Cowboy Journal v4n1

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14merican Far111er!ii and RantJhers ''The ltaice at= Fa,nily FarnJer!!ii Since 190 "

CoWBov JoURN 6 Visions become reality at FAPC The Food and Agricultural Products Research and Technology Center brings ideas to life for many of Oklahoma's small-business owners. Many CASNR students discover the opportunities FAPC offers.

By Sheena Grote

8 Shes not CASNR'.s typical Truman Through leadership, community service and communications skills, environmental science senior Julia Arntz became Oklahoma State University's 2001 Truman Scholar.

By Lyndsey Heard

10 Riding for the spirit of OSU Bullet has influenced the lives of many Cowboys during his 13 years in OSU's Spirit Rider program. In November, he was a finalist for the 2001 American Quarter Horse MD Barns Silver Spur Award.

By Kimberly Dibble

12 Bellman brings a legacy to OSU Since his days at Oklahoma A&M College, this extraordinary man has seen - and experienced- it all. He is a true leadership legacy for the university as well as for the state of Oklahoma.

By Amber Lawles

14 OSU pulls in the right direction Building a track has been challenging, yet rewarding for Cowboy Motorsports, CASNR's 1/4-scale tractor pull team. The team has acquired land, supplies and memorable experiences.

By Kristina Gimbel-Gonzalez

16 Dawson does it the 'Cowgirl Way' Julie Dawson, freshman from Arnett, Okla., is living a dream while meeting the challenges of being a part of the OSU rodeo and basketball teams.

By Travis Brorsen

20 Where did all my money go? Five undergraduates wrote down every dollar they spent for an entire week. Find out what they bought and if their habits are costing them hundreds of dollars a year. ByJackie Keesee

22 OSU expands beyond America In the 1950s, OSU traveled to Ethiopia to bring agricultural education to the people. Look back at OSU's struggles and successes.

By Mike Schulte

26 Conquering the transfer daze Transfer students experience much of the same confusion new freshmen do when coming to OSU. CASNR works hard to help assure a smooth transition.

By Kimberly Dibble


28 Remembering OSU'.s golden cow DF Empress 6079 may have been born just another black calf, but she would go on to bring national recognition to OSU's beef program.

By Gina Ciuffetelli O n the Cover: Stars Parr Money, a.k.a. Bullet, serves as a symbol of Oklahoma State

University's spirit and cowboy traditions. Photo by Gina Ciuffetelli SPRING

2002 A 3

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!he edtlors... T he Cowboyjournal has given us the opportunity to showcase the knowledge we acquired throughout our college careers. Although our staff was small in n umber, we were not deterred from our goals. The extra effort it took to attain our goals has been repaid with the skills we've learned and the friendships we've formed. We would like to extend our appreciation and sincere thanks to Todd Johnson for the use of your highq uality photographs; Elizabeth Whitfield and Kellie Schulze for the additional time you have dedicated; Matt Wright for you r am azing Photoshop tips; Dwayne Cartmell for your cheerful attitude and willingness to hdp; Fred Causley for your inventive perspective on feature writing; Bonnie Milby for your extensive grammar knowledge; and Shelly Sitton for your time away from home, helpfulness and devotion to our project. Without each of you, we could not have created this magazine. Abraham Lincoln said, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." As a staff we made mistakes and stepped on each other's toes, but through it all we laughed. We didn't let our emotions control our though ts and we enjoyed our fi nal times together. T hanks for the memories and God bless.

:/acl.ieJC!esee & 71.mber.Baaies


(Back row) Travis Brorsen,Amber Lawles, KimberlyDibble,Jackie Keesee, (Middle row) Gina Ciufretelli,

KristinaGimbel-Gonzaltz, (Fromrow) Clinton Griffiths, Lyndsey Heard, Sheena Groce, Mike Schulte

Editors• Jackie Keesee • Amber Lawles Graphic Editors • Gina Ciuffetelli • Kristina Gimbel-Gonzalez Photo Editor• Sheena Grote

Oklahoma State Universiry, in compliance with 1itle VI and VII of the C ivil Righ ts Act of 1964, Executive O rder 11 246

as amended, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Americans with D isabilities Act of 1990, and other federal laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, or scams as a veteran in and of itS policies, practices or procedures. This includes but is not limited to admissions, employment, financial aid, and educational services. This publication is printed and issued two times a year by agricultural communications seniors in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and has been prepared and distributed at no cost co the taxpayers ofOklahoma.

8 SU1

Sponsorship Coordinator• Mike Schulte Circulation Coordinator • Lyndsey Heard Staff • Travis Brorsen • Kimberly Dibble • Clinton Griffiths Managing Editor • Shelly Peper Sitton Founding Sponsors Limousin World • Quebecor World • Oklahoma Farm Bureau


2002 .A. 5

_,_,_....,_,.._ _....,._ _.....,_..,_ _.; Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources -~,...__ _._,_ _....._.._ _,.__

Visions become reality at FAPC By Sheena Grote Forney; Texas Sunrays cascade through the many windows lining the south entrance, resulting in a sparkling glow chat invites you closer. For a moment you hesitate, then proceed through the double glass doors. Once inside, the people and the activities caking place will intrigue you and most ocher visitors. This may sound like heaven, and for some small-business owners, it is. You have just entered the Oklahoma State University Food and Agriculcural Products Research and Technology Center.

The Beginning In 1987 at the "Expanding Food Processing" conference held on the OSU campus, a vision was created to establish a food-processing center. State legislators and educational leaders saw the potential for major contributions to Oklahoma's economy from processing agricultural commodities into food and industrial products. As a result, state Sen. Robert Kerr i~troduced State Senate Bill 185, which authorized a study for the need to establish a food-processing center. In 1997, the cenrer became a reality. "The center's mission is to stimulate and expand the food and agricultural products processing industry in Oklahoma," said Sam Curl, dean and director of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, "thereby increasing the total agriculcural economy of the state." The vision for the center focuses on offering educational programs, technical and business assistance, and information to small and large business operators. "Strengthening agriculture in the state by broadening its base from one ofcommodity production to one of commodity processing will stabilize this important industry and shield it from the full impact of commodity price fluctuations ," said Curl. The 112,962-square-foot, three-level facility was built to serve Oklahoma as its research and development center for valueadded agriculture. The center is divided into a pilot plant, an auditorium, conference rooms, offices and various laboratories. Located at the corner of Farm Road and

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Monroe Street on the OSU campus, its purpose is to bring products, jobs and money back to Oklahoma instead ofsending them to other states or countries. "The center cost $16.2 million to build, excluding the necessary equipment needed to perform everyday tasks, " said Stanley Gilliland, interim director and food microbiologist at FAPC. "It is the largest center of its kind under one roof in the United States."

FAPC Services FAPC is home to 20 faculty and staff members who specialize in specific areas of study such as food microbiology, food chemistry, food engineering, horticultural processing, meat science, cerea l and oilseed processing , quality control and economics. More than 40 clerical and technical staff as well as student assistants help the FAPC faculty with center projects. "T he center's technical staff is experienced in both university and industry settings, which enables them to assist companies getting started," said Gilliland. Faculty and staff help companies meet U.S . Department ofAgriculture regulations for food safety. They also can help an entrepreneur develop a new product or improve an existing product, Gilliland said. The faculty has the ability to work closely with members of other professions across the OSU campus and the state and those within the food-processing and distribution industries. In addition, they work with the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture and the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. "Since the center began four years ago, it has provided technical and business assistance to more than 400 entrepreneurs and processors in Oklahoma," said Curl. "It has also assisted in the start up of more than 70 food and agricultural product companies in Oklahoma." The faculty forms a response team to assist producers, processors and entrepreneurs to create or add value to food and agricultural products. The faculty provides business, marketing and technology assistance as well. Some examples of technology

assistance include microbiological testing services, analytical chemistry and sensory test panel services. "The goal of the center is to help people of agriculture increase their profitability through value-added products," said Gilliland. "Value added is the additions of time, place and utility to a commodity in order to meet the preferences or tastes of the consumer." The FAPC faculty and staff are available to help entrepreneurs with an idea, small processing operations wanting to expand or large corporations seeking assistance. A team is put together to address each individual project. The team assists in areas that include business plan development, product pricing, promotion and market identification, and evaluation. This meets the purpose of the center to bring money back to the state, bur FAPC's services do cost clients money. The use of equipment and facilities is charged to the clients based on their ability to pay. "New products are being produced and marketed throughout Oklahoma as a result ofFAPC," said Curl. FAPC provides annual educational seminars and programs to its clients. Basic training workshops are held monthly. The center recently conducted a Master Canner's Workshop designed to introduce the fundamentals of high-acid food processing and regulations. In the workshop, participants learned principles in thermal and acidification processing techniques for canned foods including proper conrainer handling and closure evaluation.

Pilot Plant Facilities The pilot plant, located on FAPC's second floor, is specifically designed to meet the demands of the food-processing industry. Specific pilot facilities can accommodate meat, cereals, dairy, fruit and vegetable processing and handling. It also has operation units for thermal processing, packaging, freezing, milling and fermentation purposes. The meatprocessing areas in the pilot plant are USDA inspected on site, and ocher areas are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration to ensure q uali ry and food safery. "Through che pilot plane, students,

staff and faculty are able co apply research and knowledge gained in a serring similar co industry," said Gilliland. Ongoing Rese11rch

The center is a sire for many research programs. The Oklahoma Agriatlrural Experi足 ment Station provides 70 percent of funding and 30 percent comes from the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service. "Nine facul ty members work in the center, and each is developing a focused. long-cerm research program in their area of special ty," said GiUiland. A n o n g o i n g research p r o j e c t throughout rhe pasc couple of years involved an idea co develop peanut burrer slices. That project, led by Danielle BeUmer, assisranc food-processing engineer and William McGlynn, horticultural products processing specialise, has blossomed inro an entrepreneur's dream. P.B. Slices hie refrigerated sections of Super Wal-Marrs chis pasc summer. The slices have been imroduced into the federal penitentiary system as well. This produce will increase peanut butter consumption, therefore increasing the demand for peanucs, said Gilliland. "This likdywill conaibuce to Oklahomas economic development in agriculture," said Gilliland. "le has also attracted nacional attention to the center." Another project, led byTim Bowser, food engineering specialise, answered a need to

find becrer qualiry rurcle food for pet mrdes. Many people buy curdes, unaware of their nucrirional needs. The cencer helped an Oklahoma entrepreneur design a wafer co feed box turtles. The entrepreneur now owns a processing plant for curde wafers in a small northeastern Oklahoma community. "This is a great success story because it is something corally different and ic resulred in bringing a boost in economy ro a small rural community," said Gilliland. Ocher research projects include developing beef broth and bone meal as flavor enhancers in per foods, evaluaring Oklal10ma hard red wincer wheat by protein level for use in frozen dough produces and developing methods for controlling listeria rnonocytog enese, a common food-borne bacteria char can cause illness or even death. "FAPC is an asset co che college of agriatlrure because we are expanding the food足 processing industry," saidCurl. OSl .<tudents ,If work Many students from the College of Agriculrural Sciences and Natural Resources can be found working in the cencer. "Students gain the ability co ger firsthand experience in food and agriculrural product processing,'' saidCurl. "fr helps reach srudents and it provides information about curring足 edge technology. le is imponanr for scudents m have current informacion rather than jusc learning from a book."

The center offers part-time jobs as well as internships in a wide variety ofareas.Currently, more than 45 undergraduate students work A in FPC. "This gives chem on-che-job training and experience rhey don't get in che classroom," said Gilliland. "Scudents benefit while they are working in school. Ir enables them co pursue their careers." By working in the cemer, many students discover areas ofan industry where they want to pursue their careers. The center becomes an educational tool for the students. They learn all the aspects of the food and agricultural products processing industry. "Scudenrs who work in the center as an intern or in a part-rime job are gaining experience for their future careers," saidCurl. "The ability to move into jobs in food and agricultural products processing is becoming more and more important." With the increase in research, the center also is working roward funding a graduate assistantship program. "If you are going co have a research program at a university, you need graduate students," said Gilliland. "Graduate srudenrs nor only help with research, bur also they work with some of these value足 added projects. This gives them actual training for how co work wichin industry and helps chem further their careers." To learn more about FAPC, visit it on the Web ar c;i


2002 .A 7

Environmental Sciences

Shes not CASNRS typical Truman By Lyndsey Heard Mansfield, La. Leadership. Community service. Communications skills. Those who excel in these areas have the potential to receive the Harry S. Truman Scholarship. Just askJuliaArntz, a 2001 Truman Scholar. Arntz, an environmental sciences senior, became Oklahoma State University's seventh Truman Scholar in the past eight years. She was the fourth from the agricultural economics department, following in the footsteps of 1997 Truman Scholar Shannon Ferrell, 1998 Truman Scholar Chris Stephens, and most recently, 2000 Truman Scholar Kent Gardner. Unlike her predecessors, Arntz has little agricultural background. "My dad was in the military, and we moved around a lot," said Arntz. "I never had the chance to grow up on a farm or be involved in 4-H or FFA." Arntz credits her grandfather in helping her decide on her career path. "My granddad had a farm in Lawton," said Arntz. "He would take me out and show me the land. I really discovered my passion for conservation of the environment because of him." Arntz has lived throughout the United States, including New York, West Virginia, Kansas and North Carolina. Her family also has lived in Germany, and she graduated from high school in Heidelberg, Germany. After applying to different schools, Arntz chose OSU because she said she believed OSU would be a better fit for her. "I had OSU in mind because they offered a greater variety of the majors I was looking at," said Arntz. "It was the only school that I applied to that actually called me and encouraged me to visit. I felt like I would be taken care of here. " When the 22-year-old began che process of applying for the Truman Scholarship, she said she never thought she would receive the prestigious award. "It is all so intimidating," said Arntz. "In fact, I backed out my junior year when I first began the application process. But when I finally sac down and put my goals and passions into words, the whole

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application process became much easier and less intimidating." Bob Graalman, director ofscholarship development and recognition, helped Arntz realize her full potential. "In Julia's case, her record of public service and desire to make that her life's work were clearly established for the selection committees," said Graalman. ''And it didn't hurt chat she had an exceptional academic record and handled herself extremely well in an interview situation." Jonathan Yoder, assistant professor in the department of agricultural economics, was excited about Arntz's chances in receiving the scholarship. "Julia was a cop scuden c in my environmental and natural resources class," said Yoder. "That's very rewarding for me as an instructor and as someone who shares similar interests." The preparation process for the scholarship is extensive. Candidates muse first become a Truman candidate for the university. After chat, each candidate goes through a series of mock interviews and fills out the application. Once this is completed, the candidate repeats chis process on a national level. Each year, 80 undergraduates receive $30,000 in Truman Scholarships. The scholarship pays for one year of undergraduate school and two years of graduate study. The selection is based on the applicant's academic and leadership record and potential. "There are no requirements for a Truman Scholar, except to try and live up to the ideals of Mr. Truman and chis program which the federal government endowed in his honor," said Graalman. Although Arntz was well prepared for the process, she still could not believe she received the impressive award. "I was in complete shock!" said Arntz. "I just could not believe chat I had received this recognition." Arntz said her future plans have yet to be decided. "When I began working on my undergraduate degree, I knew chat my ultimate goal was graduate school," said Arntz. "However, I am not sure if chat will

be after graduating in December 2001 or if I will wait a while and try some different internships to obtain more experience." In the summer 2001, Arntz attended a leadership conference for Truman Scholars. Former scholarship recipients suggested to current scholars that they postpone graduate school and get more hands-on experience after graduation. "The conference was great for me," said Arntz. "They really encouraged us to try and do some internships and find out what it is we would like to specialize in." Arntz said she plans to seek a career in international environmental policy. "I want to do something that will make a difference," said Arntz. "I want to improve the quality of environmental standards in countries around the world." Arntz said her most rewarding public service activity was when she went to Yasi, Romania, to build and repair playgrounds for the orphanages surrounding the town. "This project was one of my most satisfying public service activities because I stepped out of my comfort zone, opened my heart, and allowed the orphans to touch my life," said Arntz. Arntz's public service and community activities are extensive. She was a nursing home volunteer and Special Olympics coach for autistic children. Arntz also created a recycle committee for the Tau Beta Chapter of Chi Omega National Woman's Fraternity and was co-director of the OSU "Into the Streets" community service project. Yoder has wicnessedArntz's dedication first hand. "Julia is very smart," said Yoder. "She really stands out because of her strong sense ofsocial responsibility. From what I've seen, her whole adult life is evidence of that." Harry S. Truman said in periods where there is no leadership, society stands still: "Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for che better." Julia Arntz, like Truman Scholars before her, sets these words into motion. CJ Left: Julia Arntz, environmental science senior, received a 200 I Truman Scholarship. She is one of four CASNR recipients in the last five years. (Photo by Lyndsey Heard)

----....---i..,...___,... College ofAgricultural Sciences and Natural Resources


Riding for the spirit of OSU By Kimberly Dibble Clinton Corners, N Y. All eyes focused on the three finalists in the center of the arena. The crowd waited in silence, anticipation filling the air. The announcer's voice paused in his presentation ... "It is my pleasure to announce your second runner-up for the MD Barns Silver Spur Award. Show your spirit for Stars Parr Money and his Spirit Rider Dan Bomhoff." No, Bullet did not win the coveted Silver Spur Award; however, he did expand upon his legend at Oklahoma State University and add another star to his long list of accomplishments. A fledgling program in 1984, the OSU Spirit Rider was the idea of the late Eddy Finley, an agricultural education professor at OSU. Finley's original thought was for the OSU flag to be carried down the field each time the Cowboys scored a touchdown. John Beall] r., then president of OSU's rodeo team, served as the first Spirit Rider. Riding his own horse, a black mare named Spirit, Beall made the rounds ofLewis Field. The program was an instant success, and another Cowboy tradition was born.

In 1988 the program took a new turn when the OSU Athletic Department purchased a black Quarter Horse gelding, Stars Parr Money, to be the full-time spirit horse. A campus-wide contest yielded his new name, and Bullet's legend was born. Bullet represents OSU beyond the football field. Along with his Spirit Rider and ground crew, Bullet appears at schools, parades and rodeos and has participated in the opening ceremonies of the Oklahoma Special Olympics. Bomhoffhad the idea to nominate Bullet for the Silver Spur Award. "Dan did the application, and then sent a video in with it that someone in the athletic department had made for us," said Michelle Wrigley, member of Bullet's ground crew. Being nominated for the Silver Spur Award is no small feat, and finishing in the top three is even more impressive. The Silver Spur Award honors those American Quarter Horses that have made a significant impact on the lives of others or that have been cast into the public spotlight to help create a favorable perception of the

Above After the Sept I I attacks, the Spirit Rider carried the U.S. flag. Right Dan Bomhoff (on Bullet) joins the ground crew: Shalyn Kennedy (left). Michelle Wrigley, David Turner and Josh Brecheen.


breed. Those nominated are registered Quarter Horses that have enriched the lives of human beings through outstanding training, contribution or accomplishment. Bullet went into the award lineup with 150 other entrants, who were voted on by American Quarter Horse Association members on theAQHA Web site. "The AQHA chose who was going to be in the top six from the original 150 applicants, and then voters chose the final three," said Wrigley. The work didn't stop for Bomhoff or the Spirit Rider program after the application was sent. They spread the word through television appearances, e-mails and fliers. All the hard work led up to Nov. 16 at the 2001 AQHA World Championship Show in Oklahoma City. When the announcement came, feelings of completion, joy and even a little relief filled the air. "Bullet has given a lot to our school by representing us at different events," said Bomhoff. "He should be recognized." Disappointment did not seem to show its face and not a word was spoken by the Spirit Rider or ground crew members. Josh Brecheen, a ground crew member, said they were excited just making the top three finalists, and the publicity for the program and OSU was also a good thing. However, one of the most exciting moments came at the end of the evening as Bullet, Bomhoff and the ground crew were waiting to have their picture taken. A woman stood at Bullet's head, stroking his face and talking to people around him. "She's Or. Finley's wife. He's the man who originally founded the Spirit Rider program," said Bomhoff. "We didn't even know she was coming." As runner-up in this year's Silver Spur Award, Stars Parr Money, more affectionately known as Bullet, won a custom-made Montana Silversmiths belt buckle and a $5,000 MD Barns gift certificate. In addition, he will be guaranteed an automatic finalist for the 2002 Silver Spur award. Bullet is a proud symbol of the tradition, heritage and enthusiasm that is Oklahoma State University and truly exemplifies theAQHA's positioning line of ''America's Horse, Let Freedom Ride." CJ

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2 002

.A I I


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Bellman brings a legacy to OSU

By Amber Law/es Colon)\ Okla.

With his eyes brimming wirh wisdom and his heart filled wirh pride, Henry Bellmon peers across bis land with a sense of fulfillment. Born and raised on a farm, he went off co college ar OklahomaA&M, joined cheMarinei., and returned co Okla­ homa ro serve as governor and as a U.S. senator. This extraordinary man has seen and experienced - it all. Bellmon and his four brothers grew up in Billings, Okla., on a farm his father homesreaded in 1897. He still lives on the land today. "\X/hen I was young, we had what you would call a subsisrence farm," said Bcllmon. "We had chickens, pigs, we milked cows, grew a garden, had an apple orchard and did all rhe things you do to provide food for a family." Bellmon graduated from whar is now I 2

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Oklahoma Scare University in 1942 with a degree in agronomy. "I always wanced co be a farmer, and I didn't hesitate to enroll in agriculcure at OklahomaA&M," said Bellmon. Bellrnon said agriculture is one of the mosc essemial industries in d1e coLmtry. He also the social impact is significant. "l rhink agriculture is one of the most sarisf)ring fields you can work in," said Bellmon. ''l t gives you the opportunity co work with some of the best people you'll ever find. le allows the opporruniry co be an entrepreneur, and it allows for a hcald1y way for families co raise their children and reach rhem ro be potential leaders." Claudia Scribner, Bellmon's former longtime aide, said she believes he is who he is because of his agricultural background. "Agriculture has always been very near and dear ro his heart," said Scribner. "I chink his rural roors gave him che beliefs and back­ ground rhac made him who he is coday."

As Bellmon was finishing college, World War 11 was beginning. He joined rhe Ma­ rine Corps just months after graduarion. "I didn'c gee co stare farming until after the war was over, bur I have been farming ever since," said Bellmon. One of the first evidences of his lead­ ership record began wich his milir-ary career. "One day in April, I hauled a truck­ load of hogs to che Oklahoma Ciry srock­ yards, and while J was there, I wem by a Marine recruiting office and filled out the papers," said Bellmon. Since Bellmon had a college degree, che Marine Corps accepted him for officer can­ didare school. He was located in several dif­ fcrenrareas during World War ll, induding California, Hawaii, Saipan and lwo Jima. He received rhe Legion ofMeric for action at Saipan and the Silver Scar for bravery at lwo Jima. When the war ended in Septem­ ber 1945, he returned home to the farm. "My dad was in his 70s and was ready

o rum the ta.rm over to my brorher and me, said Bell mon. " o, we rnok over and began farming. " Bellmon pol itical career . tarred 0011 after. He credits hi e perienc in the Ma­ rine o rp for lead ing h i m to rhis ven rure in h i l i fe. " I got to be good friends wich everal Japanese families. l e was i nteresting to go to their bouse one n igh t for din ner and have a good r ime with chem , and then gee on a hip the nexc day and ail our to Sa i pan and cry ro ki l l all rhe Japanese you cou ld find," said Bellmon. "Ir jusr did n't make any sense ro me. o I made u p my mi nd if l gor th rough r h e war and I gor the chance, l would get i n ro govern ment." J n 1 946, Bellmon ran for sratc legisla­ tor and was ele red. He erved for one rerm . D uri ng chi time he mer h i rley Osborn and m a r ried her Ja n . 24, 1 94 7 . h e Bellmons starred rheir family oon afrer and were ble ed wi th th ree daugh ter . Bellmon spent the next few years fur m­ ing and raking on variou venru re : sheep farming, wheat farming, an egg busi ness, a cu rkey business a bulldozer operation and being a fcnil izer dealer for locals. Re-elected again, he rved from 1 9601 962 and was Repub l ica n stare chai rman. He was elected the srare's fi rst Republ ican governor and served from 1 962- 1 967. Af­ ter his governor h ip, the BelLnon returned to the farm, and he served on the board of directors for Williams Pi peline o. and th n later erved a the natio nal Richard N i x:o n pre idenrial campaign chai rman. Bellmon worked closely with President ixon until Bellman's campaign for the U .S. enare. He was elected to the enate in 1 968 and erved two rerms before retu rn i ng to the farm in 1 980 . While in Wash i ngto n, he was on the labor and public wel fure com­ m i ttee, rhe agricultu re co m m i ttee and rh budger com m ittee. The ca m paign trail wa hot again i n 1 986 when Bellmon ran fo r hi e ond term as governo r. He wa elected o nce again and served fro m 1 987- 1 99 1 . "My favori te political offi e was my econd governor h ip '' said Bel J mo n . "l chi n k we goc a l ot o thi ngs done for the state, which gives me some acisfaction." Duri ng chi time. he prom red the pas­ age of House B i l l 1 0 1 7, rhe education re­ form and funding bill that i ncrea ed reach­ er ' pay and reduced class ize. "House Bill 1 0 1 7 was a very helpfu l bil l by i ncreasing the q u a l i ty of ed ucarion

for Oklahoma tudem ," aid Alexander Ho! mes, former cace finance director. While in che enate, Bellmon made nu­ merous con r riburions. Assisting with writ­ i ng the farm bi ll while ·erving on the agri­ culture com m i c cec was only one of chem. T " wo of the ideas I managed ro get incorporated i n to che farm program were ta rget-price legislati on and rhe farmer­ owned reserve," said Bellmon. Bell mon said he aJ o helped change the wheat grading system rhar classi fied gra i n u n fai.rly fo r r h e wheat producer. H e said the grad ing process was an i mpre isc, sub­ jective grading technique often u ed to force down the price farmer received for gra in char had been rai n ed on afi:er i c was manue. ribner said Bell mon has made an ou t­ randi ng ontriburion ro the srare as well a co che country agricukurally and otherwise. "He has always realized rhe i m portance ofagriculnirc, not just ro Oklahoma, but to our natio n , " said cri b ncr. " He was a very good spo kesper on for the ind u r ry. " Scribner al o a id he helped the rare overcome a barrier. " nc of the mosr imporcam things he did for the rare of Oklahoma was making ir a cwo-parcy race," ·aid crib ner. " l e made for bet ter govern ment in our rare. " Ar age 80, Bel l mon is r i l l i nvolved in public erv ice. He cu rrently i on the O U cam pus erving as director of the Oklahoma Alliance for Pu blic Policy Research .

Tom Collins, 0 U vice presidenr for research , said che univer i cy is fortunate to have a man of his caliber i n his position . " or o n ly does he have the feel for what needs to be done, bur he has the con­ tacts ro execute rhe ideas," said Collin . ollin said ouc of all the politicians he has known in h is life, Bel l mon has the most i nr egri ry of rhem all. "Oklahoma has always had good lead­ ership, b u t I r h i n k H e n ry is rhe brigh test rar," said Collins. " Personal!}': l con ider him a mentor." Beyond his respon ibilicies on campus, he manages more than 1 ,800 acres of farm­ land. On h is land he farms wheat and has more than 200 head of carcle. AgricuJrure was, and till is, an impor­ tant part of Bell mon's l i fe. He sai d he en­ cou rages you n g people to look ar agricul­ ture po irively. "Agriculrure. is nor easy," said BelLnon. " I r cakes a lot of skill and ded ication to pur together a ucce ful farming operation or bu i n e n terp rise i n agricul tu re, bur i t is certainly one of our mosr rewarding and vi ral i ndu tries. " Bel l m on aid he encou rages students ro be proud of O U rhe un iversi ty they have hosen for cl1eir education. "l have been in t he enate where mem­ bers co me fro m ranford Princero n , Yale and Harvard, and l never tho ught J was hortchanged wirh che education I gor at .......,..,,,... T""T",._..,..,.. O k l a h o m a A & M Col lege , " sa i d Bel l mo n . " should feel they are getting a good an education ar 0 U as d1ey co uld get anywhere. Th ey should always feel proud."CJ Left: Bellman was elected to the Senate in 1 968 and served two terms . Bottom : Bellmen manages more than 1 .800 acres of land his father homesteaded in 1 897 .

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OSU pulls in the right direction By Kristina Gimbel-Gonzalez

Ree Heights, S.D. One group on the Oklahoma State University campus has proven hard work and dedication can make dreams come true. Cowboy Motorsports, the \/,{-scale tractor pull team of OSU's chapter of the American Society of Agriculrural Engineers, has made far-reaching accomplishments in its four-year history. "It was only natural for us to develop a tractor pull team to compete on the national level," said Chad Fisher, biosystems and agricultural engineering senior. "OSU ASAE has always been active nationally." In 1998, the ASAE created the annual national student design competition, based on the concept of designing a \/,{-scale tractor. The competition consists of four main judging categories: a written design report, an oral team presentation, design judging and a performance competition. The national competition, held each May at Quad City Downs in East Moline, Ill., allows team members w use classroom knowledge in a real-life scenario. "We get to apply our classes, like fluids, strengths of materials and many others," said Fisher. "These applications help you understand and use the skills taught in the classroom, while seeing their usefulness."

A subdivision of the OSU ASAE, Cowboy Motorsporrs has 18 men and women who have worked to make this activity at OSU a success, including the development of a practice track. "The idea for a track came from the need for a place to test the tractors," said Wayne Kiner, OSU biosystems and agricultural engineering research lab manager. "The team members were trying to run tests at other facilities and were using equipment to drag around on dirt, grass, gravel and whatever else they could pull on." Testing equipment using inadequate facilities was discouraging to team members. To the best of Cowboy Motorsporrs members' ability, they would have ro estimate their tractor's response to the ground conditions of the national track while testing the tractor on totally different ground. This led members in search for a site with soil conditions similar to conditions at the national track. "Simulating the national track and receiving consistent results would give the team an advantage when competing at nationals," said Jake Holloway, biosystems and agricultural engineering senior. The Stillwater area does not have a track with the type of soil found at the national competition, so team members started looking into alternatives.

The biosystems and agricultural engineering department did not have available land, so Holloway and Dustin Simmons, biosystems and agricultural engineering senior, started looking for land. They heard about some land managed by the animal science department. Holloway and Simmons met with Don Wagner, animal science department head. At the meeting they shared the group's ideas and goals. Wagner and the students discussed some possible tracts ofland and set a date to look at them. "Without help from faculty and staff, students' goals and dreams may be impossible," said Wagner. "The university owns the land; the department just has the use of the land. Even though it is uncommon for a department to give up land, it does happen." Wagner said he has a soft spot for students and likes to see things done that help them. Wagner and the students looked at some tracts of land, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each. Cowboy Motorsports chose a tract of land located northeast of the rodeo arena near Lakeview and Western. After the members explained to Wagner the advantages of the chosen land and why it was the best location, Wagner decided to donate the use of the land to Cowboy Motorsports for a track.

Jason Walker (left). Chad Fisher and Jake Holloway practice loading the tractor into their new trailer.

"Ir is rewarding to help students," said Wagner. With the land now available, the project developed as sponsors began to supply resources. The O SU physical plant provided soil for th e track site from the building of the new dorms. Ditch Witch of Perry, Okla. , donated drilling pipe for construction of the track railing and gates for the entrance. Stillwater businesses also helped with donations for the track. The Railroad Yard donated a culvert for the entrance. Wittwer Construction donated labor and equipment for dirt work, including leveling the track. Kinnunen Sales and Rentals donated rental equipment to erect the fence. T he O SU plant and soil sciences department donated use of equipment. "Working on the track is a big project," said Holloway. Cowboy Motorsports members are doing most of the work themselves. "Being a small group gives us some advantages, but also requires hard work," said Holloway. "We are fortunate to be a tightly knit group that knows how to communicate." M ost communicatio n is don e with cellular phones, so the group can get together and work on the track at the spur of the moment. "We work well together and, more importantly, trust each other's work," said Holloway. Physical labor has presented its challenges to the small group. Left: Dustin Simmons prepa res for the next competition.(Photo by Kristina Gimbel-Gonzalez)

"The construction is hard work, but it gives Cowboy Motorsports a change of pace and a break from the stress and demands of college life," said Simmons. When an individual has time to work on the track between classes or on a given afrernoon, he or she gathers members and they go to work. Some tasks have involved surveying, cutting pipe, running heavy equipment and painting. "Using equipment such as packers, road graders and bulldozers has proven exciti ng for some," said Simmons. "We have lots of fun working on the track, learning more about each other and about becoming a stronger group." Physical work is not the only challenge the track h as presen ted Cowboy

Motorsports. The initial problem of the track is still there. "It is important the soil has the same consistency as the national track, so tractors can be designed to achieve maximum pull on it," said H olloway. After receiving soil samples from the national track and from their track, soil tests were done to determine the differences. T he results will allow Cowboy Motorsports to manipulate their soil to match the soil at the national track. T he upkeep of the track will become important to maintai n soil consistency, H olloway said. ''After running tests for particle size distribution and shear strength, it was determined the soil at the national track is fairly unusual," said Glenn Brown, biosystems engineering instructor. "Using this information the students have to fin d an additive which would make our track similar [to the national track] or possibly they'll use different tires when pulling on our track. " Using the knowledge and experience they'll gain from their new track, team members will represent the university at the national competi tion in May. T he trip to nationals will be improved, as they travel with a n ew custom-built trailer donated by Cherokee Trailer. "The pride level fo r the team has drastically increased," said Holloway. "T he trailer makes you feel 10 feet tall when you pull up at the national competition." All the improvements and excitement are pulling Cowboy M otorsports on a path to a bright future. But the best part is, the lessons learned and memories made will last each member a lifetime. CJ

Chad Fisher (left) and Jake Holloway discuss preliminary design plans for the new track. S PHING

2002 .A 15

Dawson does it the By Travis Brorsen Perry, Okla. Imagine being recruited by more than 100 colleges. Imagine going co state-level competition, seven times in two sports dur-

ing high school. Julie Dawson doesn't have co imagine, and she has chosen co attend Oklahoma State University where she will be a Cowgirl on the basketball court as well as in the rodeo arena. Her three brothers, Jack and Jason


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Bradshaw and Jace Dawson, graduated from OSU and were influential in her decision to move to Stillwater. "We all wanted her to go to OSU," said Jack Bradshaw, "but she made the decision on her own." The daughter of Larry and Sparky Dawson, Julie Dawson was raised on 16,000 acres, known as the Packsaddle Ranch in Arnett, Okla. "I have been caking Julie out on the ranch with me ever since she was in diapers," said Larry Dawson. He said she has helped on the ranch ever since she could walk. "Julie is a fast learner and a hard worker," said Larry. "When she started roping and riding, she needed a little guidance and someone co show her the correct techniques, and she cook it from there." Her mother said she would ride her stick horse everywhere as a young child. Sparky Dawson recalled the many times her daughter would set up coffee cans in the living room and ride her stick horse around them as if she were barrel racing. She insisted on having an announcer, so her father or one of her brothers would do the announcing. Her father said her daily routine in high school included riding her horse and then hitting the basketball court to shoot hoops. "We did not have to push her," said Larry Dawson. "She had a dream and nothing was going co stop her." Julie Dawson has been complemented on her basketball talents from a yo ung age. When she was in the second grade, attending a high school game, the coach looked up into the stands and jokingly cold her they needed her co suit up. With determination in her eyes, she looked at her mother and cold her they had co go home to gee her uniform. This 6-fooc OSU freshman has been a scarcer on the hard court since the fifth grade. During the summer, ifshe wasn't on the ranch, she was playing in the Amateur Athletic Union. Her team, the Nightmares, qualified Julie Dawson warms up before the fans arrive.

for the nationalAAU tournament during the summers of 1998 and 1999. Dawson and her teammates held fund-raisers to make their trips to the national tournament. Her mother said she remembers the trip to nationals that was held at the Disney World Sports Center in Orlando, Fla. "On more than one occasion, the referees approached me to comment on Julie's playing ability," said her mother. Out of her four years in Arnett High School, the only year her Lady Wildcats did not make it to the state tournament was her freshman year. Dawson led her team to a state championship her sophomore year and was selected to the all-tournament team for the first time. Her junior and senior basketball seasons both ended in the state tournament, falling short of a team championship but earning her all-tournament team honors. "Basketball is something I take very seriously," said Dawson. Being selected to the All-State Tournament team her junior and senior years and as a 2001 USA Today honorable mention AllAmerican were just a few milestones. Another was being selected to The Daily Oklahoman's Super 5 Pick in 2000 and 2001. Dawson scored close to 2,400 points in her four-year high school career, falling short of the state record by 300 points. "In my four years of high school we only lost around 13 games," said Dawson, "and never lost a conference game." Dawson received letters from more than 100 colleges across the country wanting to recruit her. One university that recruited Dawson for collegiate basketball is one of OSU's biggest rivals, the University of Oklahoma. Sherri Coale, OU's head women's basketball coach, visited Dawson in Arnett on more than one occasion with hopes Dawson would become a Sooner. Coale led OU to a school-best overall record last year and first-place in the Big 12 Conference. However, this record did not influence Dawson's choice. "I have to follow my heart," said Dawson. "Family tradition is one way I can. "

Julie Dawson holds two things equally close to her heart: her love for rodeo and her love for basketball.

She decided to follow her love for basketball and rodeo and to continue the family tradition as an OSU Cowgirl. Dawson has joined head basketball coach Dick Halterman in his 18th season at OSU. Halterman reached a milestone last year with his 300th all-time career win. The Cowgirls finished last season with 16 wins. "We are exci red about the team this year," said Halterman. "We feel Julie will be an athlete that will contribute at an early stage. " "We have been recruiting Julie for a couple of years and feel she will be a big contributor to our team in the upcoming season," said Halterman. Basketball is not the only reason Dawson chose to come to OSU. She developed a second love while growing up on the farm . From the first time she rode a horse, she not only developed a new passion but a talent as well. "One of the reasons I chose OSU," said Dawson, "was because of its strong rodeo team and their success." In her high school career in the rodeo arena, Dawson did most of her competing in Texas. She participated in barrel racing, pole bending, goat tying, breakaway roping and team roping. Dawson qualified for the Texas High School Finals all four years. She also won the 2000 Texas Tri-State Breakaway Roping Championship. OSU wasn't the only college with a rodeo team that noticed her. Dawson was heavily recruited by the Texas Tech University Red

Raiders to be a part of its women's basketball and rodeo teams. But once again, they weren't able to lure her away from OSU. "Our rodeo team is one of the main reasons she is attending OSU," said Terry Hyman, OSU Rodeo Team coach. Hyman said Dawson will increase the level of competitiveness for a spot on the team because she is good at fixing her mistakes. If she messes up once, it is not likely that it will happen again, he said. "OSU is fortunate to attract someone with Julie's abiliry, not only athletically but also the type of person she is," said Hyman. Hyman said he hopes Dawson's work ethic will rub off on other members of the team. He also said that her strong agricultural roots will take her a long way in life. "I can't really see myself doing anything in the future that is not related to agriculture," said Dawson. Dawson is undecided on her major at this point, but her main interest is in agribusiness and agricultural economics. Someday she would like to be a rodeo broadcaster. For now, she will concentrate on what she does best: being a Cowgirl. Imagine hearing your name announced in front of thousands of screaming OSU fans. Imagine fulfilling your lifelong dream, while wearing the orange and black and becoming a real Cowgirl. Julie Dawson no longer has to imagine. She is living a dream. CJ


2002 .& I 7

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(918) 372-4487 Spring 2002 A I 9

Where did all M~ ByJackie Keesee Wetumka, Ok/4. It has happened to everyone. The paycheck comes, and before you can jump for joy, it's gone. But where did it go? It surprises most people to find out exactly how they spend their cash. The Cowboy journal asked five undergraduates in the College ofAgricultural Sciences and Natural Resources to write down every dollar they spent during a seven-day period to see how they spent their money and if their habits are costing them hundreds of dollars a year.




6' u~


Weekly totals for: Movies/Books Groceries/Snacks Restaurants



$3 $34

$11 $5



Academic year totals for: Brian Movies/Books $% $1,088 Groceries/Snacks Restaurants $576

,Amy $352 $le() $1,280

Residence hall monthly room cost: $358 Residence hall meal plan per meal: $3.50


Off-campus Housing

Fraternity Ho use

Residence Hall

Weekly totals for: Dry Cleaners Groceries/Snacks Restaurants Entertainment Academic year totals for: Dry Cleaners Groceries/Snacks Restaurants Entertainment Fraternity monthly payment.

A-t hor.,e ii""\ -the r-esidel""\c.e halls Many students choose to live on campus in the residence halls. Living on campus has its advantages. Students can simply walk to class; there is no need to cook because of a wide variety of eating establishments; and students are surrounded by peers who understand the stresses of college life. The traditional residence halls are home for many freshmen and cost approximately $1,145 per semester. Recently, the university built new, suite-style residence halls. These rooms cost approximately $1,430 per semester but offer more contemporary living arrangements. Brian] erman, an agricultural communications sophomore, lives in the residence halls. During the survey he spent a total of $64.50, not including his meal plan. He said he was surprised because he thought he would have spent more money. "I consider myself well budgeted, but I was surprised that I didn't spend more, " saidJerman. He spent $4 on pop and snacks. This

Brady $II $10 $32 $12

Weekly totals for: Laundry Groceries/Snacks Restaurants Entertainment

1*e ~

$76 $71 $79

Cathy $5 $LU $15 ~

Brady $352 $320 $1,024 - $384

Academic year totals for: .Ja<e NIA Laundry Groceries/Snacks $2,432 $2,272 Restaurants $2,528 Entertainment

Cathy $le() $640 $400 NIA


Apartment monthly rent: $400


may nor seem like much for a week, bur if he continued this throughout the semester it would cost $64. Jerman said the dorms save him money in many aspecrs. He pays room and board, but his local telephone and utilities are paid. He also has a meal plan worrh 175 swipes per semesrer. "As far as food goes, it is more cost effi­ cient to live in the dorms," said Jerman. Amy Garris, an animal science senior, also lives in the residence halls. Dorm life is not expensive for Gattis because her hus­ band is a hall direccor, which provides for their room and board. Gattis said she saves money on food because she rarely buys groceries. In the seven-day survey she spent $40, none of which was for groceries. "Occasionally we'll buy bread and scuff, bur I usually eat on campus because of my big meal plan. The variery of food available on campus is great," said Gattis. Gattis, of Duncanville, Texas, caJls her­ self a conservative spender because of the way she grew up. "Growing up with little money, then beiJ1g on your own wirh limited income makes you watch how you spend money," said Garris. Er\jo'jine:i -the �r'"eek li�e Many srudenrs choose ro become "Greek" when they get to college. Srudenrs often choose ro be involved in a sororiry or fracerniry because of the fellowship, rhe ac­ civiries and rhe structured lifesryle. OSU has a Greek popularion of2,890. Brady Sidwell, an agricultural econom­ ics/finance sophomore from Golcry, Okla., lives in the Alpha Gamma Rho fracerniry house. In spite of che $116 monthly dues, he said living in the house has saved him money. "Jfl didn't have the food (ar the house},

I'd probably ear our more,'' said Sidwell. ''Also, having access co copy machines and printers has saved me money." He said he was only slighrly surprised at the amount of money he spent in a week. "I guess sometimes I'm an extreme spender, bur I know approximarely whar I spend," said Sidwell. In rhe seven-day survey, he spent$ I l ar Norrhside Cleaners co have his shirrs pressed. In a single semesrer rhis habit could add up co $187. o��-catvipus livir'¼ Many scudenrs enjoy the freedom of off-campus living, because pare of their col­ lege experience is living away from mom and dad. Srillwarer offers a variery of hous­ ing opportunities. Numerous apartmenr complexes, houses, duplexes and mobile homes are for renr or sale. Whichever sru­ denrs choose, off-campus living is a way co find our if they are self-sufficient. Cathy Herren, an agribusiness junior from Ramona, Okla., said she has a conser­ vative ouclook because money is imporcanr. "I' m spending what seems like a lot of

oxrHSIDfi r., I �

money on college courses, but l still have to save for the future," said Herren. Because money is meaningful, Herren said she saves by sharing an apartment with rwo roommates. "Having roommates enables me ro split up bills, like uriliries, that I'd be paying for ru1yway," said Herren. One cost Herren can't share is laundry. During the survey she spent $5 on laund ry. In one semester this can add up co $80. She said her apartment did not have washer or dryer connections, so she had to use the laund ry mac. 'The only ocher option is to take my laundry home on the weekend," said Herren. Jacob Harmon, an agricultural eco­ nomics senior, has an off-campus aparonenc. The Neodesha, Kan., native said his spend­ ing habits could be classified as "leaning toward conservative, but not a eight wad." He said he wanes ro enjoy his youth, bur not end up in bankruptcy. "If l have extra money, I like ro go out wirb my friends and have fun," said Harmon. Harmon's enterrainmenr costs for the seven days were $79. He said this was not a typical week, bur if he continues it could coral $1,264 in one semester. "Last year, that was rypical. I don't go ouc as much since I've moved here," he said. He was surprised at the amount of money he spent LU a week. "le didn't seem like much, bur I guess it can really add up," said Harmon. CJ

Top: Many students, including Brian Jerman /left) and Amy Ganis, take advantage of on-campus food facilities. Top right: Cathy Herren. like many off-campus residents, must use the laundry mat. Left: Brady Sidwell chooses to have his shirts pressed at the cleaners. SPRING 2002


_ _ _ _,..__ _..,__ _ _~ . , . - -....- Agricultural Education _ _ _ _.__....,_ ________..,.....

OSU expands beyond America By Mike Schulte Kingfisher, Okla. When Harry S. Truman made his inaugural address in 1950, little did America know the fourth point in his speech would cake Oklahoma Seate University co a region on che ocher side of the world. The fourth point in Truman's speech resulted in the Point IV Program chat cook OSU's College of Agriculture co Ethiopia, which began "OSU's Ethiopia Project." "In the beginning, many responsibilities and concepts were so new chat the United Scates government had not developed an infrastructure for chis type of program, " said Conrad Evans, former executive director ofOSU Internacional Programs. Harry S. Truman made it clear the United Scates did not have enough money co solve everyone's social and political problems. However, Truman did say America's wealth of technology was one thing chis nation would share if ocher countries wanted it for advancement purposes. Ethiopia cook the United Scates up on i.cs offer and requested co use the technology. "Prior co the Point IV Program, Ethiopian schools did not offer the opportunity co gee a bachelor of science degree in agriculcure," said Evans. "Mose secondary education was located in the capital city. " With chis in mind, the United Scates developed an infrastructure co create the

University of Agriculcure, which lacer becameAlemaya University. HenryG. Bennett, OSU president and strong proponent of public education, was selected co scare the new program. Bennett was an official in the Marshal Plan for Europe. This was a program developed for landgrant research in European countries. During his time in Europe, he met Jack Bennett. Jack Bennett had been co Ethiopia earlier co sec up the National Bank of Ethiopia. Jack Bennett became close friends with Emperor Haile Selassie. Selassie asked Jack Bennett his opinion for a leader of the landgrant system for Ethiopia. He replied there is only one man for the job - Henry G. Bennett from OSU. Before President Truman appointed anyone co the Point IV Program, Selassie cold Truman he wanted Henry Bennett co be in charge of the program. "We muse remember when Henry Bennett received his formal title of Point IV director, he cook the liberty of giving OSU the first opportunity co create extension programs overseas," said Evans. "Creating these type of programs for any school was new, and OSU had first opportunity our of any school in the United Scates co participate." OklahomaA&M provided the administrative infrastructure for the Point IV Program in Ethiopia. Personnel were hired for the U.S. government and for the agricultural projects led by OSU.






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~:, 0 u Above OSU professor Hugh Hedger explains why irrigation can be beneficial.

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"People in Ethiopia were extremely excited about the opening of the school. Over 500 students applied for acceptance, and 50 were selected," said Evans. "Students selected were chosen by grades chat were shown on high school transcripts, and then an interview process followed." OSU started Ethiopia's agricultural school in an old catholic mission chat had fallen into disrepair. Classes were caught in chis building. Across the street, another building was donated for a boys' dormitory. Faculty and scaffhad some old houses they repaired and used for living. Maintenance on the campus was performed in a different way than most college universities. Students and faculty had hours allocated co chem every week where they had specific jobs and chores chat had co be done. le was not unusual for students and teachers co work together, completing casks such as mowing the grounds. All students and staff worked hard co maintain a clean habitat for the campus. When the first-year students entered the college, communication was not a problem. English had been caught in most elementary and secondary schools; however, some mistakes with programs did occur. "OSU faculty went co Ethiopia with the mindset chat all solutions with agricultural problems could be solved on the college level," said Evans. "Faculty tried using a new hybrid corn on test plots, but they failed co cake into consideration the difference in growing seasons. " The hybrid corn matured in Ethiopia's rainy season. Students and faculty had a difficult time harvesting the hybrid corn because much ofic rotted in the fields before it could be cue. "Faculty and staff soon realized chat different culcures do things for certain reasons," said Evans. Shortly after the United Scates developed an infrastructure and the program was under way, changes began co occur. In the beginning it was difficult co keep a high retention rate. In 1957, the first class graduated only 11 students. Many students left the university after the first year f,or various reasons. "Some of the problems chat might have

Above from left A day in the classroom with veterinarian Kenneth K. Keahey Promoting good health is a priority of nurse Gwen Whitnack /right) and her assistant. In the early '60s, a mule-drawn implement constructed by Conrad Evans is used for field work. /Photos courtesy of Conrad Evans)

led to low retention could have included many students' distance from home, regulated campus life, 10 p.m. bed checks, and early-starting days filled with an intense schedule," said Evans. Students also had cultural differences from faculty with food preparation and the way they dressed. When women students first came to school in 1966, they dressed in full length dresses. Later, after doing research work and being in the labs, women soon changed the way they dressed and began to wear clothes that looked American. The differences in food often led to many discussions in home economics. Ethiopian students and American faculty often exchanged cooking techniques. Ethiopians soon became accustomed to the American way of cooking. Ethiopian women liked having the ability to have modern cooking technology in their kitchens that they did not have before. In 1968, 16 years after Alemaya University began, the U.S. Agency for International Development decided it was time to turn over Alemaya University to Ethiopia. "Essentially OSU went over to Ethiopia to work ourselves out of a job, and that is what we did," said Evans. "There was some question to whether OSU terminated

and left its work over there too early. Many Ethiopians say that we did." Students were trained about agricultural affairs; however, they were nor trained in administration. The staffsomewhat failed in preparing the Ethiopian students to assume those duties that were required. Despite some minor problems in the beginning, the campus is still functioning today. The campus is larger in scope and operates at a higher level than it did when OSU left. The college had 200 students in the late '60s and today it has around 2,000 students who attend. The college is composed of agriculture, health and education. Many students have gone on to teach at the university level, and other campuses have been started in Ethiopia with the help of graduates from Alemaya. Bill Weeks, OSU professor of agricultural education, visited Ethiopia this past summer. Weeks went to Debub University while staying in Ethiopia. "Ir is interesting to see that things have stood still with technology. The resources are not there like we have here," said Weeks. Weeks said most of the faculty and staff at Debub University are graduates of Alemaya University. "Agriculture today in Ethiopia is much

like it was centuries ago," said Weeks. "It is not uncommon to see people carrying buckets of water from a dug well over long distances for drinking purposes." While the need for technology in Ethiopia is still there, USAID is trying to help with educational programs. Ethiopia became a socialist state in the '70s, and many problems occurred with different reforms that rook place. Today, there are those who believe this has caused Ethiopia not to become as advanced in agriculture as was hoped after Alemaya University was started. "The Ethiopia Project" allowed for faculty and staff to see the world on a global perspective. Ir taught people how important foreign relations are for the U nired States to stay competitive with foreign markets as well as with foreign affairs in general. "USAID is interested in expanding programs both in agriculture and education," said Weeks. "OSU assumes there will be opportunities for the university faculty to participate again to develop programs for different schools in Ethiopia." WhenAlemaya University began, no one would have ever imagined the university that it is today, all due to a li ttle help from a school in the heartland ofAmerica Oklahoma State University. CJ

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2002 .._ 25

...__ _ _ _...,,..._ _ _~ - College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

Conquering the transfer daze By Kimberly Dibble Clinton Corners, N Y Carpe Diem. To seize the day, without thoughtfar thefuture. As appealing as this sounds to some students at Oklahoma State University, junior college transfer students at OSU cannot afford this luxury. These students have two years committed to college already and will be moved at a rapid pace through their next rwo. At the same time they adjust to a new college, their futures dance just ahead of them. They aren't alone, however, because OSU's College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources faculty advisers and support staff are behind them. Jerry Fitch, professor and animal science undergraduate advisement coordinator, is heavily involved with junior college transfer students when they come to his department. He said it is important for transfer students to know exactly what they will be doing for the next rwo years. "Often coming to OSU from a junior college is a very different experience for these students," said Fitch. "The junior colleges overall have an excellently taught general education curriculum, but students are not prepared for the studying demands of OSU. These students have to be ready to hit the ground running." In the fall of 2001, CASNR enrolled

OSUTransfer Days Spring2002 April 4 or April 5 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Report to the Office ofAdmissions. Applications for Admission and a nonrefundable $25 application fee should be sent prior to enrolling. Official transcripts from each college attended are required. For Information Contact: Oklahoma State University Office of Admissions (800) 233-5019 {in Oklahoma) (405) 744-6861 {Out-ofstate) 26 .A. COWBOY JOURNAL

approximately 350 undergraduate students. Of those 350, about 115 were junior college transfer students. Joe Schatzer, advisement coordinator for agricultural economics, said the department doesn't really recruit junior college students to its program. "Most of our students come in on the university transfer days in April, " said Schatzer. "The junior colleges in the state know that's when their students should come [to OSU] and enroll." Fitch said the animal science department doesn't necessarily pursue individual junior college students but they do make OSU's presence felt at the individual junior colleges by sending faculty to each college to talk to the agriculture classes about OSU and CASNR. When students enroll at OSU from junior colleges, problems can occur even when extensive measures are taken to ensure a smooth transfer. For transfer students who come from Oklahoma junior colleges, problems tend to be minimal and limited to small things like application delays and moving. However, for the remaining students who come from schools in other states, transferring may be more difficult, Fitch said. Getting all their courses to transfer is what poses the biggest problem for out-ofstate students. "Junior college courses from out-ofstate won't always transfer to OSU, " said Fitch. "What courses will work becomes an issue. Even though we keep a pretty good working relationship with our Oklahoma junior colleges, out-of-state colleges aren't addressed, so students need to plan ahead." Ed Miller, associate dean for academic programs, stresses junior college transfer students should take advantage of the many opportunities CASNR extends them to get a positive start in the college. Working with career services office and their academic advisers are integral parts. "There are three areas that transfer students must address quickly," said Miller. "They are academics, integration into development and leadership positions, and the future of their careers." Miller said junior transfers need to get

as involved as possible with the university in the rwo years they have remaining. He said by using career services and their advisers, students can avoid the frustration they may feel transferring to OSU. Even with these problems, the faculty and staff work to assist students with their transfer needs. CASNR faculty even conduct an annual meeting for faculty from Oklahoma junior colleges. Each of the junior colleges in Oklahoma that have strong agricultural programs sends rwo representatives to attend a one-day forum on problem solving and interaction at OSU. Students come from junior colleges around Oklahoma, including agricultural schools like Connors State College, Murray State College, Redlands Community College and Northeastern OklahomaA&M College, and from liberal arts schools such as Tulsa Community College. Laura Gruenau, a junior in horticulture, had chosen OSU as the college she wanted to attend straight out of high school. However, she wasn't able to gain admission to OSU. "I really wished I had been able to go to OSU straight from high school," said Gruenau. "I missed out on the whole dorm life, and moving away from home, and being away from my parents." Like other students who apply to OSU and find the entrance requirements too high to meet as new freshmen, she stayed close to home. Gruenau took most of her general education requirements atTCC. "I didn't know what major I wanted," said Gruenau. "There really wasn't any adviser to help guide me. You just had the same adviser everyone else had. I did it myself and got all of my general education out of the way. I was at TCC for four semesters. Once you go to junior college, your ACT score doesn't matter. So all I had to do was apply at OSU and wait to get accepted." For students to start the transfer process to OSU, they must fill out an admission application. A 2.0 grade point average is needed for admission, and students must have a minimum of24 creclit hours to apply to OSU as a transfer student. Gruenau said she had originally

transferred into OSU as a business major bur quickly knew that wasn't what she wanted. She said coming from a nonagriculture background was hard, and for that reason she wishes she had come straight to OSU. She visited OSU departments and advisers to find the major she would be interested in and finally decided on CASNR and a degree in horticulture. "The ag college was a lot more willing to help students," said Gruenau. "Two of the other colleges I went to didn't help me too much. The ag college advisers and teachers were really friendly and helpful." She attributes a lot of the reasons for her indecision to being confused about the transfer process and the lack of communication with her adviser at TCC. "I think if there had been more of a defined relationship I wouldn't have had such a hard time deciding what exactly I was doing," said Gruenau. "Ifsomeone had just said to me 'Look, if you are going to this college, this is what you will need to take' I would have been better prepared." Schatzer said it might be easier for some students to come to OSU as freshmen since there is only the transition period from high school to OSU. However, for some

students, other circumstances make junior college the only option. "Some students need to stay closer to home," said Schatzer. "Tuition is generally cheaper and they have other commitments; however, the transition to their first semester at OSU can, in some cases, be a pretty traumatic situation." Schatzer said problems occur with junior college students because their study habits are often not as good as the student who has been at OSU for the first two years. Junior college transfers can also hit trouble spots because of course requirements. Schatzer said most junior college general education requirements are approximately 60 hours and OSU's is around 40 hours. "Our program [agricultural economics) is fairly structured," said Schatzer. "The transfer students from the junior colleges who know they are going into the agricultural economics program know our requirements and have a smooth transition." Junior college transfers who do decide not to make OSU their home right out of high school face special challenges and in many situations may have to work a bit harder to graduate on time. However, OSU and CASNR are well equipped to help the

junior college students with rhe pitfalls and welcome these transfers as part of rhe Cowboy family. Once they are part of OSU, career fairs, internship fairs, Ag Roundup and groups ranging from OSU's Horsemen's Association to the Horticulture Club are available for the incoming transfer students to become involved with CASNR. "] uni or college transfers are an extremely important part of the agricultural college at OSU," said Fitch. Miller said he specifically talks to transfer students every chance he gets. "Ir will rake more effort for the junior college students to accomplish their goals at OSU," said Miller. "However, ir is not unattainable. Transfer students need to use CASNR resources and get involved. These students are a treasure and an important part of the OSU student body." Junior college transfers who are coming ro OSU and CASNR have a distinct advantage over their friends who don't. They have the benefit of one of the hardest working, most student-oriented faculty and staffs in an agricultural college today. So seize the future at OSU and join a university where all students come first. CJ


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2002 .A. 27

----=--'*---~-----~--.. .-

Animal Science


OF Empress 6079

Remembering OSUS golden cow By Gina Ciujfetelli Ventura, Calif When DF Empress 6079 arrived on a cold, rainy January day in 1986, she wasn't anything special. She was just another black Angus calf born into the herd ofTom and Bob Drake in Davis, Okla . . However, her durability would be tested and her greatness would almost go unrealized as she and other calves dealt with a serious case of nearly fatal calfscours. Dehydrated and weak, Empress and the calves struggled for life as the Drakes worked day and night to try to save chem. Once the struggle ended, a healthy Empress would go on to distinguish herself nationally and put Oklahoma State University's Angus herd on the map. "I can remember the day she was born and both times she sold at public auction," said Tom Drake. "She was a one-of-a-kind type of cow." The first time Empress would be offered to the public was during the annual Drake production sale, where she sold as a 2-month-old calf for around $4,000. Billy Yarbrough ofB&L Ranch had the insight to see the potential the young female boasted and brought her home to his Shawnee, Okla., ranch. However, in the fall of 1988, the B&L Ranch Angus herd was dispersed, Empress' future teetering on the unknown. Being an avid supporter of OSU's College ofAgricultural Sciences and Natural 28 .A.


Resources, Yarbrough donated $150,000 worth of bidding credit to OSU so they could purchase animals and equipment in the four-day dispersion sale. "I had sent my brother, Bob, to the B&L dispersion to try to buy Empress back, but the bidding went crazy and OSU really wanted her," said Drake." I chi nk it was for the best chat she went to OSU. It was there that she came into her legacy, and she would have just gotten lost in the shuffle if she had come back home to the ranch." Instead, Jarold Callahan, a fo rmer associate professor of animal science and livestock judging coach at OSU, brought Empress to Stillwater. Callahan had noticed Empress was one of the featured lots in the B&L dispersion. She was a young cow with her first calf at her side, good n umbers on paper and not much else going for her but a world of potential. Callahan was able to see beyond the unproven young cow chat stood penned before him to the potential she possessed. "One of the first things that attracted me co Empress was chat sh e w as a phenotypically superior animal with a solid pedigree," said Callahan. "Thi s cow, developing into what she has, is proof of her pedigree, her prepote n cy as an individual and a little luck." Callahan said he felt she was a fairly good, young cow so she went into embryo flushing right away. "The goal of OSU's Purebred Beef

Center has always been to assemble the best group of cattle chat we could through donations ofsemen, embryos and live cattle to ultimately be at the disposal of our students," said Mark Johnson, associate professor of animal science and livestock judging team coach. "I know of several students whose main reason for coming to OSU is the Empress cow and other quality cattle in our program." OSU wanted a top-notch herd so various courses and student workers at the beef barn would gain exposure to top cattle. T hey would gain the knowledge of how to pick chem and know how to breed chem. Unknown to anyone early on, Empress would begin to bring these dreams into reality. She would touch so many lives and make so many things possible for so many people without chem even knowing about her in some cases, Johnson said. "While most enrollment at other agricultural schools may be dwindling, ours continues to thrive," Johnson said. "Top animals like Empress are some reasons for making the animal science enrollment the largest of any department on campus. Enrollment has actually doubled. While ochers nationwide are losing interest, our program has never been stronger." Cindy Pribil, the beef center's herd manager, has had the opportunity to see the effect Empress had on students at OSU. "It was a chance of a lifetime to have had a cow of chis caliber for students to be

able to use and learn from," said Pribil. "I don't know of many agricultural schools, or anyone in general for chat matter, who would be lucky enough to get a cow like chis. She was truly a once-in-a-lifetime cow chat most people only dream of owning." Soon after her arrival to OSU, Empress was put into an embryo transfer program, so her genetic potential would be maximized in a shorter period of time. She produced one natural calf in her 13 years of production. The face chat she stayed healchy and reproductively sound says a lot about her longeviry and heart. She was flushed with several bulls, producing successful offspring with each mating. Pribil said it is rare for a cow to be maced with so many different sires and be successful each time. Some of Empress' offspring are success stories in themselves. OSU 6T6 Ultra was the National Western Stock Show champion bull in 1995. OSU Precision was champion bull at the All-American Fucuriry and reserve champion bull at the North American Livestock Exposition. OSU Panama was champion bull at the All-American Fucuriry,

the Tulsa Scace Fair and at the Western National Fucuriry in Reno, Nev. OSU Halfback was the grand champion bull at the National Western and che Fe. Worth Roll ofVictory Angus Show in 1999. Three of Empress' sons were named champion pen of three bulls at the National Western Stock Show in Denver in 1994. Ocher offspring have been winners at national Angus shows across the country. " Empress' greatest contribution genetically was chat she was very potent in her progeny, dominantly scamping each one with greatness no matter the sire," said Callahan. "In the 1990s I would say without a doubt she was one of the cop five cows in the nation." Due in part to the successes of her offspring, the American Angus Association named her the 1994 Roll of Vicrory Embryo Transplant Dam of the Year. Empress' offspring bring in cash as well as awards. Her progeny include an $80,000 bull, and $45,000, $35,000, $25,000, and $20,000 heifers to name a few. The rights to an embryo flush out of Empress sold at the 1996 OSU Cowboy C lassic sale to Express Ranches for $21,000.

Empress received national recognition as a top producer with her progeny's success in the show ring and sale ring, which brought publiciry co CASNR as well. More people come from out of state co attend the Cowboy Classic each year, which is always highlighted by Empress descendants chat demand a premium to change ownership. Empress' offspring have generated close co $1.5 million for OSU and the ocher owners of her progeny. Unfortunately, all good things muse come to an end. In February 2001, Empress died, and no frozen embryos are hidden away. The hope of more direct Empress offspring is only a dream. Her lase calf was born to its surrogate mother in January 2001. In all, Empress has 99 calves chat have been registered with the American Angus Association. Although she is now the queen cow in the pastures of heaven, her influences can still be felt at the heart of OSU. Her progeny and grand progeny will carry on her influence for generations ro come, and she will continue co be a reacher co the students at OSU long after her progeny are gone. CJ



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