Friday 15th February
Dear parents and carers, It has been a rich and busy half term and I would like to thank you all for your support of the academy across this half term.
Thank you to Year 11 parents for joining us last night to receive your child’s revision plan and to hear about effective revision. We followed this up this morning with a celebration assembly for Year 11s which celebrated the fact that our students are really getting into the swing regarding revision now and awarding specific students who have been using our revision software the most at home. All students in the year group received their ‘bacon or egg butty well done’, along with their revision plan for February through to the end of the exam season in May. I wish all Year 11s well with their revision over half term and thank staff coming in over the week to support students in revision sessions and intervention. This morning was full of celebrations and it was wonderful to also see our Year 10 and sixth form ‘buddies’ awarding certificates to their Year 7 buddy readers. With awards such as “most enquiring mind” and “most enthusiastic reader” we were thrilled to support students who have been devoting time and energy to reading during form time. Our buddy scheme happens twice a week and we would be delighted to have any parent volunteers also join us to support this reading scheme. In addition, this week has been our official ‘staff appreciation’ week and staff have been supporting each other’s wellbeing and ensuring that we have all felt appreciated here at CEC. Our very positive ethos of celebrations has been very much in force this week and we will also return to more celebrating as we begin the new half term positively with further celebration assemblies. You may have seen coverage in the national press recently as schoolchildren in the UK have taken part in Youth Strike 4 Climate, with events planned in over 40 towns and cities across the country. The initiative is inspired by the actions of 16 year old Greta Thumberg in Sweden, which has resulted in up to 70,000 schoolchildren in 270 towns and cities worldwide taking part in ‘Fridays For Future’. This morning we had a PSHE lesson given over to student led social community action in tandem with Greta’s actions and our own concerns about the environment. Sixth formers wrote a lesson for the rest of the academy to receive regarding the environment and supported the delivery of it in class. Students then wrote protest letters to local politicians, including MP Bob Seely and Vix Lowthion, Green Party spokesperson for Education. It was quite a thing to see over 1000 letters written with passion about the environment today. Letters addressed to the Green Party were handed over personally this afternoon to Vix Lowthion who visited our Head Boy and Head Girl here at the academy this afternoon. My parent surgeries continue on Tuesday afternoons over the next half term. Please either email or phone the school on 01983 203103 asking for Donna Harrison to book a pre-booked slot. With best wishes, Rachel Kitley
ATTENDANCE #AttendanceMatters.
Parents should telephone the academy on 01983 203103 and select Option 1 before 8.30am on each day of absence, informing of the reason of absence and when their child will be returning to the academy, leaving a message on the voicemail. Phone calls need to be made every day of the student's absence. Parents are required to send a letter of explanation of absence when their child returns to school. This should be handed into reception. This letter should detail the duration and reason for absence. Our attendance policy can be found here: Thank you to all our parents who have responded so positively to the academy’s weekly ‘attendance shout outs’ – our weekly texts and social media blasts to all parents to reinforce the high expectations we have for student attendance to ensure the best possible outcomes for your child. Of course we understand there will be times when absence from the academy is unavoidable but we appreciate working with you to support when and if needed. For any further attendance queries, please contact the main academy to speak to our Family Liaison Assistant – Mr Jimmy Carey.
SAFEGUARDING The IWLSCB - Local Children’s Safeguarding Board, has a really useful website for further resources and reading around safeguarding topics. For further information, please see the link below: This website has lots of resources for parents across a wide range of Safeguarding topics.
INDOOR ATHLETICS COMPETITION On Monday 11th February Cowes Enterprise College entered the Year 7 and Year 8 Indoor Athletics Competition held at Medina Leisure Centre. With many good individual and team performances, Cowes Enterprise College finished second behind Medina College. All students were a credit to the academy and performed brilliantly. Well done to Bayleigh E, Mia S, Ebony J, Cadence W, Katie S, Rebecca F, Eadie S, Libby G, Hugo D, Ben V, Olly B, George A, Theo M, Jake C, Ted M and Milton B.
SKATING SUCCESS CONTINUES Louisa and Jasmine have had yet more skating success last weekend when competing in Trophy d'Ecosse in Dumfries. Their club came 4th out of seven and secured a new International Competition Personal Best of 30.76. Wight Sparkles, who Louisa skates with, won silver and a trophy for 'Most Entertaining Programme of the Day'. As always, we are so proud of Louisa and Jasmine for their hard work with skating. The Wight Crystals, who both girls skate with, are the main subject of the next BBC ‘Inside Out’ documentary. This documents their training and progress towards the British Synchronised Ice Skating Championships last month. It also focuses on the story behind the sad closure of Ryde Arena and the extreme lengths all skaters now have go to for ice time. You can view this on Wednesday 20th February.
Duke of Edinburgh The Duke of Edinburgh bronze students did their Ventnor walk on Sunday 10th February.
The next walk will be on Sunday 3rd March in Freshwater
Cookery Skills—Tuesday 12th February
GOODBYE MR HOUGHTON Today we say goodbye to our IT Technician, Mr Houghton, who has worked for the Academy throughout its journey from Cowes High School to Cowes Enterprise College. Mr Houghton originally applied for the post of Science technician in September 1988, he was employed by Cowes High School from November 1988 as a Computer Technician. His role evolved over the years and saw him taking on a temporary teaching role after undertaking training to become a lecturer and assisting in the management of the SIMs system implementation at Cowes High School in 1992. We wish Mr Houghton all the best for the future and thank him for his service.
Miss Vidovic will be providing an opportunity for students in year 11 who are studying BTEC Sport as an option or through games to attend an additional booster session during Half Term on Thursday 21st February. Miss Vidovic will be there to support students throughout the day. These booster sessions had a hugely positive impact last year with the student’s fantastic achievements in sport and Miss Vidovic will be encouraging all students to attend who have not yet reached a grade for unit two.
The English Department will be hosting a revision session during half term aimed at preparing students for their English Language Mocks that are scheduled after the half term.
The students need to meet in the school reception at 9.00am and will finish at 2.00pm. Students attending the day will be expected to stay until work is completed to the best grade possible. There will be no canteen facilities during the day and students should bring anything they want to eat and drink with them.
YEAR 11 REVISION PLAN LAUNCH It has been great to celebrate the launch of our Year 11 Revision Plans! Yesterday evening it was great to see many of our Year 11 parents and carers at our Revision Plan Launch Evening and this morning, we had a Year 11 assembly complete with egg and bacon rolls to celebrate the launch of the Revision Plans. Happy revising!
The session will be from 10am – 2pm on Monday 18th February. Students should bring their own lunch. The session will begin with a general overview of what is on each paper and then be divided into hour-long sessions. Students are welcome to attend some or all three of the sessions – which will be in EN13. 10am – 11am
Analysis of Language and Structure
11am – 12pm
Evaluation of Texts
12pm – 1pm
Imaginative and Transactional Writing
LIBRARY BOOKS We have a large number of library books, which are overdue - some on loan since before September 2018. Please could you search, at home, for any books belonging to the college, and encourage your children to return them? Also: If you’re having a clear-out, and find any books which your children no longer want - we are always grateful for book donations. Thank you.
REMINDERS & INFORMATION UPCOMING ACADEMY DATES Friday 22nd February to Wednesday 27th February
Berlin Trip
Monday 25th February
Return after Half Term Break
Monday 25th February to Friday 1st March
Year 11 Mocks
Wednesday 27th March
Invitation emails sent for Year 7 Parents’ Evening
Wednesday 13th March
Year 7 Parents’ Evening
Thursday 14th March
Invitation emails sent for Year 8 Parents’ Evening
Thursday 28th March
Year 8 Parents’ Evening
Important Notice for Parents and Carers of Students Sitting External Examinations in Summer 2019 Please be aware that the Joint Council for Qualifications have timetabled a contingency day for Wednesday 26th June 2019 for any GCSE and/or GCE examinations that may sustain national or local disruption during the June 2019 examination series. Therefore all students that are sitting exams next Summer must still be available to sit exams until this date. Any queries please email our Exams Officer Mrs Hambley
Thank you to all our parents for working so hard to ensure that uniform is correct for your children.
16th February to 24th February 2019 25th February 2019
Half Term Holiday Return following Half Term Holiday
There have been an increasing number of students with buttons missing from their kilts. Please could parents and carers ensure that kilts have all buttons sewn on ready for the start of the new half term.
6th April to 23rd April 2019 22nd April 2019 23rd April 2019
Easter Holiday Bank Holiday Start of Summer Term
6th May 2019 25th May to 2nd June 2019 3rd June 2019
Bank Holiday Half Term Holiday Return following Half Term Holiday
17th June 2019
Staff Development Day
19th July 2019 20th July 2019
Last Day of Summer Term (early closure) Summer Holidays Start
A reminder that if students wish to wear a black jumper it should be a plain black ‘V’ neck jumper. We have seen an increase in the number of black jumpers worn that have a ‘round’ neck and have logos. These are not part of our uniform.
For further information on uniform, click here.
The spring menu from Caterlink is now available. Please click here to view them.
YEAR 11 MOCKS Year 11 Mocks start on Monday 25th February. Students will have received an Individual Student Timetable in tutor time during the week commencing Monday 28th January. The first mock is English and students need to be at their exam rooms 20 minutes before the start of the exam. There will also be seating plans on the Exams Board in the MIZ. Any queries please contact our Exams Officer, Mrs Hambley on
Cowes Combined Cadet Force (ages 12-18)
Capstan House
uCECLele Training Band
Chess Club
GCSE Art Catch Up Session
Year 7 Military Skills
CCF Office
Oasis Homework Support
Child Development/Health & Social Care Support
2.45— 4.00pm
GCSE PE/Sports Studies Intervention (Coursework/Revision)
STOMP (jazz percussion group)
Jazz Band
Science Club
BTEC Business Revision
GCSE Art Catch Up Session
Communication Club
Oasis Homework Support
CPLD/HSC Support—Years 12 and 13
2.45— 4.00pm
uCEClele (auditions required)
Chess Club
Badminton Club
Winder Centre
Props, Costume & Scenery Club
Oasis Homework Support
BTEC Business Revision
GCSE PE/Sports Studies Intervention (Practical Trampolining and Exam Prep)
Lunch 3-4pm
Basketball Club
Winder Centre
HOW TO JOIN A CLASS ON SENECA LEARNING Step 1: Open an internet browser (not internet explorer) Step 2: Go to Step 3: Click on “Get Started” or “Sign Up” Step 4: Create account – use your school email Step 5: Click on “Classes & Assignments” Step 6: Click on “Join Class” Step 7: Type the code given by your science teacher
SCIENCE REVISION SESSIONS Unless otherwise states, sessions will be on Wednesdays from 3pm Date
13/02/2013 18/02/2019 27/03/2019 06/03/2019 13/03/2019 20/03/2019 27/03/2019 03/04/2019 08/04/2019 15/04/2019 24/04/2019 01/05/2019 08/05/2019 14/05/2019 15/05/2019 16/05/2019 21/05/2019 22/05/2019 27/05/2019 05/06/2019 07/06/2019 11/06/2019 12/06/2019 12/06/2019 14/06/2019
CMU (SC16)
P3P4 B4 C5 P5P6 B6 C6
C3 February 1/2 Term RSS (SC13) P3 CHD (SC18) B4 SSC (SC19) (14/03/19) C5 LMP (SC11) P4 CHD (SC18) B6 CMU (SC16) C6
Teacher RML (SC04) PBG (SC02) CMU (SC16) DDD (SC03) RML (SCO4) LYG (SC03) (29/03/19) RML (SCO4)
Easter Holidays P7P8 C1C2C3 B1B2B3 B1-B3 & B7 C1C2C3 C1-C3 & C7 P1P2P3P4 P1-P4 & P9 B4B5B6 B4-B6 & B7 C4C5C6 C4-C6 & C7 P6P7P8 P5-P8 & P9
LMP (SC11) P5P6 SSC (SC19) (02/05/19) B1B2B3 CHD (SC18) B1B2B3 PM P1/P7 RML (SC04) C1C2C3 AM P3/P9 LMP (SC11) P1P2P3 PM P5/P11 May 1/2 Term CHD (SC19) B4B5B6 PM P2/P8 SSC (SC16) (10/06/19) C4C5C6 AM P4/P10 LMP (SC11) P4P5P6 AM P6/P12