Cowboy Journal v2n2

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4-H roots enhance

Cowboy athletics page TO

These 8 cuts of pork have less total fat than a skinless chicken thigh~

@ *Roasted **Broiled (Based on 3 oz. cooked meat, skinless or trimmed.)

Source for

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The Other White Meat



Number 2 •

6 8

Ag Ed transforms option

A new direction for those looking into agricultural education

Preparing for the future

Two OSU horticulture students complete the Mosmiller Scholar Program


A past enriches the future

A look at the past and future of Gallagher-Iba Arena

12 14 16 18

CASNR students travel the road to med school Spotlighting a career not always associated with agricultural sciences

Disaster brings new life African student overcom es family h a rdships and finds his way to OSU

OSU works to feed the world New OSU farming technology may boost crop production and could help feed the world

It's a creepy, crawly adventure Students find fun and education at OSU's Entomology Zoo

20 22 24 27 28

30 32

Fall 2000

It's guaranteed tender OSU researchers find a new way to improve beef tenderness

"SUNUP" Daily television program shines a ray of light on Oklahoma agricultural information

Students design new habitat for zoo animals Tulsa Zoo plans ahead for California sea lions and African penguins

Future vet leads the way Second-year veterinary medicine student balances family and school

FAPC helps cooperative "roll in the dough" New value-added dough co-op brings more jobs and a new business to Oklahoma

CASNR recognizes Fritz as outstanding senior College honors its top scholars and leaders during the spring banquet

CASNR goes international OSU expands opportunities for students by introducing additional international programs

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CovVBOY JouRNAL A note from

the editor...

Vol. 2 .& No. 2 Nikki Harrington

In build in g f o r th e f uture, we realize th e importan ce of s tro ng fo unda tions. Th ro ugh o ut his tory , agriculture has proven to be a s tro n g f o un da tio n upon w hich our country was built. With out th e h ard work an d dedication of th e p eople w ithin th e agricultural ind us try, we might n o t s tan d w h ere we are today , thus p rovin g agricultural roo ts truly do enhance th e future. This iss u e of th e co wb oy Jo urn a l is proof of th e h a rdworking an d devoted indiv id uals associa ted w ith th e Coll ege of Agricultural Scien ces and Na tural Resources. Thro ugh o ut th e past fo ur m onths, we have pulled toge th er as a team and learn ed fro m o ne an o th er's exp eriences. With o ut th e d edication f ra m o ur s taff and m any o th ers, this m agazin e would n o t be possible. we would like to extend our app reciatio n and thanks to th e f o llowin g fo r th eir contributions to thi s iss u e: To d d Jo hn so n , Jefferson Mill er, B u c ky H arris, Dwayne Hunter, Don Sto tts , Fred Causley , Gayle Hiner, Ma tt Wright , Ro bert Th ompson , Jim Boldin g, Rhett Minson , Matthew Kirkwood, Marty Sargent, OSU Sports Info rm a tion , Nation al Wres tling Hall of Fam e an d Univers ity Archives OSU Library. With th e completion of this issue, o ur s taff m arks th e end of o ur undergraduate careers at OSU by kn owin g we have established f o unda tio ns on w hich to build our futur e.

Sh elley T hompson Ursula B lanch ard Sa rah Little

edito r

assis tant edito r pho to edito r

graphics edito r

Stac y Fran z an d Erin Spinharney Sa rah L o ckhart and Tripp B ushnell

Web editors

sp o nsorship coord inato rs

Stacy Moore circulation coord inato r Ashley Erns t, David Frazier, Mandy Fritz , Danna Furman , Tresa Hill , Jason Jarrett , Jamie Jenkins , Trish a Kle m ent, Kimbe rly Sims Ko hler, B en L as tly, Sa rah L o uderback , Cinam o n Russell s taff Shelly Pep er Sitto n Elizabeth Whitfield

m anaging editor suppo rt s ta ff

Limousin world , Oklaho m a Fa rm B ureau , Queb eco r Printing fo unding sp o nsors

The Cowbo y Jo urnal staff: (back from left) Jamie Jenkins. Cinamon Russell , Ben Lastly. Tripp Busl1nell , Tresa Hill . David Frazier. Ursula Blanchard . Eri n Spinharney. Danna Furman, Stacy Franz, (fro nt row) Sarah Louderback. Mandy Frit z. Stacy Moore. Kimberly Sims Kohler. Sarah Lockhart , Pistol Pete (Rhett Minson). Sarah Li ttl e, Nikki Harrington. Shelley Thompson . Trisha Klem ent and Ashley Ernst. Oklahoma State University, In compliance with Title VI and VII of the Civi l Righ ts Act of 1964. Executive Order l 1246 as ame nded. Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Americans wtth Disabll lttes Act of 1990. and other

federal laws a n d regu lations. does not dtscrlmlnate on the basts of race. co lor. national orl gln, sex. age. rellglon . disability. or status as a veteran In and of Its po licies, practices or procedures. This Includes but Is not limited to admissions. e m ployment. financial ald. and educational


services. Thls pub lication Is printed and Issued two times

a year by agricultural communications seniors In the College of Agricultura l Sciences and Natu ra l Resources and has been prepared and distributed at no cost to the taxpayers of Oklahoma.


On the Cover. .. Pis to l Pe te (Rh e tt Minson) polis h es l, is image o n the floor o f Gallagl, e rIb a A re na . T h e "rowdies t a re n a in th e c o u n try," bu ilt in I 9 3 9 , was orig in a ll y th e 4-H C lu bs a n d S tude n t A c ti v ities B uild ing . Ga llagh e rIba is n ow und e rgoin g a $5 1-m illion re n ovation to b ring it u p to d a te for a n e w e ra of c h a mpions . (pho to b y Je fferson Miller) F ALL2000 .A. 5



ith a new name, like a fresh coat of paint, the leadership and service option is breathing new life into agricultural education. Formerly known as the professional service option, the leadership and service option has been tailored for graduates in the new millennium. In the past, many employers did not know what the professional service option meant. Agricultural education professors said they felt graduates were overlooked because their program name did not reflect the graduates' abilities and training. Beginning this fall , students can choose the leadership and service option in agricultural education as their major. With the new name and improved curriculum, professors said they expect these Oklahoma State University agricultural education graduates to be more marketable. "The new name 'leadership and service' should give the program a cuttingedge image that our students have the academic background, skills and experience to perform in a vari~ty of situations, " said James White , professor of agricultural education. The professional service option was started in 1985 to meet a unique need for agricultural education students. Many students felt a strong desire to be involved with agriculture and the public. However, there was a need for a program that was outside the classroom and used more nonformal teaching techniques. The leadership and service program focuses on education, but it is directed toward education for life. The program teaches leadership and responsibility.

Many students entering the proStarting in spring of 2001, students gram use their degrees for jobs outside can participate in AGED 2303, Personal the classroom, such as cooperative Leadership Skills in Agriculture. This extension educators, 4-H leaders or class will prepare students for AGED community service representatives. 3303, Leadership Skills for Agricultural The program requires a total of 130 Organizations. credit hours. Of those , a minimum of "This class will be a stepping nine credit hours must be earned in stone to future, more intense classes leadership that sharpen students' leadtraining curriculum. In ership skills, " addition, an said Terry. internship is Graduating required to agricu l tural Jennifer Bridges education secomplete the agricultural education senior program. nior Jennifer White described the internships as Bridges said she is glad the department "intense learning experiences focused changed the name of the option. on real-world experiences. " Although her degree will read "pro"Students leave the internship with fessional service option, " she still bena taste of reality," he said. efits from the changes in the degree Professional Development in Agri- program. cultural Education, AGED 4203, is a "I think that students entering this class required before students complete program will get more leadership skills their internships. In the class, students and will learn more about themselves ," learn how to get an internship and a Bridges said. "This program is more than a classjob. During the course students are re- room experience. You really get to know quired to seek and apply for an intern- who you are and learn how to be the ship. They learn how to negotiate the person you want to be," she said. internship experience. So if teaching in the classroom is Students contact and obtain their not for you, try the leadership and serown internships, much like getting a vice option for agricultural education job after graduation. The program re- majors. quires students to complete six credit For additional information , call hours of internship, which means 12 (405) 744-5 130 or visit the OSU Deweeks of work in the position. partment of Agricultural Education, Although students starting college Communications and 4-H Youth Debefore August 2000 may not see the new velopment Web site ( name on their degrees, they will still ag/agedcm4h/). benefit from the training that has been added to the program, said Robert Terry By Sarah Little Sr., regents service professor of agricultural education. Stillwater, Oklahoma

You really get to know who you are, and how to be the person you want to be.

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2000 .A. 7


ost people dream of receiving flower Marrangements, but two Oklahoma State University horticulture students dream of designing them. Carissa Lussier, horticulture senior specializing in floriculture, and Shaun Dalrymple, horticulture and business senior, are the first two OSU students to receive the honor of being a member of the nationwide Mosmiller Scholar Program. "It is pretty prestigious," Lussier said. "I never thought something like this would happen to me. All my hard work and dedication has finally amounted to something." Dalrymple, said it is wonderful to be a Mosmiller scholar. "I never expected I was going to be selected," Dalrymple said. "It was a big surprise." Douglas Needham, horticulture professor, nominated the two students for the program. He said he is thrilled for Lussier and Dalrymple to have such an opportunity as the Mosmiller Scholar Program. "It is not typical to have students who are focused enough, driven to their career goal of owning their own flower shop and pursuing such an honor," Needham said. The Mosmiller Scholar Program began in 1975, and its purpose is to provide quality professional training for selected,


8 A Cowsov Jo

motivated floriculture and environ- and fulfill responsibilities assigned by mental horticulture students, accord- the employer for the length of the ining to the American Floral Endowment. ternship. Furthermore, they submit a The program selects five Mosmiller 500-word report evaluating the experischolars two times per year. This is the ence within 30 days of completing the first time OSU students have applied program. for the Mosmiller program. Used for program promotion, these The students are required to com- reports are shared with the program plete a 10board and the emto 16-week ployer. It is not typical to have Full-time, uninternship students who are focused dergraduate stuin a wholesale, retail dents are eligible enough, driven to their or allied for the Mosmiller career goal. trade comScholar Program. Douglas Needham pany loThe s t udents must be currently cated in the horticulture professor enrolled in a floriUnited States and away from home or school. culture, environmental horticulture or The students have the opportunity business program at a two- or four-year to decide where they would like to in- college or university in the United tern. The interns are paid by the em- States with a recognized floriculture ployer during training, and upon suc- program. cessful completion of the program, they They also are required to maintain receive a $2,000 cash grant from the a "C" or better grade point average with American Floral Endowment. satisfactory progress in a degree or Lussier completed her internship certificate program and demonstrate this past summer at Royers Flowers in potential and interest in a floral Pennsylvania. industry career. "I chose Royers Flowers because it Students apply for the Mosmiller is considered as one of the best flower Scholar Program through a floriculture shops in the United States, and I had or business faculty member. never been to the East Coast before," The application materials are Lussier said. submitted by the faculty member and Lussier said she wants to own her include a completed, current official own flower shop in the future . application form, a two-page statement "My internship taught me every- by the student explaining reasons for thing I need to know about owning my applying, school transcripts, a letter of own flower shop," Lussier said. recommendation and endorsement by Dalrymple completed her intern- the faculty member, and a photograph ship this past summer at Toni's Flower of the applicant. Shop in Tulsa. The application deadlines are "This was a wonderful opportunity, March 15 for fall and winter training and by having the Mosmiller Scholar and Nov. 1 for spring and summer trainProgram behind me, it will open doors ing. for me in the future, " Dalrymple The program was founded by the said. late Col. Walter E. Mosmiller Jr. His She said she plans to own her earnings provide the main source of own florist shop that specializes financial support for the Mosmiller in weddings and parties. Scholar Program. Mosmiller was a past chairman of Students in the the American Floral Endowment Mosmiller Scholar and was a retail florist in RichProgram must mond, Va. agree to Acc ording to the American Floral Endowment, Mosmiller demonstrated a strong, lifelong interest

in profes·sional training and encouraged young people to pursue floral industry careers. The Mosrniller Scholar Program provides many benefits to students who are trying to pursue a career in horticulture, according to the American Floral Endowment. The students • join a select group of students who have gained experience at top industry facilities; • enjoy a paid internship with diverse , hands-on experience, in which they put academic theories into practice; and • develop new and critical skills, determine future career directions and receive a financial grant upon satisfactory completion. Lussier said being recognized as a Mosmiller Scholar has definitely affected her life. "The Mosmiller Scholar Program has made me feel more self-confident," Lussier said. "I was given the opportunity to travel, and I probably wouldn't have had the chance to go to the East Coast without the program. " Dalrymple said the program has also affected her life. "My family is ecstatic and very proud ," Dalrymple said. "The program

Shaun Dalrymple (left) and Carissa Lussier work together to identify plants at the OSU Teaching Greenhouse. (photos by Mandy Fritz)

is very beneficial, and I recommend students to apply." With the completion of this year's Mosmiller Scholar Program, these two students have taken a step closer to their dreams.

Maybe in the future you will be ordering your favorite bouquet from one of them.

Story by Mandy Fritz Mountain View, Oklahoma

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efore became known as the B"rowdiest arena in the country," it

Gallagher-Iba Arena was a 4-H building. The arena, originally named the "4-H Clubs and Student Activities Building," was built by 4-H funds. The historic building is undergoing a $51million renovation and the "new" Gallagher-Iba Arena is scheduled to open in December 2000. As they still do today, Oklahoma 4-H'ers held their annual convention, State 4-H Round-Up, on the campus of then Oklahoma A&M. Of course back then there were no dormitories or meeting halls for the convention. Members stayed in tents on campus. Charles Cox, Oklahoma 4-H program specialist and state 4-H program leader, recounts the events that lead to funding for the facility. ''They set up a big tent for their general assemblies ," Cox said. "Some 4-H members were injured when the big tent collapsed in the early 1930s." 4-H members lobbied for money to build a facility that would be host for their convention every year. Henry Bennett, then president of Oklahoma A&M, had been lobbying fbr money for a new athletic facility, but with no success. After the 4-H members were injured, legislation passed to provide funds for a much-needed facility.

4-H A


"Part of the legislation indicated it was for 4-H and would be open to other student organizations, not just athletics," Cox said. On Feb. 25, 1938, ground was broken for the new multipurpose facility, the "4-H Clubs and Student Activities Building."

Dedications The arena hosted its first athletic event Dec. 9 , 1938, when Kansas came to town. The Aggie basketball team defeated the Jayhawks 21-15. On Feb. 3, 1939, "Gallagher Day," the building was dedicated to the legendary wrestling coach Edward Clark Gallagher. On the opening night before a sellout crowd, the Aggies of A&M defeated the Indiana Hoosiers 18-6. The first wrestler on the mat, weighing in at 118 lbs., was senior Joe McDaniel. "It was a thrill to dedicate Gallagher Hall," McDaniel said. "The other two years I wrestled we were in the old armory in the box on a platform. The crowd was right up on you, and it was fun." After claiming three NCAA titles and a World Cup title, McDanie l coached wrestling out of state for 20 years. Back home in Oklahoma, he still attends many OSU wrestling matches. Gallagher-Iba has seen many

changes since the days McDaniel wrestled here. The biggest change is underway right now. "It's going to be spectacu lar," McDaniel said. "I hope I live long enough to see it finished." On June 1, 1939, Oklahoma 4-H held its dedication program to the 4-H Clubs and Student Activities Building during its annual State 4-H Round-Up. 1939 marked the 30th anniversary of Oklahoma 4-H. When Gallagher Hall was remod eled in 1987, the Board of Regen ts h on ored Cowboy basketball coach Henry Iba and his name was added to the arena's title. "I thought it would be a nice gesture to honor Henry Iba when we were renovating Gallagher Hall," said form er athletic director Myron Roderick. The Gallagher family was contacted and agreed that adding Iba's n ame would be a great hon or. Gallagher-Iba Arena has under gone three name changes in the last 62 years, but McDaniel said he is glad to see it is not changing again. "I'm thrilled they are keep in g t h e name Gallagher-Iba," McDaniel said . "Gallagher and Iba were both great coaches and great men. They were my friends and coaches. I have great respect for both of them."






Edward Gallagh er was th e h ead wrestling coach at Oklahoma A&M from 1916 to 1940. In 23 years of coaching, h e produced 19 undefeated teams. Under his direction in 1928, A&M clinched the first ever national collegiate team title . A&M went on to win 10 more team titles with Gallagh er as its coach. Gallagh er-Iba Arena is the only arena in t h e cou ntry to be named after a wrestling coach. (photo courtesy of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame)

10 A




Henry Iba s erved a s h ead b ask etb a ll coach a nd a thletic director from 1934 to 19 70. "Mr. Iba" guided the Cowboys to 13 league ch a mpionships . Iba coach ed the most gam es in NCAA hist ory with 1,105 games. He completed a 36 -year record a t OSU of 655-3 16. He coach ed th e U. S. Olympic bask etball team s in 1964, 1968 and 19 72. The 4-H Clubs and Student Activity Building under construction in 1938. (photo courtesy of University Archives, OSU Library-Stillwater; Iba photo courtesy of OSU Sports Information)

If walls could talk When Gallagher Hall was built, it was the largest collegiate athletic arena in the country. Roderick called it the "Cadillac" of its time. "At the time it was built, Gallagher Hall was the best facility to watch wrestling in the United States," Roderick said. "It became known as the premier wrestling arena in the country." The original floor remains in Gallagher-Iba today. At the time the arena was built, they used a 3 1/2-inch thick wood floor, much like the type of floor you would find in a bowling alley. The floor that has held so many great athletes and champions will be saved during the renovations. "There have been more individual championships and All-Americans on that floor than any other place," Roderick said. "It has a distinct his-

tory." The walls of Gallagher-Iba have held more national championship teams than any other facility in Division I schools. OSU's 42 national championship banners hang from the rafters in Gallagher-Iba. Thirty of those national championships belong to Cowboy wrestling. The storied arena has also held some of the rowdiest crowds in the country.

Great moments "When wrestling was at its tops here, back in the '50s and '60s, the wrestling crowds were by far the loudest crowds they ever had in there ,"

Roderick said. "There were no fire restrictions in those days, and the crowd would pack into Gallagher." But the rowdiest crowd ever in the arena was probably in 1978, when the Big 8 Wrestling Championships were held in Gallagher Hall. "It is boasted that there were some 8,300 people packed in Gallagher," Roderick said. "Daryl Monosmith was wrestling for us, and he defeated the defending national champion from Iowa State. It got so loud, a lot of the lights busted in Gallagher. And t hat's the loudest I've ever heard it. It was unbelievable." And who would know better than a man who has been attending athletic events in Gallagher-Iba since 1953. After completing his wrestling career at Oklahoma A&M , Roderick served as head wrestling coach from 1957-1969. Then from 1983-1990, he served as athletic director. Roderick now serves as president of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame and Museum, located east of Gallagher-Iba. Another great rowdy moment in Gallagher Hall came in 1957 when the Aggies defeated the Kansas Jayhawks, when KU's Wilt Chamberlain was considered the "big man on campus." With only two seconds remaining in the game, A&M's Mel Wright made a shot, that would now be considered a threepoint shot, to win the game. "It had to be the biggest moment in basketball," Roderick said. "One that people still consider one of the most memorable."

Everyone who has ever attended a game or match in Gallagher-Iba Arena can attest that the noise can be deafening. And everyone has a different story to share as their most memorable experience in the "rowdiest arena in the country."

Step ahead The new changes to Gallagher-Iba Arena were brought in by the dawning of a new century. One of the things that makes Gallagher-Iba such a unique arena is the proximity of the crowd to the action. Although the expanded arena will hold more than 13,000 spectators, all of the seating on the floor will remain unchanged. Even more rowdy fans will have an opportunity to be a part of the earth-pounding, bonechilling noise that only Gallagher-Iba can produce. With the renovations, OSU is preparing its beloved Gallagher-Iba Arena for the future. No one knows what the future holds, but you can be sure a larger Gallagher will have the capacity to hold many more champions in both athletics and 4-H. So whether you are watching a wrestling match, the Cowboys and Cowgirls hoop it up, or anticipating the announcement of this year's state 4-H officer team, remember you are part of a unique history in the "rowdiest arena in the country."

Story by Shelley Thompson Davenport, Oklahoma

Left: The OSU men's basketball team made it to the Elite Eight in the 1999-2000 season. (photo by Robert Thompson) Bottom left: Jeff Ragan, All-American and Big 12 wrestling champion, bars an arm during dual action in Gallagher-Iba. Ragan was named OSU's 1999-2000 Male Athlete of the Year. (photo by Jim Bolding) Bottom right: Sketch of the "new" Gallagher-Iba Arena opening in December 2000. (courtesy of OSU Sports Information)


2000 .6. I I


nvo roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler; long I stood And looked down as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth. .. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: nvo roads diverged in a wood, and II took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference ... ome College of Agricultural Sciences Sand Natural Resources students are following in the footsteps of Robert Frost by choosing the road less traveled and striving for a career many people do not associate with agricultural sciences. Oklahoma State University student Hollie Dean from Edmond and graduate Brad Liston from Moore plan to use knowledge and skills taught in CASNR to pursue a career in the medical field. Dean, a biochemistry and molecular biology junior, grew up with the idea of being in the medical profession. The main question for her was where she would eventually pursue her career goals. "It just worked out that I came to OSU," said Dean. "I chose CASNR because it's much more personal than other colleges. Also , biochemistry is more connected to what role genes play in illness and how drug treatment works. I'm learning what goes on inside a patient's body as an effect of taking medicine. " Liston , a 1999 graduate of biochemistry and molecular biology, currently works in the biomedical research department at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. "CASNR offered many opportunities for me to become involved in clubs and activities," said Liston. "This will I 2 .A.


Robert Frost

help me get into medical school, and I can use the knowledge I have gained from those experiences at work. " Louann Waldner, OSU's director of agricultural career services, said biochemistry and molecular biology is Hollie Dean, biochemistry and molecular biology junior, uses a pipette to measure small amounts of a solution while she works probably the most fre- with DNA fragments in a lab. (photo by Stacy Moore) quent route to medical school through CASNR. It is the only adviser of biochemistry and molecular major that offers an official pre-med biology, said almost every class requireoption, but it is not the only choice. ment to gain entry into medical school "Many students have gone to medi- is offered through a major within cal school, pharmacy school and den- CASNR. "It fits into our program well for tal school through majors such as plant and soil sciences, animal science, en- someone to have a goal of attending tomology and plant pathology. There medical school," said Nelson. is also agricultural economics, CASNR students are not only probiosystems and agricultural engineer- vided with appropriate classroom work, ing, and biochemistry and molecular but they also have the opportunity to learn skills and techniques in labora biology," said Waldner. A heavy science background exists tory situations early in their college in CASNR courses, however, it is im- career. "Research projects and jobs are portant for the students themselves to have the initial interest in the medical available to teach students about lab equipment and give them valuable field. "Once that first step has been hands-on experience," said Waldner. "This allows students to decide taken, then choosing a program that allows them to meet the requirements early on if they enjoy this area of of medical schools is necessary, " said study." Nelson said CASNR biochemistry Waldner. E .C. Nelson, professor and lead students have interned at places such

as the OU Health Sciences Center and the world-renowned Mayo Clinic. Freshmen have the opportunity to gain real-life experience from the beginning of their academic career through the OSU Freshman Research Scholar program. "You actually get to see what a biochemist does," said Dean. "You can be there with them, help them work, and actually take over a little piece of their research and do it yourself." Liston said his involvement in the research scholar program was a big advantage. "It allows you to get hands-on experience from the very beginning and helps you decide if a medical career is something you want to pursue," said Liston. OSU selects about 50 Freshman Research Scholars annually, of which 15 to 16 usually are biochemistry and molecular biology majors. "The first semester they are taught scientific methodology, safety, problem solving, and some research concerns of the faculty," said Nelson. "Second semester they are actively working with faculty researchers. We have students who have been cloning genes by the end of their first year." Dean cloned genes as part of her research project involving a bacteria called brucella. Brucella causes the immune system to work against the body and during pregnancy, it will cause the child to be aborted. "We're trying to figure out why it does that," said Dean. "What I've done with this project is to map a gene of a certain protein (enzyme). I've proven that the brucella has this gene and I'm trying to find out if the brucella have the ability to make this protein." Dean found out about the OSU Freshman Research Scholar program through her adviser. "Professor Nelson is a great adviser," said Dean. "He tells you about opportunities and tries to get you involved. He'll help you out with anything." Providing faculty advisers is one of the ways CASNR provides personal attention to students, regardless of their major. "Each degree has faculty members who advise students as well as teach classes," said Waldner. "This allows the faculty to give helpful worldly advice to the students as well as teach them, " she said. Another advantage is that CASNR

has such a close-knit group of people, said Liston. "People also seem to be a little more friendly and social. With the number of activities available , those things make it easy to get involved," said Liston. Dean said being involved helps you get your foot in the door and can help open doors to other clubs and help you build a resume. Medical school officials look for well-rounded applicants. Resumes should show strong academic performance, evidence of interpersonal skills through activities and clubs, leadership and the ability to see projects through to the conclusion, said Waldner. "You're not going to learn communication, writing and problem-solving skills just by taking a list of classes required by medical schools," said Waldner. "CASNR curriculum incorporates these essential elements into the learning process to help make students more marketable." CASNR also provides students with opportunities to develop leadership and communication skills through student organizations and departmental programs. "Ag Student Council was one of the most beneficial activities I was involved in," said Liston. "It's a place where you

can meet student leaders within CASNR and OSU. You also have opportunities to meet faculty members and deans. It's a great way to learn teamwork and establish connections that will be helpful in the future." It is also important to research the programs at different medical schools, in the same way that a potential employer is researched. Some programs may be based on academic achievement and the Medical College Admissions Test, while others may be more skill-based. "One thing I've found is that OU Health Sciences Center focuses more on a high MCAT score and good grades, whereas OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine at Tulsa looks more at communication skills and extra curricular activities," said Liston. Liston said a good MCAT score is an essential aspect of being accepted into medical school, but it is also just as substantial to concentrate on being well rounded. "Advice I can offer to those in the pre-med program is that coursework is important, so do the best you can, but also pack on activities, get involved, and learn good communication skills," said Liston.

Story by Stacy Moore Cheyenne, Oklahoma

Hollie Dean uses a needle to separate colonies of bacteria containing cloned DNA from those colonies that are normal. Working with DNA is part of her experience in the Freshman Research Scholar program. (photo by Stacy Moore) F A LL

2000 .A. 13


"Godperson's has many ways to change a life. There was no chance for me to get a degree in my country. The disaster that hit my village gave me a chance." Umaru Sule is an international graduate student from the country of Cameroon in Central Africa. But more importantly, Sule has overcome a major tragedy in his life and turned it into a positive experience. On Aug. 21, 1986, 24-year-old Sule left to run an errand. While he was away , a nearby body of water, Lake Nyos, exploded and released carbon dioxide. More than 1,000 people in his village died from suffocation. Sule's mother was among other family members and friends who were victims as were countless livestock. In the year following the explosion, an American program called Heifer Project International came to assist Sule's village. They supplied cattle for the survivors who had remained in the area. "I was the only one who could speak English," said Sule. He became acquainted with the Americans in the group. This led to his big chance in 1989. He was invited to attend the University of Massachusetts for a short time where he earned a bachelor of science degree in animal science. If not for the Lake Nyos disaster,

Sule would not have had a chance at advanced education. Various American churches and individuals sponsored his trip to America. He then returned home to work in his village. Recognizing the similarities in their tragedies, survivors of the Oklahoma City bombing visited Sule's village in 1997. Sule became acquainted with Ernestine Clark, an Oklahoma State University alumna. Clark was in one of the buildings near the Alfred P. Murrah Building when the blast occurred. "Our disaster was natural, " said Sule. "Theirs was a crazy person trying to kill. But when we got together, we realized we were affected the same. The pain was the same." After she realized Sule's interest in agriculture, Clark remembered her father's interest in agriculture. "We all have to help each other," said Clark. "I thought that if I could help him, it would help build a bridge of peace between the two countries. It has already built a bridge between our hearts." Clark worked together with retired OSU instructor Melvin Jones and Earl Mitchell, OSU vice president of multicultural affairs, to make the connections for him at OSU. Sule visited the campus with nine other people in 1998. He was accepted to the university but did not receive

Earl Mitchell, Ernestine Clark and Umaru Sule gather near Theta Pond around a tree grafted from the Oklahoma City bombing survivor tree. The OSU Alumni Association dedicated the tree to the survivors April 19, 2000. (above photo by Jamie Jenkins; right photo by Sarah Lockhart) I 4 .6.


any financial aid until after he arrived. He brought his wife, Madina, and son, Abdul Samad, seven months later. Sule had to make many transitions when he moved to the United States. He learned English before he left Africa, but it was British English. He had to adjust to the American style and even found differences in the dialect used in Massachusetts and Oklahoma. Sule said one of the hardest adjustments was the amount of personal territory that Americans keep around themselves. People in his country are very close to each other in both physic al and emotional manners. In Cameroon, it is not uncommon for people of the same gender to hold hands in public and be affectionate, but he's learned to adjust. In addition, the conversations and backgrounds are completely different in the United States. "What's funny here is not funny in my culture," said Sule, now age 38. He said there is a difference in priorities. Family is the strongest unit above all others in Cameroon. The wellbeing of the village comes second, and everyone works for the sake of the whole community. Religion ranks third as people will give up everything for the sake of being rewarded by God. Sule said a person could be traveling and stop at a complete stranger's home. The host would welcome him or her and do everything possible to make the traveler comfortable. He would share what little he had. He said overall there are more similarities than differences . People in both countries have the same ultimate goals of survival in life: having friends , making a family, and working to keep homes and food for their families. Sule said he is very grateful for the opportunity for career development and education he has received from OSU. "Getting financial support from families in this country means a lot to me and my family ," said Sule. "Americans are the most generous people I've ever met. I can't say thank you enough."

Story by Jamie Jenkins Bethel, Oklahoma


In sampling the grain after harvest, the team found a more consistent crude protein level among the grain tested. Stone said this was because the VRT helps t o create more uniform wheat yields. Soon the VRT machine also may create more uniform fields for other crops. "In the near future , we are hopeful that the VRT will be able to be used on all crops of all varieties throughout the United States," Solie said. Driving through all these different fields , the VRT machine looks like a really big, high-tech riding lawn mower with "benefits." It even comes complete with a luxurious cushion seat. The VRT has four sensors in the front of the machine that can each "read" and take measurements for one square meter of wheat. The computer unit sits on the back of the machine, along with the four liquid dispensing sprayers. As the VRT drives through the field , infrared sensors on the front of the machine "see" the amount of red that is absorbed by the plant. In other words, it sees how much green is reflected off the plant. The VRT determines how healthy the plant is from that reading, and th e computerized calculations determine the potential yield level of that plant. At the same time, it uses the same s e nsors to measure the level of nitroge n in th e plant. The sensors send the information to the back of the machine wh e re the computer analyzes the information and s e nds it to the sprayer valves and nozzles. John Solie, engineer, stands by the VRT smart machine built by OSU scientists. The special machine can "see" how much fertilizer a plant needs and apply it. (photo by Todd Johnson) The se nozzles can then dispense a " There are 33,000 people who die every day due to starvation or malnutrition ... and we're going to go from 6 billion to 11 billion people in 40 years. We're going to have to have increased production," said William Raun, Oklahoma State University agronomist. Raun is not alone in his fight against world hunger. For more than 10 years, a team of four Oklahoma State University scientists have researched and tested a new "computerized" machine that could revolutionize the way farmers produce wheat. The variable rate technology ma chine, or VRT, was created by the OSU team of Marvin Stone and John Solie, biosystems and agricultural engineers, and Gordon Johnson and William Raun, agronomists. The team developed the applicator in the 1980s. However, the actual machine was not built until 1996. The special machine can read how healthy the plants are and calculate what nutrients they need.

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"The machine can then calculate how much fertilizer the plants need to reach maturity and apply it," Stone said. However, its benefits are not limited to fertilizer application rates. The VRT machine also can estimate how much wheat a field will yield. The team has confirmed through years of research that using individualized amounts of fertilizer for each plant results in increased production levels, decreased levels of nitrogen runoff in fields , and decreased fertilizer expenses for farmers. "Using a top dress rate of 80 pounds of fertilizer per acre, farmers can boost production by eight bushels at $2 a bushel (using the VRT)," Raun said. "At the same time, the VRT can decrease nitrogen rates by 12 pounds, and at 20 cents per pound, this results in an increased revenue ofroughly 18 dollars per acre. That's a lot." Individualizing fertilizer amounts for specific plants also helps to develop the plants' protein levels, Stone said.




Top : VRT smart sprayers dispense fertilizer on OSU wheat pasture. Right: Sensors "read" wheat pasture plants as the VRT drives through the field. (photos by Todd Johnson)

computer-specified amount of nitrogen onto the plants it just drove over. This high-tech machine is the only one of its kind in the country, and after the team built it, they wanted to test it to see how practical it would be in a field setting. They wanted to know if it would do what they expected. In that same year, they put the VRT onto a field and began testing it in small wheat plots. In four years of research, they found the machine confirmed everything they had calculated on paper. So, now that the team knows the VRT can deliver, they are beginning to cautiously entertain commercial production interests. "There are many factors that play into this issue, even though it seems so simple. Several companies are looking to commercially market OSU's VRT machine, but the right company just has not come along yet," Stone said. A few fertilizer companies have shown interest in commercializing the VRT because it improves farmers net returns and can help the environment. "Products exist on the market right now that are similar to OSU's VRT, but none of these products contain systems that apply fertilizer or herbicide rates as specifically as the VRT," said Solie. However, one drawback to the VRT machine is its sensors. The type of sensors used in the VRT are "sunlight sensitive." Sensors that are sunlight sensitive need bright light to "read" the plants . In turn, there could be some inconsistencies seen in application rates on cloudy or overcast days. The scientists said the effects would be minimal. But, instead of rushing to commercially market their product, the VRT team is working on new sensors that can function without being dependent on sunlight. The team anticipates that their new sensors will be able, in the very near future, to deliver the right amount of herbicide or fertilizer no matter what weather conditions may be. Raun said the team is aiming to have the new sensors installed in a "brand new" VRT machine by this fall. The new machine will cost approximately $500,000 to build, but will far surpass the technology of the "old" VRT. The newVRTwill be able to spray fertilizer on the plants in an even more specific dose than the 1996 VRT machine does. As amazing as this advanced technology is, and through all the studies the team has done, OSU's VRT "dream team" is focused on only one thing making a difference in world hunger. "We just want to make a contribution. We're just a group that wants to be able to sleep at night and know we've helped. We want to know that we did what we were asked to do ," Raun said. "And a system like this, that increases production and improves fertilizer use efficiency, will assist in resolving that dilemma." So it seems one solution to the world's hunger dilemma could be right around the corner. .. maybe right around the corner of OSU's Agricultural Hall.

Story by Ashley Ernst Wichita Falls, Texas

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Stewart Kennedy Casey Kennedy Rhett Laubach Jason Rogers Josh Brecheen (405) 880-3946 F A LL

2000 .6. I 7

OSU' s Entomology Zoo: It's a O

klahoma State University's entomology and plant pathology department is expanding the minds of children and young adults in Oklahoma and Texas with a special zoo. The Entomology Zoo is OSU's very own exotic bug collection, supplying students with what is often their first encounter with exotic and possibly harmful insects. "The idea for the zoo occurred about 10 years ago. It came from an offshoot of the Oklahoma State Fair, " said assistant entomology professor Phil Mulder. "I would have to give a lot of credit to the department and Dr. Russ Wright for starting the program." The Entomology Zoo started out as a storage building for the entomology department's live insect collections. As the number of live insects on hand began to grow, OSU converted the storage building into an insectary. The insectary building is located on Virginia Street one mile north of the campus. 'The insectary is where the rearing of the insects takes place," said Mulder. Rearing is the development of the insect from birth to adulthood. The Entomology Zoo is involved in

projects ranging from supplying insects The collection contains thousands for high school labs to taking an ex- of insects. A few of the insects housed hibit to the Special Olympics. at the insectary are considered rare. 'The specimens used for such pur"We are fortunate to get the insects poses are simply amazing, and a few we do . Since we are an institution for higher educaspecimens are extremely It is funny to see these kids tion, the protough to get," is a lot trying to talk each other into cess said Mulder. more simple "We must holding a giant Madagascar than if an in go through dividual hissing cockroach. strict (United would ask for Phil Mulder States De them ," said partment of Mulder. assistant entomology professor Agriculture) In the inregulations to acquire our insects," sectary, entomologists raise several difsaid Mulder. "Sometimes when we ask ferent types of arthropods. The facility for a particular insect the USDA has has silkworms that actually produce never had anyone request for that in- silk, Madagascar hissing cockroaches sect." that hiss when provoked , and a variThe Entomology Zoo as well as the ety of poisonous scorpions and spiders. insectary's collection is broad and inThe zoo and the insectary get most triguing. The insects in the collection of their arthropods by trading or purrange from some of the smallest to chasing from other universities or persome of the largest species in the mitted zoos. world. "Trading cuts our cost tremenFor instance, one exotic walking dously, but I have spent around $120 stick measures almost 12 inches in for a single live specimen," said Mulder. length, and some of the beetles are as "A few of the poisonous species big as a grown man's fist. could be harmful if not handled prop-

creepy, crawly erly, such as the pink-toed tarantula or the baboon spider." These dangerous arthropods are used for teaching and exhibition, but not fo r student interaction. One of the most interesting pieces of equipment found in the insectary is a mobile butterfly cage. This cage is two feet by eight feet and holds native butterflies. "The amazing thing about the cage is that it allows students to see the growth stages of the butterfly, from the caterpillar to the cocoon to a full-grown butterfly," said Mulder. Th e zoo is on display at expos and children's fairs all over of Oklahoma. "One of the primary functions of t h e En tomplogy Zoo is to increase insect education and to show Oklahoma kid s that it's fun to learn about insects," said Mulder. W h en the department tours sch ools and goes to exhibits they take approximately 30 to 40 specimens. They set u p a booth to display arthropods for students to view. "It is funny to see these kids trying to talk each other into holding a giant Madagascar hissing cockroach," said

adventure Mulder. "You usually have to start them out with something a little smaller and less intimidating, like a silkworm; but some kids dive right in and want to hold a tarantula." One such exhibit is set up during the "I Wonder Fair," an event the OSU Education Student Council hosts every April. The day is set aside for more than 7,000 of Oklahoma's wide-eyed and question-filled fifth graders to indulge in new education. "There's nothing like 7,000 fifth graders all wanting to see your booth at once," said Mulder. Although the zoo and insectary are involved in much statewide philanthropy, other benefits have spun off of this educational tool. The university has increased its research power due to added curiosity. Along with an increase in research production, the university has tripled its work-study personnel in the entomology and plant pathology department. "These facilities, even though they supply the university with insects, allow other people such as kindergarten through high-school seniors to get in-

volved. This interaction and the ability for this l and grant institution to have this particular research and teaching tool is key for Oklahom a State University to remain at th e top of a very short list of universities that have such facilities," said Ken Pinkston, professor of entom ology. In the future you may wa nt to watch for a creepy, crawly a dventure coming to a town near you . For more information, con tact the OS U Dep a rtment of Entomology and Plant Pathology at (405) 744-5527 or visit th eir Web site at

Story by Tripp Bushnell Hunter, Oklahoma Insects p i ctured clockwis e from top left: Peruvian centip ede, Blue Morpho butterfly, Mexi can Red Kn ee tarantula, Australian walking sti ck, Birdwing butterfly, Emperor scorpion and Madagascar hissing cockroaches (photos by Tripp Bushnell; layout by Sarah Little and Tripp Bushnell)


he thought of a tender, juicy, flaTvorful steak brings to mind a nice dinner in the company of friends and a meal meant for a king. On the other hand, not many things are as disappointing as cutting into a steak, expecting juices to flow freely from it, and facing the reality that it is tougher than shoe leather. "One out of every five beef eating experiences will be less than desirable," said Brad Morgan, assistant professor of animal science at Oklahoma State University. "We have to change that to keep the beef industry alive." Many consumers are puzzled by their inability to cook beef in an efficient and desirable manner, according to the National Cattlemen's Beef Association. Consumers consider tenderness the single most important component for beef quality today; however, tenderness is a major problem that has plagued the beef industry, according to NCBA. NCBA reported that beef sales in past years have been decreasing because of the inconsistency in the beef slaughtered in the United States. The organization estimated the beef industry loses approximately $250 million annually. With beef tenderness in mind, two OSU professors along with five graduate students made improving tenderness their

sion. They found a way to improve beef Morgan said. "With the royalties from tenderness by manipulating the feed ra- the patent, we will be able to conduct tion of the cattle prior to harvest. Re- more research studies and improve our gents professor Donald Gill and Mor- program at OSU. We will also be able gan have developed a feeding strategy to conduct more research on Vitamin that improves beef tenderness. D and improve its marketability." Much work still is needed with the Through research trials, Gill and Morgan discovered that feeding high Vitamin D research, Morgan said. "One of the problems we are faced levels of Vitamin D five to seven days prior to harwith is vest greatly Promoting a guaranteed tender that when improves the the cattle product can lead to a major are contenderness of premium in many markets. the beef. s um in g "Vitamin D such high Brad Morgan works beamounts of animal science assistant professor cause it esVitamin D . sentially accelerates the aging process feed intake seems to drop around day that naturally tenderizes the beef," Gill five," Morgan said. "We need to be able to keep the cattle on full feed up until said. "The problem we have is that the slaughter." beef is not aged properly and not all "Another problem we are facing is beef ages in the same amount of time. that harvest dates can vary, and the The Vitamin D helps increase the uni- effects of Vitamin D seem to decrease formity of the beef tenderness and after day seven," Morgan said. helps to decrease the amount of varia"Before we use Vitamin D on a tion in retail beef." commercial scale , we want to gain The use of Vitamin D looks to be a (Food and Drug Administration) appromising tool for the beef industry to proval on the treatment," Gill said. "We use. The cost of the Vitamin D treat- know that some of the Vitamin D does ment is around 25 cents, which is mini- accumulate in the liver and want to be mal to the premiums that could be sure before the liver is marketed that the level of Vitamin D is safe." awarded if the beef is tender. "Promoting a 'guaranteed tender' The Vitamin D research has been product can lead to a major premium commercially used in South Africa. in many markets." Morgan said. OSU owns the rights to the Vitamin D "People are willing to pay more for feeding supplement in 10 countries insomething they know will be tender." cluding Mexico and Canada. OSU currently owns the patent on OSU may have embarked on a ma the Vitamin D research and is looking jor breakthrough in the beef industry. for potential purchasers for the The need for tenderness is there and they have answered the call. patent. "If the patent is sold to the "We must continually work at cusprivate sector, research can be tomer satisfaction in order to keep our done more rapidly," Gill said. share of the market," Gill said. "We all "This will help the beef in- need to work toward more tenderness dustry and get a tender with less variation." product to the retail So imagine, five years pass, and counter in a more timely you and your friends are enjoying dinmanner." ner. You cut into your steak and are "The profit from surprised at the tenderness and juicithe patent can also be ness. It is then that you realize your used to improve the steak has been enhanced with Vitamin research con- D and is "guaranteed tender. " ducted at OSU,"

Story by Sarah Lockhart Chattanooga, Oklahoma Photo by Todd Johnson

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2000 .6. 2 J

a agricultural night's sleep followed by a A good h earty breakfast and a heaping

research and information. Working through OSU and extension offices, the serving of agricultural news updates are interested viewers can follow up on stothe secret to success for many Okla- ries and get more in-depth information as they need it. homa agricultural producers. "SUNUP," an agricultural news proBroadcasters and faculty members gram produced by Oklahoma State Uni- specializing in everything from versity faculty, staff and student in- economics to gardening give viewers a terns, is broadwealth of cast across the Working with #SUNUP" landed information in just state to sleepyme the job I have now. eyed viewers 15 minutes Austin Moore of airtime. every weekday Because of at 7 a.m. on extension communications specialist the nature Oklahom a Edu catio n a l Television Authority of Oklahoma's agricultural industry, channels. topics such as animal health and the "We try to give t h e viewers ag news environment are two important issues that they wouldn't get from anywhere frequently covered by the "SUNUP" crew, else," said Rob McClendon, broadcast McClendon said. manager. "There is a niche we try to Because of its diversity and spefill ." cific subject matter, it's no surprise the With more than 100,000 viewers, show is one of a kind. "SUNUP" stands it's clear "SUNUP" reaches more than alone in its field, without competition. just the Oklahoma agricultural comMcclendon said there is no other munity, and Mcclendon works hard to daily agricultural news show seen stateensure "SUNUP" covers topics that will wide. In fact, OSU is the only univerappeal and r elate to the diverse sity to air a daily agricultural audience. news program. Sponsored by the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, the show provides a distribution outlet for the university's

"SUNUP" was first introduced Jan. 1, 1987, and aired live from the OSU campus for 10 years. Today, however, the show is taped weekday afternoons, when daily commodity market information becomes available. While educating the audience is important, another important group of people benefit from the production of "SUNUP." About 10 OSU student interns are involved in the daily production of the news program. Interns run cameras and TelePrompTers and assist in the production of graphics for the show. Jamie Jenkins, OSU agricultural communications graduate, said h er role as a "SUNUP" intern gave her oncamera and real-world experience in the television production industry. "I have studio experience to put on a resume now," Jenkins said. "When I apply for jobs, this will put me ahead of other applicants." While interning, Jenkins h a d the opportunity to give market reports on camera, as well as run cameras and TelePrompTers. Other interns have said they enjoy the internship because of the people they meet while working with the show. "It has been a great experience," said Michael Jackson, OSU agricultural communications senior. "The people I have met through 'SUNUP' are part of the Oklahoma agriculture in-

The Oklahoma livestock industry is just one important topic "SUNUP" covers regularly. (photos by Ursula Blanchard and Todd Johnson) OK IA HOMA COOPERAT'JVE EXn:NSION SERVJCF.


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dustry. They're respected experts in their fields and really interesting to work with. " As an OSU agricultural communications junior and "SUNUP" assistant director, Clinton Griffiths has the opportunity to take part in all aspects of the production and direction of the show. "I do whatever needs to be done ," Griffiths said. "I've worked with 'SUNUP' as an intern for two years and now I have the chance to direct. This is real experience, not something I can learn from a textbook." Griffiths has built quite a resume as a "SUNUP" intern , and OSU graduates who interned at "SUNUP" are living proof that his future will look even brighter. "Working for 'SUNUP' landed me the job I have now," said Austin Moore, extension communications specialist at Texas A&M University. "I had the knowledge and I came into this position with more work experience than your typical recent college graduate." Moore , a former intern, now produces educational video and radio releases for the Texas Agricultural Extension Service. Moore said his internship with the show gave him three years experience in television production before leaving OSU. It seems to be unanimous . "SUNUP" interns value the experience and appreciate their new perspective on the television production industry. And most importantly, viewers appreciate the opportunity to get the latest scoop s traight from the state's premier agricultural news source. By creating this unique learning environment "SUNUP" ensures future s uccess for Oklahoma's agricultural industry.

Story by Ursula Blanchard Elgin, Illinois Top from left: Rob Mcclendon and Larry Sanders conduct an interview on the "SUNUP" set. Middle: Sherry Grussing and Sara McGaha prepare for an upcoming show. Bottom: Michael Jackson tapes in the studio.


do Oklahoma State UniverW hat sity landscape architecture students, California sea lions a nd African penguins a ll have in common? They are all involved in creating a future exhibit for the Tulsa Zoo & Living Museum. OSU students recently d eveloped detailed models for a California sea lion pool r enovation including the addition of an African penguin exhibit. "I felt the zoo would make an interesting project because it is an affiliate garden member of the Oklahoma Botanical Garden & Arboretum, with whom our department works closely,"

A California sea lion basks in the sun following 24 .A.


said Matthew Kirkwood, landscape ar- Zoo , said the zoo's intentions are to renovate the California sea lion habichitecture professor. As a part of Kirkwood's Landscape tat and to add an African penguin secArchitecture Design I class, students . tion to make a multi-species entrance were asked to put their experience and to the zoo's future "Oceans and Isknowledge to the test in designing new lands" exhibit. "I felt this was a project that would exhibits for the zoo. The project originated when benefit the zoo while giving students Kirkwood contacted the zoo concern- practical experience within their field ," ing ideas for reconstruction or expan- Kirkwood said. Kirkwood said the zoo's contracted sion proj ects. The zoo responded with a job to architect had previously presented improve the existing California sea lion ideas for the exhibit, but the zoo planexhibit with the expansion of an Afri- ners were willing to participate in the project to give students a perspective can penguin exhibit. Larry Nunley, director of the Tulsa of what a project of this magnitude entails. "As landscape architects, it is our job to meet client needs, " Kirkwood said. "The challenge with this project was trying to meet the needs of the animal clients." Geoff Evans , landscape architecture senior, said the class began surveying and analyzing the project by taking a field trip to Tulsa to view the existing conditions. "Our current exhibit is functional, but as with anything there is always room for improvement, " Nunley said. The class was split up into teams of two for the designing of the models. "Our main goal with this project was to learn how to work with others and to establish team-building skills," Kirkwood said. Shaun Miller, landscape architecture senior, said it was necessary to do further research on California sea lions and African penguins. Miller said the Internet became useful in finding information on the animals and their habitats. "You first have to know what the animals are used to before designing a habitat that they will live in day after day," Miller said. "We were really pushed to expand our ideas. " The students were given a month to fully complete the project. The requirements were to produce a plan design , a support design with elevations and dimensions, and a model. a training session. (photo by Nikki Harrington) Materials such as crescent board ,

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OSU landscape architecture students Eve Morgan, Jared Cresswell, Rebekah Kerwin and Teri Andreas present a model for the "Oceans and Islands" exhibit. (photo by Matthew Kirkwood)

mat board and "whatever the students could find" were u sed to create the models. Plastics were a lso used to resemble water. Upon completion of th e project, the groups presented their work to OSU faculty, Tulsa Zoo staff, architect Rick Winn and zoo consu ltant Merlin Simons . Th e students were ask ed to s peak about the plans, models a nd reasoning behind their individual designs. ''They were very open to the idea because we presented them with 21 different plans instead of the original two from the architect," Kirkwood said. "We hope that the zoo will be able to take a few ideas from each plan to incorporate into one ideal plan." "Our staff was amazed with the results," Nunley said . "The students did an outstanding job. " "We were not expecting such excellent work from a beginning-level design class," Nunley said . Furthermore , many students learned much more from this project other than how to design a beneficial zoo exhibit. "This assignment gave me an opportunity to gain a better view of what this field was like ," Evans said. "This project was a very educational experience." "I think this particular assignment made the students stronger in interpreting user needs ,"' Kirkwood said. The landscape architecture degree

is a five-year program that contains six design classes. Currently, more than 120 students are enrolled in the program as landscape architecture or landscape contracting students. "This major is so important to our world because you can do so much with it," Miller said. Evans said he hopes to use his degree toward recreational design for parks and zoos while Miller would like to move into the area of land and site planning. "This d egree is an excellent way of expressing yourself while interacting with people, " Kirkwood said. For now, the students must sit back and wait until construction begins in Tulsa to see if their designs are implemented. "Overall, the plans were both rea listic and unrealistic designs for the Tulsa Zoo ," Evans said. "They liked the ideas, but the city of Tulsa may not provide the necessary funds." The zoo would possibly incorporate some of the ideas into the final exhibit, said Nunley. However, construction is on hold while the zoo is in the process of collecting money for the renovations . Nunley said the zoo was pleased to partner with OSU on assisting students in developing their skills and hopes to continue this relationship with the university.

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Story by Nikki Harrington Republic, Missouri F A LL

2000 .6. 25



"I do set times to study, but it never veterinary profession until the late arried. Five children. Two grandquite works out that way," said Am- 1970s, and in the 1980s and early 1990s children. Amber Horn, 39, is not your typi- ber. "So I just study whenever there's less than half of veterinarians were women, said Katrina Meinkoth, coorcal second-year veterinary medicine stu- an opportunity." When spare time is possible, Am- dinator of recruitment at the College dent. "I've wanted to be a veterinarian ber likes to train and show Belgian Ter- of Veterinary Medicine. every since I was little," said Amber. vuren dogs in obedience. "Amber is forging the way for This determination brought Amber Prior to the show season which women, showing it all can be done," to Oklahoma State University to pur- starts each April, she begins to work said Meinkoth, who is herself a sue a career in veterinary medicine. with her dog for a few hours each week. veterinanian. After attending Connors State ColAfter graduation she would like to Even Amber's fellow students are lege part time keep showing amazed at what Amber achieves. for more than Amber is forging the way for and purchase "It's hard to find time to study. It six years and more dogs. amazes me that she can get everything women, showing it all When think- done," said Stephanie Foreman, secCarl Albert can be done. State College ing of typical ond-year veterinary medicine student. for two semesveterinary "She really is a source of inspiration." Katrina Meinkoth ters, Amber medicine stu"She is someone for women to look recruitment coordinator enrolled in the dents, indi- up to, not to mention extremely unique OSU College of Veterinary Medicine. viduals in their mid-20s, unmarried in the veterinary profession ," said You could say it was now or never and without children come to mind. Meinkoth. Amber said she expects to gradufor Amber. "The nontraditional students manTo enroll in veterinary medicine, all age as well as (traditional students) do. ate in 2003 and would like to open her science requirements must have been There are several students who are mar- own mobile clinic. met within the past eight years. ried or single parents ," said Pat When that occurs, she can add This was her only shot at becom- Stormont, manager of veterinary medi- "veterinarian" to her long list of ating a veterinarian. cine admissions. tributes . So Amber, her husband, Rick, and Amber is also helping lead the way Story by Stacy Franz her four children still living at home, for women in veterinary medicine. moved from Heavener to just outside Women were not involved in the Bingham Lake, Minnesota of Cushing. The Horns' children range in age from 8 to 21. In addition, they have two grandchildren. What is amazing is that Amber and Rick home school their three youngest children. Amber starts most days around 5:30 a.m. so she will have some quiet time to study. Then the home-schooling responsibility is split between the couple. Amber helps get the kids ready for the day and does livestock chores before she leaves for school. After classes, she studies with her kids and reviews their work. Rick works nights at Mercruiser in Stillwater, so they both have to commute. Commuting means Rick and Amber each have a 35-minute drive to and from Stillwater every day. "Rick was one of the main reasons I decided to go ahead with it," said Amber. "He was willing to do it, and my parents were also willing to help out." On top of all this, Amber still has Amber Horn, second-year veterinary medicine student, checks livestock in the large animal facilities at OSU's College of Veterinary Medicine. (photo by Stacy Franz) to pass her classes. F A LL

2000 A 27

F ooo

agriculture producers are Oklahoma ready to make some "dough" from their hard red winter wheat. When producers wanted to make a product developed from their wheat, they contacted the Oklahoma Food and Agricultural Products Research and Technology Center at Oklahoma State University. More commonly known as FAPC, the center assists the public in developing food projects. "The idea was to find a market for their wheat," said Rodney Holcomb , FAPC food economist. "They wanted to enter a market with limited competition and the potential for good profits. " Other states have started similar cooperatives and have had great returns , Holcomb

dren weren't returning home after graduating from school because there was no place for them to work," Holcomb said. "They developed co-ops to create jobs for the J j' communities and bring money back to their cities." The coopera tive trend of valueadded products started in the northern



and has worked its way south through would need at least $15 million to start Nebraska and Kansas. The possibilities the plant, with at least half of the for different forms of cooperatives are money up front," Holcomb said. endless, Holcomb said. The producers then started their "Producer-owned co-ops that add campaign across Oklahoma. "We started the meetings in Woods value to their products are creating profits that don't end at the sale barn County," Kisling said. "From there we or the elevator, " Holcomb said. ''They went to different parts of Oklahoma, have the pospeaking at Producer owned co-ops that more than tential to send even 40 meetadd value to their products ings." more money back to the are creating profits beyond the The long producer and drives and sale barn or the elevator. the commuhard work Rodney Holcomb nity." paid off for FAPC food economist Producthe producers used the ers. "We raised more than $7.5 million information researched at FAPC to help form Value Added Products, a new co- through 700 members located in Oklaoperative in Alva. homa and parts of Kansas," Kisling By owning their own dough pro- said. "The average contract is for duction facility, the cooperative plans $10 ,000 and 2,000 bushels of wheat." to capture a significant portion of the Thirty percent of their investment price spread between the farm gate and can be used as an Oklahoma tax credit the retail store, according to VAP. for seven years, based on the average To begin production, Keith Kisling, investment, Kisling said. VAP vice president, said cooperative 'There should never be a year memmembers sent their hard red winter bers do not see a return on their dollar," Kisling said. "Members should see wheat flour to Germany to be tested. "We wanted to make sure the wheat a 51-percent return on investment by had the right characteristics to form a the fourth year." quality product," Kisling said. The money raised by VAP went toAs the producers expected, the ward the purchase and renovation of testing came back with positive re- the old Wal-Mart building in Alva and sults. Many pre-proofed product pos- a 1.5-mile long assembly line, Kisling sibilities were developed from the Okla- said. homa wheat. The majority of investors are loA pre-proofed product is a dough cated in Woods County. That played a product that has already risen before major role in placing the plant in Alva, it is immediately frozen and sent to a Kisling said. "We wanted to supply jobs for the customer for baking, Kisling said. "They tested the wheat to make people of Alva and surrounding compre-proofed pizza crusts, baguettes, munities," said Harry Dunker, VAP croissants and dinner rolls," Kisling plant manager. said. "This gave us the deterEmployees of varied educational mination to market our levels will be needed for the plant when it is fully operational. product." "Too, many of our educated young With positive results in hand, Holcomb helped work people have had to move away to find out a business路 plan and find a job ," said Dunker. "We are supplying a market for VAP's pre-proofed them with an opportunity to stay. " products. VAP is, not only supplying jobs for "We figured out that they the comm~nity, they are also purchasing local wheat.

"The main ingredient, hard red winter wheat, is the No . 2 cash return to Oklahoma producers," Dunker said. "The plant will use 65,000 bushels of Oklahoma wheat per month or approximately 750,000 bushels a year." The wheat will go toward making the 35,000 pounds of dough per day that will make 4,500 pizza crusts an hour, Kisling said. This equals out to five semitrailer loads of pizza crusts sent out per day. "Our main customers are pizza manufacturers on the East Coast," Dunker said. "The crust is sent to the customer frozen." Pre-proofing the dough will cut the normal production time in half for the middleman and the consumer, Kisling said. VAP also will supply their customers with a research and development department. "The customers will be able to come to us with an idea," Dunker said. "We will test it and produce the product for them ." Product opportunities for VAP should be endless, Dunker said. Future ambitions include adding a topping line and selling a finished product.

Keith Kisling, VA P vice president, and Harry Dunker, VAP plant manager, present a pre-proofed pizza crust like those that will be produced at the bakery in Alva, Okla. (photos by Erin Spinharney)

"Our goal is to have a product we label and sell directly to the stores," Dunker said. "With our technology and hard work , that day will not be far away."




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When that day dawns , VAP m em b ers should b e rolling in the "dough ."

Story by Erin Spinharney Tulsa, Oklahoma

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2000 .A. 29


edication, devotion and motivation. DThese are three words that Mandy Fritz, agricultural communications/ animal science double major, molded her education around while attending Oklahoma State University. On March 24, the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources honored Fritz and many other students at the annual scholarship and awards banquet. OSU agriculture students received more than $674,000 in scholarships and awards last spring. In 1999, CASNR presented nearly $490,000 in scholarships and awards - a record amount that stood for only one year. "Scholarships and awards are very important to many students' continuing education," said Ed Miller, associate dean of academic programs. "CASNR is proud to be able to offer scholarship support that rivals any in the nation for agricultural students, made possible by generous support from donors who believe education is important in creating the next generation of problem solvers." Fritz is one of those future problem solvers. Originally from Mountain View, she received the Paul and Mary

Hummer Outstanding Senior Award, the Dean Lecrone Senior Leadership Award and a Top Ten Senior Award. "While growing up, agriculture became a part of my life, and I began to understand the importance of the agricultural industry," Fritz said. "Because of this, I have spent four years at the best agricultural university in the United States, receiving an education so that I can pursue a career in the agricultural industry." Fritz was involved in several oncampus organizations and activities. She served as president of the Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow, secretary of Pearls and Rubies, and a member of Block and Bridle. Nine other OSU agriculture graduates received Top Senior awards for their achievements and successes while attending the university: • Julie Cox, an agricultural communications/ animal science double major from Mooreland; • Greg Grunewald, an agricultural economics major from Clinton; • Jennifer Hill, agricultural communications major from Kingfisher; • Brian Lamoreaux, agricultural economics major from Pawhuska;

Mandy Fritz (center) receives a Frederic Remington statue from Associate Dean Emeritus Paul Hummer (far right) and his wife, Mary (second from right). Fritz is accompanied by her parents, Stephen and Patricia Fritz. (photo by Todd Johnson)

30 A


Theodore Peeper, agricultural economics major with a pre-law, option from Stillwater; • Stewart Reed, biosystems engineering major with an agriculture option from Coalgate; • Cheryl Rees, animal science major with a pre-vet option from Glencoe; • Trenna Taylor, animal science major with a food science option from Randlett; and • J .T. Walker, animal science major from Newcastle. Many freshmen students set goals early in the year to h elp them reach their college career achievements. This year Javen Moore, agricultural economics major from Sedan, Kan. , received Alpha Zeta Outstanding Freshman award. Ryan McMullen of Burns Flat received the Charles and Magda Browning Outstanding Freshman award. He is majoring in agricultural economics with minors in history and political science. Outstanding teachers and advisers also were recognized for their dedica tiop in providing students with the best education possible. Ag Ambassadors honored Bob Kropp of animal science as the CASNR Outstanding Adviser, and Judy Talley and Mary Ellen Beyl of academic programs as CASNR's Outstanding Support Staff. Rod Geisert, animal science professor, received the Alpha Zeta Outstanding Teacher award. CASNR also recognized the outstanding agriculture clubs at OSU. Alpha Zeta received the Outstanding Large Club award and the Agronomy Club received the Outstanding Small Club award. · "It is an honor to be able to recognize and offer financial assistance to those OSU agricultural students who have earned scholarships through their academic performance and participation in university activities," Miller said. Story by Tresa Hill Drummond, Oklahoma


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2000 .A. 3 1


s agricultural job opportunities inAcrease across the horizon, Oklahoma State University is taking steps to open new international interests in its students. The OSU faculty is trying to place a new light on little-known job possibilities in foreign markets for their graduates who are multilingual or have cosmopolitan experience. David Henneberry, assistant dean for international programs in agriculture, is leading this push to integrate more international material into students' core curriculum to increase their chances of finding career opportunities. "Many agricultural graduates don't even receive foreign language skills while attending college," Henneberry said. "This is a missed opportunity for them because of the way the world is changing around us." Henneberry has experience in more than 60 countries, specializing in building relationships between Oklahoma and Latin American nations. His main concern is that currently only 5 percent of graduates leaving OSU have been exposed to agriculture outside of the United States. "To prepare for the changes in today's global marketplace, it's vital we raise the level of international exposure to at least 50 percent of our students," Henneberry said. He said he hopes during the next two or three years that around 10 percent of what is taught in the classrooms will have an international base. "Our students need to think of international aspects as being intertwined with the majority of agricultural enterprises, rather than something separate revolving around only a specific class or two," Henneberry said. "In the United States, we have thought of ourselves as technological leaders in agriculture. However, things may be changing as the United States focuses on large-scale farms while most of the world focuses on small farms." This has led to an increase in technological advancement in other countries as more than 50 percent of agricultural patents filed in the United States last year were from foreign individuals or companies. "With a large number of American 3 2 .A.


agricultural industries moving across the border into Mexico, an increasing number of today's future employers want more students with Spanish backgrounds," Henneberry said. James White, faculty member in agricultural education, agrees the ability to be fluent in other languages is an open ticket for the student's choice of careers around the world. White has worked on OSU's beh alf in three countries and tries to bring this valuable experience into t h e classes he teaches. He said agricultural students wh o have initiative could increase the value of their education beyond the degrees stated on their resumes. "For example , those who learn Chinese, Japanese or Korean could easily enhance their opportunities as export sales representatives in m any Asian markets," White said. "To really learn the langu age you have to be immersed in the culture," White said. "When potential employers look at resumes, they will hire the ones who can bring the most to the table. It's the student's responsibility to d ecid e if they want to be above average and make a unique difference by takin g a few extra steps to gain a dditional experience," White said. To give undergraduates the opportunity to immerse themselves, OSU offers students a number of internships and educational study tours in foreign countries. Henneberry said the cost of t h e tours varies depending on wh at part of the world they take place. "For example, over spring break students can take a trip to the rain forest in Honduras and learn about tropical forestry from a specialist in that area," Henneberry said. "At present, it costs around $1, 700 per person. We are looking into renting dorm rooms in local universities and buses there for our transportation to cut down on the expense. It's a learning process and we are trying to make it where more students can take advantage of the opportunity." The Honduras educational study tour is available to any student with an interest in natural resources. There are no classification or

course prerequisites, but students must have their names on a waiting list and write an essay to be selected. Interested students can go to the International Forestry and Natural Resources class Web site for more information ( honduras).

Story by David Frazier Idabel, Oklahoma

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CRAZY about your career month Sept. 19 Sept. 21 Sept. 26 Sept. 28 Oct. 1-7 Oct. 3 Oct. 5 Oct. 12 Oct. 17

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