Cowboy Journal v2n1

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3rd Yr. l.EVEL I: National funior Show

any year

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l.EVEL II/: State Fair 4-H aru/ FFA funior Shows

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LINEI IV: State funior Field Day and Countv [unior Sbou~

$500 $ 250

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1999 Central District Champion. Arkansas


Aimee Woulfe Editor

Shannon Borders Assistant Editor

Melissa Dick Gary Grimmett Graphics Editors

Stephanie Greenlee Web Editor

John Haley Photo Editor

Melinda Tharp Circulation Coordinator The Cowboy journal staff: (back row from left) Amy Higdon, Theresa Mathews,Jennifer Hill, JulieCox, (from row) Shannon Borders,Jennifer Simonson, Melinda Tharp, Aimee Woulfe, Stephanie Greenlee, Melissa Dick, Gary Grimmett and John Haley.

Amy Higdon Theresa Mathews Sponsorship Coordinators

Julie Cox Jennifer Hill Jennifer Simonson

A note from the editor. .. The completion of the century brought forth a realization that what we did in the past affects today and what we do today will affect tomorrow. With the knowledge we have gained from past experiences, we plant our seeds for the future. This issue of the Cowboy journal, with the influence of our adviser and friend, is proof of the excellence that lies within the College ofAgricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. In the past three months, we have watered with words, cultivated with editing, and fertilized with trial-and-error. Through our hard work and dedication we, just as a flower, have grown. Now we reflect with great pride and say "It's done!" knowing that we have planted seeds for tomorrow.


Shelly Peper Sitton Managing Editor

Elizabeth Whitfield Support Staff

Limousin World Oklahoma Farm Bureau Quebecor Printing


Founding Sponsors

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Advising ... the CASNR way

Now that's high-quality H 2 0

Different is better

Students test water quality


10 -

Peanuts and prestige OSU student organization works hard


12 -

Service + Learning




16 -

Firing up a new tradition

Real-world experiences in agriculture

A future of orange and black




Silent determination

Grow a green thumb

Assignment: Honduras

Student unknowingly gains respect

Oklahoma Proven lends helping hand

Forestry students travel abroad


- 24 -

20 -

Get an edge with experience

The next best thing since jelly

Gain knowledge through internships

Peanut butter slices its way to store shelves


28 -

Man's best friend eating royally New treats for man's best friend

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0ne-stop shopping for students

Bringing the barnyard indoors

New addition serves students

Modern technology in the classroom

On the Cover... Casey Cain, horticulture and landscape architecture sophomore, helps Jacob Sitton, age 3, care for one of the plants at the Oklahoma Botanical Garden and Arboretum. As the Oklahoma Proven program helps people select plants, Oklahoma State University helps students and others prove excellence in everything they do. Now, in the new millennium, OSU will pass this excellence on to the next generation of students. (Cover photo by Todd Johnson)

Proven Excellence ... Planting seeds for tomorrow

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Oklahoma State University, in compliance with Title V I and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended , Tide IX of th e Educational Amendments of 19 72 , Americans with D isabilities Act of 1990, and othe r federal laws and regulations , does nor discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disabi lity, or status as a veteran in and of its policies, practices o r procedures. This includes but is not limited co admissions, employment , financial aid , and educational services. This publ ication is printed and issued two times a year by agricultural communications seniors in rhe College of Agricu ltural Sciences and Natural Resources and has been prepared and distributed at no cost to the taxpayers of Oklahoma.



Advising • You haven't had an adviser until you've had an adviser in the College of Agriculcural Sciences and Natural Resources. Is chis statement showing coo much pride? Perhaps, but lee's look at the many things advisers do co help CASNR students, and you can decide for yourself. Advising is done differently in CASNR. For starters, each CASNR student is assigned an adviser in his or her major at the beginning of the student's freshman year. In ocher colleges, students aren't assigned advisers in their major until their junior year. A student having only one adviser during his or her whole academic career helps build comfortable relationships between advisers and their students, said E.C. Nelson, adviser and professor in biochemistry and molecular biology. "All colleges of agriculture in the United States have the same general philosophy," said CASNR assistant dean Wes Holley. "Advisers feel they have a responsibility co provide for their students." This means advisers want'CO help the students understand they have someone on their side. CASNR advisers work hard co encourage and motivate students co do the best they are capable of doing, Holley said. Students obviously appreciate chis extra effort from advisers co help chem improve as students and as people. Every year, the Agriculcural Ambassadors organization recognizes the outstanding adviser in the college based on student nominations. The students pick up applications in 136 Ag Hall. The application is short and reflects the students' opinion of their adviser and how the adviser has helped them in

• •

the CASNR way

nanan. Then she asked Nelson where he their academic endeavors. Nelson received the 1999 award, hav- wanted co be in 10 years. Nelson said with a ing been nominated by advisee Regina Rowe, laugh, "I just want co be! " "] use being" for advisers consists of much biochemistry and molecular biology junior. "Dr. Nelson is so good with students. more than most students realize. In addition We can always count on him for help with co advising students, faculty advisers teach our classes or even with our personal lives," courses, conduct research and work with the Oklahoma CoopRowe said. erative Extension "He always Advisers feel they have a responsibility Service. Even has a joke though chis makes and a way to provide for their students. for a busy schedco make Wes Hollry ule, CASNR advisyo u smile. He's one of CASNR assistant dean ers always make time for their che happiadvisees. est people "CASNR advisers have many advisees, but I've ever met. He's a great recruiter, which has resulted in a big increase in our department's chat doesn't have an effect on how they care enrollment. Dr. Nelson is a good example of for their students," Holley said. "Whether they have eight or 125 advisees, they do what how ag advisers are different. " Nelson, along with the other CASNR needs to be done, and they do it without a advisers, has an open-door policy and also complaint." So, as you can see, advising in CASNR is lees students know they can make an appointdifferent. CASNR has outstanding advisers, ment with him any time. "Communication between the students but all coo often, these advisers gee overlooked. So, take a second or two co look at your adviser and me is very important," Nelson said. Nelson said his job is co listen co the stu- and all he or she has done for you. When you dents and help chem achieve their ultimate do, you will probably agree: you haven't had goals, whether in his department or someone an adviser until you've had a CASNR adviser! else's. He likes co sic and talk with students By Melinda Tharp of Walters. Oklahoma about their career goals. He asks chem what they wane to be when they get caller, because he knows they are already "grown-up." In one of his conversations, he asked a student where she wanted to be in 10 years. The student said she wanted to be a veceri-


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Students test water Qualifr at Lake Carl Blackwell

Now that's high-QUali!)t H20 As the wind chill begins to bite, a group of students heads west toward Lake Carl Blackwell. It is not the Oklahoma State Polar Bear Club, but the OSU Environmental Science Club, and they have come to watch the water. Water Watch sounds a little bland on first reference, but the students who participate in this project do far more than what the name implies. According to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board, the waters in this state are important commodities, and constant surveillance is needed to ensure both the beauty and the quality of those waters. Since there is a great amount of water in Oklahoma, keeping an eye on the water is a difficult task. To deal with this problem the Water Resources Board created Water Watch, a program designed to help the OWRB accumulate data to give water resources the proper supervision and protection they need. The Oklahoma Water Resources Board laid out several goals for the program. It's designed to collect data, identify potential problems, map trends in water quality, promote citizen participation and educate the public on aspects of water resources.

David Lewis, Environmental Science Club adviser, said the Water Watch program at OSU is a service project run by the students. It is all voluntary, and the students who participate must be certified to conduct tests. There are also specific dates and times when these tests must be done. These times cannot be altered, so rain or shine there is someone doing the work. "The Water Watch program offers volunteers from the Environmental Science Club an opportunity to develop the skills associated with the measurement of water quality," Lewis said. "The schedule of regular measurements also provides an opportunity for the student volunteers to interpret the results of their measurements." To monitor the water quality consistently, the students return to the same dock once a month to collect samples and run tests. They begin by filling a bucket with water. They take samples from this bucket to test such things as pH and sediment

content. All of this is recorded and sent to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board for analysis. This allows students to consistently monitor the water quality and detect any potential problems that might arise. Ifsomething is wrong with the water, it is

Above: Aubrey Eastman, Environmental Science Club p resident, examines a water sample taken from Lake Carl Blackwell. Left: Robyn Toepfer (left), M ichael Van Wagner, Brooke Mathis, Aubrey Eastman, Randy Davis, A ndrew Welch, Alaina Thomas and Kristin Dennisperform various tests to determine the water quality ofLake Carl Blackwell.

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red-flagged. When this occurs, warnings are baseline, so if there is a variance, it lets them issued and signs are put up to inform visitors know that something is wrong," said Welch. "We are doing this to help our environthere is a problem with the water. Aubrey Eastman, Environmental Science ment and our community," said Eastman. Club president, said there has not been a red Water Watch gives students the chance to experience what flag incident it would be like to since the Wawork in a particuter Watch We are doing this to help our lar field. program was "This is what implemented environment and our communi~. at Lake Carl most of us will Aubrty Eastman be doing after Blackwell. Andrew Environmental Science Club president school," Eastman Welch, envisaid. "It gives us an ronmental sciopportunity to ence sen 10r, start early and said the club is offering a service to all who like gives us a chance to see how a body of water to enjoy the water by giving much-needed changes over time." attention to a body of water that might other"It gives us valuable field work experience while we're still in college," said Welch. wise be overlooked. "We give the Water Resources Board a Before conducting tests, the students in-


volved must be certified. They are required to take part in a training course offered by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board. They must then pass a written exam to be certified for one year, Eastman said. Once they actually arrive on the scene, it doesn't take the students long to get down to business. "The testing usually takes anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour," Eastman said. "If it's cold outside, we don't visit as much and finish faster." It may not be glamourous, and at times it's even miserable, but next time you're taking the plunge with your polar bear friends, remember there are people who care enough to make sure it's safe to swim in the water.

By Gary Grimmett of Seneca, Missouri

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OSU student organization works hard

Peanuts and prestige Imagine selling a product that doesn't even exist and possibly getting a job because of it. That's exactly what the members of the Oklahoma State University chapter of the National Agri-Marketing Association hopes to do for the year 2000 competition and conference April 12-14. "NAMA has a national conference every year where each chapter can submit a marketing proposal for a real or made up product that is a product of agriculture or sold to farms," said Dan Tilley, agricultural economics professor and adviser for OSU's NAMA chapter. NAMA membership includes college students and business professionals from agricultural firms across the country. There are chapters at many of the major agricultural schools throughout the United States. Patrick Kelly, agricultural economics junior, is the 1999-2000 OSU chapter president. "We usually have 18 people on the (marketing) team and six to eight presenting people, but most of us do a lot ofbehind-thescenes work doing research and checking facts," Kelly said. Tilley said NAMA is very versatile for any agriculture major, because it incorporates aspects from all academic areas. "Anyone can be on the team or in rhe group. In fact, we want more people from other majors for more diversity," said OSU agricultural economics professor Robert Oehrtman. The team consists of students from several departments, including agricultural economics, animal science and agricultural communications. The teams spend many long hours and work late nights preparing for the contest. The main point of the national conference is for students to network with agricultural corporations. It is mainly a job fair with a contest thrown in for fun and the prestige of wmmng. "I like to reach the educational objective, bur it's nice to win, too," Tilley said. The schools create a ream of five to eight people for the oral presentations. All ream members have to speak for part of the oral presentation, and the team draws up a written proposal of their product. The student teams write proposals which


.6. Cowboy Journal

are no more than 15 pages in length. Oral until the fall semester ends. Then we meet presentations must be 20 minutes long, and once a week, and then it's Monday through the teams submit a summary of five pages Friday for about two hours each night to get the written plan finished. After that, we work maximum. "Ifir's over five pages, no one will read it on the oral presentation until the conference." anyway, just like in the business world," Tilley Like many other student organizations, said. "Nobody likes reading lots of informa- NAMA really can help students get their foot in the door for future jobs. Contacts are made tion when a summary will do." The presentations include any multime- at the conference which benefit student members. Professionals are members ofNAMA also, dia methods the students want to use. At previous conand they get to know the student members. ferences, Oehrtman Members of said he has seen It real[y gives an excellent NAMA have access to everything from opportuni~ for networking. PowerPoint to simple an opportunity base poster board charts. Heather Hoff because of being a member. Even if a stuEverything that is OSU alumna dent has never met a used in the presentaprofessional member, tion must be part of the written proposal. the NAMA name has pull on a resume. The proposals are submitted several weeks "It is one of the few ways for students to before the conference so that executives from get involved with real companies," said Heather Hoff, a former OSU NAMA coach several different businesses can judge them. The field of competitors is then reduced and alumnae. Hoff now works as the marketbased on the score received for the written pro- ing manager of performance horse products posal. The teams with the highest scores are with the Farnam Corporation. "It stands out to people who have previinvited to present at the conference. At the conference, the presentations are ous expertise with NAMA. It really gives an scored, and the highest scores go to the next excellent opportunity for networking in the round. This process continues until the pre- agriculture business world," said Hoff. If a student is applying for a job with a senting schools are "whittled down" to 12 and then to four. Those four teams are ranked in NAMA professional, the professional will see the NAMA name and know this student has first through fourth places. "The conference must be held in a huge experience. As a result, the professional will place because the conference has about 400 probably place the resume in the "Keep Pile" corporate people and almost twice as many and not the "Round File," said Oehrtman. students," Oehrtman said. 'The experience of creating a marketing "The facility must also have lots of rooms plan like this is a skill many people don't get, for giving the group presentations. Next year's and it can help you later in a job environconference will be really good because it will ment," Oehrrman said. The marketing project may not be a walk be in Kansas City, and NAMA is based out of Kansas City. More people should be there be- in the park, but the payoff could make it all cause of the location." worthwhile in the long run. People may think As the days tick by and the conference it is working for peanuts or nothing at all, but comes closer, the amount of time the NAMA they can get prestige to use later in life. For more information aboutjoining NAMA, members spend on their project increases. "We watch videos of the previous top contact Dan Tilley at (405) 744-6156 Or write four groups for practice and to see what works to: National Agri-M arketing Association, 1102 0 and what doesn't," Kelly said. "We get the vid- King Street, Suite 205, Overland Park, KS 662 JO eos from the association, and we watch them a lot while we prepare. By john Haley of Burleson, Texas "At first we meet about twice a month

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Real-world expericences in agriculture

Service + Learning Watching the second hand inch around the clock has become a frequent pastime of many students. Don't you wish the lectures you have to endure had some real-world excitement? Service learning may be the answer. Service learning provides an opportunity for students to get involved in their community and gain real-world experience. Service learning is a method that allows teachers to incorporate community service into the academic process. The experience is designed to benefit both students and the commumty. Through service learning, students gain as much as they give. Students apply academic, critical thinking, problem-solving and communication skills. They also gain a better understanding of diversity and politics in society. The College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources has several classes that incorporate service learning. The classes deal with a variety of situations and range from a

Andrew Cousins presents his proposed model for the "Children's Garden in which to Learn and Grow. "

12 .& Cowboy Journal


children's garden to working with the swine industry.

Children 's garden in which to learn and grow Having fifrh-graders for bosses became a reality for some OSU students when they enrolled in Landscape Architecture Design I. "Children's Garden in which to Learn and Grow" was the service learning project implemented by the department of horticulture and landscape architecture. The idea was a combined effort of David Hillock, Matthew Kirkwood, Douglas Needham and Brenda Sanders. The purpose of this project was to create a prototype through which elementary teachers could develop a teaching garden at their schools, said Needham. OSU students designed a survey and slide show, which were presented to fifrh graders and their teachers around the state. From the data collected, each OSU student created a model of the garden. The

Credit collaboration of all the OSU students made up the final plans for the children's gardens. "The children's garden project was a practical experience for OSU students as well as an educational experience for fifth graders and their teachers, " said Douglas Needham, associate professor of floriculture. The garden was installed at the Oklahoma Gardening Studio Garden of the Oklahoma Botanical Garden and Arboretum and will be an on-going learning site for years to come. For more information visit the "Children's Garden in which to Learn and Grow" link at

Leadership skills for agricultural organizations Practical application ofleadership skills was the main focus when Bill Weeks, agricultural education professor, wrote the proposal for his service learning project. AGED 3303 is designed to develop students'

leadership skills and teach chem to use these skills when working with people and organizations. "This class allowed me to understand leadership and helped me develop excellent leadership skills," said Jennifer Bridges, agricultural education student. During the first halfof the semester, Weeks teaches leadership styles and behaviors. During the second half, students select a student organization outside the college. The students act as "organization consultants" and work to improve the campus organization. Students obtain the opportunity to see leadership principles in action.

Swine industry and the community Conrad Lyford, assistant professor, agricultural economics, allowed students to be liaisons for the swine industry and the

community in his agricultural business management class. The students studied the effect of the swine industry on the environment and community, worked to reduce the impact and helped to promote community involvement. Students worked in conjunction with the Oklahoma Pork Council, visited swine farms and interacted with the community. "Students didn't realize what the industry was actually doing to help prevent pollution," said Lyford. The students worked in teams to propose alternatives and solutions to the environmental problems, and the best proposals were selected and combined into one final proposal. "The agribusiness management class showed me the importance of working on a team and allowed me to use critical chinking skills in a real-world situation," said Becky

Oblein, agricultural business student. ''Actually working in an industry setting is realworld experience which the students will never forget." By Theresa Mathews of Boyce. Louisiana

Questions Concerning Service Learning? Service Learning Office 415 Willard Hall Stillwater, OK 74078 (405) 744-3279

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[""] Cowboy Journal ..&. 13


OSU student unknowingfy gains respect

Silent determination 'Tm pretty independent and do what I want to do. " This is a bold statement for anyone to make, but imagine moving 1,200 miles away from home, entering a university without knowing anyone and being deaf. Steve Williams, animal science junior from Columbus, Mont., was born without the ability to hear and is considered profoundly deaf. He transferred to Oklahoma State University in August 1998 from Northwest College in Powell, Wyo. There is no family history of deafness, and Steve's family really does not know why he was born without hearing. Nevertheless, Steve is an active student at

osu. "He's awesome to work with, " said Brad Morgan, animal science professor and Steve's adviser. "He works harder than anyone I've ever seen." Growing up and working on his family's bull test station, Steve knew he wanted to have an opportunity to work in an agricultural field. He chose a food industry option because the industry is continually changing. How does Steve get along in class? Easy. Not only can he read lips, but he has interpreters who sign lectures for him. He also borrows notes from other students, which is how he met his wife, Lindsay, an agricultural economics and agricultural communications senior from Powell, Wyo. But it was not exactly love at first sight.

On the first day of class she spoke to "Hopefully, I will get a job where I can bring him, but because he was not looking at her the beef industry closer together to work for a consistent product, which is a tough issue to he did not respond. After class had started, his interpreter correct. Eventually, afrer gaining experience, showed up five minutes late and that is when the option for me to return home is still there she realized he was deaf. to take over the family feedlot. " "I felt so bad chat I volunteered to take Not only is Steve busy with school work notes for him," Lindsay said. Shortly afrer, and extracurricular activities such as Block and they started dating and got married July 10, Bridle, but he also is working out for the 2000 1999. It took her only OSU Intercollegiate Meat J udgtwo months to learn ing Team. I don't let being deaf Kent Reed, animal science sign language fluently. junior, is one of Steve's teamSteve said the challenge me. major reason he came mates. Steve Williams to Oklahoma State "At first, I had a hard time University is because animal science junior understanding him, but the the university has one more I am around him, the easier he is to understand," said Reed. of the top agricultural "Steve is really a lot of fun to be around." programs in the nation. "The university has more challenging Currently, there are about 15 "hard-ofclasses and a wider range of courses from hearing students" on the OSU campus. Of which to choose. The faculty members are those, there are three deaf students who need outstanding and have lots of experience in sign language interpreters, said Mike Shuttic, their respective fields," Steve said. disability coordinator for the student disabilSteve is leaning toward an animal sci- ity services office. ence master's degree with an emphasis in ruThe student disability services office asminant nutrition and meats. He said learning sists students by providing sign language inthe beefindustry from one end to the other is terpreters, note takers, overhead copies, capimportant because numerous steps occur be- tioned videos and other equipment when fore the steak is placed in front of the con- needed. sumer. And because of chis, Steve said, nutriCharlotte Ker (pictured below) , one of tion plays a big role in quality. Steve's interpreters, has been interpreting for "There are so many things I want to look 13 years. She is contracted by OSU through into before I decide my future," Steve said. the Tulsa Speech and Hearing Association. "I enjoy working with Steve. He is easy to work for and makes my job easier. " Because Steve is an animal science major, Charlotte said, she has never interpreted such different content in her life. "Now I can pick out good beef products in the grocery store, and my family is loving it!" Charlotte said. Attitude is everything when it comes to Steve because he has a positive attitude when looking toward his future. "I don't let being deaf challenge me," Steve said. "I could look at it two ways - don't think about it and accept it or think about it and feel sorry for myself. I chose the first way." By Amy Higdon of Fletcher. Oklahoma Photo (opposite page) by John Haley

I 4 ..&. Cowbov Journc1l



OSU students experience a future of orange and black

Firing up a new tradition Oklahoma State University students can get fired up about OSU traditions by attending Camp Cowboy. Through the hard work of a few OSU students and one faculty member, the new tradition of Camp Cowboy, located at OSU's Camp Redlands, is in full operation after several years of planning. "Since I came to OSU in 1980, I have thought we needed to do something like chis," said Ron Beer, vice president of student affairs. Beer said he had hopes of bringing new students to the camp for several days of positive and constructive training on what to expect in college life. Over time, chis idea was placed on the back burner. A couple ofyears ago, Beer mentioned the idea again, sparking the interest of a couple ofstudents. These students, Misty Ambrose, recent agricultural communications graduate, and Kyndra Littrell, marketing junior, visited a site similar to what was in mind for Camp Cowboy Texas A&M University's Fish Camp, located in College Station, Texas. Ambrose and Littrell presented the camp proposal to Jeremy Welter, former OSU student government president. In the meantime, Beer did the same among his colleagues. And as they say, the rest is history. Beer's office approved a $2,000 donation, seeding a pilot program for summer 1999. The idea of a freshman camp caught on, leading to tremendous support and donations from alumni, the university, campus organizations and the community. Additional funding was derived from the $95 camp registration fee, which covered room, board and activities. Food was brought in from a combination of the Student Union, residential life and local restaurants. In total, the first Camp Cowboy was a $50,000 project, including funding for renovations such as attic fans and heating installation in the cabins, new lighting and new bunk beds. "Over time, we hope to complete about $6 million in renovations at Camp Redlands, and hopefully $2.5 million by next season, depending on funding," Beer said. 'The goals are to construct a sort of pole barn for activities and meetings to provide protection from weather,

I 6 _. Cowboy Journal

to install air conditioning, restrooms and showers in each cabin, and to add six new cabins." Beer and a committee of students mailed announcements to incoming freshmen, while a screening process for Camp Cowboy's peer counselors began. Counselors attended training sessions on a weekly basis throughout the 1999 spring semester. Faculty members were invited to serve on a panel, allowing students to ask questions. Volunteers known as "wranglers" also assisted with technical work such as prop setup for skits. "Two sessions were initially scheduled, each hosting 100 students. However, because of the overwhelming response, coordinaWe hope to complete tors added a third session and about $6 million in not one srudent was turned away," Beer said. Students arrenovations. rived to a schedule loaded with Ron Beer workshops, activities, OSU traOSU vice president ditions and questions - many questions! "The underlying theme for the camp was to ease the transition from high school to college," said Mahlon Hunt, OSU agricultural communications graduate and co-executive director fo r Camp Cowboy 1999. "We wanted to he! p students realize they each are leaders and can have an enjoyable college experience if they make the right choices." One activity emphasizing self-confidence was the ropes course located at Camp Redlands. "Some students did not want to participate at first, but by the end, they successfully completed the course. T his gave students a sense of self-reliance chat they could do something now they did not chink they could do before they came here," Beer said. Natalie Leach, biochemistry/pre-veterinary freshman, said she particularly enjoyed the ropes course and the dance.

Leach said Camp Cowboy was a great way to drop in and meet new people and learn hymns of her future alma mater, a major point of training during camp. Dustin Bowen, agricultural economics freshman, said he enjoyed meeting new people. H e said it eased the overwhelming transition from high school to college. "I am more comfortable knowing I can recognize some faces on campus right off, " Bowen said. "I am still friends with people I met at Camp Cowboy." Although the inaugural Camp Cowboy went smoothly, Beer said there would be some changes for next year. "Because chis is such a large responsibility, we are planning to increase the executive committee from last summer's three to six or eight," he said. "We also plan to expand the number of camp sessions from three to maybe six or 10, and cry to tie each with the students' fall enrollment." Attending students shared their ideas and suggestions as well. Bowen said he would like to see more time-management workshops. "My fosc semester at OSU was fairly calm, but still busier than I expected," he said . "They need to tie in more about what you can have done before the semester starts, such as obtaining ioNET service." Leach said she would like to hear more motivational speakers and

have more question-and-answer time. "Overall, I chink chis was a great experience," H un t said. "It was phenomenal to be involved with chis for the first time. T here was a lot oflearning going on, not only by the new students but by us, which will p rovide for an even better and smoother time next year." So gee fi red up about OSU's latest tradition, Camp Cowboy. For more information, contact the campus life center located in 060 Student Union, call (405) 744-5488 or check out the Camp Cowboy Web site at!Campus_Life!camp_cowboy/index.html

By Stephanie Greenlee of Tecumseh, Oklahoma

OSU's Camp Redlands ... a historical marker in time OSU's Camp Redlands was establish ed by the C ivilian Conservation Corps during the G reat D epression, housing 12 cartages and a lodge. O ver the years, it was abandoned and neglected. T he OSU president's office turned the abandoned camp over to the office of student affairs upon the request of Ron Beer. T he camp was cleaned up, and bathhouses and a ropes course were built. Since then, th e facilities have been used fo r leadersh ip trai ning for vario us organizatio ns such as Boy and Girl Scou ts of America and 4-H groups. It is even used as a drug-rehabilitation site.

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Cowboy Journal •


Grow a GPeen Thumb lends •


consumers a helpin

Arboretum, and Oklahoma's horticultural industry. Evaluation and marketing are the program's key parts. Mike Schnelle, OSU professor ofornamental horticulture and Oklahoma Proven evaluation coordinator, said Oklahoma Proven combines the academic and industry sectors. "Oklahoma Proven will contribute to the green iRdosU)iwhile-enriching the plant palette

demand. Because of the lengthy testing, evaluation and production process, current selections are being chosen based on industry recommendations and commercial availability. The inaugural Oklahoma Proven selections included Purple Fountain Grass, Powis Castle Artemisia, Chinese Pistache and Oak-leaf Hydrangea. Lou Anella, OSU assistant professor ofornamental horticulture and marketing coordinator for Oklahoma Proven, said many consumers are not aware ofexisting plants that are well suited for Oklahoma garden~. "For the first few years, good plants not commonly known to the public will be recogni7.edas Oklahoma Proven winners,"~ella said. "Ho~r, the petemial deists for introducini ts to O~ma gardeners with Old#" ~~re~'~ ,



newest recommendations. Through the Oklahoma Gardening television program and radio and print outlets, Oklahoma Proven will reach audiences and entice consumers into greenhouses and gardens. With a grant from the Oklahoma Department ofAgriculture, color posters promoting the year's selections will be mailed to more than 400 Oklahoma nurseries. Selling Oklahoma Proven plant tags and pot stakes to retail and wholesale businesses will generate additional promotion and revenue for the program. Joyce Meyer, owner of Oasis Garden & Gift Shop in Stillwater, has an Oklahoma Proven poster displayed in her store and plans to promote its selections each year. "Oklahoma Proven is a great idea. A lot of gardeners don't know where to start, so having advice from someone who has tried several varieties will be very helpful," Meyer said.

Not having a green thumb is no longer an excuse. Thanks to 路 OSU's department of horticultureand landscape architecture'; gardening can be a green experience fur all. For more information concerning Oklahoma Proven plants,. please contact yort,r local nursery, greenhouse or garden store. For information about the Oklahoma Proven program, contact LouAnella, (405) 744-6593.

B_y Jennifer Hfl/ of Kingfisher, Oklahoma Phot9 by Todd Johnson ofSt/I/water, OklahOilta 路


CASNR students gain knowledge through internships

Get the edge with experience The competition is fierce and it's a jungle out there. With the increasing competition in the current job market, employers are looking for individuals who can give their organizations the edge. They wane individuals with an education and experience. Bue how can you gee experience when you're too busy worrying about AGEC 1114 or ANSI 3443? The answer? Get an internship. What is an internship? It is an opportunity for a student to gain supervised, practical experience in a professional field. Now, to put chat in more interesting terms, it's a way to get your foot in the door and earn college credit. Internships offer ocher opportunities for students too, such as helping chem choose courses best suited for their careers and providing nerworking opportunities. Louann Waldner, director of career services for the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, said an internship can be the "light at the end of the tunnel" for many students. She said internships give students confidence and practice at being in the "real-world" and motivate cherri to come back to school. "Internships provide students an opportunity to learn about specific businesses or industries before making a career selection," said Roy Lee Lindsey, Oklahoma Pork Council executive director. ''An internship gives you experience. You

get out there and do it and decide ific's really ship opportunities range from working on a what you wane to do for the rest of your life," city council to inspecting meat cuts on a said Nikki Harrington, animal science and ag- slaughter floor. Noc all internship positions ricultural communications senior. She worked are paid, but any internship has great experias an intern for the American Hereford Asso- ences for students, and any kind of experience is useful. ciation as a youth department assistant. An internship "opens a lot of doors you So how can you gee an internship? The don't even realize are there," said Amy Mounce, key word here is get; internships are not given to you. agriculcural educa"Internships are uon senior. great, but you have Mounce com- It's better to work somewhere to be willing to look pleted an internfor six months and hate it, than for them, co find ship chis summer contacts and search with the National to graduate. start a career, then chem out," Mounce Pork Producers realize you hate your job. Council in Des said. First, sign up for Moines, Iowa. Jeff Hattey an orientation course Mounce, who was assistant professor when you enroll for supervisor of all classes and learn state Pork Quality about internships ofAssurance interns at the World Pork Expo, said "Being supervi- fered. Second, internship positions are posted sor was interesting since all but rwo of the in- throughout the college on bulletin boards and terns were older than I was." office doors. Third, career services places stuCurrencly, there are only three CASNR dents in internships yearly. "Last year 138 out of 140 students who majors chat require an internship for graduation qualification. Those majors are agricul- signed up with career services completed an tural education, agricultural communications internship," said Waldner. And finally, internships can be created. and horticulture. But all departments encourage every student to complete an internship. Obtain contacts through advisers and call a Although it is not required, the department of company and ask if they have an internship plane and soil sciences urges students to com- program in their organization. The worst chat plete internships start- can happen is they will say no. When you ing their freshman find an internship, contact your adviser to see year, allowing students if you can earn college credit for that internto experience different ship. An internship may take you across camjobs in their field. "Plane and soil sci- pus or across America. "We had students from Maryland to west ences had probably eight students who did Texas to Illinois," said Haney. "I went everywhere," said Harrington. internships for credit, but more like 20 to 30 "Every weekend I would travel to a different who had an intern- place to help with a state show. It was a comship," saidJeffHactey, pletely different experience for me because I assistant professor, had shown caccle all my life, but I had never plane and soil sciences. been on the ocher side. I now realize there are CASNR students a lot of details ochers cake for granted in planhave worked in many ning such a large event. "Perhaps the most valuable tool a student different areas. Intern-

Shane Robinson, agricultural education graduate student, checks cotton for pests as an FMC field representative intern.

20 A Cowboy Journal

can gain from an internship is future marketability. Employers may not be looking for an employee with internship experience, but it can definitely make an applicant more desirable. "The most rewarding aspect of an internship is getting out and meeting people, because yo u develop contacts for the future,"

Harrington said. "It was a classic experience. In terms of fu ture marketability, an in ternship can give you the edge," said Mounce. "The fact that you have real-life experience outside of the classroom makes you more marketable." "I would say that a student with an internship program - a good internship program - has a definite advantage over a student without an internship," said Lindsey. "IfI have two candidates for a job who are equal in every way except that one has done an internsh ip in my industry and the other has not, odds are that I will hire the intern every time. They already have some experience." An internship can also help stu-

dents make decisions about what area they want to work in when they graduate. "It's better to work somewhere for six months and hate it, chan to graduate, stare a career, then realize you hate your job," said Hattey. "We all know people who planned fo r a career from their firs t day in college, and as soon as they entered the workforce, they were miserable in their chosen field," said Lindsey. "One of the biggest frustrations I had when I scarred pursuing my first job was chat everyone wanted someone with experience. No one was willing co give me an opportunity to gee that experience. Internships provide chat opportuniry," he said. An internship won't guarantee a 75-fooc yacht behind your new sports utility vehicle when you get home, but it will provide a great opportunity for experience-based work. Building relations with an internship can provide the winning edge. For more info rmation on an internship contact Louann Waldner, director ofcareer services, at (405) 744-5395 . By Ai mee Wou lfe of Di ckson. Oklahoma

Brittany Richey, agricultural education graduate, works in the lab at Cargill Pork where she completed a summer internship.

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Cowboy Journal





.ass1 cturas I!Oll

Thirteen OSU forestry students didn't cake exams in one course last spring. Instead, they ordered meals from their professor, got vaccinations and hiked in rain forests. Tom Kuzmic, associate professor of forestry, invited students co cake FOR 4493, Internacional Forestry and Natural Resources. He designed the course co provide an international experience in a natural resource setting. le allowed students co explore culture and forestry on campus and in Honduras. "It's a nontraditional course with a nontraditional field trip," Kuzmic said. A grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture allowed Kuzmic co initiate the course. The 13 students wrote an essay co be selected for the class and embarked on "an adventure of a lifetime." "I had never traveled outside of the country, so I thought it'd be fun. Central America wouldn't have been my first choice, but for some reason I thought it was interesting," said Todd Burton, forestry junior. During the first eight weeks of the semester, students participated in Kuzmic's "very experiential" course chat required creativity and active participation in nontraditional lectures. Kuzmic's goal was co introduce students co Honduran natural resources and culture. A representative from the Center for Internacional Trade and Development visited the class weekly to teach basic Spanish.

Kuzmic and ocher guest presenters addressed survival skills. A highlight of a preparatory class was when Kuzmic dressed up co play the role of a waiter and cook orders in Spanish. Students also learned how co ask for necessaty things (like the bathroom), what vaccinations were necessary and what cultural differences co expect. "Dr. Kuzmic gave us a good background. I felt really prepared co understand the Honduran way oflife," said Charles Gosset, forestry junior. In addition co the preparatory research, students also committed co complete a class portfolio of four assignments: a research paper, an oral presentation, a creative component and a journal. Kuzmic said he designed the work load co establish a foundation of knowledge about Latin America and co prepare chem for the adventure ahead. Students selected topics for research papers and creative components at the beginning of the semester. They conducted initial research at OSU, and the rest was obtained in Honduras. Kuzmic said he designed it chat way co encourage students co ask questions while in Honduras. Creative components included Web sites, slide shows, a video and magazine articles. Gosset had a unique creative approach. He helped co develop and lead a cultural program at a forestry school in Honduras. "I played 'Home on the Range' and 'Take Me Out co the Ball Game' on my guitar and presented a slide show on U.S. life," Gosset said. Upon their return, students completed the final course assignment by relating their adventure co community organizations. ''An international experience is not complete until you've shared it with ochers," Kuzmic said. "Everyone changed a liccle. I wanted chem co share chat change to take the first seep in making a global impact." The 10-day trip was the focal point of the class. It was scheduled during Spring Break, so students missed only rwo days of class. A packed schedule, described by some as "way coo exhaustive," allowed the students co expe-

rience the dramatic landscape diversity across the country. Through Menelio Bardales, a former OSU student from Honduras, Kuzmic formed a relationship with the National Forestry Sciences School, which serves students throughout Central and South America. "We relied on their advice and services co coordinate the trip," Kuzmic said. One of the stops on the Caribbean coast was the Lancetilla Botanical Garden, which is owned and operated by the forestry school. There, the students hiked into a biological reserve, the heart of the tropical rain forest. "It was like hiking in a fantasy land - it was green and lush, and there were planes from the ground up as high as you could see," Kuzmic said. "One giant Ceiba tree had a 20-fooc span across the base. It was incredible. " The Honduran school connected OSU with the National Forestry Agency, which is in charge of federal forests and protected areas. The group visited La Tigra National Park in the mountainous region, and Kawas National Park on the Caribbean coast. Students found Honduran forestry much different than chat of the United States because so many people live in the reserves. Honduran foreseers muse manage the ecosystem and the people who live there. "They develop sustainable practices so people can coexist while still protecting the values of the natural resources," Kuzmic said. Visiting coffee plantations and ocher industries allowed the students to look at agriforescry- the blending of industry and forest production on the same piece ofland. "The labor intensity of their work is incredible. It's not mechanized like it is here," Kuzmic said. "They didn't have skidders (to move harvested logs) there. They were using oxen and wagons," Burton said. Like Kuzmic had hoped, students cook home a great deal more than just forestry lessons. By submerging themselves in the culture, they got a candid look at a unique country and its people in a challenging time. Six months prior co the students' trip, Hurricane Mitch devastated Honduras. Students said makeshift hues lined the medians. Bridges were completely demolished and detours frequencly rerouted the OSU group. Gosset studied the culture and felt prepared co see the poverty and way oflife. "What I wasn't prepared for was the compassion and hope these people employ in their daily routines," Gosset said. "It is quite a con-

erase from the way most Americans live." Gosset said the Hondurans were a "very resilient people," and preferred co be called "Cacrachos. " "It means proud," he said. Observing the physical and social effects of the hurricane stirred emotions of guile, helplessness and selfishness in some of the students, said Ed Miller, associate dean of the OSU College ofAgricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, who accompanied the group. "It makes me wonder what my responsibilities are co ocher people," Miller said. "Honduras just got slammed by a hurricane but they're happy and rebuilding. It made me so thankful for what I have got," Burton said. Students repeatedly said the highlights of the trip included close interactions with Hondurans. While visiting Copan, a town of ancient Mayan ruins dating back 1,000 years, students participated in an annual community celebration. "We played soccer on the square with Honduran kids. It was cool," Burton said. On the coast, the students met the Garifuna people, who earn their income by fishing in lagoons and still live in bamboo huts with palm-thatched roofs. Burton said they cooked fish and provided coconuts for the OSU group. "Dr. Kuzmic bought coconuts from the group, and they sent a 10-year-old kid up the tree and he just knocked chem down with his feet," Burton said. The experiences in Honduras are etched in the hearts of the 13 OSU students. It was

Miller said the trip will motivate some co become involved in international affairs, but the experience will be a pare of everyone's life forever, regardless of career choice. "Even if the students never leave the country again, they have a view of the way at least a segment of the world lives and operates. It is important for us all co understand chat our own state and country are unique," Miller said. Miller said more international opportunities are offered throughout the college. "B ut it's not enough yet. We need co do more," Miller said. ''All students ought co have a significant international experience before they receive their bachelor's degree. " T he students agreed. "You can read abo ut a country or watch movies, but until you go, you don't really know what it's like," Gosset said. "I had a great time. I didn't wane to come back (to Oklahoma)," Burton said. Lacer, Burton admitted he was relieved to be home. The first thing he did when he got back was catch up on sleep and enjoy a hamburger and fries at Shortcakes. But he said he'd go back if he could, and he highly recommended the course. FOR4493 is available to anyscudencwith an interest in natural resources. There are no class standing or course prerequisites, just an exhibited maturity and a desire to learn. Interested students can contact Kuzmic co gee on a waiting list or go to the co urse Web site ( for more information.

OSU students and their Honduran hosts visit a giant Cieba tree in the Lancetilla Biological Reserve.

Cowboy Journal .A. 23




Peanut butter slices its W<!Y to store shelves

The next best thing since jel!Y Face it. You're a poor college student so you must go home to eat. It takes five minutes to get home and five to get back. Oh, and don't forget the 15 minutes to find a parking space and another five to walk from overflow after not finding a spot in your designated area. You now have 30 minutes to make and eat lunch, return, and get to your next class. You open the fridge to make yet another ham and cheese sandwich, and realize the color of the cheese isn't quite the same as when you bought it. O ut of luck? No. Why not make a peanut butter slice and jelly sandwich? Peanut butter slice? Yes, peanut butter slices are one of the hottest new food products soon to appear on grocery shelves, and the best part is - they were created right here at Oklahoma State University! T he new product, PB Slices, is a result of one evening's "goofing around." The creative idea behind these individually wrapped sensations originated from Stewart Kennedy,

24 ..6. Cowboy Journa l

former business and marketing specialist fo r the Oklahoma Food and Agricultural Products Research and Technology Center, known as FAPC, who received both his bachelor's and master's degrees from OSU's College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. "Some friends and I were sitting around one night, and the idea came up," Kennedy said. After coming up with the idea, he took it to Danielle Bellmer, food engineer at FAPC. "I had never thought of making peanut butter slices before," Bellmer said. "Stewart cold me about the idea rather jokingly. I cold him I really thought we could try this. Now that off-the-wall thought has turned into something we are actually trying." After creating the idea, money was needed to implement it. Bellmer wrote a grant to the Oklahoma Peanut Commission, and they gave FAPC $5,000 to help pay fo r testing expenses. "This was enough money to prove that it could be done," Kennedy said. OSU's Food and Agricultural Products

Research Initiative Program gave $24,000 to continue the development of the product, and the OPC donated another $4,500 last May. A year ago, Kennedy received a registered trademark on PB Slices. Now he and Bellmer are waiting on a patent fo r the product. "Ir is envisioned that eventually either the patent rights or the intellectual property will be sold to a company for commercial production," Bellmer said. Other patents have been issued for peanut butter slices, but none of them have been genuine peanut butter. "Peanut butter slices were actually attempted in th e 1940s," Bellmer said. "Flour was added and the formula consisted of about half flour and half peanut butter to make it stiff enough to slice. T he mixture was then placed on a block to cut." Although peanut butter slices were attempted more than 50 years ago, flavor wasn't a major factor. Today, ingredients must be made up of a majority of peanut butter to enhance the taste. "For the slices to be true peanut butter, they must be made of 90 percent peanuts," Kennedy said. "Our goal is to have the slices

the shelf hasn't been as easy as coming up with the original idea. "The hardest part has been getting the product implemented," Kennedy said. "It had co be a product chat was not only new, but of good quality." However, determination We have bought approximate[), 400 prevailed, and Kennedy expects the slices will be on the shelves to 500 pounds of peanut butter. next fall. Danielle Bel/mer "The price for this new product is yet to be determined, food engineer but the goal is to keep it close to the average peanut butter cost," are also being done to find the formulation Bellmer said. with the best stability in different plastic wraps. The slices will be shelf stable and easy to "We have bought approximately 400 to pack for a quick lunch. Creamy peanut butter 500 pounds of peanut butter over the past will be used for the early versions of the slices. year and a half for experimenting," Bellmer Once chat is perfected, chunky peanut butter said. "The biggest challenge has been get- lovers will be pleased to know chat chunky ting the slices stable, yet have them still soft and flavorsome when you chew chem. " Taste tests were conducted las t spring to determine the best recipe for the job. One hundred OSU staff members and students were randomly selected to serve as peanut butter connoisseurs. "We narrowed it down to five different slice formulations by having anyone who wanted to caste the slices cry chem ," Bellmer said. "Those five were then made into bitesized sandwiches for the formal taste test. " The tasters then chose their favorite formulation of peanut butter, three of which are now being used in experiments. As part of the experiments, FAPC is cooperating with the American D airy Brands in Plymouth, Wis., to conduct test runs. The product is using the same equipment from which processed cheese slices are produced. "The end product will be similar to cheese slices, except that it will be peanut butter," Bellmer said. "We have to test for texture and consistency to be sure the peanut butter doesn't stick to the wrapper. We also have to test the slices to see chat they keep their shape and form for shelf stability." Don Cannon, senior vice president of food merchandising for Wal-Mart, has looked at the product and believes Wal-Mart would be interested in test marketing it. But working to get the new product on made of95 percent peanuts." M any trial runs were made by incorporating different additives to the peanut butter to create different consistencies. Experiments

slices will be next. "Many people ask if jelly slices are next, " Bellmer said with a laugh. Not only will the consumers benefit from chis new product, but OSU will as well. Any royalties from the PB Slices will come back to the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and be disbursed into the research programs of the various departments involved. "It's been a lot of fun working on chis project," Bellmer said. "It's nice to think they may be on shelves; they are som ething real." So next time yo u're sitting in yo ur 11 :30 a.m. class with yo ur stomach growling, don't free! Forget the marathon run to home and back. Juse reach in your backpack for a peanut butter slice and jelly sandwich! By Julie Cox of Mooreland, Okl ahoma

Cowboy Journal ..&. 25

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ARDMORE The staff of the Cowboy journal would like to thank everyone for his or her support and assistance with the production of the magazine.

Special thanks go to: Ursula Blanchard Fred Causley Carl Hamby

HOSPITAL 1107 S. Commerce Ardmore, OK 73401 (580) 223-0943

Gayle Hiner Dwayne Hunter Todd Johnson Jeff Miller Elizabeth Whitfield Without their help, this magazine would not have been possible.

For a subscription to the Cowboy Journal or to submit a story idea, please contact Shelly Sitton at: Department ofAgricultural Education, Communications, & 4-H Youth Development 448 Agricultural Hall Stillwater, OK 74078 (405) 744-5130 Fax (405) 744-5176

Dr. Lawrence McTague Dr. Gary Woulfe




New treat for mans best friend

Man·s best friend eating ro_yal!Y Man's best friend can expect to be getting some new, all-natural, nutritious and creative treats soon. A new line of dog treats is well on its way for your favorite pooch. Biosystems and agricultural engineering researchers at the Oklahoma Food and Agricultural Products Research and Technology Center (known as FAPC) and Granny's Hillside Farm have teamed up to develop a new line of dog treats. The line of products includes Bon Bons for Bowser, Bowser's Pasta with Fortunes, and Flowers and Hearts for Jodi, a Valentine's special. The purpose of FAPC is to help bring products, jobs and dollars back to Oklahoma. FAPC bridges the gap that sometimes exists between academics and the private sector by offering large and small businesses, producers and entrepreneurs access to faculty and staff who have expertise in business and technical disciplines. The center also has 21st century pilot processing facilities, research laboratories

and outstanding educational programs and with FAPC to develop a ready-to-eat turtle seminars, according to a pamphlet produced food which provided the required nutrients for turtles. byFAPC. The Niwas learned ofFAPC and its work The line of dog treats was named for Tim on developing prodBowser, OSU asucts through an article sistant professor, The recipe had to be perfected, in Oklahoma Living food engineer and and contacted the project director for but once the recipe was set, Granny's Hillside Okmulgee County Extension Office. The everything went Quick[)'. Farm. Bowser has Niwas were put into worked with Tim Bowser contact with Bowser Granny's and the assistant professor. food engineer and Lowell Satterlee, project from its FAPC director. beginning. "The Granny's Hillside Farm projects The success of the turtle foo d led to the have been some of the most interesting projects development of iguana and tortoise foo d. The that I have personally been able to work on," Niwas found their business to be seasonal and Bowser said. wanted to expand. They began to explore other Granny's Hillside Farm is located near options for their form ula to be used for other Lake Tenkiller in Gore, Okla. , and is owned animals. They discovered a huge market for by John and Anna Niwa. The couple began dog products. The Niwas took advantage of with a small, pet turtle business and worked the opportunity and began development of a

• Highest fraternity GPA for 70 consecut1ve years • Dean Troxel Award for outstanding fraternity 28 of the last 30 years • Jr. Iron Man Award for best pledge class for eight consecutive years • T he 1999 Outstanding FarmHouse Chapter in the nation 28 A Cowboy Journal

john and Anna Niwa help Tim Bowser inspect young turtles far their progress. The Niwas, owners of Granny's Hillside Farm, first worked with the FAPC to develop turtlefood before expanding to canine treats.

dog treat. The development of the dog treats took around one year. "The recipe had to be perfected," Bowser said, "but once the recipe was set, everything went quickly." Bowser's Bon Bons are all-natural dog treats made of wheat, flour and eggs with a cheese coating. The bonbons are star-shaped,

packaged in a foil wrapper, placed in a decorative container and retail at $9.99. Flowers and Hearts for Jodi is named after Bowser's wife and is a Valentine special that is similar to the bon bons. The treats are in the shape of flowers and hearts and come in a variery of colors. Bowser's Pasta with Fortunes is a fortune

cookie for dogs. The pasta is imported from Italy and boiled in a special beef broth sauce for flavoring. The fortune cookies are dusted with crumbs and baked. There have been hundreds of fortunes developed to place in the cookies for dogs. The Pasta with Fortunes retail at $3.99 per container. John Niwa is excited with the sales of the line of dog treats. "We have sold over 115 percent of the product produced," Niwa said. The Bowser line of dog treats is currently being sold to Laid Back Enterprises in Oklahoma Ciry. Laid Back Enterprises markets a variery of pet products through a catalog. Technology has come a long way since leftover bones and the first dog biscuits. No more bland biscuits in cardboard boxes. Flavorful treats packaged for royalry are the wave of the future. So, next time your pooch does an exceptional feat, reward him with a treat from the Bowser line. Jfyou are interested in developing a product or improving a current one, contact the FAPC at (405) 744-6071 .

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Oklahoma Farmers Union Youth and Education Department 6200 N.W. 2nd St. Oklahoma City, OK 73 124 (405) 491 -1586 Cowboy Journal •



New addition attracts students from all over campus

One-stop shopping for students The yellow construction tape and chain link fencing have been removed. All the noise of hammering, sawing and bulldozing has been replaced by the hub-bub of busy students on their way to and from classes. The new $7. 1 million addition to the Student Union has been completed, and the front doors are open to all. At 611,652 square feet, the Oklahoma State University Student Union is now the largest in the world. "The Union will be unique because it is now truly a blend of campus life, student activity facilities, auxiliary enterprises and academic support services," said Thomas Keys, assistant vice president of student affairs and director of the OSU Student Union. The new addition to the Student Union will house all services for students. "The center will consolidate a myriad of heavily used services which students rely upon during their school career," Keys said. "In the 30 years of my career, this is the most positive addition I have seen to campus facilities because it was added just for students." Students now have the. opportunity to grab a bite to eat, apply for scholarships, purchase a new CD, pay rheir bursar bill and enroll in classes all in the same building.

One-stop shopping is now available for Harry Birdwell, vice president for busiall 20,000-plus OSU students. Long gone ness and external relations, said funding for are the days of trekking across campus from the renovation came from the general univerbuilding to building to run errands or access sity budget. Fifty percent of rhe cost came from student services. Section 13 New College Funds, 45 percent Lori Rothermel, animal science senior, is from institutional carry forward balances and excited about about 5 percent from student the move of tuition. This is the most positive the services. "It is an effort on the part "It's nice of Oklahoma State University addition to the campus. to see that all to create a convenient front Thomas Keys the services door that says 'this university have consolivalues students,"' Birdwell said. Student Union director dated into "The new facility will provide one facility, further focus to a student-cenbecause it makes it much easier and quicker tered university experience." to get business finished," she said. Construction began in January 1998, and The Student Union will now house all it has gone smoothly. There were some probthe offices students may need while at OSU. lems along the way, such as a new utility tunThe offices included range from admissions nel that had to be constructed to accommoto financial aid to university academic ser- date the addition. vices. "Any project of this size and scope preThe need for the facility was identified sents some challenges, but it has all been about 10 years ago. handled well," Keys said. Included in rhe renovations is a rhree-level "The university looked at various ways to meet students' needs," Keys said. "The best atrium that can be used as a meeting place and location and solution to address rhe issue was is equipped with computer plug-ins for stuan addition to the Union." dents to use.

Student Facilities Find New Home First Floor Bursar ........................... Room 11 3 Financial Aid ................. Room 119

Second Floor Scholarships .................. Room 2 13 Academic Services .......... Room 2 14 H igh School & College Relations ........... Room 2 19

Third Floor Registrar ........................ Room 322 Admissions .................... Room 324

30 ..&. Cowboy Journal

"The atrium will provide a common area that this university doesn't have," Keys said. "The food court will flow directly into that area. Hopefully, it will be a place for activities and will accommodate a large number of students during the enrollment process." One unique feature to the Union is a welcome center. The welcome center is located at the front door of the Union near the Paul Miller Journalism Building. It will include a video wall with touch screens for information and directions. Adjoining the welcome center is the office of high school and college relations. With

these services combined, prospective students can have easy access to any information they may need. Larry Kruse, director of high school and college relations said his entire office is in one location for the first time. Previously, the office used for meetings was in 210 Student Union, while storage locations for applications and brochures included restrooms, the geography building and a stairwell. "We went from two separate offices totaling 2,100 square feet to a single office totaling 4,600 square feet," Kruse said. "It allows us to work more efficiently in having the whole of-

fice together in terms of representation and production." By working together, the university has found joining the student services to be a winwin situation for all. "The major addition to the U nion is also a major addition for services to students without costing students directly," Keys said. "This has been a joint effort all the way through, speaking positively of the current administration at Oklahoma State University." By Mel issa Dick of Nowata. Oklahoma Amy Higdon of Fletcher. O klahoma

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Graphic courtesy of the OS U Student Union

Cowboy Jo urna l ,._ 3 I


Modern technology in the classroom

Bringing the barnyard indoors Bringing the barnyard into the classroom is now as easy as dicking the mouse. Cutting-edge technology in the form of a CD-ROM was developed so students in the animal science reproduction class could see the inner workings of animal reproduction from inside the classroom. The animal reproduction class (ANSI 3443) relies on visual materials to illustrate the reproductive pathways in lecture and lab. Both a student and an instructor version of a multimedia presentation were created on a CDROM ro allow any person with an interest in animal reproduction to visualize the complexities of animal reproduction. It all started three years ago, when Rodney Geisen was teaching his animal science class using traditional transparencies for his lectures and notes. Geisen decided to go beyond the common and dive into modern technology, so students would be able see inside the animal. He converted his lecture series to a highly interactive CD-ROM called "Learning Reproduction in Farm Animals" and has been using

the CD for three semesters. "It is a guide for a course," Geisen said. He emphasized that the CD is designed co be a teaching aid and not a self-taught course. He said textbooks and teachers won't be replaced with modem technology, because interaction with people is a vital part of the learning process. With the support from people in agricultural communications services and animal science computer support, 48 videos were incorporated into 17 chapters of animal reproduction, including the anatomy and physiology of cattle, horses, sheep, swine, poultry and companion animals. "I chink the CD is really neat. .. and it's beneficial. When you go back through yo ur notes, it's exactly what he put up on the screen," said Brandy Leach, animal science seruor. The videos show modern technology used to perform artificial insemination, detect heat and collect semen. Actual reproductive traces of the animals are used for students to view and identify specific parts during the lab portion of the class. Animation is used to cake students inside a live animal to observe the functioning reproductive tracts. "You don't have to see the animals in real life. You can just look at ch e

Learning Reproduction in Farm Animals Rod Geisert, Ph.D.

Student Version Disk 1

slides," said Carrianne Testerman, animal science seruor. Graphic design senior Randy Bradley developed the animation. Although Bradley is not an animal science student, he learned a great deal about animal reproduction and said students will benefit from the CD because it is a new visual way of presenting lecture material. "It's not like you're going to fall asleep during it," Bradley said. Larry Burditt, systems analyse, worked on the technical aspects of putting the CD together and said it is a better way to present the material in the classroom. "The CD is a more visual, interactive way to learn than just the traditional text book," Burditt said. T he OSU Board of Regents recognized the CD in October 1999. Geisen received the Regents Instructional Technology Excellence Award in October. The award recognizes professors who strive co use new technology in most aspects of their curriculum and is one of the highest honors a teacher can earn. Kathy Conry and Kevin Gragg from agricultural communications services produced the videos for the CD and are truly excited about its use in the classroom. This is the first time the Division ofAgricultural Sciences and Natural Resources integrated video into a large multimedia project. "It was really neat in chat we've never done anything like chat before," Conry said. Even though "Leaming Reproduction in Farm Animals" was the first leap into chis type of technology, two ocher CDs are in production, she said. If you are interested in "Learning Reproduction in Farm Animals," call (405) 744-3727 . T he student version can be purchased for $49 .95 or the instructor version for $199.95. C licking the mouse will not only enable students to bring the barnyard into the classroom, but it will let them inside the world of any visual subject being caught in the classroom today. By Shannon Borders of Hugo, Colorado

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Get Contact CASNR Student Services for more information. Th e Cowboy Journal Oklahoma State Unive rs ity Department of Agricultural Education, Communications, and 4-H Youth Development 448 Agricultural Ha ll Stillwater, OK 7 4078-6031

. o\\s_'o-\,~


Louann Waldner Director , Student Care e r Services 136 Agr icultural Hall Oklahoma State University S t illwater , OK 74078 (405) 744-5395 http: I / www . okstate . edu / a g / a snr I

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