Cowboy Journal v1n2

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osu College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

Volume I •

Number 2 •

Fall I 999



Mandi Branstetter Editor

Shelly Holland Assistant Editor

Cindy Raith Graphics Editor

Amy Hagebusch Photo/Web Editor

Janna Quaring Circulation Coordinator

Shayla Givens

Sponsorship Coordinator

Misty Ambrose Andrea Barnhart Laura Burch Christy Couch Lori Eutsler Kristi Manning Faren Revard Staff

Shelly Peper Sitton Managing Editor

1be Cowboy Journal staff (from top left): Shay la Givens, Christy Couch, Faren Revard, Laura Burch, Kristi Mann ing, Andrea Barnhart, Cindy Raith, Shelly Holland, Lori Eutsler, Amy Hagebusch, Janna Quaring, Mandi Branstetter. Not pictured: Misty Ambrose.

Limousin World Oklahoma Farm Bureau Quebecor Printing Founding Sponsors

Special thanks to ... Ursula Blanchard Fred Causley Margi Cooper Gayle Hiner Dwayne Hunter Todd Johnson TomJorsch Heather Lloyd Jeff Miller Don Stotts Elizabeth Whitfield State University, in complia nce with Title VI and Vllof the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Title IX of the Educational Amendments o f 1972, I(:'\CJ TI Oklahoma Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other federal laws and regulations, not discriminate o n the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age , religion , disability, or status as a vetera n in any of its policies, practices or procedu res. This incl udes b ut is not limited to admissions , emp loymen t, financial aid, and educational services. This publicatio n is \:)JU

printed and issu ed two times a year by agricultural commun ications seniors m the Department of Agricu ltural Education, Communications, and 4-H Youth Development as authorized by the Dea n of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and has been prepared and distributed at no cost to the taxpayers of Okla homa.

COWBOY JOURNAL Vol. I .A N o. 2 .A Fall 1999

6 The Man Behind the Students Associate Dean Ed Miller: who he is, where he stands and what he believes.

Once Upon a Time... CASNR students create a fairytale event.

1 O Looking to the Future...

A distinguished few CASNR students get a jump on their future.

1 2 It's a Bug's Life at OSU

Forget a dog. How about a pet roach?

14 Test-tube Calves Become Reality at OSU New research advances livestock production into the new millennium.

Ropin' the Right Career Combine your skills for a winning career.

18 Cracking the Fat Content? OSU professors get the skinny on pecan fat removal.

20 Red, White and Green?

Oklahoma wheat researchers study different varieties of wheat for the American economy.

2 2 Humble on His Pedestal Pullin' for the Future CASNR students get their motors running .

Truman and Marshall scholarships winner reflects on his accomplishments and prepares for the future.

2 6 Rinse, Repeat, Recycle

Oklahoma farmers participate in recycling program.

On the Cover...

Roughin' it in the Woods

Summer camp lets the forest be a teacher. Feeding a champion ... Orville Deewall, beef cattle herdsman, and Royal Jupiter, 1946 Chicago Livestock Expo grand champion.

In 1946, Oklahoma A&M College bred, fed and showed the grand champion Shorthorn steer at the Chicago Livestock Exposition . Weighing in at 1,380 pounds this short-legged , round-bodied hunk of beef is an example of h ow much the industry has changed . Although this animal husbandry barn no longer exists, it was located west of Agricultural Hall on the site known as the college farm, where Iba Hall and the OSU Student Health Center stand today. As the industry continues to change, the Cowboy Journal staff is proud to ... REMEMBER




Kings and queens. Jesters and jugglers. Singing. Dancing. Dining.

Agricultural Sciences and "This is an excellent exNatural Resources, they do. perience because it's very Celebrating its 25th anni- much like doing a large gala versary, the Madrigal Dinner event such as a wedding reConcert is a joint effort among ception," Needham said. "It's the department of horticul- very practical from the standThe OSU Madrigal Dinture and landscape architec- point that students have to ner Concert, held each Deture, the department of music come up with the ideas, december, is a combination of and velop the prodtheOSU singing, dancing and dining Student uct, implement it set in medieval times. While 'The greatest benefit Union. and install it in a they enjoy their meals, more is the real-life A onceshort time frame." than 2,000 guests each year experience." a-year event, This practiare entertained by jesters and the Madrigal cal experience other medieval characters. Although these images Dinner provides experience was appreciated by Shaun may not seem to go hand-in- and scholarship money for Dalrymple, horticulture and general business senior from hand with the Oklahoma some CASNR students. Stillwater, The event is unique in who took part in State University College of several ways. Unlike similar the 1997 event. productions at other univer"We were doing designs sities, this event is conducted on a large scale, and working solely by students. Other uni- on a scale that large makes a versities may utilize profes- big difference," said sional designers and decora- Dalrymple, who plans to betors. But that's where the OSU gin a floral shop specializing department of horticulture in weddings. and landscape architecture The planning and designing for the Madrigal Dincomes into play. ~ Students enrolled in the ner Concert is no small un路路 .,:-a advanced floral design class dertaking for horticulture g (HORT 3553) are responsible students. <;:, for transforming the Student "Beginning the first class ] Union Ballroom into a medi- period in August," Needham u eval fantasy land. Doug said, "students discover the Needham, associate professor year's theme, which ranges in the department, said the from love to forest animals." Once Allen Reding, dievent provides a unique oprector of the event, and the portunity for students.

OSU music department have termine the amount of mateselected music, the horticul- rials needed and begin prepature students enter a new rations for implementing phase of planning. those designs." "We interpret the music Two weeks prior to the selection in floral material," dinner, actual assembly of the Needham said. "We try to designs occurs. In addition to support the theme in floral class time, students work decorations." about 20 hours in their spare Students are given a time to assure the designs are month to develop individual just right for the event. floral designs for the event. Dalrymple said the extra They then present their de- work and late nights taught signs to a "madrigal jury," students many life lessons. comprised of Needham, a rep"It was kind of hard resentative of American Flo- work because we had a lot of ral Services and representa- different creative minds totives from the Madrigal Din- gether," she said. "It was difficult at times. But we got rener Concert committee. "The students have ally close as a class. We about a four- or five-week pe- seemed to be a really cohesive riod to develop an idea or con- group compared to the other cept of how the student is go- classes I've taken." ing to interpret the madrigal The extra effort and diftheme, create a mock table ar- ficult moments pay off in the rangement and a mock end for students. wreath, and present that to a "The greatest benefit is jury," Needham said. the real-life experience," Although the jury presen- Needham said. "There are tation may be stressful for stu- very few situations in the dents, the experience prepares classroom that can be taken them for the "real world." directly to real life. This is one "Why do we do this? of them." Why is it important? Well, it's But experience is not the very much like selling a con- only thing gained from the cept to a potential client," event. Ticket sales provide Needham said. "Once a de- scholarship money for the design is selected, students de- partment of horticulture and

landscape architecture and the department of music. The department of horticulture and landscape architecture uses the scholarship money as work-in-progress the previous year's earnings provide funding for the current year's materials. This funding ensures the music will play on for years to come. And a medieval fairytale will continue to flourish because of the talent and hard work of students in the department of horticulture and landscape architecture.

The Man Behind the Students Who he is, where he stands and what he believes. by Andrea Barnhart

After looking coast to coast for a new associate dean for the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, an Oklahoma State University search committee found the right man right beneath their collective noses in the basement of Agricultural Hall. Edwin Miller, former head of OSU's department of forestry, was selected from numerous candidates who applied for the position. Students, student leadership groups, administrators, student council, faculty, department heads, other administrators, deans and the president of the university were all part of the selection process. "Dr. Miller has an excellent performance record administering programs in teaching, research and exterision," said Sam E. Curl, CASNR dean. "He has proven himself a leader during his time as head of the OSU department of forestry, and I know he will do an outstanding job as associate dean. "There were a number of highly qualified applicants, but in the end, Dr. Miller was selected because of his excellent administrative performance record and marvelous potential for success in the associate dean position," he said. Miller acknowledges the high level of responsibility that comes along with the job. "They were looking for someone who really understands agriculture, had administrative experience, a special interest in teaching, and most importantly, someone with an interest in students," Miller said. A native of Des Moines, Iowa, he received three degrees from Iowa State University: A bachelor of science in forestry management in 1968, a master of science in agronomy in 1970 and a doctor of philosophy in water resources in 1973. Miller came to OSU in 1986. In 6 ..., Cowboy Journal

1989 he became head of the forestry department. He joined the department of forestry after 11 years as hydrology program leader for the Weyerhaeuser Co.'s southern forestry research department in Hot Springs, Ark. He began his career in 1973, teaching in the School of Forestry at Stephen F. Austin State University in Texas. Although Miller has been active in the college, many students didn't have an opportunity to meet him unless they were majoring in forestry. Forestry students, however, have a great respect for their former department head. "He is a very down-to-earth guy," said Casey Keller, forestry senior from Batesville, Ark. "Dr. Miller is easy to get along with, easy to talk to, and he tries to get to know the students. He makes you feel as if you are an important part

of something." Wic Warden, forestry senior from Bernice, La., agreed. "I admire Dr. Miller's efforts to maintain his contact with students, since I'm sure it is much harder for him to do from the position he is in now," Warden said. The associate dean's obligation is one of great responsibility, having to oversee the activities and affairs of all staff and faculty within the college. "Everything done in this office is ultimately for the benefit of the student," Miller said. "Anyone in this position needs to understand students, because that's what this office is all about, helping students. " There are certain advantages to having someone from within the organization who understands and believes in it, Miller said.

Ed Miller enjoys taking time to advise CASNR students about challenges they face.

"We have to give credit to the great great quality of academic programs. "I think Dr. Ed Miller is an exceljob Paul Hummer did as a former associate dean," Miller said. "He was an ex- lent choice to be the new associate cellent administrator and he did an ex- dean," said former associate dean Paul Hummer. "He has integrity, high stancellent job of managing the college." dards for the aca"Sometimes demic experience of when you come into 'We need to make sure we students, a sensitiva new position you ity to the needs of have to fix what has recruit the very best others, an abunbeen broken, but forstudents, be as supportive dance of energy, and tunately, Dr. Humas we can and nurture the experience and mer left us in good them while they are here. " wisdom to go with a shape." high level of intelliWith a new associate dean comes a new set of goals and gence." Miller said he believes studen ts aspirations for the college. Miller has a great challenge ahead of him, which he should be taken good care of from the first time they step into Agricultural plans to face head-on. Miller said he believes there is a Hall. st rong and positive spirit within "We need to make sure we recruit CASNR. The spirit of this college, he the very best students, be as supportive said, is h ealthy and also inspiring, and as we can and nurture them while they these are assets he wants to maintain . are here," Miller said. "We feel that we He also feels CASNR must keep up its have a responsibility to enable students

to find placement and to provide a strong linkage with employers. We want to facilitate that process." "Overall, the main goal is that we want to continue striving to provide a better quality of education."

Ed Miller

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lo e Right ER experiences do count. If a student has been a waitress, I think, 'She's worked in high-pressure situations and knows good customer service. She knows how to make people happy and defuse tensions; the same skills needed for a marketing representative," Weynand said. So give yourself credit-and don't by Janna Ouaring let your degree alone determine your Unless you intend to be an destiny. A major in economics didn't engineer, accountant or scientist, keep Sandra Day O'Connor off the U.S. your major is minor to most em- Supreme Court, and a degree in adverployers. Corporate recruiters may tising didn't hurt country-music star admire your proficiency in ana- Garth Brooks. If you develop a strategy, lyzing the genetic map of a spe- and are persistent and creative, you can cies, but they are more interested turn your education into an exciting job. First remember you come to college in your transferable skills, work experience and attitude accord- to learn how to think, not how to masing to agricultural career ser- ter a vocation; working with a team, conducting research, analyzing problems vices. Kenny Weynand, division and communicating effectively are skills aftermarket manager for the necessary for success in any profession. "The companies that interview at Dallas sales branch of John Deere, said stu- OSU hire good people, people who have dents shouldn't feel worked hard to develop skills, not mainsecure about jors. They are problem solvers and their credentials. people who have proven they know how "You've de- to learn. The recruiters look for the skills veloped mar- you've learned in and out of the classketable skills room," said Louann Waldner, director that apply in of career services in the OSU College of business, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Reand your sources. Recruiters ask about the field you've chosen as a way of getting to know you, not reject you. "Sometimes students' ideals and what they want to do change over time. We aren't going to hold you back just because of your area of study. We are more concerned that the job is a good fit for you. It costs so much to hire and train that it's counterproductive to hire

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Career Success Checklist Self-evaluate - Be able to articultate your objective Write a superb resume Have your resume critiqued by three people Register with CASNR Career Services Check out the Career Services Web site Investigate potential jobs Sharpen your interview skills

Attend CASNR Career Fair on October 20 Network - Tell everyone about your job objective

Looking to the Future... A distinguished few CASNR students get a jump on their future. by Kristi Manning The freshman year - a time for students to get adjusted classroom weekly to discuss issues in the biochemistry and to a new way of life. Being away from parents for the first medical fields and become acquainted with instructors and time. Adjusting to a life of no curfews and few rules. But other students. getting hands-on experience with Although the freshman scholars do cutting-edge research? not have specific projects, they do have the opportunity to work with upperclassmen That is exactly the case for some "It gave me an idea students in the Oklahoma State on their research projects. if that was really University College of Agricultural Brad Liston, biochemistry senior from Moore, Okla., said the experience was Sciences and Natural Resources. what I wanted to do beneficial in many ways. Through the freshman research scholar wh ile I was at program in the department of "It helped us because it not only Oklahoma State." biochemistry and molecular biology, kept us up on daily events about what was students get a jump start on their future. happening in our fields, but also helped us "The freshman research scholar to make up our minds fairly quickly about program pairs students with a mentor and our college career and to know if that's gets them into a laboratory their first year at OSU, usually their what we really wanted to do," Liston said. Nelson said the program offers many benefits to first semester," said Eldon C. Nelson, professor ofbiochemistry and molecular biology. participating students. In addition, students have the opportunity to meet in a "It does two things - it gives them an atmosphere that is

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· ·. •·400 award and is determin ed by a student's high school grade different from a teaching lab and they get right intq · int average and activities. real problem in biochemistry and molecular bi f!My biochemistry adviser, Dr. Nelson, talked w ith me "The other benefit is every once in aw find out this is not what they want." t the program when I made a visit as a senior in high "They get into a lab their first seme Liston said. "He looked at my high school resume, the rest of the committee made the decision to rather than waiting until they are seniors, this is an undergraduate research project scµolarship." can get into." mittee thought you would fit in the program at it, then they would grant you the award," Liston said the scholar program also classes he would face at OSU. "It helped me out in the way that instructors were wanting and what to look priorities. sin the college of ag," said. "It gave me an idea of what I wanted eld, and biochemistry Oklahoma State, ar,u:l.Jtfs<!ve me a better feel for the biochemistry rig}it the;e,iii\the beginning." ge of ag th at fulfills all the efinto medical school." Fifty stude~ts recei~i/\he OSU Freshman R For more in formation concerning the freshman research e Scholarship eac\Jear thrf ul h the office of the O president of resel:l.rch. The,1 si holarship is a non-continuing scholar program, contact Eldon C. Nelson at 405/744-6201. >



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Cowboy Journal .A. I I

by Misty Ambrose "Build-a-Bug" project to enMost ofus try to kill cock- ments and conditions. "At first, I was scared to courage students to attend roaches. However, many Oklahoma State University touch my cockroach, but now class. "You must entertain stustudents do just the opposite. I'm comfortable touching and They work hard to keep a pet feeding it," said Jo Lynn dents to hook the, ," said cockroach alive as part of the Enlow, agricultural communi- Pinkston. "I like trying offcurriculum of a unique ''bug" cations sophomore. the-wall stuff. I want the stu"However, dents to wonder, 'What will class. Entomology my roommate he do today?'" "I want the is still not sold Another highlight of,_the 2003, also known as "Insects and Soon the idea of class is the "Bug Bowl." Stustudents to ciety," is a class that a pet cock- dents form teams and compete wonder, 'What introduces students roach." in 3-squiz bowl of entomology will he do to the fascinating The stu- topics to win bonus points for today?"' world ofbugs. dents also par- class. This activity prepares It may not ticipate in a students for exams and ensound interesting to some "Build-a-Bug" project in ables them to learn and memopeople, but the class attracts a which they work with a group rize information in a fun way. The class provides three wide variety of students from to design a new species of indifferent majors and back- sect using supplies like hours of natural science credit Styrofoam balls and foil pa- without requiring a lab. Most grounds. Itis one of the most popu- per. This exercise encourages university science classes relar science classes the univer- students to work in groups to quire students to participate sity offers, probably because better understand the differ- in the learning process during time spent in a lab. The of the shock factor, said Ken ent body parts of an insect. Pinkston, OSU entomology "Build-a-Bug project was absence of a lab may attract professor and instructor of the really great because we got to some students to the course, meet newpeople from differ- Pinkston said. class. The students receive Throughout the semester, ent colleges," said ] amie students are involved in Liston, agricultural education knowledgeable experience in many hands-on assignments, sophomore. "This class is so dealing with bugs from caring diverse. It's a really neat for the cockroach to oral preincluding a "pet" project. Each student is given a change from ordinary sentations in class. Regardless of the Madagascar hissing cock- classwork." The class is also a big hit student's major, each student roach to adopt for three weeks. The students are responsible with students because of the enrolled in ENTO 2003 for keeping the cockroach professor. Pinkston uses un- leaves the class with a better alive and monitoring its re- usual teaching schemes like understanding of the wacky actions to different environ- the pet cockroach and the world ofbugs.


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Test-tube Calves Become Reality at OSU New research advances livestock production into the new millennium. by Laura Burch

How would you like to be able to guarantee your livestock will have the best production traits possible? This can happen with the help of a team of researchers consisting of veterinarians, professors and post-graduate trainees from Oklahoma State University. OSU is currently conducting research on in-vitro fertilization. This technique involves taking an ovicyte from a cow and fertilizing it with sperm in a laboratory. After fertilization, the embryo is either frozen or transplanted into another living cow. This research is relatively new to OSU. Although research began more than a year ago, most research has been completed in the last six months. In October 1998, the first embryos were produced. The first transfer into the recipient cow took place the next month. Currently, OSU has its first cow carrying a calf as a result of in-vitro fertilization. This research will benefit livestock production in many ways. Embryo screening will assist producers in determining a calf's gender, and research in animal genetics will help determine whether the embryo carries the genes in which the producer may be interested.

14 .&. Cowboy Journal

Gregor Morgan, doctor of veterinary medicine, said this type of research is important in Oklahoma. "Given the importance of cattle in this state, it is important we keep up on new technologies in animal production," Morgan said. "We can't let the rest of the world get ahead of us." Jerry Malayer, professor at the OSU School of Veterinary Medicine, said students and alumni should be interested in this topic, especially if they are involved in the cattle business. "Many of our students are coming from a cattle business, and their parents are paying for them to be here to aid in the research effort," Malayer said. "This also increases our research potential and keeps the faculty up to date in the different areas. If students are interested in participating directly in research it will enhance their experience at OSU." In-vitro fertilization research will affect producers, as they will be able to select desired traits at the embryo stage. Morgan said from a genetic selection standpoint, this research will make a huge impact. "Improvement in animal production comes through genetic selection,

and right now traditional means of identifying animal traits takes a long time," Morgan said. "In the future we will be able to identify what genes control many of the production traits in our domestic livestock. "The whole future of cattle is going to the molecular level." Cattle are not the only species that can benefit from in-vitro fertilization. Steps are being taken to include sheep, swine and even dogs into this research. "The other specie we've had a lot of people ask about, believe it or not, is the dog," Morgan said. "We also have some people on staff who are world-renowned swine researchers. I don't think it would take that much for us to move into swine, but we're going to concentrate on cattle first." The first in-vitro fertilization calf to be born at OSU is due inJune at the OSU dairy barn. Researchers said they are not sure what the coloring of the calf will be. "The egg came from a slaughter cow in Wichita, Kan., and the semen from Reproductive Enterprises in Stillwater," Morgan said. "Nonetheless, it's going to be a big day."

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FOR 'IHE OSU CASNR students get their motors runoing for a national competition. by Cindy Raith

The roar of engines drowns out the cheers and applause of the crowd. Exhaust fumes billow and a cloud of dust fills the air as the garden tractor with a mighty pwJ-, lunges its way to victory. Well,. it isn'ta typical form of stl.1dent competition, but when the dust and, ex, / haust fumes settle, a ere\}' bf Oklahoma State University biosystems and agricultural engineering majors intensely await the result of their latest competition. Revving up for its second year of competition, the OSU American Society of Agricultural Engineers chapter is preparing for the na tional quarter-scale tractor pull competition, May 22-23 in Moline, Ill. ASAE initiated the National Student Design Competition last year. Through designing a quarter-scale tractor, students are chal-

lenged to harness the power and torque of a specified stock engine in order to stage tractor pull using a promaximize performance in gressive sled. the tractor pull. The ASAE Web site in"Each team is given a dicates tp.atalthough the size 16-horsepower Briggs and and shape of Jp,e. quarterStratton motor and a set of scale tractor is similar to that Suiting up for a practice tires and is required to build of a typical law;n and garden run, Dustin Simmons prepares to drive the ASAE a /frame and tractor," said tractor, very tractor for a win. J ake !followay, fewpartswill biomechanical be used di- . optio;n junior. rectly from a students to be effective pro'When you make "Our one limitacom me rcial fessional engineers. a lot of noise, tion is that we ate machine. / The crew agrees they they stand up and supposed to leave The OS U t gkin practical experience and greet ya ." the engine comcrew obtains . develop skills in communicapletely stock, we all equipment · · tiC!p,1Je~dership, teamwork aren't allowed to and part~ ·• andfon~...ra~~ing:. mess with it." through do"Thebest. •xr~Y toJearn a According to the ASAE nations, and monetary dona- lot of this . ,sthff isjusito eiWeb site, the three main cattions are always accepted. perience it," Si111mori~ •.~ai9. ? egories in the competition . "We're getting a bro- "There 's no substitute fqi;.> are a written design report, pl).ui;e together to take to com- the experience. When yoU a team presentation and a parties for possible sponsor- can see how something performance competition. ships. We xrant to look pro- works or doesn't work you The performance competifessional artd show that we can apply that to future tion is comprised of a multi- have a purpose," said senior projects," Simmons said. team member Dustin Experience also pays off Simmons. in the competition itself. Last According to ASAE; pi;ie . . year, the team competed for of the primary concerns of( th~ first time, simply testing professionals in the industry/ /the wat~r. today is the lack of practical year we didna knowledge or design experi- know athing ;,and . ence with many engineering we learned a lot," Holloyray . students (of all majors) en- said. The team came home tering the workforce. The organization believes design last year ranked seventh competitions and projects are overall but concede they Going for a full pull, the quarter-scale tractor is tested at a local important keys to prepare competed without oral or tractor pull to practice for the national competition in Moline, nz. I 6 .._ Cowboy Journal

Below: It may look like a garden tractor on steroids, but you won't see it cutting any grass at the national competition. The tractor was built from the ground up to compete with other ASAE chapters from across the country.

Above: Complete dedication is required of team members to ensure victory at ASAE competitions. Dustin Simmons, Jake Holloway and Chad Fisher make any last minute changes before taking the tractor to competition.

written presentations. "That's where the rest of the club comes in - it's a total club effort," Holloway said. Other biosystems majors are involved with the competition by assisting with the non-mechanical

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houses for high school seniors. "The tractor attracts a lot of attention. When you makelotsofnoise,theystand upand gfeet t~:'' §;:t.i d egad

added. And the crew is just that - a family. Timeandtimeagain,the crew is reminded of what

r ami[actlffe, b1.1:Fd aR.d ! 1:i~eih~y:sAt tls~r::t n"Mdhy a fiianuf~ctu:tihg department cringes when design engineers simply throw their designs 'over the wall' and assume they can be easily manufactured. Through hands-on experience with numerous manufacturing processes, students will gain awareness of the capabilities and potential pitfalls in the de§ign for ma:p.ufactµrabiµty

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support. :A.nd this year the crew is ready to compete in all aspects of the competition with both a junior and senior team. "The senior team will consist of the crew that competed last year with a new tractor, and the juniors will have last year's tractor at their disposal," Simmons said.: "T~.~ oldtract9r is c9.R-

To help prepare for the big competition in the spring, the crew attends many local tractor pulls in the fall. These are usually only attended by individuals in the Oklahoma Garden Tractor Pullers Association. "Since we're the only college team that makes it put, tpey a,fe re;:il excited to

· ·v·~.•. .eJreI1':arp; · ·P.:Flry~cat1·.y.ill tth!:erh.·..·· ·s.rk :ibl'.hl:lig:s. . YVI I we learn in class and gain insight to what we are going to be faced with in the future," Simmons said. The future is indeed bright for the team whose hopes include becoming design or test engineers for John Deere or Caterpillar. And those companies have nothiB,g td f eani';;'he11they

stantlY .f Vblv~rig." \ ... {\ \> The tractor itself serves ks a g~eat public relitions \ device for the department, as it has been showcased at the annual Ag Roundup, Homecoming parade and open usandtlley take ~1ire of\ us," Sim.pious said, . ..· . "OKGTPA ch&nged its . rules to accommodate us as a family membership so we all wouldn't have to pay individual dues," Holloway

hi:re§OIUepp~wi!h!htsmuc:ti experience. A . Jr .· "Not onl.Y will students gain practical design experience by participating in this project, they will also obtain invaluable experience as they

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volved, Holloway offers advice. "Just ask - we accept all free labor."

Cowboy Journal .A. I 7

Cracking the Fat Content? OSU professors get the skinny on pecan fat removal. by Faren L. Revard

Do the words "healthy" and "pecan" go together? You bet they do. A team consisting of Oklahoma State University professors in the departments of horticulture and landscape architecture, nutritional sciences, and biosystems and agricultural engineering have found a way to reduce the fat in pecans and create healthy by-products as well.

IN THE BEGINNING Sue Knight, retired OSU nutritional sciences associate professor, said she and Marilyn Waters, a graduate research assistant, started the project as a study to produce lower fat content and extend shelf-life in pecans. They began by lowering the fat content using FDA-approved food-oil solvents. "We were able to get some of the fat out, up to 30 percent, if the kernels were

chopped, but only about 5 percent with whole pecan halves," Knight said. Knight said pecans are between 60 and 70 percent fat, with a large percentage monounsaturated. "Granted, it is a very healthy type of fat, and we need more monounsaturated fat in our diet. But manufacturers are worried about the fat level when stating it on the product nutritional label," Knight said. "We wanted to help market pecans for a calorie-concerned public." "Although our product was wellrated, there were lots of things about the equipment and procedures we were unhappy with. We were way beyond our capabilities, engineering wise. We needed help." Knight said the pecan product was well rated, but the researchers were unhappy with the available equipment and procedures.


TEAMWORK That is when a group of interdepartmental professors came together as a team. Niels Maness, professor of horticulture and landscape architecture, along with Gerald Brusewitz, professor ofbiosystems and agricultural engineering, stepped in to get the ball rolling. They began studying the use of a gas-underpressure type of extraction to obtain the lower-fat pecan. Brusewitz said this new way of oil extraction is a method developed by OSU to be used on food products. It is a highpressure process using supercritical carbon dioxide at levels of 4,200 pounds per square inch. How much oil can be removed from pecans? "About 30 to 40 percent of the pecan oil can be extracted by flowing the supercritical carbon dioxide through the pecans for a three-hour duration, " Maness said. The team project began as a study to find a way to extend the shelf-life of intact pecan halves. Pecans were chosen for the project because they go rancid quickly, only having a shelf-life of three to four months at room temperature. "We are still using good samples from our 1996 extraction, so we are not quite sure of the shelf life of the lowerfat pecan," Maness said. "So far, the shelf-life has proven to be over two years in duration."


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Gerald Brusewitz, Niels Maness and Sue Knight display lower-fat pecans and oil extraction equipment. I 8 ..._ Cowboy Journal

The lower-fat pecan is not the only product resulting from the oil-extraction process. "Pecan oil is a high-grade oil that can be used in a salad dressing," said Knight. "It also can be a good substitute for olive oil when cooking."

This type of food oil-extraction process has given manufacturers an incentive to come to Oklahoma. Knight said research is currently being done to develop a cake mix that has pecan oil already included. Once the low-fat cake is developed she will then try to produce it as a dry mix for easier manufacturing. Pecan oil is not only used as a food product. It has been proven to work as a nonfood product as well. "You wouldn't think pecan oil would make a very good profit, but you can make much more money using it as a wood stain than as a food source," Brusewitz said.

OKLAHOMA BENEFITS Now that the oil-extraction process has been proven using liquefied gas and supercritical carbon dioxide, manufacturers are beginning to look at production. "There is a company looking at putting a manufacturing plant in Oklahoma that will be able to extract oil not only from pecans, but from other food products as well," Brusewitz said.

"The type of food oil-extraction process used in this project has given manufacturers an incentive to come to Oklahoma," Maness said. Oklahomans will not only see a new company coming into the state, but they may also see the result of a similar process discovered long ago. "The actual process of using liquefied gas to extract oil was patented in Oklahoma by a local crude oil company," Maness said. Maness said although the process was patented long ago, no one considered using a process done on crude oil as a process to extract oil from foods for human consumption.

PROMOTING OIL-EXTRACTION The team is working on ways to help promote on-going oil-extraction research, by meeting with legislators, preparing pamphlets and producing a short documentary about the process and results. Maness said promotion is an on-go-

ing team process. He said a team approach is what has made the oil extraction project a success. One example of teamwork is the staff in the Department of Agriculture's marketing office, who helped market the lower-fat pecan to the public. Maness said the team hopes the continuation of research support will help increase the capability of marketing and producing the lower-fat pecan for retail sale by companies, such as the one coming to Oklahoma.

THE LOW-FAT CHOICE Oklahomans will soon have the choice of products containing lower-fat ingredients due to the oil-extraction process. This proves team effort can get the job done. So, when the holidays roll around and you find yourself in the store looking for those pecan pie ingredients, remember to look for the lower-fat pecan - any other pecan may not prove all it's cracked up to be.

Cowboy Journal ..&. I 9

Red, White and Green? Oklahoma wheat researchers study different varieties of wheat for the American economy. by Mandi Branstetter

Like the colors of the American flag, Oklahoma researchers hope to see red and white waving across the bread basket of the United States. Red and white varieties of wheat, that is. For years, Oklahoma has produced only hard red varieties of winter wheat, and a major reason for that is its tolerance to environmental conditions that prevent it from sprouting in the fields. Brett Carver, Oklahoma State University professor of plant and soil sciences, said a breeding program focused on genetic improvements in varieties of hard white winter wheat for Oklahoma started about five years ago. "A breeding effort is now being focused on white winter wheat. We are trying to produce it because of pressure from markets," Carver said. "Oklahoma

20 ..._ Cowboy Journal

needs to think about how agriculture in the wheat are destroyed, resulting in can be diversified within the state." a non-milling quality wheat and losses Domestic buyers want lighter-col- to growers. ored whole wheat products that are Jiming Wu, OSU graduate student sweeter in taste than the red wheats for from Nanjing, China, said the problem consumers who demand these qualities, with white wheat sprouting early exists particularly for making certain pasta in his home country. He said the wheat products such as noodles. can actually poison foods if the germiPatricia Rayas, OSU Food and Ag- nation rate is high enough. After studying at Nanjing Agriculricultural Products Research and Technology Center cereal chemist, said ture University, Wu worked with Carver polyphenolic compounds within wheat to develop a procedure to evaluate white provide its color and taste. wheat genotypes for the sprouting char"People can detect taste differences acteristic. "We compared germination procebetween the two wheats, and the white wheats are sweeter," she said. dures and chose the one which best preCarver agreed, saying the dark dicted sprouting tolerance in the field," wheat tastes somewhat bitter because of Wu said. Carver said their main objective is the same polyphenolic compounds. "An advantage of white wheat is the to give farmers the option to produce the compound is inherently removed so white variety in the event demand fewer sweeteners are added to makes it possible to do so on a regular basis. wheat products," he added. Kim Anderson, OSU Cooperative Another advantage of producing white winter wheat is the po- Extension agricultural economist, said tential for the United States to mar- no one knows what the demand for ket it to other countries. white wheat will be. "It can be used in producing dif"I don't perceive a strong market ferent types of oriental noodles for until researchers introduce varieties that countries such as China andJapan," are not susceptible to sprouting," AnderCarver said. "Other countries won 't son said. "If they can develop a variety use red wheat because they really that won't sprout, and we can produce prefer the white. The use of white a consistent supply of quality hard white wheat results in a more appealing wh eat, then there may be a switch from end product." the red variety." The wheat researchers and developRayas said the use of red wheat in noodle products ch anges the elas- ers said they have seen progress in the ticity, texture and color of the development of sprout-tolerant white 0 ] noodles. The result often is a batch wheat over the past few years. However, ~ of grayish-colored noodles that their hope is to see mass marketing of 0 _ยง could spoil the hungriest of appe- the fruits of their labor begin within the ~ tites. next two or three years. When that hap'"O ~ A major weakness of white pens then perhaps the waving of both wh eat, however, is its susceptibility red and white wheat will plant a little to sprouting while in the fields. Once green in the pockets of the American sprouting occurs, the germ and gluten farmer.


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Humble on His Pedestal

Truman and Marshall scholarships winner reflects on his accomplishment and prepares for the future. by Shayla Givens

Chris Stephens has reached a point in his life he never expected to reach. Stephens, an Oklahoma State University agricultural economics graduate from Chickasha has received two of the nation's most prestigious scholarships - the 1998 Harry S. Truman and the 1999 British Marshall scholarships. The Truman scholarship, developed in the 1970s, pays each recipient $30,000 in graduate school tuition. About 600 students apply each year and only 75 to 80 receive scholarships. The Marshall scholarship gives the recipient the opportunity to study in England for two years. Established in the 1950s, 40 students receive the scholarship out of 800 applicants annually. These two scholarships have placed Stephens on a pedestal above his expectations. However, he merely calls it luck. His "luck" is providing him with 22 ÂŁ. Cowboy Journal

the opportunities of a lifetime. Stephens said he started thinking about the Truman scholarship when he was still a senior at Chickasha High School. At that time, Wesley Holley, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources assistant dean, knew Stephens from his participation in public speaking contests and various activities through the National FFA Organization. Holley asked Stephens to contact him when he got to OSU to begin preparations for the scholarship process. Upon his arrival, Stephens took part in many campus activities and became a member of Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity. He said no one pushes him to succeed more than h e pushes himself. Stephens is pleased Holley and Bob Graalman, director of the office of scholar and development recognition, are involved in the process of student

scholar preparation. Stephens said the applications and interviews became a consuming process that developed into a craving. Because of his accomplishments, Stephens has been asked to help students prepare for their scholarship interviews. In October, Stephens w ill fly to London with other Marshall scholarship recipients to begin reaping the rewards of his accomplishments. H e hopes to study land economy, which is a combination of agricultural economics, environmental law, and water and land use policies. It takes one year to achieve a master's degree, but because of regulations, students can only receive one master's degree per school. Stephens will try to transfer to another school and get a second master's degree. "I am trying to prepare myself by looking on the Internet, and I have been talking on the phone to students from the U.S. who are already in England," Stephens said. While Stephens will spend the next two years in school, the different environment and society will provide him with somewhat of a two-year break. When he returns to the United States, he plans to use the money from the Truman scholarship to pay for law school. Stephens said he believes his peers and the people around him now look at him differently. "The standards people expect from me are a little intimidating, but the opportunity never loses its excitement." Stephens was caught a little off guard when asked what his parents would say about him. "I would hope they would say they were proud of my accomplishments, but that they were most proud of me for being the same old Chris I have always been, and that nothing has gone to my head, that I am still humble."

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Rinse, Repeat, Recycle Oklahoma farmers participate in nationwide recycling program. by Shelly Holland Rinse and repeat. No, these aren't the directions on a shampoo label. These are the instructions given to farmers who plan to recycle their pesticide containers. The Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension Service and Oklahoma Department of Agriculture sponsor a recycling program to help reduce the number of pesticide containers put in landfills and to help protect the environment. "Oklahoma is part of a nationwide recycling effort supported by the Agricultural Container Research Council," said Melinda Crockett, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension agent. In 1992, the ACRC began collecting and recycling many of the 35 million plastic containers used by farmers each year. The ACRC has worked with the Environmental Protection Agency, state environmental regulatory agencies, and

departments of agriculture and natural resources to develop proper rinsing and storage techniques and to provide this information to the public. The Oklahoma pesticide container recycling program began in 1996 with 12 one -day collections and 4,650 pounds of plastic containers collected. Each year the number of recycled containers has grown. "In two years we have more than doubled the pounds of containers collected," Crockett said. In 1998, the number of collection sites increased to include 26 sites across the state. Because of the additional sites, the pesticide container recycling program was able to increase the collection volume to 11,840 pou nds of recycled containers. Semi-permanent collection sites are planned across the state to increase these numbers even more.

Proper rinsing is the key to the recycling program, she said. Correctly rinsed containers are classified as clean, solid waste. Containers that have any residue left in them are considered hazardous waste and cannot be recycled. "Proper rinsing also benefits the farmer," saidJim Criswell, associate professor of entomology at OSU and extension pesticide coordinator. "By rinsing the container so that it drains into the spray tank, more of the product is used and less money is wasted." The ACRC contracts collectors to pick up, grind and transport the containers to recyclers. USAg Recycling from Houston, Texas, is the contractor for all Oklahoma collection sites. Education about pesticide container recycling will help everyone see that the instructions "rinse and repeat" make "cents."

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oughin' it in the Woods "Summer camp allows students to diversify and learn that not everybody thinks like Oklahomans." by Amy Hagebusch

Imagine it's five in the morning and erations and FOR 3013 - Silvics and land survey, wildland recreation manan Oklahoma State University student Field Silviculture. agement, professional ethics and forest has just finished packing the car. Armed "There are too many restraints in resource administration. with a road map and everything rang- the classroom, so we go "Students gain expeing from camping gear to the kitchen to the forest," Kuzmic rience in managing time sink, the student starts across the coun- said. "We let the forest be and resources, teamtry to meet a bunch of friends. Together, our teacher." work and leadership," they will live in the wilderness for nine The camp format is Kuzmic said. weeks. made up of lectures, Some forestry topics They are forestry majors participat- hands-on experiences, can not be taught as well ing in the OSU's Roving Summer Camp on-site visits, laboratory in the classroom as other program. The program is required for exercises and special proareas of forestry. forestry students before they begin tak- grams in a diversity of Therefore, the stuing upper-division classes. dents benefit by experiforestry topics. These Oklahoma State has held 50 sum- topics include: timber inencing a professional mer camps in 20 different states and one ventory, measurement of tree dimen- work environment in the woods, where foreign country since 1948, taking ad- sions, forest ecology, silvicultural prac- they work from eight in the morning to vantage of the distinctive forest resource tices, forest protection, forest soils, wa- five in the evening. settings, activities, operations and issues tershed management, wildlife habitat "Students change positively during in each camp region. management, timber harvesting, wood camp," Kuzmic said. "They develop an "OSU takes advantage of the wide products manufacture, mapping and eagerness for learning." range of forest regions across the country," said Thomas Kuzmic, associate professor and summer camp director. He takes the students outside the midsouth region, in which Oklahoma is located, to further educate the students in the diversity of forestry resources and practices. The camp program is comprised of four required forestry upper-division classes: FOR 3001 Multiple Use and Values of Forest Re sources, FOR 3003 Forest Mensuration II, FOR 3011 - Logging and Milling OpStudents conduct a timber inventory exercise during the 1995 camp in Pingree Park, near Rustic, Colo.

'We let the forest be our teacher."

28 A Cowboy Journal

Exposed to more than trees as a part of the summer camp, students measure water flow during the 1997 camp at Cloquet Forestry Center in Minnesota.

Jennifer Bovee, a junior from Hamden, Conn., went to camp in 1998 at Pingree Park, Colo. Bovee said she learned how to cruise timber, which is sampling a given tract of land to determine total wood volume. "I was on a crew of three that cruised 75 acres a day," she said. Summer camp is an exercise in living in a professional environment consisting of fieldwork, study and recreational activities. "Summer camp allows students to diversify and learn that not everybody thinks like Oklahomans," Kuzmic said. Dillion Curran, a senior from Enid, Okla., went to camp at Cloquet, Minn., in 1997. "Growing up in Oklahoma, you don't often get to see how an economy relies on timber," he said. Students usually have weekends off to use as recreational time, therefore Kuzmic encourages them to go camping, hiking, fishing and exploring. Bovee said her greatest camp experience occurred when the professors took them hiking over two 12,000-foot mountains. Kuzmic said Oklahoma State runs one of the most cost-efficient summer camps in the nation, because the university does not own a camp facility that must be staffed and maintained. Every year the forestry department takes stu-

dents to a different camp location, giving the camp its name, roving summer camp. "Traveling to different summer camp locations helps to enrich the faculty," he said. "It allows professors to cite unique case studies from the field." Most of the forestry faculty have been to camp at least once; however, budget demands have reduced faculty involvement. Kuzmic said in previous years, four professors taught the courses

at camp, but this year, a fifth will be added. Student costs receive great consideration when planning and scheduling camp locations. Students must pay a "camp fee" that covers lodging, meals, operational costs, transportation and certain supplies. Last year's camp fee was $1,293. Students also must enroll in eight hours of upper-division classes, bpy the required textbooks, and provide their own way to and from camp. Curran said living in the forestry environment for nine weeks was for him the best experience of the camp something no summer job could offer. "Cost was not a big deal," said Nathan Johnrow, a junior from Enid, Okla., who also camped at Cloquet in 1997. "When you start out in the program, you know you have to go through camp and prepare for it." Ten years later, a couple of OSU alums have finished packing the car for a family vacation. With a road map in the glove box and the kids buckled in, they take off once again for Pingree Park. As they back out of the driveway, mom and dad begin telling the stories of OSU's Roving Forestry Summer Camp at Pingree Park, and mom was running a chainsaw - dropping trees right along with the guys.

Harvesting is as much a part of forestry as maintaining trees. Students observe industrial logging during the 1991 camp at the Cloquet Forestry Center in Minnesota.

Cowboy Journal A 29



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