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From the editors ...
Cowboy Journal staff - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7he Cowboy Journal staff Jackie Mileham (back row left), Ashley Jenkins, Macay Bolay, Carrie Leach, Jamie King, Lindsey Linney, Jeremiah Allen, Candace May (middle row), Amanda Lockwood Fisher, Kinsey Westwood, Meriruth Cohenour, Megan Pfeiffer, Matt Panach (front row), Dara Smith, Mandy McNally, Rochelle Henderson, Courtney England, Traci Naile and Bill Golightly.
CJ Editorial Board Co-editors Rochelle Henderson and Matt Panach
Photo Coordinators Candace May and Mandy McNally
Circulation Coordinator Jackie Mileham
Sponsorship Coordinators Courtney England and Ashley Jenkins
Graphics Coordinators Traci Naile and Dara Smith
Web Editor Traci Naile
CJ Staff Jeremiah Allen, Macay Bolay, Meriruth Cohenour, Amanda Lockwood Fisher, Bill Golightly, Jamie King, Carrie Leach, Lindsey Linney, Megan Pfeiffer and Kinsey Westwood
Managing Editor Shelly Sitton
Assistant Managing Editors Dwayne Cartmell, Julie Focht and Cindy Blackwell
Founding Sponsors Limousin World, Oklahoma Farm Bureau and Quebecor World Pendell
"Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful and most noble employment ofman. " - George Washington This issue of the Cowboy journal is dedicated to past, present and future agricultural visionaries. The difficult task of feeding the world has fallen on your shoulders, yet you have not strayed from your persistence and devotion. Throughout the course of the last semester, we have been inspired by your accomplishments. We, as a class, have combined four years of knowledge and experience to produce this publication in your honor. We would like to thank the following people and organizations for their part in making this issue of the Cowboy journal possible: Mandy Gross, Todd Johnson, Gwyn Reed, Kami Scott, Jeana Wall, The Stillwater NewsPress and the Oklahoma State University Alumni Association. We hope this issue also will serve as a tribute to those who have guided us in our collegiate careers, and we would like to extend a special thank you to the following individuals in the Department of Agricultural Education, Communications and 4-H Youth Development: Dwayne Cartmell, Elizabeth Whitfield, Sheri Ishmael-Waldrop, Bonnie Milby, Cindy Blackwell and Julie Focht. As is true each year, this issue would not have been possible without the tireless commitment of Shelly Sitton. Shelly, you have been instrumental in the learning process of so many students. We thank you for all you have done for us. Finally, we would like to thank the Cowboy journal staff members for their patience and understanding as we moved through the stages of the production process. We wish you well in your professional careers and know you will be successful in whatever path you choose to pursue. Matt and Rochelle
Visit the Cowboy Journal Web site: http://cowboyjournal.okstate.edu
On the c over ... OSU Equestrian team member Elizabeth Moe gives her horse a bath after a long practice. Photo by Mandy McNally. Oklahoma State University, in compliance with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other federal laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability or status as a veteran in and of its policies, practices or procedures. This includes but is not limited ro admissions, employment, financial aid and educational services. T his publication is printed and issued two times a year by agricultural communications seniors in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and has been prepared and distributed at no cost ro the taxpayers of Oklahoma.
4 Cowboy Journal
What's inside ... Faculty 7
Legacy of a legend The livestock industry honors Robert Totusek 10 Kuzmic provides the "k'' in teamwork Tom Kuzmic coaches women's lacrosse team to success 12 OSU selects Whitson as new DASNR leader Eighteenth dean makes transition from Aggie to Cowboy
Alumni 15 Capitol Cowboys CASNR alumni fight for agriculture in the Legislature 17 Explore the West ... just up the road Pawnee Bill Ranch remembers Oklahoma traditions
Students 20 The perfect ending Meet CASNR's top students 22 Cultivating success ... one student at a time Students gain horticultural experience in greenhouses 24 Reed plays like a pro OSU student earns professional polo rating 26 101 things to do at OSU How to have the true Cowboy experience 29 Making college financing easier Paying for college is easier than you might think 32 OSU students soak up Italy Study abroad is more than just seeing another country 34 What can I do with a major in ... ? Career options for CASNR majors
Industry 37 Taste how sweet it is Red River Gourmet creates tasty Oklahoma treats 39 OSU helps 'high-tech' cows OSU uses more than a truck to monitor cattle 41 It's all in the roots OSU scientists study wheat mosaic virus
Outreach 43 Money, money, money IFMAPS celebrates 20 years of helping Oklahomans 44 Rural Oklahoma gets an EXTreme makeover Cooperative Extension style Rural communities grow with assistance from state grants 46 Cattlemen earn credits Cooperative extension trains master cattlemen
50 Cowboy bullets • Rotary scholarship takes CASNR senior down under • Landscape architecture students give cities a face-lift • Collegiate 4-H to host conference for southern region
Cowboy Journal 5
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By Traci Naile, Trafalgar, Ind. Sixty miles and 60 years from his family's farm during Oklahoma's dust bowl, a legend is being honored for his contributions to the livestock industry and the Oklahoma Seate University Department of Animal Science. In January, a fund-raising campaign co create the Robert "Bob" Tocusek Endowed Chair in Animal Science kicked off. As an elite faculty position, the chair will provide resources co animal science teaching, extension and research programs, helping to bring national attention co the department and Oklahoma's cattle industry, said Don Wagner, current head of the animal science department. For more than 50 years, Totusek has supported the livestock industry and animal science programs, and the chair will perpetually honor the Oklahoma traditions he has helped create.
A man of quiet distinction Totusek, affectionately known as "Dr. Tot" to many of his colleagues and former students, has spent a lifetime making differences in OSU's animal science program and the livestock industry. His reserved nature, belied by his keen eyes and warm smile, often masks his accomplishments. He is reluctant to talk about his talents and contributions co OSU and the beef industry. Instead, he would rather describe his life's rewards and the role ochers have played in his success. "One of the privileges I've had is co have a great family- a wonderful wife and kids who were also very supportive of the things I did, which many times involved not being at home," said Tocusek. "They made it possible for me co do a lot of the things I did professionally." His 38 years as an animal science faculty member, including 14 years as department head, were marked by numerous honors. His continued involvement in departmental activities since his retirement in 1990 reflects his dedication co his alma macer, his students and the livestock industry, despite his hesitance co take credit for his achievements. "I didn't accomplish anything by myself," said Tocusek. "I was fortunate co
work with great people who enabled me co accomplish many things for my family and the department."
Learning to love livestock Raised on a livestock and grain farm near Garber, Okla., Totusek's early experiences with animals sparked a lifelong interest in beef cattle. "I certainly developed an incense interest in livestock as I grew up working with animals," said Totusek. "It created an interest in livestock chat lasted throughout my life." That interest led him from the family farm to Oklahoma A&M College, where he earned his Bachelor of Science degree in animal science. While a member of the champion livestock judging team at the International Livestock Exposition in Chicago, Totusek was offered an assistantship co work with W M. Beeson at Purdue University. He earned his Master of Science and doctoral degrees in animal nutrition at Purdue, then returned ro Oklahoma A&M as a faculty member in animal science in 1952.
Building a legacy Upon his return to Oklahoma, Totusek assumed the responsibility of coaching the livestock judging team, a role he would fill for eight years. Totusek was a successful coach, which led to national recognition as a beef cattle judge. His experiences and achievements in judging served as a springboard for his classical research in beef cattle production. In addition ro being a star in the judging arena, Tocusek was well known for his academic abilities. "He had a reputation as a student, both as an undergraduate and a graduate student, for being extremely bright and very gifted academically," said Wagner. "Even co chis day,
you'll hear people, in a kidding way, say, 'Well, if I wasn't fortunate enough co sit by Dr. Totusek, I never would have gotten through school."' The combination ofTotusek's eye for good livestock and his ability co analyze the trends of the industry coward increasing the performance of cattle allowed him co generate original research chat helped shape the production of beef cattle. The industry ties chat prompted Totusek co develop research to solve actual industry problems also influenced his style of teaching and management. During his time as a teaching professor, Totusek taught 14 courses in the animal science department, including applied animal nutrition, a course he created. "For a good many years, before Dr. Tocusek became department head, he was Mr. Beef Cattle Science in chis department with respect co teaching," said Wagner. A visit co his daughter Darla while she was a student at Harvard Business School introduced Totusek to the case study method of teaching, which he brought co the attention of his fellow
faculty members. At that time, Totusek said few faculty members had been exposed to the method and did not realize its value in helping students learn how to solve real problems in the industry. "Early in my teaching career, my goal was to transfer as much information as possible to the students," said Totusek. "Later, I learned that wasn't the only important thing. I realized that helping them learn to think and to assemble information from all sources, not just my class, would help them in industry situations." Totusek took a similar attitude toward management of the department after becoming department head in 1976. "He hired a lot of good, young faculty members to build a strong reputation and a strong department," said Wagner. "He also encouraged them to have the kind of science that was not only good science, but also relevant and useful to the industry in terms of solving realworld problems." Totusek's goals as department head included promoting sound, useful research and maintaining the traditions of quality teaching and industry rapport for which the department had become known. These goals were vital to keeping the balance of teaching, research and extension, said Totusek. "The department has several unique advantages over many departments," said Totusek. "One is that great balance among research, teaching and extension. Another
asset, which goes back to the beginning of the department, is the great rapport we've enjoyed with the industry. It allows the department to be keenly aware of problems in the industry and respond to those problems with research and extension programs and teaching. And at the same time, because the people in the industry have confidence in the department, because they're personally acquainted with faculty members, they readily accept and use recommendations that arise from research and are extended to them through extension programs." In addition to his own teaching and research contributions and his efforts to bring in quality faculty members, Totusek worked to restore the horse program soon after becoming department head. With the help of Frank Baker, the dean of agriculture at that time, Torusek rallied Oklahoma's horse industry to rebuild the program. Totusek's support of Doyle Meadows, the first horse extension specialist in the new program, allowed it to grow. He also showed his faith in young faculty members by hiring Don Topliff, now the head of agriculture at West Texas A&M University, and David Freeman, the current horse extension specialist, in 1984. "Dr. Tot had a huge impact on my career," said ToplifÂŁ "He had faith enough in me to hire me, and he always provided a positive, can-do atmosphere." Soon after re-establishment of the horse program, Totusek became involved with another programbuilding project - construction of new facilities for the department. During the oil boom of the late 1970s and early 1980s, the state appropriated $15 million to establish a research center for agriculture and
One of the privileges I've had is to have a great family.
- Robert Totusek
Family support - - - - - - Bob and Nell Totusek have been married for 57 years. Photo by Traci Naile.
renewable natural resources at OSU. Totusek played a pivotal role in establishing the need for new departmental facilities as a part of the center, including the present Animal Science Building and Animal Science Arena, said Wagner. Following Totusek's retirement in 1990, he remained active in the animal science alumni association, Oklahoma's livestock industry and national animal science groups by serving as a director and officer for the organizations through which he could continue to promote the beef cattle industry and the field of animal science as a whole.
Honoring a legend Totusek's presence in the industry and his impact on his students and colleagues led to the recognition of his accomplishments and contributions through the endowed chair. Gary Sherrer, senior director of development in agricultural sciences and natural resources for the OSU Foundation, was looking for fund-raising opportunities for the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources when he began to consider the idea of an endowment. He approached Scott Dewald, executive vice president of the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association, and Jarold Callahan, president of Express Ranches, for ideas of who would be an appropriate person to honor. "Both of them immediately said, 'Dr. Totusek- he's so respected in the industry, and he's done so much for the industry,"' said Sherrer.
Industry relations - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bob Totusek (center) talks with Otha Grimes (left) and ranch manager Odell Gelvin at Grimes' ranch. Photo courtesy of the OS U Foundation.
8 Cowboy Journal
At first, Totusek was hesitant to accept the honor, said Sherrer. The three men had to convince him the chair would be important to continue the tradition of applied teaching and research he helped build. "My initial reaction was a lot of reservation because I've been fortunate enough to receive a lot of honors in my life, and I didn't need more," said Totusek. " But very quickly, I realized this isn't about Bob Totusek. This chair is about providing more resources for the animal science department in the form of another faculty position, which will be beneficial to the livestock industry. So, as soon as I realized that, I was eager to proceed." A steering committee was created to guide the fund-raising campaign, and the committee's primary goal became to spread the word that Totusek was being honored. The overwhelming response the committee has received speaks volumes about the impact Totusek has had on countless individuals, said Dewald. "It has been an industry-driven effort to raise this money," said Sherrer. "The theme with these folks has been how much influence he's had on their lives, how much difference he made in how they think about wanting to be successful and knowing how to go about it. That's one of the things that made chis such a refreshing kind of an effort, to raise money for someone who has meant so much in people's lives. "Of course, for Torusek, it's not about him. It's about the industry, it's about the university, it's about animal science and what the money can do for the program," said Sherrer. "But for the individuals, it's about Dr. Torusek. They want to honor him." Tocusek's influence is largely due to his reputation in the industry as a smart, common-sense scholar who truly cared that his teaching and research activities benefited the rancher and the industry, said Dewald. "He is probably so well revered by industry because the ivory tower meant nothing to Dr. Totusek," said D ewald. "What was important to Dr. Totusek, and in my opinion continues to be, is whatever we do at the university level has to be duplicated at the ranch level, and it has to be something that will help the producer."
Totusek's pioneering attitude toward teaching, research and the trends of the beef industry has left a lasting impression on the modern industry. "One of the foremost voices in the cattle industry in the last 30 to 40 years has been Dr. Totusek. His ideas led to significant changes in the cattle business," said Ross McKnight, a 1971 graduate of the animal science department. "If you say his name to any group of cattlemen, they know who you're talking about and associate his name with leaner, more consumer-oriented products and with Oklahoma State University." Totusek's focus on helping the producer and promoting Oklahoma's beef industry is the legacy the steering committee plans to continue through the Totusek chair. "We have a very solid seed-stock business in the beef industry in Oklahoma, due in large part to the contributions of Dr. Totusek," said Dewald. Totusek's influence is largely due to his excellent communication with ranchers, said Dennis White, animal science alumnus and chairman of the Totusek chair steering committee. "His attitude and demeanor wears well with ranch people," said White. "He earned their respect through his efforts to make their business more profitable and by clearly explaining to them what they needed to do." The committee wants the chair to be used to support departmental programs in livestock production and attract more talent to Oklahoma to help the industry remain competitive. "If we want to continue to have that competitive advantage nationwide and globally, we need to make sure we've got the best and brightest here," said Dewald. "We can only get there if we have the best and brightest bringing the best ideas and applying the same logic that Tot did. And that logic is that it has to be applicable to the rancher; it's got to make sense for them. It's got to make them more profitable. That'll keep us on the cutting edge. "The best way to honor the legend is to continue the legacy." CJ
(Totusek's) ideas led to significant changes in the cattle business.
- Ross McKnight
Endowed chairs The concept of the endowed chair originated in the 1980s to enhance salaries; to provide additional resources for teaching, research and extension programs; and to attract top-notch scholars, said Don Wagner, current head of the animal science department. To create a chair, funds are raised and invested to provide resources for a designated faculty member. Initially, approximately $1 million is needed to create the faculty position. Half of the total must be raised through private donors, then the state legislature is asked for matching funds. Chairs are typically funded by individuals or small groups, who also help guide the way funds will be used. In the case of multiple donors, such as with the Totusek chair, the dean of the college, as well as the department and the honoree, will help guide the allocation of the resources, said Wagner. Contributions to the Totusek chair may be made through the OSU Foundation. Call Gary Sherrer, senior director of development for agricultural sciences and natural resources, at (405) 744-7964 for more information.
And the winner is - - - - - - Bob Totusek emcees a cattle show in Columbus, Ohio. Photo courtesy ofthe OSU Foundation.
Cowboy Journal 9
Kuzmic provides the "k" in teamwork By Macay Bolay Perry, Okla. Teamwork is a skill Tom Kuzmic learned well during his college days as a member of the men's lacrosse team at Virginia Tech. Today, he applies the same teamwork skills as he volunteers his evenings and weekends to the Oklahoma State University women's lacrosse team. Kuzmic developed an early love for the outdoors and traveling as a Boy Scour in Cleveland. He pursued his passion for forestry at Virginia Tech, where he received his master's degree in forestry. Kuzmic was hired by OSU shortly after completing his master's. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, he began working on his doctorate. In 1993, he became "Dr. Kuzmic" after completing his doctorate in environmental science. At that point, Kuzmic became an integral part in sponsoring trips to Honduras through the forestry department. During the trips, students experience a wide variety of tropical ecosystems, as well as cultural traditions through work, recreation, household living and feasting on tasty Honduran cuisine. Kuzmic said he never knows what new adventures will come during the trip. "One afternoon, while hiking up an extremely large mountain in Honduras, I noticed one particular girl seemed to be doing quite well, while others were struggling," said Kuzmic. "I questioned if she had been preparing for the hike in some fashion. She responded with, 'No, I just play lacrosse, so I'm well in shape."' Kuzmic was impressed and began to discuss his college experiences of playing lacrosse. It didn't take long before the smiling student expressed her team's need for a faculty adviser and asked for his help. Kuzmic never dreamed from that point forward he would be committing 10 to 12 hours a week and some weekend time to the OSU women's lacrosse team. "After agreeing to attend a few practices in the fall semester of 2003, I found myself beginning to make comments on areas of improvement and offer some drill
organizing," said Kuzmic. "The girls really responded to my suggestions and finally just told me that I must get a whistle. " Kuzmic said lacrosse is the oldest sport in North America. Rooted in Native American tradition, lacrosse was played to resolve conflicts, heal the sick and develop strong, virile men. Modern lacrosse has been embraced by athletes and enthusiasts of the United States and the British Commonwealth for more than a century. The sport of lacrosse is a combination of basketball, soccer and hockey. The game requires coordination and agility. Two highly prized qualities in lacrosse are quickness and speed. Lacrosse is a fastpaced sport, and anyone can participate. Women's rules limit stick contact and prohibit body contact; therefore, little protective equipment is required. At OSU, the women provide their own protective gear, stick, mouthpiece and uniform. Kuzmic began playing as a freshman in college, not knowing anything about the game. After a few short lessons and many
Coaching to perfection - - - Tom Kuzmic, head coach of the OSU women's lacrosse team, demonstrates field positioning. Photo by M acay Bolay.
Defending the goal - - - - Naho Sawatari concentrates on defending the OSU goal for her fellow teammates. Photo by Macay Bolay.
hours on the practice field, he became a two-year starter. "I knew nothing about the sport but thought it looked fun, and I was looking for something new to do while wanting to make new friends," said Kuzmic. Since Kuzmic had played on the men's team in college, he was somewhat unsure of the current rules for women's lacrosse. Reading book after book and researching, he found men's and women's lacrosse remain variations of the same game but are played under different rules. Women's lacrosse is a non-contact game played by 12 players: a goalkeeper, five attackers and six defenders. The object is to shoot the ball into the opponent's net. The team scoring the most goals wins. One of OSU's goalkeepers, environmental science senior Naho Sawatari, wearing an orange and black face mask, helmet, mouth guard, and throat and chest protector, has tested her strength on the OSU lacrosse team. "I was very scared on the field the first time, since I had never played, " said Sawatari. "I became more confident with Kuzmic's encouragement and decided to help our team by being the goalie." The OSU women's lacrosse program began as a club team two years before Kuzmic agreed to coach. The OSU team only has two members with prior experience. Tryouts are open to anyone interested in learning about the sport and willing to commit the time to participate. "I like to think that I have offered a sense of structure and an organizational foundation for the team," said Kuzmic. "In the past year and a half! have been associated with them, I motivated the gals to get
more focused and serious about the game, to join a new league and to improve their lacrosse knowledge, skills and strategy." Kuzmic devotes a considerable amount of time off the practice field to developing practice plans, reading coaching manuals, researching the rules and communicating with those involved in lacrosse. He also said working with women has been a learning experience and he appreciates the change from the predominantly male forestry department. "I am reminded on a regular basis chat women still chink and operate a little differently from men, which is a very good thing, " said Kuzmic. "The gals do not place an over-emphasis on winning at all costs. They enjoy having fun, developing social bonds and producing a team spirit. "Coaching and associating with a group of women has definitely caused me to think more about how I interact with and respond to people, " said Kuzmic. ''All in all, I am delighted to be able to work with the women's lacrosse team and help the gals strive for their goals." More than 5,500 women participate in lacrosse programs at 240 colleges and universities , sanctioned either by the athletic department or the club sports department. A club sport is one that will either sink or swim based on the members' efforts in recruiting new players and participation, said Kuzmic. OSU's team has 17 active members and conducts fund-raisers year-round to attend out-of-state tournaments and reduce travel expenditures. Team members pay $20 in annual dues, compared to the men's $400 membership fee.
Women's lacrosse team chapter treasurer, Robin Gay, works closely with Kuzmic to balance the club's finances. "O perating on an approximately $7,000 budget is difficult when factoring costs such as paying entry fees and hiring referees. Entry fees alone cost about $300 per tournament," said Gay. The club works during the football and basketball seasons, hosting and taking tickets at entry gates as a primary fundraiser. Members also sold door wreaths during Christmas as another fund-raiser. OSU campus recreation provides some funding, but it is limited. However, a practice field is provided, and the same field is used for home games. Katy Hallgren, landscape architecture senior, credits the team's success to Kuzmic's commitment. "le is because of Kuzmic's dedication to the club and passion to teach students outside of the classroom that we have recruited new members and developed team unity," said Hallgren. Hallgren said she enjoys the club sport more than intramurals because of the structured coaching and social bonding with fellow teammates. "My reason to teach and to coach is to share the talents and abilities that I have through giving back, either in the classroom or on the lacrosse field," said Kuzmic. "It is as though I can see life in full circle. "I have become more than just a coach to the gals; we all have become friends to one extent or another," said Kuzmic. "I feel as if I have become a part of a family." CJ
Practice makes perfect - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Women practice offensive and defensive plays and strategy in preparation for upcoming games. Photo by Macay Bolay.
Cowboy Journal 11
OSU selects By Candace May Roosevelt, Okla. Farmer. Captain. Banker. Professor. Dean. Robert E. Whitson added a new title when he assumed the position of vice president of agricultural programs and dean of Oklahoma State University's Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. This former Aggie became a Cowboy June 1. Whitson's duties include overall leadership, financial development and fiscal management of the division. The College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station and the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service are the three mission areas of the division. The division includes nine academic departments, 11 field research stations and three centers, including the renowned Oklahoma Food and Agricultural Products Research and Technology Center. Whitson, the 18th CASNR dean, was associate vice chancellor and associate dean at Texas A&M University. Whitson previously had many duties, such as life sciences deputy director for the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station for Texas and the TAMU system. These duties required Whitson to provide statewide leadership and management for the TAES, as well as the Office of the State Chemist and Apiary Inspection Service. "Dr. Whitson's experience in all th ree areas of the land-grant mission gives him a tremendous advantage to the future of the division," said Cathy Herren, '05 agricultural communications master's graduate and a member of the search committee. "His experiences working with the Texas legislature will be invaluable assets." Before Whitson's duties as vice president and dean, he was department head and professor of the TAMU Department of Rangeland Ecology and Management from May 1993 to August 2003. While serving the department, Whitson was able to initiate and facilitate many efforts, including the enhancement of the undergraduate range management and ecology curriculum.
New Cowboy - - - - - - - Robert Whitson began as the new dean ofDASNR in June. Photo by Candace May.
Whitson as new DASNR leader Whitson developed and maintained relationships with external constituents with Texas Sheep and Goat Raisers, Texas Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, Texas Farm Bureau and Natural Resource Conservation Services, as well as other natural resource groups. "Dr. Whitson seems to be a very personable leader," said Joe Neill, the past president of the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association and a member of the search committee. "He noted several times in discussions that he would lead by consensus of opinion from all stakeholders such as faculty, students, industries such as the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association, and others in administration. " Before Whitson started his career at TAMU, he left his mark on the Frost National Bank in San Antonio, Texas, from November 1981 to April 1993. He began his career with Frost National Bank as an assistant vice president, was named vice president in 1982 and became the senior vice president in September 1984. During this time, he gained administrative experience by overseeing budgeting and supervision of farm and ranch assets in Texas and surrounding states. "We are extremely fortunate to have Whitson on board," said Linda Martin, CASNR assistant dean and member of the search committee. "He has an extensive background in research, teaching and extension programs. He brings balance relative to the three components of the land-grant mission." Whitson has an extensive resume that includes academic and industrial experiences. It all began with a position as the farm and ranch management specialist for
the Texas Agricultural Extension Service. From this position, he was able to assist county agricultural agents and producers in 22 counties with farm and ranch management training. The training included decision-making skills that were related to both technical and economic elements of risks in the farm and ranch setting. Whitson is an academic veteran, but he is also a veteran of the U.S. Army. While in the Army, he served as second and first lieutenant on active duty in South Vietnam and was stationed at Fort Bliss from 1967 to 1969. He also served as captain and major in the U.S. Army Reserves from 1969 to 1980. During his service, he was responsible for a large staff of people and the development and implementation of programs that ensured material readiness of assigned units in four states. Before serving his country in the Army, Whitson was self-employed in Hansford County in Spearman, Texas. He farmed, raised cattle and custom harvested. This lifestyle and an education from Texas Tech and Texas A&M universities, was the beginning of what led Whitson to OSU. "My past experience will allow me to respond quickly to issues of importance to the division, providing the leadership necessary to move the division forward in areas of highest priority, " Whitson said. "My experience gave me a broad understanding of state, national and international agricultural issues and has provided me the opportunity to work closely with internal and external constituencies, including legislators and commodity leaders." The search for a new dean began early in 2004. A search committee comprised of 24 individuals was selected to help
narrow the field of candidates. The search conducted during the spring was unable to surface the desired results, so the search was renewed in the fall. Applications were received and reviewed by the search committee. Eight candidates were Bown to Oklahoma City in late January for interviews. Whitson was the first candidate who came to OSU for an interview in February. "Dr. Whitson has a background of diverse experiences from which to draw the skills needed for the dean position including financial and personnel management," said Natalie Berning, biochemistry and molecular biology sophomore. "From his resume alone, it is obvious that Dr. Whitson is intellectually and experientially qualified for the position. While eating with him at the luncheon, he demonstrated attitudes and ideas that closely correspond to the conservative, home-town atmosphere of OSU." Berning said Whitson is approachable and will fit well in the division. "I am pleased to be your vice president and dean and am looking forward to the opportunity to work with faculty and staff to build on the strong teaching, research and extension programs in agriculture currently in place at OSU," Whitson said. "My wife, Linda, and I are impressed with the friendly, warm welcome we have received and are excited to be a part of the OSU family." By being chosen as the vice president and dean of OSU Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Whitson is able to further his academic experience as well as help the university make educational and research advancements. CJ
Quick Facts * Favorite team and sport: Dallas Cowboys, football * Favorite quote: I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more of It I have.¡- Thomas Jefferson Cowboy Journal 13
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Capitol Cowboys By Mathew Panach Braman, Okla As the sun sets behind the newly constructed dome on the Oklahoma Capitol building, a line of sports cars and SUVs merges onto Lincoln Boulevard. In the middle of the traffic jam is a slightly dusty, four-wheel drive pickup - the sure sign a Capitol Cowboy is behind the wheel. A mere four years ago, State Representative Dale DeWitt was driving an even dustier pickup. At the time, the vehicle was filled with students, and DeWitt was an educator, rather than a legislator. However, one thing has always remained constant in DeWitt's life-his desire to serve the people of rural Oklahoma. DeWitt grew up on a farm in north central Oklahoma, where he developed a passion for agriculture. After attending Northern Oklahoma College in Tonkawa, Okla., for two years, he came to Oklahoma State University, where he was a member of the livestock judging team. He graduated in 1973 with degrees in animal science and agricultural education. After graduation, DeWitt went to work as a buyer for a swine processing plant. One year later, he began his career as an agriculcural education instructor in Helena, Okla. DeWitt then returned to his hometown of Braman, Okla., in 1976, where he caught agriculcural education classes for the next 26 years. After nearly 30 years of teaching, DeWitt had established himself as a leader in the agricultural industry. Adored by his students and respected by his peers, DeWitt became a prime candidate to fill the vacancy in House District 38 when former state representative Jim Reese vacated the seat in 2001. DeWitt had little time to decide ifhe was ready to pursue a career in politics after he learned of Reese's departure. "I made a comment to my wife chat when Jim Reese termed out, I might be interested in running for that position," said DeWitt. "When Jim got out early, the opportunity came much sooner than I expected." Still serving as the Braman FFA adviser, DeWitt was at a hog show in Enid,
Okla., when he received a call from Braman Mayor Jerry Johnston informing him of the vacancy. "I told him I might be interested," said DeWitt, "and he said you have one hour to decide." With hogs about to enter the show ring, DeWitt made his decision and has never looked back. "It's been quite an experience," said DeWitt. "I wake up every day willing to learn something new." Now entering his third term as a state legislator, DeWitt is serving as a majority whip in the Oklahoma House of Representatives. His dedication and ability to lead also have earned him the honor of serving as chairman of the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee. "I work with all of the agricultural groups, as well as the Department of Agriculture, and anyone who is a part of the agricultural scene," said DeWitt. "But my primary responsibility is to make sure that legislation coming down through chat committee is going to be helpful to the rural communities." Driven by his love for agriculture and rural Oklahoma, DeWitt has formed a rural caucus to discuss and research the many issues affecting rural communities in the state. This is the first rural caucus to exist in the Oklahoma House of Representatives, said DeWitt. "Rural Oklahoma means everything to me. This is where I grew up. This is where I've raised my family," said DeWitt. "I want my grandchildren to have the opportunity to live in rural Oklahoma and see the way we produce crops and food." Upon announcing the formation of the rural caucus, DeWitt met some opposition from an urban representative. "He wanted to know why we needed a 'rule' caucus when we already have a 'rules' committee," said DeWitt. "I said that I was from the farm and chat my words may have had a little twang to them. So I told him I would just change the name to the 'country caucus' and make it easier for chem to understand."
One of the country caucus' main objectives is educating a largely urban population about the importance of agriculcure in Oklahoma. "We need to make sure young people, regardless of where they're from, know chat without chis sector we wouldn't be able to maintain ourselves," said DeWitt. Although relating the importance of agriculture to the urban majority is a difficulc task to accomplish, DeWitt is not fighting the battle alone. A total of 15 alumni from the OSU College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources now serve in the Oklahoma Legislature and are prepared to fight for rural Oklahoma. Among these leaders is Speaker of the House Todd Hiett. A dairyman from Kellyville, Okla., H iett is not only CASNR's highest ranking legislator, but he is also one of the highest ranking legislators at the Capitol. As a fourth generation Kellyville native who grew up showing hogs and cattle, agriculture has always held a special place in Hiett's heart. ''Agriculture has always been the center part of my life," said Hiett. Hiett graduated from OSU in 1989 with a degree in animal science and a minor in economics. He returned to his hometown and began a ranching and dairy operation with his wife, Bridget. "We worked very hard for many years," said Hiett. "We ranched and ran a 150-cow dairy operation for 14 years." Having achieved his dream of running his own ranch, Hiett was content to spend the rest of his life raising cattle and milking cows. Policies was the farthest thing from his mind, until a Brahman cow changed the course of his life. "It all started with a Brahman cow in my beef herd chat was labeled by the Department of Agriculture as a 'suspect,"' said Hiett. "Of course, chis was back in the late '80s and early '90s when the brucellosis eradication program was in full swing." Hiett's herd was placed under a restrictive quarantine, in which he was not able to market any of his cattle. During chis
Cowboy Journal 15
State Representative Dale DeWitt sorts through legislation as he waits far session to begin. Oklahoma senators and representatives vote on as many as 100 bills each day. Photo by Matthew Panach.
period, Hiett had no way to generate any income to offset a continually increasing feed bill. "I felt I was not treated fairly by the State of Oklahoma in chat process, and they cost me a lot of money," said Hiett. "So, I decided that I should probably start getting involved in state government." Soon after the quarantine was lifted from his herd, Hiett became involved with the State Legislative Action Program, a group associated with Oklahoma Farm Bureau. Through the program, Hiett received information on agriculture-related bills in the State House and Scace Senate. He voiced his opinion on the issues to his elected representatives. "I let my voice be heard as an agriculturalist," said Hiett. "One thing led to another, and I just got a little too close to the fire." In 1994, Hiett won his first term as a state representative. He has since served five full terms for a total of 10 years. Due to impending term limits, Hiett is now serving his sixth and final term in the legislature. However, he is making his exit in grand fashion as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives. 'Tm charged with managing a staff of more than 200 state employees and a state budget of more than $18 million," said Hiett. As Speaker of the House, Hiett also plays a key role in setting the agenda for the House of Representatives and deciding
16 Cowboy Journal
the key issues for the state. With his rural background and values, it is no surprise chat agriculture is at the top of Hiett's priority list. "Rural Oklahoma is such a key part of Oklahoma's total economy," said Hiett. "I have that understanding, and I can bring it to my colleagues in the urban parts of the state." With legislators like DeWitt and Hiett in leadership positions, many farm organizations are excited about the direction rural Oklahoma is heading. Jeramy Rich, director of public policy for Oklahoma Farm Bureau and CASNR alumnus, said having legislators with rural backgrounds is crucial for the survival of Oklahoma's agricultural communities. "le has been an unbelievable blessing for the people of rural Oklahoma," said Rich. "[DeWitt and Hiett] have a tremendous work ethic chat we hold very dearly in agriculture." With more than 75 years of combined agricultural experience, DeWitt and Hiett have an aptitude for making agricultural decisions. Thar makes Rich's job easier. "We don't have to explain che history of the issue to chem," said Rich. "They know it before we walk in the door." DeWitt said his agricultural background has been key to his success as a state representative. "My experience in rural Oklahoma and in agriculture helps me implement legislation," he said. "I want to help farm-
ers and ranchers because I understand what they're facing." As proud alumni of OSU, DeWitt and Hiett give credit to the college for their successes as legislators. "Ocher than the tremendous education chat I received at OSU, the contacts and the friends that I made there are the second greatest asset I have," said Hiett. As a member of OSU's national championship livestock judging team, DeWitt said his adviser, Robert Terry Sr., was a great inspiration to him as a student. "He instilled in me the aspect of setting my goals high and reaching them," said DeWitt. "There's not another program in the nation that can compare with OSU's agricultural education program." DeWitt said h e is confident the legislature will continue to see more of OSU's agricultural students entering the legislature in the years to come. "People coming through the rural area have great leadership skills and a good work ethic," said DeWitt. "We've got some tremendous young people coming out of OSU who are ready to make a positive impact on Oklahoma." If the success of DeWitt and Hiett is an indication of the future, OSU will always be well represented in the Oklahoma Legislature by Capitol Cowboys. CJ
CASNR Legislators Oklahoma House • Lee Denney - Ag. Econ. '76 • Dale DeWitt -Ag. Ed./Ansi '73 • Jerry Ellis - Ansi. '69 • Terry Harrison -Ansi. '95 • Todd Hiett - Ansi. '89 • Mike Jackson - Ag. Comm. '00 • Ryan McMullen - Ag. Econ. '02 • Jerry McPeak -Ansi. '69 • Phil Richardson - Ag. '54 • Curt Roggow - Ag. Econ. '8 9 • Wade Rousselot -Ansi. '81 • Joe Sweeden - Ansi. '83 • Dale Turner - Ag. Ed. '63
Oklahoma Senate • Ron Justice - Ag. Ed. '67 • Robert Kerr - Agronomy '54
Ofthe 42 OS U graduates currently serving in the Oklahoma Legislature, more than 40 percent are CASNR alumni.
Explore the West ... just up the road
By Jackie Mileham Chandler, Okla.
Imagine getting into your car with family or friends and traveling to a place enriched with native history. As the wind gently blows through the trees, you can hear the voices of the warriors and the heroes who walked before you. This destination is not exotic. In many cases, these attractions are only a short car ride away. One such place is the Pawnee Bill Ranch in Pawnee, Okla. "Tourism and the land - agricultural or recreational - are integrated in the minds of many people," said Lowell Caneday, professor of leisure studies at Oklahoma State University. "Our Oklahoma land attracts people."
Oklahoma "attracted" Gordon Lillie in the late 1870s, said Erin Brown, Pawnee Bill Museum collections specialist. He and his wife, May, established a buffalo ranch on Blue Hawk Peak in 1903. Although they owned a movie production company, publishing company, buffalo ranch and oil refineries, they are most famous for their worldwide wild-west shows, said Brown. "Pawnee Bill would not have approved of the word 'show,"' said Brown. "He considered his production an educational experience. In reality, the shows only had elements of education to them. "The shows mimicked reality and romanticized the west. The shows were conceived as educational; the original goal was to depict episodes of westward expansion through portrayals of cowboy heros and Native Americans." Elaborate displays and productions to attract visitors to one-day shows were plastered across the nation, enticing people to, what was called, Pawnee Bill's Historic Wild West, said Brown. One advertisement is on display in the barn at the ranch. It was found near
Lamont, Okla., restored and donated to the ranch in 1982. The advertisement is believed to have been posted in 1900. Frank Eaton, OSU's original "Pistol Pete," had a place in Pawnee Bill's "amusement triumph of the age," said Brown. Eaton played the part of a deer hunter and wagon train boss. While he was not working in the show, he played the part of the prestigious cowboy OSU fans have grown to love. He also helped with ranch rodeos and gathered rodeo stock for Pawnee Bill. Currently, the museum has a display dedicated to Pistol Pete. The display tells of the life and history of the cowboy. Visitors can learn how he became the OSU mascot. Books, audio tapes and other educational materials about Eaton, the Lillies and other performers are available in the Pawnee Bill gift shop. While visiting the museum, guests can enjoy historic photographs of the wild-west show, as well as western art and artifacts from the exotic performers who dedicated their lives to entertainment. A children's area is located in the front
Exploring the ranch - - - - - Visitors to the Pawnee Bill Ranch and Museum near Pawnee, Okla., can experience the early 1900s through several attractions, including museum displays (top left), blacksmith shop (bottom left), buffalo herd (top center), viewing tower (bottom center) and log cabin. Allfacilities highlight life in the era of Gordon ''Pawnee Bill" and May Lillie. Photos by Jackie Mileham.
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lobby of the museum. It contains a full-size teepee complete with animal skins and replicas of traditional drums, often used in ceremonial rituals. Children can dress in replications of traditional garments and accessories. Saddles are available for children to sit on. Children can pretend they are riding on the trails with Pawnee Bill. Lariat ropes are available for children to try out their roping skills. "We get our gratification from carrying on traditions, " said Ron Brown, facility manager for Pawnee Bill Ranch. "We have to be entertaining, but overall, we are in the education business." Ron Brown said an increasing number of international visitors are coming to places like the Pawnee Bill Ranch. "It is hard to imagine that's happening," said Caneday. "Tourists want to connect to our heritage. People from Oklahoma may ask, 'Why come here?' Most people who travel to rural settings for tourism are city residents. T hey want to be reminded of rural heritage and Western romanticism. It is a dramatic contrast from what they see in the city. They want their children to experience life in a m uch different setting." Visitors to the ranch can tour the furnished mansion of Pawnee Bill and May Lillie. The home contains collections from the couple's worldwide travels with the wild-west show. Guests can stroll through the Lillies' authentic log cabin and three-story barn, as well as the blacksmith shop and viewing rower. One can even drive through the pasture where, thanks to Pawnee Bill and May Lillie, the buffalo still roam. The Lillies worked with the U .S. Congress to create Oklahoma's Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge. Many of the buffalo on the Pawnee Bill Ranch are from the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge, said Erin Brown.
All in a day's work - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This replica of an original Pawnee Bill advertisement, on display in the museum, shows the elaborate lengths taken to advertise one day shows. Advertisements such as this were plastered across the United States. This original 1900 advertisement can be seen in the barn on the ranch. Photo by Jackie Mileham.
Each year in June, the Pawnee Chamber of Commerce hosts a re-enactment of Pawnee Bill's Wild West Show on the ranch site. A parade through the streets of Pawnee kicks off the event, said Erin Brown. Activities include an authentic chuck wagon dinner, candle making, basket weaving, buggy rides, rope making and roping demonstrations . "There is so m uch to experience right in our back yard," said Caneday.
"Oklahomans don't know what they are missing." The Pawnee Bill Ranch is a non-profit organization operated by the Oklahoma Historical Society. The ranch welcomes educational gro ups and tour groups of all ages and sizes. Admission to enjoy the Pawnee Bill Ranch and museum is free. For more information about the Pawnee Bill Ranch or museum events, call (918) 762-2513. CJ
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18 Cowboy Journal
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2005 Top Ten Seniors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7he 2005 CASNR Top Ten Seniors include (front from left) Rachel Bobbitt, Jodi Nichols Cole, Mindi Luce, Macey Hedges, Ryan ]en/ink, (back) Ryan McCollum, Hazen Cole Marshall, Bill Shelby, Ryan Hunt and Matthew Panach. Photo by Jamie King.
Shelby also served on the Student Alumni Board, President's Leadership Council and Homecoming Steering Committee. He was also a member of Collegiate Farm Bureau, Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity and served as a teaching assistant for agricultural economics courses. The final outstanding Top Ten Seniors are Jodi Nichols Cole, agricultural com-
munications, Porter, Okla.; Ryan Jenlink, plant and soil sciences, Cherokee, Okla.; Mindi Luce, agricultural education, Newkirk, Okla.; Hazen Cole Marshall, agricultural economics, Enid, Okla.; and Ryan McCollum, animal science, Fort Sumner, N.M. Ocher awards presented at the 2005 CASNR banquet included the Alpha Zeta
Outstanding Freshman: Blake Bixler, an agricultural business student from Waynoka, Okla.; the Alpha Zeta Outstanding Teacher: Bob Kropp, animal science; Ag Ambassador Outstanding Adviser: John Ritter, horticulture and landscape architecture; and Ag Ambassador Outstanding Support Staff: Wayne Kiner, biosystems and agricultural engineering. CJ
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405.880.4267 Cowboy Journal 21
cl Cultivating success one student at a time I
By Rochelle Henderson Woodward, Okla.
Plants are not the only things being cultivated in the Oklahoma State University teaching greenhouses. The on-campus facilities have provided students the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge about the horticulture industry since their construction in 1963. Katy Friess, senior horticulture major and president of the Horticulture Club at OSU, said the availability of an on-campus learning facility is beneficial to her education as a horticulture student. "The greenhouses are great learning tools," said Friess. "The facilities are very helpful for classes." The teaching greenhouses are located on Farm Road, south of the renovated Colvin Center. Five separate greenhouses provide students the opportunity to grow plants in different conditions and compare results of various modifications. The facility measures 15,000 square feet. In the spring of 2005, 220 students were enrolled in the ho.rticulture and landscape architecture degree programs, but students from different majors enroll in courses that use the greenhouses. Seven classes use the facilities, including
greenhouse management, commercial floriculture production and marketing, and introduction to horticulture, said Tim Hooper, manager of the greenhouses and adviser for the Horticulture Club. "The greenhouses help students gain practical experience growing crops," said Hooper. "Someone must monitor the plants 365 days a year." Hooper has overseen plants in the greenhouses since February 1991. Students also can use the facility to fill work-study positions or for extracurricular involvement. Occasionally, graduate students are employed to help care for plants. In the spring of 2005, the facility employed two work-study students. The teaching greenhouses are open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the week. Some students are given keys to the facilities to check on plants after hours or on weekends. During the winter, plants must be checked a minimum of two times daily for proper water and temperature, said Hooper. "It really helps students gain responsibility and accountability," said Hooper. "No matter what, someone must take care of the plants." Non-horticulture majors take horticulture classes that use the greenhouses to help them fulfill general College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources requirements or controlled electives. Chad Hetrick, senior landscape contracting major, took the greenhouse management course. "The course taught me what it takes to run and to take care of a greenhouse," said Hetrick. He said the class helped him gain appreciation for those running greenhouses because of the time and money it takes to maintain the facilities. "I also learned how to manage my time while working in the greenhouses," said Hetrick.
Students work in greenhouses _ Jana Morris (left) and Ellen Weatherholt prepare plants for the Horticulture Club's annual sale. Photo by Rochelle H enderson.
The Hort Club frequently uses the facilities . The main event the club works toward each year is its plant sale, which is held in April. In 2004, profit was nearly $20,000 for the Hort Club. The club uses the money to fund the sale for the next year, update greenhouse technology for student use and help sponsor scholarships for its members. Members gain points based on involvement in Hort Club activities and volunteering at the greenhouse. The point system helps determine recipients of the scholarships. Since the greenhouses were built in 1963, they have been formally remodeled once. The facility lacks up-to-date technology used by larger institutions, but faculty and staff do not feel students' experiential educations are compromised. "The students' education and experience does not suffer from lack of technology," said Hooper. "But the facility could definitely be improved." Todd Cavins, assistant professor of floriculture, helps students take advantage of the greenhouses through his classes. In Cavins' commercial flower production and marketing course, each student is responsible for managing 15 plants throughout the semester. Students must check on their projects daily and use the knowledge they have learned in the classroom to get the best production results, said Cavins. This allows students to manipulate care of the plants to obtain the most desirable results. "The greenhouse mimics real-world experience," said Cavins. The teaching greenhouses also are used for individual courses like horticultural problems, HORT 4990. This specialproblems course allows students to work one-on-one with faculty to help complete credit-hour requirements for graduation and to better prepare themselves for a career in the horticultural industry. As space allows, other programs use the greenhouses for their students as well, said Hooper. In the past, these have included plant and soil sciences, botany, and entomology and plant pathology.
"My favorite part of the week is coming out to the greenhouses for my classes," said Ellen Weatherholt, a junior majoring in horticulture. Weatherholt served as Hort Club Agricultural Student Council representative during the 2004-2005 school year. She did not have the opportunity to gain experience working in a greenhouse until she came to college. Weatherholt said gaining experience by working in the greenhouses has helped her better understand the horticultural industry. Douglas Needham, professor of floriculture and extension 4-H and youth programs, said the greenhouses are essential to teaching horticulture students skills they will use in the business world. Sales and marketing, problem solving, critical thinking and greenhouse management skills are developed through the hands-on learning experiences afforded to students through the use of the teaching greenhouses, he said. The teaching greenhouses also are used for the annual State FFA Floriculture Career Development Event. This helps fulfill the extension outreach initiatives of the college and develops interest in the OSU horticulture program from potential students. Before the contest, chapters can visit the greenhouses to hone their skills for the competition, said Hooper. Hooper said the greenhouses are important to students' educations because they allow them to "find out what the horticulture industry is really like." He said he works directly with students and their projects in the greenhouses daily. Jana Morris, senior horticulture student, cares for plants in the greenhouses. As vice president of the Hort Club, Morris organizes the club's annual plant sale. Morris said she volunteers in the greenhouses up to 10 hours each week. As the sale gets closer, she spends her spare time helping prepare for different elements of the sale. "The plant sale is really rewarding," said Morris. "Our hard work pays off." Friess said she sometimes finds her work helping prepare plants for the club's annual sale a fun experience. "It is good therapy to propagate and care for plants," said Friess. "The process can be very rewarding." Hooper said a valuable learning tool of the greenhouses is they allow students to encounter and work through problems
Planting seeds - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Seeds are an important part ofthe horticultural industry. At Oklahoma State, seeds help develop plants, as well as students andfaculty. Photo by Rochelle Henderson.
like fungus, insects, soil issues and water management. Students must learn how to "get out of trouble" when adverse conditions arise, he said. One day a student's plant can be growing well, said Hooper, but by the next day, the plant could be wilted. "It is really trial and error," said Morris. "You must try different strategies to find what works best for each plant." Before gaining experience in the greenhouses, students do not realize what is involved with growing a crop, said Hooper. Once they complete their course work, students gain an appreciation for the projects they have completed, he said.
Cavins said the horticulture degree program also requires a three-month internship that helps further prepare upcoming graduates to enter the business world. At first, students may not realize the benefits of the greenhouses, but they appreciate the experience later, he said. No matter the background, age or major of the students gaining first-hand knowledge through their use of the teaching greenhouses at OSU, one thing is certain: Students are able to cultivate their occupational skills to improve their qualifications when it comes to finding a fulltime job in the horticultural industry. CJ
Learning by doing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Students in Doug Needham's Introduction to Horticulture course, HORT I 013, work with plants during lab in the teaching greenhouse. Photo by Rochelle Henderson.
Cowboy Journal 23
CJ Reed plays like a pro By Courtney England Panama, Okla. You put on your uniform, pull up your boots and strap on your helmet, preparing yourselffor a sport of intense, physical endeavor. You grip a mallet and proceed onto the playingfield, riding a flawless masterpiece that is ready for a challenge. The game begins. Sounds of mallets cracking, horses running and crowds cheering give you strength and determination throughout the game. Youve spent long, rigorous hours training a champion to run 100 yards at 35 miles per hour. You're filled with adrenaline as hard work and dedication pay off when your hot-blooded Thoroughbred bumps a 1,000-pound opponent and then stops on a dime to turn and race the opposite direction with poise, grace and enthusiasm. During the excitement, you are constantly aware ofdefending opponents, while remaining agile as you score the winning goal with the swing ofa mallet.
Polo is a sport that requires ultimate skill and fitness from the participant and horse. John Luke Reed, a senior in the Oklahoma State University Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, has played polo for three years and is one of the first members of OSU's polo team. "Dana Donaldson got me interested in polo," said Reed. "I was in the OSU Horseman's Association, and he gave a presentation over polo that sparked my interest to learn the game." Donaldson, who has played polo for more than 46 years, said he was impressed by the interest the group had in starting a polo team, especially Reed's interest. "Luke's first question after the presentation was 'Do we have to wear those funky white pants?"' said Donaldson, who works in the petroleum industry. "I told him you wear white pants to play football and baseball. He then asked me if they had to ride on those funky saddles. I said 'No, yo u can ride your Western saddle, bur I wager you'll only do it once because you will be singing in the soprano chorus."'
24 Cowboy Journal
Luke Reed has responsibilities at school and home. His daily ritual is caring for all the horses, but he enjoys spending every chance he gets with them in the great outdoors. Photo by Courtney England.
Donaldson and Del Craig, a sales manager for Nelson Storm in Rockford, Ill. , helped Reed start OSU's first polo team. Donaldson said the most difficult part of the process was getting the team approved by the U.S. Polo Association and finding a faculty adviser. Their hard work and persistence was successful when OSU approved the polo team in 2002. After the approval, Donaldson and Craig spent many hours with the team, sharing their extensive polo expertise with the new players. Reed's unlimited enthusiasm to learn the game and to make the polo team a success led him to take the reins as OSU's Polo Club president. "Luke is a natural born leader," said Donaldson. "His abilities as a leader are outstanding, and he is as smart as a tree full of owls." Reed was attending OSU playing baseball at the time he became intrigued by polo. However, his passion for horses and sports influenced his decision to quit baseball and start a polo ream. "I enjoy playing polo because I love horses and I love sports," said Reed. "Since
polo is a combination of the two, it is a great fit for me." After joining the university's team, Reed's polo career soared to new heights when he was honored with a professionalpolo raring from the U.S. Polo Association in 2004. A polo raring is known as a handicap in polo. It is a way to measure the overall ability of the player. Each player's abilities can be compared and measured on a scale from negative two to 10, with 10 being the best players. Ratings are based on the player's skills as a polo player and his or her abilities riding a horse. "I just started playing college polo, and then I think the Lord blessed me with the sport and said 'Here, this is your job,"' said Reed. He has played for various reams since his professional-polo debut in April 2004. He plays indoor and outdoor polo professionally and for the university. In the summer of 2004, he played with the U.S. Polo team against Canada in Indio, Calif., and, shortly after, took a job in Seattle. "I think Luke lives, breathes and ears polo," said Donaldson.
Reed has played with numerous teams and has traveled co the Pacific Northwest; Dallas; Fayetteville, Ark.; and Wichita, Kan. Reed was offered the opportunity to play polo internationally but declined it for other jobs in the United States. "I don't have the time to travel internationally right now," said Reed. "I do plan to eventually play polo in Argentina and maybe England. "I wane to go to Argentina more than anywhere because chat is the best polo in the world. Probably 98 percent of the toprated players are from Argentina. " Reed said he has enjoyed his experiences traveling the country. During the summer of 2004, he played in eight states he had never visited. "I have had the time of my life traveling around the United States," Reed said. "I have seen things I had never seen before. In Seattle, I thought it was cool chat I had co cake the horses across the Puget Sound on a ferry." Even though Reed said he enjoys traveling the country, he remains an Oklahoman at heart. The son of Brian and Gwyn Reed, the 23-year-old grew up in Guymon, Okla., where his family was in the cattle business. During high school, he worked on a ranch where some of his responsibilities included mending fence, doctoring cattle and - his favorite - riding horses. Reed trains and cares for 12 horses donated co the polo team from ocher polo players. He spends four hours a day practicing polo with the horses. Reed and two other men from the OSU polo team live on a 116-acre farm just south of Stillwater. The farm is rented; however, the team is in the process of purchasing the farm. Donaldson said living on the farm makes it easier for Reed, as well as the ocher polo players, co access the horses. "Two days during the week I practice stick-and-ball to better my mechanics, " Reed said. "The other two days I build the horses' wind by putting chem into a long-jog, which is a trot for 20 minutes and canter for 15 minutes." Reed spends an hour a day working our or watching video of ocher polo players. He usually spends his workouts swimming or riding a bicycle. "You don't wane co gee sore because muscles aren't chat big of a deal, " Reed said. "It's more about staying fie. "
Reed's leadership skills have impressed many polo players by building OSU's polo team in a short period of time. "I think OSU has an outstanding team compared to other universities, " said Donaldson. "I have friends all over the nation who play polo, and they cold me they have heard positive things about chis team. I wouldn't be surprised if they played in the national championship." Reed's roommate Brock Arnold, animal science senior, is also a member of the OSU Polo Team. Aside from a full-rime class schedule and playing polo, Reed and Arnold teach the basics of riding horses and playing polo to 20 OSU students. "We mainly teach people how to ride on an English saddle," said Arnold. "Riding on an English saddle is different than riding on a Western saddle." Reed and Arnold teach lessons on the farm where they live and charge students a riding fee or a polo fee. The money from the lessons goes straight to the polo team and is used for the team's traveling expenses and horses. Reed recruited Arnold for the polo team when Arnold was attending Guymon High School. Arnold became interested and started playing polo before he graduated from high school.
"It's unbelievable how far Luke has brought the polo team," said Arnold. "He has done a great job. " When the team started, they had no equipment. Arnold's parents and Reed's parents have helped the team with traveling expenses and equipment. "I am thankful to my parents and Luke's parents," said Arnold. "We didn't having anything when we started the polo team, so my parents bought the ream a truck and Luke's parents bought us a trailer co help get us started." After Reed graduates in December with a Bachelor of Science degree, he wanes co pursue his polo career to cry and achieve his No. 1 goal as a polo player: to be a 10-goal player. He is currently ranked a one-goal player. Reed said he eventually wanes co own his own business, bur he is not sure what kind. Reed juggles his educational responsibilities and his polo career carefully because of the time commitment each requires. During the week, he cakes care of his responsibilities at home and at school. On weekends, he plays polo. "I am constantly practicing or going co school," he said. "I don't know how I do it. God has His way with things, and it just seems co work out." CJ
Taking care of business - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Luke Reed comes home to 12 mouths to feed. Money made from teaching polo and giving riding lessons helps pay for the horses'feed. Photo by Courtney England.
Cowboy Journal 25
Tbinqs todo at osu By Jamie King Tiffin, Ohio "These are the best years of your life" is a statement often heard by college students. But how do you actually make the most of your time spent at OSU? Oklahoma A&M College began in 1890 as the land-grant institution in Oklahoma. It was renamed Oklahoma State University in 1957. Since 1890, many traditions have grown and evolved to make the Stillwater community and OSU campus a place truly rich in tradition. Through the help of alumni and students, the Cowboy journal has compiled a list of the places to visit in Stillwater, OSU traditions and how to have the best experience during your time at OSU. This list is in no particular order, but make sure you try to accomplish as many of the items as possible to have the true "Cowboy" experience. 1. Explore everything the Student Union has to offer; you never know what you will find.
2. 3. 4.
"Cowboy sporting events are a great chance to show your school spirit while hanging out with friends, especially during football and men's basketball games. "- Jake Dooley, agricultural economics alumnus '05 5.
9. 10.
12. 13. 14.
26 Cowboy Journal
Browse Heritage Hall, the OSU sports museum, in Gallagher-Iba Arena to learn about Cowboy sports. Try to outsmart the parking officials by parking at Agricultural Hall all day and not getting a ticket or by parking at a "failed" meter. Gain the "freshman 15 " from all the great restaurants and establishments in Stillwater.
Homecoming 8.
Homecoming week is a university-wide event. From pomping house decorations to painting windows, OSU students get involved with the week. Photo courtesy of OSU Alumni Association.
Tour Old Central to understand the history of OSU. Hang out at Theta Pond. Attend Cowboy sporting events.
Experience the "Greatest Homecoming Celebration on Earth" and all the activities that surround the week. Play some games at the Homecoming Harvest Carnival. If you are in a fraternity or sorority, spend hours (and hours and hours) pomping for house decorations. Attend Walkaround on Friday night before the game and look at all the house decorations. Attend the Cowboy Craze Pep Rally in the stadium. Watch the Sea of Orange Homecoming Parade Saturday morning. Cheer for the Cowboy football team during the game.
"Homecoming is a great chance to catch up with friends while attending as many homecoming activities as possible, both as a student and as alttmni. " - Erika Brooks, horticulture alumna '02
15. Work off some of the freshman (or sophomore, junior or senior) 15 at the Colvin Center. 16. Have pizza delivered to yo ur residence between the hours of 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. 17. Browse through all the books, CDs and movies at Hastings. 18. Get a coney and cheese tots at Coney Island on the Strip. 19. Watch Varsity Revue and Freshmen Follies with a group of friends. 20. Camp out for hours (or days) with all of your friends to be the first one into a men's basketball game. 21. Understand all of the common Cowboy terms: Bedlam, Bullet, Spirit Rider, Pistol Pete, The Walk, Waving Wheat and OSU Spirit Run. 22. Get an internship (or two).
"Not only do internships look great on a resume, but also internships contain many benefits for a student. Through my first internship, I was able to become acquainted with a professional work environment and get a better understanding of what I feel I would like to spend the rest of my life doing. " - Amber Vaughn, agribusiness and marketing senior 23. Donate blood at one of the many blood drives on campus. 24. Attend Orange Peel. 25. Play pitch or dominoes with your friends between classes. 26. Catch up with the "ag crowd" while eating at the Dairy Bar. 27. Charge just about anything to your bursar account. 28. Gather all your friends for a road trip to attend an away football or basketball game. 29. Tailgate before, during halftime and after football games. 30. Get a parking ticket.
44. Eat free pancakes at the Student Union during finals week. 45. Gather up all your friends once a week to watch a TV show, rotating houses each week and cooking dinner and dessert for each other. 46. Park in the very last row of the overflow parking lot and wonder why you bought a silver lot parking pass.
"Who needs to go to the Colvin for exercise when you get all the exercise you need walking from the last row ofoverflow. " - Julia Burnett, agricultural economics alumna '00
Stillwater dining OS U students spend a lot oftime eating at all the great restaurants in Stillwater. From Mexican to seafood to pizza to barbecue, Stillwater has it all. Photo by Jamie King.
31. Try to appeal the parking ticket. 32. Continue to get more parking tickets, forget to pay them and get a "boot" on your vehicle. 33. Walk around Boomer Lake. 34. Join a city softball league. 35. When it is warm enough, catch some rays, relax and swim at the Colvin Center's pool. 36. See a movie at the Student Union. 37. Play sand volleyball on campus. 38. Sit outside of the library when classes change and watch all the people. 39. Go to Wal-Mart at 5 p.m. along with every other person within 25 miles of the Stillwater city limits. 40. Next time go to Wal-Mart at 2 a.m. and compare the difference from your 5 p.m. experience. 41. Join and be active in one (or more) student organizations on campus.
"Student organizations give students many opportunities that they otherwise would not be able to have, like the opportunity to travel around the nation very inexpensively to go to conferences. Also, being involved in student organizations allows you to make many close friends who are taking the same classes and are interested in similar things. " - Justin McConaghy, agricultural economics and agricultural education senior 42. Go bowling at Frontier Lanes. 43. Read the O'Colly and check out your daily horoscope.
47. Vote during Student Government Association elections. 48. Study abroad. 49. Play an intramural sport. 50. Set foot inside the Edmon Low Library at least once as a student. 51. Get lost inside the library because it is the first time you ventured into it. 52. Enjoy Lake Carl Blackwell by swimming, water skiing, fishing or horseback riding. 53. Ride "The Bus" at least once. 54. Chalk a message for your student organization on the sidewalk. 55. Attend one of Preacher Bob's "classes" on the library lawn. 56. Bike at Lake McMurtry. 57. Enjoy all the live music Stillwater has to offer.
"Red dirt music is real to what happens in Stillwater. just listening to the music brings back great memories ofattending Oklahoma State University. " - jean Bond, agricultural education alumna '03 58. Find an issue to feel strongly about and write a letter (or two) about it to the O'Colly. 59. Learn all the words to "Ride 'Em Cowboys" and "Alma Mater Hymn." 60. Wear orange on Fridays and any day OSU plays OU. 61. Try to finish the crossword puzzle in the O'Colly. 62. Visit the famous "Strip" during the evening hours. 63. Eat some cheese fries and buy a T-shirt at Eskimo Joe's. 64. Eat at the rest of The Fab 4 Restaurants (Mexico Joe's, Joseppi's and Stillwater Bay) but not necessarily all at one time. 65. Eat barbecue at Bad Brad's.
66. Enjoy some frozen custard or ice cream from Shake's. 67. Volunteer some of your time at the Stillwater Humane Society. 68. Buy something from the Stillwater auction channel. 69. Be a part of the Spirit Walk before home football games. 70. Eat some great Mexican food and enjoy the atmosphere at El Vaquero. 71. Attend a Bedlam sporting event. 72. Go to a football bowl game or a basketball tournament game. 73. Live in the residence halls for at least one year. 74. Enjoy off-campus housing. 75. Play practical jokes on your friends or roommates because it is a good way to postpone studying for a few hours. 76. Explore the stores and restaurants in downtown Stillwater. 77. Try out your golf swing at some of the local courses. 78. Appreciate the low cost of ramen noodles and macaroni and cheese. 79. Get some home cooking at Mom's Place with your friends. 80. Watch at least one men's basketball game in Gallagher-Iba, voted as America's No. 1 basketball arena by http://www.cbs.sportsline.com. 81. Almost get hit by a car in a crosswalk because the driver didn't see you crossing the street. 82. Be the driver who almost hits a pedestrian because you didn't see them. 83. Attend a wrestling match.
Transportation The campus bus system is a popular way for students to move around campus, especially from the last row of overflow. Photo by Jamie King.
Cowboy Journal 27
87. Buy and use an All Spores Ticket. 88. Swallow your pride and visit the Student Health Center when you are so sick you can barely get out of bed. 89. Visit your academic adviser; he or she will have good advice for you. "The CASNR faculty are some of the most helpfulpeople on campus and genuinely want students to have the best experience possible while at OSU Use your adviser for more than just getting cleared to enroll. They are a great resource for potential jobs, summer internships, advice for succeeding in classes or school sponsored study abroad. " - Amy Wolfrey, animal sciences alumna '04
OSU Library - - - - - - - -
The Edmon Low Library is a building all students should visit because it is full of useful resources. Photo by Jamie King.
84. Tour the Oklahoma Botanical Gardens and Arboretum. 85. Have some sort of computer problem that will require the Information Technology Department's help. 86. Collide with a biker because you didn't realize you were walking in a bike path.
28 Cowboy Journal
90. Actually buy the textbooks and materials that are required for your classes one semester. 91. Try to sell those books back at the end of the semester and cry when you learn there are new editions or the $80 book is now only worth $5. 92. Visit OSU and CASNR Career Services to learn the skills you need to get a "real" job. 93. When, and if, it snows, gather up all your friends and have a massive snowball fight.
94. Eat pizza at The Hideaway. 95. Eat at Shortcakes, no matter what time it is. 96. Eagerly file a diploma application your last semester because you are ready to get into the "real world." 97. Go to the Student Union bookstore and purchase a cap, gown and graduation announcements because you finally will receive your diploma. 98. Attend graduation and receive that piece of paper (actually just the holder for it) you have been working for since you first set foot on the OSU campus and became a Cowboy. 99. Wait patiently for your diploma to come in the mail so you can prove to your family and friends you actually are a college graduate. 100. As alumni, come back to campus often to visit your old stomping grounds and comment how things have changed since you were a student. Continue to proudly wear orange and black because you had the true "Cowboy" experience while a student at OSU. 101. And, as always, read the Cowboy journal as CASNR students and as CASNR alumni. CJ
Making college financing easier By Megan Pfeiffer Mt. Vernon, Ind. '1 don't think I can afford to pay for college tuition. " With the rising costs of college tuition, this is a common phrase uttered among prospective coll ege students , but there are many ways to change this negative attitude. Federal student aid is available to students whose parents cannot afford to pay for their child's college tuition. The use of financial aid is not uncommon in today's growing student body. Many students take advantage of government programs to help them achieve their educational goals. Ar first, financial aid applications can seem overwhelming, but, fear not, they are easy to fill out. "It took me 30 minutes to apply for financial aid using the Internet," said Jackie Walther, 2004 Oklahoma State University animal science/biotechnology graduate. Student financial aid is money the government provides you to pay for tuition, books, costs ofliving, transportation and other expenses you may incur while in college. Students can receive federal student aid in the form of scholarships, grants, work-study funds and loans.
Take time - - - - - - - - M arc Wells, a 2005 agricultural economics graduate, completes a Free Application fo r Federal Student Aid. Photo by Megan Pfeiffer.
"A great form of financial assistance is scholarships," said Cathy Bird, assistant director of record management and loan processing. "They are awarded through clubs, sports teams, colleges, departments, religious organizations, individuals and national programs. Like grants, scholarships do not have to be paid back, but students must re-apply for them annually." Grants are awarded based on the student's financial need. Unlike loans, grants do not have to be paid back. There are two types of national grants: Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants and Federal Pell Grants. FSEOG grants are given to students with the least amount of family financial contributions. According to the U.S . Department of Education Student Guide, Pell Grants help undergraduate students who have not earned a bachelor's or graduate degree. In addition to national grants, Oklahoma residents can apply for the Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant. ''Another type of financial assistance is a work-study allocation," said Bird. "This program provides jobs for students who need financial assistance. It gives them a chance to earn money to pay for school and living expenses they may have." Students must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid to be awarded work-study funds. Once students are eligible to receive work-study funds, they receive a set amount of money for the semester, which will be earned through their work-study job each week. Students normally work 10 to 15 hours a week, depending on their school schedule. Money earned each week is deducted from the students' work-study allocations. To earn work-study funds , students must find jobs designated for the workstudy program. These jobs exist on campus, as well as off campus. On-campus work-study jobs include working in computer labs or department and business offices. However, if you choose to work off campus, you can work for a community-service organization or another non-profit agency.
The last type of federal student aid is a loan. Just as the name implies, a loan is borrowed money and must be paid back. The amount of the loan depends on a student's financial needs. Loans also can be requested by completing the FAFSA. Adam Dye, 2005 agribusiness senior, came to OSU on a baseball scholarship. After playing baseball for a year, he stopped playing and began seeking financial assistance from the government. Dye said he is now using a Pell Grant to pay for his tuition. Federal Perkins Loans, Stafford Loans, PLUS Loans and Consolidation Loans are types of student loans. Federal Perkins Loans are given through OSU and have a fixed interest rate. Students have nine months after graduation to start paying back this loan. Stafford Loans are loans made through the U.S. Department of Education. However, the interest on this loan is only paid for the first six months you are in school. PLUS loans allow students' parents to take out a loan if a student is still claimed as a dependent. Consolidation Loans let the parents or the student combine several types of!oans. This also will combine many payments into one. Although there are many different loans, they do not pay for all of Dye's college expenses. He also works off campus for a local business owner where he does odd jobs and helps where needed. Instead of drawing a paycheck every week, he receives free rent for his work. To cover other living expenses, Dye began training hunting dogs for clients. He has trained dogs for personal use for 15 years, but he has only been training dogs for clients since August 2004. "I like training dogs because it is so hard to find a job in a college town, and I get to make my own hours, " said Dye. Although he has other resources, Dye said using financial aid is a good thing because it teaches students to grow up quickly by caring for themselves. Non-traditional students like Ron
Cowboy Journal 29
Taking turns ___ Adam Dye sends his dog Allie on a retrieve while Indie, a dog he trains, watches. Dye spends a majority of the spring and summer training and conditioning dogs to prepare them for the winter hunting season. Photo by Megan Pfeiffer.
Erkert also are putting themselves through college with the help of financial aid. Erkert is no stranger to college life; he earned his Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from the Institute of Mining and Technology at New Mexico Tech. He also earned his Bachelor of Science degrees in animal science and in veterinary science, as well as a doctorate of veterinary medicine from Texas A&M University. Currently, he is completing his doctorate in physiological science from OSU. "My parents offered to help me with what little they could when I began college," said Erkert. "Yet, since my father was between jobs, I did not want to ask chem for help." Erkert said he applied for scholarships, which put him through his first year of college. After the first year, it was hard for him to find scholarships for which he qualified, so he began to seek help from other places. In his second year of college, he began taking advantage of student loans. "I liked loans because they have low interest rates and they allow many people to go to school who may otherwise have not been able to go," said Erkert. ¡ When Erkert started his private veterinary practice in Colorado, he began paying back his loans. However, since he is in school again, the loan payments are on hold. Erkert receives grants for his research in the equine medical industry, but these
30 Cowboy Journal
grants mostly give him money to fund the study, not enough to live on. Therefore, he relies primarily on student loans. Students like Walther, who have graduated and have been in the workforce for six months, are required to begin paying back their student loans. Walther currently lives in Stillwater, Okla., where she works for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. "It is really hard when you are first starting out to think chat you have ro save enough money to pay for your daily living expenses and to pay off your student loans so quickly after graduation," said Walther. "Loans are a good thing because they allow you to focus on school without having to work a full-time job." Walther is originally from Colorado, which made her an out-of-state OSU student. With her excellent grades she acquired a tuition wavier. This waiver allowed her to receive in-state tuition, as long as her grades did not fall below a 3.0 grade point average. A few students take advantage of financial aid and have a full-time job. Marc Wells, a 2005 agricultural economics graduate, is one of these students. He worked at Lowe's as a department manager while he was a student. While in college, he was a manager who oversaw the flooring, appliance and cabinet departments. He worked 50 hours a week while attending 22 hours of classes during his last
semester at OSU. He said his professors worked with him and were understanding of his school and work schedule conflicts. Even though Wells worked full-time, he said student loans were a good thing. "I worked so much because it looked good on my resume, and I am saving for my future," said Wells. If you are wondering how you can receive financial aid for your future, visit Room 119 Student Union, which is the OSU Financial Aid/Scholarship Office. "The staff can answer any questions you have, as well as provide you with needed information," said Bird. "The staff members strive to make the financial aid process as easy as possible for students. "Students need to apply for financial aid as soon as possible after the first of January," said Bird. There are many reasons to take advantage of federal student aid and government grants. Many OSU students make use of these government programs to earn a degree. Financial aid can help make a college education a reality for many people who believed college was out of their reach.
The FAFSA 1s ava1lab!e in the /Jnancia! a1d of.ice, as we!! as on!ine at http://www.fafsa.edgov. You also can obtain a paper form by calling 1-800-4-FED-AID. CJ
Cowboy Journal 31
OSU students soak up Italy By Dara Smith Oklahoma City Famous for its wine, people, history and beauty, Italy has revealed its innermost secrets to Oklahoma State University students during a summer trip. Students traded in their homework assignments and hours of class time to experience Italian culture, history and agriculture. "Students who go on study abroad feel like it's the most memorable thing done at OSU," said David Henneberry, assistant dean of international programs in agriculture. A student can tour Ira,ly and receive three credit hours in the area of humanities and international dimension for a two-week study, pending all assignment requirements are met. However, there is potential to earn up to four credit hours. On the tour, students visit museums to see famous works of art, exchange ideas with Italian professors and develop an understanding of how Italian culture and history interact. Visiting one of the oldest places in the world, students get to see all the big attractions Italy has to offer like Rome, Venice, Florence and the Tuscany area. The attractions included such greats as the Coliseum, "David" by Michelangelo, inventions by Leonardo da Vinci, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and Italian vineyards. The students also compared the cultural and economical differences that exist between northern and southern Italy. Caro Kauffman, animal science junior, went with a group of 18 in May 2004. She said the trip was amazing. "[Italy] was so warm and down to earth and the most real experience," said Kauffman. "I couldn't have made a better
32 Cowboy Journal
decision to go because now I have a new perspective on life." The experiences of traveling to Italy equip students with knowledge, networking opportunities and a chance to really see a unique way of living, said Henneberry. Two professors co-founded this unique study abroad course in 2002. David D'Andrea, assistant professor of history, and Leon Spicer, professor in animal science, head this project. D'Andrea's extensive knowledge with this fascinating region began with his graduate studies. He earned his doctorate in Italian Renaissance history and was a former Fulbright scholar to Italy. He has traveled throughout the country and has developed many professional contacts. D'Andrea is fluent in Italian and continues to study the country. The importance he sees in Italy is its timeless traditions. Through preserving heir-loom crops, maintaining quality and
Shopping in Venice _ _ _ _ __ Tracy H anger, agricultural communications alumna, investigates different stores on the streets ofVenice. Photo by Rachel Bobbitt.
creating the same great foods for generations, they are able to keep their unique culture alive, said D'Andrea. Maria Spicer, assistant professor of nutritional sciences, took some students from the College of Human Environmental Sciences and the College of Education to see Italy in May 2004. With her extensive knowledge of international foods, she emphasized the unique features of the Italian diet while students enjoyed exquisite Italian food. Italians are not caught up in the large scale, fast-as-possible farming or living; however, this does not mean they are not advanced or not interested in efficiency and food safety, said D'Andrea. They use technology to improve efficiency and preserve traditions. One of the relationships to emerge from D'Andrea's trips to Italy has been the agreement with the Cassamarca Foundation of Treviso, a nonprofit foundation dedicated to the preservation of the Venetian landscape and rural culture. The Cassamarca Foundation provided OSU students with a place to stay that is similar to dorms. The facility also has a cafeteria and a computer facility that was redone from a pair of silos. Students get a little taste of familiarity with these conveniences. Jamie Hendrickson, agricultural communications and animal science junior, said she had never been out of the country before this opportunity. "It was really neat to see things without my parents," said Hendrickson. "Ir . . was an eye-openmg expenence. "I am more confident and indepen-
dent than I was ¡ besomething new, " said fore I went to Italy," Spicer. "I like to see said Hendrickson. their eyes bug our at "Also, it was a great all the new sights." addition to my reHowever, students sume." could visit places Another perk of important to them. study abroad through Jenna Noah, animal OSU is students alscience junior, said ways see features a the trip was structured regular person could but still allowed for not get through a free time so students travel agency, said could make the trip Henneberry. He also more personalized. said through connecNoah decided to tions from professors visit Pompeii with involved in the trip, three other students students get to see and Spicer, she said. real life in Italy. That was her favorite The professional part of the trip. In docontacts Spicer has at ing so, she got to see three Italian universi- When in Rome ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - something that was ties allowed OSU to Students from the colleges of agricultural sciences and natural resources, human environmental sci- important to her in obtain a memoran- ences, and education visit Roman sites: Kasey Ward (back row left), Arron Edwards, Heather DuPuy, addition to seeing all dum of understand- William Enright, Sara Hicks, Tami Bateman, Darcy Bowers, Tracy Hanger. Rori Morrow, (front row the scheduled spots. left) Star Smith, Lexie Lain, Leon Spicer, Rachel Bobbitt, Jamie Hendrickson, andJennifer Schultz. ing with each one. Noah said the difA memorandum Opposite page (left top) group in Rome, vineyard in Agriturismo and group in Borro. Below: town ferences between the of understanding is ofBurano, dairy with water buffalo and Venice. Photos by Rachel Bobbitt. northern and southan agreement of a ern regions of Italy study exchange program among the uniagriculture as a life," said D'Andrea. were really brought to life because of the versities involved. D'Andrea said students are amazed time allowed to see the locals. She said the Students visited the University of way oflife is simpler and easier, and it was because the family farm in Italy is about Padua, the University of Bologna and the two to three acres, not 1,000 or more acres. motivation for her to keep her life simple University of Milan. D'Andrea and Spicer Italians will not settle for a product that is and enjoy it. both emphasized these universities desire "You can talk to locals and really see not local or for something that does not a U.S. agricultural school to be involved people and how they interact," said Noah. taste like it did 100 years ago. This is just with their study program as a way to proone of the unique components students "It was absolutely amazing. " mote a cultural exchange. see on the trip, said D'Andrea. Henneberry said only 2 percent of The Italian universities also are students travel abroad during their acaSpicer, who studies dairy cattle and interested in schools like OSU because reproductive endocrinology, took the studemic career. He desires to increase those they feel this is where the real America is, dents to observe a dairy that milked only numbers because of the networking opsaid D'Andrea. The east and west coasts water buffalo. portunity and personal growth it provides do not provide the Italians with what the to students. This farm had its own factory that Midwest can, said D'Andrea. This is why made mozzarella cheese, so students got a For information about international he is so passionate about continuing the travel, go to the CASNR International Profirst-hand experience with vertical integrarelationship with Italy to stay connected tion. This is not something a student can grams Office in 139 Agricultural Hall call with family-operated farms. (405) 744-5398, or visit the Web site at see every day, said Spicer. "It's not about production; it's about "I like to make sure students see www. dasnr.okstate. edulinternational. CJ
Cowboy Journal 33
c1 What can I do with a major in
? I
By Meriruth Cohenour Claremore, Okla. You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourselfany direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the guy who'll decide where to go. - D r. Seuss "What can I do with that major?" might be the most frequently asked question to advisers from students in the O klahoma State University College of
Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. But when the answer "anything you want" just won't do, never fear; the answers might be closer than you think. T he college's nine departments offer students 14 different majors ·and three times as many degree options. T he names of these degrees might sound obscure, bur just as there are many names of degrees, many job opportunities are available for each major.
Agricultural Economics JIii' 01:'!,rel': Smdents learn to analyze rdationships among individuals, firms and snvice .1gencies to understand and solve problems in the agricultural industry. Oegrl'l' Optio11S: accounting double major, agricultural economics, agriculll1ral education double major, computer science double major, international .1gricultur,1I marketing Cinffr Opport1111ities: Agricultural L'ninomists have a wide variety of options from which to choose. ( ;raduates often enjoy working in financial institutions, accounting firms .111d pharm,tcL'Lllical companies. A 1tll'l'1T yo11 111~f!,ht Jl/)t ht1fll' tho11gh1 o( "I use the economics knowledge I learned ,ll ( )Sl I L'wry day, .111d I also have a bL'llL'r understanding of how the production side of 1hi, bw,inL·,s works because of d1L· coursL·s I wok that dealt with horticulture and ,oil " ·i,·nn·." ,.,id Lindsey Pounds, s.1ks representative for E&J Callo Winery and 2004 .1grind1ur.d L'LOn<lllliL·s alumna.
Environmental Science The Degree: With increasing environmental concerns, the need for environmental scientists is on the rise. However, a degree in environmental science goes far beyond recycling old cans and turning off the light when you are not home. Graduates with this degree will be prepared to improve the current and future condition of the Earth and its resources. Degree Options: environmental policy, natural resources, water resources Career Opportunities: Many graduates move on to law school or work for the government to analyze policy or lobby for environmental law. Graduates also work with environmental regulation and compliance.
34 Cowboy Journa l
The Degree: The Earth's forests depend on the help of professional foresters for continued productivity and viability. A degree in forestry trains students to solve problems concerning the diverse resources of forests including timber, water and wildlife. Degree Options: forest ecosystem science, forest management, natural resources conservation and management, urban and community forestry Career Opportunities: Land acquisition, harvesting, milling and research are always popular choices for a graduate of forestry; however, graduates also have been successful in public relations and policy making. A career you might not have thought of "One of our graduates was the park manager for Glacier National Park," said Chuck Tauer, professor in the department of forestry. "We also had a graduate who managed a large grassland in Kansas, even though you would not think of grasslands being related to forestry."
Agribusiness Jhe 01grl'l': A graduate with an agribusiness degree is well trained for analyzing business- rdatnl problems and making financial decisions. Oigree Optio11S: business management, farm and ranch management, finance, management, marketing, pre-law, pre-vl'terinary C1recr Opport1111i1ies: In the courtroom, at the bank and in the fidd, agribusiness majors can be found almost anywhne. Many sales representatives and vetninarians choose an agribusiness degree to help with the business aspect of their careers. A ml'i'cr )'OIi 111igh1 110! ht1/II' thought o( "My agribusiness course work hdped me understand futures markets that hdped me an1uire a grain mcrchandisn job at Archn 1hnids Midland," said Jamb Ebnhan. 2004 agribusiness alumnus.
Landscape Contracting The Degree: Similar to landscape architecture, but without the focus on desip.o4 arrangement, a degree in landscape contracting allows midenu to learn the details pf construction and management as they relate to landscape development. Career Opportunities: Landscape contractors arc often managers, supervisors and coordinators for their architectural counterparts. Landscape maintenance firms • hire many graduates.
Animal Science ilH' Degree: After graduation, srudents will have extensive knowledge of animal nutrition, breeding, reproduction and the animal production industry as a whole. Students who travel on the food industry path will learn how food is produced, manufacrured and marketed. Degree Options: agricultural communications double major, agricultural education double major, animal biotechnology, business, food industry, food science, international, livestock merchandising, pre-veterinary, production, ranch operations C{lrecr Opportunities: Careers in the animal science industry include farmers, ranchers, sales representatives, food engineers, public relations advisers, as well as many other livestock-related jobs. A C{lrccr_you might not h{lve thought of "Although it was a few years ago, the business and management skills I learned at OSU still help me today," said Darrell Bilke, executive vice president and chief operating officer of the Pinto Horse Association of America and 1975 animal science alumnus.
Plant and Soil Sciences The Degree: A plant and soil sciences degree prepares students in plant genetics, crop production, range science, and the biological and physiological aspects of soil and plants. Degree Options: agronomy, biotechnology, business, crop science, rangeland ecology and management, soil science Career Opportunities: Seed and feed companies are always looking for new graduates. Many plant and soil graduates can be found in Cooperative Extension Service and research jobs.
Agricultural Education The Degree: An agricultural educa-
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology The Degree: A broad background in chemistry and biology provides students the
tion degree provides well-rounded training for students who wish to contribute to education in formal and informal settings while developing leadership with hands-on experience. Degree Options: horticulture double major, leadership and service, teaching Career Opportunities: Although the obvious career choice is teaching, many graduates find careers in public service with the Cooperative Extension Service or with the government.
education to influence the progress of medicine and agriculture. Degree Options: biochemistry and molecular biology, pre-medical and pre-veterinary science Career Opportunities: Graduates have career opportunities in the areas of biomedical research, agricultural chemical production and food-packaging development. A career you might not have thought of "Most of our graduates go to professional schools for general medicine, dentistry, podiatry, pharmacy, ophthalmology or veterinary science," said Patricia Ayoubi, biochemistry and molecular biology professor.
A career you might not have thought of "I decided I didn't want to teach, so I started my own livestock consulting business," said Kay Garrett, 2004 agricultural education alumna. "My classes at OSU taught me about people skills and how to get organized, which are very important in my business."
Landscape Architecture The Degree: Creativity and a love of landscaping are requirements for a degree in landscape architecrure. Students study outdoor spaces, art, ecology. horticulture and construction, as well as planning and designing of natural and artificial landscapes. Career Opportunities: Landscape architects are usually found surveying the land for their next project. They can be seen in city parks, hotel atriums, zoos, golf courses and country homes. A career _you might not have thought of "There are large landscaping firms all over the world that hire our graduates," said Margaret Struble, administrative as\istant, department of horticulture and landscape architecture.
Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering The Degree: Biosystems and agricultural engineering
Entomology The Degree: In addition to the study of arthropods, ento-
students learn to create and modify technology to increase efficiency of agricultural production, processing, storage and distribution. Real-world experience is abundant as students have the opportuniry to solve complex problems. Degree Options: bioprocessing/biotechonology, biomechanics, environmental science/natural resources, food processing Career Opportunities: Food processing plants, irrigation businesses and waste management companies use engineers. A careeryou might not have thought of "We have a graduate working for the state department," said Steven Fowler, BAE recruiter. "He is a securiry engineer and travels the world."
mology students also learn the biological and physiological importance of insects as they relate to food, fiber, disease and medical research. Career Opportunities: Extension offices and research facilities are the most common places to find entomologists, but graduates also can obtain jobs with pesticide companies. A career you might not have thought of "Medical entomologists are valuable resources for the United States military because they help with insect-related problems such as diseases, infections and control," said Jack Dillwith, professor in the department of entomology and plant pathology.
Cowboy Journal 35
Horticulture lhe Degree: Pretty flowers and lush green grasses are just the beginning of a degree in horticulture. This degree teaches students about the culture, production and preservation of flowers, trees, shrubs, turf grass, vegetables, fruits and nuts. Commercial and private sectors of the agricultural industry rely on trained horticulturists to solve problems associated with the nation's beauty and food supply. Degree Options: horticulture, public horticulture, turf management Career Opportunities: Creenhouses and floral shops are teeming with horticulturists, and graduates also serve as consultants for seed and fertilizer companies. Turf managers are in high demand for golf courses and sports arenas . A mrecryou might not have thought of: "Because there is always a high demand for golf course managers and greenhouse managers, our graduates are lucky because they have the opportunity to go just about anywhere they want," said Margaret Struble, administrative assistant, department of horticulture and landscape architecture.
Agricultural Communications The Degree: A degree in agricultural communications trains students to be well versed in journalism, public relations, marketing and other facets of communications. After graduation, agricultural communications majors will have the skills they need co inform che public about ways agriculture influences lives. Degree Options: agricultural communications, animal science double major Career Opportunities: Agricultural communications graduates work in almost every livestock breed association in the country, as well as in many major public relations firms, pharmaceutical companies and television programs. A career you might not have thought of ''At OSU, I gained great people skills through my classes and activities such as Agricultural Communicators ofTomorrow," said Jennifer Marcy, associate attorney at The Watkins Law Office in Rogers, Ark., and 1998 agricultural communications alumna. "ACT and Ag Ambassadors were really helpful. They developed my self-confidence chat let me achieve whatever I wanted to do."
Working to secure the future of agriculture in Oklahoma
"It is never too early to start planning for your career," said Amy Gazaway, career development coordinator of CASNR Career Services. Some students enroll knowing exactly where they want to work after graduation; others arrive with only a general area of interest, she said. With so many choices, it is easy to see you really can do ANYTHING with a degree from CASNR. It is up to you to define the career direction that is the best fit for your skills, interests, abilities, personality and life goals. For information, call CASNR Career Services at (405) 744-5395. CJ
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Taste how sweet it is By Carrie Leach Coyle, Okla. After a long day of gathering fr uit in the garden, the time comes to sample the crop. From a stained bushel basket, one chooses the brightest and plumpest of them all, the perfect raspberry. One bite and the sweet taste explodes. Imagine this same taste sensation, only with a rwist. What if that great taste was available in a line of salsas and barbecue sauces? The idea of using the sweet taste of raspberries in salsas and barbecue sauces may seem a little unusual, but that is what Wes Higgs, a 1999 graduate of Oklahoma State University and owner of Red River Gourmet Food Co. of Stillwater, Okla., produces today. By adding a touch of fruit to a traditional Bavor, he is putting a sweet rwist in a spicy dish. "I have always experimented with different recipes," said H iggs. "I like to make them my own by adding unusual ingredients to the mix." Higgs' first experience with raspberry salsa was in the early 1990s when a family member received a jar of raspberry salsa as a gift. T he flavor was unlike anything they had ever experienced. Thirteen years later, after trying numerous brands of salsa and not finding one he liked, Higgs remembered the unique taste of the raspberry salsa and set out to try to make his own. Higgs loved cooking, but he had no idea how to make salsa. He first learned how to make traditional salsa by searching the Internet for recipes. He learned everything he could on the different ways to make salsa and began adding raspberries to create his own recipe.
T he first batches were made from ingredients grown in his garden. Higgs was so excited about the outcome of his creation he began to share it. The positive response from those who sampled his salsa was overwhelming. "The ingredients I use are all natural with natural sweeteners," said Higgs. At the suggestion of a friend, Higgs attended a workshop at the Food & Agricultural Products Center to learn how to take a homemade food product from the kitchen to the market. "Much of our success is a result of our relationship with the Food &Agricultural Products Center," said Higgs. Higgs said his business would not exist today without the help of the FAPC. He credits Corey Stone, FAPC business and marketing specialist, as his adviser in the gourmet food business. "Corey is my contact, and his experience and expertise with gourmet foods and salsas has helped steer me in the right direction," said Higgs. "He helped me figure out if I wanted to go with retail or gourmet and if I wanted to consider selling wholesale to restaurants. Gourmet is wholesale for me because I don't have a retail front." Higgs chose to have gourmet retailers sell his product. Company's Coming II in Stillwater, Okla., was the first store to give him a chance. H e has now broadened that approach and has Red River Gourmet products all over Oklahoma in other whole foods srores. He also has a Web site where products can be purchased. "Every product is under the Red River
Gourmet label,"said Higgs. "We have no fancy names for our products. We call them what they are. We have mild, medium, hot and chipotle raspberry salsas, as well as hot and mild barbecue sauces." Another opportunity for a food business is private labeling. Higgs participates in private labeling on his barbecue sauces. Private labeling is where another company uses your product and sells it with their label. Private labeling can be profitable for a new start-up company. Higgs said he is trying to get in anywhere he can to create awareness of his product because his company 1s young. "Many of our clients interested in starting a food business already have a product they expect to market, often without regard to whether the market wants that product," said Stone. "Red River Gourmet took a more focused approach to the food business, primarily concentrating on the development and marketing of raspberry-Bavored condiments." The first step for Higgs was to finalize the formula fo r production into weights and measures that could be scaled-up from the small batches he created at home. The researchers at the FAPC produced 20 gallons initially, and after the calculations were made, the researchers went into the lab to make sure the pH was low enough to maintain shelf life. Darren Scott, FAPC sensory specialist coordinator, helped Higgs scale his raspberry salsa product. Scott said one of the concerns with Higgs' raspberry salsa was if the color would stay the nice purplish hue.
Cowboy Journal 37
"We were very lucky," said Scott. "Even when the raspberry salsa was heated to the correct temperature, the color remained consistent. "The more complex the formula, the more things that can go wrong," said Scott. "Having a nice simple formula is always easier to process." The next step was to provide samples for FDA requirement testing. Once the rests were passed, it was time to begin the "scale-up" production. "This was very exciting because I was begi-nning to see the fruits of my labor," said Higgs. "It took almost a year to develop the final formula because along the way I had to learn about processing, packaging, branding, distributing and marketing on a much larger scale." Stone said he believes Red River Gourmet's focus is the reason it has grown so quickly as a food business. "I think Wes Higgs had an advantage early on because he treated this opportunity like a business, rather than a hobby," said Stone. "This allowed him to make decisions based on research and analysis, rather than pure emotion." Stone said he also believes there is a world of opportunity for Red River Gourmet products. "Wes has grown the company at an ambitious pace, but even the markets he has opened are far from saturated," said Stone. "With careful planning, I expect this company could become a regional presence in the gourmet industry." As his sales volume grows, Higgs'
Sweet and
long-term plans are to build his own value-added facility. The plant would be for the use of Red River Gourmet, as well as other entrepreneurs, and would give Oklahoma another strong food-processing business. He said he believes the new jobs would be good for Oklahoma. " In the year following the scaleup in the lab, Red River Gourmet has entered 42 markers in Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Kansas, Missouri and Arkansas," said Higgs. "My longterm vision for the company is to keep
Working in the lab - - - - - - - - - - - - - - manufacturing and distributing a line Wes Higgs (left), owner of Red River Gourmet, inspects the raspberry salsa of gourmet food with Corey Stone. Photo by Mandy Gross. products that are With the variety that is in the marker competitive in the United Stares and fortoday, consumers have a wide array of eign markers," said Higgs. choices to fir any taste. With the new prodWith the success of his wildly popular ucts that will come out soon, who knows raspberry salsas and barbecue sauces, Higgs what the next food product entrepreneur plans to launch seven more raspberry might create. products soon. For those who have a great recipe that has either been in the family for years or a new idea for a product that would rake the industry by storm, the marketing specialists at the FAPC are able to provide their experience in the food industry. FAPC offers a Basic Training Workshop for those interested in starting their own business. Who knows? They too could put their own twist on a new and exciting Oklahoma dish. For information on Red River Gourmet and to find stores where the company's products can be purchased, visit its Web site at http://www. redrivergourmet. com. For information on the OSU Food & Agricultural Products Center or on its Basic Training Workshop, visit its Web site at http:!! www.fapc.biz or call (405) 744-6071 CJ tangy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-
Red River Gourmet products are available in mild, medium, hot and chipotle raspberry salsas, as well as mild and hot barbecue sauces. Photo by Todd Johnson. Photo on page 37 by Sheri lshmael-Waldrop.
38 Cowboy Journal
OSU helps 'high-tech' cows -z
By Bill Golightly Laverne, Okla Imagine the possibility of waking up in the morning, having a cup of coffee and eating your breakfast while monitoring your cattle from the comfort of your home. Is this too futuristic? The reality is closer than you might think. "Oklahoma State University and Cattle Traq have teamed up to develop a technology that could revolutionize cattle management practices," said Greg Vance, sales representative for Cattle Traq. Cattle Traq LLC, an affiliate of American Biomedical Group Inc. located in Oklahoma City, has developed software capable of monitoring cattle and recording internal body temperature. Cattle Traq is an integrated system of microchips located in ear tags, access control sensors and proprietary software. When these components work together, they can monitor an animal's movement, identify and determine its location, and give a reading of its internal body temperature, said Vance. "This can all be displayed on a laptop or yo ur home compurer," said Vance. Cattle Traq operates with radio frequencywaves sent from ear tags to software that decodes the signals and translates them into usable information. "Our Radio Frequency Identification or RFID chips are a recently declassified military technology and are able to send and receive signals on an ultra-wide-band frequency," said James Burgess, president of American Biomedical Group. The Cattle Traq system uses ear tags that contain a microchip, which holds data identifying the animal. RFID readers communicate wirelessly with the rags, and Cattle Traq's software reads and writes the data to and from the tags, said Burgess. "The internal body temperature is recorded by placing a patented bolus capsule in the animal's stomach," said Vance. The bolus also contains a chip that sends a signal. "The ear rag receives the signal from the bolus and sends it to the computer," said Burgess. "The bolus is made out of special material that withstands digestive acids
c ...,
First-hand knowledge jarred Shepherd, an animal science alumnus, worked with Cattle Traq technology as a student employee for the Willard Sparks BeefResearch Center. Photo by Bill Golightly.
from the stomach and is heavy enough so it is unable to pass through the animal," said Burgess. The software allows a person to read the location, measure the temperature and collect all the data that was previously stored on the tag, said Vance. The software also can store medical history and the animals' identification numbers. Only an individual with a password will be able to read the information from the tags, said Vance. "This software is not limited to reading Cattle Traq data," said Burgess. "It will be able to read and detect the technology that is used for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal Identification System chat will soon be mandatory." Cattle Traq tags detect the signal up to 2,500 feet, said Vance. "With previous systems, a user had to be close to the animal and scan every rag," said Steve Taylor, chief operating officer of American Biomedical Group. "Cattle Traq makes it possible to scan
numerous animals at once in an open field or pen," said Taylor. "Our technology allows a trailer loaded with cattle to pass within range of the transponders and detect every animal on the trailer simultaneously," said Taylor. Cattle holding facilities such as feedlots, sale barns and ranches will be able to use Cattle Traq in everyday chores. ''A feedlot manager will be able to print a list of animals that have high temperatures, which could help pen riders find sick animals and decrease death loss," said Vance. "In addition, veterinarians will have access to past medical records of animals, helping in the medical decision process." These chips also will allow ranchers to use pastures char are heavily covered in trees and brush. By having an RFID chip on every animal, they will be able to monitor the animals' positions and keep an accurate count on the cattle without having to spend an entire day wading through brush and trees, said Vance. When USDA's Animal Identifi.ca-
Cowboy Journal 39
"Herd management studies rion System is in place, sale that have never been acbarns will be able to scan an cessible due to the lack of animal for its ID number, this type of technology can download its history and now be achieved. OSU is pass it on to the buyer as providing leadership in chis they leave. exciting new frontier in the " With Cattle Traq, beef industry." trucks will be able to unload However, OSU will not and load faster and more efbe the only one to benefit ficiently," said Vance. from this partnership of Cattle Traq is working science and technology. on ways to help producers " By working with cut their operating costs. OSU, we will expand the "As demand for chis array of achievements and technology increases, the price for chis operating tool Technology advancements - - - - - - - - - - - - - possibilities," said Taylor. Radio Frequency Identification chips contain a battery the size ofa dime and can last "OSU is a premier univerwill decrease," said Vance. sity. The chance to say we Cattle Traq's Web sire up to 5 years. Photo by Bill Golightly. have worked with OSU in helps producers determine and discover new information that hasn't and developing our product will testing the price of installation and how much been done before," said Jason Banta, OSU give us great credibility to not only our Cattle Traq can save producers. animal nutrition graduate student. customers, but also to the beef industry "The Web site has a spreadsheet where The possibilities of Cattle Traq are as well." you can enter different percentages oflabor seemingly endless and have attracted the Vance said OSU's reputation as a costs, cattle prices, etc.," said Vance. attention of OSU faculty members. By leader in beef research made working with The spreadsheet will then calculate installing RFID chips at research farms like the university an obvious choice. the amount of money you can save by the W illard Sparks Beef Research Center, "It only seemed fitting that Cattle using chis technology, said Vance. new trials and new management practices Traq work with OSU," said Vance. "Cattle Universities will be able to use chis will soon be taking place, said David LalTraq is an Oklahoma company, and OSU technology to monitor animal behavioral man, beef cattle specialist for Oklahoma is a great university. The only logical place movements, detect eating and watering Cooperative Extension Service. for us to go would be OSU." habits, and develop new research areas that "Technological advancements of this For information about Cattle Traq, visit have previously been unfea?ible. type will enable OSU to be a front-runner "This technology has the potential http://www. cattle-traq. com. CJ in research development," said Lalman. to help OSU students with research trials
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40 Cowboy Journal
Ifs all in the roots By Mandy McNally Guthrie, Okla. Researchers at Oklahoma State University are getting to the root of the problem with soilborne wheat viruses. Jeanmarie Verchot, associate professor in the OSU Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, is creating a test for researchers by developing resistant wheat varieties ro prevent the soilborne wheat mosaic virus from spreading. Verchot graduated from Rutgers University in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science in genetics. In 1995, she completed her doctorate in microbiology from Texas A&M University. She then joined the plant pathology department at OSU in 1998. "Soilborne wheat mosaic virus is transmitted ro plants through the soil," said Verchot. "There are approximately 30 to 50 viruses that are known worldwide to be soilborne. This is not many." Viruses are typically vecrored to the wheat by insects, nematodes or fungi. Vectors carry a disease but are not infected by it. When the vector transfers the disease to the host, the host becomes infected. "Soilborne viruses are vectored by
Researching the roots - - - - Jeanmarie Verchot researches soi/bo rne wheat viruses in the lab at Oklahoma State University. Photos by M andy McNally.
a fungus, and we don't know anything about how fungi can transmit viruses," said Verchot. "We began to look at wheat roots infected with the fungal vector and, by using a labeling technique, we detected the virus inside the fungal spores and also other viral proteins." Many of the theories on which OSU researchers based their reasoning are being re-examined. The current work OSU is doing challenges the theories developed prior to the 1970s. Until recently, the soilborne virus was believed to be on the outside of the spores that attached to the root. Former theories also said proteins could not be produced inside the spores. "We now have a theory that the virus is intimately associated with the fungus throughout its life cycle," said Verchot. "Possibly the virus replicates inside the fungus, in which case the fungus is also a host for the virus and not just a benign vector." The wheat mosaic virus is known by farmers as a soilborne disease. The virus can cause up to an 80 percent loss in Oklahoma's winter wheat. "Soilborne viruses are difficult to kill because they persist in soil. Soil fumigation and chemical treatments do not work," said Verchot. "The best control is by developing resistant wheat varieties." Verchot said the research consisted of collecting roots from plants that were infected in the field, studying the roots under the microscope to find the fungus and then preparing histological samples that could be further analyzed for the presence of viruses. Butch Mason said he noticed the problems with his wheat more than 10 years ago. "I started noticing what seemed to begin as yellow spots on the leaves and then a thinning stand," said Mason, a custom cutter and wheat farmer from Meno, Okla. "I think the disease is something you have a little bit of all the time but may never really know what it is," said Mason. "I had about a 20 percent reduction in my yield, which can add up."
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Soilborne disease - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Oklahoma wheat fields have much to lose ifinfected by the wheat mosaic virus. Leaves ofthe infected plants will experience yellowish-green foliage. Researchers are developing varieties that are resistant to the disease in an effort to reduce yield loss. Photo by Mandy McNally.
T he wo rst place Mason has seen the disease is in Nebraska. Plants infec ted by the vi rus are often located in low-lying, wet areas. T hey are stunted and appear to have yellowish-green foliage. T he leaves seem to have a mosaic pattern with small green spots on a light green or yellowish backgro und. T he leaves also may have streaks, said Verchot.
OSU resea rch ers h ave rece ntl y expanded th eir wo rk ro survey ocher viruses cransm itted by fun gi to determine the nature of their associations. " I esse n t ially stud y di seases in w h ea t , p otatoes and tob acco," sa id Verchot. "I am beginning to work with laboratories in Texas, India and Uganda to study the plane viruses chat are agronomi-
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cally important to the life and culture of these respective regions." "This long- term proj ect can help fa rme rs save their money and crops," said Verchot. "The research benefits Oklahoma farmers. Ifwe learn how the virus gees into che plant and how it persists in the soil, we then can develop scracegies to eliminate the virus or co ntrol it. " CJ
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Money, money, money By Amanda Lockwood Fisher Glencoe, Okla. Jimmie Gaile Richards of Broken Bow, Okla., did not know much about IFMAPS until it saved her money. "When we first got the letter, we didn't understand what it was," said Richards. The Richards' family poultry operation was financed through a Hugo bank. They received a letter offering chem a free business planning service from the Intensive Financial Management and Planning Support program and a loan with a lower interest race. Richards said their yearly payments decreased by about $2,800 with the implementation of the business planning and the loan. The Richards family and other Oklahoma producers are among those celebrating the 20th anniversary of IFMAPS. IFMAPS was created in July 1985 at Oklahoma State University because of the farm crisis in the mid- co lace-'80s. With land prices and the markets declining, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension staff decided co do something. Ross Love, assistant director of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development Programs at OSU, developed the IFMAPS concept. He then recruited professionals who created software and trained specialists to go out and do oneon-one analyses with the producers. "There was a great need at that time for financial planning," said Randy True, IFMAPS Center supervisor. IFMAPS is funded from a grant through the Oklahoma Department ofAgriculture, Food and Forestry. This ensures farmers incur no expense while trying to get their finances in order, said True. Since it began, IFMAPS has helped more than 5,000 families in all 77 Oklahoma counties with business planning. For a farmer or rancher co use IFMAPS, the producer must first contact the IFMAPS office in Stillwater. IFMAPS assigns financial specialists to Oklahoma producers who are in need of business planning assistance. These specialists include extension area agricultural economists and part-time professionals with farming or ranching backgrounds. The
producer does not have to live in Oklahoma but must own a farm or ranch in the state to use IFMAPS ' free services. Once a specialist is assigned co the case, the producer and specialist arrange co meet for an information session. The producer provides the farm records and assembles the information. The IFMAPS specialist then uses the computer software co analyze the producer's data and generate alternative financial plans. The Oklahoma Agricultural Linked Deposit Program started in 1988. OALDP saves Oklahoma producers money by reducing rhe interest rate on qualifying loans. The producer must develop a financial plan with IFMAPS co apply for the loan. State funds are deposited with rhe producer's lender at a lower interest rare, which is then passed on to the producer. IFMAPS specialists help producers apply for this loan, which usually saves the producers thousands of dollars. Glen Vaughn of Warson , Okla. , heard about IFMAPS from the bank where he had borrowed money. Since using IF MAPS four years ago, he has saved about $16,000 in interest from OALDP. Damona Doye, OSU extension economist, said IFMAPS is a benefit because it offers the producer a third-party, objectIVe person. "Sometimes it's difficult for people co step back and look at their business critically because it's so personal co them, " said Doye. She also said IFMAPS encourages producers to use enterprise analyses to better invest their money. These analyses answer questions for the producer such as whether a lease will be profitable or whether stocker calves are a good use of finances, labor and resources m a given year. Doye said getting the information in black and white is important. People may have an idea of their financial plans, but formalizing the plan allows producers to make necessary adjustments before investing, which
may be crucial in deciding, for instance, whether there is enough income to bring back a second generation, she said. True said IFMAPS has stayed in operation for so long because of its quality and stability. He said many of the IFMAPS specialists have been with chem for 15 co 18 years, and the quality of the people associated with the program has added to its longevity. Harry Haefner of Perry, Okla., has been an IFMAPS specialist for nearly 18 years. Haefner retired from the U.S. Air Force, so he cook advantage of the G.I. Bill and went back to school. He joined the IFMAPS staff after taking Love's class. Haefner has helped nearly 1,00 0 Oklahoma producers in every part of the state since he became an IFMAPS specialist. He said IFMAPS helps producers gee a feel for how they're doing. "The profit margin on farming is so tight," Haefner said. "Efficient use of all resources is essential to maximizing profits." For Oklahoma farmers and ranchers today, business planning is a must. IFMAPS provides these services at no cost to the producer. And with the program's 20 years of experience, a producer cannot go wrong by using IFMAPS. For information, call the IFMAPS office at (BOO) 522-3755, or visit the Web site at http://agecon. okstate. edulifmapsl CJ
Rural Oklahoma gets an
EXTreme makeover Cooperative Extension style By Ashley Jenkins Duncan, Okla. In an effort to keep rural Oklahoma strong, the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service has offered grants to boost the economies of rural communities. With the increasing trend of people moving off the farm and into the city, Oklahoma's rural communities have declined. Main streets once thriving with shops and businesses are forced to close, leaving the towns bare and abandoned. The 2000 U.S. census showed citizens in rural Oklahoma communities suffer from low income due to low-paying jobs. Policy makers also have indicated there is a need for effective leadership in many of these communities. Low income levels relate to lower property values and less tax revenue, which, in turn, leads co less than adequate financing for local government and infrastructure development. "Rural Oklahoma communities face severe challenges as a result of changing demographics, advances in technology, globalization and rapid consolidation in the agricultural sector," said Joseph Williams, professor of agricultural economics at Oklahoma Scace University. "These [rural Oklahoma] counties face a declining population base and economy." An effort must be made to assist communities in developing the infrastructure to nurture a sustainable economy and improve their overall quality of life through the process of developing new leaders or improving the skills of persons already in a leadership role, said Williams. In 2002, federal lawmakers provided $1 million co the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service to bring aid to rural communities and address these issues. "The Initiative for the Future of Rural Oklahoma is a three-year pilot project funded through the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service to assist a limited number of eligible communities in addressing these issues," said Williams, initiative director. The initiative is designed to bring aid to rural communities facing challenging
economic situations. Throughout chis grant program, counties can apply for money to do a variety of things. The grant is given so communities can improve living conditions, along with the value of their town, said Williams. One way the grant helps is by training community members to become leaders who are involved and make their towns better places to live. The grant also can be used for beautification and restoration of the town's main streets and community areas. There are two types of grants offered. One-year grants focus on leadership training and skill building. The counties design a specific project they can implement to make their communities better and then are able to apply for funding for their project. In 2002, Blaine, Custer, Dewey, Cimarron, Coal, Greer, Jackson, Johnston, Kiowa, Payne, Pushmataha, Choctaw, McCurtain and Wagoner counties received one-year grants of $9,000 and provided $1,000 of their own money. The three-year grant also focuses on leadership training and skill building but requires the proposals to identify a project chat relates to leadership development and/or economic development. In 2002, Alfalfa, Murray and Washita counties received three-year grants. In February 2003, Murray County began its grant project. A committee was established to prepare the grant application. They decided tourism would be the main focus of their project. "Murray County is located in the heart of the Arbuckle Mountains and home to the Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Turner Falls and Arbuckle Wilderness," said Debbie Sharp, Murray County Extension educator. "Tourism accounts for approximately 25 percent of the total county budget." Their project is using the grant money to increase awareness of the tourism possibilities in Murray County. By attracting more people to visit rhe county,
the economy should increase, as tourists bring shopping dollars and a boost to local economies, said Sharp. "Through the grant, we are responsible for training the businesses of Murray County in the Oklahoma PRIDE program, which has been customized to fit the county," said Sharp. "To date, approximately 500 people have completed this training." The Oklahoma Producing Resourceful, Informed, Devoted Employees program is designed to train local business owners and employees in quality customer service techniques. It also helps them learn about highlights and tourist attractions in their area. Businesses that participated in the training include all six banks in the county, City of Sulphur employees, City of Davis employees, Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Stillwater Milling Co. and Sulphur High School students. Leadership Murray County is a leadership training program developed with the Southern Oklahoma Technology Center and the OSU Cooperative Extension Service as a result of the grant. It provided two leadership classes, graduating a total of 52 class members. Leadership Murray County is now a foundation operating under a board of directors. This year, more than $5,000 in sponsorships was raised to help continue the program, said Sharp. Sydnee Donaho, retail sales manager for Stillwater Milling Co. in Davis, Okla., and Leadership Murray County participant, said the program has not only helped her in business, but also has helped her on a personal level. "I have been able to get out in the public and actually get to know people that I see casually every day," said Donaho. "I have made many new friends, as well as business contacts." Donaho said she has become more involved in the community and is now active in the Chamber of Commerce. She also has been named Leadership Murray County chairwoman. "Our local business at Stillwater Milling Co. has improved because I am out there talking to people and making them aware of the services we offer," said Donaho. "My big thing is to have contacts because you never know when a situation is going to come up when you need someone's expertise." In addition to the leadership project,
Murray County's tourism project also has improved. In an effort to increase awareness about the tourism options available in Murray County, Sharp said the chambers of commerce of Sulphur and Davis have joined forces. They held a joint auction to raise money for their counties and have held many other community events. The two towns are working together to bring tourists to their communities. The initiative grant was designed for this type of community involvement, said Sharp. "The Murray County Tourism Task Force is also a product of the grant," said Sharp. "This task force meets monthly and has created the Strategic Action Plan for Murray County. One of the most noticeable items that has been completed is the development of a Murray County logo that will appear across the county on signage, letterhead and all advertising." The initiative program also has been at work in Johnston County. Johnston County Initiative Director Ginny McCarthick said the grant has been very helpful in making the community nicer. "Many store buildings on Main Street were empty," said McCarthick. Using the grant, the community developed an organization to meet those needs. The team's mission is "making Tishomingo a place where people want to live and work." The group began its mission by forming committees to tackle issues such as beautification of the community, development of new businesses, promotion of the area attractions and leadership development, said McCarthick. "There are currently no empty store buildings on Main Street," said McCarthick. "We have seen new businesses started and existing buildings improved. Committees are exploring grant opportunities for development and beautification projects such as infrastructure and sidewalks. At the end of the first grant cycle, two city blocks have been renovated and storefronts improved, creating a much more visually attractive city." Where there were once closed shops, empty buildings and a declining population, there is new hope. The initiative grant has helped rural communities pave the way to success. For more information on the initiative or how to get your county involved in the grant program, visit http://ifro.okstate.edu. Photos by Ashley Jenkins. CJ
cl Cattlemen earn credits By Lindsey Linney Wilburton, Okla Oklahomans take pride in their cattle and pay close attention to the quality of cattle they produce. One way to continue this success is through programs like the Master Cattleman Project. "The cattle industry is a shaky business to be a part of," said Danny Cook, Roger Mills County Cooperative Extension Service educator. "This industry requires a lot of knowledge. The Master Cattleman Project gives the participants an extremely great supply of information for the future of their operations." Oklahoma State University is a source of information for cattlemen across Oklahoma. The Master Cattleman Project started when Damona Doye, OSU extension agricultural economist, and David Lalman, extension beef cattle specialist, joined with Oklahoma Cooperative Extension offices to provide the program. Oklahoma
46 Cowboy Journal
fifth in the nation for cash receipts from the marketing of cattle, according to the Oklahoma Beef Council, and ranks third nationally in beef cows. Designed to improve participating members' efficiency in production and business management, the Master Cattleman Project is a complete educational curriculum. According to the Oklahoma Beef Cattle M anual, the objective of the Master Cattleman Project is to enhance the profitability of beef cattle producers. Producers equipped with vital information on all aspects of beef production, business planning, risk management and marketing will build and maintain sustainable businesses. The first Master Cattleman sessions were offered to cattlemen in fall 2003. Aaron Henson, 2002 agricultural education alumnus, is participating in the class sessions. "I like what the Master Cattleman Project has to offer," said Henson. "I have gained valuable information. I like the conveniently scheduled class times." OSU Cooperative Extension educators plan and organize the course. To be certified as a "Master Cattleman," participants are required to complete 28 classroom credit hours. Participants have two years from the time they register with the program to complete the course. The curriculum covers topics including nutrition and management, quality assurance and animal health, reproduction, natural resources, business planning and management, and marketing and risk management. Participants complete their proficiency by taking a brief quiz on the subjects, taking an assessment survey and completing a final evaluation before being certified as a "Master Cattleman." The Master Cattleman Project course uses the Oklahoma BeefCattle Manual as a class text. This manual has been available since 1983 and has become a vital information source for everyone involved in the
cattle industry. An updated version of the Oklahoma BeefCattle Manual was printed in 2004 and is the manual used today. Chapters in the manual deal with demographics of the Oklahoma beef industry, economics, marketing, risk management, business planning, waste management, biosecurity and many more topics. Ted Evicks, Pittsburg and Latimer County extension educator, started the first Master Cattleman session in his area March 24. "I am very excited about the Master Cattleman Project," said Evicks. "I have only heard good things. " Credit hours vary from session to session. Each session's class time varies as well. "Sometimes the sessions last longer because there are numerous questions for the topic at hand," said Leland McDaniel, Carter County extension educator. The participants also feel comfortable enough to ask these questions in the small group setting. "I am confident in saying the Master Cattleman Project is the best educational program offered in at least 15 years," said McDaniel. "It is a comprehensive course, not only for first-timers, but also for the experienced cattlemen as well." The result is a highly effective program in which nearly anyone can participate. "I enjoy the sessions because they cover every aspect of cattle production, from point A to point B," said Henson. The participants' informational needs are met through small-group classes and individual attention. The class sizes are designed to stay small for this purpose. "The Master Cattleman Project gives the producers a chance to get together in the same class to give each other valuable information or successful techniques they are currently using in their operations," said Cook. "This information will help the participants down the road." The program is designed to help with basic and advanced decisions. The county extension educators also guide participants through common management decisions
and provide up-to-date research. Licensed veterinarians will teach some of the sessions regarding animal health. "I keep the class limited due to the many positives that occur from small group dynamics," said McDaniel. Master Cattleman classes are being offered across Oklahoma. Since the start of the program, there has been great interest in what the course offers. "The Master Cattleman Project is one of the most valuable programs I've seen in a long time," said Cook. "This program is taking off in a great direction. I can distribute much more information to producers than I was able to do before. This is a big positive for extension agents, educators, OSU and cattle producers." To encourage participation in the program, agribusinesses also offer local monetary incentives, such as discounts to those who have successfully completed the Master Cattleman Project. Justin McDaniel, Ponotoc County Extension educator and agent, said, "The Master Cattleman Project offers valuable information to fit the participants' needs in a timely manner. It is useful to them because it coincides with what happens on the ranch. "
T he Master Cattleman Program costs participants $75 and is offered to Oklahoma beef producers. Each participant receives an Oklahoma BeefCattle Manual, instructional materials, a certificate, a Master Cattleman farm gate sign and a notebook with the Master Cattleman logo.
Scholarships also are available to cattle producers who qualify.
For information about how you can get involved with the OSU Master Cattleman Program, callyour local Oklahoma Cooperative Extension office or visit the Web site: http://agecon. okstate. edulcattleman. CJ
Herd management - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - David Lalman, OSU extension beefcattle specialist, serves as a resource to assist with the Master Cattleman classes. Photo by Todd Johnson.
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Cowboy Journal 49
cl Cowboy bullets By Traci Naile, Trafalgar, nd
• Rotary scholarship takes CASNR senior down under One of the 2005 top seniors in the College ofAgricultural Sciences and Natural Resources is headed to Australia for graduate school as a Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholar. B1ll Shelby, an alumnus in agribusiness from Webbers Falls, Okla., received a $25,000 scholarship to study busmess at the University of Sydney stamng m February 2006. Shelby applied for the scholarship through the Muskogee Rotary Club after learnmg about 1t from previous recipienrs m OSU's agribusmess program. The club awards one $18,000 and one $25,000 scholarship m districts selected based on club participation. Shelby was
chosen to represent the district that includes the northeast corner of Oklahoma and adjacent corners of Kansas, Missouri and Arkansas. Shelby said he found out he was chosen to receive the scholarship 1mmed1ately after his interview, even before he made it back to Stillwater. "They called while I was dnvmg and told me I'd been selected," said Shelby. "I was so excited I didn't even realize they didn't tell me which scholarship I'd been selected for." The selected scholars serve as ambassadors for the Rotary Club in the country m which they choose to study by bemg active in the local club and giving presen-
tations. Shelby said he will be required to give about 10 presentations while m Australia and 10 more after returning to the Umted States. Shelby is Bill Shelby excited about the trip, he said, even though he doesn't leave for nearly six months. "I've always been fascinated with Australia, and I've been to other places overseas," said Shelby. "I just wanted to try somethmg different. " CJ
• Landscape architecture students give cities a face-lift
Visiting Guymon Members of the landscape architecture team for Guymon explore the community: Alisha Grayson (left), Rebecca Bailey, Adrienne Wright, Gretchen Benbenek and Amy Catlin. Photo by Mike Albert.
Every two years, a class of landscape architecture students gets the opportumry
to put their classroom skills to work and gain hands-on experience. Students enrolled m LA 4573, Recreation Plannmg, are assigned to teams to develop recreational facilay plans for cities that request to be involved in the course. The class is taught by Charles Leider, professor and director of the landscape archaecture program, and Bruce Niemi, v1s1tmg instructor of horticulture and landscape architecture. Dunng the spring 2005 semester, 30 students were d1v1ded mto teams to work with the Oklahoma cities of Guymon, Durant and Pauls Valley. Students created greenway plans, which are trail systems to lmk parts of a ciry, and master plans for the c1ry's parks.
The plans were then presented to the cmes at the end of the semester. Students were required to survey the ex1st1ng park space in each c1ry and meet with cay officials and members of the communiry to create plans to fit the ciry's needs and goals. The plans also mclude a work program and phasmg plan to help the c1ry implement the changes. The course allows students to experience their field as a professional in a public semng, said Mike Albert, fifth-year landscape architecture student. "I think it's a great opportuniry to work with a commumry to determme its needs," said Albert. "It's really sat1sfymg to know our major can have such a positive impact on a commumry. " CJ
• Collegiate 4-H to host conference for southern region Oklahoma State Umvers1ry's Collegiate 4-H Club will host the 2005 Southern Reg10n Collegiate 4-H Conference Nov. 17 20 OSU was chosen above other schools by southern region delegates at the national conference. Sixty students from other schools m the region are expected to attend the conference. The theme of the conference 1s "CSL Stillwater," which was chosen to showcase OSU's agricultural science and vetennary
50 Cowboy Journal
medicine programs. Some of the conference workshops will be based on scientific research, such as DNA testmg and food processing. Web design, grant wrmng and parliamentary procedure also will be mcluded m the workshops. Other activmes will allow v1smng students to get a taste of Oklahoma, mcluding lunch m the Oklahoma Ciry Stockyards and sightseeing at the National Cowboy Hall ofFame, the Oklahoma Ciry National Memonal and Remington Park.
The club members said they hope these activmes will show pamc1pants why Oklahoma and OSU are exceptional and use the club's success to help other clubs. The club has been named the Outstanding Student Organization of the Year in the College ofAgncultural Sciences and Natural Resources for the past three years. "This conference will show why OSU Collegiate 4-H 1s a great club and let us help other clubs develop," said Jonathon Knopfel, president ofOSU Collegiate 4-H. C;
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CollegEJ of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources • Oklahoma State University 136 Ag Halt• Stillwater, OK 74078 • (405) 744-5395 • www.casnr.com • careerservices@casnr.com Cowboy Journal Oklahoma State University Department of Agricultural Education, Communications and 4-H Youth Development 448 Agricultural Hall Stillwater OK 74078-6031