CEC Newsletter 11.01.19

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NEWSLETTER www.cowesec.org info@cowesec.org

Friday 11th January

Dear Parents and Carers, A very Happy New Year and I hope you had a wonderful break. It has been lovely to welcome back our students this week and to see them full of energy and enthusiasm for their learning and the term ahead. Congratulations to Year 13 students who are focusing hard on their learning. This approach has certainly paid off and our Year 13 students are starting 2019 with exciting university offers, including for Oxford University. We have a strong programme of support for UCAS applications here and it is great to hear of these successes.

Today, we have held our mock exam results day for Year 11 students. They received their recent mock results in envelopes just as they will do in August. Students now have a clear picture of where to prioritise their next set of efforts and need to keep the revision up. We also now expect all Year 11s to have 100% attendance. Last year, Year 11 students with 95% attendance achieved, on average, the best results in the year by a considerable amount. I would also like to thank all parents regarding our uniform focus this week. It has been particularly positive to have conversations with so many of you who support an initiative which will ensure that no child stands out as being different because of the way they are dressed. Some of you may have seen that the local press is currently running a series of stories presenting Island youngsters in a negative light. We continue to be very proud of students here and it is important that our Cowes Enterprise College students can hold their heads up high in the community and show through their uniform and general presentation and behaviour that they deserve the pride of the community. We are equally proud of our Duke of Edinburgh students, who were awarded their bronze certificates this week by the Lord Lieutenant at an Island-wide event. It was inspiring to hear their passion for the award. My parent surgeries continue this term on Tuesday afternoons. Please either email dharrison@cowesec.org or phone the school on 01983 203103 asking for Donna Harrison to book a pre-booked slot. With best wishes, Rachel Kitley

The students at Cowes Enterprise College are of the upmost importance to us. Every morning, we formally welcome every student into the academy and at this point, request that the students address any incorrect uniform including make-up and jewellery according to the academy polices. Following a parental enquiry, it is important that we dispel any inaccurate rumours about our welcome. We can confirm that we are not searching students on entry, we do not have gender lines coming into the academy and we do not use metal detectors. As part of our ongoing support for the students and our community, we are determined that no child should suffer from feeling different to their peers by not being in the correct uniform, which is why we lend items should they be needed. Students can therefore feel pride in being in correct uniform, ready to learn. If there are any individual queries, please contact the academy directly as we are more than happy to discuss things further.

SAFEGUARDING The academy ‘no mobile phone policy’ was installed in 2015 for the safeguarding of all our students on site. It was such a positive change for the academy and enables us to focus students on their learning and remove any possibility of students accessing material via social media during the school day. In keeping up with technology, the academy later also included in this, the wearing and use of smart watches – those that can be accessed and used like a mobile phone. Those devices that can message/phone/access social media would also cause the similar issues that having free access to phones during the day would. Therefore, we do not allow these devices in school for the safeguarding of all. To clarify further, watches and Fitbits are allowed, unless they have smart technology installed. Thank you to all parents/carers for your support with this.

ATTENDANCE It has been great to welcome all our students back to the academy following the Christmas break. Every day counts for learning and so we really appreciate every parent/carer’s support in ensuring your child attends as much as possible. If you have any questions regarding attendance, please contact our Family Liaison Assistant – Mr Jimmy Carey via the main academy reception on 01983 203103.

Caterlink—Lebanese Street Food Launch Lebanese street food launched this week. Nick Farley joined the team to provide a fresh concept, packed with flavours from piri piri, BBQ and tikka chicken, fresh falafel & hummus all served up with tabbouleh, chickpea salad, shredded cabbage and carrot and served with a choice of sauces in an authentic khobez wrap. The falafel option was hugely popular and feedback was extremely positive!

Duke of Edinburgh Awards On Wednesday this week 7 of our students received their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze awards. The students worked well through their volunteering, physical and skills sections. The expeditions were completed in extremely challenging conditions. The weather was very hot but the students powered through and were successful in achieving this award. There are lots of opportunities within school for you to get your Duke of Edinburgh award so please see Miss Gibson in BU11 during any lunchtime if you want to take part.

If there are any questions about Duke of Edinburgh then please email jgibson@cowesec.org

Cookery skills starts again next Tuesday so don’t forget your ingredients. There is a meeting in BU11 next Monday after school that all participants must attend. Please bring: 


Isle of Wight Ordinance Survey map

eDofE log in details

The first walk is on Sunday 27th January at 2:30 at Carisbrooke Castle. We are aiming this walk to finish at 5pm

YEAR 11 GCSE POETRY OPPORTUNITY The English team would like to remind Year 11 students that every Monday starting on the 14th of January from 3 – 4pm in EN 13, Mrs Watts will be going through the poetry anthology one poem at a time. Each Monday, a different poem will be studied. This is a brilliant revision opportunity, but also an opportunity for any students who may have missed the lesson on that poem or are missing their notes. See you there!


Our whole academy attendance this week was 95.2%

Attending is the first part of succeeding!

Students should be in the building by 8.25am for a 8.30am prompt start in their tutor class. Any student arriving after 8.30am will be considered as being late. A reminder that the procedure to report a student absence is to call the main Academy number (01983 203103), select Option 1 and leave a message on the Student Absence Line before 8.30am. There is no direct number for the absence line. Phone calls need to be made every day of the student's absence. Please do not call any other number to report a student absence.


Invitation emails for our Year 11 Parents’ Evening were sent on Thursday 20th December 2018. There are still a number of appointments left if you have not already booked. Bookings will remain open until Thursday at 12pm, there are still a number of appointments left so please ensure you book soon to avoid disappointment. If you are unable to attend this evening or have not received this email please let us know. Please call 01983 203103 or email info@cowesec.org. Many thanks.

BERLIN INFORMATION EVENING A reminder that the Berlin visit information evening for parents, carers and students is being held on Wednesday 16th January, 77.45pm in the main school hall.

At cowesec.org you can find: 

Information on uniform

Our Sixth Form prospectus

Links to our previous newsletters

Contact information

And much more! You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook

Following the huge success of our academy production ‘Arabian Nights’, we are delight to offer the opportunity to purchase professional digital photographs depicting key scenes from the show. Please follow the link below: https://stephaniemackrillphotography.pixieset.com/g/ arabiannightscowesenterprise/ Congratulations to all staff and students involved in producing such an entertaining and innovative piece of theatre.


FACEBOOK AND COMMUNICATION We have been contacted by numerous parents to ask if we can moderate the comments on the Unofficial CEC Parent and Guardian Facebook page. For clarification, this site is completely independent of the Academy and we have no control over the posts of monitoring of this. We are arranging a meeting with the administrators of the site to discuss concerns raised. We understand that parents are finding this independent site useful for the sale of uniform and we are looking into our own facilities to enable parents to safely share this in an official way.

16th February to 24th February 2019 25th February 2019

Half Term Holiday Return following Half Term Holiday

6th April to 23rd April 2019 22nd April 2019 23rd April 2019

Easter Holiday Bank Holiday Start of Summer Term

6th May 2019 25th May to 2nd June 2019 3rd June 2019

Bank Holiday Half Term Holiday Return following Half Term Holiday

Monday following the IW Festival – TBC

Staff Development Day

19th July 2019 20th July 2019

Last Day of Summer Term (early closure) Summer Holidays Start

Find term dates for next year on our website:

Our official Facebook page can be found here.


Upcoming Academy Dates

Drop off , collection and car park safety

Thursday 17th January

Year 11 Parents’ Evening

Wednesday 30th January Years 12 and 13 Parents’ Evening Friday 15th February Monday 25th February

Last day of Half Term Return after Half Term Break

HPV Vaccinations for Year 8 Girls HPV Vaccination Session for 2nd dose: Wednesday 1st May 2019 Catch-Up Session: Friday 17th May 2019

Year 11 - BTEC Online Sport Exam On Tuesday 22nd January 2019 all of Year 11 will be sitting the BTEC on-line Sport Exam which is the external exam element of the course. There will be three sittings throughout the day at 9.00am, 10.30am and 12.30am. The exam is 60 minutes long. Unlike the CIDA exam which took place on Tuesday 8th January students do not need to be kept isolated under exam conditions so they will be able to attend lessons when they are not in their test. There will be seating plans on the Examination board in the MIZ on morning of the exam. Year 11 form tutors and the year team will also have lists of student’s exam rooms.

Please be aware that our local community police have been monitoring cars outside the academy that are stopping illegally on the zigzag line. The reason we continually ask parents not to stop here is for the safety of all students and those arriving for our on-site nursery. A letter has been emailed to all parents from our community police to inform parents that to ensure the safety of all our community, if there are cars stopping on the lines outside, they will be issuing fines as this is against the law. Many thanks for your continued support. Please do not use the Academy car park to drop off and collect students withour prior agreement from the Academy for you to do so. Drop off and collections should be made on Crossfield Avenue remembering that that no parking is permitted on the white ZigZag lines surrounding the pedestrian crossing outside the Academy. Please could we also remind parents that the disabled bay spaces are for holders of valid Blue Badges only.

HOW TO JOIN A CLASS ON SENECA LEARNING Step 1: Open an internet browser (not internet explorer) Step 2: Go to SenecaLearning.com Step 3: Click on “Get Started” or “Sign Up” Step 4: Create account – use your school email Step 5: Click on “Classes & Assignments” Step 6: Click on “Join Class”

SCIENCE REVISION SESSIONS Unless otherwise states, sessions will be on Wednesdays from 3pm Date


16/01/2019 23/01/2019 30/01/2019 06/02/2019 13/02/2013 18/02/2019 27/03/2019 06/03/2019 13/03/2019 20/03/2019 27/03/2019 03/04/2019 08/04/2019 15/04/2019 24/04/2019 01/05/2019 08/05/2019 14/05/2019 15/05/2019 16/05/2019 21/05/2019 22/05/2019 27/05/2019 05/06/2019 07/06/2019 11/06/2019 12/06/2019 12/06/2019 14/06/2019

B1B2 C1C2 P1P2 B3 C3 P3P4 B4 C5 P5P6 B6 C6



CHD (SC18) B1B2 SSC (SC16) (24/01/19) C1C2 LMP (SC11) P1P2 CHD (S18) B3 CMU (SC16) C3 February 1/2 Term RSS (SC13) P3 CHD (SC18) B4 SSC (SC19) (14/03/19) C5 LMP (SC11) P4 CHD (SC18) B6 CMU (SC16) C6

Teacher DDD (SC03) PBG (SC02) RSS (SC13) LYG (SC03) (8/02/19) RML (SC04) PBG (SC02) CMU (SC16) DDD (SC03) RML (SCO4) LYG (SC03) (29/03/19) RML (SCO4)

Easter Holidays P7P8 C1C2C3 B1B2B3 B1-B3 & B7 C1C2C3 C1-C3 & C7 P1P2P3P4 P1-P4 & P9 B4B5B6 B4-B6 & B7 C4C5C6 C4-C6 & C7 P6P7P8 P5-P8 & P9

LMP (SC11) P5P6 SSC (SC19) (02/05/19) B1B2B3 CHD (SC18) B1B2B3 PM P1/P7 RML (SC04) C1C2C3 AM P3/P9 LMP (SC11) P1P2P3 PM P5/P11 May 1/2 Term CHD (SC19) B4B5B6 PM P2/P8 SSC (SC16) (10/06/19) C4C5C6 AM P4/P10 LMP (SC11) P4P5P6 AM P6/P12









Cowes Combined Cadet Force (ages 12-18)


Capstan House

uCECLele Training Band



Chess Club



GCSE Art Catch Up Session



Year 7 Military Skills


CCF Office

Oasis Homework Support



Child Development/Health & Social Care Support

2.45— 4.00pm


STOMP (jazz percussion group)



Jazz Band



Science Club



BTEC Business Revision



GCSE Art Catch Up Session



Communication Club



Oasis Homework Support



CPLD/HSC Support—Years 12 and 13

2.45— 4.00pm


uCEClele (auditions required)



Chess Club



Badminton Club


Winder Centre

Props, Costume & Scenery Club



Oasis Homework Support



BTEC Business Revision




Lunch 3-4pm


Basketball Club

Winder Centre

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