NEWSLETTER Friday 13th December Dear parents and carers, We have been really getting underway with the Christmas spirit this week and have had a family feel today with staff and students in their Christmas jumpers; thank you for your support – donations go to Save the Children. We have also shared in our Christmas lunch today; students ate lunch complete with Christmas music, table cloths and crackers and it felt very positive to sit together as a school community in this way. We also enjoyed our Christmas Concert last night which was a really festive and fun evening – many thanks to all teachers and students involved in this wonderful event. This was a really festive and fun evening and one of the real highlights of the term. It was a thrill to see music at the heart of our school, with performances by our school band, ‘The Underdogs’, The Cowes Enterprise College Concert Band, Ukulele Club, Glee Club, CCF Band and Year 7 Singing Group. We had terrific feedback from parents who really loved our newly styled Christmas concert. Thank you to Lucas in Year 12 who compèred the evening – we have yet again run an event at which no staff member has needed to talk as the students have led the public speaking themselves. I would like to congratulate our sixth formers for their fantastic performance at the Crown Court mock trial competition last Saturday. Our amazing team worked incredibly hard and it paid off as we came a hugely admirable second place against teams from island schools, including the private schools. We have also carried out a whole school election yesterday, building on the work of our whole school hustings which happened earlier this term. A reminder that on Tuesday afternoons I am always available to meet with parents with attendance by pre-booked appointments only. With best wishes, Rachel Kitley Click the arrows or swipe to turn pages
Last Day of Autumn Term
TERM DATES FOR 2020/2021 ACADEMIC YEAR 1st September 2020
Staff Development Day
23rd Dec 2019 — 3rd Jan 2020 Christmas Holiday
Mon 6th January
Staff Development Day
2nd October 2020
Staff Development Day
Tues 7th January
Start of Spring Term for all students
26th October to 30th October 2020
Half Term Holiday
Fri 14th February
Last Day of Half Term
18th December 2020
Last Day of Autumn Term
21st December 2020 to 1st January 2021
Christmas Holiday
4th January 2021
Staff Development Day
5th January 2021
Start of Spring Term
17th February—21st February Half Term Holiday
Mon 24th February
Start of second half of Spring Term
Friday 3rd April
Last Day of Spring Term
6th April—17th April
Easter Holiday
Mon 20th April
Start of Summer Term
15th February to 19th February 2021
Half Term Holiday
Fri 8th May
Early May bank holiday (VE day)
26th March 2021
Last Day of Spring Term
29th March to 9th April 2021
Easter Holiday
12th April 2021
Start of Summer Term
Fri 22nd May
Last Day of Half Term
25th May—29th May
Half Term Holiday
Mon 1st June
Start of second half of Spring Term
3rd May 2021
Bank Holiday
Mon 15th June TBC
Staff Development Day
31st May 2021 to 4th June 2021
Half Term Holiday
Fri 17th July
Last Day of Summer Term
14th June 2021 (to be confirmed)
Staff Development Day
Sat 18th July
Summer Holidays Start
16th July 2021
Last Day of Summer Term
LETTERS Recent letters can be found on our website, under the ‘Communication’ heading and then selecting ‘letters and communication’. Click here to view recent letters.
Recently added:
SEN PARENT SURGERIES SEN Parent Surgeries will be held on Thursdays 3pm—5pm. If you would like to book please email
Caterlink, the academy’s catering provider Early Leaving Arrangements for the will be joining us for our next parent voice Last Day of Term meeting. (today is the last day to return reply slips if needed!) This will be held on Friday January 10th 2020 • Spanish Trip to La Rioja from 9am – 10am. If you would like an • Kenya Expedition Letter opportunity to speak to their representative, • GCSE Options Letter for Year 8 find out what the provision is and give them Parents/Carers some feedback then you are very welcome • Beauty and The Beat Pantomime Trip to come along and join us. Please email • IntoFilm Letter if you will be • Senior Maths Challenge Letter attending. •
UPCOMING EVENTS 5th December until Friday 20th December Friday 20th December
Year 11, 12 and 13 Mock Exams Last Day of Term (Early Closure) Free Christmas Jumper Day
Saturday 21st December Christmas Holidays until Sunday 5th January Monday 6th January
Staff Development Day
Tuesday 7th January
All Students Return Start of Spring Term
CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY We will have another Christmas jumper Day on Friday 20th of December, no donation needed. Again, only blazers are to be replaced by Christmas jumpers and only Christmas jumpers are allowed. The rest of
CAR PARK SAFETY Drop off and collections should be made on Crossfield Avenue remembering that that no parking is permitted on the white ZigZag lines surrounding the pedestrian crossing outside the Academy. Please do not use the Academy car park to drop off and collect students without prior agreement from the Academy for you to do so. Please could we also remind parents that the disabled bay spaces are for holders of valid Blue Badges only.
VISITORS TO THE ACADEMY Please could we remind all parents and carers that when visiting the Academy, they must come to Reception and be signed in by a member of staff. Visitors cannot expect to see a member of staff without a prior arranged appointment. Click here for contact information for pastoral teams Click here for contact information for teaching staff
If a student is absent, parents and carers should telephone the academy on 01983 203103 and select Option 1 before 8.30am on each day of absence, informing of the reason of absence and when their child will be returning to the academy. Phone calls need to be made every day of the student's absence. Parents are required to send a letter of explanation of absence when their child returns to school. This should be handed into reception. This letter should detail the duration and reason
OVERDUE LIBRARY BOOKS We currently have just short of 200 library books which are overdue. These are books which have been on loan for over 3 weeks - but most have been on loan for much longer. Please search at home for any books belonging to the college, and encourage your children to return them as soon as possible.
LOST PROPERTY There is a considerably amount of lost property in Reception including coats, hoodies and shoes. We will be sorting through this and disposing of or donating anything that has not been collected by the last day of term (Friday 20th December). Please remind students to come and check lost property for any items they believe may be lost before this date. Students are welcome to look through lost property any point before school, during break or lunch times or after school. .
Please could we remind all parents and carers of our uniform expectations. Please ensure that trousers are loose fitting and about the same width from knee to ankle, as stated in the Academy Uniform Requirements, available on the website. A reminder also that black jumpers should be completely black, V-neck with no visible logos. They should not be round necked sweatshirts. Skirts should not be rolled up and should be fitted to knee length or below. Jewellery and facial piercings of any description are NOT allowed. This includes nose piercings. The only jewellery allowed in school are one simple stud or sleeper in the lobe of each ear and a wristwatch. Any additional jewellery will be confiscated and securely stored to be collected by students at the end of the day.
NOTICE FROM SOUTHERN VECTIS REGARDING 304 Please be aware that there has been some changes regarding the following bus route 304 from 6th January 2020. Southern Vectis' Website has been updated with the relevant changes which can be found using the following link schoolbusroutes/Secondary.
CATERLINK MENUS SPRING 2020 Caterlink, our canteen provider, have released the lunch menus for Spring 2020 which can now be found on our website: docs/Spring-2020-Menu-2020Dessert-of-Day-CEC-6664-Priced.pdf
COWES ENTERPRISE COLLEGE MOCK GENERAL ELECTION On Thursday we offered students the opportunity to vote in a Mock General Election for the candidates that they felt would do the things on the island that students would like to see happen. Students experienced what it is like to register to vote, complete a ballot paper, cast their vote and wait for the result.
CEC SUCCESS AT SWIMMING CHRISTAMS OPEN MEET With many thanks to Helen Poynter for photograph and coverage!
Cowes Enterprise College students have had a busy weekend competing in the pool. Harry P & Rossen M both from West Swimming Club impressed at the Christmas Open Meet in Southampton on Sunday scooping 8 Medals of all colours between them gaining personal best times and Hampshire County Qualifying times. They showed impressive form given they had both competed on the previous two days at the Club Championship distance events, again claiming medals in all their events. Well done!
COWES ENTERPRISE COLLEGE CHRISTMAS CONCERT It was a joy to see so people join us for our Christmas Concert yesterday (Thursday 12th December) to celebrate the wonderful talent of our amazing students.
Huge thanks to everyone who donated cakes for the Christmas Bake Sale for Year 11 prom, we raised £59!
Today, through generous donations received for wearing our festive jumpers, we have raised £290 for Save The Children!
SAVE THE DATE! The English Department is thrilled to announce that we will be running a day trip to see a special performance of Macbeth at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre on Friday, March 13th. In order to cover our costs we are asking for a voluntary contribution of £28 which covers the price of the ticket, coach and ferry. If insufficient voluntary contributions are raised to fund a visit then it will be cancelled and parents informed accordingly. If a parent is unwilling or unable to pay, their child will be given an equal chance to go on the visit. We anticipate leaving the college carpark at 8 am and will offer a second pick up at the Fishbourne Ferry at 8:20 am. Letters will be available after the Christmas break. We have room for 77 students to attend! More about this after the Christmas break!
SENIOR MATHS CHALLENGE 10 Sixth Form students took part in the Senior Maths Challenge recently. Of those, 5 students gained a Bronze award (Adam B, Grace L, Jamie W, Jay B and Sam W) and 3 students gained Silver (Ben A, Jamie J and Kiera H). Ben gave a notable performance with 74 marks! This was a creditable performance by all of our Further Mathematicians and we are very proud of this achievement.
Huge congratulations to Taylor M (Year 11), Summer-Louise E (Year 8), Ruby R (Year 9) who came an incredibly third place with their group routine. We are extremely proud of this achievement! We are also really proud of year 7 students Ava A, Gracie R, Tayla W and Evie S who came an impressive 6th in the competition! Well done everyone on such an amazing achievement.
MOCK TRIAL Our Sixth Form team had a fantastic day at the Crown Court in Newport for the Mock Trial competition on Saturday. We came top of the local Sixth Forms and second overall, beating 6 other Island schools. Most importantly we convinced the juries and won both our cases! Our barristers in particular gave outstanding performances and have promising future legal careers ahead of them. Morgan Russell and Millie Harding put up an inspirational defence which was viewed as ‘exemplary’ by an observing teacher and allowed Ollie Clow’s character to be freed from the dock despite an aggressive grilling from CTK barristers. Ollie gave a great performance as an innocent man wrongly accused, ably supported by Rosie McCarthy. Our prosecution barristers Angeline Sison and Beth Pitts also put on an amazing show, managing to get the team from the Priory convicted, despite very little evidence, with the jury convinced by their incisive questioning. They were supported by Emily Lowings and Daniel Martin as witnesses. Lily Augustus-Harris and Victoria Holden were superb court officials. Thank you also to all the students who acted as our jury and provided support for our team. We were the team with the most students attending by far, which again is a testament to the commitment and effort of our fantastic team.
Cowes Combined Cadet Force (ages 12-18)
Capstan House
Chess Club
Homework Support
Oasis Board Games
Ukulele Club
BTEC Business Coursework Booster Sessions
Isle of Wight Radio Newshounds and Communication Club
Homework Support
Oasis Board Games
Science Club
Science IZ
Book and Biscuit Club
Chess Club
BTEC Business Revision
Homework Support
Oasis Board Games
Warhammer and Model Club
Burnet News Club
CEC Glee Club
CCF in Capstan House
Boys Football (All Years)
Netball (All Years)
Wednesday PE Intervention (GCSE and BTEC, Years 9—Sixth Form)
Thursday Friday
3pm onwards
Girls Football (All Years) on Field or 3G Pitch
Badminton (All Years)
Military Skills for Year 7 in ED11
Basketball (All Years)