Cowboy Journal v4n2

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Oklahoma's yqung agricultural leaders ~~. Oklahoma Farmers Union The Voice of Family Farmers Since 1905 6200 NW 2nd St. Oklahoma City. OK 73124 Youth and Education Department (405) 603 -11 02

Volume 4 • Number 2 • Fall 2002 6 If we bring them, they will come Ag Ambassadors host annual leadership conference

8 Interning your way into a job It's all about the money!

10 Paul Hitch Sh aping cowboy cou ntry and b eyond

12 Study abroad blossoms at OSU Europea n h orticulture beckons OSU students

14 A college of champions CASNR continues the winning tradition

18 Sporting the brand OSU h orse program's slow lope, fast track to success

22 Let the journey begin On the road to a career in veterinary medicine

26 Seeking the future OSU leads the way in developing new technology

28 OSU finds use for Eastern redcedar A new solution to an old problem

30 Coming to America OSU provides passport to new learning

32 CASNR goes the distance for Ag Ed Higher education at your fingertips

36 CASNR offers a unique internship Legislative interns build a promising fu ture

38 Building salespeople, one at a time Selling is telling in agricultural economics class

40 CASNR awards the best of the best Banquet recognizes outstanding students

On the cover: Oklahoma State University and the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural R esources students have many different interests, majors and baclegrounds, but they all have one thing in common - they are Cowboys at heart. Photo taken at the OSU Dairy Barn. Special thanks to Chisolm Kinder and Lea Ann Castleberry. (Photo by Reba McDonald)

Fall 2002



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pplying knowledge, improving friendships, working together and overcoming obstacles are skills and memories we will take with us after developing this issue of the Cowboy Journal. Culminating four years of education and experience, we have combined the individual talents of our class to develop this magazine . After long hours of time and effort, we have bonded and created a publication that we are proud to share with OSU students, alumni and friends. However, we could not have achieved our goal of printing a quality publication without the help of many supportive and energetic people. We would like to sincerely thank Shelly Sitton for her dedication, support and guidance during the creation of the Cowboy journal; Dwayne Cartmell for his positive guidance and willingness to help out in a time of need; Tamara Beardsley for her sweet spirit and humor, which was a needed stress relief; Fred Causley for taking time to improve our stories; Elizabeth Whitfield and Bonnie Milby for their abilities to find grammar mi.stakes; Kellie Schulze for her time in managing our fiscal affairs ; and Matt Wright and Deana Washington of Quebecor World for making the printing process a little bit easier to understand. After many hours of tedious work we are pleased to prove that fifteen people with different ideas can reach a common goal. Thank you for your support and God bless. 7.vJ-byn Ott and 'Rgcfiel Yaung.

J ason Mabra (left) , Kyle Ellis, Shan e Richey, Kylen e Orebaugh, Misti Sloan,] osh Brecheen , J amie Stucky, Lea Ann Castleberry, Rachel Young, Ross Laubach , Chris Stephen s, Reba McDonald, Gretch en Summers, J amie Glover, Robyn Ott

Editors • Robyn Ott and Rachel Young Graphics Editor • Chris Stephens Photo Editors• Misti Sloan and Jamie Stucky Sponsorship Coordinators • Lea Ann Castleberry and Gretchen Summers Circulation Coordinator • Jamie Glover Staff• Josh Brecheen, Kyle Ellis, Ross Laubach, Jason Mabra, Reba McDonald, Kylene Orebaugh and Shane Richey Managing Editors • Dwayne Cartmell and Shelly Peper Sitton Support Staff • Tamara Beardsley Founding Sponsors• Limousin World, Oklahoma Farm Bureau and Quebecor World

Visit us on the Web at Fall 2002


A Ambassadors host annual leadershi conference


gh school seniors can have trouble finding their way ference goal is to show students the signs that lead to academic success and a professional career. after graduation. At Oklahoma State University, one "The conference provides an opportunity for students student organization is committed to giving them to take the next step," said Chas Robbins, Ag Ambassador direction and bringing them to OSU. Thirteen OSU students make up the Ag and 2001 FAL Conference executive chair. "We want Ambassadors, an organization established by the College of Agricultural Sciences and N atu- "The FAL Conference is not just the students to learn as much as possible while ral Resources to recruit potential students to about recruiting for OSU. It's about recruiting for agriculture's future. ,, they're here. The purpose the college. of the conference is for stu"The Ag Ambassadors are highly qualidents to become confident fied students whom I am proud to have repreLouann Waldner senting OSU," said CASNR Associate Dean Director, CASNR Student Services in their future." The ambassadors inEd Miller. vite the top 50 applicants Typical tasks of an ambassador include hosting students who visit CASNR, helping with alumni from high school juniors and seniors nationwide to come to events, traveling to high schools to promote the college and OSU for three days of seminars and activities. attending the National FFA Association convention in NoParticipants are accepted on the basis of academic vember to recruit students. The ambassadors also call reachievement, involvement in extracurricular activities and cently-admitted freshmen each spring to answer any quesinterest in careers related to agriculture, agribusiness, foods tions they have concerning starting college. But the group's and natural resources. The deadline to apply is mid-October greatest responsibility is hosting the annual Future Agriculeach year. The cost of the conference is $25, which includes tural Leaders Conference each fall . housing at the Student Union Hotel, meals and a conference T-shirt. The Oklahoma Farm Bureau and CASNR are sponThe FAL Conference is designed to help potential college students learn about agricultural job possibilities and sors of the FAL Conference, which covers the remaining cost enhance their knowledge of the college experience. The conof the conference. "The Ag Ambassadors organize the whole conference," said Louann Waldner, CASNR director of student services and adviser for the Ag Ambassadors. "They conduct a very creative, educational and innovative threeday program for high school students." The ambassadors center the conference around the theme "Get a Clue," which allows students to tour the campus, learn more about the careers in agriculture and further define their career interests. They also meet with professors, review the admission process and get a head start on enrollment. In the past, sessions have included getting familiar Future Agricultural Leaders Conference participants Lesleigh Hagwood (left), Tonya Brown, Whitney with the countless opportuBaumann, Chris Dorsey and Taylor Miller share the same dream of attending OSU. (Photo courtesy of nities and careers in agricul-

Ag Ambassadors)



ture and natural resources, learning about individual strengths and weaknesses and becoming organized and expanding personal management skills. "The FAL Conference was an awesome experience," said Laura Bible, horticulture sophomore at OSU. "In reality, it was the deciding factor for me coming to OSU." Regardless of their future plans, all participants get a glimpse of what everyday college life will be like. "I learned so much at the 2000 FAL Conference," said Leah Dillsaver, landscape architecture sophomore. "I met current college students who answered questions that wouldn't have been answered before moving to college." In addition to the sessions, introductions to professors and other activities at the conference, students also build relationships with fellow participants. "I met so many new friends at the conference and when school started, I saw them in my classes," said Bible. "It was so exciting." Ag Ambassadors and college officials said they expect these friendships and ambitions to grow when participants come back as students. "Th e FAL Conference is not just about recruiting for OSU," said Waldner. "It's about recruiting for agriculture's future. What better way to do that than having 13 top CASNR students role modeling, saying 'I've done it, you can too."' Ifyou or anyone you know is interested in the PAL Conference, please contact Louann Waldner or visit the Ag Ambassadors Web site at +By Reba McDonald, Canby, Ore.

Thirteen students served as Ag Ambassadors in 2001-2002: (front row) Ryan Luter (left), Deborah Solie, Amy Hoyle, Cathy Herren, Marcy Grundmann, Robyn Sites, Josh Fuller; (second row) Jamie Glover (left), Bart Fischer, Jeremy Unruh , Rusty Roush, Chas Robbins; (third row) Carrie Trentham (left), Laneha Beard; (back row) Coleman Smith. {Photo by Todd Johnson)

Fa ll 2002



It's all about the mane



ost students start college with the hope of getting a great job after graduation, but with the current economy, some students are concerned those hopes will not become a reality. Even before the events of Sept. 11, 2001, the job outlook for students was not as strong as it had been in years past. Corporate layoffs and a volatile stock market were on the minds of everyone. "[The current job market] may be a little rockier now than it was before," said Barry Cooper, Cargill's general manager of animal nutrition. "However, there will be good jobs for good people. " Companies' general hiring plans have not dropped substantially. In fact, 55 percent of employers have not changed hiring plans, 36. 7 percent are hiring fewer people and 8.3 percent plan to hire more employees, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers. However, last year 55 percent of companies offered a signing bonus and that number has decreased to about 36 percent this year, according to the association. Hiring in agricultural-related fields is promising as well. The U.S. Department of Agriculture expects there to be 57,785 job openings and.57,175 qualified graduates available this year. Deere and Co. has slowed its hiring but is starting to pick back up again, said Claya Knupp, recruiting coordinator for Deere and Co. On the other hand, Cargill is planning to continue to hire as many as they usually do, said Cooper. While colleges have noticed a slight drop in recruiting efforts,

the one thing that remains the same is qualified candidates are still in high demand. One way candidates can make themselves more marketable is to have experience in their career area. "We have noticed that there are more candidates available for hire," said Cooper. "A couple of years ago students could sit back and wait for an offer they were completely pleased with. Now the companies are more able to sit back and wait for good candidates." The career areas that seem to be in highest demand include engineering, computer-related fields and business disciplines, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers. Within agriculture, managers and financial specialists and marketing, merchandising and sales representatives as well as communication and education specialists make the top of the list, according to the USDA. Some of the top skills employers look for in potential employees include communication skills, honesty, interpersonal skills, problem-solving abilities and teamwork abilities, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers. With employers potentially looking to hire fewer candidates, relevant work experience could be the deciding factor between otherwise equally qualified candidates, according to the association. Because experience is so important to employers, many companies choose to hire from their internship programs. "We [Deere and Co.] hire a lot of interns after they have completed an internship with us," said Knupp. Some employers said there are equally rewarding benefits for both parties in an internship program. "A 90-day internship allows the student to learn about our company and our goals and allows us to learn about the student's work habits," said Cooper. "Then we can both evaluate the experience to see if it is a fit." Shannon Angle, an agricultural economics senior from Burlington, Okla., received a job as a result of her internship. During the summer of 2001, Angle interned with Williams Communications in Tulsa, Okla., and was hired into the professional development program for Williams Energy upon completing the internship. "I went into the internship knowing I was interested in working there and just worked hard," said Angle. "Besides getting the job, the greatest benefit was finally getting to use the things I had learned in class. It helped bring everything together to make better sense." A couple of places to look for internship opportunities are Oklahoma State University Career Services and the College of Agricultural Sciences and

Natural Resources Career Services. They hold a number of career and internship fairs on campus that provide students opportunities to network with companies that may offer internships and full-time employment. Another good place to look is on the Internet. Some companies advertise their internships and put applications on their company Web sites. Also, friends and past connections often open the doors to internships. Some students have found internships by calling a contact at a company and simply asking if they are interested in having an intern. "Many companies are no longer pursuing you. You may have to go after them," said Angle. Because many companies have standards about the number of persons they hire from internship programs, internships often are a way to secure a good job. Cargill's long-term goal is to have 80 percent of their full-time employees hired from their internship program, said Cooper. While experience is an important component of securing a competitive position in the job market, persistence is a valuable tool as well. "Be willing to pay your dues. Stay positive, keep your head up and build your network," said Cooper. "Get your foot in the door and leverage your way into bigger and better things." + By]amie Glover, Elgin, Okla.

CASNR Student Job Placement


*May 1999 - December 2001


17.5% 15%




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'These figures are based on students whose placement was known at the time of graduation using data averaged from May 1999 to December 2001.

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Fa ll 2002


Paul Hitch: Shaping Cowboy Country and Beyond F

rom the Oklahoma Panhandle to the heart of cowboy country, Oklahoma State University alumnus Paul Hitch is helping lead the agricultural industry into the 21st century. As the son of the late cattle feeding industry pioneer Henry C. "Ladd" HitchJr., Paul Hitch was born and raised on his family's ranching operation outside of Guymon, Okla. Although agriculture is in his blood, Hitch said when he was younger there were pros and cons to growing up on a ranch outside of town. "Growing up on a ranch, you miss running around with your pals after school. On the other hand, you could go hunting rabbits and I've ridden a horse since I was old enough to walk. There's a lot of that sort of thing kids in town don't get a chance to do," he said. After graduating from Guymon High School and attending Wentworth Military School for two years, Hitch went to OSU, where he graduated with a degree in animal science in 1965. He was active in Greek life and said he found a home in the College of Agriculture. "OSU is my kind of people; I felt at home because there were people I could relate to," said Hitch. After OSU, he attended Stanford University and earned a master's degree in business administration. While attending Stanford, Hitch said other students did not understand why he was going to school ifhe just planned to go home and be involved in agriculture. "It's like you didn't need an education to be a farmer or rancher," said Hitch. "Later on, I figured out they were at Stanford to try and get qualifications to get a good job and I already had one." Hitch returned to his family's business, Hitch Enterprise Inc., at a time when the cattle feeding industry was profitable. "When I came back, we were making nothing but money and the feedyards were full with more people wanting to feed than we had room for," said Hitch. "We were building pens with one hand and holding off customers with the other. All we had to do was just put cattle on feed to make money." Since then Hitch Enterprises Inc. has grown into many different branches of the agricultural industry. Today they consist of several subdivisions, including feedyards, farms, pork farrow-to-finish operations, cattle buying services, commodity services and a credit corporation. Every day's activities are different for Hitch Enterprises Inc. with the main interests revolving around the buying and selling of cattle and hogs. "The constant trading obviously has its worries," said Hitch. "The prices vary significantly from day to day." IO +


Hitch said he has always been close to his family and he is thankful that their corporation is big enough and successful enough to accommodate his children. Jason works with him in the office at Guymon, and his other son Chris is attending a feedyard management training program in their Kansas feedyard. Hitch said the agricultural industry has had its ups and downs, but it is a way oflife for his family. "I grew up on a ranch, my two sons have grown up on the ranch, and now my grandson will grow up at the ranch," said Hitch. In addition to being president of Hitch Enterprises Inc., chairman of the board, director and stockholder, Hitch takes an active role in community and statewide activities. Hitch said he feels an obligation to give something back to his church, town, school and community. He is a member of the Victory Memorial United Methodist Church in Guymon, where he is on various committees and has served as local and state layperson representative for Methodist state and national conferences. He is also a member of the Guymon Chamber of Commerce and the Oklahoma State Chamber of Commerce, he serves on the board of the local City National Bank & Trust Inc., and he is a board member and founder of PROAG - an agricultural promotion group. In addition, Hitch is a member of both the board of directors for the Texas County YMCA and the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, and he previously served six years on the Oklahoma Board of Agriculture, an appointment by Governor Frank Keating. In addition to his involvement with local and state activities, Hitch has made a dedicated commitment to OSU and especially to the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. "Hitch has been extremely unselfish with his time and financial resources at OSU," said MilfordJenkins, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources senior director of development. Sam Curl, DASNR dean, said Hitch is a strong supporter and has served as a member of the dean's advisory committee for three years. "Paul Hitch has contributed greatly to the advancement of the livestock industry. He has provided valuable leadership through various livestock organizations in Oklahoma and the Southwest," said Curl. Hitch has provided financial support to the Willard Sparks Beef Research Center, the Charles B. Browning Endowed Professorship in Food Science, agricultural economics scholarships and animal science scholarships.

Hitch said he is proud of the cattle feeding heritage of Hitch Enterprises Inc. As of 2002, the combined cattle feeding capacity tor their three feedyards is 159,000. Hitch is known statewide and nationwide as a leader in the cattle feeding industry, as well as in many other sectors of the agricultural industry. (Photo by Jim Peck, provided courtesy of Bert Rutherford, Texas Cattle Feeders Association)

Furthermore, Bitch's help on the OSU Foundation's Board of Governors has helped raise more than 260 million dollars in its successful "Bringing Dreams to Life" campaign. "I want to do my part to stay involved with OSU, and I will always stay involved," said Hitch. Don Gill, OSU regents' professor of animal science, said Paul Hitch is much like his dad and is known nationally and around the globe. "Hitch is one of the world's greatest team players," said Gill. "He is a born leader who helps to get everyone to walk side-by-side. "He will listen to you, and if you're putting forth good ideas, he will step in and give you support. That's a rare gift." Hitch has followed in his late father's footsteps on various occasions in the past, especially when called upon to make generous leadership and financial investments at OSU.

"Hitch and his late father have always been interested in high-level educational programs. Hitch has been very helpful to the college of agriculture," said Don Wagner, head of the animal science department. "He has also been a strong supporter of OSU research and extension programs and a true leader in agriculture." Hitch said he is proud of his education and it has helped him to be successful in the field of agriculture, and he encourages CASNR students to be proud of their decision to receive an education at OSU. Bitch's dedication to OSU has not gone unnoticed and is appreciated by many. "It's a privilege to have somebody of the stature and caliber of Mr. Hitch in our OSU agricultural family," saidJenkins. +By Ross Laubach, L eedey, Okla. Fall 2002


Euro ean horticulture beckons OSU students

blossoms at OSU


or some, the idea of getting out of town seems like a ofHORTECUS, helped develop the idea for the program along dream, especially with the daily routines of school, work with Allen Hammer, professor ofhorticulture at Purdue, whom he had met while in graduate school at Purdue. Hammer had and meetings. For five Oklahoma State University students in the hor- the initial idea to create HORTECUS and contacted Needham ticulture and landscape architecture department, this dream to see if OSU would be interested in helping build an exhas become a reality. Two of the students recently returned change program. Hammer's idea grew into an international from Denmark and in spring 2003 the other three will be exchange that sends U.S. students to Europe and brings Eustudying in and enjoying the beauty of Crete, Germany and ropean students to the U.S. to study horticulture. The three-year grant compensates the 35 students parthe Netherlands. An exchange program offered by the OSU horticulture ticipating in the six-month exchange for moving and living and landscape architecture department provides these stu- expenses while at their host universities. Students are required dents with the opportunity to study abroad and learn more to pay a program fee of$175, which covers health insurance about the international scope ofhorticulture. The program, and the purchase of an international student identification Horticulture in the European Community and the United card. They are also required to obtain a passport. The study States, or HORTECUS, is the first horticulture exchange pro- abroad coordinators at the respective universities provide gram for the department. living arrangements for the students. Rob Brown of Tulsa, Okla., and Kristina Lewis of Ponca HORTECUS was made available by a grant program City, Okla., were first-time OSU participants in the program. through the U.S. Department of Education and by the European Directorate General for Education and Culture. They traveled to Denmark and studied European horticulture from February throughJune 2002. Hogeschool Delft in the Netherlands, the Royal Veteri"Living in another country was exciting and invigoratnary and Agricultural University in Denmark, the Technological Educational Institute of Crete in Greece and the ing," said Brown. Universitat of Hannover in Germany are the four partnership universities in Europe. The U.S. universities participating include Alabama A&M, Purdue University and OSU. Faculty from participating universities donated their ideas and decided on the application for the program. It took nearly four years and three application processes to gain the nonrenewable grant that funds the exchange program. ''Our primary purpose was to establish study abroad programs among the seven partners," said Doug Needham, professor of horticulture and landscape architecture. Involvement in the program was initiated through networking. Chris Rasmussen (left), and Pia Mortensen are attending OSU as exchange students from Denmark as a Needham, who played a part of the HORTECUS program. They are discussing plant variations and horticultural differences between Denmark and the United States with Doug Needham. (Photo by Misti Sloan) role in the establishment 12


Compared to OSU's almost 20,000 students, the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University is extremely small, with only 3,500 students. "Despite the size of the university, it had state-of-the-art laboratory and greenhouse facilities," said Lewis. OSU received two exchange students during the same time period. Chris Rasmussen and Pia Mortensen came from Denmark and studied horticulture atOSU. "We were the test pilots for the program," said Rasmussen. The program is offered to all students in the horticulture departments within the participating universities. "We were the ones who were most interested in the program," said Mortensen, Danish horticulture student and HORTECUS participant, explaining why she and Rasmussen were selected to travel abroad as the exchange Sarah O'Neal starts preparing early for her exchange experience, which will take place in students from their university. spring 2003 at the Universitat of Hannover in Germany (Photo by Misti Sloan) Along with the study abroad coor"I'd call HORTECUS a facilitator," said Brown. "It is a dinators, faculty also help students with the transition and facilitator for cultural exchange and for academic progress." cultural changes they face when moving to a new country. Although students are allowed to exchange throughout "They really knew what we needed," said Mortensen. Any horticulture student who has completed his or her all three years of the grant's duration, during years two and sophomore year and is in good standing at OSU is eligible for three of the grant faculty at host universities also will particithe program. The first step is filling out an application form pate in the exchange. For one-month periods faculty memand submitting it to Needham. He then distributes the appli- bers will travel to one of the cooperating universities and cations to all faculty members within the seven universities teach in their areas of specialization. "There is tremendous value in faculty traveling abroad in the program to inform faculty of the students who are interested in the exchange. However, selection of students to and bringing back vital information to share with students participate in the program is ultimately determined by the and peers," said Needham. home institution. Continuation of the program after the grant expires is While participating in the exchange, students take classes based upon the development of a new course in international at the host university and are required to complete an intern- horticulture. The course is unique because it is Web-delivship or research project. ered and will be provided at no charge to consortium partAlthough students can take any course they wish while ners; however, universities that are not partners will be at their host universities, one of the main objectives of the charged a fee for the course. The intent of the fee is to develop program is to keep students on track for their graduation on-going funds to help with the continuation of the study dates by allowing them to take courses that will transfer to abroad program. their home institutions. Although all slots are filled to participate in the exchange "We want those courses they are taking abroad to con- program, faculty continue to work to extend the life of tribute to their option sheet," said Needham. "If they don't, HORTECUS. Interested students are encouraged to visit with we want the courses to be of tremendous horticulture benefit Needham or any of the HORTECUS participants to gain more to the students." insight about the program. HORTECUS not only challenges students to grow aca+By Misti Sloan, Shattuck, Okla. demically, but in personal and cultural ways as well.

--- ---

Fall 2002

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CASNR sports a winning tradition

any people know that Oklahoma State University has the most national championship titles of any school in the Big XII conference. These championships are all sports-related, but that is not the only way in which OSU excels. In the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, championships are garnered in academics and club activities. CASNR has 26 student organizations as well as 12 judging teams. In addition, the college has ties to the OSU women's equestrian and rodeo teams. The national titles and championships these groups earn bring recognition to the teams and to their individual members. These honors also reflect positively on CASNR and the university as a whole. "Competing at a national level brings recognition to the 14


university," said Ed Miller, CASNR assistant dean. "Winning is always nice, but it shows what students here learn and that they know how to use what they have learned." Competitive teams and organizational activities within CASNR come from the talent, dedication and strong recruitment efforts put forth by coaches and advisers. Recruitment occurs for many teams, especially when there is an opportunity to defend national titles and keep the university positively associated with the activity or organization. For example, the livestock judging team actively recruits members from high schools and junior colleges. "I came to OSUbecause of the livestock judging team," said Kim Cerny, animal science senior. "I knew the caliber of the program, and I admired the quality of the past members of OSU's team I had met."

Alumni support is also a part of the success of CASNR's judging teams. Their continued support by providing scholarships and allowing teams to practice at their facilities has helped the teams to be part of the winning tradition. Alumni donations and assessment funds also help pay for students' travel and contest expenses. "We rely on the support of successful alums to assure the continued emphasis on the vital parts of our animal science department," said Kim Brock, former coach of the livestock judging team. In 2001-2002, two CASNR teams earned national championship titles: the livestock judging team and the women's rodeo team. In addition, the horticulture team won the coveted Southern Regional championship title. Individually, MarkJohnson was named National Coach of the Year in livestock judging, andJanae Ward was the national champion intercollegiate barrel racer.

Nation's best livestock judges In November, the 2001 OSU livestock judging team won its first national title in 10 years, winning by more than 51 points at the North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Ky. The team judged 12 classes of beef, sheep and swine and gave eight sets of oral reasons to earn the championship. Previous to Louisville, the 11-member team won the American Royal livestock judging contest in Kansas City, Mo., and set a new high point record. It was the first time in 11 years OSU had won the two contests back to back. Every year at Louisville, the champion teams from 10 and 40 years ago are recognized at the awards ceremony. All teams recognized this year in Louisville were from OSU. Both former winning teams had members present at the awards ceremony when OSU claimed this year's championship trophy. "It was a great feeling to know our team was a part of history," said Grant Turner, animal science senior. "Having our alumni there made the win even more special." During their judging season, the team worked out two times a week and traveled almost every weekend to either compete or practice. The time was spent learning to evaluate different species of livestock and deliver effective oral reasons. "Several people told me our performances at the final two contests were the most dominant they had ever seen," Johnson said. "When I evaluate our performance at Kansas City and Louisville, it says a great deal about the talent and ability of the entire team." Students ofCASNR, as well as the faculty and staff of the college, are just as excited and proud of the team's accomplishments. The wins emphasize the quality of the college and OSU students. "It was such a great feeling to have your peers congratulate you," said Jeremy Burr, animal sci-

ence senior. "It makes you realize what you have done for your college. I never realized how much it means to everyone else to have us win a national title."

More than just flowers The OSU horticulture judging team had not won the regional title since 1998. They accomplished this feat in February 2002 in Orlando, Fla., at the]. Benton Storie Horticulture Commodity Judging Contest. Winning this contest is more highly recognized than the national title because the level of competition is much more stringent in comparison to the national event. The contest consisted of judging 10 classes of fruits and nuts, 10 classes of vegetables, five classes of greenhouse foliages and floral plants, and five classes of woody plants. In addition, contestants were required to identify 20 greenhouse and woody plants by scientific name. "I learned a lot about horticulture [while] preparing for the contest," said Erika Brooks, horticulture senior. "Being on the team was a great experience, one you don't have in a classroom setting." Seven students represented the horticulture department at the contest. Four competed as a team, and the rest were classified as individuals. The students began preparing for the contest in November by going to the OSU greenhouses for several hours each week. "We had a good team this year because of the members' dedication to work and their background," said Janet Cole, professor of ornamental horticulture and team coach. "The fact that they were willing to prepare and put in a lot of time outside of practice to learn plants and names shows their level of dedication."

Julie Daniel, spring 2002 graduate, looks at flowers in the OSU Teaching Greenhouse in preparation for an upcoming contest. (Photo by Gretchen Summers)

Fall 2002

+ 15

Tenths of a second make the difference In May 2001, halfof the top 12 barrel racers in the Central Plains region were OSU Cowboys, or in this case, Cowgirls. After the College National Finals Rodeo, these winning Cowgirls were national rodeo champions, making them the first such team ever from OSU. Intercollegiate rodeo contestants compete in regional rodeos to qualify for the College Rodeo Championship Series and the College National Finals Rodeo. The CRCS was established to make the qualifying process for CNFR a more objective process. "I think the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association has created a CNFR qualifying procedure that sends the best college cowboys and cowgirls to the finals," said Sarah Neely, NIRA director of public relations and administration. At the 2001 CNFR in Casper, Wyo., nearly 450 contestants from across the United States competed for more than $200,000 in scholarships and prizes. "Honestly, I didn't think we had a chance of winning as a team, being all barrel racers," saidJanae Ward, accounting junior. "Toward the end of the week it was starting to sink in - we might have a chance, because the other teams were having some problems." Ultimately, seven-hundredths of a second separated Ward and 2001 OSU alumnaJulia Warner for the national barrel racing title.Junior Gretchen Benbenek was eighth, securing the national team title. Ward later expanded her honors to include a December 2001 trip to the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas, earning a total of $88,568 for the season. Coach Terry Hyman said winning a national title brings recognition to OSU as the place to come and rodeo. "We're building for the future, and now recruits know it's possible to come to OSU and win a national championship," Hyman said.

And the winning continues ... It is not only these championship teams that make OSU and CASNR so great, Miller said, but also it's many other successful organizations. The Agronomy Club has been named Most Outstanding Agronomy Club in the nation every year for the last 12 years. Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow has earned more than 150 awards at their national contest for the CowboyJournal magazine and individual entries. In addition, other clubs and teams have been national champions in the past, including the soils team, the horse judging team, the biosystems and agricultural engineering tractor pull team and the meats judging team. Each win shows the quality of students in the college, and also the quality of the faculty who take the time to shape and mold the students. It would not be possible to compete and win at a national level without them, said Miller. "Students learn more when they are involved in these organizations than they ever could in a traditional classroom," said Miller. "Competing with other schools is a gauge of how well we are doing preparing our students. Winning is proof of the good job we are doing. " +By Ky lene Orebaugh, Dodge City, Kan., and Gretchen Summers, Brady, Texas I6


Members of the National Champion Women 's Rodeo Team are recognized by OSU President James Halligan at a fall 2001 football game. Pictured are Terry Hyman (left) , Julia Warner, Gretchen Benbenek, OSU Regent Lou Watkins, President James Halligan, Janae Ward and Shannon Herrmann. (Photo courtesy of Terry Hyman)

200 1 1 . ~ J ~ T e a m MarkJohnson,Coach Heath Bush, Chickasha, Okla. Jeremy Burr, Kinsley, Kan. Jeremy Cantrell, Stigler, Okla. Kim Cerny, Narka, Kan. Marty Fear, Sutherland, Neb. Terry Lockhart, Muldrow, Okla. Adam McClung, Greenbriar, Ark. Casey Meek, London, Ohio Cody Sankey, Council Grove, Kan. Justin Stacy, Oktaha, Okla. Scott Stedje, Gruver, Texas Grant Turner, Amber, Okla.

Janet Cole, Coach Erika Brooks, Muskogee, Okla. Jana Clift, Miami, Okla. Julie Daniel, Newcastle, Okla. Crystal Holder, Perkins, Okla. KendiNelson, Carrier, Okla. Teresa Mollett, Elk City, Okla. Sheila Roggow, Perkins, Okla.

200 1 1VIVmnen/& 1((~ Team Terry Hyman, Coach Gretchen Benbenek, Missoula, Mont. Shannon Herrmann, Ft. Smith, Ark. Julia Warner, Sapulpa, Okla. Janae Ward, Addington, Okla.

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+ I7

OSU horse program's slow lope, fast track to success

/ T

hroughout the years, hundreds of horses have carried the brand of the Oklahoma State University equine program, but not until recently has this mark truly been recognized as more than just a symbol of ownership, but rather as a sign of excellence. Within the last year, the American Quarter Horse Association performance industry has seen the progeny of OSU, both man and mount, move from spectator to center spotlight. What may appear to be a fast track to success, however, started at a slow lope more than 100 years ago.

In the beginning Like most land-grant colleges, from the beginning the Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College was dependent upon horsepower, according to A History ofthe Oklahoma State University Division of Agriculture by Donald Green. Agriculture was Current Oklahoma State University herd stallion, OSU Sonny Slider, has prostructured around the horse; from pulling a wagon duced offspring earning in excess of 1,000 AQHA performance points. (Photo to pulling a plow, the horse was without substitute. courtesy of the OSU Animal Science Department equine program) Dependent upon this need, the draft horse program mind, the department head at that time allowed Kinkead to was organized as a respected portion of the college. "The draft horses were an important part of OSU's heri- retain five Quarter Horse mares to continue the program. "When I returned to OSU and began coaching the livetage," said Robert Totusek, animal husbandry graduate and former department head. "In the '20s and' 30s, OSU had some stock judging team in 1952, we used those few Quarter Horses of the best draft horses in the country with several studs and in teaching and in judging practice," said Totusek. "At that mares imported from Europe." time, livestock judging included horses. Every livestock judgA large solid brick structure that housed 40 to 50 head of ing competition consisted of at least one or two horse classes, draft horses, known as the OSU Horse Barn, was built in and those OSU horses were useful for preparation." 1902. It burned in 1922, and Willard Hall was later erected From the mid-1950s to the late 1970s, the horse program on its site. The replacement for the OSU Horse Barn was was essentially nonexistent and was eventually shut down built in 1926. It remained standing at the current site of the with the removal of the Horse Barn. OSU Colvin Annex until the late 1970s. In the early 1940s, the draft horses were fazed out due to A new start advancing technology. However, Clark "Andy" Kinkead, In 1977, due to a recognition of the enormity of the Oklawho oversaw the draft program and also taught a horse pro- homa horse industry, the extinct OSU horse program was duction class, was a horse enthusiast and wanted OSU to resurrected with Totusek at the reins as the animal science keep horses as a part of its academic curriculum. With this in department head.





"I recognized a need for a horse program, knowing that the Oklahoma equine industry has a greater economic impact than any other livestock species with the exception of cattle," said Totusek. "I was very fortunate to have a dean of the college of agriculture, Frank Baker, and a university president, Larry Boger, who also recognized the need." Upon university approval, the OSU Quarter Horse program began with no horses and one faculty position. Doyle Meadows filled that position, taking on the job in equine class instruction, research and extension. "Doyle got the program off the ground," said Totusek. "He grabbed the horse by the tail and ran with it." Meadows, in conjunction with th e Oklahoma Quarter Horse Association, generated enough contributions from Oklahoma horsemen to build the current horse barn on the grounds of the OSU dairy in 1980. In addition, they remodeled the existing dairy calf research barn and converted it into the horse breeding facility and stud barn. Totusek soon facilitated the construction of the $25,000 white vinyl fencing that encloses the horse farm today. Over a period of time, Oklahoma residents donated the horses that became the foundation of the breeding program. "The horse industry of Oklahoma made that program possible," said Totusek. " It was all done from donations. In reality, the OSU program of today is a showcase of the Oklahoma horse industry." Following Meadows' resignation in 1983, Totusek lobbied for an additional staff position. Don Topliff and David Freeman were brought in the following year. "Topliff and Freeman knew exactly the kind of horses they wanted to produce," said Totusek. "In the beginning they just needed horses; it did not matter what kind. Using the donations, they skillfully used the available genetics to work toward a goal of quality. Some equine donations were quality and some were not. After the conception of the program, they had the freedom to keep and cull, and that is what they did." They would breed the mares to whatever available studs they had, said Freeman, but they mostly used stallions outside of OSU. That changed in 1984, when Harry Hudspeth from Bixby, Okla., donated a stallion by the name of Harlan Okmulgee. "He was a son of a well-known foundation sire, Harlan, and the first quality stud we owned," said Freeman. Harlan Okmulgee served as the cornerstone for the breeding program for seven years and produced 90 registered foals. In 1991, Harlan Okmulgee died at the OSUhorse farm. "We had been keeping stud prospects back," said Free-

OSU Pistol Pete owner, Elsworth Harrison, demonstrates the talent that made his horse a world champion. (Photo by Todd Johnson)

man. "After Okmulgee died, we focused our program on one of his offspring, OSU Sonny Slider. We started breeding to him in 1994, and he remains our keystone stud today." Today, as the OSU horse program celebrates the 25 year anniversary of its reinstatement, it consists of 60 horses maintained on a SO-acre farm located at the corner of McElroy Road and Western Avenue. A 120-acre pasture located at the OSU airport is also a component. Horses are used for laboratory experiences,judging practice and extension activities. In 1998, the addition of the OSU Women's Equestrian athletic program increased the number of retained riding horses. From the mid-1980s until now, a main horse stall barn, several outdoor arenas, two small barns for storage of hay and equipment and a new equesh路ian team headquarters have been added to the horse farm. Freeman has remained as the equine extension specialist, and in 1999, Steven Cooper replaced Topliff as the equine judging coach and equine undergraduate course instructor. "The current success of the OSU horse program can be found in two areas: the progeny of OSU Sonny Slider and the industry successes ofOSU graduates," said Freeman.

Slider's offspring success The OSU equine breeding program h as gained national recognition because of the performance traits passed on by OSU Sonny Slider.

"OSU Sonny Slider is a quality producer," said Cooper. "OSU Pistol Pete is an example of his siring ability." In 2000, OSU Pistol Pete, a son of OSU Sonny Slider, became the AQHA High Point, All-Around,Junior Horse of the Year. In 2001, OSU Pistol Pete again excelled, winning a world championship title in senior dally team roping. "That is our niche at OSU," said Cooper. "We are seeing that Slider's offspring are excelling in the roping horse world." OSU Pistol Pete is not alone in showcasing the program. OSU Sonny Slider has had 87 registered offspring, according to AQHA. OSU Sonny Slider's offspring have earned a total of 1,299 performance points in the AQHA (948 in open events, 315 in amateur and 20 in youth). Total AQHA earnings for OSU Sonny Slider's offspring are $21,567. To date, OSU Sonny Slider has produced one world champion, OSU Pistol Pete, and two other offspring, OSU Power Slide and OSU Watch Sally Slide, that were among the top ten in the AQHA roping standings.

Graduate success A connection can be found between OSU's equine breeding program, its judging tradition and the success of its graduates. In the last 10 years, seven national judging titles reflect the leadership and the eye for quality possessed by Topliff, Freeman and Cooper. "One of our best examples of successful OSU graduates who were active in the OSU horse program is Dave Dellin," said Cooper. At age 24, making his first AQHA World Show debut as a professional trainer, Dellin won the 2001 AQHA World Championship in the 2-year-old western pleasure open division. Dellin is a 1999 OSU a:i;iimal science graduate, and he competed on the 1997 national championship horse judging team, coached by Topliff. "One of the reasons I took first was because I remembered something Topliff told us when we judged the world show in 1997," said Dellin. "Topliffhadjudged that show and told us that one of the things to look for was a horse that immediately loped out when the judges called for it. Most contestants hesitate to lope out immediately in order to make their horse appear to be slower moving, but Topliff said that at the World Show the judges would discount for it. "All that day I remembered his words," said Dellin, "and when they called for a lope I fired my horse off immediately. The judges later told me that was one of the best things about my run. My experience at OSU definitely paid off." Other OSU graduates who are horse industry leaders include Bill Brewer, AQHA executive director; Cam Foreman,


AQHA senior director of shows; Ed Roberts, American Paint Horse Association chief executive official; and Dan Wall, National Reining Horse Association executive director.

Global outreach The OSU horse program and its graduates' successes also are matched with OSU's leadership in the global equine industry. In 2000, OSU became one of only three U.S. universities to receive an AQHA grant to teach a two-week western riding seminar in Europe. "The Oklahoma horse industry has a responsibility to the world," said Freeman. "Our state serves as a host to many worldwide horse association competitions and sales. We are seen around the world as a horse industry leader, and programs such as this are essential in continuing our role. Not only does it benefit international students, but also our own." For the last two summers, Cooper along with several students have traveled to Germany, Austria, Denmark and England to conduct the seminars. "I will never forget the experience and how it broadened my view of the horse world," said Amber Moffett, OSU graduate student seminar instructor, who was hired as The Ohio State University equine specialist in January 2002. Instruction in western riding styles and h orse management was provided at the seminars. "We chose OSU to participate in this outreach because it is one of the very few programs in the nation that is so wellrounded," said OSU graduate and current AQHA International Affairs Director Trigg Rentfro. Cooper said their vision for the future of the OSU equine program is certain. "Our goal is not to just leave our brand on our horses, but on the industry as a whole," he said. From draft horse to dream horse, from pulling to performance, from culls to keeps, the OSU program has maintained a steady uphill trot. So at the next equine exhibition , watch the center spotlight for an OSU legacy, representing excellence and sporting the OSU brand. +By Josh Brecheen, Coalgate, Okla.

1902: first OSU Horse Barn; 1909: OSU draft horses working a field; 1915: first OSU horse judging clinic; 1921: OSU's grand champion Percheron stallion; 1926: second OSU Horse Barn; 1934: OSU Belgian breeding mares (Photos courtesy of University Archives, OSU Libraries); 1977: current OSU Horse Barn (Photo by Josh Brecheen); 2001: AOHA World Champion OSU Pistol Pete with owner and the OSU mascot (Photo by Todd Johnson); 2002: a one-week-old OSU filly (Photo by Josh Brecheen)

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Fall 2002

+2 I



ollege is a journey, one that can lead to a wide range of future possibilities. While some travel this journey with no real direction or set goals, pre-veterinary science majors find prior planning is an important step on the road to a career in veterinary medicine. Getting prepared With only 74 of the more than 300 applicants accepted each year to the Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine, getting prepared for the future should be a student's main concern. "Focus, hard work and planning are key steps in making the process more stress-free," said J.T. Walker, veterinary medicine junior. "I cannot emphasize enough the importance of early planning. Plan ahead and search for an undergraduate program that prepares you well. Stay focused and work hard to achieve your best; it will pay off in the end." A student can choose any undergraduate curriculum at OSU as long as the curriculum offers the core courses the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine requires. "Choose an undergraduate degree that fits your interests and one that meets the core course requirements of vet

school," said Katrina Meinkoth, veterinary medicine recruitment coordinator. "Students should not think there is only one undergraduate curriculum that is best in preparing them for vet school." In addition, students should have an alternative plan just in case their goal of vet school does not materialize. "You need to ask yourself, 'What will I do ifI do not get accepted into vet school?' and therefore pick a major that will be beneficial in both settings," said Meinkoth. Once a major has been selected, the real journey begins. "Students have to be realistic. Getting into vet school will certainly require hard work throughout their undergraduate career. A student's first four years serve as a training ground for the real thing," said Bret White, veterinary medicine sophomore. Rising to meet all the expectations is not only suggested from fellow vet school students, but it is also a must in achieving the goal of being accepted into vet school, said White. "I have asked a lot of questions of current vet school students and discovered that maintaining a rigorous course load coupled with extensive science-based classes will h elp prepare me for the challenges that lie ahead," said Krista Vega, biochemistry senior. Prospective vet school students should consider that hands-on experience outside the classroom is also important while completing an undergraduate degree, said Vega. One of the most dynamic aspects of veterinary medicine is the ability to care for animals and treat illnesses. What better way to learn more about the vet-med field than to work for a well-respected veterinarian? "The skills I have learned through my pre-veterinary internships with various veterinarians are invaluable, and have helped me become more aware of the vet-med profession," said Vega. Vet schools want students who are well-rounded. The selection committee looks for students who have the desire and aspiration to become top veterinarians, who have prepared themselves well, who have extracurricular activities and who have work experience, said Meinkoth.

Understanding the process Once students have prepared themselves for vet school, the next step in the process is completing the veterinary medicine application and the required entrance exams. When an applicant's core requirements have been fulfilled, he or she must submit the completed college of veterinary medicine application no later than Oct. 1 the year before he or she plans to begin vet school. The completion of required pre-veterinary courses and the fulfillment of other minimum requirements do not automatically assure a student's acceptance into the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine. The selection committee must assess 22


a student's evaluations and the other selection criteria before an applicant is accepted. "In selecting applicants for admission, the committee will consider grade point averages and standardized test scores along with an applicant's background, previous work experience and letters of recommendation," said Meinkoth. Applicants must submit three letters of recommendation, including one from a veterinarian. "When applying to vet school, letters of recommendation are key," said White. "A well-respected vet familiar with your work ethic and related veterinary skills is a perfect example of a good recommendation." Besides letters of recommendation, students who are applying need to include an official transcript listing all coursework. Students also must have achieved a minimum grade point of 2.80 in those required courses. Admission standards require applicants to take the Graduate Record Examination along with the biology subject test before they submit their application. "Many potential vet-med students are concerned with the competitive level of their academic achievements," said Meinkoth. "The average GPA for the 2001 applicant profile was 3.49; so, yes, grades are important, but not out of reach. "The steps involved in completing the application for admittance are time-consuming and tedious; each step needs to be handled with extreme attention to detail." Once applications have been submitted, the admissions committee, which is composed of faculty members from within the OSU vet school and members of the Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Association, has the responsibility to narrow down the list of applicants and to select applicants for interviews. "The admissions committee seeks to select students with excellent records of academic achievement and a background that predicts potential success in a variety of veterinary medical careers," said Meinkoth. After the initial applicant selection, the committee schedules interviews with the remaining applicants. Interviews are granted based on the overall excellence and quality of the student's application. Potential vet students must illustrate to the committee how their background and skills would qualify them to be the best of the best in the veterinary profession, said White.

What to expect The first year of vet school is similar for all students; each student will follow a standard curriculum with all other beginning freshmen. The curriculum includes a set of required courses, which all students must successfully complete. Second year students follow a set curriculum also, but have the opportunity to select electives from a predetermined list of core courses.

The vet school uses a structured curriculum where each body system of an animal is presented individually. After each body section is discussed, a test is given over that particular segment before students move on to the next segment. Meinkoth said during the first and second year, students should expect to focus on the basic science of veterinary medicine. These basics cover areas that deal with physiology, anatomy and histology. Each of these topics are taught during the presentation of the major body systems during the first two years of a students vet school curriculum. "Students should be prepared to do a lot ofreading and studying," said Walker. "Many hours are devoted to going over material that will be covered in class and preparing for upcoming exams." During the third and fourth year, most students complete both the required coursework and classes that specialize in a particular area of interest. The fourth year is almost completely case-based, offering students the opportunity to concentrate on their chosen area of interest. If students complete these four years of vet school, their options for a successful career are endless. Having a veterinary medicine degree offers a wide range of future career possibilities that extend from owning a private practice to working for the U.S. government.

Financing vet school An essential element of pursuing a veterinary medicine degree is adequate financial aid. Basic academic expenses for the current school term are approximately $3,600 per semester for residents and $9,600 for nomesidents, making tuition expenses an important facet of a quality vet school education. With the extensive amount of time required in the classroom and for suffiContinued on page 24



earning from experience is what the Oklahoma State University veterinary medicine internship is all about, experience that can play a key role in helping students get into vet school. Each semester, nine students are chosen to spend time at the OSU Veterinary Medicine Research Hospital where they observe, participate and decide if veterinary medicine is what they want to make as their career choice. Students rotate through the different sections of the hospital, helping with aspects ranging from surgery to diagnosis and treatment of small animals. During the semester, students are required to work four hours a week and fill out five clinical reports, which are graded by their supervising veterinarians. Although the interns are not paid, they receive three academic credit hours for their experience. Students can learn more about this internship opportunity by attending an organizational meeting, which is announced through the Pre-Vet Club. During the meeting, Ed Miller, associate dean of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, describes the internship and current interns tell about their experiences. Interested students inform Miller if they would like to take the internship. Miller then meets with individual students and determines when would be the best semester for them to take the internship. Miller said he tries to work with everyone's schedule to accommodate each student's needs. If they are sophomores, Continued from page 23

cient study purposes, a student must not depend upon part-time employment to meet expenses; however, there is assistance offered. Several privately donated awards and scholarships are presented to students who excel in the vet school curriculum. Awards in varying amounts are given based on proficiency, academic achievement and need. Veterinary medical students also may qualify for loan programs administered by the OSU Department of Financial Aid. "Again, students must plan ahead," said Meinkoth. "Once a student has been accepted, they should start making decisions on how to afford their education. There are several choices they can make to get financial assistance." Students should understand that planning for a career in veterinary medicine does not follow a simple formula. A student's success in obtaining a veterinary medicine degree from OSU is determined by extreme focus, hard work and years of planning. Striving to meet these expectations ensures students a rewarding journey that will lead toward a promising career in a vast number of fields in veterinary medicine. + By Chris Stephens, Wesson, Miss.

Dr. Gregor Morgan of the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine begins preparing for an embryo transfer at Durham Hereford Ranch near Stillwater, Okla. (Photo by Chris Stephens)



they have three years to fit the program in, but if they are seniors, they need it now and get first priority. If more than nine students want the internship, Miller looks at grade point averages. The students with a higher GPA will be more likely to get into vet school, he said, and will benefit more from their internship experience. Andrea Tate, animal science senior, completed the internship during her junior year. "The best thing first-year students can do is speak with Dr. Miller and let him know they are interested," said Tate. "Then they should attend a meeting and become highly involved within the Pre-Vet Club." The Pre-Vet Club is an organization for students interested in attending vet school. Members are exposed to veterinarians and instructors who can help them achieve their goals and become familiar with the vet school, said Tate. The Pre-Vet Club can also help build a student's resume. Instructors like to see students who are involved with other activities, said Tate. The internship is not required to get into vet school, but students should try to build the best resume possible, said Miller. This is a great way to meet new people and show initiative in the vet-med program. "The internship definitely reassured me this is what I want to do," said Tate. +ByJamie Stucky, South Haven, Kan.

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Fa ll 2002

+ 25

Seeking the future


ew places, new faces, new ideas. Oklahoma State University plant and soil sciences graduate students are researching south of the border on one of the brightest new innovations in North American farming. This new idea is the GreenSeeker. This top-dress fertilizer spray applicator optically senses a plant's nutrient requirements and then it applies nitrogen fertilizer as needed. The GreenSeeker was developed during 10-plus years of research by a team of four OSU scientists: Marvin Stone and John Solie of agricultural engineering, and Gordon] ohnson and William Raun of plant and soil sciences. Their collective efforts have the potential to maximize production rates through exact fertilizer application and increased yield rates, which could help in the fight against food shortages worldwide, said Raun. After building the GreenSeeker, which has been tested solely on wheat varieties in Oklahoma, the OSU team wanted to make sure the technology would actually perform as they were predicting it would. Four years of research on test plots confirmed everything they had been calculating in the lab. The GreenSeeker was unveiled Oct. 15, 2001, at the OSU Noble Research Center. During the ceremony, license and master research agreem~nts were signed with NTech Industries Inc., a private commercial manufacturing company. NTech Industries Inc., an innovator, developer and marketer of proprietary technology for sensor-based agricultural nutrient and herbicide delivery systems, has agreed to manufacture the GreenSeeker. The agreement will benefit OSU by returning a percentage of sales revenue from the GreenSeeker product to the university for further research.

GreenSeeker is such a futuristic product because of its ability to sense and calculate a plant's physical and chemical needs for fertilizer (at a range of one meter squared) and then apply it while traveling 20 miles per hour over a field. "That is what I enjoy the most about working with this project, being part of something that pushes the edge of science," said Paul Hodgen, soil fertility master's student from Roachdale, Ind. "At the same time, GreenSeeker will make us better stewards of the land and will reduce the risk of polluting the environment by agricultural inefficiencies." The research behind GreenSeeker may not have been possible without the help of many different collaborators, including past and present students who aided in gathering information and building the current product. A total of 26 participants have been involved in this joint program between plant and soil sciences and biosystems and agricultural engineering that has allowed the GreenSeeker project to develop. GreenSeeker is also part of an international research project with Mexico's International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, or CIMMYT. The CIMMYT research project is aimed at developing specific plant lines for varying types of climates and soil types so that not only will nitrogen application be maximized by the plants, but also specific plant breeds will be adapted for specific areas. Research in Mexico allows scientists a longer growing season to develop the kinds of specific plants needed. Raun andJohnson are supervising staff members who have been using collaborative research opportunities at CIMMYT in Mexico for the GreenSeeker project. Raun developed the international research opportunity due to his extensive ties with CIMMYT, where he was employed for six years. Raun said this opportunity gives students valuable international experience that is beneficial to today's graduates seeking employment. "This allows OSU students to travel and work abroad, and to work with some of the foremost researchers in their field," said Raun. Those who have taken this opportunity said it has benefited them greatly. "The experience I had at CIMMYT was absolutely amazing. I lived and learned a different way oflife," said Kyle Freeman, soil fertility master's student from Tuttle, Okla. "I had the opportunity to work with some of the best scientists from all over the world," said Freeman. "The international experience I gained will be invaluable for the rest of my life, and I will certainly never forget it." Kyle Freeman collects data samples in Mexico on wheat plots following the application of Nitrogen with the Green Seeker technology. (Photo courtesy of CIMMYT)



"Working with the GreenSeeker project gave me the opportunity and interest to continue my education," said Freeman. "I had the chance to work with a team of professors devoted to delivering a product beneficial not only to the wheat producers of Oklahoma, but also a product that can be developed to use on crops all over the world." Hodgen is currently at CIMMYT doing research to expand GreenSeeker's capabilities in other areas of plant and soil sciences. He too is adamant about the international research opportunity and the GreenSeeker project. John Solie, agricultural engineering professor (left); Gregory Bell, horticulture and landscape "Working within these two architecture assistant professor; John Mayfield Jr., NTech CEO; Marvin Stone, agricultural engiprojects has provided me with count- neering professor; William Raun, plant and soil sciences professor; and Gordon Johnson, plant less opportunities, including educa- and soil sciences professor; examine the GreenSeeker sprayer technology during the NTech tional experience, travel and real- licensing agreement. (Photo by Kristen Andrews) world experiences as well as many gious honor awarded to students in the OSU Division of Agprofessional contacts," said Hodgen. "These opportunities ricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. may or may not have been offered in other traditional disciMore than school awards are on the list of accomplishplines to the extent that they have been made available ments for past CIMMYT research exchange students. Many through this project." The research being done in Mexico will help adapt have taken positions with top companies in related fields. SST, a leading agricultural technology company, The Noble GreenSeeker technology worldwide. One of the many goals Foundation and Ford Motor Co. are just a few of the compafor the project is to have this technology used in developing nies who have hired plant and soil sciences students. countries where much of the farmland is of marginal quality. Current students and those to come will have opportuniGreenSeeker has the potential to improve the nitrogen use ties within the GreenSeeker project and the international efficiency for crop production everywhere. research project with CIMMYT. These projects are now aimed The preparation and skills learned while being able to toward studying the application methods and determining work on such an innovative project have allowed students to correct algorithms enabling applicators to apply fertilizer to move on to successful careers, said Raun. Upon completion various crops. of the CIMMYT program, many of these students have reKeeping these goals and the continuing problem of world turned to OSU to finish successful academic careers. As a result of working with both projects, seven students hunger in mind as motivation, those involved with the have received the outstanding master's and doctoral student GreenSeeker and CIMMYT international research projects will continue to go to new places, meet new faces and work awards from the plant and soil sciences department. In addition, two students who worked on the on new ideas. + By Shane Richey, Plymouth, Ind. GreenSeeker received the Sitlington Scholarship, a presti-

A new solution to an old roblem


ne man's trash is another man's treasure. This could soon be true of the Eastern redcedar tree if Salim Hiziroglu, an assistant professor in the forestry department at Oklahoma State University, has his way. The Eastern redcedar tree has plagued Oklahoma ranchers and landowners for years, said Terry Bidwell, extension range management specialist and professor of rangeland ecology and management at OSU. "The redcedar has caused widespread damage," Bidwell said. "As the cedars spread, not only are cattle grazing and farming affected, but also many wildlife species diminish and the quantity of water declines as well." Bidwell said because of the Eastern redcedar, Oklahoma is in danger oflosing the prairie chicken, the bobwhite quail and the wild turkey. Oklahoma landowners have spent years looking for ways to fight the onslaught of the Eastern redcedar. Everything including applying herbicides and walking the land with clippers has been tried, but barely seems to make a dent, said Rodney Holcomb of the OSU Food and Agricultural Products Research and Technology Center. Holcomb and Bidwell both said controlled burning can be effective, "However with more and more people moving out into the country and the risks that Oklahoma's wind brings to the table, in many cases burning is no longer a viable solution," Holcomb said. The problem has gotten to the point that the state has

established programs to aid landowners financially in their quest to clear their land of Eastern redcedars and restore it to a more useful and profitable condition. "We've got hundreds of thousands of acres in Oklahoma that are out ofbusiness because ofredcedar," Bidwell said. "We can change that, but it will cost." Now, Hiziroglu thinks he may have finally found a use for the Eastern redcedar. A native of Turkey, Hiziroglu said ever since he began working at the forestry department at OSU, people have been asking him for advice on how to handle the Eastern redcedar problem on their land. "So I decided to find a way to make use of something that everyone else thought of as waste material," said Hiziroglu. His solution is particleboard made from Eastern redcedar, produced in a much more efficient and cost-effective manner than the current production method. Using the current system, a hardwood tree such as oak or pine is brought to the mill, the limbs are removed, and the bark is shaved offbefore it can be chipped and manufactured into particleboard. This process is costly and creates waste. When Eastern redcedar is used to make particleboard, nothing goes to waste. The tree, limbs, bark and even the needles are run through the chipper and eventually become particleboard. This method has proven to be less expensive and faster. In addition to helping landowners and improving product efficiency, using Eastern redcedar has environmental advantages. As Bidwell said, the tree itself is a drain on the ecosystem, using up water and taking over the land; consequently, removing it is desirable. Since the manufacturing process uses up the whole tree, no waste is created. A particleboard product made from Eastern redcedar can have many uses because the structural properties of the experimental panels are comparable to products currently on the market, so it can be used in many typical situations, such as manufacturing furniture. In addition, since the oil in redcedar that gives the tree its odor is a natural insect repellent, using the particleboard as a closet liner would give the closet a cedar chest effect, keeping away moths and other pests. The potential boon to Oklahoma that could come from this discovery is interesting, to say the least. After all, there seem to be quite a few advantages to producing particleboard made from Eastern This pasture near Perkins, Okla., is an example of what was once productive rangeland, now being overrun by Eastern redcedar. These trees could be a wanted commodity for farmers and ranchers some day (Photo by Jason Mabra)

redcedar. In a way, it will be almost like getting paid to haul off trash, Holcomb said. Holcomb also said landowners eventually will be able to clear the Eastern redcedars from their land, haul them down to a particleboard mill, and get paid for their product, just like a crop. A crop that requires no input, is already there and is beneficial to remove. What a way to make the best of it. So how long until this will be underway? Holcomb said it could happen as early as next year. "The first thing that has to happen is to get a particleboard mill built in Oklahoma, which will probably cost from $3 to 3.5 million," Holcomb said. "To get this done, there will have to be corporate financial backing. There are several interested parties, but most are waiting on the approval of a patent, which has been applied for but not secured." They are also waiting on the outcome of an economic model on which Holcomb and agricultural economics spring 2002 graduate, Chad Greenlee, have beenworking. This model will show all costs of operating a particleboard mill, such as equipment, land, labor, buildings and utilities. Holcomb said most of the interested parties want to locate the potential mill in central Oklahoma, possibly just east of Oklahoma City. "This is a product that has the potential for national marketing, because it measures up to the competition and will cost considerably less," Holcomb said. If it catches on, one mill would not keep up with the demand, meaning more jobs and more money to areas of the state as more mills are built, Holcomb said.

Salim Hiziroglu is optimistic that a mill will soon be producing his Eastern redcedar particleboard somewhere in Oklahoma. (Photo by Jason Mabra)

The addition of a particleboard mill or mills would mean jobs and a financial windfall for the communities that manage to attract the business, so public support for this project would seem inevitable. Chalk up yet another exciting discovery for Oklahoma State University. Anytime a person finds a way to tum trash into treasure, it's worth getting excited about. +By]asonMabra, Fargo, Okla.

• Three Top Ten Freshman Men • Homecoming Sweepstakes Winner, 2001 • Freshman Follies Champions, 2000 • Spring Sing Champions, 1998-2001 • Greek Week Champions, 1998-2000

Budding Better Men Fall2002 + 29


ach year students buy books, enroll in courses and drive to Stillwater to start classes. They don't even think about how lucky they are to have a university that is so easy to fit in to, so inexpensive and usually so close to home. Some Oklahoma State University students know all too well what most students take for granted. They are international students, and they represent 10 percent of the campus population. They come here for many reasons, from many different countries, beliefs and backgrounds. "I needed a better education," said Cesar Galaviz, an international student from Mexico, explaining why he decided to attend college in the United States. Galaviz, originally from northwest Mexico, came to the United States in the fall of 1999 as a junior. Before coming to OSU, he spent his first two years of college at an agricultural university in northern Mexico, the Universidad Autonoma Agraria Antonio Narro, or UAAAN. He said he had three choices of American universities: Iowa State University, Kansas State University and OSU. He chose OSU because UAAAN and OSU are sister universities and have an exchange relationship. Most international students come to study in the United States after receiving scholarships from their governments. Many foreign governments look for occupations their countries need to fill and then send students to study in those scholastic areas. "In many countries, the governments see a need for an improved food supply and therefore send students to study agriculture," said David Henneberry, assistant dean of international programs for the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. In Galaviz's case, he did not receive any money from his country; however, he did receive the Ralph S. Matlock Memorial Scholarship for $600 from the OSU Plant and Soil Sciences Department. When Galaviz came to OSU, he did not know anyone. He said it was difficult to meet American students because there is not a program in place for international students to meet them. Galaviz instead began meeting other international stu30 + C OWBOY J O URNA L

dents and became involved with the Latin American Student Association. There, he met many other Latin American students and was also introduced to Bryan Vardeman, an OSU football player from Lawton, Okla. Vardeman, who was a sophomore, had Latin American friends and became involved in LASA because of them. Despite their recreational connection, Vardeman recognized Galaviz's reason for coming to America and attending OSU. "I could tell Cesar was here to take care of business," said Vardeman about his first meeting with Galaviz. Vardeman and Galaviz became good friends through LASA and also from living in Willham Residence Hall. In May of Galaviz's first year at OSU, the two moved off campus and became roommates. "I think it was a good experience to live with someone from a different background," said Vardeman. "Cesar is hilarious, a really fun guy." For enjoyment, Galaviz spent his time with his new American and international friends. Galaviz and his friends enjoyed going to the movies, listening to local bands, competing in international contests and participating in LASA activities. Other times, however, they simply liked to hang out at students' houses. "Cesar was on a mission, but he was also here to have a good time," said Vardeman. According to Henneberry, CASNR has a wide spectrum of international students. He said it varies from student to student on how well they fit in with the American culture. Galaviz adjusted well in Oklahoma. "He was a good student and mixed well with other people," said Henneberry. Although Galaviz learned as much as he could while he lived in the United States, he has been around agriculture all his life, as he grew up on his parents' farm. "We have a pretty good size farm, it is about 1,000 acres," said Galaviz. His father owns the farm and has been growing corn, beans, sorghum and other grains there for 40 years. Galaviz said he decided to major in plant and soil sciences with an option in agronomy because he wanted to learn as much as he could about the soil, plants and growing food. "I see agriculture in Mexico as a business," said Galaviz. "It's a good business." However, Galaviz said, the Mexican government has not realized the potential of agriculture in Mexico. Why?

"That's the question I ask myself every day," he said. Galaviz said Mexico is too concerned with relationships with other countries and is importing food from other nations instead of buying from Mexican farmers. Even so, he is optimistic about the future of agriculture in Mexico. "I think agriculture in Mexico is going to change because it is continuing to become more advanced and competitive year by year," said Galaviz. "I want to be a part of this change and development." With confidence in his country, he returned to his farm in Mexico after he graduated in May 2002, and someday, he plans to take over the farm. Although Galaviz was a CASNR undergrad, the majority of international students in CASNR are graduate students. Most international undergraduate students at OSU are in nonagricultural majors. Of the international students who attend OSU, approximately two-thirds are male and a large majority of the students are not married, according to statistics from the OSU International Student Services office. Even though Mexico is located next to the United States, the country is not one of the top 10 countries represented by international students at OSU. India is the country with the largest representation, with more than 400 students attending OSU each year. Mexico enrollment averages 10 students per year. No matter where the students are from, they each come to OSU to gain an education and to take advantage of the activities and atmosphere offered by the university. Galaviz said his experience was good and has helped him mature. He said he plans to encourage others to come to the United States and OSU. "It was great; it was a really good experience to leave my country," said Galaviz. "The people who go to OSU to study are going to learn a lot." +By Robyn Ott, Fairview, Okla.

Cesar Galaviz came from Mexico to OSU to study plant and soil sciences. He is proudly sporting his native flag. (Photo by Robyn Ott)

Fall 2002 + 31

Hi her education at



f you're thinking of a master's degree, why not earn it "The only drawback to online classes is the lack of interfrom a distance? Oklahoma State University's recently action with other students," said Heinemann. Todd and Denise House of Kiowa, Okla., are both workapproved agricultural education online graduate program ing on their agricultural education master's degrees. just may be right for you. "With both of us The OSU Department of Agricultural having full-time jobs, Education, Communications and 4-H Youth taking distance classes Development has added a complete online gives us a good oppordistance master's program. The OSU Board "Our classes can be anywhere you tunity to spend more of Regents approved the program to begin in have Web access." time together," said fall 2000. Todd House. "This program is great for students who James Key Agricultural educawant to pursue higher education while still CASNR distance education director tion is one of the first staying in the work force," saidJim Leising, programs in the unihead of the department. versity to effectively The 30- to 36-hour master's program is designed to be completed in nine semesters or approximately use the art of video streaming. Other OSU colleges such as three years. Nine semester credit hours can be transferred business, education and arts and sciences are looking to from another school. While students work on their degrees, CASNR for ideas and advice. they are not required to come on campus. Students can even To prepare courses for online delivery, professors digiwork with their graduate advisory committee online. tally record their lectures. The video-streamed lectures, as Just like on-campus students who are required to have well as PowerPoint presentations, homework and syllabi are an advisory committee of three faculty members to provide posted on the course Web page. Students can login any time guidance and mentoring, distance education students are no and listen to lectures or review course material. "I have found that even my in-class students go back and different. They are given the option to come to campus to put listen to the lectures again on the course site," saidJames Key, their committee together but are not required to do so. Bob Heinemann, a station supervisor at the OSU College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources disKiamichi Forestry Research Station in Idabel, Okla., has taken tance education director. distance education courses for the past two years. He said Even though students are taking courses from a distance, one of the best parts about distance education classes is they they still have the opportunity to interact with other students allow you to customize your plan of study. A student's plan in their classes. Distance students participate in interactive activities such of study consists of the courses he or she will take to complete as work reviews. Heinemann said work reviews did not sound a graduate degree. good at first, but in the end they became beneficial. Reviews consist of being paired with another classmate for the semester. E-mail addresses are exchanged, and students are encouraged to share thoughts throughout the semester. This allows the dis-

If you can access the Internet, then you can participate in higher education programs from OSU. New distance education classes are allowing agricultural education graduate students the opportunity to hold full-time jobs while furthering their education. (Photo by Lea Ann Castleberry)



cussion of assignments, along with the exchange of homework ideas and critiques of each other's work. OSU has offered online distance education for the past eight years. However, the first distance courses were taught in the 1960s on talkback television systems operated through a microwave tower system. This system was a two-way audio, one-way video. This meant students could see and talk to th e professor, while the professor could only talk to the distance students. The problem was distance students had to find a school or site that had the proper equipment, said Todd House. Then OSU changed to the compressed two-way audio/video system. This was a great way to interact and teach distance students, said Key. "OSU began online classes because distance students needed more courses to be available," said Key. Key and Heinemann both said distance courses are for independent people who are self-motivated. One of the benefits of this program is being able to move at your own pace, said Heinemann. Key said, from a professor's standpoint, not only do you

have to be concerned about your students, but also about technology. Using the technology allows students to further their education - whether they are in Oklah oma or anywhere around the world. "Our classes can be anywhere you have Web access," said Key. Potential students interested in the program can download admission applications from the OSU Graduate College Web site (http:// In-state and out-of-state fees are $15 1 per credit h our for distance courses. Other costs such as thesis, intern ship and other special problems courses that do not require distance delivery are $116 per credit hour (fall 2001). Th ere are two different degrees to choose from: the master of science in agricultural education and the master of agriculture. For more information about the online master of science in agricultural education or master of agriculture degree programs, view the departmental Web site ( agedcm4h/). +By Lea Ann Castleberry, Ninnekah, Okla.

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Fall 2002

+ 35

Le islative interns build a rom1s1 n future •


very spring semester, one Oklahoma State University student gets the chance to work up close and personal with legislators and lobbyists. For the past 26 years, the Oklahoma House and Senate agricultural committees have hosted one intern from the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources to be an active participant in the spring legislative session. CASNR is the only college in Oklahoma with an internship that gives students the opportunity to work with entire committees at the state capitol. A majority of the intern's time is spent taking notes, doing research and getting a chance to be part of the nuts and bolts of daily activities, said state Sen. Paul Muegge of the Senate agriculture and rural development committee. Interns are able to participate in various daily tasks to get a taste of what is going on behind the office doors of elected officials. "I was able to do a lot of different things, including working with bills and policy, working with constituency groups and doing research and bill summaries," said Ryan


McMullen, 2001 legislative intern. "I had a number of networking opportunities that will be a great help in the future." If people were more involved and understood the legislative processes better, they would realize the impact the government has on their lives, said Mary Penick, 2002 legislative intern. "Until I started this internship, I didn't realize all the important affects the governmental processes have on me," said Penick. This internship is not designed to prepare students for a political career, said Muegge. Although it is good experience for those who wish to run for an elected office, interns make their own decisions in regard to their future careers. Most of them tend to stay in the field of agriculture because of where they come from, he said. "Farming is good training for politics because you never know what is going to happen the next day in either profession," said Muegge. In the case of this internship, an agricultural background can simply be used as a springboard to help relate to people, said Penick. "I don't know what percentage of the bills passed have a direct impact on agriculture in a state like Oklahoma, but it is quite a few," said Ed ~ Miller, CASNR associate dean. "If you consider all of the bills passed that have at least an indirect influence on the field of agriculture, it would be the majority." The agricultural legislative internship also gives students a unique chance to add views of the younger generation to the legislative process. "My philosophy is that when our founders created this government they wanted to create legislative bodies that represented the entire population," said McMullen. "It is important to have doctors , lawyers, farmers and businessmen, but at the same time, a diverse age range is needed. It's healthy to have the opinions of all ages when making important decisions that affect all of us." Currently, only one intern is selected for each spring legislative term. However, there is room for growth within this program, and it would be possible to support more than one intern at a time in the future, said Miller. It depends on having legislators who are willing to nurture the interns and having private funds to support the interns' expenses, he said. The application process is a competitive one, said McMullen. The intern is selected by a comMary Penick, 2002 legislative intern, takes a break from her busy schedule at the mittee based on the applications, resumes and the state capitol. Penick spends her days assisting the Senate and House agriculture interview process. and rural development committees in many ways. (Photo by Rachel Young)



A student who is serious about becoming the legislative intern needs to have good communication skills, be professional and should be involved in campus activities, said state Rep.James Covey of the House agriculture and rural development committee. "The interns really have to be self-motivated; they will have a lot of time on their hands at the capitol when not much is going on," said Miller. "So they could either sit in their office and read magazines or they could go down to the library, talk to lobbyists or even talk to legislators not involved with the agricultural committees to learn more about their other interests." The internship requires the student to take the spring semester off and move to Oklahoma City. The student participating in the spring 2002 internship received three credit hours and a $3,200 scholarship from several sponsors. A sophomore or junior level student is usually preferred for this internship. Applications are available by mid-September in 136 Agricultural Hall and are due back at the end of October. After the applications have been reviewed, the top candidates for the position are selected to go through an interview process. The interview process consists of a group interview with the associate dean, assistant dean, director of student career services, coordinator of academic programs and the previous intern. The intern we choose for this position is highly visible, said Miller. "We have to remember the legislators' view of our col-

lege is often shaped by that one intern," said Miller. "The person we choose is a representative of our entire college." Jami McAnulty Longacre, 1993 agricultural economics graduate, was the agricultural legislative intern in the spring of 1992. She credits her success after college to this internship experience. "My experience as a legislative intern absolutely laid the foundation for my current career as a lobbyist," said Longacre. "I had no idea what I wanted to do after college before I had this opportunity." Longacre said the contacts she made during her internship resulted in many of her career opportunities. The benefits of this legislative internship can be evaluated both by the knowledge gained and the valuable connections that can be made. "The most exciting part of this experience was the people I got to work with," said McMullen. "I was impressed with the dedication of our elected officials and staff." This internship program has been made successful through the hard work and cooperation of OSU and the agricultural legislators. "We have donors who believe in this program," said Miller. "It is a long-term investment; people realize these students will understand the agricultural legislative processes and someday become leaders." With the goal of creating great leaders, CASNR and the House and Senate agriculture and rural development committees are working to help students gain a promising future. +By Rachel Young, Bartlesville, Okla.



Dan Crummett, Editor

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Sponsor of the Oklahoma Farm Sho w Fall 2002 + 37

Sellin is tellin

ricultural economics class •



eople sell their abilities in the work force every day. Kim Anderson, an agricultural economist and professor at Oklahoma State University, is helping students in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources exercise and perfect the techniques used to close the deal. The OSU Department of Agricultural Economics realized the need to form a sales and marketing class in fall 2000. The department received a "thumbs-up" from school officials to create a 3000-level sales class for spring 2001. Agricultural Sales and Marketing (AGEC 3323) has quickly become one of the most popular classes for students throughout CASNR. "When the department decided to offer a class like this, I was excited," Anderson said. "A high percentage of the students from CASNR take sales positions after graduation, and I wanted to teach a class that would give our students a leg-up when they enter the workforce." The class curriculum relies heavily upon experiential learning with sales professionals. Besides traditional lecture, the students are required to complete two projects during the semester: "Sashay With A Salesperson" and "Ready Set Sell." Anderson said the projects allow the students to learn things that they could not possibly learn in a traditional classroom atmosphere. ¡ "I learned people skills and communication techniques


that I would have never learned in the classroom," said Terry Lockhart, agricultural economics senior. "I took the class the first semester it was offered. Now I am a sales representative for Stillwater Equipment Company, and students come and shadow me. It is interesting to see both sides of how the class works. Ilearn something each time." The first half of the class focuses on the "Sashay With A Salesperson" project. Students are responsible for finding a sales professional to shadow for a day while the professional goes about his or her daily business. During this time, the students ask the salesperson questions and gather information that will be used to write a report for a final grade. "Letting the students choose their own salesperson allows them to go to an area in agricultural sales they may be interested in," Anderson said. "The idea is to let students create a network of contacts they can use later in life." Students agree that who you know can help when it is time to enter the business world. "I was able to make a contact in the industry who I can network with in the future," said Brian Bacon, agricultural business senior. "I felt the lecture material we were tested on in class was truly beneficial after I witnessed it in action on real sales calls with real people." During the last half of the semester, students focus on the "Ready Set Sell" project. This project lets students use what they have learned to build and deliver an actual sales presentation to professionals in related professional fields. "This was my favorite part of the class," said Bacon. "I got to actually use what I had learned. It gave me real-world, professional experience." Anderson credits the success of the class to the businesses and companies that are eager to participate in the projects. The professionals who take the time to participate in the stu-

Terry Lockhart (left) of Stillwater Equipment Co. talks to Adam Mcclung during the "Sashay With A Salesperson" project. Students learn the importance of having a working knowledge of products, which helps to answer any questions consumers may have about the products they are selling. (Photo by Kyle Ellis)


dent shadowing project and listen to the sales presentations show the agricultural industry's support for OSU and CASNR, said Anderson. The class is also a great recruiting tool for the college, said Anderson. Since the class started, enrollment has increased by 20 students every semester. The spring 2002 enrollment was more than 120 students. All majors can take the class as long as they have taken the prerequisites. Many times the class has more students from other departments and colleges on campus than agricultural economics majors. "In some cases, the class is more beneficial to other agriculture majors," Anderson said. "They are students who will probably be sales representatives in the future. In our college, a majority of animal science, agronomy and agricultural business majors go into the field of sales. These are the students the class is aimed at." Kim Anderson now gets to devote all of his classroom time to the agricultural sales The development of the curriculum for the and marketing class, due to its overwhelming popularity with students throughout class came from David Downy, professor of agriCASNR. (Photo by Kyle Ellis) cultural economics at Purdue University. He spent 25 years working with people in sales and researching the techniques they used to be successful. The reare certainly some of the most valuable products on the marsearch and curriculum were attractive to Anderson and the ket," said Lockhart. Through this class students gain experience to take to other faculty members in the department. Anderson has taken the curriculum and made it his own. Each semester he tries to employers, and they have the knowledge and insight to make bring in new ideas to improve the class. the sale, satisfy the customer's needs and close the deal. "After taking Dr. Anderson's sales class, OSU students +By Kyle Ellis, Purcell, Okla.


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Fall2002 + 39

Ban uet reco nizes outstandin students

a ards


n the company of alumni, faculty, family and friends, the Oklahoma State University College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources held its annual awards banquet April 5, 2002, to honor the college's best and brightest. CASNR awarded $374,250 in scholarships to incoming freshmen, transfer and continuing students enrolled in the college - an amount $271,650 greater than the previous year's total, said Dean Sam Curl of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. These funds are made possible through the financial support of donors. The contributions of all scholarship funds from departments and the college totaled $753,125. New scholarships added this year include the Reproduction Enterprises Inc. Scholarship ($1,500), the Lloyd Henslee Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Agriculture ($500) and the Frank Sanders Memorial Agriculture Scholarship ($500). Shane Stephens of Chickasha, Okla., captured the prestigious Paul and Mary Hummer Outstanding Senior Award with his parents Mike and Shirley Stephens present to watch. During his tenure as associate dean, Paul Hummer and his wife, Mary, established the annual award that includes a Remington bronze presented to the Outstanding Senior in CASNR, said Ed Miller, CASNR associate dean. Stephens said he has worked toward this award since 1999 when he received.the OSU Charles and Magda Browning outstanding freshman award. He has since earned his bachelor of science degree in agricultural economics with a minor in international business and business economics. "I feel Top 10 Seniors must be driven academically, have a desire to lead within their profession and community and be goal-orientated," said Stephens.

Shane Stephens (left}, outstanding senior of CASNR, stands with the award sponsors Charles and Magda Browning and his parents Shirley and Mike Stephens. (Photo by Todd Johnson}



Elizabeth Kinney is awarded Outstanding Freshman honors by Sam Curl, Dean of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. (Photo by Nicola Xanthus}

"While at OSU, I tried to possess each of these qualities as part ofmy growing experience." Stephens was also named this year's Oklahoma State University outstanding senior man. Along with Stephens, nine other outstanding seniors were recognized at this year's banquet. The seniors included Shannon Angle of Amorita, Okla., agricultural economics/ accounting double major; Adele Gelvin from Joes, Colo., animal science major; Carrie Ann Hennigh, agricultural economics/ accounting double major from May, Okla.; Bradley Johnson of Oklahoma City, agricultural economics major; Ryan McMullen, agricultural economics/ pre-law option major from Burns Flat, Okla.; Robyn Ott of Fairview, Okla., agricultural communications major; Michael Pettijohn, plant and soil sciences major from Chickasha, Okla.; Coleman Smith, environmental science major from Fayetteville, Ark.; and Yancy Wright of Mooreland, Okla., plant and soil sciences major. Each year, the top five seniors in the CASNR are recognized in honor of Fred LeCrone, who served as the assistant dean in the resident instruction office of the college of agriculture in the '60s and '70s. "He was beloved by those who knew him," said Miller. After his retirement, Dean LeCrone served on the city commission and as vice mayor of Stillwater. One of his pas-

sions was to encourage students to reach their full potential and to strive for excellence in academics and leadership. The winners for 2001-2002 were Angle, Stephens, Smith, Wright and Hennigh. Charles and Magda Browning established the Browning Outstanding Freshman Award. Charles Browning served as dean and director of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources for 17years. Each year the award is given to a CASNR student who has demonstrated academic and leadership achievements throughout his or her freshman year. This year's recipient of the Charles and Magda Browning Outstanding Freshman Award was Elizabeth Kinney, agricultural communications major from Mooreland, Okla. Pictured are the top 10 seniors for CASNR. Front: Coleman Smith (left), Fayetteville, Ark.; Robyn Kinney was also recognized as Ott, Fairview, Okla.; Shannon Angle, Amorita, Okla.; Carrie Ann Hennigh, May, Okla. Back: Shane the Alpha Zeta Outstanding FreshStephens (left), Chickasha, Okla.; Michael Pettijohn, Chickasha, Okla.; Ryan McMullen, Burns Flat, Okla.; Bradley Johnson, Oklahoma City; Yancy Wright, Mooreland, Okla.; and Adele Gelvin, man along with Jamie Johnson, animal science major from Wyan- Joes, Colo. (Photo by Todd Johnson) dotte, Okla. The Agricultural Ambassadors Outstanding Adviser sented to Bethel Simmons, unit assistant for CASNR's acaAward was given to animal science professor Dave Buchanan. demic programs office. +By Jamie Stucky, South Haven, Kan. The CASNR Outstanding Support Staff award was pre-

2002 CASNR Awallfs Outstanding Senior .................................................................... Shane Stephens Browning Outstanding Freshman ............................................. Elizabeth Kinney Alpha Zeta Outstanding Freshman ............................................. Jamie Johnson Elizabeth Kinney Agricultural Ambassadors Outstanding Adviser ...................... Dave Buchanan Outstanding Support Staff......................................................... Bethel Simmons

Top Ten Seniors Shannon Angle Adele Gelvin Carrie Ann Hennigh Bradley Johnson Ryan McMullen

Robyn Ott Michael Pettijohn Coleman Smith Shane Stephens Yancy Wright

Top Five Dean Lecrone Shannon Angle Carrie Ann Hennigh

Coleman Smith

Shane Stephens Yancy Wright Fall 2 002

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