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College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
New assistant dean serves students on many levels With an open-door policy, a warm smile and a clear dedication to students, Linda Marcin is devoted to assisting scholars in the Oklahoma State University College ofAgricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Martin is a new member to the team at OSU, beginning her position during the summer of 2002. As assistant dean for academic programs, Martin is pursuing a new role in her career. Her role is one of enhancing academics within agriculture and providing assistance and support to the OSU student body.
"I am excited about being at OSU," Martin said. "This role allows me to interact with students and faculty, providing guidance and support as needed." As an administrator for CASNR, Martin's intent is to support and enhance interaction berween teachers, students and faculty and to help chem succeed in and out of the classroom. She also assists the associate dean with faculty development and advises scholarship programs. Additionally, Martin teaches the freshman agricultural orientation class. Martin's path to OSU began with a small sheep project in 4-H. She was raised in Uniontown, Md., just 20 miles from Gettysburg, Pa. Martin said her parents felt it was important to have their children raised in a rural environment. Martin learned the value and importance of agriculture throughout her childhood. "I was exposed at an early age to the diversity and importance of agriculture and took an active role in being involved in the industry through my college and professional career," Martin said. Martin acquired a variety ofleadership skills during her childhood by showing market lambs and competing on the livestock judging team in both 4-H and FFA. A turning point for her occurred in high school when she was asked to represent the state of Maryland as a spokeswoman for the lamb and wool industry. "I became much more aware of the breadth and scope of agriculture, of how dynamic the field of agricul cure is and the interdependence of the various components of the industry," Marcin said. As a student at The Ohio State University, Martin decided she wanted to pursue a degree in animal science, maintaining a strong desire to eventually to teach. She attended Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University for a master's degree in animal breeding and genetics. While there, she was the livestock judging team coach and traveled throughout the country to many competitions. "I have always enjoyed teaching and interacting with others," Martin said. "I have an ability to relate subject matter. While in college, I felt in some way I could use my skills to benefit and help others." After the completion of her master's program, Martin furthered her education at Colorado State University, receiving a doctorate in beef cacde genetics. Upon graduation in 1988, Marcin accepted a position as an assistant professor at Kansas Seate University where she caught a variety of undergraduate animal science classes and was a club adviser for a number of student organizations. While at KSU, Martin was assigned rwo teaching assistants who are now faculty members at OSU.
Mark Johnson, associate professor of animal science, and Udaya DeSilva, assistant professor in animal molecular generics, had the opportunity to assist Marrin in her animal breeding classes while at KSU. "Dr. Marrin is a great asset to OSU and truly a feather in our cap," Johnson said. "She is extremely student-oriented and is a great member of our CASNR ream." Marrin has maintained friendships with past and present students. She has been in their weddings, held their newborns and taken an active part in many of their lives. "Dr. Martin shows an evident love for reaching," D eSilva said. "She is extremely dedicated to her students and wants chem to gain experience and knowledge." While reaching and advising at KSU, Marrin sensed she could be doing more for students. She was attracted to OSU and CASNR because it is recognized as an institution char places students first. "OSU has a great sense of commitment to students," said Martin. "CASNR has developed a national reputation for caring and investing in students and placing a high importance on reaching and advising. "With the opportunity ro come to OSU, iris a chance to make a difference at a different level," she said. CASNR students have had the opportunity to interact with Marrin in the classroom and have found her personality and open-door policy to be welcoming. "Dr. Marrin is extremely organized and works hard to relay information to students in an efficient and professional manner," said Laneha Beard, animal science junior and student academic mentor in Martin's orientation class. CASNRAssociate Dean Ed Miller is happy with Martin's addition to the university. "Dr. Martin rose to the top during our position search process," said Miller. "We want good role models for students, particularly young women who aspire to academic types of positions, such as Dr. Marrin. She represents another woman who is a professional succeeding in an academic situation. She provides a great role model for the college." Among Martin's ocher academic and professional achievements, she is the first woman administrator to become assistant dean of academic programs within CASNR. "Marrin offers a professionalism needed within the college and is able to reach students on different levels," Miller said. "She has the ability to reach our ro students and teachers, along with offering a high level of enthusiasm to chis office."
Linda Martin, CASNR assistant dean, assists students in the agricultural orientation class. She stresses the importance of students getting involved in clubs and organizations within CASNR. (Photos by Nicola Xanthus) Marrin maintains a degree of involvement with faculty members and students, as she understands the value of being a reacher and a role model to all. ''A reacher is far more than an individual in front of a classroom," Marrin said. "We are there to assist students in their growth personally and academically." She nor only succeeds in her work environment, bur also in her home, devoting as much rime as possible ro her young family. Ir is not uncommon to see her 6-year-old son, Travis, and 4-year-old daughter, Hannah, attending Pre-Ver Club meetings with her. Martin's accomplishments go beyond her dedication and pride in being a reacher, a professional, a mentor, a woman and a mother. Marrin is not on ly an administrator, but also an individual who wants to see students challenged within the classroom. With her genuine approach to assisting students in agriculture and her energetic personality, Marrin is ready to assist students on their road to the future.
By Nicola Xanthus, Hollister, Calif
Awards and Achievements •
National Asssociation of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Teaching Award of Excellence 2001
Kansas State University Presidential Award for Teaching Excellence 1997
National Award for Excellence in College and University Teaching in the Food and Agricultural Sciences-USDA Higher Education Programs and National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges 1998
American Society of Animal Science Outstanding Teacher-Midwest Section 1994
National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture 1993 Central Region Outstanding Teacher SPRING
2003 + 7
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station
lhrough green-colored glasses OAES and OCES assist Tulsa's Greenwood District On the evening of May 31, 1921, smoke filled the air as hatred, prejudice and race riots transformed a north Tulsa district, once referred to as "The Black Wall Street ofAmerica," into a mass of disaster and devastation. Thriving, successful businesses in a 35-block area were burned to the ground and ultimately became ashes of the past. The area faced bleak chances of survival. However, after 20 years of near dormancy, the cooperative efforts of a few key individuals have transformed this once-desolate neighborhood from mere ruins into a thriving business district, now known as the Greenwood District. Reuben Gant, Greenwood Chamber of Commerce president, is one of the key players who continues to overcome the past and improve the future for the Greenwood District. Cooperative efforts from several Oklahoma State Universiry agencies helped turn Cant's vision into realiry. "My vision is to create a one-stop shop for those frequenting the Greenwood District," said Gant. The Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station and the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, both a part of OSU's Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, were influential groups in the revitalization efforts of this district. "Because OSU was developed as a land-grant universiry, the OAES and OCES place significant importance on celebrating the heritage that makes this universiry so unique," said D.C. Coston, OAES associate director and former interim associate director ofOCES. "Our programs strive to establish a strong economic base and improvement opportunities for Oklahoma neighborhoods." Gant and the OAES share similar visions. Gant, a former OSU student and football player, seeks out his lifelong mission of providing civic and economic leadership to improve his childhood community, while the OAES is dedicated ro creating "healthy communities." "Healthy communities are established on a three-pronged - approach, including the develGreenwood Chamber of Commerce President Reuben Gant (left) enjoys reuniting with Green wood District customers. (Photo by Brooklyn Turner)
opment of a diverse and resilient economy, effective and efficient infrastructure, and local leadership," Cosron said. The Greenwood District supporters decided the area needed ro develop actual physical, brick-and-mortar projects to build a strong economic base. In accomplishing this goal, early developers solicited the help of OSU in creating the master plan for the Greenwood area. OSU provided the latest technological research and assistance needed for re-establishing the district. In 1983, the area from Archer Street to the I-244 overpass on Greenwood Street was renovated. The initial renovation efforrs were made possible because of the collaboration among the Greenwood District, the ciry of Tulsa and the Economic Development Administration. "At that time, only one business tenant was located in the two-block district," said Gant. 'The OAES made significant contributions in the areas of strategic planning, conceptual design for growth and expansion, research, as well as tenant retention and attraction." The buildings that house current businesses were rebuilt, in part, from the salvageable brick remaining from the 1921 riots. "The Greenwood District focuses its effort toward strengthening the communiry, which is shown by the district using resources already in existence versus consuming new land to rebuild the same district," Gant said. "Today, the district is at 98-percent occupancy, which is an economic accomplishment that brings much pride to the district." Among other businesses, current Greenwood tenants include the Oklahoma Vital Records Office, the Long-term Care Authoriry, Oklahoma Visual Services, a barbershop, a restaurant and the Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services. Gant said these businesses provide the necessary traffic that will serve to heighten awareness of the area and the deliverance of qualiry goods and services. In addition, the Greenwood District borders the OSUTulsa campus. "Current business enterprises help create foot traffic for this area, but OSU-Tulsa's presence has brought some attention and visibiliry to the Greenwood District," Gant said. "OSU has done far more than just provide the educational facilities for us to conduct our micro-enterprise program. OSU, to us, has been a real communiry partner." The micro-enterprise business program is a service offered to minorities, as is the small-business incubator program. Gant said Greenwood is the only state-certified, smallbusiness incubator and is one of two certified communiry development financial institutions in Tulsa.
"This district is the only full-blown micro-enterprise program in Tulsa," Gane said. The micro-enterprise program involves a mix of current business owners, people who wane to start a business and chose who are unsure of whether they want to start a business. Following the micro-enterprise class, the Greenwood District also provides an after-care program chat is designed to offer participants continued services. "The micro-enterprise program is not advertised, and we never have a problem filling up a class, so we must be doing something right," Gane said. "This overwhelming demand demonstrates chat the micro-enterprise business and incubator programs remain successful." Greenwood District strives continually to expand. Gane said the number of programs offered ro the public is expanded on an annual basis to serve all interested parties. "Future projects under discussion include the construction of a hotel, a museum commemorating the race riots, a children's all-spores facility, a movie cheater, as well as a multi-family housing facility," Gane said. He said the city could benefit from the present development of the area, as could Greenwood itself. As it did with the Greenwood District, the OAES helps communities develop strategies and obtain the resources for community improvement. This is another manifestation of the land-grant tradition in helping local Oklahoma communities succeed. "We want to retain students in Oklahoma as working professionals, and OSU helps make chis possible by allowing people to fulfill their personal desires of improving their hometown communities. Keeping qualified, energetic people in Oklahoma strengthens our prosperity as a state," said Coston. Coston said community internship opportunities are a great starting point to help students plan their futures while still working on their educational careers. As agriculture continues to evolve into more of a service industry, Coston said, there is an increased number of vitally important skills OSU must instill within students. These include the ability to apply technical skills, increase emphasis beyond the technological field, and enhance communications, public speaking, management and leadership. "The OAES encourages students co light a fire under their parents so chat small Oklahoma communities maintain their vitality," Coston said. "As history proves, generations want to leave the world a better place, but chis is not possible ifleaders do not ignite and feed the fire." Coston said the Greenwood District has achieved and fulfilled the OAES's three-pronged requirement. The OAES strives to provide the catalyst for ochers by creating leadership opportunities for all OSU students who have a burning aspiration to improve the local Oklahoma communities and neighborhoods where they were raised. Gane strives each day to extend his leadership skills to those visiting the district. It is common to find Gane visiting with supportive community members on the streets of chis revitalized area. "OSU-Tulsa brings back memories of the OSU-Scillwater campus, which makes it even more moving to work at fulfilling the ultimate goal of creating a district chat serves its people as a one-stop shop," Gane said. The Greenwood District is in the final stages of attaining authorization needed to break ground on a 90-room hotel chat may be used by hospitality management students on the OSU-Tulsa campus.
The Greenwood District is just minutes from downtown Tulsa. (Photo by Todd Johnson) The OAES focuses on student development by educating students to become better community leaders. "The agency also places emphasis on the face chat agriculture is not only about food, feed and fiber production, but rather, agriculture is also very much a service industry," Coston said. "In our service to Oklahoma's citizens, OAES is dedicated to establishing collaboration among researchers, professionals, community leaders and the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service staff. "The Greenwood District has clearly demonstrated agriculture as a service industry because it is an urban district chat initially relied heavily upon the services provided by the OAES." The Greenwood District is just one example of a former OSU student, Reuben Gane, being dedicated to serving ochers through his lifelong commitment of improving his Oklahoma community. OSU's Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources allows and challenges students to envision their local Oklahoma communities through "green-colored" glasses in much the same way Gane sees the Greenwood District. As a result, OSU students will continue becoming tomorrow's leaders - today.
By Brookf)m Turner, Amber, Okla.
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
The "P-路-
1 1 --
USDA grant brings national program to Oklahoma ln the land of wheat and cattle, more than 17,000 agricultural workers in O klahoma live with a disability. No matter the severi ty, a disability can change the daily routine of farm or ranch work. Now, Oklal10mans have help coping with that change, thanks to a U.S. Department of Agriculture grant establishing the Oklahoma AgrAbiliry Project. AgrAbility is a national program that links disabled farmers, ranchers and their famili es with the resources to allow them to continue wo rking in agriculture. reared in 199 1, rhe program is funded by the USDA. Since its co nception, the national program has provided assistance to more than 10,000 farm and ranch families. "Nationally, there are many services available, and we're making those available to Oklahomans," said Rachael Kircher, OklahomaAgrAbili tycoordinator. Within each srate program, a land-grant institution co-
operative extension service partners with a nonprofit disability organization that wi ll link the fa rmer or rancher with the pro per ass1st1ve resources. These re ources include modifications to current structures or tools, new assistive devices, or financial resources to fund such technology. In Oklahoma, che partnership consists of che Oklal1oma Cooperative Extension Service at Oklal1oma Scace University working side-by-side with Langston Un iversity and the O klahoma Assistive Technology Foundation. Ray Huhnke, 0 U ooperative Extension agricultural engineer, is one of the project's directors. Along with Kircher, the O CES provides awaren s to Oklal1oma families in agriculture, as well as to health-care service agencies and to disabil ity service providers across the scare. "Many agencies aren't full y aware of the needs in rural com munities," Kircher said. "Without the availab le resources, whether that be information, ted1J1ology or financial upport, they don't have che background co provid the a istance char is often needed. Our program will provide education and train ing co these agencies." Each member of the partnershi p offers a un ique co m po nen t to th e AgrAbili ry program . The La ngsto n U ni ve r iry AgrAbili ty staff, wich the help of the university's physical therapy department, will assist farmers and ranchers in the rehabilicacion process. In addition, they train health-ca.re officials around the scare and serve as a reso urce to s mall farm s through their Small Farmer Outreach Program. To lin k Oklahoma's rural communities with scare-of-the-art assisti ve technology, OCE turned A spinal cord injury left Missouri farmer Lashley Garnett confined to a wheelchair. Today, he uses a co its no nprofi t parmer, wheelchair lift to get onto his tractor. (Photo courtesy of Missouri AgrAbility Project) Oklal1oma Assiscive TechIO +
nology Foundation, or OkAT, with services provided through Oklahoma ABLE Tech. ABLE Tech provides farmers with information and with access to and, in some cases, funding for assistive technology. Linda Jaco, Oklahoma ABLE Tech program manager and Oklahoma AgrAbili ry Project co-director, said assistive technology in agriculture includes any kind of device, modification or service that allows the disabled to keep working in agriculture. She said a magnitude of services and devices are available and the same solution does not work for everyone. "The beaury of this progran, is our abi li ry to provide customized solutions," Jaco said. OkAT helps people with d isabilities by increasing their awareness of as istive technology. The focus of the foundation is to keep the needs of disabled Oklahomans on the forefront. OkAT contributes to the partnership by conducting on-site assessments that provide the farmer with technical advice and options. O nce a solutio n has been addressed, a database maintained by the natio nal program is used to locate compan ies that provide the services o r prod ucts needed to ass ist the client. Since the p rogram is in its early stages, the Oklahoma AgrAbiliry project is working to educate extension specialists, health-care providers and ocher professionals to act as a referral system for rural citizens with disabilities. T hese professio nals, who are in direct contact with farm families daily, will help iden tify ind ividuals who would benefit from the progran1. "With the program ba ed in Stillwater, ch re i no way we can effecti vely locate peo ple in need in rural Oklahoma," Kircher said. "This is a great connection to the people who need help. " Several of Oklahoma's neighboring states have established program s. For example, M i souri ha had a progran1 for nine years. In that time, the Mi ouri AgrAbiliry program has assisted nearly 300 farmers, ranchers and agricultural workers.
One such farmer is Lashley Garnett of Centertown, Mo. Seven years ago, a spinal cord injury brought Garnett's plans of managing his family's 300-acre farm to a halt. Thinking the way oflife he wanted was not possible, Garnett turned to the Missouri AgrAbili ry program for help. It provided Garnett and his wife with the info rmation and resources needed to modify their home, farming equipment and operation so he could continue farmi ng. "I knew I wanted to continue farming," Garnett said. ''I've picked up the pieces, and I'm back on the farm doing what I enjoyed before my 111Jury." To accommodate his spinal cord inj ury, Garnett's farm is now equipped with wheelchair ramps, tractor wheelchair lifts, tractor hand controls and a modified all-terrain vehicle. 'Tm doing what I've always dreamed of doing," Garnett said. Over time, Oklahoma's program coordi nators hope to develop a peer nerwork to allow farmers and ranchers an opportuniry to share common concerns and interests. The nerwork will offer support and a listening ear to chose who have traveled down similar roads. "Farmers and ranchers are an extremely proud gro up," Ki rcher said . "We want them to know there are ochers in situatio ns similar to their own." With 26 percent ofOklal,oma farme rs and ranchers livi ng with a disabiliry, and the average age of the farme r increasing, the AgrAbiliry program partners believe there is a direct need fo r their presence in the state. With lack of information or available financial re ources, assistive technology has been limited in rural Oklal,oma. Kircher said they hope to change that in the next four years. "Right now, we want the rural communiry to know chat a d isabiliry does not mean an end to a great way of life," Kircher said.
By arah Harris, Tilden, Texas For more information about the OklahomaAgrAbility Project, call Kircher at (405) 744-2398 or visit the Web site at agrability. okstate. edu.
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+ I3
Animal Science
OU Saddle and Sirloin Club stamps OSU 'approved' Nine members of the Oklahoma Stare University family have been hung in Kentucky-and the Pokes are proud of ir. T he OSU-connecred folks are swinging away on the historic walls of the prestigious Saddle and irloin lub portrait gallery in Louisville, Ky. Their portraits are among 340 richly colored oil paintings adorning rhe club's halls and paying homage ro the greare r leaders to impact rhe livestock industry since the mid-l 700s. "Ir hum bles you to be included with people you have recognized as leaders over the years," said Robert Torusek, fo rmer OSU animal science professor and department head and a 1997 gal lery honoree. Torusek was recogn ized, among other th ings, for playing a key role in shi fting the meat industry to the I an animals seen today, insread of the short, overly far cattle rhar were popular before 1960. O ther honorees from OSU include: WL. Blizzard, former Oklahoma A&M College dean of agriculrure and 1939 honoree; Alber~''Al" Darlow, former Oklahoma A&M College vice president and 1958 honoree; Hilto n Briggs, OSU as ociare director of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station and 1978 honoree; Frank Baker, OSU graduate, former OSU dean of agriculture and 1986 honoree;
Lowell Walters (far left) was recognized by the Saddle and Sirloin Club in 2 000 for his leadership and impact on the livestock industry. His winning record as a coach is still unequaled. (Photo of the 1953 OSU meats judging team courtesy of OSU Department of Animal Science) 14
+ CowsoY Jo
James C. Hill ier, OSU Department ofAni mal Science head and 1993 honoree; Orville K. Sweet, OSU graduate, former chief executive officer of the American Polled Hereford Association and of the National Pork Producers Council, and 1998 honoree; Lowell Walters, former OSU professor of ani mal science and 2000 galle,y honoree; and Dan Daniel, OSU graduate, University of Georgia animal science professor and department head and 2001 honoree. "T he OSU animal science department has always been vety dedicated to serving animal agricLJture through research, extension and reaching," said Torusek. "So whether that person was a member of the faculty here, or graduated with a degree from here, rharcom mi rmenr was in rilled in them." T he effects of the leadership and vision ofOSU' gallery honoree are appar nt in the agricultu ral practice of today. T he honorees are respo nsible for founding rhe Beeflmprovemenr Federation; coining the ph rase "Pork. T he ocher white meat;" initiating cattle rele-aucrion ; setti ng the standard fo r meat judging ream ; expanding OSU reaching and research facilities; er acing b f br ed as ociarion performance programs and the list goes on. "Above all, the honorees provided high-impact leadership throughout academia an d agriculture," said Torusek. Commitment to agriculture is a common thread an1ong all of the addle and irloin lub galle,y honorees. Founded in 1903 in hicago, the gallery i the largest collection of portrait in the world devoted ro a ingle industry. From Isaac ewron, who is credited with fo unding che U.S. Department of Agriculture, to William Hatch, who authored the bill to establish agriCLJ cural experiment sracions in every state, the OSU Cowboys are in good co mpany. "Anyone who has ever been in the Saddle and Sirloin Club in C hicago was in awe because they were in th e presence ofh isrory and the people who made chat hisrory," said Torusek. Originally nescled inside the Saddle and Sirloin clubrooms in Chicago, the gallery is a pictorial tribute to the first, last and best breeders, teachers, administrators, researchers, packers, auctioneers, fi nancial advisers and other individuals who formed the hisrory of the livestock industry. T he club itself was the idea of Robert B. Ogilvie, secretary of the American lydesdale Association . With some help from Arthur Leonard, director of the Chicago Srock Yards, and Alvin anders, editor of the Breeder's Gazette, he founded the club as a meeting place. "Ir was a club for people who frequented rhe C hicago
Stock Yards, which was the largest livestock marketing faci li ty in the world," said Totusek. "There were commission men, breed associatio n people, buyers a nd packing house people; they all gathered there at vario us times to break bread and tip the glass." Including a gal lery in the Saddle and Sirloi n clubrooms was also Ogilvie's idea. H e donated the first portraits, m os tl y of ea rl y British breeders, to the coll eccio n. Other don at io ns eve ntuall y fo ll owed, and eve ntuall y, a perso n was selected each yea r to be ho no red and enshrin ed in th e gal lery. Life has n't bee n easy for the gal lery. Not a single po rtrait escaped des tru ction wh en the gall ery burnt durin g the 1934 stockya rd fire, which also destroyed most of th e ya rd s. T he charred a rt was later recreated by co mmissioned painters and the club res um d activi ty before th e yea r was out. The gal le ry also m ade a signifi cant move. "After the C h icago Stock Yards closed, it was no lo nge r appropriate for th e portrait gallery or th e Saddle and Sirloin C lub to be in that location ," said Totusek. The Executive W es t Hotel and West Hall of the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Cent rare th e new home of the Saddle a nd Si rl o in portrait gall e ry. Portraits of past ho norees oversee inductions of new hon o rees, a nnoun ceme nts of winning livestock judging teams at th e North American Intern ational Livestock Expo ition and the pas ing of members of th e li vestock industry as th ey wander through. Few of these spectato rs realize how mu ch wo rk i invol ved in th e nomina tion process, but D av id Buchanan, OSU professo r of a nim al science, and Brad Morgan, OSU assoc iate professo r of animal cience, know th e dri ll . Morgan and Bucha na n were respectively inst rum ental in th e nomin ations of Walters and Totusek.
They were members of the small committees that worked to develop extensive biographies of the nominees so selection committees would have an accurate account of what the nominee had accomplished. Then letters of support were co llected. "It took several months to gather all the letters," said Buchanan. "You end up enlisti ng help from people in the industry, in ed ucati o n and from former students." More than 40 letters were collected for Totusek's nom inatio n. Once the nominations are made, an anonymous committee selects an indi vidual for his or her impact o n the industry and dedication to public service. Anonymous committees help maintain the integrity of the honor by preventing political factors from being in vo lved in th e process, said Totusek. Once the nominee is selected, the local com mittee is responsible for raising money to fund a banquet in ho nor of its no min ee a nd to have a portrait painted. At least $15,000 was needed to cover the expenses for Totusek's ceremony. His committee managed to raise $30,000 . "The rest will eventua ll y be used for scho la rships for a nim al science stud ents," sa id Buchanan. Scho lar hips are just one way O U's leaders who have made th e cut a nd take n their place o n the wa lls of the gall ery co ntinu e to inAuence the future of the indust ry. Will more OSU g rad uates g race the hallowed halls of th e ad d le and irl oin portrait gall e1y in the future? "No question abo ut it, " said Totusek.
By Martha Ostendorf Powdervi!Le, Mont.
cAlp'fuv (iamma, 1(('fitv ?Frater~ Pi Chapter - ArP Gold Chapter 2002 www.okstate-agrs.freeservers .com
Four Top IO OSU Freshman Men Top OSU Male Graduate Homecoming Sweepstakes Top Greek Men 's Grade Point Average Top ArP Alumni Corporation 2002
ArP Chapter Adviser of the Year 200 2
To Make Better Men SPRING
+ I5
' Episode by episode, "Oklahoma Gardening" has brought the seed s of knowledge co fruition throughout the state. The how-co gardening television program puts a fun twist on gardening and brings Oklahoma Scace University research , education and extensio n into living rooms all across Oklal10ma and surrounding states. "'Oklahoma Gardening' encourages Oklal1omans co use the available information co enhance their gardening abi lities as a way co improve their quality oflife," said Ray Campbell, former "Oklal1oma Gardening" host. More than 175,000 viewers from Oklahoma and surrounding states tour the garden each week without leaving home. They gee a glimpse of the possibilities they can create in their own backyard from the comfort of their living rooms. "Visitors can see what they can actually do for themselves," aid Laura Payne, "Oklahoma Gardening" studio gard en manager. "Just like everyone else, our planes may have problems, and we seek answers just like they do. T here's no magic involved. " "Oklal10ma Gardeni ng" started in 1975 when the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority network asked OSU for assistance in producing a seasonal gardening series. With no formal sets, "Oklahoma arden ing" literally got its cart in the backyards of Oklahoma. After caking planes
to the OETA studio in Oklahoma icy for several years, "Oklal1oma Garden ing" moved into the backyard of host and extension horticulturist Ray Campbell. "It's grown inco someth ing bigger, better and more useful, " said Kevin Gragg, "Oklahoma Garden ing" producer and director. T hrough a partnership among the Oklahoma ooperacive Extension Service, the OSU Department of Horticulture and Land capeA.rchicecture and OSU Agriculcural Communication Services, "Oklahoma Gardening" is prod uced, eying horticultural education co learning and sharing with the public. "The support of the Division ofAgriculcure enables us to have a lot of freedom ," said Gragg. "Every week we gee to cake the university to the peo ple and show them researchba ed information chat they can beneftc from. " Steve Owen brought his know-how from behind the scenes a studio garden manager inco rhe spotlight, b com ing the ninth hose of"Oklal10ma Gardening" in 2001. " We cry ro convey rhe most helpful, interesti ng information through our experience and the research done here," said Owens. "We keep worki ng to make the show better." ince the state's climate and geography changes drastically fro m o ne side to the ocher, "Oklahoma Gardening" accommodates the varying gardening practices throughout the state. "le' truly a program for the benefit of the people of Oklahoma," said G ragg. Nearly 80 percent of the programs are taped at the studio gardens; however, "Oklahoma Gardening" incorporates feature segments from areas such as uymon and oucheascern O klaho ma where there can be variations in garden ing. "Though gardening is one of the top hobbies in the U.S., gardening in Oklahoma is unique because of the climatic transitions from one side of the state to che ocher," said Owens. "Although it can be challengi ng, I wouldn't want co garden anywhere else." T he studio garden at the OklaAbove: Sue Wright (left) Oklahoma Gardening Ambassador, demonstrates homa Botanical Gardens and Arboto Steve Owens (center) and Kevin Gragg how Oklahoma gardeners can retum in Stillwater, Okla., sets the add terra-cotta friends to their own gardens. Right: "Cassius Clay" and his stage fo r the weekly tapings of"Okla"terra-co/lie" enjoy the serenity and beauty of the Oklahoma Botanical homa Gardening." Gardens. (Photos by Kristen Andrews)
1 he 3-acre studio garden flourishes with permanent and theme Ir is tied with the New England-based "Victory Garden" for the longgardens. The permanent gardens feature a striking collection of plants est consecutively running program ofirs kind. From irises ro insects, rhe show covers everything today's gardener and include a water garden, bog garden, rock garden, children's educaneeds to know. Shape your tional garden, herb garden, shrubs, pot your petunias or butterfly garden, model railPeople don't realize what's actually out here. It's definitely transplant your trees wi th the way garde n, Japanese cer"TV you' ll grow ro love" on one of those hidden secrets. It's just beautiful. emonial rea room garden, an OETAsrarions arurdays at 11 orchard and various peren- Laura Payne a.m. and Sundays at 3:30 p.m. nial plantings. "I can only see 'Oklahoma The theme gardens Gardening' continuing ro increase in populariry and success if it stays change seasonally ro meet gardening trends and public interest. Current gardens include a pepper garden, vegetable garden, weeping gar- with irs mission of being a practical, educatio nal, hands-on program for den, prehistoric garden, bamboo garden, petunia garden, Japanese gar- rhe viewers, as well as continuing ro change and adapt as it has in rhe past," said Campbell. den and patio garden. By Kristen Andrews, Hudson, Colo. "People don't realize what's actually our here," said Payne. " Ir's d efinitely one of chose hidden secrets. Ir's just beautiful." The studio garden, as well as rhe OBGA, is open to the public Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., except Wedn esdays when iris closed for raping. The OBGA Ambassadors offer guided tours on rh e first and third Saturdays of every month. The OBGAAmbassadors are a volunteer gro up char helps rhe garden fl ourish. "Without volunteer, rhe OBGAand 'O kl ah o ma Ga rd e ning' wouldn't be nearly as successful," said Campbell, who now serves as an OBGAAmbassador. More than 30 volunteers assist with rhe planting, pruning and promoting of rhe studio gardens. "They all have their own niches and creariviry to add ro the garden," said Payne. T he OBGA Ambassadors are n't rhe o nly ones who get down and dirry. OSU scud nrs use rhe studio garden and rhe OBGA a another learni ng resource in addition ro their textbooks. "T here is quire a bit of student involvement," said Campbell. "Ir's really a hands-on reaching cool." ervingas an outdoor laboratory, the gardens enable learning to extend beyond rhe cla sroom for many students. In addition, man y students are involved in intern hips that give them real-wo rld experiences. From the upkeep of rh e studio garden ro assistance with video production, it's the student involvement that helps keep "Oklahoma Gardening" rolling smoothly. "It's been a really good experience," said Autumn Nol ring, horticulture and landscape architecture major and OBGA intern. 'Tm getting a head start o n things I'll be doing for the rest of my life." With more than 27 years ofsuccess, "Oklahoma Gardening" wi ll on ly continue ro grow. S PHJNG
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Plant and Soil Sciences
The rhythm of the land and rhe bearing drums make the heart kip a bear. The land ofAfrica - a cultural experience no one could forger- was home for Kenton Dashiell, associate professor of plant and soil sciences, for more than 18 years. A native oflndiana, Dashiell earned a bachelor's degree in agronomy at Purdue University. After graduation, he joined the Peace orps and moved to the small island ofAntigua in the West Indies. In Antigua, he worked on an irrigated vegetable fa rm run by the government where they grew a variety of vegetables including tomatoes, okra and sweet potatoes. In addition , he worked with Anriguan extension agents and visited fa rmers to ee what he could do to help. "Thar is where I discovered char we had no good answer for almost every difficulty the farmers were faci ng," Dash iell said. "I thought, 'We need some research here so char we can try to start developing some answers for chem."' He developed an urgency to conduct research co help Third World countries find rhe answers they ought. This urgency was the driving force behind his decision co go back to school and earn a master's degree in agronomy at Oklahoma Scare University. Bur he didn't srop there. After graduating from OSU in 1979, he attended the U ni versity of Florida where he received his doctorate in 1983. After graduation, Dashiell wanted co go overseas and work. He applied for a po irion with rhe Internacional Institute ofTropical Agriculture in Nigeria, Africa. 18
"I was just fortunate char there was an opening for a posr-docro ral fellow at char insti tute co work on soybean breed ing," Dashiell said. "I applied for rhe job and got ir. " While working for the IITA, Dashiell had several assignments. One of his assignments was working on rhe development of soybea ns. He soo n realized, even though the crop grew well, there was no marker for ir after harvest and the people had no id a what to do with it. "] u r li ke Americans, if co morrow the average person were given some soybeans and cold , ' Why don't you cook char to night?' everybody would say, ' Well, what do Tdo with ir?"' Dashiell said. D spire ch is similarity, Dashiell was quick co point our a major difference between the An1ericans and the Africans. "People (in Africa) are dying and are malnourished; children have insufficient protein in their diet," Dashiell said. "We saw soybeans, a high-protein grain, as something the average person could grow without coo much difficul ty. "If we could overcome chis lack of knowledge about how it could be eaten and enjoyed as a food, we would be able co grearly improve me nutrition and health of the people." When Dashiell began working with soybeans, the crop was nor being sold in the marketplaces. However, when IITA started irs campaign fo r popularizing soybeans as a food source, within fo ur or five years, the grain was being sold in more than 500 retail ou tlets in the cities ofAfrica.
In the rural areas, where the soybeans were being produced, every family would save some of its harvest as seed for the next year and some for eating at home, Dashiell said. "The sense of accomplishment was fantastic," Dashiell said. Dashiell learned, experienced and came to love African cultures. In fact, he married an African woman, and they now have three chi ldren. He said he would like to go back one day, whether it is fo r work or retirement. He considers Africa his home. Dashiell came back co the United cares for one reason: his fam ily. H e said he wanted his children to have an American education, and his reason for coming back to Oklahoma is "because it has the greacesc university in the world." Ac OSU, he currently does research on peanut/oilseed breeding. The objectives fo r his research include developing high-yielding peanut cultivars and improving oil-quality characteristics. His research involves experimentation in both the field and che laboratory. Arthur Klare, professor of plant and soil sciences, works next door to Dashiel l. He describes Dashiell as a good scientist with a good academic background . "He's seen a loc of different aspeccs of agriculture," Klare said. Dashiell has che ability to work with an array of people, Klare said, because he has worked with so many di ffe rent nationalities. Dashiell has a cultural sensitivity, and he has che experience of seeing agricultural production inche d v loping worlds. "This is very important, because a Joe of char can be applied in Oklahoma co improve Oklahoma agriculture," Klatt said . Klarejoins Dashiell in his passion about international experience for faculty and tudents. H e said international travel changes how you interact with people. "You bring a wealth of experiences with you, a wealch of in for mation and a loc of con races," Klatt said. Christian Nansen, associate researcher for entomology and plant pathology, aid international travel can be a great cool co broaden not only a per on's mind but also a person's friendships.
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"It allows you co gee in contact wich people from many, many places," Nansen said. Nansen also aid Amer icans sho uld chink more about going abroad because of the cul tural and social expe ri ences that go along with living in another country. He said ic can enrich your life a nd broaden yo ur contacts. Above: Kenton Dashiell examines a field Dashiell said Af- of p eanuts near Stillwater. (Photo by rica changed his life Nikki Davis) Left: Kenton Dashiell looks on as workers in Africa harvest a field. forever. "When you read (Photo courtesy of Kenton Dashiell) a report that 100,000 people have adopted your technology, that's nice," Dashiell said. "But when you go out co the village and meet five or 10 of rl1ese people directly and they explain to you why Sally and Jill are now alive- because evety breakfast they ate the soybeans they grew on their fa rm - then ic gives you a nice, warm feeling." T he international travelers all agree living outside the Un iced Scares makes you consider thing you may never have thought about before. T hey said yo u look ac chem differently chan che average American. Klatt and Nansen both said travel abroad makes a per on want co learn more and co be more involved in the important issues in che world. People get out there and see what is hap pening, they said. You realize you can help rhose starving children in Africa. All ic cakes is your heart, chat beating rhythm that lees you live day after day.
By Nikki Davis, Oklahoma City, Okla.
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Robin, Susan, Kendra, and Kaitlyn Kelton (918) 427-5367 Rt. 2 Box 385 Muldrow, OK 74948 SPHING
2003 +
College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
a College offers 14 majors for career preparation The food industry is one of the largest and most important industries in the United States, so the choices for career in agriculture are nearly unlimited . The education provided in agriculture at Oklahoma State University encompasses all aspects of the agricu ltural industry from production to consumption. With so many career choices, students may find it difficult ro decide what to do for the rest of their li ves. They often change majors after realizing the one they initially picked just wasn't right for them, said Louann Waldner, direcror of CASNR Student Career Services. One of the advantages of attending the OSU College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resource i that it is part of a comprehensive university, said Daniel S. Ti lley, agri cul tural economics professor. Students are able ro change majors without changing campuses. "My advice ro most students i to have patience and und erstand that they may not know what they want to do for the rest of their life when they are 18 or 19 years old ,"
Tilley said. "Changing your mind and being un certai n should be expected." CASNR offers a variety of majors. For cxan1ple, the forestry department has a specialized curri culum focused on natural re ourccs such as water, recreation, and range and wildlife management. A grad uate holding a forestry degree can work for a federal forest and wildlife age ncy or an association promoting the use offorest products. ome forestry grad uates choose to be self-emp loyed, while ochers do timber and land appraisals or work for special services. Jennifer Bryant, forestry and wildlife manage ment senior, said her goal after gradu ation is to join the Peace Corps and focus o n agr i-forestry. She would like to specialize in farming re ponsibly in rain forest areas, which entails educating people on how to grow food crops in the forest und erstory as opposed to cuttin g all of the trees down before far ming the land. "It's a really good major," Bryant said. "You learn how to utilize the land's resources responsibly." Bryant said her experi ence at OSU will stay with her for a long rime. 'The forestry department is a close, fam il y-type department, " she said. "I will always have these ties." By choo ing forestry a her major, Bryant found a unique career she will enjoy. Bur forest ry i ju tone major; there are 13 more in the college that can be paired with a minor in any of 10 areas. Students can choose from a number of academic programs: environmental science, forestry, horticulture, agricultural commw1ications, agricultural ed ucation, animal cicncc, biochemistry and molecular biology, agribusiness, biosystcms and agricultural engi neeri ng, agricultural economics, entomology, landscape architecture, landscape contracting, and plant and soi l sciences. Minors are ava il ab le in agricu ltura l eco nomi cs, agronomy, animal science, biochemistry and molecular biology, entomology, food science, forestry, horticulture, leaderhip ed ucation, rangeland eco logy and management, and soil sciences. Having a variety of majors and options allows stud ents to tailor an educational plan specifically related to their career and life goals, Waldner said.
Matriculation sheets available in the CASNR office list all of the classes required to complete each major. Kelli Armbruster, agricultural communications/animal science major, picks one up on her way to enroll. (Photo by Angie Gastel)
Waldner said CASNR also provides opportunities to develop organizational, communication and teamwork skills. "I think there is good preparatio n by the faculty in our college for whatever you want to do," Waldner said. Students who lack an agricultural background but are interested in an agricultural majo r should educate themselves about the level of diversity and opportunities in the college, Waldner said. Sometimes students have unusual reasons for choosing a major. Waldner said some students receive a scholarship and simply decide to try the major out. Bryant, who grew up in Oklahoma C ity, chose forestry fo r what she described as a funny reason. "I rook a calculus class in the basement ofAg Hall, and I saw al l of the pictures on the walls about the forestry department," she said. She thought it looked like an interesting major, and that is what she ended up choosing. Bryant's decision was based , in a way, o n exploration. Ifstudents are not sure if a field in agriculture will be interestin g, th ey sho uld xplore classes to find out if the field captivates them. "Exploring is the key," Waldner said. rudents can explore different areas by adding one class to their core schedule each semester and nying out a different department each rime, said Waldner. Monetary and time costs are involved , but they are worth it. Students shou ld think about what interests and goals drive them to be successful and consider their hobbie , likes and dislikes when deciding where to rest the water, said Waldner. They should ask chem-
selves what clas es were enjoyable in high school and which ones bro ugh c chem the most success. They should also consider long-term goals such as where they would like to live in the future and where they want to raise a family; if it is in a certain geographic region, some majors may not be as practical. "When you cry mo re options before settling on a major, you may rake lo nger to be graduated and there is an opportunity cost to your rime," Tilley said. "But, sometimes that time is well spent fin ding our what yo u really like to do. " Waldner said it is helpful to read magazines and newsletters related to a major of interest and to attend club meetings. Membership is often not req uired to attend, and the experience will help determine if a student will like the people and activities he/sh e will commit to for the next few years. Each major also usually has a profess ional-type event or club in wh ich students can compete on a regional or national level. Involvement in these events can help students meet professionals in their ch osen field of study, Waldner said. T he diversity in th e college is unique because its departments present many opportunities for scholarships, leadership and, ultimately, success in a chosen career, Waldner said. Academic advisers in each department, combined with the Career Services office on the first Aoor ofAgricultural Hall, can help students make a connection between their goals and interests and m ake che voyage down their career path a smooch o ne. By the rime students are ready to tart taking major courses, th ey sho uld have a good idea of what is interesting and which major will lead to personal success.
ByAngie Gaste!,jasper, Mo.
311 E. McElroy & 170 Student Union, Stillwater, OK ( 405) 743-3328 • www.cuintouch.com SPHING
2003 + 2 I
Akhilesh Ramachandran analyzes the results from a fluorescent probe analysis. (Photo by Sarah Cripps)
Nagaraja Thirumalapura uses the automated fluorescent plate reader to quantify DNA. (Photo by Sarah Cripps) 22 + COWl30Y J OLJHNAL
eptember 11. The day America lost its innocence. It was the day the security of the nation's borders was tested and found to be lacking. After the terrorist attack on the nation, many new words and phrases started being used: homeland security, biosecurity, bioterrorism and agroterrorism. "Many fear that there will be an attack using microorganisms or toxins from living organisms that will cause death or disease in hwnans, animals or plants," said Jerry R Malayer, associate dean for research and graduate education for the Oklahoma State University College ofVeterinary Medicine. Biosecurity, however, includes many things other than preventing terrorist attacks. Many at OSU have seen a need for biological preparedness, but it took a tragedy for the rest of the nation to become aware. "We felt that Oklahoma State was well positioned, because we had a running head start to make some real contributions to the nation," said Joe Alexander, vice president for research and external relations at OSU. Many pathogens find their way into the United States naturally through foreign trade, animals and people. The length of time it rakes to detect unusual problems and get diagnostic results is one of the biggest issues with security. Ifa pathogen could hurt the nation's food supply or people, there needs to be a faster turn around time, said Jacqueline Fletcher, plant health scientist at OSU. "We know certain countries have done research for biological warfare," said Fletcher. In November 2001 , John R. Bolton, the undersecretary of state for arms control, released a statement of six countries that were building arsenals of biological weapons. Truly, today there is a need to develop a better defense against biological warfare. During the next four years OSU will receive $ 19 million for research on homeland securi ty. T he first $6 million will go to the OSU Division ofAgricultural Sciences and Natural Resources as well as the colleges of veterinary medicine, arts and sciences, human environmental sciences and engineering. The money will go to updating existing laboratories and constructing new centers. "The common thread that ties this alJ together is that it is all sensor and sensor-related kinds of research," said Alexander. Many different professors and students on campus are helping in the fight, including Fletcher. Fletcher is pres id en t of the American Phytopathological Society, a nonprofit, professional scientific organization dedicated to the study and control of plant diseases. T here are 5,000 members worldwide. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has adopted some recommendations fro m a report the society published. T he USDA is now organizing a system of connected plant and animal diagnostic labs. T he labs will be in every state.
osu conducts research on homeland security For the plant diagnostic network, five states will serve as headquar"What everyone is trying to get is the real-time sensor so you can ters for all other states. The remaining states will be cormected like spokes walk around and it beeps you when something is detected," he said. on a wheel. Kansas State University is the headquarters for Oklahoma, Right now the state-of-the-art sensor, at best, can have reswts every with OSU being the spoke through which commLmication flows. couple of hours. The problem with these slow reswts is that a pathogen can spread Fletcher said the important thing about the new system is that all before the reswts come back. Karnal bLmt is an example of a disease that states are connected for better communication. As APS president, she has also met with the Animal and Plant is working its way through the country. It is a fungal disease of wheat, Health Inspection Service. APHIS is in charge of protecting the United durum wheat and triticale. The planting of infected seeds spreads the disease. During the flowering stage, infection occurs when the host plant States' borders. comes into contact Since Sept. 11, with the infected APHIS, along with other branches of the spores. USDA and various At this point, Kamal bunt has professional groups, been detected in has focused on im. . proving communicaTexas, but not in tions and working toOklal10ma. However, all Oklahoma ge'the r to develop better standards. wheat must be "The research betested. Delays in diing done to help fight agnosis can han1per agroterrorism is not management eflike the expensive miliforts, since potentary weapons that we tially contanunated harvest machinery hope we never have to use," said Fletcher. is moved from 'The things we are doplace to place, ining will help agricLJcluding across state borders, as crops ture even if we never mature. have to use them against terrorism." In 2002, ha.rOthers at OSU ves t machinery a.re also contributing from Texas was in to the improvement of Oklal1oma for two weeks before diaghomeland security. For the past three Wh eat producers across the nation are concerned with Karna/ bunt because wheat nostic reports ca.n1e yea.rs, veterinary medi- harvesting machinery can carry spores across state borders. (Photo by Todd Johnson) back. cine faculry members Thankfully, have worked with a Oklahoma wheat Stillwater-based company on a sensor that will identify biological agents has consistently tested bunt free, but this is a prime example of the that might cause disease. problems that can occur when there is a slow nun-around time in diagThis sensor uses a fluorescent polymer and is based on other sensors nosis, said Fletcher. that are already being used for explosives. It is still in the beginning The nation is spending more money than ever to protect the homestages, and will take some time before being put into use. land. People are beginning to realize how important research is in areas "The platform technology, with the polymer, works," Malayer said. that previouslywent unnoticed. At this point, there is no clear-cut soluA prototype model should be up and running in about a year. tion to problems ofbiosecurity, but researchers at OSU will continue When complete, the model will be able to detect diseases that affect working beyond the time that the current threats subside. animals or humans. By Sarah Cripps, Ripley, Oki.a. Sl ' l~ING
+ 23
"I am the master of my face; I am the captain of my soul. " T his William Henley quote reflects che heart and character of Brady Sidwell, an Oklahoma Scace University junior, whose goal is to help link international and American students together. Even from the small hometown of Goltry, Okla., population 300, Sidwell proves the best of che best still make their way co th e top. For this agribusiness major, a recent internship experience overseas broadened his perspective on the world and changed his career goals. T he summer after his freshman year, Sidwell began to lay the groundwork for his future by working as an intern for Sen. Don N ickles in Washington, D.C.
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This internship gave Sidwell the experience he needed to be involved in internatio nal relations. By the end of the summer, his interests were redirected co the overseas business wo rld . As a result, Sidwell began aski ng Steve Moffitt, legislative director in N ickles' office, about international opportun ities. Moffi tt encouraged idwell to start networking and connected him with people who could help. "Mr. Moffitt was my inspiration," said Sidwell. "I had no idea how many opportuni ties were available. He opened the doors fo r me." After his internship, Sidwell began working for the Foreign Agriculture Service division of the U.S. Department of Agricultu re. T he
connections he made during his time in Washington, D.C., along with rhey first inquire about your age. If Koreans know how old you are, help from the FAS and a lot offoorwork, led him to an internship in they will know how to speak respectfully in conversation. Seoul, South Korea, where his dream of working as an international "American people are more aggressive in their communication styles intern finally came true. than Korean people are," said Sidwell. "For example, hugging is not a Sidwell said when he left Oklahoma to begin his experience at the common practi ce. When saying good-bye to Korean friends, I went to American Embassy in South Korea, he had no idea how much it hug them. They backed away as ifl was being aggressive." would change his ou tlook on the wo rld . Although it took him his entire sray to learn m an y o f their values "I was excited to receive this opportu ni ty. It is not an internship and customs, he quickly gained an appreciation for the Korean culture. position that is offered every year," he said. "I appreciated many of the practices I saw in their country,'' he The intern preceding Sidwell was a female student from Harvard, said. 'The ch ildren are taught respect at an early age, and th ey know to and her visit occurred about fo ur years earlier. obey thei r parents. "An open mind is the key to everything; you must realize you are Being the o nly USDA intern at the embassy, he had a paid position and housing was provided in the embassy compound. His roomin a foreign country and appreciate the fact that th e world has diversity," said Sidwell. "This experience has given me mate had just completed his grad uate degree from Stanford University. more ratio nale to my decisions. I think more broadJy than befo re." During the week, Sidwell spent time wri tI am the master of my fate; ing market reports and briefs for U.S. exporters Being away from everything famil iar, he said it I am the captain of my soul. gave him rime for reflection. H e learned how imporand attending meetings with governm ent offi- William Henley tant ir was to adjust, to make friends who speak a cials discussing trade. Sidwell also worked with coo perati ves who have offices in Korea: U . . different language and to embrace rhe new culture. idwell learned how hard ir is ro make new friends Wheat Associates, U.S. Grai ns Council, American Soybean Associatio n and U.S. Cotton Council In ternational. when meeting peo ple fro m a di ffe rent culture who speak a different lan guage, he said. "I learned a !or in Korea," he said. "There is mo re to Korea than "Ir's challenging," said Sidwell. "I grew up in a hurry. I have more people think. Ir is a digital wo rld, advanced in technology." After a busy week, Sidwell used his weekends for sigh tseeing. self-confidence now and a more solid fo undation for what I believe in." Sidwell said he realized just how much he had experienced in a "I would rather travel than anything else," said Sidwell. mere rwo mo nths when he landed ar rhe Los Angeles International From South Korea ro North Korea to hina, Sidwell rook subways, bu e and trains to see all he could while he was there. He was A irport. Being back in rhe stares, he now had rime to reflect on his experience. His personal goals had changed somewhere along the way, able to see more in his rwo months overseas than many peo ple will ee in a lifetime. and he said his view of rh e world now comes from a broader, more "I would go to the train station and ask som eo ne where I should informed perspective. go," he said. "Then I would board rhe train." His goal now is to help international students at OSU adj ust to Sidwell had rhe opportuni ty to see much of rhe countryside near their life in An1eri ca. H e wants to give something in return for rhe eo ul, as well as rhe demilitarized zone berween North Korea and warm welcome he received in South Korea. "I hope to create a ' ho me away from home' for th ese students," South Korea. He was actual ly able to cross into North Korea, possible onl y with the military e corr of the U.S. government. said Sidwell. While Sidwell was in Korea, he witnessed rhe enth usiasm of the Within just a few m o nths of being back at OSU, he wa purring Koreans during the World C up comperirion. his goals into action. H e created the G lobal Agricultural Organization "Ir was awesome to see millions of people in the streets supporting at OSU, which brings together American and international agriculture their nation," he said. students. He had the idea for the organization befo re leaving for Korea, and his trip helped him shape ir into real ity. During his last few days overseas, idwell visited C hina where he saw T he Grear Wall, T he Temple of Heaven and T he Forbidden ity. "This o rganization's focus is on helping people gain an under"The Asian culture is different, interesting and beautiful," said standing of multicultural issues," said Sidwell. "I now know how hard Sidwell. it is to res ide and work in a fo reign country. My goal is to make the transition easier and ini tiate discussions among studen ts in internaT he Asian culture has many differences from the American way tio nal agriculture." oflife, because it has a fo undatio n more than 1,000 years old. T hey have much of the same principles, bur differ in many customs and ince his return, Sidwell has decided to double major in agribusiness tradition , said Sidwell. finance and internatio nal business. H e also would like to earn a minor "Asians eat food for the sam e reasons we do; they just use chopin C hinese. His next overseas goal is to study abroad in C hina. Brady SidwelJ's international experience changed his point of view, sticks," said Sidwell. "It seem s they know more about where their food comes from than the average American. It is also a !or healthier food college path and career goals. He now has taken a much deeper look than wh at we are used to eating." inside to develop his own opin io ns and ch aracter and is working hard Koreans eat spicy food. T hey fix chicken , pork, octopus and to achieve a greater uni ty. Sidwell knows exactly h ow hard it is to transcend from Goltry, Okla., to Seoul, South Korea. He h as truly kimichi, which is cabbage with a spicy seasoning, said Sidwell. "Every time we sat down for dinner, I would say 'this is good,' and become rhe master of his fate and captain of his soul. they wou ld reply w ith how good it is for you," said Sidwell. By Julie Lowe, Lindsay, Okla. Anoth er cul tural difference Sidwell appreciated was the fami ly Left: Brady Sidwell anticipates his next trip abroad. (Photo by Julie Lowe) orientation of the Korean people. When m eeti ng people in Korea, SPHING
2003 + 25
Animal Science
s Web site provides source for breeds of livestock ... and so much more Whether you are looking fo r an A ngus or A ngo ra, a Wooden Leg o r W agu, there is o ne place to fi nd in fo rmatio n abo ut chem all ... hrrp://www.ansi.oksrare.edu. In July alo ne, the animal science Web sire at O klaho ma Stare Uni versity received 9,000 visits per d ay, mo re than 100,000 hirs per day, an average of 3 m illio n hits fo r th e mo nth and hits from 100 di ffe rent countries. T hese numbers are proof rhe animal science Web site is o ne of rhe top so urces fo r b reeds of livestock in the wo rld, said Larry Burditt, systems analyst fo r the animal science department and creato r of rh e animal science Web sire. Although the Web sire receives traffic from around th e wo rld, it starred just a few years ago as o ne man's way to help O SU sruden rs. "Ir' easy to ger a consensus with a commi ttee of o ne," said Burditt. Burditt began constructing rhe sire in 1994 after a newly introduced Web browser made rhe Wo rld W ide Web available to rh e public. A lthough the Internet was a new concept, Burd itt said
he was convinced it could be used to benefit students and make th e animal science department more visible. About two mo nths in to rh e project, animal science professor D avid Buchanan ugge red a Web sire on animal breeds coul d be useful. "We starred by sending letters to all of the breed associatio ns requesting informatio n ," said Burditt. " Because the Wo rl d Wide Web was so new, our letter had to literally explain what it was." T h e breed as o iario ns sent lim ited in fo rm atio n for Burditt to use o n th e sire. M o t of rh e informatio n was the basic pamphlets used fo r all information requests. Several associatio ns didn't send any informatio n. "A few yea rs later we starred getting pho ne calls fro m rh e breed associatio ns wa n ring ro know why rhe sire d idn't include their breed ," he said . A majo r ad va nce cam e when Hi Iro n Briggs, au th or o f Modern Breeds ofLivestock, turned all th e righ ts to his books over fo r use o n th e Web page. "T here were several breeds of livestock o n which we
Test your breed knowledge H ow well do you know your breeds of livestock' Name these breed s of livestock from around the wo rld. Answers below (no cheating).
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Photos obtained from the OSU animal science Web site.
had only received a couple of paragraphs, and we were able to expand them to four or five pages," said Burditt. Additio nally, as Internet use became more widespread, people from aro und the world began to send information about breeds of livestock the site was missi ng. Today, the Web page sees traffic from more than l 00 different countries per month. "In July alone, the site received more than 3 million hits," said Burditt. "It is am azing how the site has grown." Hits indicate the number of times the page is brought up through a browser. Visits, however, are th e number of times the home page is o pened directly by using a known add ress. Besides breeds of livestock, the site has other relevant lin ks, including Horse Smarts, West Ni le Virus, Research and Faculty. "If yo u add up al l the documents o n the site, including databases, class fi les and research reports, the site contains over l 0,000 documents," said Burditt. With more than 5,000 of these pages dedicated to students, the additio nal information on the Web is used widely. More professors are making th eir class information available, including announcements, test information and class syllabi. "M y professor posts all ofour class notes on the Web, and I reall y like that," aid Brian C unn ingham , agricultural education junior. For many stud ents the Web site is part of their class projects. "In ANSI 4863, I have a group project that req uires me to build a Web site chat is linked to the animal science home page," said Pam Meador, animal science senior. Brooke Golay, an imal science senior, said she wants to work in animal research . he uses the Research link on the an imal science Web sire to see what projects are being developed and to find informatio n fo r her future research. T he future of th e animal science Web site is moving toward dynamic Web pages. D ynamic Web pages are interactive and designed to remember ind ividuals. A person can type in a password and a page w ill open a database with in forma tion pertinent to him or her. Burd itt and his staff are wo rking w ith Oklahoma Beefinc. and the Oklahoma Quality Beef Network o n developing dynamic Web pages to be accessed through the animal science home page. T he OQBN dynamic pages are designed to help cerci fied prod ucers market th eir livestock. ercified producers fo r OQBN implement certai n management practices and have met standards set by the OQBN. o me of these standards include whether the cattle have been deho rned , vaccinated and castrated. "You go co a sale at OKC West [stockyards] sponsored by the OQBN," said Burditt. "This means the producers have been registered with OQBN and met the standards set." Buyers recognize the certification and can access information about the pen of cattle ch rough the Web site. Buyers also can locate other producers who are certified by the OQBN. Noc only is chis a useful cool for the producers and buyers of cattle, but it is also great exposure for the OQBN and OSU. T he new joint venture with the OQBN is just one of the many projects driving advancements for th e animal science Web site. With feedback from ochers, the Web page wi ll continue to help people find everych i ng from Angus cattle co Wooden Leg goats.
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By Heather Hays, Burlington, Colo.
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Animal Science
e Animal Science professor follows in father's path A fa ther's footsteps ca n be hard to follow, bur David Buchanan rook the first step when he entered college more than 30 years ago. Bu chanan, Oklahoma State University anim al science professor, was born in Fargo, N.D., and grew up on a small ranch in Glyndon, Minn. H e received his bachelor of science with honors at North Dakota Stare University and his master's degree and docto rate at rhe University ofNebraska. "I went into coll ege wanting to be an anim al science professor," said Buchanan. Bu chanan rook the next step when he studi ed animal generics, the subj ect his fat her, M. L. Buchanan, raughr at ND U. " J ca n hon estl y say he led me into th e profession by hi s exampl e, bur he did nor push me into it," said Buchanan. In l 980, David Buchanan's journey led him to rillwarer and ro the same school from which his father had graduated many yea rs before. Sin ce th en, the yo unger Buchanan has beco me a well-known member of the OSU an imal science faculty. "Dave is an indi vidual who has ded icated his entire career to working with und ergradu ate and grad uare srud en rs alike," said Rodney Geiserr, OSU professor of animal science. "I have eld om seen a fac ulty member who has more co nce rn for each indi vidual stud ent's success. Âť
David Buchanan, animal science professor, has taught at OSU for more than 22 years. (Photo by Heather Hays and Whitney Ferris)
30 +
Buchanan's co ncern goes beyond the classroo m. H e has served as the adv iser for many clubs in the depa rrm en r and is often sough r by students for that purpose. His walls are fill ed with reaching and advising awards. "I greatl y enjoy advisin g, as well as reaching," sa id Buchanan. "T he routin e advising on
what classes to rake is okay. However, the more seriou reaching opportunities, both individua l and group, that happen because I advise students and organizations present rhe true joy of advising." Currently, he is th e adviser for owboys for Christ, Agricultural Student ouncil and Oklahoma Coll egiate Carrl ewo men. In addition , he has served on the OSU Faculty Coun cil and many other committees fo r the co llege. "To say Dr. Buchanan is respected by his colleagues would be so mething of an understatement," sa id Robert Spurrier Jr., directo r of the O U honors program. "He has served as th e chairman of our facu lty counci l, a position to which he was elected by the facu lty across campu ." Bu hanan is respected nor on ly by students and faculty, bur also by rh eA&M Board of Regen rs, with whom he has worked as a faculty co uncil chairman . "I attended one of his classes, which was large and had few empty chair ," said attorney Gary lark and fo rmer chairman of the A&M Board of Regents. "By the end of rhe class, l could ee why Dr. Buchanan is such a pop ul ar professo r amon g th e rudent . Nor only was he well prepared and auth oritative in presenting the materi al, bur his visible concern for his students and their understanding of the subject matter was obvious to all. H e u ed a variety of techniq ues to share his enthusiasm for th e ubj ecr, and it was infectious." Ir is an honor to have res pect from professionals, bur graduate and undergraduate students show rhi ame enthusiasm for his classes. "Receiving awa rds directl y from students is extra special ," said Bu chanan. "J look back on the special relationships I have had with students over the yea rs and believe char those relationships represent the bes t rewa rds for reaching. " Graduate students also seek our Buchanan as a member of rheir docto ral committees. "Dave is nor only involved with reaching bur is also the single most sought after thesis and dissertation committee member in our departm ent," said Geiserr. This isn't because he is easy on rhe students, bur because he is patient and tries to help students. Buchanan's dedi cation is seen in his effort to meet the needs of his stud ents. For those who want robe professo rs or teachers, he aids in profess ional skill development. He holds seminars to show them how ro in co rporate presentatio n software effectively in their reaching. He also has the students present practi ce lectures, which he critiques. Having the opportunity to help graduate students is fun for Buchanan. "I want others to find their way to the same satisfaction I receive from reaching," he sa id.
Dana Bay, OSU alumna, uses the experience she gained from Buch anan in her teaching pos ition at Northwestern Oklahoma State U ni versity. "As a yo un g, new grad uate and fi rst-year teacher, I was scared to death ," said Bay. "H e [Buchanan] h as always give n me rh e ass istance and enco uragement I needed. H e has helped me p repare several of my courses, given me access to his course material and was always willing to an swer an y qu estio ns that I had ." Buchan an's presence is also felt in th e hall ways of the animal science bui lding. "H e has been ho no red with about every university teaching award ava ilable," said Geisert. "H owever, if asked , D ave wo uld say receiving the Alpha Zeta teaching award from th e undergradu ates wo uld be th e o ne he feels th e m ost ho no red to receive." Within th e lase year he received fo ur awa rds, in cl uding the Agricdwral Ambassado rs Outstanding Teacher award, th e OSU President's Service Award, CASNR's Sarkey's Distin guished Pro fesso r Award and the American Society o f Animal Science Distinguished Teaching Award . Buch an an credits much of his success to his famil y, a fa mi ly he is proud of and enj oys talking about. H e and C indy, his wife o f 26 yea rs, have rhree children: M ichael , 2 1; Perer, 18; and Amy, 16 . "Fami ly i cru cial ," said Buchanan. "My wo rk, important as it is, rank rhird in my life afrer my fa ith and my famil y. " Fo r D av id Buchanan, h is journey may have started by fo llowing in his fa th er's foo tsteps, but he has since left his own impressio n o n th e departm ent o f animal science and th e university.
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2003 •> 33
Oklahoma 4-H
4-H celebrates a century of service ... OSU celebrates its success Five score and three months ago, an organization was created "co make the best better." The motto of rhe National 4-H Organization has been doin g exactly char for the pas t 100 years. "Four-H rakes rhe best [students] America has co offer and makes them better through leadership development," said David Sorrell , executive director of the Oklahoma 4-H Foundation. T his agriculture-based, leadership-development o rganization is celebrating its 100th birthday. T he National 4-H Organization was created in 1902 in response to yo ung people and th eir need for better agri cultural ed ucation. While no individual is credited with being the "father of 4-H ," the collective efforrs of man y individuals - in true 4-H fas hion-made this dream a real ity. Oklahoma 4-H began in Johnston County. W.D. Bentley is cred ited for being the father of ooperarive Extensio n and laid the foundation for the 4-H lubs of Oklah oma. T he first club in the state was known as the orn lub. Originally, the Corn C lub wa 50 members stron g. "Today, Oklal1oma has one of cl1e largest member bodies in the nation with approximately 29,000 members enroll ~d and m o re th an 150 ,000 swdents reach ed through school enrichment activities," said Sorrell. A study conducted by Oklal1oma rare U niversri y grad u ate student Kyle Worthingto n showed Oklahoma 4-H
more than 4 million hours of comm uni ty service in 200 1. "Thar is just a significant number any way yo u look at ir," said Sorrell. Oklahoma's 4-H programs are located in all 77 counties through cooperative extension servi ce. " Because 4-H is in every co unty, it is very visible and recognized easily throughout the stare," said C harle Cox, state 4-H program leader. "Four-His at most youth events in the scare; it offers a commo n meeting ground for our yo uth ." Four-H offers students from rural areas the opportunity co travel and see things ocher than small-town Oklahoma. "l e is a chance for them co meet new people from across the state and nation with the same interest," said Jody House, Johnston ou n ty Extension educator. "Ir makes chem brealc our of th eir comfort zo nes, and that is when growth cakes place." T he organ ization offers a wide array of acti vities for students ages 9 through 19. "Four-H gives swdents an al l-around education, from hands-on agricultural education co leadership kill they don't even know they have received until they are out of 4-H," said orrell. Many cudencs cred it their success in college and life co skills they acquired in 4-H. "Four-H has given me the ski lls to foLlow my ambitions and the self-confidence co achieve those ambi ti o ns," said Marcy Grund mann, agricultural communication junior and former state 4-H officer. "The organizational kills a.re what I see I have used the most in crying co get through college. " Past members realize the skills they acquired cl1rough 4H , as do students currently involved in the organization . "le has given me skills I would not have go tten anywhere else," aid Kyl e Foster, junior at Wapanucka High School and vice pre ident of the Johnston ounty 4-H C lub. "I would have never gotten up and spoken in fro nt of a crowd befo re. I know how co dress properly for the occasion, and I h ave friends from across the state. T his would have never happened with out 4-H. " Oklahoma State Univer ity and Oklal1oma 4-H have a strong bond. "You can't chink ofOklal1oma 4-H without chinking of OSU," said House. "T hey just go cogecher." As a land-grant insriwrion, OSU was founded in part because of agriculture. 0 U houses the state 4-H offices and i the headquarters for all statewide 4-H activities. "OSU relies on 4-H as a promotional cool and a recruitment cool," said Sorrell. "We offer two or three majo r events every year chat bring hundred s of students co th e campus." Oklal1oma 4-H Round-Up brings hundred of students
ro the OSU campus every spring for a state meeting, workshops, competitions and fellowship. " Round-U p is where T first fe ll in love with OSU," said G rundm ann. The 4-H office is always adapting and coming up with new ways to get stud ents to the OSU campus. For exam ple, Oklahoma 4-H has sponsored a Cowgirl basketball game for the past two years. "Las t year, we had more than l ,500 students at a Cowgirl basketball game and are expecting a larger turnout this year," said ox. "It is really neat to see th e look on th e students' faces when they walk into Gallagher-Iba." It is ironic to sec Oklahoma 4-H using Gallagher-Iba, since Gallagher-Iba was originally known as the 4-H building. Four-H is the perfect vehicle for connecting yo u ch to campus. "Many of chese students would never have the opportunity to see such a large and beautifu l campus ifit wasn't for 4-H," said Sorrell. "It provides the foundation for a love of agriculture and a love and passion for OSU at an early ag . It is the prefect vehicle for connecting youth with youth before they get here [as stud ents]." The opportunities for travel may be limiced for those living in rural Oklahoma. "I would have never gotten to see OSU ifit had not been for 4-H ," said Foster. "OSU i the best college in the state, and I wi ll be there someday!" As the "best college," OSU prides itself on being a Truman Scholar institution. Four-H has made its mark within this aspect ofOSU. The most common bond between Truman scholars is 4-H. "Four-H 's leadersh ip development speaks for icsel f with results like this," aid Cox.
Four-H is also the most common bond among OSU's Top Ten Freshmen and the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources' student government. The connection between Oklaho ma 4-H 'ers and OSU is strong before attending college, but it may be even stronger during college. OSU has had the o utstanding Collegiate 4-H C lub in the nation for the past two years. "We are the best Collegiate 4-H C lub in the nation, and we are the oldest club in the natio n," said Cox. OSU's ollegiate 4-H C lub was founded in 1916 and is the oldest student organization on earn pus. " ollegiate 4-H provides a familiar place studen ts can go, and it helps in the tran ition from high school to ollege," said ox. While students are making this transition to college, agriculture is seeing a transition of its own. T he industry is seeing a shift from handson agriculture to a more technological and corporate outlook. "We are doin g whatever we need to do keep up with these changes," said Sorrell. Four-H has developed new curri culum and add ed contests to keep pace with this evolution in agri culture. "We have add ed contests such as digital photography, technological sciences and graphic design," said ox. For I 00 yea rs, the Natio nal 4-H Organization has uph eld its morro. With a history and reputation surpassed by few, the National 4H Organization wi ll continue to be a key player in the lives ofAmerica's you ch, OSU and the future of agri culrure. Here's to another successful century - HAPPY 100th BIRTHDAY, 4-H!
By Whitney Ferris, Connervifle, Okla.
The Hideaway
A Sti II water tradition and OSU student employer since 1957 230 S. Knoblock (405) 372-4777 S 1>HJNG
2003 + 35
Agricultural Education, Communications & 4-H Youth Development
Devel&ping the
Keys tŠ Success Typewriters. Dark rooms. Black and wh ite. What began with a few students and an emphasis in print journalism has grown into the largest agricultural communi cations program in the nation, teaching all aspects of the communi cations world. OklahomaA&M College introduced journalism in the early 1900s when the coll ege selected the new president, John H. Co nnell. Connell , who had a background in agriculture and journalism, recognized journalism for the first time as an academic discipline worthy of a full-term course. "Thi s course was listed among subjects common to all departments and was taught by the new director of the division of agriculture and the experiment station, John A. Craig," according to the Journalism and Broadcasting Centennial Histories Series written by Harry E. Heath Jr. By 1927, agricultural journalism was listed as a major at OklahomaA&M Coll ege. In 1931, Ben 0. Osborn became the first agricultural journalism alumnus. In the early yea rs, ag ri cu lrural journalism students took
the majority of their courses in the journalism department. Students took one agricultural journalism course in which they produced their own magazine, the Oklahoma Agriculturist, under the advisement ofClaron Burnett, an OAMC agricultural journalism graduate. "Dr. Burnett was instrum ental in my decision to pursue all of my degrees in agricultural journalism ," said Milton Morris, 1956 OAMC ag ricultural journalism graduate. By the late '60s and early '70s, little had changed. "Agricultural journalism was more of a double major between a general agriculture degree and a journalism degree," said Ron Wilkerson, 1971 Oklahoma State University agricultural journalism graduate. "There were not any agricultural journalism classes offered. We took agricultural science classes and journalism classes, giving us an agricultural journalism degree." In 1978 the administration chose to renam e the agricultural journalism major. Its new name, which is still used today, became agricultural co mmuni cations. "The name change took place to cover the extensiveness of the training and education availab le to
in that department," said Paul Hummer, retired as ociace dean of the Coll ege of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. "le was an excellent move for the major. It represents the total package of commun ications provided by the program." For the first 60 years enrollment was limited, but by the midl 990s, the program saw an increase in enrollment, eventually leading to a 500 percent increase. More students were looking to agricultural commu nications as a career option. "Agricul tural communications gives scudencs a broad range of
Agriculturist \. ... J
knowledge, said C lay Pope, state representative and 1992 agricul rural communications grad uate. It al lows the students to know a little about everything." In 1994, th e OSU Department ofAgriculcural Communications merged with the OSU Department ofAgricultural Education and 4-H You th Developmen t. "In 1994, there were abo ut 50 students enrolled in the program. Now we have close co 150 students," said Jim Leising, department head. ''As scudent enroll ment grew, we saw the need to expand the curri culum to accommodate the increase." T he fi rst OSU agricul tural communications course was taught in 1995. Today, a series of agricultural communications courses are caught, bu t stud ents co ntinue to rake some core courses through the OSU School of Jo urn alis m and Broadcasting. W ith in the last seven years the department has added several courses to che curri culum incl ud ing desktop publishing, Web design, digital ph otograp hy and a capsto ne course in which senior scudents produce the Cowboy journal. "The depa rtm en t has done a marvelous job keeping up with technology th ro ughout the years," said Morris. "It's not rubber cement
In th e past 50 years, publications produced by students have changed along with th e changes in technology. (Far left and above left photos by Amy B. Morris. Above right photo courtesy of th e spring 2002 Cowboy Journal staff.) laces co graduates who can communicate to the public using different types of media, whether it is written, broadca c or electronic. This is a techno logy-rich major."
and scisso rs fo r des ign and layout anymore." OSU has becom e o ne of che nation's leaders in chis program and currently has the largest program in the nation, a program chat contin-
OSU graduates approximately 35 students per year with degrees in agriculcural communications who seek diverse career opportunities.
ues to grow each yea r. "Many programs in the nation look to OSU to keep up with our
Some alumni have hosen careers a writers, lawyers, educators, extension specialises and public relations professionals.
technology," aid Ke nd ra Kelton, agricultural communications senior and pres ident of the National Agricultural Communicators ofTomorrow. "So me of these programs are looking to OSU co make the same
"We have a placement rate of our graduates around 95 percent, with our graduates being employed in various areas," said Cartmell. "The opportunities in the field are limitless." As the years go by, the department continues co look at outs ide
changes in th eir coursework." T he current ag ricu ltu ral communications degree program educates scudents about today's technology.
sources to improve the curriculum as techno logy changes. The department has an advisory board chat helps keep chem in formed on what
"The technology improvements to the program are essential," said Pope. "S tud ents can use new cools co become the best in the technol-
employers are seeking in graduates. Currently, faculty are working to add a master's program for agri-
ogy era." In addi tio n to tech no logy, agricultural communications encompasses al l as pects of che jo urnalism field, allowing students to pursue careers in di ffe rent areas.
cultural communication . "We gee anywhere from 20 to 30 requests a year from students
"The current agri cul tural communications program is broadbased," said D wayne Cartmell , agriculcural communications assistant
Cartmell said he does not expect the interest to decline. "Since we are in a technological age, the need for communications
professor an d 1994 alu m n us. "It allows for the agriculcure- and science-based backgro und an d the journalism skills to be an effective
speciali cs is vase," said Cartmell. "Our program is continuing co grow because as more people move away from an agricultural background, the need for people to communicate about agricu lcure becomes even
com mu nicator. " A ltho ugh agri cul tural journalism has been on chis campus for nearl y 75 years, many th ink it is a new program. "It is the right p rogram for the right time," said Leising. "We live in the info rma ti o n age. Many organizations are looking for people to manage an d create in formation. Agricultural communications trans-
interested in a graduate program," said Leising. "Many agricultura l communication people want a master's degree in chis area."
more important." What was once a world of scissors and glue has moved into the 21st centuty and a world of technology: Computers. Digital Photography. Full color.
ByAmyB. Morris, Buffalo, Okla. S1>HJNG
2003 + 37
Before leaving the proceeds of a multimillion doll ar esMany donors establish endowments to honor a form er tate to the co ll eges of agricultural sciences and natural re- professor, adviser or loved one. Memorial gifts are made each sources and veterinary medicine, the late Walter Si tlingto n year to recogni ze an individu al's li fe while supporting tulived a simple life. He was a dairy farmer with a dream to give dents in th e coll ege. what he co uld . And like many others, he gave all he had. T he most recent CASNRendowment was given to honor Private donati ons, such as those of itlington , allowed a high school agri cultural teacher. T he Leo nard Hunter AgCASNR to award $374,240 to stud ents through coll ege- ricultural Educa tion Endowment Fund provides an annual level scholarships in 2002-2003 . Co mbined with depart- $2,5 00 schol arship to an agri cultural education stud ent. mental scholarships awa rd ed, th at total reached $753, 125. "This scholarship was given by Doug and Beth Jackson "These donors are real people with real stories, and they to honor Mrs. Jackson's agricultural teacher, Leonar路d Hunter," give for genuine reasons to sa id Jim Leising, professor and support th e agricultural head of th e O U Department leaders our programs pro- I was floored by the support I received to of Agricultural Education, Comdu ce," sa id Ed Miller, pursue my dream to be an agricultural teacher. munications and 4-H Youth DeCASN R associate dean. Travis Bradshaw velopment. "Each donor is unique and T he Hunter Memorial is each gift different. " the largest scholarship offered in Through both outright giving and an estate gift (be- the agricultural education program, and it was given to supquest), Sitlingto n provided one of the largest end owme nt port a scud ent's desire to teach, said Leising. gifts offered to Oklahoma Stace University. "I was fl oo red by the support I received to pursue my According to the OSU Foundation, a donor establishes dream to be an agricultural teacher," said Travis Bradshaw, endowm ents with th e expectation that only a portion of the recent Hunter Memorial recipient and CASNRAgricultural inves tm en't ea rnin gs ge nerated by che fund may be Ambas ador. Private don ation , uch as che Hunter scholarship, alspent annually. "In essence, endow ments are permanent certificates of low students to better balance academi cs and campus in depos it," said Milford Jenkins, se nior director of develop- vo lvement, a challenge many students face . ment for the OSU Foundation, Division of Agricultural Sci"I was so thankful to see our programs cill recognize ences and Natural Resources. "The pro- uni versity-wide in volvement when seeking cholar hip recipients," said Bradshaw. "Thi scholar hip increased my receeds from the depos it are u ed a the donor chooses." spect for the department and allowed me to pursue activitie The itlin gto n gift such as Orange Peel, instead of havin g to work as mu ch to provided six endowed support my education ." chairs, num ero us More th an 265 scholarships were offered through gradu ate scholar- CASNR in 200 2, mos t of which were des ignated for stuships, and an an- dents of a parTicular路 major. Donors specify the qualifications nual $6, 000 a tudent must meet to be co nsidered for the gift. " chol arships, funded by permanent endowments, ofscholarship for th e outstand- ten dictate where a student pursues hi s or her education ing junior plant goals," said Jenkins. "Hence, private gifts serve as a critical and so il science r cruicmenc tool for OSU and ch e college." student. T hrough che years, alumni , corporations and fri ends of "As a result of his the college have provid ed millions of dollars to further the transformational gifc to edu ca tion of scudents and the research and extens ion prothe uni vers ity, Sitlin gto n grains of th e college. empowered the coll eges of The conn ections and relationships formed through the agricultural sciences and nacu- college have influenced many donors to co ntribute. Dale ral resources and veterinary medi- and Franceil Sadler formed such relationships before becomcine to reach even higher pinnacles of ing cwo of the most valued donors to the college and the department of animal science. success," said Jenkins.
"S hortly after World War II, I met Dr. Robert Noble at a sheep show he was judging," said Dale Sadler. "I was impressed with his character and integrity, and he greatly influenced our decision to provide a scholarship. " The Sadlers give because they want students at OSU to have more than they had in their youth. "My wife had to work her way through college," said Sadler. "There was little time to study or enjoy hangin g out with Friends. We want students to enjoy all aspects of coll ege life." As ranchers from Pryor, Okla. , the Sadlers originally offered a gift in the form of a Hampshire sheep flock they developed. As with many other donors, the Sadlers make it a point to attend the department's annual awards banqu et and meet th e scholarship recipients. "These students become a part of our Family," said adler. "So me have invited us to their hom e, and it is such a joy and inspiratio n to be able in a small way to give these deserving yo ung people the opportunity to furth er their education." As they spend th eir time traveling to new places and remaining active as life members of Agriculture Associates, the Sadlers continue to help students in th e college realize th e importance of helping people. "I've been helped my entire life by other people," sa id Sadler. "I beli eve I am receiving more benefits from the students and their families than what we've given. " The Sadler scholarship is un ique because they did not gradu ate from the university. Though they are not alumni , they give unselfishly to OSU, said Jenkins. Just as so me endowments provide scholarships for undergraduates, many gifts fund facu lty and graduate students in co ndu cting agricultural research in specific areas. Cletis Wi lliam s desired to recognize graduate students for excellent thes is wo rk and has provid ed three annual awa rds in the areas of plant sciences, an imal sciences and social sciences/engineering. "Being a graduate student i n't easy," aid Williams. "You're co nstantly under pressure. " After receiving both his bachelor's and mater's degrees from OSU, Wi lli ams understands the workload of graduate students. "As far as I know, no other university I've been asso iated with has given grad uate students this kind ofaward," said William . "We should stimulate graduate research in agriculture because our population co ntin ues ro grow, but there are fewer fa rms." As enroll ment increases at the university, private donations remain critical to the success of the programs and the students, said Jenkins. Each gift is un ique, and each donor has a sro ry. For every donor who dreams to give, there is a student who dreams to succeed. "I always knew I wanted to be an agricultural teacher," said Bradshaw. "My scho larship encouraged me to pursue graduate stud y in agricu ltural education." The univers ity itself began with a gift, as individuals offered land to bui ld Oklal1omaA&M College in 1890 and educate their yo uth .
Foundation Commitments Endowed Chair Minimum commitment of $1 million Endowed Professorship Minimum commitment of $500,000 President's Distinguished Scholarship Minimum commitment of $50,000 Distinguished Graduate Fellowship Minimum commitment of $50,000 Fellowships Minimum commitment of $10,000 Scholarships Minimum commitment of $10,000 Other Endowments Minimum commitment of $10,000 Find more info at http://www.osuf.org
Scholarship Deadlines When applying for scholarships and financial aid, remember + indicate your college choice + list the major(s) you are considering Scholarship Deadlines: February 1, Freshman & Transfer Students January 15, Current Students Find more info at http://www.casnr.com Today, private gifts still make a difference in the College ofAgricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. One by one, each gift is helping stu dents bring their dreams to life.
By Ginger Bright, Beggs, Okla.
What we have done for ourselves dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal - Unknown S 1>H 1 G
2003 â&#x20AC;˘ 39
Food and Agricultural Products Center
gs Food and Agricultural Products Center provides quality product to its customers Ifyou are looking fo r a "taste" o f OkJah o ma State University's agri cul tural p rog ram s, yo u ca n find it at Cowboy M ea rs. Cowboy M eats markers th e end product o f O SU's li vestock and mea ts progra ms. T he retail sto re took t he nam e Cowboy M eats wh en th e Food and Agri cultural Produ cts Research and Techn o logy enter, o r FAP , opened in M arch 1998. H owever, it was not the first retai l meat sto re o n campus. T here was also a retail sto re in th e o ld meat lab, whi ch was replaced by FAPC. ow b oy M ea ts was in clud ed in th e FAPC building plans fro m th e beginning. Planners realized th e impo rtance of hav in g an o utl et for the ex tra produ cts of OSU's reaching and research programs. "The purpose o f rhe store is to recover costs from the livestock program s," said Stanley G illiland, animal science regents pro fesso r and irlin gton E nd owed chai r. Most of th e products sold throu gh owboy M ea rs co me fro m ca ttl e, shee p and swin e ra ised in O SU's lives tock p rograms, and all of the meat is processed through FAPC. Students use fac ilities in the center to get hands-on experience in meat and Cowboy Meats customer carcass evaluati o n. In fac t, stu- Palmer. (Photo by Codi dents in ANS I 2253, mea t animal and carcass evalu ati o n, have th e o ppo rtuni ty to judge li vestock o n th e hoof, th en evaluate rhe carcasses o f th e same an imals. "Eval uating the carcasses of th e animals we saw li ve gave me a better idea o f the relati o nship between li ve tra its and carcass traits," said M att M cG uire, animal science senio r. T he fac ili ty is federall y inspected an d is equipped for al l as pects of meat processing. T he center has a li vestock hold ing area and a harves t area designed fo r cattl e, sheep and hogs. Ir also includ es carcass coo lers, currin g rooms, fres h-meat and cured-meat process ing roo ms and packaging roo ms. 40 +
Roy Ball completes a transaction with manager Cassie Seeley) For further processing of rhe meat, the center has a computer-o perated smokehouse, a drying chan1be r and an im p mgement oven. "I wo uld say we have the prem ier faci lity in the U nited States," said Ryan McColl um, animal science sophomore and one of 11 undergraduate students employed in the meat processing area of the center. "Ir's n ice to go to class and work in a fac ili ty like th at," said Mc oil um. "Ir provides a place for people to get an idea of what goes on in a slaughter faci lity." Three rimes a week, employees package and label prod-
ucts for Cowboy Meats. The operation supplies all the meat sold through the small score, and store income contributes to maintenance of the meat pilot plant. Student employees gain valuable real-world experience through rhe meats programs. "I ch ink chis job will help me in rhe future," said M c ollum. " Wh en people see I've worked here, they'll know J've had exposure to the best technology and have worked with knowledgeable people." Accounting senior Cassie Palmer served as the manager and sole employee of Cowboy Meats for more than a year. She purchased the products, sec the prices, kept crack of inventory, cook special orders, made invoices and kept financial records for the score. She also stocked the score twice each week. "It was kind oflike running your own business," said Palmer. "l had a lot of in teraction with people, and I improved my accounting skills tremendously." T he Cowboy Mears manager surveys prices at Stillwater grocery scores mo nthly. The score's prices are then sec within 50 cents of the survey p rices. "Ir's nor here to compete with local markets," said Gi ll iland. T he selection at Cowboy Meats is similar co chat of rhe ocher grocery scores in town. Beef and pork are big sellers at the score, said Palmer. The score usually stocks a variety of beef, from ground beef to fi ler mignon . Roasts and chops are common pork produces. If customers want particular cuts that are not in stock, they can place cu tom orders. Hams are often custom o rd ered , as are specialty curs li ke racks of ribs. Palmer said it usually cakes one to two weeks co fi ll a custom o rder. She also said th e score gees around 20 percent of its business through custom orders. "I've always gotten good service there," said Mike Paxton, owboy Meats customer. "The meat is vacuum-packed , so it lasts longer and yo u can see what you're getting." Paxton said the store location and hours are conven ient for hi m. He can shop th ere after his work day ends at the OSU Physical Plant.
Chance Brooks, associate professor of animal science, instructs ANSI 2253 students on lamb carcass evaluation methods. (Photo by Codi Seeley) owboy Mea rs is located in FAPC's Room 145 and is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. every Wednesday and Friday. Through its produces and services fo r studen ts and customers, Cowboy Meats is a conven ient way for Stillwater res iden ts to experience the Aavor ofOSU.
By Codi Seeley, Osage, Wyo.
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Oklahoma State University Department of Agricultural Education, Communications, and 4-H Youth Development 448 Agricultural Hall Stillwater, OK 74078-6031