NEWSLETTER Friday 14th February Dear parents and carers, It has been a rich and busy half term and I would like to thank you all for your support of the academy across this half term. It’s been a time of focus and learning, revision and mock exams and we wish all our exam age students a good revision filled half term. We are delighted to have received confirmation this month that our students of last year’s Year 11 once again performed strongly in their GCSE exams, with CEC being ranked again by the Government as the highest performing secondary school on the Island for progress at GCSE.
Beyond these successes, our notable highlights include hosting the Noel Turner Science Festival and welcoming a number of external speakers to the academy. In addition, the whole of Year 7 has seen a live screening of A Midsummer Night’s Dream from the National Theatre to support their English curriculum and our newest cohort of Bronze Duke of Edinburgh students – our largest ever – has also now begun training for their expedition. With Year 8 visiting university, theatre trips and Speakers Trust workshops also taking place, and our celebrations of both Children’s Mental Health Week and Apprenticeship Week also happening this half term there really have been too many experiences to do them all justice here! It was a year ago today we held our first event to connect at school level to the Youth Strike 4 Climate agenda. Today we held our 6th such event and students planted seeds in biodegradable pots which will be lovingly nurtured until ready for outside planting. Our plants will then form a wild flower meadow here at the college. Students could also choose to write a brief love letter to the planet to mark Valentine’s Day on the accompanying recyclable and biodegradable plant marker stick.
My parent surgeries continue on Tuesday afternoons over the next half term. Please either email or phone the school on 01983 203103 asking for Donna Harrison to book a pre-booked slot. With best wishes, Rachel Kitley Click the arrows or swipe to turn pages
Last Day of Half Term
17th—21st Feb
Half Term Holiday
Monday 24th February
All students return for start of second half of Spring Term
Mon 24th— Fri 28th Feb Year 11 Mock Exams
TERM DATES FOR 2021/2022
Last Day of Half Term
17th February—21st February Half Term Holiday
Mon 24th February
Start of second half of Spring Term
Friday 3rd April
Last Day of Spring Term
6th April—17th April
Easter Holiday
Mon 20th April
Start of Summer Term
Fri 8th May
Early May bank holiday (VE day)
Fri 22nd May
Last Day of Half Term
25th May—29th May
Half Term Holiday
Mon 1st June
Start of second half of Spring Term
Mon 15th June TBC
Staff Development Day
Term dates for the September 2021 to July 2022 academic year are now live on our website. You Fri 17th July can view these via the link below: Sat 18th July
Last Day of Summer Term Summer Holidays Start
Year 8 Mrs Davis will be working with students on a one-to-one basis every Wednesday after half term. To ensure that year 8 students still have a contact person to go to for day to day issues on a Wednesday, Mrs Roff will be available for them in the Key Stage 3 office and will also be available to take any urgent phone-calls relating to year 8 students.
Year 9 Mrs Lewis will be working with students on a one-to-one basis every Thursday after half term. To ensure that year 9 students still have a contact person to go to for day to day issues on a Thursday, Mrs Roff will be available for them in the Key Stage 3 office and will also be available to take any urgent phone-calls relating to
1st September 2020
Staff Development Day
2nd October 2020
Staff Development Day
26th October to 30th October 2020
Half Term Holiday
18th December 2020
Last Day of Autumn Term
21st December 2020 to 1st January 2021
Christmas Holiday
4th January 2021
Staff Development Day
5th January 2021
Start of Spring Term
15th February to 19th February 2021
Half Term Holiday
26th March 2021
Last Day of Spring Term
29th March to 9th April 2021
Easter Holiday
12th April 2021
Start of Summer Term
3rd May 2021
Bank Holiday
31st May 2021 to 4th June 2021
Half Term Holiday
14th June 2021 (to be confirmed)
Staff Development Day
16th July 2021
Last Day of Summer Term
LETTERS Recent letters can be found on our website, under the ‘Communication’ heading and then selecting ‘letters and communication’. Click here to view recent letters.
If a student is absent, parents and carers should telephone the academy on 01983 203103 and select Option 1 before 8.30am on each day of absence, informing of the reason of absence and when their child will be returning to the academy.
Phone calls need to be made every day of the student's absence. Parents are required to send a letter of explanation of absence when their child returns to school. This should be handed into reception. This letter should detail the duration and reason for absence.
Any student in need of sanitary products can see Mrs Harding, visit any of the Year Offices, The English Office or see Mr Carey in First Aid who will all be able to assist.
Miss Gibson is going to be in school 9-12 on Wednesday 19th February. There will not be any canteen facilities but students are welcome to come in and complete coursework during this time. This is open to all year 10 and 11 students.
A Level Half Term Science Revision (and Year 11s who have been invited).
Please could we remind all parents and carers of our uniform expectations, as stated in the Academy Uniform Requirements, available on the website. Please ensure that trousers are loose fitting and about the same width from knee to ankle. Black jumpers should be completely black, V-neck with no visible logos. They should not be round necked sweatshirts. Skirts should not be rolled up and should be fitted to knee length or below. Jewellery and facial piercings of any description are NOT allowed. This includes nose piercings. The only jewellery allowed in school are one simple stud or sleeper in the lobe of each ear and a wristwatch. Any additional jewellery will be confiscated and securely stored to be collected by students at the end of the day. Make up must please be non-visible. This means that no students should be wearing false eyelashes. Any student wearing these will be asked to remove them, they will be confiscated and stored securely to be collected by students at the end of the day.
Wednesday 19/2/20 AM (9:00 – 11:30)
Combined Biology
B4 – B6
Mr Durbridge
Triple Physics
P5 – P8
Mrs Love
Wednesday 19/2/20 PM (12:30 – 15:00)
Combined Physics
P4 – P6
Mrs Love
Triple Science
PAG Skills
Mr Day
Triple Biology
B4 – B6
Mr Day
Combined Chemistry
C4 – C6
Mrs Love
Mr Mussell
Mr Mussell
Mr Day
Thursday 20/2/20 AM (9:00 – 11:30)
A Level Chemistry Thursday 20/2/20 PM (12:30 – 15:00)
Triple Chemistry A Level Biology
C4 – C6
VALENTINE’S DAY CLIMATE ACTION On Valentine's Day, Cowes Enterprise College sent a message of love to the planet. Students were given the opportunity to plant wildflower seeds in biodegradable pots and to write a message for the earth on a recycled paper marker or on a wooden lolly stick. These wildflower seeds will be lovingly cared for until they are ready to be planted in a wildflower meadow which we hope will attract butterflies, bees and other pollinators. This follows our continued theme of 'Use Education, Don't Lose Education' for the #FridaysForFuture Climate Strike action.
COWES ENTERPRISE COLLEGE RANKED TOP ON ISLE OF WIGHT FOR GCSE RESULTS Cowes Enterprise College has been ranked by the Government as the top performing school on the Island for the second consecutive year, for the progress made by its students. Commenting on the confirmed secondary school league tables results, Principal Rachel Kitley said: “We are delighted that our students have once again performed so strongly in their GCSE examinations. As a result, Cowes Enterprise College has for the second year been ranked by the Government as the highest performing secondary school on the Island for progress at GCSE. “The revised GCSE tables published highlight our success in maintaining a positive ‘Progress 8’ score, which measures the progress our students make across the curriculum during their time with us. “These strong results showcase the positive difference we are continuing to make for the young people we serve, and are a demonstration of our success in maintaining these high standards. We look forward to building on this year’s achievements.”
INTRODUCING OUR NEW STUDENT LEADERS Congratulations to our newly appointed student senior leadership team following a rigorous interview and public speaking audition. Each candidate outlined how they would serve our student community and contribute to the success of our academy. All performed incredibly well, delivering proficient and carefully honed speeches outlining some impressive and innovative strategic initiatives. Head Girl- Georgie Price Head Boy- Noah Cumpsty Deputy Head Girl- Lauren Forshaw Deputy Head Boy- Jamie Jones
MARITIME CURRICULUM BOAT BUIDLING UPDATE This week our maritime curriculum's Wayfarer restoration project has seen our boat building team further remove surface debris, commence sanding of the interior panels and they started drawing out the templates for replacement panels on plywood.
The Burnet News Club welcomed Tom from the Economist magazine this week! Tom helped us produce and upload our final pieces to the interactive Hub where they are shared with students across the country. It was fantastic to have his wisdom to guide us and find out what topic we will be delving into next, thank you!
Mental Health and Wellbeing Last week the academy celebrated Children’s Mental Health Week. We ran assemblies and specific lessons during E1M about how it is equally as important to look after your mental and emotional health as well as your physical health. We saw the official opening of our new Academy Wellbeing room which is accessible for students at specific times through Pastoral Leads for specific needs. It is also a space that staff can access to ‘regroup’ and look after their own wellbeing when needed at certain times.
There are lots of websites who offer self-help for young people, and we have included a list of some of these below. Click the information to be taken to the organisation’s website. Young Minds - The UK's leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people ChildLine - The UK's free helpline for children an young people, providing a confidential counselling service for any child or young person with a problem The Mix - Free, confidential telephone helpline finding young people the best help whatever the problem Samaritans—Volunteers who listen in confidence to anyone in any type of emotional distress without judgement or telling people what to do FRANK - Confidential information and advice for anyone concerned about their own or someone else's drug or solvent misuse
We all stressed the importance across the week how important it is, no matter what your age, that kindness and understanding is key. Some students have signed up to be Wellbeing Champions and work with the academy’s ‘Change Team’ (led by Mrs Harding) to keep the positive work going – every day of the year. Students have fed into the academy’s Toolbox for Wellbeing strategies. Some of our favorites include:
‘Reading! It can transport you to another world!’ ‘Concentrate on your breathing.’ ‘Count your blessings – one by one!’ ‘Get out in the fresh air.’ ‘Take part in a club – make new friends and have some fun!’ ‘Talk to someone – share your worries and learn to accept help.’
We are so proud of all of our students for contributing to this and the academy Wellbeing Champions are now putting all of the Toolbox ideas into a special CEC Wellbeing Calendar – a wellbeing tip for students – one for each day of the year! Mrs Harding
B-EAT Youth Helpline - online community information, help and support for anyone affected by eating disorders Kidscape - the first charity in the UK established specifically to prevent bullying and sexual abuse It Gets Better Project - created to inspire hope for young people facing harassment. Brook Advisory Service - The UK's leading provide of sexual health services and advice for young people under 25. Winston's Wish - The helpline offers support, information and guidance to all those caring for a bereaved child or young person
We have decided to give the year 10 students more time to consolidate their learning with Creative Media Production and have therefore postponed their mock exam. All preparation work will be used in September of year 11. This will give the students the opportunity to achieve higher grade criterion in the external assessment and is a decision made in the students best interests.
Cowes Combined Cadet Force (ages 12-18)
Capstan House
Chess Club
Homework Support
Oasis Board Games
Ukulele Club
Film Club
2.45pm for duration of film CA13
BTEC Business Coursework Booster Sessions
Homework Support
Oasis Board Games
Science Club
Science IZ
Book and Biscuit Club
Warhammer and Model Club
Drama Club
Year 11 BTEC Supported Coursework Sessions
Business Studies Supported Coursework Sessions
Social Media and Communication Club
Chess Club
Homework Support
Oasis Board Games
Burnet News Club
Business Studies Supported Coursework Session
Year 10 BTEC Supported Coursework Sessions
CEC Glee Club
Meeting Point
Capstan House
Indoor Cricket (All Years)
Old Sports Hall
ED11 and SC14
Changing Rooms
Military Skills (Year 7)
Ski Fit
Sports Hall
Sports Hall
Wednesday PE Intervention (GCSE and BTEC, Years 9—Sixth Form) Girls Football (All Years)
Sports Leaders (to start as advertised)