CEC Newsletter 13.03.20

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NEWSLETTER Friday 13th March Dear parents and carers, This week has been a rich and varied one here at the academy, with a large number of trips and events taking place. Year 7 have all spent a morning session at the CECAMM Centre, learning about a range of engineering methods, including electrical engineering, boat design and the use of composite materials. We have also hosted lively BAE Energy Roadshows for Year 7, 8 and many of our feeder primary schools and Year 9 continue to work on their social action projects with Age UK. In addition, a group of Year 10s have taken part in a Southampton University Global Challenge project focusing on research skills themed around sustainability and the United Nations current goals. Another highlight of the week was watching our Yr13 students deliver their Extended Project Qualification presentations at our special evening event. The presentations were fascinating and I was personally bowled over with students’ high quality presentations, with in depth research and complex thinking underpinning their work. It has also been an unusual week for us all as we have watched national and international events develop; our thoughts as a community are with those around the world and at home with COVID-19 (the Coronavirus). Here at the academy we are keeping updated on the government’s response to the virus and working closely with Public Health England and the Department for Education. We have also been focused on ensuring we have high standards of hygiene and that we are meeting all aspects of health and safety guidance. Yesterday I made the difficult decision to regrettably cancel all off island trips for today and this weekend and this sadly involved cancelling a large scale Key Stage 4 trip to the Globe Theatre to see Macbeth and a Geography A-Level field trip residential in London. In making this decision I had the health and wellbeing of all concerned at the forefront of my thinking. I would like to thank the teachers involved for everything they have done to create such wonderful opportunities for our students but this sensible precautionary measure is the best way forward at this time with the situation changing so rapidly around us. We’re continuing to monitor the situation on a daily basis and are seeking advice for each trip we have planned as the calendar moves forward. Please continue to monitor our social media for further updates on our situation. In addition, Public Health England will be issuing updates on the following blog: https:// publichealthmatters.blog.gov.uk/2020/01/23/wuhan-novel-coronavirus-what-youneed-to-know/ For further information, please visit: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus With best wishes, Rachel Kitley Click the arrows or swipe to turn pages



Friday 3rd April

Last Day of Spring Term


6th April—17th April

Easter Holiday

Mon 20th April

Start of Summer Term

Fri 8th May

Early May bank holiday (VE day)

Fri 22nd May

Last Day of Half Term

Invitation emails were sent on Wednesday 11th March to parents and carers for the forthcoming Year 10 Parents’ Evening (taking place on Wednesday 25th March from 5pm until 8pm).

25th May—29th May

Half Term Holiday

Mon 1st June

Start of second half of Spring Term

Mon 15th June TBC

Staff Development Day

Bookings are now live and will remain open until midday on Wednesday 25th March. Please book appointments ASAP to avoid disappointment.

If you are unable to attend please let us know Last Day of Summer Term Fri 17th July by calling 01983 203103 or emailing info@cowesec.org. Please be aware that Summer Holidays Start Sat 18th July sometimes these emails can go into your TERM DATES FOR 2020/2021 ACADEMIC YEAR spam or junk inbox. If you have not received this email please 1st September 2020 Staff Development Day contact us so we can investigate. 2nd October 2020

Staff Development Day

26th October to 30th October 2020

Half Term Holiday

18th December 2020

Last Day of Autumn Term

21st December 2020 to 1st January 2021

Christmas Holiday

4th January 2021

Staff Development Day

5th January 2021

Start of Spring Term

15th February to 19th February 2021

Half Term Holiday

26th March 2021

Last Day of Spring Term

29th March to 9th April 2021

Easter Holiday

12th April 2021

Start of Summer Term

3rd May 2021

Bank Holiday

31st May 2021 to 4th June 2021

Half Term Holiday

14th June 2021 (to be confirmed)

Staff Development Day

16th July 2021

Last Day of Summer Term

TERM DATES FOR 2021/2022 Term dates for the September 2021 to July 2022 academic year are now live on our website. You can view these via this link: https://www.cowesec.org/partners-and-new-starters/ term-dates

UPCOMING EVENTS Wednesday 11 March

Invitation emails sent for Year 10 Parents Evening

Wednesday 25th March

Year 10 Parents Evening

Friday 3rd April

Last Day of Spring Term

6th –17th April

Easter Holidays

Monday 20th April

All Students Return First Day of Summer Term


Recent letters can be found on our website, under the ‘Communication’ heading and then selecting ‘letters and communication’.

Click here to view recent letters.

We regularly update our UNIFORM REMINDERS social media pages with Please could we remind all parents and carers of our uniform news and information. expectations, as stated in the You can find us on Facebook as Academy Uniform Requirements, Official Cowes Enterprise College. available on the website. Here we post regular updates, announcements and share good news.

Please ensure that trousers are loose fitting and about the same width from We are on Twitter @CowesEC. This knee to ankle. is where we post daily news items, Black jumpers should be completely announcements and reminders. black, V-neck with no visible logos. We are on Instagram as They should not be round necked @cowesenterprise where we work with students to share our sweatshirts. every day Academy lives.

Skirts should not be rolled up and should be fitted to knee length or These are the only official Cowes below.

Enterprise College profiles.

If a student is absent, parents and carers should telephone the academy on 01983 203103 and select Option 1 before 8.30am on each day of absence, informing of the reason of absence and when their child will be returning to the academy.

Jewellery and facial piercings of any description are NOT allowed. This includes nose piercings. The only jewellery allowed in school are one simple stud or sleeper in the lobe of each ear and a wristwatch. Any additional jewellery will be confiscated and securely stored to be collected by students at the end of the day.

Phone calls need to be made every day of the student's Make up must please be non-visible. This means that no students should absence. Parents are required to send a letter of explanation of absence when their child returns to school. This should be handed into reception. This letter should detail the duration and reason for absence.

be wearing false eyelashes. Any student wearing these will be asked to remove them, they will be confiscated and stored securely to be collected by students at the end of the day.

On Thursday 5th March our Year 10 GCSE Music students were invited to Northwood Primary School to perform as part of their ‘Creative Careers’ event. They performed a 30 minute programme of varied music and then took part in a Q.A. session with the primary school pupils. The pupils were very keen to know about the many different career opportunities related to music, and also how long it takes to be “that brilliant” on their instruments! The performance was extremely well received by the primary pupils and staff and we were invited to visit again soon. This event tied in very nicely with our student’s recent work around the topic of Music Performance Anxiety (MPA) and gave them the opportunity to try new strategies to try and reduce performance nerves. Well done!

Well done to Emily B-M in Year 7 for her brilliant performance at the Isle of Wight Music, Dance and Drama Festival last week. Emily achieved First Place in the 11 year old Verse Speaking section. We are very proud of Emily and her fantastic achievement.

Congratulations to Year 10 Student Jessica C-L who won the cup for the Dramatic Scene for 14-15 years olds at the Isle of Wight Music, Dance and Drama Festival. This is an amazing achievement, well done Jessica!

SPORTS NEWS Congratulations to our year 7 and year 8 girls’ football squad for being crowned league winners for this season. Despite not winning all of their matches, due to absences and injuries, by completing all fixtures, this put the team top of the league. A superb effort, especially as the majority of players are still in year 7: great promise for next season too!

Squad: T. Siddall, K. Howard, M. Rann, E. Branagh, E. Sharp, D. Palmer, E. Whitlock, H. Hopkins, D.Sansom, E. Barnes, E. Burrows-Mucogllava, K. Poynter, E. Saunders, L. Wiltshire, G. Ross, A. Andrews, E. Saunders, R. MacKay-Blake, K. Parris, K. Parris, M. Bacon, B. Talbot, W. Samuel, J. Green, D. Melninkaite and E. King. Wednesday saw the annual 6-a-side tournaments for this year group with, for the first time, opportunity for both A and B teams to compete for a trophy. In both tournaments, the Cowes teams really thrived with only stiff opposition from Ryde stopping them winning both trophies. In the B tournament, the Cowes girls came a clear 2nd, having beaten both The Bay and Medina. They were unfortunate to be held to a draw with Medina and narrowly lost to Ryde. In the A tournament, there was only 1 point difference between our girls and Ryde, with victories over CTK, The Bay, Carisbrooke and Medina. A superb afternoon’s football!

A team: E. Branagh, K. Howard, , E. Burrows-Mucogllava, K. Parris, K. Parris, J. Green, D. Melninkaite, E. King. B team: E. Whitlock, M. Rann, H. Hopkins, D.Sansom, E. Barnes, M. Bacon, B. Talbot, W. Samuel.

EPQ STUDENTS IMPRESS VISITORS WITH COLOURFUL PRESENTATION EVENING Visitors to the college were treated to an impressive display on Tuesday night when year 13 students presented their EPQ Projects. An incredible range of eye-catching and inspiring displays – many accompanied by themed nibbles and home-baked snacks – included some memorable creations such as a ‘pop up classroom’ created by Adam Baker, which allowed people to test their learning style and engage in a number of different activities. Visitors of all ages were able to play with the gender neutral treehouse created and built by Annie Tyson and listen to music in the interactive living room experience that Jamie Williams created to showcase his compositions. Danny Fawcett’s stand was especially popular as he showed off the website he had created with ethical t-shirt designs and invited visitors to try designing their own. Josh Lowings had even built his own model electric chair. The spectacular evening also included a stunning presentation on the fairytale Little Red Riding Hood, analysed by Esme Tilling; an analysis of technology in WW2 by Treeve White, a thought-provoking report on climate change by Lucas Egerton and a study of coral reefs by Marcus Richter. Kara Palka impressed visitors with her passionate analysis of celebrity product endorsements while Angeline Sison explored the gender pay gap using a colourful and interactive display complete with costumes and ‘gender reveal’ cakes. Visitors were then led to engage in a lively debate about social media, as Ben Simmonds discussed the impact it has on our mental health. Mrs Cody, the EPQ coordinator, stressed how hard the students had worked on their projects. 'The EPQ is a fantastic opportunity for students to prepare for university style assignments and gives them the chance to research anything they like' she explained. ‘Everyone who came was genuinely amazed by the level of work and quality of the presentations’.

A BIG THUMBS UP FROM YEAR 7 The academy’s Maritime curriculum this week took the Year 7s to the Isle of Wight's CECAMM facility. As a part of the Year 7 Design Technology and STEM focused lessons students explored the local Centre of Excellence for manufacturing training. A big thank you from all the Year 7s at CEC to Mr Richard White, CECAMM's Managing Director and his staff, who provided a fantastic practical insight into the world of engineering and manufacture. Year 7 were welcomed with open arms by the CECAMM team who put on an inclusive carousel and programme of activities including; composites, resin infusion, metalwork, hull displacement, electronics, hovercraft building and sail design. The Year 7s are pictured here with Ms Bartlett, Head of Year 7 who accompanied them on the final day's trip along with each day by Mr Green and the College's Design Technology team

MARINE CURRICULUM BOAT BUILDING The boat building workshop had a busy evening this week with students cutting new panels to shape to be fitted over the coming weeks as well as reinstating structural elements. We have a focused and growing group of students keen to use their practical skills and apply them to the restoration of our wayfarer. The team are making really good progress and enjoying the challenges a restoration project presents. If you would like to join the Boat Building team come along to DE06 on a Thursday after school or see one of the staff in Design Technology

SPORT RELIEF On Wednesday, all Year 7 students took part in raising awareness for Sport Relief 2020 by completing fun activities, working in teams!

BAE SYSTEMS ROADSHOW On Wednesday we were delighted to welcome BAE Systems, Inc. (in partnership with Royal Navy and Royal Air Force) to the Academy today to deliver their exciting Roadshow on Energy to CEC Students in Years 7 and 8! We also welcomed pupils from Cowes Primary School, Northwood Primary School and Gurnard Primary School to our Academy to experience the roadshow.

GLOBAL CHALLENGE 2020 This week, a group of students from Year 10 took part in the Global Challenge 2020 at the University of Southampton The two-day challenge focused on research skills themed upon sustainability and specifically the goals set by the United Nations. Students took part in workshops and discussions exploring sustainability. They developed debate plans and will made displays for visiting staff members. We are so proud of our students’ amazing work!

DUKE OF EDINBURGH On Sunday 15th March the meeting and pick up point will now be at the start of the cycle track on Arctic Road. This change is due to landslips on our planned route. The times for this walk remain 2-5pm. Students need to being their stoves, fuel and their ingredients and cooking utensils for a substantial meal. Please remember that students need enough water for them to drink and to cook with. They should also being something to light their stoves with. Please note that no solid fuel stoves are allowed.


Supported Coursework Sessions— Wednesdays, 2.45-4pm in BU11 1:1 Coursework Audit Sessions, with you or you and your parents if this is helpful. You can arrange a time with Miss Gibson to go through tour work and write a to-do list to help On Demand support—you can email for help any time. Targeted weeks of intervention for small groups of students. Saturday Intensive Revision Sessions—Saturday 14th March and Saturday 16th May

For Business Studies Students •

Supported Coursework Sessions— Wednesdays and Thursdays, 2.454pm in BU11 On Demand Support—Everything available is on Show My Homework and you can email for help any time. 1:1 Coursework Audit Sessions, with you or you and your parents if this is helpful. You can arrange a time with Miss Gibson to go through tour work and write a to-do list to help

There are lots of websites who offer self-help for young people, and we have included a list of some of these below. Click the information to be taken to the organisation’s website. Young Minds - The UK's leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people ChildLine - The UK's free helpline for children an young people, providing a confidential counselling service for any child or young person with a problem The Mix - Free, confidential telephone helpline finding young people the best help whatever the problem Samaritans—Volunteers who listen in confidence to anyone in any type of emotional distress without judgement or telling people what to do FRANK - Confidential information and advice for anyone concerned about their own or someone else's drug or solvent misuse B-EAT Youth Helpline - online community information, help and support for anyone affected by eating disorders Kidscape - the first charity in the UK established specifically to prevent bullying and sexual abuse It Gets Better Project - created to inspire hope for young people facing harassment. Brook Advisory Service - The UK's leading provide of sexual health services and advice for young people under 25. Winston's Wish - The helpline offers support, information and guidance to all those caring for a bereaved child or young person


SPORTS LEADERS—CANCELLED Please be aware that unfortunately, due to exam moderation, Sports Leaders will not be taking place on Wednesday (18th March). It will be back on the following week (25th March) Many thanks








Cowes Combined Cadet Force (ages 12-18)


Capstan House

Chess Club



Homework Support



Oasis Board Games



Ukulele Club



Film Club

2.45pm for duration of film CA13

School Band


Creative Practice Rooms

BTEC Business Coursework Booster Sessions



Homework Support



Oasis Board Games



Science Club


Science IZ

Book and Biscuit Club



Warhammer and Model Club



Drama Club



Year 11 BTEC Supported Coursework Sessions



Business Studies Supported Coursework Sessions



Podcast and Radio Communication Club



Chess Club



Homework Support



Oasis Board Games



Burnet News Club



Business Studies Supported Coursework Session



Year 10 BTEC Supported Coursework Sessions



CEC Glee Club





Meeting Point




Capstan House


Indoor Cricket (All Years)


Old Sports Hall


ED11 and SC14


Changing Rooms

Military Skills (Year 7)



Ski Fit


Sports Hall






Sports Hall

Wednesday PE Intervention (GCSE and BTEC, Years 9—Sixth Form) Girls Football (All Years)

Sports Leaders (to start as advertised)



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