2024 Premier Events
NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity®
October 4–19, 2024 Fort Worth, Texas

For complete event details including latest schedule, host hotels and tickets scan the QR code or visit nrcha.com/futurity
October 4–19, 2024 Fort Worth, Texas
For complete event details including latest schedule, host hotels and tickets scan the QR code or visit nrcha.com/futurity
Did you miss the action in Scottsdale or Tulsa?
Re-watch the Open and Non Pro finals online now with Horse&Rider OnDemand.
Be sure to view, download and review the 2024 Rule Book before you head to the show pen! Find it at www.nrcha.com/ rule-book
Official Publication of the National Reined Cow Horse Association Published by Morris Equine Group a division of MCC Magazines, LLC
NRCHA 256 North Hwy 377 | Pilot Point, TX 76258 | Phone: 940-488-1500 | Fax: 940-488-1499 | info@nrcha.com | www.NRCHA.com
President: Boyd Rice | Vice President: Paul Bailey | Secretary: Todd Crawford | Treasurer: Trey Neal
Executive Director: Emily Konkel | Director of Communications & Media: Callie Boevers Director of Judges: Bill Enk | Director of Sponsorship & Outreach: Jordan Tierney
Premier Event Manager: Tina McCleary | Incentive Program & Marketing Manager: Patty Tiberg Director of Programs: Tara Carter | Programs Assistant: Teighlor Cross
Membership Coordinator: Ashley Valor | Shows Coordinator: Taylor Meek | Accounting Associate: Marilee Nies
Official NRCHA Photographer: Primo Morales | Official NRCHA Videographer: Equine Promotion
Vice President: John Lunn | Editor: Jennifer Paulson | Managing Editor: Jennifer Denison
Production Manager: Sherry Brown | Art Director: Susan Sampson
Advertising Sales: Savanah Allen, 817-569-7106, savanah.allen@cowboypublishing.com
Sales Customer Service Manager: Kaitlyn Woodman, 817-569-7114, kaitlyn.woodman@cowboypublishing.com Advertising, Fax 817-737-9633
Reined Cow Horse News (ISSN 23803975) is published six times a year by Cowboy Publishing Group. Known office of publication: 2112 Montgomery Street, Fort Worth, TX 76107. All contents are copyright of the National Reined Cow Horse Association. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without prior written permission from the NRCHA. Opinions expressed in articles and advertising in Reined Cow Horse News do not necessarily reflect the positions or opinions of the NRCHA or its officers and members. Accuracy of material is the sole responsibility of the authors. Unsolicited materials are submitted at the sender’s risk and the NRCHA accepts no responsibility for them. Please address all submissions to: Reined Cow Horse News, 256 North Hwy 377, Pilot Point, Texas, 76258. Subscription rate is $25 a year. Periodical postage paid at Pilot Point, Texas, 76258 and additional mailing offices. USPS number, 024-906. Postmaster: Send address changes to Reined Cow Horse News, 256 North Hwy 377, Pilot Point, Texas, 76258.
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54 Shop Like You Mean It
Learn how to utilize the Western Bloodstock Sales at the NRCHA Sna e Bit Futurity® when shopping for you next reined cow horse prospect.
New NRCHA Cow Horse Incentive
e new, exciting NRCHA Million-Dollar Incentive Program begins at the 2025 NRCHA Stallion Stakes!
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WB Sale Graduates become
NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity
CAUSEOFCONVERSATION 2023 bay mare (Smooth Talkin Style x E Laine, by Thomas E Hughes). Dam LTE $60,316. Dam PE $4,046.
GRAND KINGDOM 2023 palomino stallion (One Time Royalty x Lighten Up Missy, by CD Lights). Dam LTE $3,647. Dam’s full siblings earned $316,769. INDIAN POW WOW 2023 sorrel stallion (Cool N Hot x Cats Peptolena, by High Brow Cat). Dam LTE $138,462. Dam PE $458,539.
Early Consignments Include
IR VON JOVI 2023 red roan stallion (Stevie Rey Von x LK Travelin Time, by One Time Pepto). Dam’s siblings earned $240,275.
LAST SEASON PRADA 2023 red roan mare (Hashtags x ARC Cat Her Please, by Chic Please). Dam LTE $127,467. Dam PE $143,734.
LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER 2023 red roan stallion (Hashtags x Carly Rey, by Dual Rey). Dam LTE $21,053. Dam’s siblings earned $204,350.
LIL TEXAS ROYALTY 2022 bay mare (One Time Royalty x Misters Peppy Girl, by Mister Dual Pep). Dam LTE $4,404. Dam PE $6,279. Dam’s siblings earned $89,539.
ONE TIME DONA 2009 chestnut mare (One Time Pepto x Donas Cool Cat, by High Brow Cat). CSHashtags ‘25. LTE $10,000. Producer of money earner. Siblings earned $1,679,410.
RED REDINGTON 2023 red roan stallion (Hashtags x Oh Stylish Lizzy, by Lizzys Gotta Player). Dam LTE $45,706. Dam PE $68,151. Cash Trades Reysmhigh Zak 34 Here Comes The Boon Champion! Champion! Champion! Reserve Champion! OpenChampion!
SANNREYA 2022 red roan mare (Sannman x DMAC Dr Hip, by Hickorys Indian Pep). 2nd Dam PE $12,015.
SHINEY MY BAY 2010 bay mare (Shining Spark x Quixote Lena Peppy, by Paddys Irish Whiskey). ET - Metallic Rebel ‘25. PE $2,302. Siblings earned $452,057.
Black Magic Woman $180,000 Highly Hazardous $150,000
2023 High Sellers!
SKIP TO MY LU 2023 sorrel stallion (The Animal x Lu Sea Lu, by Smart Mate). Dam LTE $21,279. Dam PE $105,895. Dam’s siblings earned $414,755.
SOUND OF MADNESS 2023 bay stallion (Hashtags x Smashing Reys, by Dual Rey). Dam LTE $31,339. Dam’s siblings earned $157,319.
STARTED WITHA WHISPA 2023 bay mare (Hashtags x CR Tuff Digs Lucinda, by Woody Be Tuff). Dam LTE $70,315. Dam PE $72,743. Dam’s siblings earned $620,452.
STEREYO TYPE 2023 red roan stallion (Hashtags x Flat Baroque, by Peptoboonsmal). Dam LTE $91,905. Dam PE $47,664. Dam’s siblings earned $542,302.
SUPER PSYCHEDELIC 2022 chestnut mare (Stevie Rey Von x Supercalafrajalistic, by Abrakadabracre). Dam PE $68,510.
H ome of CD Diamond & SJR Diamond Mist * NRCHA Open Futurity CHAMPIONS !
SJR XQUISITLY MIST 2023 bay mare (SJR Diamond Mist x Xquizit Cat, by High Brow Cat). Dam LTE $13,435. Dam PE $485,272.
SJR COMMANDER MIST 2023 sorrel stallion (SJR Diamond Mist x Shiners Little Oak, by Shining Spark). Dam LTE $6,692. Dam PE $474,369.
We’re making exciting moves forward for our organization.
IT’S BEEN AN EXCITING SUMMER FOR NRCHA MEMBERS, from the Kimes Ranch Western Derby to the MARS EQUESTRIAN™ Hackamore Classic. Outside the arena, our organization is making power moves to position NRCHA as a leader in the Western performance horse industry while also encouraging and welcoming new members into our cow horse family.
First, we have our new Cow Horse Incentive Program, which you can read about in detail on page 62. Developed by your board of directors and appointed Incentive Task Force members and managed by NRCHA’s Patty Tiberg, this new incentive program is already making waves. It stands to place cow horse on par with payouts found in other Western performance disciplines, benefitting our breeders, owners, professionals and riders. It’s truly the biggest evolution for our membership and industry. In this issue you’ll also read about the MARS EQUESTRIAN™ Hackamore Classic, where we hosted our second-ever World’s Greatest Non Pro competition (page 140) as well as our brand-new Boxing Battle in the Saddle (page 158). Both of these exciting events encourage non pros to try NRCHA premier events. They’ll come for the competition, but they’ll stay for the camaraderie.
Finally, this summer and into the fall, NRCHA has put great effort into building our membership with a handful of clinics taught by some of the most talented cow horse trainers in the industry. The first one occurred in Frankfort, Kentucky, for any level of cow horse rider. Then we went to Rock Springs, Wyoming, for the National High School Finals Rodeo, where NRCHA professionals offered a free clinic for competitors in that event’s cow horse class. Next was Fallon, Nevada, for a cowboy clinic conducted for area ranchers. Each of these educational opportunities open the doors to new members, so we can welcome them into the fold.
As we wrap up this hot summer, we begin looking forward to watching the biggest class of futurity horses to date at our 2024 NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity®. We can’t wait to see you there!
—Emily Konkel
Achieving and maintaining a positive judging culture.
Sports teams always stress the importance of a positive team culture to their success. The same is true for the NRCHA judges: We need to have a positive attitude when attempting to “get it right.”
In general, the better judges are good listeners and are always open to ways to get better without sacrificing their own opinions and experience. The hard part for good judges is the reality that everyone makes mistakes. They also know that defending an obvious mistake carries no value; it was just an honest mistake, pure and simple, and should be used for educational value.
A lot of disciplines have turned into penalty-oriented events. Was that a miss? Did he tick the log? Did he make it past the marker? Penalties go with all events, but credits do, too. Sometimes, judges are more interested in not missing a penalty than they are in not rewarding enough credit. Penalties can be reviewed in most cases to make the correct call, while credit can’t be adjusted. Judges should be comfortable awarding credit where it’s earned, just like they assess penalties where they are earned. This takes experience in the judging chair and studied knowledge of the event.
The judging teams at the major events are a blended mix of youth, age, experience and knowledge. Attitude and being a willing teammate are required to fit in. The education comes from sharing opinions and sifting out ideas that come from the mixture on the team. Bobby Ingersoll always says, “I sure learned a lot,” when he judges a major event. We all learned a lot from him as well. His involvement helps keep cow-horse traditions alive and well.
Being positive on good runs and using your scores effectively help separate runs. Confidence when awarding credit is the answer when getting horses placed in the correct order. Get the good works up, the poor works down, and the middle runs as positive as your scorecard will allow you to score and justify. In other words, stay positive and consistent.
awarding credit is the answer when getting horses placed in the correct order.” — Bill Enk
There are four judging sins that should be avoided at all costs.
1. Not recognizing when a horse makes something very difficult look easy and not rewarding enough credit.
2. Consistently scoring low on obviously good runs and consistently scoring high on average runs. This promotes too many ties because of the lack of score separation between good and average runs.
3. When the opinion of the work is not supported by the facts. Opinions are a part of the judging process but can be over- or underweighted if they are not supported by the facts of the work. In the past, the old saying was, “Judging isn’t a matter of fact; it’s a matter of opinion.” That isn’t as relevant today. Our updated scorecards help record the facts of the run and allow for meaningful opinions. This allows for fair, balanced scoring to occur.
4. Letting the reputation of the horse or rider or the crowd noise overly influence the scoring of the work. It’s not what they’ve done in the past or what they’re going to do in the future; it’s what they do right then that’s important. That keeps the playing field level and keeps the sport thriving.
Competition is all about having a good horse and having a chance. Our job as judges is to get them placed in the correct order. Staying fair, focused, and consistent will allow you to stand up and enjoy the ride!
It’s safe to say that the 2024 Western Derby was a resounding success! We owe a huge thank you to Kimes Ranch for the company’s dedicated support to the cow horse community.
Our youth really made the best out of the time spent in Arizona, participating in fun daily activities. The dummy roping jackpot was a great way for the community to unite and cheer for others! Our egg-and-spoon obstacle course was full of laughter and support from the youth and cow horse family. The money earned from both events went to support NRCHyA. Messy Kickball was one to remember. The kids not only had fun in the competition but also encouraged and helped each other along the way. All these events were crucial for our youth to learn leadership, teamwork and focus, disguised as games and fun!
Something creative that was part of the Western Derby was the Randy Paul original T-shirts sold by Kimes Ranch. The money raised from purchasing these unique shirts went straight to NRCHyA. After the show, these shirts raised over $8,000!
Thank you to everyone involved with the youth. You’re all genuinely generous, and we couldn’t have done any of it without you. Congratulations to Teighlor Cross as we welcome her as the Youth Director. We youth are beyond happy for our future with you! Finally, thank you to all who sponsored the Kimes Ranch Western Derby, to everyone who supports the youth with love every day and to those at Kimes Ranch for putting your heart into the people of cow horse!
—Lilly Gilson, NRCHYA
The Western Derby ranch doctoring event earned almost $11,000.
During the Kimes Ranch Western Derby, the NRCHA Foundation hosted its first-ever ranch-doctoring event to raise funds for our causes. Many of our cow horse riders love to rope but don’t get to do it that often, so people were eager to enter and have fun!
The event saw a great turnout, with 15 teams of four, not to mention the fans in the stands. People generously stepped up to help us raise $10,900 for the NRCHA Foundation, and we had the opportunity to share about our upcoming gala event during the 2024 NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity®. Congrats to the winning team Paradise Ranch, with riders Clayton Williams, Wyatt Hershberger, Trevor Carter and Gavin Hershberger!
The ranch doctoring ties in so well with NRCHA’s values, which prioritize the Western lifestyle and the skills cowboys use daily on ranches. We hope to host another event like this and that you’ll join us in the saddle or the stands!
As I mentioned, we’re planning and finalizing everything related to A Night at the Stockyards, celebrating NRCHA’s 75th anniversary. Be sure to visit nrcha.com to secure your tickets and learn all about what we’ll have going on. It’s a night you won’t want to miss and a special way to support the association and our foundation.
Thank you to all the riders and supporters who joined us at this event. We hope to produce another, so watch for your chance to participate.
NRCHA proudly welcomes One Time Royalty and High Brow Cat to its prestigious list of NRCHA Million Dollar Sires.
One Time Royalty (One Time Pepto x Serena Belle x One Hot Invitation) holds $447,543 in National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA) lifetime earnings and was inducted into the NCHA Hall of Fame in 2013. The 2007 bay Quarter Horse stallion, owned by SDM Quarter Horses, won the 2010 NCHA Futurity with NCHA Eleven Million Dollar Rider Lloyd Cox.
“It’s a great accomplishment for both One Time Royalty and the Marchant family [to achieve this milestone,” said Brock Malson of Oswood Stallion Station, where One Time Royalty stands. “We at Oswood Stallion Station appreciate the opportunity to be a small part of his journey.”
One Time Royalty’s athleticism and cow sense have made a remarkable impression on several NRCHA competitors. His top three NRCHA earners include:
• Hendrixx (out of Smooth Miss Trona); 2017 stallion; NRCHA LTE $130,070.58
• SJR Royal Diamond (out of Shiners Diamond Girl); 2018 stallion; NRCHA LTE $110,793.59
• Metallic Action (out of Moria Metallica); 2016 mare; NRCHA LTE $71,377.61
High Brow Cat (High Brow Hickory x Smart Little Kitty x Smart Peppy) earned $110,800 in his NCHA career and is NCHA’s No. 1 leading cutting sire and has sired eight NCHA Futurity champions. The 1988 chestnut Quarter Horse stallion, owned by BDB Breeders, now has offspring in many Western performance events, from cutting to cow horse and roping.
“Three years ago, at the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity®, we began working with the top cow horse trainers to have their customers breed their top mares to High Brow Cat,” shared the horse’s owner, Darren Blanton. “Obviously, it worked! We’re doing the same thing in the roping industry, and High Brow Cat is the No. 2 stallion in that industry. We expect High Brow Cat to be the first stallion to hit $1 million dollars in offspring earnings.”
That incredible prowess is easily recognizable in the reined cow horse pen. His top three NRCHA earners include:
• SJR Hitime Shine (out of Shiners Little Oak); 2020 gelding; NRCHA LTE
• Solano Cat (out of Smartest Solano); 2005 stallion; NRCHA LTE
• Billys Cool Cat (out of NQH Lucy Lena); 2003 gelding; NRCHA LTE
“It’s always exciting to welcome new stallions to our Million Dollar Sires roster,” shared NRCHA Executive Director Emily Konkel. “One Time Royalty and High Brow Cat will continue to pass on their legacies to cow horses for years to come.”
NRCHA proudly welcomes these two outstanding stallions to the NRCHA Million Dollar Sires list. To see the complete list of accomplished stallions, visit nrcha.com/nrcha-million-dollar-sires.
Landri Lisac and Cat Walks Into a Bar (WR This Cats Smart x Sue C Shiner x Shining Spark) kept their hot streak at a boil for the National High School Rodeo Association Finals, held in July in Rock Springs, Wyoming.
The Pueblo, Colorado, cowgirl and her partner of four years earned a 148 in the reined work and a 144 in the cow work to take the championship.
“He was really good in the reined work and stayed with me the whole way—it was one of his best runs,” the high school senior shared. “My cow kind of died down and wasn’t as strong as I wanted, but it all worked out.”
This is the second NHSRA Finals win for Lisac and her mount, and she said she enjoys everything about the event.
“The finals are so fun,” she said. “It’s one of the best experiences you can have. It’s fun to meet new people, hang out with friends, and go to dances and other activities. Being around that many competitors is so cool.” Lisac keeps her schedule full between NRCHA shows and NHSRA events. Her next goal is to succeed in the Youth World’s Greatest Horseman.
Join NRCHA in welcoming our new partnerships and sponsorships.
100X Equine, a leading supplement brand, now presents the Back Gate news reports and Kadee Coffman’s commentary from each NRCHA premier event.
Cold Creek Equine, a cutting-edge developer in cold-water therapy, joins as a sponsor.
Quanta Services, the leading specialty contractor with North America’s largest skilled labor force, joins MARS EQUESTRIAN™ in sponsoring the cow horse event at the National High School Finals Rodeo.
Ranch Fuel, a clean energy drink developed specifically for the Western community, joins as a sponsor.
Read all about these partners and all our sponsors at nrcha.com.
Thank you to these supporters contributing to the added money purse for the 2023 National Reined Cow Horse Association Snaffle Bit Futurity®!
Best Kept Secret Ranch
Hartwood Farms
BMW Quarter Horses
Larry & Kathy Barker
Stuart Ranch
Hooray / Eric & Wendy Dunn
Gardiner Quarter Horse
Carol Rose
Matthews Cutting Horses
Bet He Sparks
Bet Hesa Cat Syndicate
Brazos Valley Stallion Station
Dual Smart Rey / Strawn Valley Ranch
D Lazy K Ranch
Hat 6 Ranch
Call Me Mitch
Ann Matthews
Honeysuckle Rose Boutique Woodglen Investments
Red Arrow Ranch LLC
Steve and Lori Roseberry
War Ponies, Elite Paint Cowhorses
Spahn Law Firm PLLC
Double F Ranch / Roy & Sherri Fisher
Moncrief Quarter Horses / Kit and Charlie Moncrief
Fults Ranch
Rocking Nine Four Ranch
Shawn Hays
Triple D Ranches
Patty Tiberg brings an immeasurable wealth of talent and experience to NRCHA as the manager of the new Cow Horse Incentive, as well as NRCHA’s Marketing Manager.
When you hear Patty Tiberg grew up on Long Island, New York, you might not expect her to have grown up with an agricultural background. However, horses have been part of her life since childhood, when she competed in American Quarter Horse Association events as a youth rider. Once she made her way to the Lonestar State to attend Texas A&M University to pursue an animal science degree, she found a new home, which she’s enjoyed with her family for 25 years.
Tiberg most recently served as AQHA’s Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer, where she managed the association’s corporate partnerships, marketing and media. Before that, she served as vice president for Morris Media Network Equine Group, the parent company of several equine media brands and event platforms.
Tiberg’s horse life is mainly lived vicariously through her daughter Taylor’s years of competing in eventing and as she transitions into Stock Horse of Texas events a member of the Oklahoma State University Ranch Horse Team next spring. Tiberg enjoys attending different events with diverse disciplines and hopes to compete again someday. She’s always admired the sport of reined cow horse.
RCHN: How did you learn about NRCHA and cow horse?
PT: During my time with Quarter Horse News, I grew extremely fond of reined cow horse. I attended the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® almost every year, and it was always my favorite event. I also had the pleasure of working with members of NRCHA’s board of directors and staff on the magazine through the custom publishing partnership with Morris Media Network. The magazine is one of the best in the industry.
RCHN: What excites you about working for the association?
PT: My passion for the sport and those who love it excites me. The NRCHA family is one I have always admired. Whether you’re a trainer, an owner, breeder or a fan, you’re part of this amazing community.
RCHN: What are you most looking forward to in your position with NRCHA?
PT: The successful launch of the advanced NRCHA Cow Horse Incentive Program. This program will increase payouts and recognition for every level of this industry and stimulate the sport’s growth. You can learn more about it on page 62 of this issue of Reined Cow Horse News
Smooth As A Cat’s impact on the industry started early on, and today he’s still going strong. Listed here is what he has accomplished in just the past 10 months.
These performers represent Smooth As A Cat’s bloodline. They are either sired by Smooth As A Cat, out of one of his daughters, or sired by one of his sons.
5 RESERVE CHAMPIONS including the Open Reserve Champion out of a Smooth As A Cat daughter
25 Finalists
15 In the top 10 including 1 in the top 5 for Hackamore Open
10 Finalists
3 CHAMPIONS, including the Hackamore Non Pro Champion out of a Smooth As A Cat daughter, and Bridle Open Champion by Smooth As A Cat
18 Finalists
16 Finalists
NRCHA Professional Tracer Gilson embraces the cowboy lifestyle and its camaraderie as he breeds, trains and shows reined cow horses.
NRCHA Professional Tracer Gilson grew up in Michigan, showing reining horses. His cowboy ways didn’t always fit in with his peers, but he eventually found his home in the reined cow horse community.
“Where I grew up in Michigan, I was the odd guy out,” Gilson recalled. “I wore my boots to school, and I was a little more redneck than the rest of them.”
However, he didn’t let that stop him from embracing the cowboy lifestyle. As he grew up, horses remained a constant in his life. In the early 2000s, Gilson moved to Arizona when an opportunity arose for him to work with Randy Paul.
“That’s where it all started,” he shared. “I learned how to do the cow horse stuff from Randy.”
Although his original plan was to pursue a medicine track, it only took three semesters of college for Gilson to realize that wasn’t for him. After leaving college, he returned to the one thing he had always loved: horses.
“I’ve ridden horses my whole life,” Gilson revealed. “I couldn’t see myself sitting in an office or not being outside every day, messing with the horses. So, I started training horses.”
From there, Gilson founded his business and began growing his training practice to the level of success he has reached today. In 2012, Gilson and his wife, Tricia, relocated to Sanger, California, where they continue breeding and training reining and reined cow horses horses out of Booth Ranches. Throughout his career, he’s racked up impressive earnings and wins in NRHA and NRCHA competitions.
Below: Gilson enjoys building a solid training foundation while preparing young horses for the challenge of futurities and derbies.
RCHN: What skills from your reining background did you bring to the reined cow horse pen?
TG: I didn’t really modify my program that much. I just try to keep it simple. When I’m doing the reining or working on the reining stuff at home, I just ride them like reiners. The cow horses will have a slightly different style, because we can help them in the snaffle. I feel like it benefits the horse’s longevity. When it’s time to do the herd work, I’m not a cutter by any means, but I try to ride them like I usually would. When we do fence work, I keep the same mentality. I try not to be a complicated person, and I try not to complicate the horses’ training.
RCHN: How do you balance showing and training reiners and cow horses?
TG: I think the biggest challenge for me is allowing those cow horses to take over a little bit and work the cow, like we’re teaching them to do, rather than waiting on me. It’s a challenge, especially when you’re doing both events. Changing from reiner mode to cow horse mode can be a little challenging. It takes me a day or two to get back and remember that the cow horses know their job.
RCHN: What’s your goal as an NRCHA Professional, and how are you working toward it?
TG: I wake up every day, go out to the barn and just try to make my horses better every day. That’s my job. So, I go out and try to do the best job I can every day. I try to be as honest and fair to the horses as I can, no matter what level they will be. But I’d sure like to win the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® one day, and maybe we’ll play around with the World’s Greatest Horseman™, too.
RCHN: What’s your favorite part of training reined cow horses?
TG: I like working with futurity- and derby-age horses. I like training them in the snaffle, putting a foundation on them and seeing how good I can make them. I really enjoy the element of surprise that comes with working young horses. Sometimes, you might have one at the ranch that rides like a superstar, but he might be a dud
when you go in and show him. You never know. We raise quite a few of them here at the ranch, so that’s pretty fun for me, too. My wife and I play a pretty big part in picking who to breed all the mares to and picking those crosses. It’s fun to watch them from a baby up until you get to ride them and see if it works. That’s another part of it that I enjoy as well.
RCHN: Who do you look up to the most in the reined cow horse industry?
TG: Oh man, there’s a bunch. I learned a lot from Randy Paul. My wife’s stepdad, Billy Arthur, won the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® in 1979, and he’s helped me a lot. And then, a lot of my peers—Corey [Cushing], Kelby [Phillips], Justin [Wright], Phillip [Ralls], Jake [Gorrell]—we ride together and bounce ideas off each other a lot.
RCHN: If you could show any horse, alive or passed, which horse would it be?
TG: Honestly, it’d probably be Kreyzy Horse. Kelby [Phillips] and I are pretty good buddies, and I’ve schooled that horse for him. I love how that horse feels; he always felt like one that would fit me.
RCHN: What do you look for when breeding reined cow horses?
TG: We breed a lot of reiners, but we have a couple of cow horse mares, too. I try to go with what works and not reinvent the wheel. Many people have tried it, and it works occasionally, but not always.
RCHN: What do you look for in a reined cow horse prospect?
TG: I look at their brain and try to see how they’ll act in our program. My wife has crew that halter-break them and teach them to longe as weanlings and yearlings, so I can get their feedback on which ones are easy to work with. It’s not a foolproof system, but it definitely helps find out whether it’s a horse that I think would fit in my program or if I need to try and sell it to someone else. In the past, I’ve called my trainer buddies and said, ‘Hey, I think this horse is really nice, but I don’t think it’s going to fit me.’ That has seemed to work for us.
ARCHN: What keeps you going on the hard days?
TG: My family, for sure. My wife and my daughter. We’re fortunate enough to live 30 or 40 yards from the barn. So, we get to do it together. Our ranch owner, Loren Booth, is an amazing human. She’s supported us a lot. We have an amazing crew right now, too.
RCHN: What advice would you give someone interested in joining the reined cow horse industry?
TG: If they’re just starting as a professional, I’d tell them that it doesn’t happen overnight. They need to dedicate five to seven years of their life to make the rest of their life easier. People often see all the big trucks, trailers and ranches, but those don’t just happen. You have to work for it. If they’re a non pro, I’d say to find a pro who’s close to you, that you trust, and that fits what you’re looking for, and go have fun.
Jordyn Hall’s love for reined cow horses inspired her to build a business named after the Western performance horse industry’s most influential mares.
Jordyn Hall wasn’t born into a horse family, but it didn’t take her long to become the quintessential horse-obsessed little girl. Raised in Camarillo, California, she began taking horseback riding lessons at a nearby stable when she was 5 years old and never looked back.
“I joined their summer camps and did whatever I could to be on the back of a horse as much as possible,” Hall recalled. “My parents weren’t involved in the horse world at all—they knew nothing about them except they had this horse-crazy daughter, but they did whatever they could to help get me into the world I so desperately wanted to be in.”
When she was old enough, Hall began working for the stable where she took lessons as a trail guide. Soon, she saved enough money to purchase a horse.
“My dad jokingly made a deal with me and said if I could buy my own horse he’d pay the board on it,” she shared. “That’s exactly what I did—I saved enough money from working as a trail guide, and my dad held up his end of the deal.”
Hall’s first horse was a registered Quarter Horse yearling gelding named Such A Lucky Leo.
“I was 11 and had no idea what I was doing buying a young horse,” Hall laughed. “Because my parents weren’t horse people, they didn’t know any better, either—they were just like, ‘Oh, she’ll grow up with this horse and it’ll work out great.’ We got lucky because he was the best gelding in the world and never did anything to hurt me, and I learned a lot in the process.”
Throughout her teens, Hall and “Dakota” enjoyed trail riding and gathering and sorting cows on the ranch where she boarded her horse in nearby Moorpark, California.
“My friend and I played at backyard sortings, and I really enjoyed that side of things,” Hall shared. “I never did learn how to swing a rope and never wanted to, but
I loved the sortings and just being around the cattle.”
In 2016, Hall took her first reined cow horse lessons at Ferrante Ranch in Somis, California.
“I was two lessons into reined cow horses and knew this is what I wanted to do,” she said. “I was amazed by the overall talent and ability of the horses. I didn’t even know it was possible to do everything they could do! I knew there were reiners and cutters, but I didn’t necessarily know there was a horse that could excel in all aspects that I could go do it all on. I went to my first show to see what it was like and thought, ‘I’m 100% in on this—I’ve got to go buy a horse.’”
Hall was horse shopping at Paul Bonello’s Sliding Horse Ranch in Santa Ynez, California, when a 4-yearold sorrel mare named Chicaroo Sam caught her eye.
“She was so beautiful; I didn’t even want to try the horse I’d originally come to see,” Hall reminisced. “I wasn’t looking for a mare, but there was something about her—I just had to try her. I was so green in the reined cow horse world, but she stopped huge for me and did whatever I asked her to do. I knew I had to buy her.”
Now 11 years old, “Sam” has been Hall’s faithful show-ring partner for seven years. Under Bonello’s expert guidance, the pair have shown successfully on some of reined cow horse’s biggest stages, including wins in the Non Pro Limited at the 2020 NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® and a year-end championship in the California Reined Cow Horse Association’s Non Pro Bridle division in 2021.
Hall is back in the arena aboard Chicaroo Sam after breeding the mare’s first foal, Karmas A Mitch, in 2022.
“Every show I entered, she always earned a check,” Hall said of the Hick Chicaroo daughter. “She’s so solid and such a teammate. She’s always right there with you. I never thought I could win on the level she’s allowed me to win on, but she’s given me the opportunity to stand a chance against some incredibly talented horses and riders.”
In 2023, Sam’s first foal hit the ground—a red roan colt by top-two highest-earning NRCHA stallion Call Me Mitch, named Karmas A Mitch. As Hall looks to the future, she hopes her small breeding program will contribute to an ever-growing pool of incredible horsepower.
“Every year it seems like the horses get better and better,” Hall shared. “I want to be a part of it in some small way. NRCHA really makes you feel like you want to be involved in the industry. They’ve got your back, and I really appreciate that.”
Driven by her love for Sam and the reined cow horse industry, Hall opened her first business in 2023: a cosmetics company aptly named Mare-ish Cosmetics. Boasting American-made products that Hall says embody the spirit of the American West, Mare-ish Cosmetics features a nail polish line with colors inspired by the Western performance horse industry’s most influential mares, including Shine Smarter, Scooters Daisy Dukes, Flo N Blu Boon, Cat Digs Lucinda, Juliette Jonez and Selvarey.
“I’ve always wanted to create something uniquely mine, but I wanted it to be horse-oriented,” Hall explained. “I also wanted it to be something I’m really passionate about. I’ve always loved makeup, fashion and cosmetics, so I decided to combine those worlds, ride it out and see where it goes.”
After delving into the breeding side of the reined cow horse industry, Hall says she knew she wanted to pay homage to its incredible mares by naming her nail polish colors after top-producing and -performing mares.
“I’d always heard people use the term ‘mare power,’ but it never really meant anything to me,” she shared. “Once I got into breeding, I started to understand the importance of a good mare. Stallions get a lot of the glory—and they should—but great mare power is what brings attraction to many of the highest-selling foals. For me, it’s all about the mares.”
In addition, Hall says she’s embraced the opportunity to redefine what it means to be mare-ish.
“These great mares are who they are, and they don’t apologize for that,” Hall said. “I really wanted to showcase that the word ‘mare-ish’ is often used with
a negative connotation when it shouldn’t be. Growing up, my mom had a quote on her desk at work that read, ‘Well-behaved women rarely make history,’ and it’s one of those things that always stuck in my mind. She’s incredibly successful at her job in corporate America, but sometimes people perceive [what it takes to be successful] as something other than just being a strong woman. I want to show that being mare-ish is a good thing.”
Hall’s Americanmade cosmetics company, Mare-ish Cosmetics, is inspired by the Western performance horse industry’s leading mares.
With the help of a special grade gelding and a 4-H mentor, this multi-talented reined cow horse trainer set on a path of cow horse excellence.
Lyndi Starr’s successful trajectory in the reined cow horse arena has seemed like fate from Day One. Starr hasn’t hesitated in seizing and making the most of the golden opportunities that have appeared at each pivotal moment of her career. Such good fortune results from an unmatched work ethic, an unwavering commitment to excellence, keen attention to detail and an unquenchable desire for an intense discipline that requires giving it her absolute all.
Although the Mount Vernon, Texas, native’s earliest memories involve horses, she didn’t have a chance to ride or focus on what would become her life’s calling until high school. In a serendipitous moment, one of Starr’s friends gave her a flier for a 4-H Coggins and vaccination clinic that administered a Coggins Test and vaccinations at a discounted price. The rest is history.
“I took one of our horses [to the clinic], and then I met a 4-H leader who introduced me to 4-H,” Starr recalled. “Through 4-H, I became interested in the horse project, and I had a young horse at the time. They encouraged me to go through the futurity programs, and I learned to train him through 4-H. It introduced me to the show world.”
additional achievements, including winning the Oklahoma Stock Horse Association Youth High Point saddle and placing in the top 10 in Stock Horse Pleasure and Stock Horse Trail at the Texas State 4-H Horse Show.
Starr trained her grade gelding, “Blue,” and showed him in the 4-H 2-Year-Old Futurity before progressing to the 4-H 3-Year-Old Futurity the following year and earning the reserve champion title. Around this time, Starr also became involved with the Stock Horse Association of Texas. The hard work and determination of the earnest horse and rider propelled them to attain
“He was born in my backyard, and we raised him,” Starr said. “He was my little practice horse, and I learned everything I could on him. He opened every single door that I have now walked through. He’s kind of the reason I’m where I am today. Even though he wasn’t the most talented horse ever, he took me a lot of places.”
Lyndi Starr and Holly Time Spot (Hickory Holly Time x Sticky Spot x Spots Hot), then owned by Matacorp Ltd. and currently owned by Diamond Dub Quarter Horses, turn a cow while showing in the 2022 NRCHA Open Hackamore Classic Level 1.
After graduating from high school, Starr was recruited by North Central Texas College in Gainesville, Texas, to compete on its ranch horse team.
“Then they convinced me to show in the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association, and I did the horsemanship because I didn’t have any prior experience,” Starr said. “I was in one of the lower levels, and I was able to just learn how to have a better seat, make it through a pattern, not get nervous and not really worry about what my horse was doing.”
Among her many achievements at NCTC, Starr won the Trainer Award at the Collegiate Stock Horse National Championships, was on the NCTC stock horse team that won the 2014 SHTX Collegiate World Championship and won the IHSA Western Regional Reserve Championship in 2015.
In 2014, Starr entered her first job in the cow horse industry, working for 22-time world champion trainer Robert Chown and his wife, Cheryl. After earning her Associate of Science degree in Horse Husbandry and Equine Science and Management and the equine marketable skills certificate from NCTC, Starr transferred to Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. Her achievements at TTU included earning both the SHTX Limited Non Pro World Championship and the Collegiate Limited Non Pro Year-End Reserve Championship in 2017 while competing on the ranch horse team and the equestrian team, respectively.
During the 2018/2019 academic year, Starr served as the 57th Masked Rider, TTU’s longest established and most cherished mascot, an honor she credits with impacting her the most to this day. It was at TTU that Starr also discovered a passion and talent for coaching.
“I helped one of my friends,” Starr said. “She was in just the general horse-riding class that they had at Tech, and I let her borrow my horse. I gave her lessons every afternoon. She ended up making the ranch horse team. Then I coached some 4-H teams in horse judging.”
Starr credits participating in horse judging at both NCTC and TTU for helping her develop an eye and an understanding for specific characteristics horse show classes require and prefer when determining a top horse and rider pair.
Starr earned her Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Communications with a concentration in journalism before serving as assistant director at the Texas Tech Equestrian Center.
In 2020, Starr entered her current role as assistant trainer for NRCHA Two Million Dollar Rider and industry legend Todd Crawford. It was a fortuitous event
that Starr had met Crawford years before as a college student while he was conducting a cow horse clinic at NCTC before the IHSA National Show. While still in college, she had also freelanced as show help for Crawford at the 2016 NRCHA Stallion Stakes.
“I’ve had a lot of people work for me, but she’s probably the best assistant trainer I’ve ever had,” Crawford said. “She’s an excellent rider. She schools a horse very well in all three disciplines. On top of that, she’s an excellent people-person, and she does a great job with non pros, teaching and coaching them how to get through the show pen.”
At the end of the day, the certain je ne sais quoi that sets the best assistant reined cow horse trainers a part is drive.
“They have to have the passion for the event—the passion for the horses, the passion for doing the job,” Crawford said. “There are long, grueling hours, not only at the horse shows, but then at home, as well, to get those horses prepared. When you have three events to prepare for, it seems like you’re never done.”
While serving as Crawford’s assistant trainer, Starr said she has had the privilege of working with Mitcheladaa (Call Me Mitch x One Pepto Diva x One Time Pepto), a horse she credits as one of the most influential horses in her career.
“I showed her at the 2023 NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® and helped [owner] Jordan Ribeiro show her and get her to her first Non Pro Finals,” Starr said. “She challenged me and taught me so much about the training
from left to right are Lyndi Starr, Mylee Modlin, Dallie Lawrence and Landri Lisac. Modlin and Lawrence were both interns at Todd Crawford Performance Horses, and Starr coached Modlin and Lisac. Starr attended the 2023 National High School Finals Rodeo to help Lisac and Cat Walks Into a Bar (WR This Cats Smart x Sue C Shiner x Shining Spark) prepare for each go-round in the cow horse.
Starr developed a passion for art before her career as a professional horsewoman and started a side business as an artist. She was commissioned to draw this 18-by-36-inch graphite portrait titled Chico, featuring a horse owned by Wade and Kori Meador.
process on a 3-year-old, which has helped me even more when riding the bridle horses.”
Starr is also an artist who draws custom graphite portraits depicting horses, dogs, people and the Western lifestyle. Her side business, Lyndi Starr Art, allows her to stretch her creativity while still interacting with the animals and people she loves.
“I’ve drawn longer than I’ve trained or even ridden horses,” Starr humbly shared. “I joke and tell people that art probably comes to me like maybe what horse training would come to Todd or any other horse trainer out there that just has the natural ability.”
Starr’s overall goals revolve around honing her horsemanship and reined cow horse acumen, in addition to helping others advance in the discipline.
“I’d like to eventually get my NRCHA judge’s card and probably the versatility for AQHA and maybe the [AQHA] cow horse [events]. I’d like to have more success in the show pen for sure and continue to learn more so I can help non pros and other people with lessons and share my knowledge.”
Learn how to utilize the Western Bloodstock Sales at the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® when shopping for your next reined cow horse prospect.
f you dream of buying the perfect prospect for the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity®, the Western Bloodstock Sales held during the Futurity can provide an easy way to view hundreds of quality horses under one roof. Navigating the fast-paced sales environment can be exciting, but you'll want to be prepared if you’ve never shopped at the sales.
Whether you’re perusing the 2-year-olds and performance horses sale or one of two sessions of yearlings and broodmares, four experts—Western Bloodstock owner Jeremy Barwick, NRCHA $2 Million Rider Todd Bergen, NRCHA Stallion Stakes Champion Veronica Swales and NRCHA $2 Million Breeder Brenda Stephenson, owner of San Juan Ranch with her husband, John—agreed that preparation is the key to a successful sales-buying experience. Here is their advice for buying at the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® Sales.
Not only do the Western Bloodstock Sales provide the opportunity to buy elite horses, but purchasing at the sale rewards buyers with extra incentives that can add
Earlier this year, Spanish Nights earned the NRCHA Open Stakes Derby title. Her journey to that accomplishment began in the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® Sales, where owners Seth and Chantel Murphy purchased the mare with NRCHA professional Veronica Swale’s input.
up to big bucks. All weanlings, yearlings and 2-yearolds sold at the Western Bloodstock NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® Sales are eligible to participate in the NRCHA Sale Incentive Program. Through it, the Sale Incentive Purse is paid out to the four highest-advancing eligible foals in the Open and Non Pro NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® classes.
“It can be very lucrative, and so I think them adding all those incentives is good from a seller’s standpoint, and it’s good from a buyer’s standpoint,” Bergen said. “It’s enticed more and more people to bring them, and more and more people to buy there. I think that’s brilliant.”
Another benefit of the Western Bloodstock Sales is that every consigned horse must have recent
radiographs on file before the sale, and all prospects must have the same views. Requiring X-rays helps prospective buyers have peace of mind, giving them the information they need to make well-rounded purchasing decisions.
“This gives the best leverage for using the expertise of veterinarians to assess the complex areas of fetlocks, hocks and stifles, as well as front feet on horses in training,” Barwick said. “The X-rays being available a week in advance gives ample time to have those images analyzed and reviewed in relation to the use that one intends for the prospect.”
In addition to those advantages, Swales said purchasing through Western Bloodstock can be a safe way for new owners to source their investments. For
instance, when Seth and Chantel Murphy came to her looking to purchase their first reined cow horse in 2021, she immediately suggested they look at the Western Bloodstock Futurity Sales. There, the Murphys purchased 2-year-old Spanish Nights (Metallic Rebel x Lil Bit Reckless x CD Royal), who went on to win the 2024 NRCHA Stallion Stakes Open Championship with Swales.
“It’s really great because they have a lot of very nice yearlings and 2-year-olds, and there’s such a huge variety no matter what your client is looking for,” Swales said. “That sale has been very good to us, so usually, if we have a client that comes to us later in the year, shopping at the sale is the first thing we’ll bring up to them.”
After familiarizing yourself with the benefits, one of the first things to do well before the sale is to figure out how much you can spend on a prospect. Depending on your budget, it might be better to determine a budget range rather than deciding on a single hardand-fast number.
“You have to learn when to walk away,” Stephenson said, who has bought horses from the Western Bloodstock Sales for 25 years. “Maybe spend a little more or a little less, but you have to have some kind of budget in mind. Remember, you’re not done paying for them at the sale; you have to take them home and feed them.”
Part of the beauty of a sale, Bergen said, is that when two people really want a horse, they can drive the price of that horse up through bidding more than someone might pay outside the sale. For each horse you’re interested in, talk to your trainer about its marketable value. That way, if the sale price goes outside that range, even if it’s still under budget, you can determine if it’s worth it to keep bidding on the horse.
“I tell my clients, ‘Here’s what I think is a very fair price for that horse,’ but when I say that going into a sale, there’s probably about a $25,000 range in there because with sales, you never know,” Bergen said. “We see it all the time where you see a horse that you think is a $50,000 horse, and they sell for $500,000. Those types of things happen.”
Once you’ve determined your budget, it’s time to start assessing the consigned horses to see which ones meet your needs. It’s a good idea to peruse the sale catalog beforehand. Once you’ve determined which horses look like they could fit your program, Bergen suggested doing some research. Start by looking up photos and videos, checking how the horse is bred and finding out who owns and trains it.
“I try and have a system—bloodlines, conformation, things that I want to see on the video—and I'll sit down and go through them,” Bergen said. “If it’s something somewhere close to what I want, I'll watch the video and then go from there.”
If Bergen likes what he sees on the video, he finds out who has the horse— something that’s usually listed in the sale catalog—and tries to make an appointment to see it in person. If he can’t see it in person, he’ll at least talk to its owner or trainer.
“That way, I've really researched it and done my due diligence of looking at this horse as opposed to showing up on sale day, watching it in the pen if it's a 2-year-old or older and then basing my decision on that,” Bergen said. “I don't always just go by the videos because sometimes horses look very different in person than they do in a video.”
Swales agreed and suggested that, in addition to looking at the horse themselves, talk to the trainer or sale fitter about their potential use of the horse.
“Don’t be afraid to tell them what discipline you’re going into because they usually can give you a good idea of, yes, this horse will fit that, or no, probably not,” Swales said. “When we were interested in Spanish Nights, we went through her videos and thought there was huge potential there, so after watching them, we talked to [her breeders] Russ and Janet Westfall.”
If you don’t feel confident in your ability to evaluate a horse on your own, or you can’t travel to view the horse in person, ask your trainer or a trusted, educated horse friend to help you, Stephenson said. Your trainer will know what they like to ride and should have a
Horses featured in the NRCHA
Bit Futurity® Sales range in age from yearlings to 2-year-olds, and from performance horses to broodmares. There’s something for every shopper.
–Todd Bergen
Some of the brightest stars in reined cow horse catch their first flash of a camera and attention from owners and professionals alike at the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® Sales. Don’t miss this year’s event, October 17-19, 2024, in Fort Worth, Texas.
good idea of whether the horse might be successful for whatever you’re buying it for. They may also know of opportunities to see the horse in person, like the Sale Horse Preview San Juan Ranch hosts each year before the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity®.
“We have a big open house on our ranch, and we have all the horses that are going to go through the sale there,” Stephenson said. “We have a really nice barbecue with prime rib, and people can come out and take the sale horses out of their stalls, look at them and go through them.”
If you can’t meet them in person beforehand, horses can be seen in their stalls prior to the sale or during the Western Bloodstock Sale Preview.
“The Sale Preview is a unique opportunity that allows buyers to thoroughly inspect and familiarize themselves with the horses,” Barwick said. “Providing this ample sale preview time during the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® show itself, when buyers are also able to see horses showing and access all industry professionals that are at the event, is just one more way of making a complete evaluation before engaging in the auction bidding process.”
Preparing for the sale doesn’t just involve researching horses; you also need to learn the sale’s rules and processes, Barwick said.
“It’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the auction rules for buyer registration, whether you plan on attending in person or bidding online,” Barwick said. “By understanding the procedures and requirements in advance, you can assure a smooth and successful experience. Review the terms and conditions thoroughly, and seek clarification on any uncertainties
to make informed decisions and secure the best prospects for your needs.”
Get to know the Western Bloodstock website and app, too. Horses, along with their photos and videos, will start appearing on the website as soon as they’re received, giving buyers ample time to arrange in-person visits before the sale. Once the sales catalog is completed, that information will also be available on the app, Barwick added.
Regardless of your interaction with the horse beforehand, Barwick suggested inspecting it before the horse walks into the ring. Anything can happen with horses, and you will want to be aware if the horse injured itself in the stall an hour before walking through the sale pen. Then, once it’s in the ring, make sure you can hear everything the announcer says.
“The most important thing for a buyer is to pay close attention while the horse is in the ring,” Barwick said. “All updates and announcements made during this time are binding and take precedence over anything printed in the catalog.”
On sale day, there will be lots of excitement in the air, refreshments to enjoy and camera bulbs flashing as some of the finest prospects in the sport walk through the ring. If you’ve done all the necessary homework before the sale, you can bid confidently according to your goals. If all goes well, you could walk out with the horse of your dreams.
“People bring some really good horses to the sales, and if you have a game plan, do your research and know what you’re looking for, there’s a lot of nice horses in there that stand a very good chance at winning a lot of money,” Bergen said.
–Jeremy Barwick
The new, exciting NRCHA million-dollar incentive program begins at the 2025 NRCHA Stallion Stakes!
As we mark the 75th anniversary of our esteemed organization, NRCHA was thrilled to announce the launch of the new and exciting Cow Horse Incentive at the Stallion Stakes. This initiative honors and rewards the incredible contributions of our breeders, owners, stallions and trainers, whose dedication and expertise have been cornerstones of our organization. The new incentive has been a journey over a year in the making. Countless hours of research and careful consideration of its impact on members went into this program, and months were spent refining rules before its presentation to the board of directors for review. A
The new Cow Horse Incentive will take center-stage at the 2025 NRCHA Stallion Stakes, offering major opportunities for breeders and stallion owners to capitalize on their passion for producing outstanding reined cow horses.
dedicated task force was assembled to ensure a thorough examination of every aspect.
“We went through numerous iterations, engaging industry experts and revisiting discussions to craft the most beneficial incentive possible for all stakeholders,” remarked NRCHA Programs Director Tara Carter.
Every step of the way, we’ve aimed to deliver excellence and ensure that this program reflects the mission and strategic planning of NRCHA. It’s an exciting time in our industry, to say the least.”
At the heart of our organization are breeders who’ve spent decades perfecting the art of producing exceptional equine athletes. Their unwavering commitment and meticulous breeding practices have produced horses of unparalleled quality, and it’s time to shine a spotlight on their invaluable work, allowing them to reap the financial benefits they deserve.
Our owners and trainers also play critical roles in developing these horses into world-class athletes, through expert training and care where they transform potential into performance, ensuring that our horses excel in each event.
Standing a stallion is a monumental undertaking that demands substantial investment, both in terms of finances and effort. With millions of dollars dedicated to their care, training and promotion, stallion owners pour their hearts and resources into these animals. The new incentive, which builds on the original Subscribed Stallion Program (now referred to as the Legacy Subscribed Stallion Program), recognizes the immense dedication required and offers an opportunity for many stallions to reap the rewards they deserve. Beyond the potential increase in progeny earnings, stallions now have the chance to benefit directly from the Stallion Incentive Purse, ensuring that their contributions are duly acknowledged and rewarded. It’s a way of giving back to these incredible creatures and the individuals who devote themselves to their success.
Our equine athletes are multi-diverse performers that stand among the best in the world. This program underscores our horses' exceptional quality and versatility, making it clear why they deserve recognition through substantial incentives. The new wave of incentives represents a paradigm shift, offering breeders and owners an opportunity to unlock the inherent value of their bloodlines, even before a foal is born. By aligning incentives with performance metrics and genetics, breeders and owners can command higher prices for offspring, allowing them to recoup their investment and even make a profit.
The Cow Horse Incentive aims to build strong relationships between stallion owners, breeders, members, and partners through innovation, strategic planning, and creativity. NRCHA is passionate and purposeful in its mission to cultivate a culture that promotes community, collaboration, and relationship-building, all contributing to a positive economic impact. This is just the beginning of NRCHA's incentive-based growth.
The Cow Horse Incentive will be paid out as part of the 2025 Stallion Stakes in Las Vegas, Nevada, for the Open and Non Pro derbies. Stallions are subscribed by paying the annual Stallion Subscription Fee based on their published breeding fee. Stallions subscribed in the legacy program will receive a credit applied to the foal crop year for prior payments received. Offspring of subscribed stallions are nominated into the program by paying the one-time nomination fee of $275, due by November 15, 2024.
The new Cow Horse Incentive Purse is comprised of three sources and paid to finalists and allocated as shown.
As a small breeder, I believe the new incentive program supports the small breeder and gives an opportunity for our horses to have bigger payouts at ages 4 and 5, especially if they’re not ready for the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity®.”
—Scott Turner
With an incentive program like this, we can expect to see a great increase not only in the show payouts, but also in the value of the cow horse. A program such as the NRCHA Cow Horse Incentive will bring greater value to horses for riders, stallion owners, breeders and owners!”
—Jeremy Barwick
Get ready for the event of the year, where the stakes have never been higher! The estimated purse for the 2025 Stallion Stakes is over one million dollars, and it’s only the beginning. As more stallions subscribe and more foals are nominated, the prize pool will continue growing, making this an event you can’t miss! Imagine the thrill of competing for a share of a million-dollar prize! This snapshot of the potential payout for 2025 gives just a glimpse into the future of our event, where champions are crowned and legends can be made.
The new incentive recognizes the immense dedication required and offers an opportunity for stallions and breeders to reap the rewards they deserve.
As an owner and non pro, it’s my opinion that the increase in payouts due to the new incentive program will positively benefit the breeders, owners, the horse and the competitor. I think it is a win for all of us who are part of NRCHA.” —Brett Haag *Projected Payouts are based on estimated subscriptions, nominations and entries
PE=Total Progeny Earnings credited to stallion and dam records
As a longtime breeder focused solely on breeding reined cow horses, we couldn’t be more excited about the new NRCHA Cow Horse Incentive!
The opportunities this incentive gives not only to stallion owners, but also mare owners to remain engaged with the offspring they create is exciting! The financial opportunity this incentive provides breeders will no doubt enhance the demand and marketability of the offspring by subscribed stallions. What an exciting time to be involved in the reined cow horse industry!”
—Garth Gardiner
There’s a grandfather clause for 2025; all offspring can be nominated for $275, regardless of age, as long as they’re nominated by November 15, 2024. After this date, fees go up $1,000 per year based on the age of the offspring (e.g., waiting until a horse is 4 years old costs $4,275 to nonimate).
For those concerned about whether you can show your horse at the Stallion Stakes in 2025, yes, you can. If a stallion was subscribed in the legacy program but does not advance into the Cow Horse Incentive, you’ll still be able to show. For the legacy program, the purse will be based on entries and the stallion fee paid that year. A separate show class was created in this inaugural year only, similar to the novice horse. (Please see detailed rules at NRCHA.com)
As stakeholders in the equine industry, we stand at the threshold of a new era of possibility and potential within the equine industry. By embracing the transformative power of enhanced incentive program, we can unlock the inherent value of our investments, cultivate market demand for superior bloodlines and chart a course toward sustainable success and prosperity. By bolstering the economic viability of breeding operations and incentivizing strategic investments in superior bloodlines, the new incentive program lays the foundation for long-term sustainability and prosperity for everyone, seizing this opportunity to redefine the future of breeding and ownership, ensuring a legacy of excellence and innovation for generations to come. Incentive Program and Marketing Manager Patty Tiberg has been subscribing stallions for months and is pleased to announce that new and returning stallions are joining every day. Subscribe your stallion as soon as possible to take full advantage of the incentive marketing benefits before fall breeding promotions begin, and to allow offspring owners and breeders plenty of time to nominate their horses before the November
15, 2024, deadline. Please go to NRCHA.com for more information about the Cow Horse Incentive Program or contact Tiberg at incentive@nrcha.com.
I’m excited about this program for so many reasons. By elevating the show into a prestigious, exciting, and highly anticipated event, we ensure that it becomes a must-attend event showcasing the best-trained horses in the performance horse industry. With increased attendance, heightened enthusiasm, and more opportunities for connection and enjoyment, this is an event that no one will want to miss.
Use this QR code to access the most up-to-date details about the Cow Horse Incentive.
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1. Kim DY, Taylor HW, Moore RM, Paulsen DB, Cho DY. Articular chondrocyte apoptosis in equine osteoarthritis. The Veterinary Journal 2003; 166: 52-57. 2. Burba DJ, Collier MA, DeBault LE, Hanson-Painton O, Thompson HC, Holder CL: In vivo kinetic study on uptake and distribution of intramuscular tritium-labeled polysulfated glycosaminoglycan in equine body fluid compartments and articular cartilage in an osteochondral defect model. J Equine Vet Sci 1993; 13: 696-703.
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Three solid runs led A Reyl Rebel (Metallic Rebel x Never Reylinquish x Dual Rey) and Nick Dowers to the NRCHA Kimes Ranch Western Derby Open Championship. The pair collected $50,000 for owner Clinton Marshall, plus another $1,462.50 for the Open Chrome Cash incentive.
Since taking off most of the 2023 show season, A Reyl Rebel has come back stronger than ever, carrying Nick Dowers to the Open Derby Championship.
At last year’s NRCHA Kimes Ranch Western Derby, Nick Dowers and Cabanna Boy came from behind after marking a 216.5 in the herd work to secure the Open Derby title. This year’s event must have felt a little like déjà vu when Dowers started his bid for the title by riding A Reyl Rebel (Metallic Rebel x Never Reylinquish x Dual Rey) to a 217 in the herd work. Just like Cabanna Boy, A Reyl Rebel stepped it up in the reined and cow work portions of the finals to nab the title, taking home a $50,000 winner’s check for his composite 664 (H: 217/R: 221.5/C: 225.5).
A Reyl Rebel has been close to the winner’s circle at the last couple of premier events, so the title was the icing on the cake of a strong 2024 show season. He seems to be making up for lost time since having to take most of his 4-year-old year off due to an injury.
“He’s been really awesome all year, from the World Show to the [NRCHA Stallion] Stakes and all the go-rounds,” Dowers said. “He’s been super dialed in this year. It seems like he’s gotten really mature and understands what he’s supposed to do, and he’s just kind of turned into a machine.”
In the finals, the duo followed up their 217 in the herd work with a 221.5 in the reined work, so Dowers knew they could have a shot at the title if their fence work went according to plan. There,
Scottsdale, Arizona May 29–June 8, 2024 (Rider/Horse/Pedigree/Owner/Score/Money)
1. A Reyl Rebel; Nicholas Dowers; 19S (Metallic Rebel x Never Reylinquish x Dual Rey); Clinton Marshall; 664 (H: 217/R: 221.5/C: 225.5); $50,000
2. SJR Hitime Shine; Matt Koch; 20G (High Brow Cat x Shiners Little Oak x Shining Spark); San Juan Ranch; 661.5 (H: 217/R: 222/C: 222.5); $40,000
3. Hicaliber Cat; Clayton Edsall; 19S (High Brow Cat x SFR Magic Doll x Abrakadabracre); Crosshair Ranch; 659.5 (H: 219/R: 222/C: 218.5); $30,000
4. Raquel Ray; Veronica Swales; 20M (Stevie Rey Von x Reychell Rey x Dual Rey); Bar One Land & Cattle LLP; 658.5 (H: 215.5/R: 219/C: 224); $26,500
5. Whatutalkinabout; Justin Wright; 19S (Smooth Talkin Style x Smart Blues x Smart Boons); Justin Price; 657.5 (H: 216/R: 221.5/C: 220); $22,500
6. Cabanna Boy; Nicholas Dowers; 19G (WR This Cats Smart x Shining Madonna x Shining Spark); Triple D Ranches LLC; 656.5 (H: 218/R: 224.5/C: 214); $18,000
7. The Kool Kat; Tracer Gilson; 19S (WR This Cats Smart x Shiney Nu Annie x Shining Spark); Loren Booth Living Trust; 655.5 (H: 215.5/R: 217/C: 223); $16,000
8. Dirty Look; Garrett Cooper; 19S (Woody Be Tuff x Sucha Smartlookn Cat x High Brow Cat); Ty Smith; 655 (H: 214.5/R: 217.5/C: 223); $12,000
9. ARA Rebel King; Corey Cushing; 20S
10. Metallic
they earned the highest score—a 225.5—securing the championship by 2.5 points.
“In the fence work finals, he was really awesome,” Dowers said. “The cattle were kind of pushy and tough, and you really had to push in your turns down the fence and be able to ride your horse exactly where you needed to get those turns and force that cow to get with the program. I thought he did an exceptional job of letting me ride him exactly where I wanted and then doing his part right there. I was very pleased with that.”
Owned by Dowers’ longtime client, Clinton Marshall, A Reyl Rebel has been in Dowers’ program since he was a yearling. Despite being a late bloomer, he and Dowers placed fourth in the 2022 NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity®. Dowers said once the horse became solid, he proved to be a horse that enjoys working. Taking time off to recover from his injury seemed only to help him get stronger.
“I feel like him missing that 4-year-old year essentially was the best thing that could happen because now he’s just that much more mature, and there’s so much gas left in the tank,” Dowers said. “I feel like it all worked out. He’s been all around that top spot, and I’m just really happy for him and the owner that we were able to get it done this time.”
Dowers thanked Marshall for being a rock-solid customer for a long time. He also thanked his wife, kids, parents and the team at home for supporting him so he can go to the shows.
Thank you to all the mare owners who bred to Sparky in 2024!
With a 643 (H: 211/R: 220/C: 212), Metallic N Shine (Metallic Cat x Just A Sparknshine x Shining Spark) and Joshua Briggs took home the Limited Open Championship and $4,287.03 for owner Andrea Luce.
Bet Hesa Dualin (Bet Hesa Cat x Dualin Darlene x Dual Pep) and Eva Rittner clinched the Level 1 Open Championship with a 641 (H: 210/R: 217/C: 214). The gelding, owned by Tracy Lee Ellingson, collected $4,117.68.
Reid Hockenson’s mare, HQ Gunna Light It Up (CD Dyna Cee x Gunna Be Lucky x Gunna Smoke), carried Stephen Hutchins to a 640.5 (H: 209/R: 212.5/C: 219) for the Limited Open Reserve title, which came with $3,297.71.
A composite score of 641 (H: 211/R: 217/C: 213) gave Garrett Thurner and Lesli Gilbert’s mare My Fancy Bet (Bet Hesa Cat x Fancy Smancy x Quejanaisalena) the Level 1 Open Reserve Championship, along with $3,235.32.
Nine Lives (Shiney Outlaw x Metallic Cat Rose x Metallic Cat), owned by Spring Haven Ranches, and John Swales amassed a 655.5 (H: 214/R: 220/C: 221.5) for the Novice Horse Open Championship. They banked $6,258.33.
With a 655.5 (H: 219.5/R: 218/C: 218), Spiel (Smooth Talkin Style x Catnaps x High Brow Cat) and Zane Davis picked up the Novice Horse Open Co-Reserve title. Owner Shane Law collected $4,332.69.
Aboard Hope Mills’ stallion Oh Cay Smarty Pants (WR This Cats Smart x Oh Cay Meriah x Light N Lena), Dustin Mills scored a 655.5 (H: 216/R: 220/C: 219.5) for the Novice Horse Open Co-Reserve Championship and $4,332.69.
The Open Chrome Cash Reserve Championship went to ARA Rebel King (Metallic Rebel x Never Reylinquish x Dual Rey), a stallion owned by Aldo Ramon and Corey Cushing. The pair scored a 659.5 (H: 219/R: 223.5/C: 217) and banked $1,218.75.
Only a few months after getting back into showing reined cow horses, Terra Kirchenschlager found herself in the winner’s circle with Night Wach at the NRCHA Kimes Ranch Western Derby.
ATerra Kirchenschlager and Night Wach (Reyzin The Cash x Prowlin By Starlight x High Brow Cat) swept the non pro divisions with their score of 654 (H: 216/R: 216.5/C: 221.5), collecting a total of $15,927.40.
bout six years ago, Terra Kirchenschlager retired her bridle horse from the show pen and took time off to attend rodeos with her husband, Tate, and give birth to her daughter, Remi. By 2023, she was itching to get back into showing, so in September, she and Tate purchased Night Wach for Kirchenschlager to show in reined cow horse events and Tate to compete on in rope horse futurities. It took a little bit for her to knock off the dust, she admitted, but only nine months later, she and the gelding found success when they swept all the non pro divisions at the NRCHA Kimes Ranch Western Derby with a 654, earning $15,927.
Scottsdale, Arizona May 29–June 8, 2024 (Rider/Horse/Pedigree/Owner/Score/Money)
1. Terra Kirchenschlager; Night Wach; 19G (Reyzin The Cash x Prowlin By Starlight x High Brow Cat); Tate & Terra Kirchenschlager; 654 (H: 216/R: 216.5/C: 221.5); $10,000
2. Lanham Brown; RAB Miss Blue Bayou; 20M (Once In A Blu Boon x This Shiney Miss x WR This Cats Smart); R.A. Brown Ranch; 648 (H: 214.5/R: 219/C: 214.5); $7,500
3. Debbie Crafton; SJR Diamond Luna; 19M (CD Diamond x SJR Smooth Gina x Smooth As A Cat); Debbie Crafton; 647.5 (H: 214.5/R: 217/C: 216); $6,000
4. Brent Ratliff; Twntytwntywhatamitch; 20G (Call Me Mitch x Shiney N Quick x Smart Shiner Nic); Brent Ratliff; 647 (H: 210/R: 218 /C: 219); $4,500
5. Stephen Silva; DT Shiny N I Know It; 19S (Hickory Holly Time x Lil Miss Shiney Chex x Shining Spark); Stephen Silva; 646.5 (H: 210/R: 219.5/C: 217); $4,000
6 (TIE). Cody Halford; WCR Who Spooked It; 19G (Shine N Spook x Whiz Dun A Creme x Who Whiz It); Jessica Halford; 645 (H: 207/R: 216/C: 222); $2,750
6 (TIE). Toni Hagen Heath; Whole Lotta Holly; 20M (Hickory Holly Time x Catsmerada Frostynic x Cats Merada); Daniel Heath; 645 (H: 213/R: 214.5/C: 217.5); $2,750
8. Tammy Jo Hays; Metallic Lightning; 20S (Metallic Cat x Maliblu Barbie x Smart Boons); Tammy Jo Hays; 640.5 (H: 211/R: 217/C: 212.5); $2,250
9. Amber Carroll; Scooter Five; 20G (Scooter Kat x Kat Five x High Brow Cat); Amber Carroll; 635 (H: 216/R: 215.5/C: 203.5); $1,750
10 (TIE). Hope Mills; Pastor Jackson; 20S (Brother Jackson x Red Carpet Style x CD
212/R: 212.5 /C: 205.5); $1,375
HIm, AND tHeN He stArteD trustINg me. It WAs perFeCt tImINg FOr eVerYtHINg tO COme tOgetHer. I WAs VerY eXCIteD WHeN tHeY sAID mY sCOre.”
—Terra Kirchenschlager
“It was very surreal,” she admitted. “I didn’t think that would ever happen to me in a million years. Honestly, I didn’t think I’d come out of ‘retirement’ and have this much success. He’s a once-in-a-lifetime horse.”
The duo started their finals runs by tying for the highest score in the herd work, a 216. During the run, Kirchenschlager felt as though she’d finally learned how to control her hands and feet, and it led to their best herd work together yet.
“Usually, I over-direct him and get a little too excited—I shoot him past the cow, and then we have a miss or two,” Kirchenschlager said. “I feel like in the finals, I let him work and just helped him a little bit where I needed to. I was very happy with him in the herd work.”
The reined work didn’t quite go according to plan, as Night Wach was a little looky throughout the pattern, but the pair still marked a respectable 216.5. In the fence work, the pair's 221.5 was the second-highest by a half-point
“That's kind of the spot where I was struggling the most, so it was nice that we could just keep
After accumulating a score of 648 (H: 214.5/R: 219/C: 214.5), Lanham Brown and RAB Miss
The pair banked $7,500.
the ball rolling going down the fence,” she said. “I could trust him, and then he started trusting me. It was perfect timing for everything to come together. I was very excited when they said my score.”
Kirchenschlager thanked her trainer, Erin Taormino, for helping her and “Ralph” (Reyzin The Cash x Prowlin By Starlight x High Brow Cat) get in sync. Before Kirchenschlager, the gelding was shown by Todd Crawford, and it took a little time for the horse to adjust to where Kirchenschlager’s shorter legs hit him below the saddle pad.
“I’ll have to hang it up for a while—there’s a new [roping] event this year in Utah that’s going to pay quite a bit, so Tate begged Erin and I to take [Ralph] to it,” Kirchenschlager said. “He just picked him up from Erin’s, and I was joking that she should put a padlock on his stall so he couldn’t take the horse. He’ll show him all next year in the rope horse futurities, but the World’s Greatest Non Pro is on my bucket list in the future.”
Toni Hagen Heath and Whole Lotta Holly (Hickory Holly Time x Catsmerada Frostynic x Cats Merada) also scored a 645 (H: 213/R: 214.5/C: 217.5) for the Co-Reserve Derby Championship and $2,803.50. They also picked up the Novice Horse Non Pro Championship and Select Non Pro Reserve Championship with a 648.5 (H: 216.5/R: 217.5/C: 214.5), worth another $1,697.50.
Carissa Schaafsma and Hes Got That Look (Dual R Smokin x SVR Shesgothatlook x Metallic Cat) scored the Level 1 Non Pro Reserve Championship with a 629 (H: 208/R: 216/C: 205). They collected $1,447.20.
Reserve in the Limited Non Pro went to Amber Carroll and Scooter Five (Scooter Kat x Kat Five x High Brow Cat), who collected $1,537.92 after marking a score of 635 (H: 216/R: 215.5/C: 203.5). The pair also took the Level 1 Non Pro Championship and $1,929.60 with a 648.5 (H: 215/R: 216/C: 217.5).
With a 644.5 (H: 214.5/R: 216/C: 214), Tylor Todd and Rebel At Play (Metallic Rebel x Lil Play Rey x Reys Dual Badger) took the Novice Horse Non Pro Reserve Championship. The duo garnered $1,170.
Matthew Kimes rode Hope Shez Catty (Catty Hawk x Shes Full Of Hope x Smart Mate) to a composite 653 (H: 217.5/R: 217/C: 218.5) for the Select Non Pro Championship and $165. They were also the Non Pro Chrome Cash Champions, which came with an additional $885.
The Non Pro Chrome Cash Reserve Championship went to Debbie Crafton and SJR Diamond Luna (CD Diamond x SJR Smooth Gina x Smooth As A Cat). The pair scored a 649 (H: 214.5/R: 216/C: 218.5) and banked $590.
Monica Duflock and Bet
On Anne (Bet Hesa Cat x Paddys Anne x Paddys Irish Whiskey) took Reserve with their 650.5 (H: 216.5/R: 216.5/C: 217.5), collecting $3,500.
Allison Trimble Paparoa and CD Metallic (Stevie Rey Von x High CD Rates x High Brow CD) amassed a score of 653 (H: 218.5/R: 216.5/C: 218) for the Non Pro Boxing Championship. They were also the Non Pro Boxing Chrome Cash Champions and banked $4,000 and $950, respectively.
Aboard Bigcitybritelights (Light N Lena x CD Fancy Squaw x Hickorys Indian Pep), Sarah Armenta scored a 633 (H: 212/R: 206/C: 215) to win the Level 1 Non Pro Boxing Championship and take home $1,025.
A Spoonful Of Boon (Once In A Blu Boon x Senorita Spoon x Hes A Peptospoonful) carried Chloe Smith to a 615 (H: 206/R: 202/C: 207) for the Reserve Championship, which came with $850.
A 646 (H: 220.5/R: 209/C: 216.5) gave Sandy Miller-Allen and Talkinattheboondocks (Smooth Talkin Style x My Gun Goes Boom x Smart Boons) the Select Non Pro Reserve title. They banked $228.
Cheryl Chown and Velvit Elvis (Dual Smart Rey x Duals Play Kitten x High Brow Cat) picked up the Select Non Pro Boxing Championship, along with $285, for their composite 649 (H: 209.5/R: 218/C: 221.5).
With a composite score of 648.5 (H: 215.5/R: 218.5/C: 214.5), Sydney Whitling and Extra High Caliber (Snipers Smoking Gun x Extra Dry Dazzel x Extra Dry Chex) took the Non Pro Boxing Chrome Cash Reserve Championship, along with $570.
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Shadd Parkinson piloted two outstanding horses to win the Kimes Ranch Western Derby Open Bridle Spectacular and Super Spectacular.
Shadd Parkinson is a patient horseman. You can see it in how he handles his stock and coaches his non pros. His unwavering patience paid off at the 2024 Kimes Ranch Western Derby in the CD Survivor Memorial Open Bridle Spectacular and Super Spectacular. Parkinson took home both titles on Tornado Watch (Metallic Cat x Tornados First Mate x Smart Mate) and Whose Tuff (Woody Be Tuff x CR Dees Boon Meow x Peptoboonsmal), respectively.
In the non pro division, perennial champions Debbie Crafton and FoundLoveAtHooters (Smooth As A Cat x Rey Lena Rey x Dual Rey) found their way to the top of the Non Pro Bridle Spectacular with a score of 442.5 (H: 148/R: 146/C: 148.5), as well as the Non Pro Bridle Super Spectacular with a 147.5 in the steer stopping.
Limited-age events get much of the spotlight, but in reined cow horse, a bridle horse that can do it all is a treasured partner. Parkinson has had 9-year-old Tornado Watch in his barn for two years. He’s one of Parkinson’s go-to horses for everything from the show pen to gathering cattle at home.
“He’s the best ever,” Parkinson shared. “Winning this at home with so many friends in the stands—it was awesome to have that kind of support, and I couldn’t be happier with my horse.”
The pair kicked off the event with the herd work, which Parkinson considers Tornado Watch’s best phase of the event. They marked a 222 to finish second in that phase.
“He’s always very solid in the herd; it’s his strongest part,” he said. “We had a good draw being second out. He showed like he always does—spot on.”
In the reined work, the scores went as high as 225. Parkinson and Tornado Watch stayed in the hunt with a 220.
“He’s very easy to show in the reining,” Parkinson shared. “He circles beautifully and has good stuff. Turns can be tough for him, but he did great—I feel like he overachieved there and came to the party. That’s what gave us a shot [at the win].”
The fence work always comes down to the cow’s unpredictability, and Parkinson said he and his horse had luck on their side, marking a 221.5 for second in the fence work.
“He’s always very good down the fence,” Parkinson shared. “I felt confident in him, and we had luck with our cow, which is what it always comes down to.”
Parkinson was back at it after the results were tallied for the Open Bridle Spectacular, taking on the final phase of the Super Spectacular: the steer stopping. He showed Whose Tuff, owned by Christa Hampton, to a stunning 226 in the final event for a composite 879 (R: 219/C: 215/H: 219/S: 226), winning the class by five points. Parkinson won the event in 2023 with Whose Tuff.
“He was sitting good in the herd and the reining,” Parkinson shared. “When we went down the fence, he was fixing to be big, but he stumbled a little in the first turn. He was still a 215, so that kept us in.”
Heading into the roping, several riders held formidable scores but struggled with the roping phase. It opened a door for Parkinson and Whose Tuff to repeat their victory and keep the title.
“We had a great steer to rope,” Parkinson said. “He’s always been great with the muley steers. The harder a steer hits that rope, the harder he stops. We all like to rope, but we don’t get to do it that much. The setup at West World is so great for this. And the muley cattle run hard and don’t give up, so that’s my favorite part.”
Parkinson’s history with Whose Tuff goes back to the horse’s 3-year-old season, purchased from Boyd Rice.
“He’s kind of like my comfort blanket,” Parkinson said about his horse. “I know he’ll be there when it’s go time. I’m fortunate to have a great group of bridle horses.”
Crafton and FoundLoveAtHooters continued their winning streak in the Non Pro Bridle Spectacular and Super Spectacular with a 442.5 in the Spectacular (H: 148/R: 146/C: 148.5; $5,200) and the Super Spectacular with a 590 (H: 148/R: 146/C: 148.5; S: 147.5; $300). She also tied for reserve champion on Hesa Wee Bet in both events.
“These two horses have done so much for me,” Crafton shared. “They’re so dynamic in all the events, so talented and reliable. They love their jobs.”
Challenging cattle across the board caused Crafton to focus on her game plan before the herd work. Thanks to her excellent herd help, Ashley Deacon and Dustin Mills, Crafton identified which cows best fit her horse. They won that phase with a 148.
“I rode into that herd with total confidence,” she said. “I knew we could work and hold any cow in that
The NRCHA Derby Bridle Spectacular is named in memory of CD Survivor (CD Olena x Have A Lil Lena x Peppy San Badger), orphaned as a foal to earn the name “survivor.” He was best love by his owner, Nancy Crawford of Holy Cow Performance Horses, who puts up $50,000 in added money for bridle spectacular classes held each year at NRCHA premier events. The added money started in 2010, and Crawford has not wavered in her support of the finished bridle horse.
Whose Tuff, owned by Christa Hampton, gave Parkinson exactly what the pair needed for a repeat win in the Open Bridle Super Spectacular with an 879 composite (R: 219/C: 215/H: 219/S: 226), taking home a $1,200 check.
“The goal of the bridle spectacular and why it exists in the first places to have [incentive] for a fully trained bridle horse to compete,” she said. “I think it’s really important to have those fully trained bridle horses that just about anybody can ride.”
The CD Survivor Memorial Open Bridle Spectacular Champion, presented by Holy Cow Performance Horses, receives a perpetual trophy and their name and the horse’s name are added annually.
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herd without any question in my mind. We cut three good ones that tried my horse, and he was spot on.”
Crafton credited her horse’s honesty in the reined work. They ended that portion with a 146.
“We were right at the bottom of the draw in a really big class,” she recalled. “I knew I had to go in and let him do his job. He had a good pattern. He circles well and changes leads easily. For as much as he’s been shown, he should have a trick, but he’s just so honest.”
Crafton and her horse won the fence work phase with a 148.5.
“I knew I didn’t want to box too long, or my cow could peter out,” she said. “My cow trotted out, which was a good sign. We boxed back and forth a couple of times and went. Nothing can outrun that horse, so I know I can leave with a lot of cow and he’ll handle it. He’s such a dynamic fence horse.”
When it came to the roping portion of the Super Spectacular, Crafton knew she had to cowgirl up and rely on her background in ranching and roping, even though she hadn’t had much time to practice.
“I was a little surprised that we were roping muleys,” she said with a laugh. “I hadn’t practiced on them at all; I’d roped a few Corrientes. Luckily, it played out like we needed. Hesa Wee Bet was my first horse in, so I got to see what the cattle were like on him. I knew my horse could run, so I let the steer out a little bit to get him thinking about running straight to the other end. We ran up, my horse rated and let me rope. It was such a nice feeling!”
Crafton summed up her feelings about FoundLoveAtHooters with one simple word: teamwork.
“He walks in the pen and is just as pure and honest as a horse can be,” she said. “He loves his job, and he loves me. We’re such a team. We know what to expect from each other, and we run our play. He’s so good that it makes me look good. He’s such a blessing.”
Landri Lisac and Cat Walks Into A Bar continued their winning ways in Scottsdale in the Youth Cow Horse Spectacular. The pair topped the event with a 435.5 composite (H: 144/R: 146/C: 145.5).
“He’s always there for me,” she said. “In the herd, it was the best he’s done. It might be our highest herd score yet. It’s often his weakest part, but we’ve been working on it a lot and trying to get my footwork down. He was good in the reining and ran hard without any bobbles. The fence work is always his best. I was a little nervous about the cows, but my horse stayed with me, rose to the occasion and handled it well.”
Lisac finished reserve on her sister’s horse LooksLikeLuckToMe (Smart Boons x Dual Lookin Pep x Dual Pep), also with a 435.5 (H: 145/R: 146/C: 144.5).
After Scottsdale, Lisac and Cat Walks Into A Bar were headed to Gillette, Wyoming, to defend her title in the reined cow horse class at the National High School Rodeo Finals.
Partners since SJR Diamonds Justify (CD Diamond x Highly Unlimited x High Brow Cat) was a 2-year-old, Matt Koch’s journey with the 6-year-old buckskin started a bit bumpy, with an injury at the 2022 NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity®. Following some time off to heal and mature, the horse keeps showing up for its owner, San Juan Ranch.
“The transition to the two rein has been pretty easy,” Koch said. “We use him outside and rope on him, and he keeps coming on.”
In a tough herd of cattle, SJR Diamonds Justify had the chance to show off, marking a 151.
“We had a late draw in the set,” Koch recalled. “With the first cow, I knew he wanted to be good. He continued to make a great run, and it all fell into place.”
The reined work can sometimes prove tricky for this horse, but Koch said the horse did what he needed to, earning a 146.
“He was in a good mood; I didn’t warm him up a whole lot. He let me cruise around on him, and he stopped and turned good.”
Koch finished with solid fence work, earning a 149.5.
“He’s always a good fence horse,” he shared. “He rises to the occasion and really likes that pen.”
Debbie Crafton continued her two rein win streak at the Derby with SJR SumKindaRockStar (Smooth As A Cat x Sumkinda PinkCadilac x Peptoboonsmal), earning $2,460 along with the title. The pair had a composite score of 434.5 (H: 147.5/R: 147/C: 140).
“My daughter DJ has been riding him
for the most part,” Crafton shared. “We went to some brandings and used him outside after the Stakes. He’s so pure and honest that he makes it fun. It says so much about a horse’s mind when I can make a significant run on him, and then DJ comes behind me, and he goes at whatever speed she wants to go. He’s a stud, and he’s live-covering mares, so for him to be so gelding-like at shows, it makes you say, ‘Wow, what a horse!’”
Crafton felt good about their herd and reined works and knew he’d stay solid down the fence.
“I just need to stay out of his way,” she said with a laugh. “He’s getting so solid. I need to put my hand down and ride him. He’s so smart on a cow, and I don’t need to take care of him as much as I do some other horses. I’m getting more confident with him because of how solid he is.”
Left: SJR Diamonds Justify and Matt Koch brought home the Open Two Rein Spectacular title with a 446.5 (H: 151/R: 146/ C: 149.5) for owner San Juan Ranch worth a check for $6,800.
Below: They’re on fire in the two rein: Debbie Crafton and SJR SumKindaRockStar had a 434.5 (H: 147.5/R: 147/C: 140) to win the Non Pro Two Rein Spectacular and a check for $2,460.
Hazardouz Material (Metallic Cat x Scooters Daisy Dukes x Dual Smart Rey; owned by Linda A. Mars) and Erin Taormino racked up a 662.5 (H: 222/R: 224/C: 216.5) to earn the Open Bridle Spectacular Reserve Championship and $10,680.
Paris M. Starn and Santanas Rey Gun (Hired Gun x Chickita Rey Santana x Short of Santana) earned $3,770 for their composite score of 436 (H: 146.5/R: 147/C: 142.5) to tie for the Non Pro Bridle Spectacular Reserve Champion title.
CR Tuff Star War (Woody Be Tuff x Shortys Starlight x Grays Starlight) and Shadd Parkinson brought home the Open Bridle Spectacular Reserve Champion title for owner Laurie M. Boaz with a 660 (H: 217/R: 223.5/C: 219.5), earning $2,080.
Debbie Crafton and Hesa Wee Bet (Bet Hesa Cat x Wee Quejana Gal x Quejanaisalena) also earned $3,770 for their composite score of 436 (H: 145.5/R: 146.5/C: 144) to tie for the Non Pro Bridle Spectacular Reserve Champion title.
Landri Lisac and LooksLikeLuckToMe (Smart Boons x Dual Lookin Pep x Dual Pep) took home the Youth Cow Horse Spectacular Reserve Champion title with a 435.5 (H: 145/R: 146/C: 144.5) for $650.
Cheryl Chown and Xtra Short Trick (Shiners Voodoo Dr x Short And Royal x Short Oak) won the Non Pro Boxing with a 442 (H: 148/R:145/C: 149) and a check for $4,640.
CR Dainty N Tuff (Woody Be Tuff x Dainty Dual Rey
and Lee
nabbed the Open Two Rein Reserve Champion title with a 446 (H: 146/R: 151.5/C: 148.5) to earn $5,440.
Angie Kilpatrick rode Electra Tuff (Woody Be Tuff x Electras Boots x Doc O Boots) to a 439 (H: 146.5/R: 146.5/C: 146) for a check worth $3,712.
and Jule
a 433.5 (H: 146/R: 145.5/C: 142) for the Non Pro
and $2,050.
Exhibitors turned up the heat in Scottsdale at the Kimes Ranch Western Derby.
Quahadi (Bet Hesa Cat x Ginnin Attraction x Tanquery Gin) and Boyd Rice clinched the Open Bridle championship with a 444.5 (R: 222/C: 222.5). The 2013 stallion collected $5,453 for owners Burnett Ranches LLC.
Lidos Miss Dual Play (Little Lido x Miss Dually Doc x Mister Dual Pep) and Matt Bento clinched the Limited Open Bridle championship with a 430 (R: 214/C: 216). The 2014 mare collected $1,575 for owners Sisters View Performance Horses LLC.
Evan Means and Hollywood Big Star (ARC GunnaBeBigStar x Dunnit Wright On x OJ Dunit) clinched the Level 1 Non Pro Bridle championship with a 287 (R: 145/C: 142). The 2016 mare collected $1,900 and is owned by Means.
Jayson Fisher and Wood U Just Do It (Woody Be Tuff x Spookys Cash x Miss N Cash) clinched the Select Non Pro Bridle championship with a 290 (R: 144/C: 146). The 2018 stallion collected $500 and is owned by Jayson and Teresa Fisher.
CR Dainty N Tuff (Woody Be Tuff x Dainty Dual Rey x Dual Rey) and Lee Deacon clinched the Open Two Rien championship with a 300 (R: 151.5 /C: 148.5). The 2018 gelding collected $3,020 for owners Lee Ann McDaniel.
Go N Two Step (Playgun x Look The Look x High Brow Cat) and Brady Weaver clinched the Intermediate Open Two Rein championship with a 293.5 (R: 147 /C: 146.5). The 2018 stallion collected $952 for owner Kari Sack.
All About That Shine (Smart And Shiney x Its All About Dillion x Matt Dillon Dun It) and Garrett Thurner clinched the Limited Open Two Rein championship with a 277.5 (R: 142.5 /C: 135). The 2018 stallion collected $1,500 for owners Lesli Gilbert and Deborah Papaioanu.
DroppItLikeItsHott (Hottish x Some Kinda Merada x Cats Merada) and Erin Taormino clinched the Open Hackamore championship with a 294 (R: 146/C: 148).
The 2020 gelding collected $2,828 for owner Cassie Kuznetzow.
Ragtimes CD Rey (Dual Smart Rey x Ragtime CD Cat x High Brow Cat) and Tina Robinson clinched the Intermediate Open Hackamore championship with a 291 (R: 146/C: 145). The 2019 gelding collected $560 for owner Olivia Bethe.
Hy On Patron (Dual Patron x Hy N Dry Hattie x HR Pepperoni Dry) and Brent Boevers clinched the Limited Open Hackamore championship with a 278 (R: 140/C: 138).
The 2019 gelding collected $1,250 for owner Jodell Johnston.
Gianna Hansen and Calling Dibs (Call Me Mitch x Shine Di Light x Boonlight Dancer) clinched the Non Pro Hackamore championship with a 287.5 (R: 146/C: 141.5). The 2019 gelding collected $1,660 and is owned by Gianna Hansen.
Cheryl Chown and Xtra Short Trick (Shiners Voodoo Dr x Short And Royal x Short Oak) clinched the Box Drive and Select Box Drive championships with a 297 (R: 147/C: 150). The pair also claimed the Select Non Pro Boxing title with a 294 (R: 145/C: 149). The 2016 mare collected a total of $2,321.25 for all three titles.
Niamh Sexton and Ima Metallic Shine (Metallic Cat x Isabellena x Quejanaisalena) clinched the Non Pro Boxing championship with a 295.5 (R: 145.5 /C: 150). The 2016 gelding collected $3,380 and is owned by Melissa Sexton.
Haylee Scholzen and Ristaboon (Once In A Blu Boon x Catarista x Smart Aristocrat) clinched the Intermediate Non Pro Boxing championship with a 291.5 (R: 145/C: 146.5). The 2016 gelding collected $898.80 and is owned by Haylee Scholzen.
Casey Temple and Reykin In Nickles (Shiners Nickle x Mereyda x Dual Rey) clinched the Limited Non Pro Boxing championship with a 286.5 (R: 142/C: 144.5). The 2018 gelding collected $595 and is owned by Casey Temple.
Baily Shopbell and Dr Boonolena (WR This Cats Smart x Badabing Badaboon x Peptoboonsmal) clinched the Youth Cow Horse championship with a 292.5 (R: 144.5/C: 148). The 2017 gelding collected $778.40 and is owned by Baily, Brent and Bree Shopbell.
Brent Shopbell and Shiney N Sporty (Shining Spark x Starlight O Lena x Paddys Irish Whiskey) clinched the Youth Cow Horse 13 & Under championship with a 285.5 (R: 139.5/C: 146). Ann Matthews owns the 2006 mare.
Boyd Wilson and Annies Playin Cat (Annies Cat x Bob Playin x Bobs Freckle) clinched the Youth Boxing championship with a 294 (R: 145/C: 149). The 2009 gelding collected $626.75 and is owned by Veronica Swales.
Caleb Cushing and Talkin Scat (Smooth Talkin Style x Smart Scat x Smart Starbuck) clinched the Youth Boxing 13 & Under championship with a 288.5 (R: 143/C: 145.5). The 2018 stallion is owned by Corey and Kristen Cushing.
Pictured in other coverage:
CR Tuff Star War (Woody Be Tuff x Shortys Starlight x Grays Starlight) and Shadd Parkinson clinched the Intermediate Open Bridle championship with a 443 (R: 223.5/C: 219.5). The 2016 gelding collected $1,020 for owners Laurie Boaz.
Debbie Crafton and FoundLoveAtHooters (Smooth As A Cat x Rey Lena Rey x Dual Rey) clinched the Non Pro Bridle championship with a 294.5 (R: 146/C: 148.5). The 2017 gelding collected $2,550 and is owned by Crafton.
Paris Starn and Santanas Rey Gun (Hired Gun x Chickita Rey Santana x Short of Santana) clinched the Intermediate Non Pro Bridle championship with a 289.5 (R: 147/C: 142.5). The 2018 gelding collected $2,166.60 and is owned by Starn.
Paris Starn and Santanas Rey Gun (Hired Gun x Chickita Rey Santana x Short Of Santana) clinched the Non Pro Two Rein championship with a 289 (R: 144/C: 145). The 2018 gelding collected $1,440 and is owned by Starn.
January 14, 2023 sorrel colt (Woody Be Tuff - Heres The Cat, by High Brow Cat) Dam, HERES THE CAT ($24,108: 11th NRCHA Int. Open Futurity and 6th NRCHA Int. Open Derby); a sister to DAPPER CAT ($71,283: 3rd Abilene Spectacular Cutting Non Pro Derby), HERRADURA CAT ($49,929: PCCHA Int. Open Derby Co-Champion), SUMMER STAYS HERE ($44,733: finalist NCHA Open Futurity; dam of HALE YEAH $106,475: finalist NCHA Non-Pro Futurity, NCHA Clsc/Chlg Amateur Champion). Second dam, MATE STAYS HERE ($113,180: split 6th NCHA Open Futurity), is a sister to MATES LITTLE COKETTE ($460,850: NCHA Open Derby Reserve Champion; dam of 15 money-earners, $460,856, including DB MATES BROW $118,270: finalist NCHA Open Super Stakes, INTELLICAT $74,413: NCHA National East Unlimited Amateur Champion twice.
March 8, 2023 chestnut colt
(Royal Fletch - Heres The Cat, by High Brow Cat)
Dam, HERES THE CAT ($24,108: 11th NRCHA Int. Open Futurity and 6th NRCHA Int. Open Derby); a sister to DAPPER CAT ($71,283: 3rd Abilene Spectacular Cutting Non Pro Derby), HERRADURA CAT ($49,929: PCCHA Int. Open Derby Co-Champion), SUMMER STAYS HERE ($44,733: finalist NCHA Open Futurity; dam of HALE YEAH $106,475: finalist NCHA Non-Pro Futurity, NCHA Clsc/Chlg Amateur Champion). Second dam, MATE STAYS HERE ($113,180: split 6th NCHA Open Futurity), is a sister to MATES LITTLE COKETTE ($158,881: NCHA Open Derby Reserve Champion; dam of 15 money-earners, $460,856, including DB MATES BROW $118,270: finalist NCHA Open Super Stakes, INTELLICAT $74,413: NCHA National East Unlimited Amateur Champion twice.
January 1, 2023 sorrel colt
(Woody Be Tuff - Heres The Cat, by High Brow Cat) Dam, HERES THE CAT ($24,108: 11th NRCHA Int. Open Futurity and 6th NRCHA Int. Open Derby); a sister to DAPPER CAT ($71,283: 3rd Abilene Spectacular Cutting Non Pro Derby), HERRADURA CAT ($49,929: PCCHA Int. Open Derby Co-Champion), SUMMER STAYS HERE ($44,733: finalist NCHA Open Futurity; dam of HALE YEAH $106,475: finalist NCHA Non-Pro Futurity, NCHA Clsc/Chlg Amateur Champion). Second dam, MATE STAYS HERE ($113,180: split 6th NCHA Open Futurity), is a sister to MATES LITTLE COKETTE ($158,881: NCHA Open Derby Reserve Champion; dam of 15 money-earners, $460,856, including DB MATES BROW $118,270: finalist NCHA Open Super Stakes, INTELLICAT $74,413: NCHA National East Unlimited Amateur Champion twice.
January 27, 2023 sorrel filly
(Smooth As A Cat - Molokia Style, by Mr Playinstylish) Dam, MOLOKIA STYLE, is a sister to PLAYIN MOTOWN ($108,802: AQHA World Champion Sr Working Cow Horse) and half-sister to METRO FLETCH ($140,452: split 4th NCHA Super Stakes Open), MO METALLIC ($47,083: 4th NCHA Amateur Derby), MO FLETCH (dam of MO STYLE $69,663: NRCHA Int. Open Futurity Champion). Second dam, MO FLO ($130,784: top 15 NCHA Open Futurity, split 6th NCHA Open Derby), is a half-sister to ROOSTERS ZACK ($44,573: top 15 NRCHA Open Futurity).
June 8, 2023 chestnut filly (High Brow Cat - Bella Cher, by Peptoboonsmal) Female Family of METALLIC CAT!
Dam is a half-sister to PATERA CAT ($87,623: 3rd Breeders Inv. Cutting Non Pro Derby), CHER THE SUGAR ($43,191: 6th NCHA Limited Open Futurity), DUAL CHER ($27,850), CHERREY ($27,646 finalist NCHA Clsc/Chlg Open; dam of NITREYIOUS $344,649: NCHA Non-Pro Futurity Reserve Champion), CHERS SHADOW (dam of METALLIC CAT $637,711: All-Time NCHA & NRCHA Leading Sire). Second dam, SHESA SMARTY LENA ($224,005: 6th NCHA Open Futurity), a half-sister to SMART PLAYGIRL (granddam of VINCE VON $232,400 NRCHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion, KATTALYST $199,460: NCHA Super Stakes Classic Open Reserve Champion, KATT VON D ($150,859: NCHA Non Pro Futurity Reserve Champion).
May 10, 2023 sorrel filly
(High Brow Cat - Bella Cher, by Peptoboonsmal)
Female Family of METALLIC CAT!
Dam is a half-sister to PATERA CAT ($87,623: 3rd Breeders Inv. Cutting Non Pro Derby), CHER THE SUGAR ($43,191: 6th NCHA Limited Open Futurity), DUAL CHER ($27,850), CHERREY ($27,646 finalist NCHA Clsc/Chlg Open; dam of NITREYIOUS $344,649: NCHA Non-Pro Futurity Reserve Champion), CHERS SHADOW (dam of METALLIC CAT $637,711: All-Time NCHA & NRCHA Leading Sire). Second dam, SHESA SMARTY LENA ($224,005: 6th NCHA Open Futurity), a half-sister to SMART PLAYGIRL (granddam of VINCE VON $232,400 NRCHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion, KATTALYST $199,460: NCHA Super Stakes Classic Open Reserve Champion, KATT VON D ($150,859: NCHA Non Pro Futurity Reserve Champion).
April 13, 2023 sorrel filly
(Mr Playinstylish - My Boots Are Tuff, by Woody Be Tuff) Half-sister to MY BOOTS ARE ROYAL (75,825: NRCHA Stallion Stakes Bridle Open Spectacular Champion), SEVEN S TUFF BOOTS ($53,564: top 5 NRCHA Int. Open Futurity and Derby), SHINERS TUFF CHIC ($34,982: Reno RCH Limited Open Futurity Champion and Int. Open Reserve Champion), STYLISH AND TUFF (split 10th SWST RCHA Pre-Futurity Open), PLAYING TUFF (5th Cowboy Classic ARHFA Judged Heeling Open Futurity). Dam MY BOOTS ARE TUF ($31,828: AQHA World Champion VRH All Around Horse), a half-sister to the money-earners of more than $75,000.
May 6, 2023 sorrel colt (Stevie Rey Von - My Boots Are Tuff, Woody Be Tuff)
Half-brother to MY BOOTS ARE ROYAL (75,825: NRCHA Stallion Stakes Bridle Open Spectacular Champion), SEVEN S TUFF BOOTS ($53,564: top 5 NRCHA Int. Open Futurity and Derby), SHINERS TUFF CHIC ($34,982: Reno RCH Limited Open Futurity Champion and Int. Open Reserve Champion), STYLISH AND TUFF (split 10th SWST RCHA Pre-Futurity Open), PLAYING TUFF (5th Cowboy Classic ARHFA Judged Heeling Open Futurity). Dam MY BOOTS ARE TUF ($31,828: AQHA World Champion VRH All Around Horse), a half-sister to the money-earners of more than $75,000.
Ever since Nu Passport came into Chris Dawson’s program as a 4-year-old, the duo’s journey has built to the MARS EQUESTRIAN™ NRCHA Hackamore Classic Open Championship.
Astage for 4- and 5-year-old reined cow horses, the MARS EQUESTRIAN™ NRCHA Hackamore Classic celebrates its namesake—the hackamore, a vital piece of the traditional reined cow horse training equipment. At this year’s event, held July 22–28 at Expo Square in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the Open title was claimed by Nu Passport and Chris Dawson, an NRCHA professional who not only uses the headgear in his training program but also plans his young horses’ careers around the event.
“I really enjoy riding in the hackamore, and I like implementing that as you go through their derby career,” Dawson said. “I plan around the Hackamore Classic on those horses as 5-year-olds. [During] their 4-year-old year, I try to show them in the hackamore at the weekend shows as much as I can. Then, I start preparing them for the higher pressure of those bigger major events, so I can use them at the Hackamore Classic and those bigger derbies if I need to as a 5-year-old.”
Working Nu Passport (WR This Cats Smart x Shiney Nu Annie x Shining Spark) in the hackamore allowed the stallion to develop his own style, Dawson believed. The pair drew deep in the herd work at the Hackamore Classic, and Dawson tried to keep things clean. The duo scored a 219, giving them a good start in the competition.
Nu Passport stepped up in the reined work and gave Dawson a big ride. They marked a 220.5, the second-highest score overall. Dawson was a little worried that the cow that came out for their fence work wouldn’t be enough initially, but he and Nu Passport did their best to get ahold and engage with her. The strategy worked, and their 225—the highest score in the class—shot their cumulative score, a 664.5, up to first place.
July 22–28, 2024, Tulsa, Oklahoma (Horse/Rider/Pedigree/Owner/Score/Money)
1. Nu Passport; Chris Dawson; 19S (WR This Cats Smart x Shiney Nu Annie x Shining Spark); Kalpowar Quarter Horses; 664.5 (H: 219/R: 220.5/C:225); $26,500
2. Spanish Nights; Veronica Swales; 19M (Metallic Rebel x Lil Bit Reckless x CD Royal); Bar One Land & Cattle LLP; 662.5 (H: 222/R: 219/C: 221.5); $19,377.79
3 (TIE). Hicaliber Cat; Clayton Edsall; 19S (High Brow Cat x SFR Magic Doll x Abrakadabracre); Crosshair Ranch; 660 (H: 222/R: 220/C: 218); $14,879.38
3 (TIE). ARA Rebel King; Corey Cushing; 20S (Metallic Rebel x Never Reylinquish x Dual Rey); Aldo Ramon; 660 (H: 218.5/R: 224/C: 217.5); $14,879.38
5. Vince Von; Sarah Dawson; 19G (Stevie Rey Von x Hottness x Spots Hot); Wendy Buehler; 656.5 (H: 220.5/R: 216.5/C: 219.5); $10,380.96
6 (TIE). DT Hotlilshineychex; Chris Dawson; 19S (Hottish x Lil Miss Shiney Chex x Shining Spark); Pamela & Marc Heitz; 654 (H: 216/R: 215/C: 223); $7,612.71
6 (TIE). Venom Boonsmal; Sarah Dawson; 20S (Peptoboonsmal x A Black Widow x High Brow Cat); Aaron Ranch; 654 (H: 215/R: 218.5/C: 220.5); $7,612.71
8. Tornado Jonez; Lee Deacon; 19G (Stevie Rey Von x Missi Jonez x Travelin Jonez); Ragland Group LLC; 652 (H: 219.5/R: 217.5/C: 215); $5,536.51
9. Bleau; Ben Baldus; 20S (Hashtags x Taquitas Playgirl x Freckles Playboy); Lisa & Adam Gatlin; 651 (H: 216.5/R: 219/C: 215.5); $4,152.38
10. Anniereyvon; Kyle Trahern; 20M (Stevie Rey Von x Smart Annie Rey x Dual Rey); Paul Jenkins; 650.5 (H: 217/R: 219.5/C: 214); $4,152.38
“I tried not to do anything silly like leave with entirely too much cow or leave without having established enough control of the cow, and I just kind of went with my gut there,” Dawson said. “That was probably the best fence work I've ever had. I was glad that was the Lord's plan for us that day.”
Initially trained by Justin Wright, Nu Passport entered Dawson’s program as a 4-year-old.
“[Justin] is such a good follow,” Dawson said. “Those horses are so broke and so ready to go. It lets me do what I love to do, and that’s just let them enjoy themselves a little bit and go horse show. I love getting horses behind Justin.”
Dawson was grateful to Nu Passport’s owners, Kalpowar Quarter Horses, who collected $26,500. He also thanked his herd help; his wife, Sarah, for pushing him daily; the staff at Dawson Performance Horses; the rest of his village; and the Lord.
“Without being as blessed as we are by the Lord, we wouldn't have opportunities to do any of this,” Dawson said. I just try and enjoy the ride, see where He sends us. The days when we lose, well, that's what He's got in store for us, and some days, we win. We try to handle them both with the same amount of gratitude that we get to do this and live this crazy life.”
After scoring a 662.5 (H: 222/R: 219/C: 221.5), Spanish Nights (Metallic Rebel x Lil Bit Reckless x CD Royal) and Veronica Swales picked up both the Open Reserve title, which was worth $19,377.79, and the $2,500 Mare Incentive check for owner Bar One Land & Cattle LLP. They also scored a 665.5 (H: 223/R: 218.5/C: 224) in the prelims for the Open Chrome Cash incentive, which garnered them another $1,375.
For generations, MARS EQUESTRIAN™ has celebrated a rich equestrian heritage, and through purposeful partnerships, MARS EQUESTRIAN™ is committed to the sport and building enduring legacy. This is one reason why MARS EQUESTRIAN™, sponsored by MARS, Incorporated, is now the title sponsor of the Hackamore Classic. In its first year as a headlining event, the Hackamore Classic moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, for a central location and outstanding facilities that offered climate-controlled arenas during the summer heat and sure footing for our equine athletes.
From world-class competitions across all equestrian disciplines, to stewarding the power of horses on society and sustainability, MARS EQUESTRIAN™ is dedicated in our purpose to improve the lives of horses, pets and the people who love them.
For more, visit marsequestrian.com or find MARS EQUESTRIAN™ on Facebook and Instagram @marsequestrian.
With a 650.5 (H: 217/R: 219.5/C: 214), Anniereyvon (Stevie Rey Von x Smart Annie Rey x Dual Rey) and Kyle Trahern took home the Intermediate Open Championship and $8,500 for owner Paul Jenkins.
Ty Smith’s gelding Dirty Look (Woody Be Tuff x Sucha Smartlookn Cat x High Brow Cat) carried Garrett Cooper to a 647.5 (H: 213.5/R: 214.5/C: 219.5) for the Intermediate Open Reserve title, which came with $6,766.85.
Bet Sheza Pick (Bet Hesa Cat x Playin With Pick x Playin Attraction) and George Leon Lewis picked up the Limited Open Reserve Championship, which came with $2,306.88, with their composite 642.5 (H: 216.5/R: 209.5/C: 216.5). The mare is owned by Knight Land and Cattle Co.
Sparktallica (Metallic Cat x Sparktilion x Shining Spark) and Leanne Jetton scored a 645 (H: 217/R: 216.5/C: 211.5) to win the Limited Open Championship. The pair garnered $2,883.60 for owners Chris and Debbie Swain.
Hard No (High Brow CD x Ginger Pepto x Peptoboonsmal) and Clint Johnson clinched the Level 1 Open Championship with a 643 (H: 214/R: 213/C: 216). The gelding collected $3,600 for owner Clint and Jordan Johnson.
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A composite score of 635 (H: 206/R: 211.5/C: 217.5) gave Kelly Stevenson’s gelding Mo Talkin Smooth (Smooth Talkin Style x Mo Faye Rey x Dual Rey) and Caleb Hindi the Level 1 Open Reserve Championship, along with $2,865.60.
Aboard Lisa McCarthy-Harrison’s mare Trashy Witch (Gunnatrashya x Smart Witch x Smart Starbuck), Cayley Wilson scored a 645 (H: 212/R: 219/C: 214) for the Novice Horse Open Reserve Championship and $3,069.
Bonita Beemer (Rollz Royce x NSR Bonita Belle x Nitas Wood), owned by Black Spruce Farms LLC, and Luke Jones amassed a 650 (H: 213.5/R: 218.5/C: 218) for the Novice Horse Open Championship. They banked $4,000.
With a 659.5 (H: 219/R: 220.5/C: 220), ARA Rebel King (Metallic Rebel x Never Reylinquish x Dual Rey) and Corey Cushing picked up the Open Chrome Cash Reserve title. Owner Aldo Ramon collected $825.
Fort Worth, Texas – July 22–28, 2024 (Rider/Horse/Pedigree/Owner/Score/Money)
1. Debbie Crafton; Voodoo Sweetheart; 19M (Shiners Voodoo Dr x Very Smart Sweethart x Very Smart Remedy); Debbie Crafton; 645.5 (H: 213.5/R: 219/C: 213); $8,000
2 (TIE). Debbie Crafton; Ohh You Betcha; 19G (Bet Hesa Cat x Isabellena x Quejanaisalena); Debbie Crafton; 641.5 (H: 204/R: 219.5/C: 218); $5,487.01
2 (TIE). Katie Fox; Shinersdiamondlights; 19M (CD Lights x Shiners Diamond Cat x WR This Cats Smart); Dan Fox; 641.5 (H: 219/R: 214/C: 208.5); $5,487.01
4. Debbie Crafton; SJR Diamond Luna; 19M (CD Diamond x SJR Smooth Gina x Smooth As A Cat); Debbie Crafton; 609 (H: 196/R: 214.5/C: 198.5); $3,376.62
5. Gianna Hansen; Calling Dibs; 19G (Call Me Mitch x Shine Di Light x Boonlight Dancer); Gianna Hansen; 608.5 (H: 207/R: 208.5/C: 193); $2,532.47
6. Hunter Hays; Shiverz, 19M (Woody Be Tuff x Cats Boonolena x High Brow Cat); Walter Greeman & Tammy Hays; 433.5 (H: 215/R: 218.5/C: 0); $1,969.70
7. Matthew Kimes; Hotnrebellious, 19G (Metallic Rebel x Ima Hot Model x Spots Hot); Jack Kimes; 424.5 (H: 213.5/R: 211/C: 0); $1,406.93
Winning the Non Pro Championship at the MARS EQUESTRIAN™ NRCHA Hackamore Classic isn’t anything new for Debbie Crafton, but it tastes just as sweet each time.
Debbie Crafton is no stranger to the limelight at the MARS EQUESTRIAN™ NRCHA Hackamore Classic. She won the Non Pro in 2022 on SJR Sumkindarockstar and in 2023 on Hotnrebellious, and she was reserve in 2021 on Dualin Alittle Time. This year, she made the finals on three horses—Ohh You Betcha, SJR Diamond Luna and Voodoo Sweetheart—then piloted the latter to her third consecutive championship with a 645.5 composite score.
“That’s really cool,” Crafton said of winning back-to-back-to-back. “This is a great win and a great title to go on her résumé. To have Ohh You Betcha be right there knocking on the door was also great, and then SJR Diamond Luna had some tough luck out of the herd, but she was trying to make up ground. It was really good.”
Crafton and Ohh You Betcha’s 641.5 tied for reserve, and SJR Diamond Luna’s 609 placed fourth. With the $8,000 winner’s check, Crafton collected $16,863.63 from the finals.
Voodoo Sweetheart (Shiners Voodoo Dr x Very Smart Sweethart x Very Smart Remedy) has only been in Crafton’s string for a couple of months. Crafton sold Hotnrebellious at the NRCHA Stallion Stakes and then purchased the mare to fill his spot.
“I was talking to Annie Reynolds and asked her if she had anything,” Crafton said. “I’ve bought horses off Annie before, and they just fit me well. I bought this mare and took her to [the NRCHA Western Derby], and she was huge in the prelims, but we fell going down the fence in the prelims, and that kept us from making the finals.”
Debbie Crafton won her third NRCHA Hackamore Classic Non Pro Championship in a row after piloting Voodoo Sweetheart to a 645.5.
also tied for Reserve on
when she scored a 641.5 (H: 204/R: 219.5/C: 218). She and the gelding collected $5,487.01.
Crafton went home and called Reynolds to ask if she’d ever ridden Voodoo Sweetheart in a hackamore. When Reynolds said no, Crafton decided to give it a try. Despite being green in the hackamore, Voodoo Sweetheart didn’t miss a beat during the Non Pro finals. She marked a 213.5 in the herd work on some tough cattle, and her 219 in the reined work was the second-highest score overall.
“That’s one fun little ride in the reined work,” Crafton said. “She walks in that pen, and her little ears go forward. She's not ahead of me, she's not trying to beat me anywhere, I don't feel like I have to jockey her anywhere. She's the kind where you walk out of the reined work, and you just want to go back in and do it again.”
The cow work was the biggest challenge for Voodoo Sweetheart, and Crafton said she had to help her a little. But she made a positive progression from the prelims, where she seemed a little starstruck, and her 213 was enough to land the championship by four points.
Crafton was proud of the mare and looks forward to showing her more in the future. She thanked her herd help—Ashley Deacon, Kyle Noyce, Tyler Merrill and Jay McLaughlin—and Reynolds for breeding and training her mare. She also thanked the sponsors for taking care of the non pros and making the show possible.
“I really enjoy riding in the hackamore,” Crafton said. It holds true to its original purpose, which was a transition to the bridle. It's really rang true for me. All my horses just go to the bridle so much easier versus skipping that hackamore.”
A score of 625.5 (H: 197/R: 212/C: 216.5) landed Maisen Avent and Stylin Trixie (Stylin Cat x Miss Acre San x Peppys King Chex) the Intermediate Non Pro and Limited Non Pro Reserve Championships, along with a total of $3,679.65.
With a 641.5 (H: 219/R: 214/C: 208.5), Katie Fox and Shinersdiamondlights (CD Lights x Shiners Diamond Cat x WR This Cats Smart), owned by Dan Fox, clinched the Non Pro Co-Reserve Championship, which came with $5,487.01. The pair also won the Intermediate Non Pro and Limited Non Pro championships, garnering another $3,500 and $1,300, respectively.
Matthew Kimes and Hotnrebellious (Metallic Rebel x Ima Hot Model x Spots Hot) won both the Level 1 Non Pro and Select Non Pro after marking a score of 647.5 (H: 215.5/R: 212/C: 220). The pair banked $2,120.
Hunter Hays and Shiverz (Woody Be Tuff x Cats Boonolena x High Brow Cat) won the Level 1 Non Pro Reserve Championship with a 646.5 (H: 213.5/R: 215.5/C: 217.5) and $1,447.20.
A 617.5 (H: 212/R: 202.5/C: 203) gave Tylor Todd and Rebel At Play (Metallic Rebel x Lil Play Rey x Reys Dual Badger) the Novice Horse Non Pro Reserve Championship and $900.
Kristin Stephens and Sheza Jazzy Rebel (Metallic Rebel x Play Her Jazz x Play Some Jazz) scored a 627.5 (H: 206/R: 217.5/C: 204), collecting $1,350 for the Novice Horse Non Pro title.
The Select Non Pro Reserve Championship and an $80 check went to Amy Bailey and Lightly Armed (PG Heavily Armed x Starlight Starbrite x Somebody Smart) with a score of 624.5 (H: 210.5/R: 214/C: 200).
Crafton and SJR Diamond Luna (CD Diamond x SJR Smooth Gina x Smooth As A Cat) picked up the Non Pro Chrome Cash incentive, worth $1,225, from the preliminaries with their 648 (H: 216/R: 209.5/C: 222.5).
Hannah Valdez and Mr Meow (Sannman x Miss Meow x High Brow Cat) took Reserve with their 648.5 (H: 213/R: 215/C: 220.5), collecting $2,030.62.
Erin Keys and Dixies Reybl Yell (Dual Smart Rey x Dizzy Miss Dixie Cat x Pretty Boy Cat) amassed a score of 649 (H: 212/R: 217/C: 220) for the Non Pro Boxing Championship. The title came with $2,538.27.
Aboard Saucy Outlaw (Shiney Outlaw x Shes Onetimes Ticket x One Time Pepto), Taylor Worley scored a 643 (H: 213/R: 213/C: 217) to win the Level 1 Non Pro Boxing Championship and $597.24.
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Smooth Movin Kit (Kit Dual x MK Smooth Movin Cat x Smooth As A Cat) carried Kenli Worley to a 631.5 (H: 209/R: 211/C: 211.5) for the Reserve Championship, which came with $447.93.
A 641 (H: 212/R: 215/C: 214) gave Cheryl Chown and Velvit Elvis (Dual Smart Rey x Duals Play Kitten x High Brow Cat) the Select Non Pro Reserve title. They banked $80.
Nicki Marmelzat rode Lil Miss Sparkle Cat (Blind Sided x SJR Whole Lotta Rock x Smooth As A Cat) to the Select Non Pro Boxing Championship, which came with $120, after scoring a composite 643.5 (H: 211/R: 216/C: 216.5). The pair also collected the $650 Non Pro Boxing Chrome Cash incentive.
Lanham Brown and Hesa Twisted Bet won the 2024 World’s Greatest Non Pro title, proving that persistence pays off.
Lanham H. Brown won two of the four preliminary phases this year’s NRCHA World’s Greatest Non Pro to clinch the champion title during the 2024 MARS EQUESTRIAN™ Hackamore Classic in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It was an impressive show of versatile talent from his 8-year-old gelding, Hesa Twisted Bet, and one Brown said was a long time in the making.
He started the 2016 gelding (Bet Hesa Cat x RAB Twistin Dodger x Miss Rodger Hancock) as a 2-year-old while on the Texas Tech University Ranch Horse Team. Brown didn’t have success when he showed him during the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity® and primarily focused on ranching on him after that.
“I've had him the whole time here at the [R.A. Brown] ranch,” Brown shared. “At the end of his aged-event career, he'd won about $1,200. But he’s made a fun bridle horse in the last two years. The older he is, the more mature he is, and the better he gets.”
Last year, the pair made the finals in the inaugural World’s Greatest Non Pro, won the Non Pro Bridle Spectacular at the National Stock Horse Association Pre-Futurity and won the Non Pro Bridle at the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity®. This year, the pair won the Teton Ridge Stallion Stakes Non Pro Bridle Spectacular, and the gelding was named Top Horse at the Fort Worth Stock
Tulsa, Oklahoma—July 22–28, 2024 (Rider/Horse/Pedigree/Owner/Scores/Money)
1. Lanham H. Brown; Hesa Twisted Bet; 16G (Bet Hesa Cat x RAB Twistin Dodger x Miss Rodger Hancock); R.A. Brown; 1,096.5 (H: 216/R: 218/ C: 225.5/SS: 225/F: 212); $11,040
2. Debbie R. Crafton; Foundloveathooters; 17G (Smooth As A Cat x Rey Lena Rey x Dual Rey); Debbie Crafton; 1,085 (H: 215.5/R: 218.5/C: 217/ SS: 219/F: 215); $9,200
3. R.A. Brown II; Ima Wynna Rab; 12G (PG Shogun x Right On Eddie RAB x Right on Tivio); Rob A. Brown; 1,079.5 (H: 211.5/R: 215/C: 212.5/ SS: 222/ F: 218.5); $7,360
4. Morgan Holmes; Monster Truk; 16G (Ima Downtown Cat x Cowgirls Gettinitdun x Dun It Big); Morgan Holmes; 1,077.5 (H: 215/ R: 204.5/C:218/S: 218/F: 222); $5,520
5. Gracen H. Walker; Play Stylish With Me; 16G (Mr Playinstylish x Little Royal Fletch x Royal Fletch); Gracen Walker; 1,074.5 (H: 215/R: 208.5/ C: 222.5/SS: 211.5/ F: 217); $3,680
6. Rives White; Missreymembered; 15M (Dual Rey x Smooth N Smokin x Smooth As A Cat); Stephanie White; 853 (H: 214/R: 214/C: 213.5/ SS: 211.5)
7. Paris M Starn; Santanas Rey Gun; 18G (Hired Gun x Chickita Rey Santana x Short of Santana); Paris M Starn; 850.5 (H: 215.5/R: 217/C: 213.5/ SS: 204.5)
8. Kelsey D. Fulmer; Starlight Driver; 15G (Hydrive Cat x Starlights Lynn x Grays Starlight); Kelsey Delaplaine Fulmer; 833.5 (H: 208/R: 211.5/C: 212/ SS: 202)
9. Roman L. Moran; Seven S Johnny Reb; 17G (Blind Sided x Seven S Prairie Rose x Real Gun); Roman Lucas Moran; 824.5 (H: 212/R: 212/C: 207/ SS: 193.5)
10. Ashley R. Lembke; Bet Hesa Honeybee; 18G (Bet Hesa Cat x Honey Bees x Peptoboonsmal); Tyrel and Ashley Lembke; 817.5 (H: 209/R: 213.5/ C: 180/ SS: 215)
Lanham Brown won the 2024 World’s Greatest Non Pro at the MARS EQUESTRIAN™ Hackamore Classic on Hesa Twisted Bet (Bet Hesa Cat x R A B Twistin Dodger x Miss Rodger Hancock). He scored a 1,096.5 composite (H: 216/R: 218/C: 225.5/SS: 225/F: 212) with the 2016 gelding, bred by Landy Warren, to bring home a check for $11,040.
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CAUTION: Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.
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User Safety Warnings: Not for use in humans. Keep out of reach of children. Pentosan polysulfate sodium is a weak anticoagulant. Caution should be used when administering Zycosan if you are taking an anticoagulant. In case of accidental self-injection, seek immediate medical attention. If product comes into contact with skin, rinse skin thoroughly with water and seek medical attention if needed. To obtain a Safety Data Sheet (SDS), contact Dechra at (866) 933-2472.
Animal Safety Warnings and Precautions: Zycosan has been shown to prolong coagulation parameters up to 24 hours after injection, therefore caution should be used when administering this drug before or after strenuous activities (see Target Animal Safety). Due to the anticoagulant effects, this drug may exacerbate Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage (EIPH).
The concurrent use of NSAIDs with Zycosan has not been evaluated. Due to the anticoagulant effects of Zycosan and known anticoagulant effects of some NSAIDs, caution should be used if NSAIDs are concurrently administered. Horses concurrently treated with Zycosan and NSAIDs should be monitored for hemorrhage or other clinical signs of abnormal bleeding (e.g., petechiae, ecchymosis, or epistaxis). The safety of long-term repeat use of Zycosan has not been evaluated. Pigmentary changes in the retina (pigmentary maculopathy) have been reported in human patients following long-term oral use of pentosan polysulfate sodium. It is not known if a similar finding occurs in horses. The safe use of Zycosan has not been evaluated in breeding, pregnant, or lactating horses.
Other Warnings: Do not use in horses intended for human consumption.
Injection site reactions were the most frequently reported adverse reactions in the field study. Injection site reactions were associated with clinicopathology changes in some cases. Other adverse reactions reported in more than one horse were prolongation of coagulation parameters (activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and prothrombin time (PT)), lethargy, behavior changes, and colic. To report suspected adverse events, for technical assistance or to obtain a copy of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS), contact Dechra at (866) 933-2472 . For additional information about adverse drug experience reporting for animal drugs, contact FDA at 1-888-FDA-VETS or online at http://www.fda.gov/reportanimalae.
STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store at room temperature 68-77°F (20-25°C), with excursions to 59-86°F (15-30°C).
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7015 College Boulevard, Suite 525 Overland Park, KS 66211 USA
Approved by FDA under NADA # 141-559 Zycosan is a trademark of Dechra Limited.
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“He finally grew up and decided to do this deal; I’d say my training has matured some, too,” he added with a laugh.
They started the event with a 216 herd work score, a pleasant surprise for Brown.
“I was deep in the set; I didn't have many options for the cattle I wanted to cut,” he explained. “But I had good help, and they paired me with good cattle.”
From there, the duo scored a 218 in the reined work and roped a 225.5 for the steer stopping high score. They continued to capitalize on that momentum.
“I had a six-point lead going into the fence work,” he recalled. “I tried not to think about that because that cow work wasn't only for the World’s Greatest [Non Pro] prelims, but also for the Non Pro Bridle
and the Non Pro Bridle Spectacular class. Safetying up wasn't on my mind. That cow came out and wanted to lean and push on us. That sort of cow fits this horse. He likes full contact.”
Their all-out mindset earned the fence work high score of 225. It propelled them to first going into the cow-work-only finals with a 14.5-point lead.
Brown and Hesa Twisted Bet's 212 finals score resulted in a 1,096.5 composite, which won them the prestigious World’s Greatest Non Pro title.
“There's a lot of good non pro bridle horses out there and capable riders, too,” he said. “You’re stacked up against a good set. I’m thankful for my wife, my family and my buddies who’ve helped me get to this point, and I look forward to doing more of it.”
Debbie Crafton earned the reserve title in the World’s Greatest Non Pro event aboard Foundloveathooters (Smooth As A Cat x Rey Lena Rey x Dual Rey). Crafton and the 2017 gelding, bred by Connie Down-Cicoria, scored a 1,085 composite (H: 215.5/R: 218.5/C: 217/SS: 219/F: 215) and earned a check for $9,200.
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Myles Brown and One Time Legend (One Time Pepto x HR Playin Legend x Little Lenas Legend) kicked off the World’s Greatest Non Pro by claiming the herd work high score with a 221.5.
Lanham Brown marked a 225.5 in the preliminary fence work, the highest score in that phase.
Debbie Crafton and Foundloveathooters topped the World’s Greatest Non Pro reined work with a 218.5 on her way to the reserve title.
Lanham Brown and Hesa Twisted Bet claimed the World’s Greatest Non Pro steer stopping high score with a 225 on their way to earning the champion title.
Performances for the books highlighted outstanding horses and riders during the MARS EQUESTRIAN™ Hackamore Classic in the Open and Non Pro Bridle and Two Rein Spectaculars and the Youth Cow Horse.
The MARS EQUESTRIAN™ Hackamore classic spotlighted horses’ progression through the cow horse training process during the Open and Non Pro Bridle and Two Rein Spectaculars and the Youth Cow Horse. Repeat winners and newcomers to the winner’s circle highlighted their prowess in the herd, reined and cow work phases in each event.
A lot was on the line during the Open Bridle Spectacular, which ran concurrently with the Open Bridle class and punched the tickets of the top-five placers to head to The Run For A Million Cow Horse Challenge in August. Open Bridle Spectacular winners Ricato Suave (Metallic Cat x Hip Hip Sue Rey x Dual Rey), owned by Shaleah Hester and M. Fountain, and Clay Volmer earned a Run For A Million berth along with the Open Bridle Spectacular title with a 666 (H: 220/R: 221/C: 225).
The 7-year-old roan Quarter Horse and Volmer go a long way back and have shared many great moments. However, Volmer shared that moving into the bridle— and one-handed—wasn’t as seamless as Volmer presumed it would be.
“It finally feels like he’s ready in the bridle,” Volmer shared. “It’s been a long affair getting him there. We won a lot showing two-handed in the derbies, but he always seemed to question the bridle and riding one-handed. But in Tulsa, he felt good, and we both knew what we had to do.”
Volmer shared that his horse has always been good out of the herd and didn’t disappoint in Tulsa.
“Everyone knows he’s good in the herd,” Volmer said with a laugh. “He’s had lots of high herd scores in his career. By the third cow [in Tulsa], he was as good as ever. He moved hard, rated strong and took me for a ride.”
The reined work has posed a challenge due to the transition to the bridle, but they got it lined out for an impressive 221.
“I worked a cow the morning of the fence work and knew immediately that he was dialed in,” Volmer said. “There was nothing else I could teach him or ask for, and he wasn’t sore or fatigued, so we were ready. I knew I had to get it right with the cow we drew, or it could’ve gone bad in a hurry!”
On top of the Bridle Spectacular Championship, Volmer punched his ticket to compete in the Cow Horse Challenge at The Run For A Million.
“That was really the main goal of the event,” he said.
Dual Smarty (Dual Smart Rey x Cats Gabriella Acre x Cats Merada), owned by Julia R. Winders, and Todd Crawford claimed the Open Bridle Spectacular Reserve Championship with a 657 (H: 219/R: 219.5/C: 218.5), earning $7,344.
Myles Brown has been around One Time Legend (One Time Pepto x HR Playin Legend x Little Lenas Legend) since the horse was a 2-year-old. The horse was bought by Brown’s wife, Jaylee, and her mother to send to the cutting pen. His time as a cutting horse was stopped short when he developed white line disease as a 4-yearold, which required six to eight months of recovery, going well into his 5-year-old season. Brown always liked the horse, and once it was ready to go again, he brought him home to the Texas Panhandle to get him back on track.
“I always liked the horse,” he shared. “He has a big stop, big pretty eyes, lots of expression. I put him in the two rein and then the bridle and he did good. After about two years, we sent him to Todd Crawford for a year, and they made the 2024 World’s Greatest Horseman™ Finals. Todd did a great job with him, and that was a lot of fun.”
Back home with Brown and his wife since February, the pair found their stride in Tulsa, Oklahoma, winning the Non Pro Bridle Spectacular with a 660.5 (H: 221.5/R: 216.5/C: 222.5).
“For the herd work, I watched those cattle all week and had a few I wanted to work but wasn’t too tied to any cow in particular,” Brown shared. “What really helped my run was that I cut my cattle in good position in the middle of the pen. The second cow tried my horse pretty hard. We worked that one a long time, and my horse was spot on—he stopped hard and showed a lot of expression. It might’ve been more cow than I’d usually be comfortable with, but it was the kind of cow that allows you to mark some points.”
Brown shared that the reined work can be more challenging for his horse, but he was pleased with their performance. Then, it all came down to the fence work.
“We had a cow without a lot of feel,” Brown explained. “She was a big, strong heifer with a fair amount of speed. I didn’t box long. You can set it up, but at some point you have to get out of
A Starlights Magnum (Magnum With A Dream x Shiny Starlight x Grays Starlight) earned the Intermediate Open Bridle Spectacular Champion title with owner/rider Kyle Trahern with a 656 (H: 211/R: 222/C: 223) for $2,520.
SJR Smooth Lil Oak (Smooth As A Cat x Shiners Little Oak x Shining Spark), owned by Janie Dvorak-Compton, and Kyle Noyce tied for the Intermediate Open Bridle Spectacular Reserve title with a 654 (H: 213/R: 220/C: 221.5), earning $1,755.
Move That Rock (That CD Rocks x Smokums Dual Move x Mister Dual Pep), owned by Debbie Procter, and Ashley Deacon marked a 654.5 (H: 216/R: 214/C: 224.5) to tie for the Intermediate Open Bridle Spectacular Reserve title, earning $1,755.
that corner with enough cow, and that’s what we did. I felt like we did our job, and the judges marked us well.”
Hunter Hays might’ve been most proud of making the Non Pro Hackamore Finals alongside his dad, Shawn Hays, who made the Open Hackamore Finals. But ranking right up there was winning the Youth Cow Horse Spectacular with Metallic Metal (Metallic Cat x Nurse Gray x Grays Starlight), which is a repeat performance from the pair's title-winning run at the Teton Ride Stallion Stakes in the Youth Cow Horse Spectacular.
“I tried to stick to the same game plan we followed [at the Stallion Stakes],” he said. “I figured if I won doing it once, keep doing it again!”
Hays and his 7-year-old red roan Quarter Horse’s consistent game plan led them to meet the mark in each phase of the event, earning a 429.5 (H: 145/R: 144.5/C: 140). He was pleased with his herd work and his calmness among ruffled cattle. Then they went into the reined work.
“I think our reined work is getting better,” he said. “I like to keep our scores around a 144 average, which is an accomplishment for me and that horse because it’s my weakest part.”
Sitting at the top of the class going into the fence work gave Hays confidence as he called for his cow.
“The cow came around the corner and wanted to be a little pushy, but my horse let me hold him back and make it all come together. We didn’t have to wait long for the class to finish and learn that we won. We usually celebrate with a steak dinner, but at this show, we didn’t have a lot of time with making the Non Pro Hackamore finals, too. I’ll probably show him next at the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity®.”
Hunter Hays and Metallic Metal (Metallic Cat x Nurse Gray x Grays Starlight) once again made their way to the top of the Youth Cow Horse Spectacular with a 429.5 (H: 145/R: 144.5/C: 140), pocketing $450.
On top of his win in the Open Hackamore Classic, Chris Dawson piloted Outfoxxed (Peptoboonsmal x Shiney Tari x Shining Spark), owned by KK Performance Horses, to a 442.5 (H: 145.5/R: 146.5/C: 150.5) to win both the Open Two Rein Spectacular and the Two Rein Horse Show class.
“This horse has been in our program for a while,” Dawson shared. “Corey [Cushing] started him, and he came to us midway through his 3-year-old year. His dam is a big part of our program, so that’s how he came to us. We knew he probably wouldn’t be ready for the [NRCHA Snaffle Bit] Futurity®, so we talked to the owner about a plan going forward. The owner was committed to
Lanham Brown and Hesa Twisted Bet (Bet Hesa Cat x R A B Twistin Dodger x Little Twistin Juan) made it to the leaderboard once again, earning the reserve title in the Non Pro Bridle Spectacular with a 659.5 (H: 216/R: 218/C: 225.5) for $3,225.20.
BOONS SHINEY NU CAT 2/04/23 red roan colt (WR This Cats Smart x Shiney Nu And Blu, by Once In A Blu Boon) Dam, SHINEY NU AND BLU (CO RCHA Firecracker Open Futurity Champion), is a full/half-sister to 8 money-earners, $490,551, including ANNIES SMART CAT ($134,463: NRCHA Hackamore Classic Open Champion), CATS NU SHINE ($110,028: NRCHA Hackamore Open Classic Champion), NU PASSPORT $76,935: 3rd NRCHA Celebration of Champions Open Derby), THE KOOL KAT ($72,659: NRCHA Western Derby Int. Open Champion). Second dam, SHINEY NU ANNIE ($104,961: NRCHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion), is a full sister to SHINEY AND NU ($58,524: AUS Equitana Reining Open class winner) and a half-sister to GUAPO LENA ($46,110: split 10th NRHA Int. Open Futurity).
FIDDLE FOR ME DEAR 4/13/23 red roan colt (Fiddle and Steel - Time To Shine Dear, by One Time Pepto) Dam is a half-sister to DUAL WITH A SHINER ($81,514: NRCHA Stallion Stakes Open Reserve Champion and Fence Work Champion), SHINER OLENA ($78,539: West Coast Spectacular Reining Open Derby Champion; finalist NRHA Open Futurity), SHINER DEAR REY ($15,963: AQHA Ranching Heritage Finals 4-Year-Old WRH Open Champion). Third dam is KATIE STARLIGHT ($129,491: 2-Time NRCHA World’s Greatest Horseman Champion and dam of SMARTLY STARSTRUCK ($163,884: split 3rd NRCHA World’s Greatest Horseman), THIS ONE TIME ($162,469: NRCHA Stallion Stakes Open Champion), NU CIRCLE OF LIGHT ($103,571: NRCHA Open Futurity Champion).
ONE TUFF TWISTER 4/16/23 sorrel colt (Woody Be Tuff - Twist One Time, by One Time Pepto)
Half-brother to ONE TWISTED CAT ($7,661: NSHA RCH Futurity Box Int. Non Pro winner), TWIST THIS TIME ($2,234: 5th CA RCHA Paso Robles Spring Classic Non Pro Boxing Derby). Dam, TWIST ONE TIME ($6,996: Sagebrush RCH Open Derby Reserve Co-Champion), is a full/half-sister to 15 money-earners, $675,907 including TWISTFUL THINKING ($280,813: The Ike Cutting Open Classic Champion), TWISTED METAL ($140,565: 3rd NCHA Super Stakes Limited Non-Pro). Second dam, SOME KINDA TWISTER ($58,298: top 10 NCHA Non-Pro Derby), is a half-sister to the money-earners of $1,067,463, including SOME KINDA HIGHBROW ($517,433: NCHA Super Stakes Open Reserve Champion). Third dam is SOME KINDA MEMORIES ($378,671: NCHA Open Futurity Champion).
SHINEY NU LOOKER 2/07/23 sorrel filly (WR This Cats Smart - Annies One Time, by One Time Pepto) Dam, ANNIES ONE TIME ($74,412: 3rd NRCHA Open Futurity), is a half-sister to ANNIES SMART CAT ($134,463: NRCHA Hackamore Classic Open Champion), CATS NU SHINE ($110,028: NRCHA Hackamore Classic Open Champion), NU PASSPORT ($76,935: 3rd NRCHA Cele/Champ Open Derby), THE KOOL KAT ($72,659: NRCHA Western Derby Int. Open Champion). Second dam, SHINEY NU ANNIE ($104,961: NRCHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion), is a full sister to SHINEY AND NU ($58,524: AUS Equitana Reining Open class winner) and a half-sister to GUAPO LENA ($46,110: split 10th NRHA Int. Open Futurity).
TIME TO FIDDLE 4/1/23 red roan colt (Fiddle And Steel x Annies Time To Shine, by One Time Pepto)
Dam, ANNIES TIME TO SHINE, is a full/half-sister to 9 money-earners, $491,840, including full sister ANNIES ONE TIME ($74,412: 3rd NRCHA Open Futurity); half-sister to ANNIES SMART CAT ($134,463: NRCHA Hackamore Classic Open Champion), CATS NU SHINE ($110,028: NRCHA Hackamore Classic Open Champion), NU PASSPORT ($76,935: 3rd NRCHA Celebration of Champions Open Derby), THE KOOL KAT ($72,659: NRCHA Western Derby Int. Open Champion). Second dam, SHINEY NU ANNIE ($104,961: NRCHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion), is a full sister to SHINEY AND NU ($58,524: AUS Equitana Reining Open class winner) and a half-sister to GUAPO LENA ($46,110: split 10th NRHA Int. Open Futurity).
STEEL THE COOL CAT 4/21/23 red roan filly (Fiddle And Steel - Cool Lil Sister, by Dual Rey) Half-sister to COOL SENNA REY (2nd World CHA Teddy Johnson Memorial Open class). Dam, COOL LIL SISTER, is a half-sister to the earners of more than $345,000, including TOY ENGINE ($196,172: 3rd NCHA Non-Pro Futurity; dam of TOY CATS $71,600: 7th NCHA Super Stakes Non-Pro, TOY STORY THREE $35,890: split 8th NCHA Amateur Derby), THE REYL MCCOY ($148,857: Arbuckle Mountain Cutting Open Futurity Champion, 6th NCHA Open Futurity). Third dam is CATS FULL MEASURE ($241,969: split 6th NCHA Open Futurity and NCHA Non-Pro Futurity Champion); granddam of GS COUNTING ON KITTY ($213,533: split 4th Showdown in Cowtown Summer Slot Cutting Non-Pro Derby; dam of ROSALITTA $160,750: split 13th NCHA Open Futurity).
STRESSIN METAL 3/29/23 blue roan colt (Fiddle And Steel - Reys Stressin Melody, by Reys Dual Badger) A half-brother to ONE TIME MELODY ($20,189: 6th NRCHA World Open Two-Rein) and to STRESSIN THE BLUS ($15,460: ID RCHA Open Futurity Co-Reserve Champion). Dam, REYS STRESSIN MELODY ($52,226, NCHA Open Hackamore Classic Reserve Champion); half-sister to HIGH STRESSIN CAT ($141,687: 4th NRCHA Open Futurity). Second dam PLAYGUNS MELODY is a half-sister to HANGEM HIGH PLAYBOY ($75,543: 5th NCHA $50,000 Amateur Futurity; dam of HANGEM CAT $297,449: Breeders Inv. Open Derby Reserve Champion); granddam of HOT MELODY ($300,827: split 4th NCHA Open Finals); great granddam of REYSMHIGH ($249,043: NRCHA Open Futurity Champion), TIME TO HANGEM ($248,281: split 4th NCHA Open Futurity), SWEET BABY MARIE ($208,306: Breeders Inv. Non-Pro Derby Reserve Co-Champion).
STRESSIN METALLIC 05/04/23 sorrel filly (Metallics MVP x Reys Stressin Melody, by Reys Dual Badger) A half-sister to ONE TIME MELODY ($20,189: 6th NRCHA World Open Two-Rein) and to STRESSIN THE BLUS ($15,460: ID RCHA Open Futurity Co-Reserve Champion). Dam, REYS STRESSIN MELODY ($52,226, NCHA Open Hackamore Classic Reserve Champion); half-sister to HIGH STRESSIN CAT ($141,687: 4th NRCHA Open Futurity). Second dam, PLAYGUNS MELODY, is a half-sister to HANGEM HIGH PLAYBOY ($75,543: 5th NCHA $50,000 Amateur Futurity; dam of HANGEM CAT $297,449: Breeders Inv. Open Derby Reserve Champion); granddam of HOT MELODY ($300,827: split 4th NCHA Open Finals); great granddam of REYSMHIGH ($249,043: NRCHA Open Futurity Champion), TIME TO HANGEM ($248,281: split 4th NCHA Open Futurity), SWEET BABY MARIE ($208,306: Breeders Inv. Non-Pro Derby Reserve Co-Champion).
TIME TO BE WOODY 4/14/23 sorrel colt (Woody Be Tuff - Annies One Time, by One Time Pepto) Dam, ANNIES ONE TIME ($74,412: 3rd NRCHA Open Futurity), is a half-sister to ANNIES SMART CAT ($134,463: NRCHA Hackamore Classic Open Champion), CATS NU SHINE ($110,028: NRCHA Hackamore Classic Open Champion), NU PASSPORT ($76,935: 3rd NRCHA Cele/Champ Open Derby), THE KOOL KAT ($72,659: NRCHA Western Derby Int. Open Champion). Second dam, SHINEY NU ANNIE ($104,961: NRCHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion), is a full sister to SHINEY AND NU ($58,524: AUS Equitana Reining Open class winner) and a half-sister to GUAPO LENA ($46,110: split 10th NRHA Int. Open Futurity).
this horse and was OK with us taking our time, so we moved at his pace. So many people have expectations for milestones and doing certain things at certain times. It’s refreshing to know we’re taking our time and building a bridle horse.”
Patience aside, Dawson admitted it was nice to bring home a title on the 6-yearold Quarter Horse stud for himself and the owner. Dawson said the horse has become solid in the herd and excelled in the reined work, too, saying the horse was bright but not wild. The fence work sealed the win.
“He loves the fence work,” Dawson said. “We drew a good cow, and he allowed me to do a few things and then bailed me out a few times, too! The cow stumbled in his second turn. My horse usually would’ve pushed into the cow, but he waited a second and let the cow pick himself up. I was probably most proud of that, because there was no time for a reaction on my part.”
Dawson looks forward to showing in the two rein and moving into the bridle and then watching the horse’s career as a stallion.
Debbie Crafton and SJR SumKindaRockStar, aka “Wilson”, remained at the top of their game in the Non Pro Two Rein Spectacular. This victory, along with winning the horse show Non Pro Two Rein and placing fourth in the Non Pro Bridle,
142), earning $375.
unofficially pushed the horse past $100,000 in lifetime earnings.
“That horse—he’s very special,” Crafton gushed. “He’s so good and pure. I’ve had him since the end of his 2-year-old year, and he gets more solid every time. He gets more fun every time we show.”
With Crafton’s busy show schedule, Wilson had some well-deserved time off before Tulsa, aside from breeding a few late mares at home. Even with that, Crafton knew her mount was ready.
Wilson’s first foals are on the ground, and Crafton is optimistic about his legacy’s future.
“I don’t typically say this, but I’m excited about these foals,” she shared. “They have great necks, keen heads, and lope across the pasture with ease. I have four on the ground this year and expect seven more next year.”
“He was kind of on my back burner, but when we got here, everything was peaked and tuned up. He was so solid in all three events and such a good partner. He has my back and covers up for me a lot. I don’t get to ride him all the time, so that’s a good feeling.”
Outfoxxed (Peptoboonsmal x Shiney Tari x Shining Spark), owned by KK Performance Horses, and Chris Dawson marked a 442.5 (H: 145.5/R: 146.5/ C: 150.5) to win the Open Two Rein Spectacular, pocketing $5,600.
Jaymes Bond (Metallic Cat x Shortys Jay Ray x Dual Rey), owned by Bonds Ranch, and Jordan Williams marked a 436 (H: 145/R: 145/C: 146 ) to earn $1,560.
Debbie Crafton and SJR SumKindaRockStar (Smooth As A Cat x SumKinda PinkCadilac x Peptoboonsmal) once again topped the Non Pro Two Rein Spectacular with a 436.5 (H: 146/R: 145/C: 145.5), earning $2,600.
Me And Mrs Jonez (Travelin Jonez x Shine Smarter x WR This Cats Smart), owned by Wendy Buehler, and Chris Dawson took the Open Two Rein Spectacular Reserve title with a 439 (H: 145/R: 145/C: 149) for $4,400.
Smooth Rey Talker (Smooth Talkin Style x Reyleann x Dual Rey), owned by Bronwyn McCormic, and Shadd Parkinson earned the Intermediate Open Two Rein Spectacular Reserve title with a 436 (H: 145/R: 145.5/C: 145.5), pocketing $1,248.
Stefani Wagley and Boon Dox (Sannman x Docs Stylish Liz x Docs Stylish Oak) marked a 432.5 (H: 142.5/R: 146.5/C: 143.5) for the Non Pro Two Rein Reserve title and $1,950.
The inaugural Boxing Battle in the Saddle offered boxing competitors the chance to show their skills.
Mason Taggart and One Timin Katie (One Time Pepto x Katie Starlight x Grays Starlight scored a 441 (H: 148/R: 144/C: 149) to take home their first-ever premier event win in both the Non Pro and Intermediate Non Pro divisions, earning $4,075 and $876, respectively.
Michael Thornton and Please Rey (Dual Smart Rey x ARC Cat Her Please x Chic Please) marked a 418 (H: 137/ R: 138.5/C: 142.5) for $343.75.
Jill Flint and Diamonds N Caicos (Time For The Diamond x CR Wood Be N Caicos x Woody Be Tuff) marked a 437.5 (H: 142/R: 149/C: 146.5) for $2,852.50.
Cheryl Chown aboard Xtra Short Trick (Shiners Voodoo Dr x Short And Royal x Short Oak) claimed the Select Non Pro title with 437.5 (H: 144.5/R: 147/ C: 146) for $465.
Donna Waddell and Shes Divine (Metallic Cat x Shesa Show Stopper x Peptoboonsmal) marked a 428 (H: 140/R: 143/C: 145) for $700.80.
Eleise Blake and Jills A Little Sioux (A Shiner Named Sioux x Jills A Little Blue x Mecom Blue) marked a 430.5 (H: 143/R: 140.5/C: 147) for $387.50.
Baoxin Tilton and Outreygous Diamond (CD Diamond x A Rumor Has It x Dual Rey) claimed the title with a 425.5 (H: 139/R: 140.5/C: 146) for $412.50.
Tulsa, Oklahoma, hosted top talents in the horse show classes. Here are the winners.
With Or Without U (Once In A Blu Boon x Velvets Best Shot x Playgun) and Heath Cox clinched the Limited Open Bridle Championship with a 431.5 (R: 215.5/ C: 216). The 2015 gelding, owned by Cox, collected $1,200.
Stefani Wagley and Boon Doxx (Sannman x Docs
Stylish Liz x Docs
Stylish Oak) clinched the Non Pro Bridle Championship with a 444.5 (R: 220/C: 224.5). The 2018 gelding, owned by Wagley, collected $2,125.
Jennifer Holland and Ze Sparkin (Zezes Pepto Cat x Digger She Sparkles x Diggers Rest) clinched the Intermediate Non Pro Bridle Championship with a 432 (R: 215.5/C: 216.5). The 2016 gelding, owned by Holland, collected $1,635.20.
Baily Shopbell and Dr Boonolena (WR This Cats Smart x Badabing Badaboon x Peptoboonsmal) clinched the Level 1 Non Pro Bridle Championship with a 431.5 (R: 212.5/C: 219). The 2017 gelding, owned by Baily, Brent and Bree Shopbell, collected $1,488.
Jim Gauthier and Smart Boon Starlight (Smart Boons x Rising Starlight x Little Bay Starlight) clinched the Select Non Pro Bridle Championship with a 417 (R: 205/C: 212). The 2016 mare, owned by Gauthier, collected $650.
Reyzin Cane (Reyzin The Cash x DB Little Cat x Metallic Cat) and Taylor Gillespie clinched the Intermediate Open Two Rein Championship with a 291.5 (R: 141.5/C: 150). The 2018 stallion, owned by William Mcelligott Sr., collected $660.
Bet Shesa Lena (Bet Hesa Cat x Shiners Miss Lena x Shining Spark) and Jessica Pipkin clinched the Limited Open Two Rein Championship with a 280.5 (R: 138/C: 142.5). The 2018 mare, owned by Linda Mars, collected $1,000.
Spanish Nights (Metallic Rebel x Lil Bit Reckless x CD Royal) and Veronica Swales clinched the Open Hackamore Championship with a 442.5 (R: 218.5/C: 224). The 2019 mare, owned by Bar One Land and Cattle LLP, collected $4,020. LEVEL 1 NON PRO BRIDLE
Mere Royalty (One Time Royalty x Mereyda x Dual Rey) and Ron Ralls clinched the Intermediate Open Hackamore Championship with a 441.5 (R: 224/C: 217.5). The 2019 stallion, owned by Richard Bell, collected $1,100.
Hard No (High Brow CD x Ginger Pepto x PeptoBoonSmal) and Clint Johnson clinched the Limited Open Hackamore Championship with a 429 (R: 213/C:216 ). The 2019 gelding, owned by Clint and Jordan Johnson, collected $1,300.
Gianna Hanson and Calling Dibs (Call Me Mitch x Shine Di Light x Boonlight Dancer) clinched the Non Pro Hackamore Championship with a 437 (R: 215.5/C: 221.5). The 2019 gelding, owned by Hanson, collected $1,524.
Jill Flint and Diamonds N Caicos (Time For The Diamond x CR Wood Be N Caicos x Woody Be Tuff) clinched the Box Drive Championship with a 295.5 (R: 147.5/C: 148). The 2016 mare, owned by Flint, collected $993.
Catherine BrownSwain and Mintgundition (Gunnatrashya x Peppermints x One Time Pepto) clinched the Select Box Drive Championship with a 287 (R: 144/C: 143). The 2016 gelding, owned by Rancho Santa Margarita, collected $250.
Mason Ann Elliott and The Fletcherator (Royal Fletch x Naturally Smooth x San Tip) clinched the Youth Cow Horse Championship with a 289 (R: 144.5/C: 144.5). The 2008 gelding, owned by Elliott, collected $592.50.
Brent Shopbell and Shiney N Sporty (Shining Spark x Starlight O Lena x Paddy's Irish Whiskey) clinched the Youth Cow Horse 13 & Under Championship with a 286.5 (R: 144.5/C: 142). The 2006 mare is owned by Ann Matthews.
Boyd Wilson and Annies Playin Cat (Annies Cat x Bob Playin x Bobs Freckle) clinched the Youth Boxing Championship with a 293 (R: 143/C: 150). The 2009 gelding, owned by Veronica Swales, collected $435.
Pictured in Other Show Coverage
D.J. Crafton and Doctor Spark (Very Smart Remedy x Magic Sparkles x Shining Spark) clinched the Youth Boxing 13 & Under Championship with a 290 (R: 144.5/C: 145.5). The 2013 gelding is owned by Debbie Crafton.
Ricato Suave (Metallic Cat x Hip Hip Sue Rey x Dual Rey) and Clay Volmer clinched the Open Bridle Championship with a 446 (R: 221/C: 225). The 2017 stallion, owned by Shaleah Hester and M. Fountain, collected $4,200.
A Starlights Magnum (Magnum With A Dream x Shiny Starlight x Grays Starlight) and Kyle Trahern clinched the Intermediate Open Bridle Championship with a 445 (R: 222/C: 223). The 2017 gelding, owned by Trahern, collected $1,104.
Outfoxxed (PeptoBoonSmal x Shiney Tari x Shining Spark) and Chris Dawson clinched the Open Two Rein Championship with a 297 (R: 146.5/C: 150.5). The 2018 stallion, owned by KK Performance Horses, collected $2,464.
Debbie Crafton and SJR SumKindaRockstar (Smooth As A Cat x SumKinda PinkCadilac x PeptoBoonSmal) clinched the Non Pro Two Rein Championship with a 290.5 (R: 145/C: 145.5). The 2018 stallion, owned by Crafton, collected $1,304.
Learn about this condition and its treatment.
I’m not talking about loping down the arena with a rope, trying to snag a pair of stifles. I’m talking about intermittent fixation of the patella, also known as “his stifles are catching.”
Before discussing treating this problem, let’s review leg anatomy, beginning with the patella (kneecap). A horse’s stifle joint is like a human’s knee. In human or horse terms, the thigh bone (femur) articulates with the shin bone (tibia) on a human or gaskin on a horse. Riding over the top of that is the kneecap.
Tendons and ligaments hold the patella in place. Tendons attach muscle to bone, and ligaments attach bone to bone. The quadriceps muscle attaches to the top of the patella by the patellar tendon. The patella attaches to the tibia by three patellar ligaments in the horse and only one in humans.
There’s a groove between two “knuckles” on the bottom of the femur called the trochlear ridges. In this groove, the patella glides with each stride.
Problems come when the stifle is “loose” and the patella slips out of place, catching on the inside (medial) trochlear ridge. This causes a catch-like motion in the stifle joint when the horse walks off. It looks like a jerking motion or a hitch in its hind-leg gait. In some cases, the leg locks up with the hind foot stuck backward.
Treating this problem is fairly simple, and many horses grow out of it. The condition most commonly occurs in 2- and 3-year-olds. As you know, horses go through awkward phases, and they can “catch” their stifles during these times. When their skeletal system matures, this problem generally goes away.
But, as you also know, the 3-year-old year is the futurity year, so we can’t just give the 3-year-old that’s
catching its stifles time off until it’s a 4-year-old. Thankfully, there are some treatment options.
My first choice is lubricating the stifle with Hyvisc (hyaluronate sodium). The lubrication generally keeps the patella from getting stuck on the medial trochlear ridge.
I always follow treatment with an exercise/rehabilitation program, which consists of a regimen designed to force the horse to pick up its hind feet to build strength in the quadriceps muscle, ligaments and tendons around the stifle. I suggest warming up the horse with these methods before regular training. Start with five minutes of long trotting in each direction, followed by five minutes of backing. This forces the horse to pick up its hind feet, which builds strength in the quadriceps muscle. Perform these exercises every day for three weeks.
I frequently follow up with an old remedy: an internal blister placed under the skin. I typically use 2% iodine in almond oil as a blistering agent. I inject a small volume of blister over each of the three patellar ligaments. Sometimes, I’ll blister the patellar tendon, which attaches the quadriceps muscle to the proximal patella.
Some surgeries can help. They involve dramatically irritating the medial ligament. While this can work, I save it for the most severe cases.
In the past, we used to cut the medial patellar ligament. This process can provide short-term relief, but it can also cause long-term arthritis, so I never do it anymore.
If you have any questions about catching stifles, contact your trusted veterinarian.
Joe Carter, DVM
Oklahoma Equine Hospital Official NRCHA Veterinarian
—Joe Carter, DVM
President: Boyd Rice ■ Vice President: Paul Bailey ■ Secretary: Todd Crawford ■ Treasurer: Trey Neal
Executive Committee Members: Corey Cushing, Todd Bergen, Ben Baldus, Dr. Joe Carter
Board Members: Diane Edwards, Lance Johnston, Jay McLaughlin, Dan Roeser, Jon Roeser, Beverly Servi, Jake Telford, Cayley Wilson
Chairperson: Jay McLaughlin jaymclaughlinperformancehorses@gmail.com 417-861-6963
Chairperson: Dr. Joe Carter, DVM jcarterdvm@aol.com | 405-288-6460
Chairperson: Trey Neal trey@treyneal.com
Chairperson: Paul Bailey paulb@cb-trucking.com | 931-260-3909
Chairperson: Dan Roeser roeserstables@gmail.com | 208-841-2052
Chairperson: Todd Crawford Toddcrawford333@gmail.com
Chairperson: Lance Johnston jphperformancehorses@gmail.com | 805-550-8387
Director of Judges: Bill Enk enk.bill@gmail.com
Chairperson: Chelsea Edsall edsallhorses@hotmail.com | 209-603-8968
Chairperson: Diane Edwards Diane2bph@outlook.com | 206-390-0715
Chairperson: Abrian Bass harris.abrian@gmail.com | 817-517-3006
Chairperson: Cayley Wilson cayleyrwilson@gmail.com | 604-300-0401
Chairperson: Dan Roeser roeserstables@gmail.com | 208-841-2052
Co-Chairperson: Ben Baldus ben@baldushorsemanship.com | 940-923-7255
Co-Chairperson: Todd Bergen tbergenhorses@gmail.com | 541-778-0980
Chairperson: Jordan Tierney jordan@nrcha.com | 940-488-1495
Chairperson: Garth Gardiner gardinergarth@gmail.com | 620-635-5632
Chairperson: Emily Konkel emily@nrcha.com | 940-488-1500
Chairperson: Sarah Clymer Shubrick3@gmail.com | 719-330-1932
Chairperson: Callie Boevers callie@nrcha.com | 940-488-1491
Executive Director: Emily Konkel emily@nrcha.com
Director of Communications & Media: Callie Boevers callie@nrcha.com
Director of Programs: Tara Carter tara@nrcha.com
Director of Sponsorship & Outreach: Jordan Tierney jordan@nrcha.com
Premier Event Manager: Tina McCleary tina@nrcha.com
Incentive Program & Marketing Manager: Patty Tiberg patty@nrcha.com
Membership Coordinator: Ashley Valor ashley@nrcha.com
Shows Coordinator: Taylor Meek taylor@nrcha.com
Accounting Associate: Marilee Nies marilee@nrcha.com
Programs Assistant: Teighlor Cross teighlor@nrcha.com
Alaska Reined Cow Horse Association
Nathan Horsman
Phone: 907-982-1930
Email: nchorsman@gmail.com
Alberta Reined Cow Horse Association
Krystal Meade
330, 205 Quarry Park Blvd SE Calgary, AB T2C 3E7 CANADA
Phone: 403-991-4617
Email: info@cowhorse.ca Website: cowhorse.ca
Arizona Reined Cow Horse Association
Jeffry Heyer
Phone: 508-221-1358
Email: jrhyer@comcast.net
Website: azrcha.com
Atlantic Reined Cow Horse Association
Jennifer Black 1600 Mapledale Rd
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
Phone: 717-433-5357
Email: ARCHASecretary.2022@gmail.com Website: atlanticRCHA.com
California Reined Cow Horse Association
Laura Norman PO Box 70
Coarsegold, CA 93614
Phone; 559-760-2769
Email: crcha@saddleup-enterprises.com Website: californiacowhorse.com
Central Montana Reined Cow Horse Association
Dave Clark PO Box 194 Boyd, MT 59013
Phone: 307-349-0551
Email: wyoclarks@yahoo.com Website: cmrcha.com
Colorado Reined Cowhorse Association
Emily Parry
21660 E Rd
Delta, CO 81416
Phone: 970-520-1069
Email: coloradocowhorse@gmail.com
Website: coloradoreinedcowhorse.com
Current as of August 1, 2024
European Reined Cow Horse Association
Augusto De Fazio
via Natalia Ginzburg
1 - 11015 Ivrea (TO) ITALY
Phone: +(39) 338 8860657
Email: ercha@hotmail.it
Website: ercha.org
Gem State Stock Horse Association
Callee Miller
301 Market Rd
Caldwell ID 83607
Phone: 541-519-4748
Email: Cowhorse22@gmail.com
Website: gemstatestockhorse.com
Gulf Coast Cow Horse Association
Paul Kaskey
6329 Old Court St. North Port, FL 34291
Phone: 941-256-4760
Email: paulkaskey@aol.com
Website: gulfcoastcowhorse.com
Idaho Reined Cow Horse Association
Laura Kiracofe
P.O. Box 1375
Caldwell, ID 83606
Phone: 208-409-5656
Email: laurakiracofe@yahoo.com
Website: idahoreinedcowhorse.com
Magic Valley RCHA
Kaycie Keller
PO Box 5956
Twin Falls, ID 83303
Phone: 208-329-0499
Email: kkayc_13@yahoo.com
Website: mvrcha.com
Mid State Cow Horse Association
Sharon Michelucci
2500 Adobe Rd
Paso Robles CA 9344
Phone: 805-835-5014
Email: info@midstatecowhorseassociation.com
Website: midstatecowhorseassociation.com
Montana Reined Cow Horse Futurity, Inc
Margaret Ore PO Box 1604
East Helena, MT 59635
Phone: 406-227-7019
Email: more@mt.net
Website: montanareinedcowhorse.com
Nevada Reined Cow Horse Association
Laura Norman 2720 E Lone Mountain Rd
Las Vegas, NV 89091
Phone: 559-760-2796
Email: laura.saddleup@gmail.com
Website: nvrcha.org
New York Reined Cow Horse Association
Cindy Pfeifer 6040 Cleary Rd Livonia, NY 14487
Phone: 585-749-1764
Email: cindypfeifer59@gmail.com
Website: newyorkrcha.com
North Central Reined Cow Horse Association
Jim Wilson 2409 25th Ave
Rice Lake, WI 54868
Phone: 641-420-0440
Email: wilson@myomnitel.com Website: ncrcha.com
Northeastern Reined Cowhorse Alliance
Kim VanDerSluis
56 Woodborough Rd
Guelph, ON N1G3K5 Canada
Phone: 519-590-1558
Email: nerchainfo@gmail.com
Website: nercha.ca
Northern California Reined Cow Horse Association
Kelly Hamblin 4203 Road M Orland, CA 95963
Phone: 530-510-0198
Email: ncrcha2023@gmail.com
Website: www.ncrcha.info
Alberta Stock Horse Association
Shawna Husted
27245 TWP 350
Red Deer County, AB T4G 0M4
Phone: 403-875-1369
Email: nabreinedcowhorseclub@gmail.com
Northwest Reined Cow Horse Association
Debbie Pilgoret P.O. Box 302 Newburg, OR 97132
Phone: 503-318-7339
Email: nwreinedcowhorse@gmail.com Website: nwrcha.com
Panhandle Reined Cow Horse Association
Lane Arnold PO Box 1053 Canyon, TX 79015
Phone: 806-341-0941
Email: panhandlecowhorse@gmail.com Website: panhandlecowhorse.com
South Texas Reined Cow Horse Association
Tina McCleary
1951 Poe Prairie Rd Millsap, TX 76066
Phone: 979-218-0633
Email: southtexasrcha@gmail.com Website: strcha.org
Current as of August 1, 2024
Southern California Reined Cow
Horse Association
Roy Rich
Phone: 951-529-6258
Email: socalrcha@aol.com Website: ltht@airenetworks.com
Southern Reined Cow Horse Alliance
Lee Alford 18211 La Tung Rd Covington, LA 70435
Phone: 985-373-8347
Website: www.srchala.com
Southeastern Reined Cow Horse Association
Rachel Cobb 104 Murphy Hill Rd Belton, SC 29627
Phone: 864-276-9678
Email: southeastcowhorse@gmail.com Website: southeasternrcha.com
Southwest Reined Cow Horse Association
Gay Lenz 11587 Hunt Lane Guthrie, OK 73044
Phone: 405-818-7556
Email: glenz@glenzenterprises.com Website: srcha.org
Team Professional Italia Western Show A.S.D.
Alexandra Liberati
Via Ottaviano 42, Roma, Rome ITALY 192 Phone: +39 347 26 22 783
Email: alexandraliberati@gmail.com Website: westernshow.it
Volunteer Ranch Horse Association
Rachael Snow 4807 Shadecrest Dr. Nashville, TN 37211
Phone: 615-405-5219
Email: volunteerranchhorseassociation@gmail.com Website: volrha.com
NRCHA membership privileges will be suspended for the second offense of bad checks, per rule and for non payment of debt to NRCHA Show Management or NRCHA Approved Show Management. Additionally, all amounts for advertising in the NRCHA publication, Reined Cow Horse News, are due and payable within 30 days of receipt.
Desert Spring Ranch, Queen Creek, AZ
Keetch Ranch, Waddell, AZ
Del Rey Paint & Qtr Horses/Aneka Schelbeck, Cotton Wood, CA
Bynum Farms/Blair Bynum, Palm City, FL
Donnie Boyd, Sarasota, FL
Robyn Bush, Visalia, CA
Marcy Campbell, Creston, CA
Pompeo Capezzone, Castrocielo 03030, ITALY
Riccardo Capezzone, Castrocielo 03030, ITALY
Cody Christensen, Heber City, UT
Tom Daughetee, Kemmerer, WY
Shad DeGiorgis, El Dorado Hills, CA
Laura Delfino, Martinez, CA
Pat Faitz, Lakeland, FL
Robert Frobose, Modesto, CA
Miguel Gonzalez, Miami, FL
Babcock Ranch/Jim Babcock, Sanger, TX
Brandon Johnson, Nebraska City, NE
A finance charge of 1.5% per month (18% APR) will be added to all past due amounts. Membership privileges shall be suspended on accounts greater than 90 days past due and this information will be published in Reined Cow Horse News. There will be a membership reinstatement fee of $75.
Current as of August 1, 2024
Bridgette Lanham, Eastover, SC
Thera Myers, Oxnard, CA
Steed Training/ Rick Steed, Okeechobee, FL
Jill Serena, Castaic, CA
Vernon Smith, Santa Maria, CA
Dream Cross/Susan Ray, TX
Lazy T Shamrock Ranch/ Terry Malarkey, Star, ID
Elizabeth Winkle, Sarasota, FL
Don Stockman, Dayton, TX
Kinsey Dodson, Cleburne, TX
Oasis Ranch/Pete & Marilyn Bowling Purcell, OK
Roy Hockensmith, Frankfort, KY
Brian & Cynthia Holthouse, San Juan Bautista, CA
Rita F. Ward, Canyon, TX
Darren Roberts, Kent, NY
Chris Anderson Marietta, OK
LAE = Limited Aged Event, HS = Horse Show
as of August 1, 2024
Aug 2-4
Northeastern RCHA Classic HS, LAE, Cat 1 Jerseyville, ON Northeastern RCHA Sherry Simoes 519-871-7224 sherrylynnsimoes7@gmail.com
Aug 3-4 Northern California RCHA #3 - 2024 HS, Cat 1 Corning, CA Northern California RCHA
Aug 6-12 Southwest RCHA Pre Futurity & Horse Show HS, LAE, Cat 1, Cat 2 Fort Worth, TX Southwest RCHA
Aug 9-11 CRCHA Horse Show #8 HS, Cat 1 Tulare, CA California RCHA
Aug 14-16 The Run For A Million HS, Cat 2 Las Vegas, NV
Aug 15-18 CRCA West Slope Pre Futurity HS, LAE, Cat 1, Cat 2 Montrose, CO Colorado RCA
Aug 16-18 Classic Cow Horse Futurity & Derby HS, LAE, Cat 1, Cat 2 Saskatoon, SK
Aug 16-18 ARCHA Summer Shootout HS, Cat 1 Dillsburg, PA Atlantic RCHA
Aug 20-25 National Stock Horse Assoc. Pre-Futurity HS, LAE, Cat 1, Cat 2 Las Vegas, NV
Aug 21-25 Southern RCHA Louisiana Classic HS, LAE, Cat 1 West Monroe, LA Southern RCHA
Aug 22-25 The Cowboy State Classic HS, LAE, Cat 1 Big Piney, WY
Aug 24-25 Central Montana RCHA
Laura Norman 559-760-2769 laura.saddleup@gmail.com
Jackie Cline 405-590-1419 entry@srcha.org
Aug 7-11 Magic Valley RCHA Futurity HS, LAE, Cat 1 Filer, ID Magic Valley RCHA Reanna Dillman info@horseshowpros.com
Laura Norman 559-760-2769 crcha@saddleup-enterprises.com
Shawn Martin 623-217-3879 shawnbmgevents@gmail.com
Keri Croft 503-701-3305 dkcroft4@frontier.com
Teri Clearwater 306-544-7621 classiccowhorse@gmail.com
Cindy Pfeifer 585-749-1764 cindypfeifer59@gmail.com
Kelley Hartranft 714-267-5912 nshaentries21@gmail.com
Mikayla Alexander 936-900-4568 mikaylaalexander317@gmail.com
Bonnie DeVerniero 406-694-5234 bonnied.horseshowsec@gmail.com
The Rosebud Futurity HS, LAE, Cat 1 Forsyth, MT Central Montana RCHA Reanna Dillman 303-895-5256 info@horseshowpros.com
Aug 30-Sept 2 Colorado State Fair HS, LAE, Cat 1, Cat 2 Pueblo, CO
Aug 31 Mid State CHA Show #3 HS, Cat 1 Paso Robles, CA Mid State CHA
Sep 1 Okeechobee Cowtown Classic #3 HS, LAE, Cat 1, Cat 2 Okeechobee, FL
Pam Orth 405-509-0494 pamela.a.humphreys@gmail.com
Laura Norman 559-760-2769 laura.saddleup@gmail.com
Renee Burks 863-634-7385 rburks2556@aol.com
Sept 6-7 Alaska RCHA Fall Spectacular HS, LAE, Cat 1, Cat 2 Anchorage, AK Alaska RCHA Dorothy Hrncir 907-841-4875 dorothyhrncir@gmail.com
Sept 6-8 So Cal RCHA September Classic HS, Cat 1 Temecula, CA Southern California RCHA Kelley Hartranft 714-267-5912 klsgrn@yahoo.com
Sept 9-15 Reno Snaffle Bit Futurity HS, LAE, Cat 1, Cat 2 Reno, NV Reanna Dillman 303-895-5256 info@horseshowpros.com
Sept 10-14 ERCHA Futurity + Nations Cup + Horse Show #5 HS, LAE, Cat 1, Cat 2 Travagliato, Italy European RCHA Otto De Fazio 39-338-8860657 ercha.otto@gmail.com
Sept 13-15 Southeastern RCHA Summer Futurity & Derby HS, LAE, Cat 1 Harriman, TN SouthEastern RCHA Mikayla Alexander 936-900-4568 mikaylaalexander317@gmail.com
Sept 13-15 ARCHA The Green Showdown HS, Cat 1 Dillsburg, PA Atlantic RCHA Cindy Pfeifer 585-749-1764 cindypfeifer59@gmail.com
Sept 18-22 Colorado RCA Mid America HS, LAE, Cat 1, Cat 2 Douglas, WY Colorado RCA Keri Croft 503-701-3305 dkcroft4@frontier.com
Sept 18-22 Montana Reined Cow Horse Futurity HS, LAE, Cat 1 Kalispell, MT Montana Reined Cow Horse Futurity Reanna Dillman 303-895-5256 info@horseshowpros.com
Sept 19-22 PRCHA Fall Into Autumn HS, Cat 1 Lubbock, TX Panhandle RCHA Nelle Murphy 580-276-0761 panhandlecowhorse@gmail.com
Sept 20-22 VolRHA Beat The Heat HS, LAE, Cat 1 Cordova, TN Volunteer RHA Mikayla Alexander 936-900-4568 volrhaoffice@gmail.com
Sept 21-22 ASHA Sept Cow Horse Show HS, Cat 1 Claresholm, AB Alberta SHA Shawna Husted 403-875-1369 abstockhorse@gmail.com
Sept 28-29 GCCHA Florida Heat HS, LAE, Cat 1, Cat 2 Sarasota, FL Gulf Coast CHA
Oct 4-19 NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity HS, LAE, Cat 1, Cat 2 Fort Worth, TX NRCHA NRCHA 940-488-1500 entries@nrcha.com
Oct 9-12 ERCHA Autumn Show & Horse Show #6 HS, LAE, Cat 1 Travagliato, Italy European RCHA Otto De Fazio 39-338-8860657 ercha.otto@gmail.com
Oct 18-19 Mid State CHA Show #4 HS, Cat 1 Paso Robles, CA Mid State CHA
Oct 31-Nov 3 ARCHA Code West Classic HS, Cat 1 Dillsburg, PA Atlantic RCHA
Nov 1-3 VolRHA Fall Finale HS, LAE, Cat 1 Cordova, TN Volunteer RHA
Claudia Nichols 772-321-9637 claudia.horseshow@gmail.com
Oct 17-20 ASHA Futurity Derby & Year End Show HS, LAE, Cat 1 Ponoka, AB Alberta SHA Shawna Husted 403-875-1369 abstockhorse@gmail.com
Laura Norman 559-760-2769 laura.saddleup@gmail.com
Oct 26-27 Northern California RCHA #4 - 2024 HS, Cat 1 Corning, CA Northern California RCHA Laura Norman 559-760-2769 laura.saddleup@gmail.com
Cindy Pfeifer 585-749-1764 cindypfeifer59@gmail.com
Mikayla Alexander 936-900-4568 volrhaoffice@gmail.com
Nov 11-17 CRCHA Fall Futurity, Derby, & Show #9 HS, LAE, Cat 1 Tulare, CA California RCHA
Laura Norman 559-760-2769 crcha@saddleup-enterprises.com