisher reserves the right to refuse, withdraw or amend all advertisements without explanation. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibitied. All advertisements must comply with the Trade Practices Act. The Publisher will not be liable for any damage or loss caused through late publication, error or omission of an advertisement. The views expressed in articles or advertisements are not endorsed by the editor or publisher. No responsibility is accepted by the editor or publisher for the accuracy of any information contained within any article or advertisement.
Published by All Bases Covered Pty Ltd. www.allbasescovered.com.au. Ph: 0412 415 657 Email: info@allbasescovered.com.au. ABN 46 075 758 548.
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