Design Magazine | Trends | Interior Design | Home Magazine | Design Magazine | Trends | Interior Design | Home Magazine | VICTORIA CABINET
BY BOCA DO LOBO-Victoria is a modern baroque cabinet in black glass, hand carved in true baroque style ; CAMILIA TALL CABINET BY KOKET-The Camilia was created to grace the most regal of dining rooms with its
elegance and splendor ; ERWAN BOULLOUD DESIGNER
AND SCULPTEUR-One of a kind sculpture serving as a contemporary cabinet ; CASSIS WOODEN BUFFET
BY BRABBU - A modern home decor piece Inspired by the warmth of tropical
DESIGNER AND SCULPTEUR - When luxury furniture pushes new boundaries magic happens ; SPELLBOUND CABINET BY KOKET - There is a sense of reveal & conceal as KOKET takes a beautiful chest
form in high gloss black lacquer and adorns it in metal aged brass
organic lace, revealing a mesmerizing hint of what lies beneath. | Trends 2018. Design Ideas, decorative, interior decorator.