Friday 19th October
Dear parents and carers, We hope that you all have a great week next week, recharging your batteries and preparing for the half term ahead. Many of our Year 11s, I know, will be continuing their revision for their Year 11 mock exams which are during the next half term. But I hope that everyone will also have some down time and relaxation after what has been a busy and yet productive half term for us all here. We have headed off to the half term break with our very exciting Noel Turner Physics Festival. In addition to our own students, more than 2000 students from across the Island attended the event and there was a huge buzz in the building. Highlights included a whacky science show from the Wonderstruck team who specialise in making science inspiring and fun, a talk and hands on medical activities from ‘Medical Mavericks’, a planetarium and rocket workshops. It was amazing to see our building packed full of robots, aerospace and virtual reality technologies and the students have had a great time and also been able to consider science as a rich field of possible careers. This week we have also had an SRS Drop Down Day for our Year 11s and I would like to thank everyone involved in this and say well done to our students for their excellent focus during the day. We have also held our Year 11 Information Evening. We used this evening to share most effective ways to revise and support Year 11 students at home, now that we are in the revision window. It was gratifying to speak to students and hear that so many of them are revising at home already and have plans for half term revision in place. A year ago this week our strong Ofsted report was published and I assured you in my newsletter piece a year ago today that we would not be resting on our laurels and instead would continue to strengthen the academy further. This week we have had official validation that we did continue to do just this last year as the GCSE Progress 8 scores for secondary schools have been released. You may have seen in the news that Cowes Enterprise College is officially the best secondary school on the island by quite a significant margin. Our results now place us within the top 20% of schools in Hampshire and I would like to thank staff for the huge collective effort which has led to our excellent results. I have really enjoyed meeting parents across this half term and thank you to you all for finding the time to meet with me. A reminder that I hold them twice weekly on a Tuesday afternoon from 1pm – 2.30pm and from 3.30pm – 5.30pm to enable parents to get to know me and discuss the work of the school with me directly. Attendance is by pre-booked appointments only. Please either email or phone the school on 01983 203103 asking for Donna Harrison to book in a slot in advance of each Tuesday. Wishing you again a great recharge next week, Rachel Kitley
Success begins by attending on time and being present Dear Parent/Carer At Cowes Enterprise College, we recognise the strong link between good attendance and good academic outcomes. Students learn best when regularly in lessons in the academy, taking advantage of the wealth of learning opportunities on offer. We want to work in partnership with families to ensure that every child has the chance to become the best they can be. Through regular and punctual attendance at the academy, your child has the best chance of being able to achieve their potential. The Department for Education (DfE) has published data that clearly shows the link between attendance and attainment, which reinforces that there is likely to be a significant impact on your child’s education and exam results if not attending at the minimum 95% figure or above across their schooling. As of September 2015, the government set threshold for persistent absence changed from 15% to 10%, meaning that children with attendance below 90% are now classes as persistently absent from school. This applies where attendance is authorised or unauthorised. The government expects every student to maintain an attendance level above 95%. A child who is absent for 10% of the time is missing 25 sessions or 12.5 days of learning. Below shows examples of how attendance figures equates to days of learning lost. Attendance statistics over one school year
Attendance statistics over 5 years (years 7 – 11)
We do, of course, understand that there are times when absence from the academy is unavoidable. However, minor illness such as a slight cold should not prevent your child from attending. We do realise and understand that children can suddenly fall ill but in line with DfE and local guidance, repeated absence may require us to request medical evidence from your child’s doctor for confirmation of these absences. The academy will contact you to make you aware if you child’s attendance if they fall in to the Yellow category (95% or below). Please refer to the Attendance Policy on the academy website for further details. It is important to also remind you that the academy does not give any entitlement to parents to remove their child for term-time holidays. Therefore, such absence cannot be authorised. Absence can only be granted in exceptional circumstances. If you feel you need to remove your child from the academy for this reason you must complete an application for absence in term time which is available from reception. We currently have a significant number of students being regularly late to school. Any parent with a student with 5 or more lates since September 4th 2018 wille be receiving a letter from the academy regarding this. If lateness does not improve this may involve referral to the Educational Welfare Service and the possibility of a fixed penalty notice being issued. We appreciate your support in ensuring your child attends on time. Student should be in at 8.25am for a 8.30 prompt start in their tutor room.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ADMISSIONS We are opening the consultation for the proposed change to the Admissions Policy 2020-2021 on Monday 1st October. In accordance with the DfE’s 2014 statutory ‘Schools Admissions Code’ guidance the Local Governing Body of Cowes Enterprise College is consulting on the Admissions Arrangements for September 2020 because changes are proposed. The amendments are:
To reduce the Published Admission Number at Cowes Enterprise College from 270 to 210 places in Year 7 with effect from September 2020. This means that the number of places available for children in Year 7 in 2020 and all subsequent Year 7 cohorts will be 210.
For children who already have a place at the school in other year groups there will be no proposed change. This is the only proposed change to the admission criteria, all other criteria, including oversubscription, will remain the same.
A full version of the proposed changes to the admission arrangements, as well as the rationale behind them, is available to view on the academy website or hard copy from the school office. Comments on the proposed admissions arrangements should be sent to the clerk to governors or by post to: Jill Wareham Cowes Enterprise College Crossfield Avenue Cowes, PO31 8HB
by 12 noon on 12th November 2018.
Mr Redmond Economics Teacher What do you like most about teaching at Cowes Enterprise College?
I have been impressed by the polite respectful attitude I have found among the students I teach and enjoy the spacious interior design of the building.
What made you want to teach Economics?
I enjoy teaching economics because of it’s links to the political and social issues facing nations and the possible solutions it offers to current problems and the controversies surrounding them. I wanted to be a teacher from my primary school days.
What was your childhood aspiration?
I wanted to be a teacher from my primary school days.
Who is your favourite Economist (and why?)
As a young man I identified with the philosophy of John Keynes who advocated the increased role of government in managing the economy and it’s close association with the development of the NHS and welfare system under my unsung hero Clement Attlee who was PM in the post war years. However as globalisation has spread in recent decades I have become a convert to the free market ideas of economists like Milton Friedman who recognised the need for radical changes to be made despite some of the inequalities and inequity which markets can lead to.
Last week, year 7s and 8s had the opportunity to be involved in the Isle of Wight Literary Festival. Rob Bradley, rapper and performance poet, spoke to year 7 students about his experiences with hip hop and how he won a global freestyle rapping competition; he said this was when he realised his calling was to challenge young people to find their voices and express themselves through hip hop. Rob asked the students to give him 25 words which he then put into an on-the-spot freestyle performance. The students were a credit to the school and gave him some very challenging words indeed – but Rob rose to the challenge – and the students and staff were amazed by his performance. A few students were then able to take part in a smaller workshop where they learned to use beats of various speed to compose their own raps. A few of our 8 students took part in two story telling workshops with Island story teller, Sue Bailey. The students had visited Bembridge Fort with Ms Bailey and Miss Henderson in the summer term last year and were then asked to ‘tell’ rather than ‘write’ a story this term with a view to competing in the Island Wide ‘Great Telling Off’ which is a story telling competition at the Isle of Wight Literary Youth Zone this Sunday, October 21 st from 10 – 11:30 at Northwood House. Congratulations to Rusen Ugursal, Ruby Fuller, Max Flawell and Alfie Green for winning the competition and good luck at the Island Wide competition! Thank you to all the students who took part in our Festival activities!
Exciting GCSE Literature Study Residential Trip The English Department is excited to offer our Year 11 and Year 10 students the opportunity to attend a residential GCSE Macbeth study trip to the Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford –UponAvon on Sunday, January 20th – Monday, January 21st. This is a fantastic opportunity for our students to study Macbeth under the direction of professional actors and gain deeper insight into the characters and plot of this tragic play; this is really the best preparation for their GCSE in English Literature! We will make our way up from the Island, visit Shakespeare’s birthplace at the Shakespeare Birth Place Trust, stay overnight at the local YHA and then take part in the workshops all day. In order to book a place, we are asking for a voluntary donation of £105 which covers ferry, coach travel, activities and accommodation. Letters with more information will be available from Monday 29th. Prepare to be inspired!
There will be GCSE PE/BTEC Sports Studies intervention/revision session for all, every Thursday after half term. 3-3.45pm will be a revision quiz. 3.45pm-5pm will be a chance to work on course work and/or exam questions. There will be a notice to students in advance if these sessions need to be cancelled for fixtures etc. There is also intervention in SC14 Tuesday lunch times and coursework help is possible by arrangement on a Friday 3-4pm.
REMINDERS & INFORMATION Forthcoming Events Mon 29th October Tues 6th November
Return to the Academy following Half Term Sixth Form Open Evening
Weds 14th November
Year 9 Parents’ Evening
Thurs 29th November
Year 10 Parents’ Evening
TERM DATES 2018-2019 For current academic year 20th October to 28th October 2018 th
Return following Half Term Holiday
21st December 2018
Last Day of Autumn Term (early closure)
22nd December 2018 to 7th January 2019
Christmas Holiday
7th January 2019
Staff Development Day
8 January 2019 th
Start of Spring Term th
16 February to 24 February 2019 th
Half Term Holiday
25 February 2019
Return following Half Term Holiday
6th April to 23rd April 2019
Easter Holiday
Bank Holiday
23 April 2019
Start of Summer Term
6th May 2019
Bank Holiday
25th May to 2nd June 2019
Half Term Holiday
22 April 2019
For further information please visit OtherServices/School-Transport/ Privilege-Seat-on-School-Transport
Half Term Holiday
29 October
School Transport shall start accepting privilege applications for those who have not already applied, from 9.30 am on Monday 22nd October 2018. This will be an open window with no closure date and applications for all students will be welcomed including sixth form students. Seats will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis and the Transport Team aim to process applications within 10 working days of receipt.
3 June 2019
Return following Half Term Holiday
Monday following the IW Festival – TBC
Staff Development Day
19th July 2019
Last Day of Summer Term (early closure)
20th July 2019
Summer Holidays Start
Drop off , collection and car park safety Please do not use the Academy car park to drop off and collect students withour prior agreement from the Academy for you to do so. Drop off and collections should be made on Crossfield Avenue remembering that that no parking is permitted on the white ZigZag lines surrounding the pedestrian crossing outside the Academy. Please could we also remind parents that the disabled bay spaces are for holders of valid Blue Badges only.
Arabian Nights – 40 cushions and lots broken bracelets needed!
Year 11 CIDA IT Exam
We are desperate for as many patterned or plain cushions as possible for our end of term production. If you have any spare at home, please could you drop them off to the drama department. We would also like any broken string bracelets with metal beads/plastic jewels. Thank you.
On Tuesday 8th January 2019 (the first day back after the Christmas break) the whole of Year 11 will be sitting a CIDA IT exam. All Year 11 students should have received an exam statement of entry in tutor time last Friday.
REMINDERS & INFORMATION Safeguarding: Do you know how to keep your child safe online?
Have you checked what your child views online?
Do you have access to their Social media passwords and check regularly?
Do you check regularly the history of what your child searches/views on their devices?
Do you have an electronic device cut off time at night?
The questions above are all advice to try to support parents in keeping their children safe online.
Wishing Well! This half term we wish Miss Tisdale and Mrs Rudd lots of happiness in starting their maternity leave. From the PE Department In boys’ Games lessons we are currently teaching football. This will be followed by rugby. A large proportion of boys do not have studded footwear for their lessons. Football boots are a required piece of kit as stated in the academy uniform policy. As the weather starts to become wetter, this becomes a health and safety issue. Some students are wearing their school trainers for PE, some of which are expensive. We recommend a separate pair of trainers for PE to save school schools from becoming damaged and students having wet/ muddy feet following their PE lesson. By not wearing the appropriate footwear their progress in lessons will be hindered.
Uniform A reminder that piercings are not and never have been acceptable in a nose. There seems to be a few creeping in. A clear spacer must be worn or the stud removed. Also a reminder that trousers need to be non-skinny and skirts rolled to the correct length. Support from parents is appreciated with this. Further nformation on our uniform can be found at:
TERM DATES 2019-2020 For next academic year 2nd September 2019
Start of Autumn Term
28th October to 1st November 2019
Half Term Holiday
20th December 2019 23rd December 2019 to 3rd January 2020
Last Day of Autumn Term Christmas Holiday
6th January 2020 17th February to 21st February 2020
Start of Spring Term Half Term Holiday
3rd April 2020 6th April 2020 to 17th April 2020
Last Day of Spring Term Easter Holiday
20th April 2020 25th May to 29th May 2020
Start of Summer Term Half Term Holiday
17th July 2020
Last Day of Summer Term Inset days to follow
SPORTS NEWS U13 girls’ football league matches v Carisbrooke, Ryde and Medina
On Monday of last week, the U13 girl footballers opened their league campaign with back-to-back matches Ryde and Carisbrooke. The first game, against Ryde, saw Cowes with the majority of possession but unable to break through a crowded Ryde goal area. Unfortunately, while pushing forward, Ryde were able to capitalise and scored a breakaway goal. The Cowes girls were not deterred and, with a well-taken shot from Ebony, claimed an eventual 1-1 draw. The second match, against Carisbrooke, pitted our girls against stronger opposition yet enabled us to play a more structured game. Carisbrooke scored 2 goals in the first half while Cowes came close on few occasions in the second, restricting their opposition to 2-0. On Wednesday we hosted Medina. For this match Cowes had an excellent turn-out of players which meant a lot of switching to enable everyone to get a game. Despite conceding 3 fantastically executed goals in the first half, our girls lifted their game and only one more was conceded in the second. A superb effort, particularly by Anwen in goal! U13 Squad: A. Pugh, S. Slade, T. Bryon, G. Bridges, M. Ford, E. Brown, F. Colebrook, F. Bendy, E. ConnorJohnston, S. Savill, I. Bouman, E. and A. SamuelMcVeigh, N. Marriott, B. Talbot, C. Worrell.
We took the under 14, under 16 and under 19 teams to the Isle of Wight round of the South of England Tournament to qualify for the competition on the mainland in January. All three teams represented the school well with excellent sportsmanship. They all qualified taking second place. A huge well done to all but a special mention to Heather Coward who stepped up to play in the U19 team. After half term starting on the first day back, there will be training just for Year 7 girl footballers (all welcome) in the sports hall at lunchtime. We have a Year 7 only tournament at the end of November.
U15 girls’ football league match v Medina The U15 girl footballers were also in action on Wednesday. Unfortunately their team were beset with illness and injury so 2 small-sided matches were initially set up before Liv Brandon and Indy Bouman made up the numbers in a shortened full-size game. Medina - unbeaten so far this season - showed their class and won that game 5-0 however the Cowes girls did not by any means disgrace themselves and - when, hopefully, they are able to turn out for their next match with a full team, they have the potential to do well. U15 Team: B. Colenutt, M. Nutter, H. Moody, H. Young, C. Bouman, O. Gradwell, E. Sheath, G. Hippolite and C. Miller.
Year 11 student Billy Cragg took part in the Southern Region Scooter Competition in Poole on Saturday 6th October. He entered in the novice category and Billy came an amazing second place, meaning that he has qualified for the UK Scoot Championships Final in November. Billy is the only competitor for the Isle of Wight. Well done Billy, we are so proud of you! Good luck in the UK Final!
Sport Club
No Sport Clubs today due to staff meeting
Year Group
-Netball (girls)
8 /9 / 10 / 11 / 6th Form
Mrs. Hughes
Sport Hall
-Football (boys)
All Years
Mr. Hughes, Mr. Brown and Mr. Barry
-Football (girls)
All Years
Mrs. Beck
-Sport Leaders
All Years (students need to register for this qualification)
Miss Vidovic
Sport Hall
-Rugby (girls)
All Years
Miss Duffin
All Years
Mrs. Spalding
Sport Hall
All Years
Mr. Hughes
-Netball (girls)
Mrs. Hughes
Sport Hall
No clubs today
BTEC intervention (SC14) Table Tennis
Miss Vidovic Mr Barry (1st half)
Mr Brown (1st half) Miss Duffin (2nd half)
Table Tennis
Mrs Hughes (1st half) Mr Hughes (2nd half)
Crew Competitions
Sport Captains Mr Barry
Cowes Combined Cadet Force (ages 12-18)
Capstan House
uCECLele Training Band
Chess Club
GCSE Art Catch Up Session
Year 7 Military Skills
CCF Office
Oasis Homework Support
STOMP (jazz percussion group)
Jazz Band
Science Club
GCSE Art Catch Up Session
Communication Club
Oasis Homework Support
uCEClele (auditions required)
Chess Club
Badminton Club
Winder Centre
Props, Costume & Scenery Club
Oasis Homework Support
BTEC Business Revision
Lunch 3-4pm
Wednesday BTEC Business Revision
Basketball Club
Winder Centre
BTEC Coursework Booster Sessions BTEC Coursework Day Saturday 17th November 9am—3pm
BTEC Business Finance Resit Friday 12th October Revision sessions on Wednesdays from 2.45—3.30pm in BU11