Friday 12th October
Dear parents and carers This week has been action packed. Thank you to all the parents who attended the Year 9 & 10 information evening and made it such a success. We had standing room only and parents told me they found the revision tips so helpful. It was also a fantastic opportunity to remind everyone of our record exam results and the high expectations we continue to have for all students. As part of the Island Literary Festival we hosted a visiting author who worked with Year 7 and really enthused them with his creativity and fresh perspective. A great example of the enriching opportunities we provide for our students. The University of Southampton came in on Wednesday evening to talk to, not only our Sixth Formers, but young people from across the island. They gave an informative talk helping students with their study habits and really driving home the high expectations universities have for independent learners. As you may be aware, there has been an island- wide consultation about extending the October 2019 half term to two weeks and as an academy we have the freedom to set our own term dates. The local governing body of Cowes Enterprise College met on October 4th to consider this proposal. We are fully supportive of Councillor Brading and Island leaders and their desire to find creative solutions to improving pupil outcomes across the Island. At this juncture however our governors have decided to wait and see the initial outcomes of this change before deciding on our next steps.
Term dates 2019-2020 Autumn Term 2019 starts on Monday 2 September 2019 and ends on Friday 20 December 2019 (Half term from Monday 28 October to Friday 1 November 2019) Spring Term 2020 starts on Monday 6 January 2020 and ends on Friday 3 April 2020 (Half term from Monday 17 February to Friday 21 February 2020) Summer Term 2020 starts on Monday 20 April 2020 and ends on Friday 17 July 2020 (Half term from Monday 25 May to Friday 29 May 2020) Inset days to follow. Thank you for all your efforts as this half term draw to a close and next week also holds some very significant events for us, including the Physics Festival where we are lucky to welcome Year 5 and 6 students from across the island and we hope to impress our prospective cohorts. With best wishes, Rachel Kitley
IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ADMISSIONS We are opening the consultation for the proposed change to the Admissions Policy 2020-2021 on Monday 1st October. In accordance with the DfE’s 2014 statutory ‘Schools Admissions Code’ guidance the Local Governing Body of Cowes Enterprise College is consulting on the Admissions Arrangements for September 2020 because changes are proposed. The amendments are:
To reduce the Published Admission Number at Cowes Enterprise College from 270 to 210 places in Year 7 with effect from September 2020. This means that the number of places available for children in Year 7 in 2020 and all subsequent Year 7 cohorts will be 210.
For children who already have a place at the school in other year groups there will be no proposed change. This is the only proposed change to the admission criteria, all other criteria, including oversubscription, will remain the same.
A full version of the proposed changes to the admission arrangements, as well as the rationale behind them, is available to view on the academy website or hard copy from the school office. Comments on the proposed admissions arrangements should be sent to the clerk to governors or by post to: Jill Wareham Cowes Enterprise College Crossfield Avenue Cowes, PO31 8HB
by 12 noon on 12th November 2018.
The Noel Turner Physics Festival Thursday 18th October 2018
Letters were given to students during tutor time this week regarding the arrangements for the Noel Turner Physics Festival. There is a reply slip on the back of this letter for students who are unable to leave at 11.15am on Thursday 18th. If we do not receive a reply slip, your child will be allowed to leave at 11.15am. This year we are again delighted to host the Noel Turner Physics Festival here at Cowes on the 18th October. This year it's even bigger and better than last, so it will mean some changes to the normal routine on the day for parents and carers to note. Our students should come to school as normal on Thursday 18th; they will register with their form tutors (although some may be in different rooms). From 9.00am to 11.00am, all of our students will then have exclusive access to the Festival. Year 7 will have a special show of 'Dangerous Science' - bangs, smoke, flames and more with Wonderstruck. Other students will attend a keynote speech from Tom Warrender of Medical Mavericks, covering both careers in the health sector and a health and fitness element linked to their “Challenge the Champions� sports and fitness activities. Then all students will have time to explore the hands-on activities and talk to representatives from local, national and international companies and organisations including BAE Systems, GKN, IW Hospital Trust, Vikoma, IFPL and more. Your children will not only gain some insights into why they learn about science in school and how it is used in the real world, but also through talking to the representatives from the organisations, can explore different routes from school into well-paid local employment. Many local industries struggle to recruit suitable employees - we want all our students to understand the opportunities and make the links between learning well in school and an interesting and rewarding career. To allow students from other Island schools to also attend the Festival, we will complete the second session registration after 11.00am and those students who have their parents' permission may then study at home for the afternoon. Students who are unable to go home or whose parents would like us to look after them until the normal end of the day, will be attached to departments and involved in the activities including acting as guides or helpers. The Festival will be, again, a wonderful occasion. Should you have any questions about the Festival, please email
TERM DATES 2019-2020 2nd September 2019
Start of Autumn Term
28th October to 1st November 2019
Half Term Holiday
20th December 2019
Last Day of Autumn Term
23 December 2019 to 3 January 2020
Christmas Holiday
6th January 2020
Start of Spring Term
17 February to 21 February 2020
Half Term Holiday
3rd April 2020
Last Day of Spring Term
6 April 2020 to 17 April 2020
Easter Holiday
20th April 2020
Start of Summer Term
25 May to 29 May 2020
Half Term Holiday
17th July 2020
Last Day of Summer Term Inset days to follow
Miss Lawrence Humanities Teacher What do you like most about teaching at Cowes Enterprise College?
My favourite thing about teaching at Cowes Enterprise College is that the students are so supportive of one another- they are always willing to support their peers in any way they can.
What made you want to teach History?
I wanted to teach History because I love the way that it overlaps with so many other subjects and that there is such breadth available in what you can teach and learn.
What was your childhood aspiration?
My childhood aspiration was to be a professional sportsperson, I am still very active and love running, swimming and playing hockey.
Who is your favourite historian (and why?)
My favourite historian is Dan Snow because he has launched his ‘HistoryHit’ website, podcast and TV channel in order to make history accessible and appealing to all- there are some really great things on
Arabian Nights – 40 cushions and lots broken bracelets needed! We are desperate for as many patterned or plain cushions as possible for our end of term production. If you have any spare at home, please could you drop them off to the drama department. We would also like any broken string bracelets with metal beads/ plastic jewels. Thank you. A huge well done to: Lauren Rayner Maisy Lambert Liam Jackson For exceptional business coursework.
School photos have arrived! Photographs of the Year 7 and 10 students taken by the school photographer have arrived! If you ordered photographs of your child through Atlas, they are ready for you to collect from Reception. Parents and carers are welcome to collect them or students can collect at the end of the academy day.
What a fantastic and busy week we have had in Design and Technology. The Year 10 Food Preparation group have learnt about different types of contamination and were on a mission to find the contamination culprits in their apple pies. The Year 9 Food Preparation group have had a fabulous start to their GCSE and this week have used each of their senses while testing a variety of foods, ranging from yoghurts through to chilli chocolate. Well done Year 9 you all embraced the different foods, even the blue cheese! Key Stage 3 have also been busy working in the workshops, food room and textiles room. I saw some fabulous sewing skills in the Year 7 groups who have started making their bags with some really supportive peer teaching. Dutch Apple Cake has been a highlight for one Year 8 group this week and they filled the corridor with the smell of warm apple and cinnamon cakes- delicious! I am proud of all the students working throughout the department and I have been impressed with the skills and creativity of our GCSE DT students and I am looking forward to seeing the end outcomes in the night light and clock project they are currently working on. A few reminders from the Design Technology team.
Last year’s GCSE projects can now be collected. Food must be stored in the fridge at the start of the day, in a named container before registration Any issues with ingredients please do e-mail me at If you have any old curtains or duvet covers and would like to donate these we do a reuse and recycle project in textiles in year 8 textiles and would love some help collect more materials.
Well done to all involved.
Miss Bracegirdle
D of E Cookery Skills—Week Two
REMINDERS & INFORMATION Safeguarding Safeguarding:
Next week, sees the academy beginning extensive work with students on online safety. The next newsletters over the next few Next seesinformation the academy beginning extensive withtostudents on online safety. The next weeksweek, will contain for parents on how to supportwork your child be safe online.
newsletters over the next few weeks will contain information for parents on how to support your child to In tutor time next week, students will be asked if they would like to put themselves forward to be a CEC Digital Leader – to work be safe online. with Mrs Harding in ensuring our academy community are able to keep themselves safe online. In tutor time next week, students will be asked if they would like to put themselves forward to be a CEC Behaviour for Learning: Digital Leader – to work with Mrs Harding in ensuring our academy community are able to keep As part of our now devices policies at the academy, it is worth noting that this also includes the use of portable devices – themselves safemobile online.
including Smart watches. If you are thinking about purchasing these items for Christmas for your children, please be aware that they are not permitted on site at the academy. This is for the safeguarding of all.
Behaviour for Learning
As part of our now mobile devices policies at the academy, it is worth noting that this also includes the use of portable devices – including Smart watches. If you are thinking about purchasing these items for Christmas for your children, please be aware that they are not permitted on site at the academy. This is for the safeguarding of all.
Year 11 CIDA IT Exam On Tuesday 8th January 2019 (the first day back after the Christmas break) the whole of Year 11 will be sitting a CIDA IT exam. All Year 11 students should have received an exam statement of entry in tutor time today.
Uniform A reminder that piercings are not and never have been acceptable in a nose. There seems to be a few creeping in. A clear spacer must be worn or the stud removed. Also a reminder that trousers need to be non-skinny and skirts rolled to the correct length. Support from parents is appreciated with this. Further nformation on our uniform can be found at:
Photo Consent and IT Agreements Thank you to everyone who has returned these to us already! Photo Consent Forms and IT Agreements were given to students in Years 8—11 during tutor time two weeks ago. If you have not already done so, please could you fill these in and return them to Reception as soon as possible?
Attendance Attending is the first part of succeeding! Students should be in the building and in their tutor class at 8.30am—any student arriving into this building after 8.30am will be considered as being late. A reminder that the procedure to report a student absence is to call the main Academy number (01983 203103), select Option 1 and leave a message on the Student Absence Line before 8.30am. There is no direct number for the absence line. Phone calls need to be made every day of the student's absence. The absence should be followed up with a letter detailing the duration and reason for absence on the student's return to the Academy.
REMINDERS & INFORMATION Drop off , collection and car park safety Please do not use the Academy car park to drop off and collect students withour prior agreement from the Academy for you to do so. Drop off and collections should be made on Crossfield Avenue remembering that that no parking is permitted on the white ZigZag lines surrounding the pedestrian crossing outside the Academy. Please could we also remind parents that the disabled bay spaces are for holders of valid Blue Badges only.
Floating Bridge Shuttle Bus Autumn Term tickets are now available from Reception . Tickets can be purchased online through Scopay in pack of 20 for £10. Once payment has been made online, students should request tickets from Reception. Tickets are single use only, non-transferrable and non-refundable. Please note that lost tickets will need to be repurchased. Students eligible for free school meals are able to request a pass to access the Floating Bridge Shuttle Bus for free. The mini bus will travel between the Floating Bridge and Cowes Enterprise College every morning. The shuttle bus will be waiting in Medina Road, visible from the ferry. The shuttle bus will leave Medina Road at 08.10am and then a second shuttle will leave Medina Road at 08.20am.
Forthcoming Events Wednesday 10th October Year 11 Higher Education Evening Thursday 11th October
Year 9 and 10 Information Evening (6-7pm)
Tuesday 16th October
Year 11 Information Evening (6-7pm)
Thursday 18th October Friday 19th October
Physics Festival and Last Day of Term (early closure)
Staff Development Day
Canteen Menus Menus for the canteen are now available on our website under the ‘Parent Information’ heading. Autumn Menu—Weeks 1, 2 and 3
Drinks and Snacks 2018
SIMS Parent SIMS Parent App is a tool that we use at Cowes Enterprise College. You can use this to view your student’s attendance, their timetable, their achievement and behaviour points and more! You can also use SIMS Parent to update your contact information. Designed with input from both schools and parents, SIMS Parent is intuitive, informative and immediate, providing parents with information on their child's progress to help inform, celebrate and support their child. You can access SIMS Parent on your browser via https:// or by downloading the app from the App Store or Google Play! If you require a link code email to be sent please contact us via to request.
Sport Club
No Sport Clubs today due to staff meeting
Year Group
-Netball (girls)
8 /9 / 10 / 11 / 6th Form
Mrs. Hughes
Sport Hall
-Football (boys)
All Years
Mr. Hughes, Mr. Brown and Mr. Barry
-Football (girls)
All Years
Mrs. Beck
-Sport Leaders
All Years (students need to register for this qualification)
Miss Vidovic
Sport Hall
-Rugby (girls)
All Years
Miss Duffin
All Years
Mrs. Spalding
Sport Hall
All Years
Mr. Hughes
-Netball (girls)
Mrs. Hughes
Sport Hall
No clubs today
BTEC intervention (SC14) Table Tennis
Miss Vidovic Mr Barry (1st half)
Mr Brown (1st half) Miss Duffin (2nd half)
Table Tennis
Mrs Hughes (1st half) Mr Hughes (2nd half)
Crew Competitions
Sport Captains Mr Barry
Cowes Combined Cadet Force (ages 12-18)
Capstan House
uCECLele Training Band
Chess Club
GCSE Art Catch Up Session
Year 7 Military Skills
CCF Office
Oasis Homework Support
STOMP (jazz percussion group)
Jazz Band
Science Club
GCSE Art Catch Up Session
Communication Club
Oasis Homework Support
uCEClele (auditions required)
Chess Club
Badminton Club
Winder Centre
Props, Costume & Scenery Club
Oasis Homework Support
BTEC Business Revision
Lunch 3-4pm
Wednesday BTEC Business Revision
Basketball Club
Winder Centre
BTEC Coursework Booster Sessions BTEC Coursework Day Saturday 17th November 9am—3pm
BTEC Business Finance Resit Friday 12th October Revision sessions on Wednesdays from 2.45—3.30pm in BU11