CEC Newsletter 20.12.19

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NEWSLETTER Friday 20th December Dear parents and carers, The term has flown by for me and here we are sending out our final newsletter of the term already. We have enjoyed our celebration assemblies today and have had so much to celebrate in our newsletters and there will be much to celebrate, I am sure, for your child and their personal successes so far this academic year too. Thank you for all of your support, as always. Students succeed at school when home, school and child are pulling in the same direction, something which happens for most students, for most of the time, we are pleased to say. There has been much in the newsletters this term which reflects the achievements of our students – GCSE and A Level results day and the excellent news that our progress 8 was in the top 20% of results for Hampshire schools and top for the Isle of Wight is definitely worth us celebrating. That’s quite an achievement and we look to continue to build further on this every year. It’s been good to see so many of you at the various evenings we have put on this term: information evenings, parent evenings, tutor nights, school concerts and our school production in particular. Our parent evenings are a particularly important feature of our school, putting you in the picture as to how you can support progress. We have also had many highlights through our rich activities which go beyond the set curriculum, ranging from our wide range of clubs, to our first ever student pantomime, to workshops with visiting authors and rappers, to charity events, sporting fixtures and our wholly student led hustings and election. A reminder that on Tuesday afternoons next term I am always available to meet with parents with attendance by pre-booked appointments only. With best wishes, Rachel Kitley Click the arrows or swipe to turn pages


Last Day of Autumn Term

TERM DATES FOR 2020/2021 ACADEMIC YEAR 1st September 2020

Staff Development Day

23rd Dec 2019 — 3rd Jan 2020 Christmas Holiday

Mon 6th January

Staff Development Day

2nd October 2020

Staff Development Day

Tues 7th January

Start of Spring Term for all students

26th October to 30th October 2020

Half Term Holiday

Fri 14th February

Last Day of Half Term

18th December 2020

Last Day of Autumn Term

21st December 2020 to 1st January 2021

Christmas Holiday

4th January 2021

Staff Development Day

5th January 2021

Start of Spring Term

17th February—21st February Half Term Holiday

Mon 24th February

Start of second half of Spring Term

Friday 3rd April

Last Day of Spring Term

6th April—17th April

Easter Holiday

Mon 20th April

Start of Summer Term

15th February to 19th February 2021

Half Term Holiday

Fri 8th May

Early May bank holiday (VE day)

26th March 2021

Last Day of Spring Term

29th March to 9th April 2021

Easter Holiday

12th April 2021

Start of Summer Term

Fri 22nd May

Last Day of Half Term

25th May—29th May

Half Term Holiday

Mon 1st June

Start of second half of Spring Term

3rd May 2021

Bank Holiday

Mon 15th June TBC

Staff Development Day

31st May 2021 to 4th June 2021

Half Term Holiday

Fri 17th July

Last Day of Summer Term

14th June 2021 (to be confirmed)

Staff Development Day

Sat 18th July

Summer Holidays Start

16th July 2021

Last Day of Summer Term

LETTERS Recent letters can be found on our website, under the ‘Communication’ heading and then selecting ‘letters and communication’. Click here to view recent letters.

Recently added: • • • • • •

SEN PARENT SURGERIES SEN Parent Surgeries will be held on Thursdays 3pm—5pm. If you would like to book please email EDowner@cowesec.org


Caterlink, the academy’s catering provider Spanish Trip to La Rioja will be joining us for our next parent voice Kenya Expedition Letter meeting. GCSE Options Letter for Year 8 This will be held on Friday January 10th 2020 Parents/Carers from 9am – 10am. If you would like an Beauty and The Beat Pantomime Trip opportunity to speak to their representative, IntoFilm Letter find out what the provision is and give them Senior Maths Challenge Letter some feedback then you are very welcome to come along and join us. Please email parentvoice@cowesec.org if you will be attending.

UPCOMING EVENTS Friday 20th December

Last Day of Term (Early Closure) Free Christmas Jumper Day

Saturday 21st December Christmas Holidays until Sunday 5th January Monday 6th January

Staff Development Day

Tuesday 7th January

All Students Return Start of Spring Term

CATERLINK MENUS SPRING 2020 Caterlink, our canteen provider, have released the lunch menus for Spring 2020 which can now be found on our website: https://www.cowesec.org/assets/docs/ Spring-2020-Menu-2020-Dessert-of-DayCEC-6664-Priced.pdf

CAR PARK SAFETY Drop off and collections should be made on Crossfield Avenue remembering that that no parking is permitted on the white ZigZag lines surrounding the pedestrian crossing outside the Academy. Please do not use the Academy car park to drop off and collect students without prior agreement from the Academy for you to do so. Please could we also remind parents that the disabled bay spaces are for holders of valid Blue Badges only.

SAVE THE DATE! The English Department is thrilled to announce that we will be running a day trip to see a special performance of Macbeth at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre on Friday, March 13th. In order to cover our costs we are asking for a voluntary contribution of £28 which covers the price of the ticket, coach and ferry. If insufficient voluntary contributions are raised to fund a visit then it will be cancelled and parents informed accordingly. If a parent is unwilling or unable to pay, their child will be given an equal chance to go on the visit. We anticipate leaving the college carpark at 8 am and will offer a second pick up at the Fishbourne Ferry at 8:20 am. Letters will be available after the Christmas break. We have room for 77 students to attend! More about this after the Christmas break!

If a student is absent, parents and carers should telephone the academy on 01983 203103 and select Option 1 before 8.30am on each day of absence, informing of the reason of absence and when their child will be returning to the academy.

Phone calls need to be made every day of the student's absence. Parents are required to send a letter of explanation of absence when their child returns to school. This should be handed into reception. This letter should detail the duration and reason for absence.


Please could we remind all parents and carers of our uniform expectations. Please ensure that trousers are loose fitting and about the same width from knee to ankle, as stated in the Academy Uniform Requirements, available on the website. A reminder also that black jumpers should be completely black, V-neck with no visible logos. They should not be round necked sweatshirts. Skirts should not be rolled up and should be fitted to knee length or below. Jewellery and facial piercings of any description are NOT allowed. This includes nose piercings. The only jewellery allowed in school are one simple stud or sleeper in the lobe of each ear and a wristwatch. Any additional jewellery will be confiscated and securely stored to be collected by students at the end of the day.



Duke of Edinburgh Silver The silver programme launches in January and we will give the practice and assessed expedition dates in the first newsletter in the new year. Duke of Edinburgh – BRONZE award key dates I would just like to remind you of some key dates for Duke of Edinburgh. Parents and participants meeting on Wednesday 8th January at 5pm.

Following an increase in the number of fizzy and energy drinks being brought in to the Academy, please could we remind students that they should not be bringing these in. They will be confiscated and stored to be collected at the end of the day.

Training walks and skills. All sessions are from 2pm – 5:00pm. If transport is an issue to any of these sessions then please let me know. You are very welcome to walk with us too if you would like to. You can bring your dogs as long as they are on a lead at all times. Walk and map reading skills – Sunday 19th January – Meet and pick up at Carisbrooke Castle. Walk and compass bearing skills – Sunday 9th February – Meet and pick up at Ventnor Botanical Gardens. Walk and cooking a substantial meal – Sunday 15th March - Meet at Portland Inn in Gurnard and pick up from Cowes Enterprise College car park.

Bronze expedition dates: Practice – 2nd- 3rd May

Assessed – This will either be: • •

6th – 7th July 8th – 9th July The assessed expedition date will be confirmed at the parents meeting on 8th January.


Please be aware that there has been some changes regarding the following bus route 304 from 6th January 2020. Southern Vectis' Website has been updated with the relevant changes which can be found using the following link www.iow.gov.uk/ schoolbusroutes/Secondary.

YEAR 7 Ysabela A Seth A Holly A Ella B Max B Crystyn B Neo B Oscar B Conrad B Millie B Kody B Leah B Emily B-M Evie C Sam C Samuel C Micah C George C Redford C Faye C Robert C Owen C Alfie D Neve F Millie F Lars G Maeve H Aaron H

Lucie H Louis R James H Maisie R Frazer H Kai R Emily H Lily R Oliver H Sam S Mia H Bryce S Katherine H Jack S William I Olivia SJ Evan J Lillian S Reuben J Ryan S Abigail J Will S James K Finlay S Denis L Chloe S Coralie L Jacob T Katherine L-A George T Katie L Zach T Rhiannon M B Toby T Ruby M Christos V Daniela M Hope W Ruby M Paige W Maisie M Reu W Amber M Charlie W Rhianna M Sam W Yazmin M Alesha W Isobel M Finn W Riley M Sasha N Rhys P

YEAR 8 Ewan A Erin A Tommy B Oliver B Abby B Reilly B Samuel B Jack C Becca C Elena C Casey E Bayleigh E Bradley F Lily F Ellie F

Aaron L James L Clara L Hayden L Jayden M Liberty M Ella M Poppy M Liam M Owen N Hailie P Jovanie P Joshua P Lewis P Summer

P Michael F Aleeza R Oriol G Emma R Holly G Jarvis R Lillie-Anne G Wanda S Nathan G Sophia S Fin H Martha T Ellie-Jane H Kaden T Lucy H Jamie W Henry J Ryan W



Lily A Evangeline J Miya A Sam J Matthew B Toby M Lucy B Angus M Olly B Robert M Callum C Teddy M Karly C April P Hugo D Libbi P Zoe D Evie P Leah E Libby P Rosie E Achille S Grace E Thomas S Max F Emma S Izzy G Sam T Libby G Jacob T Ashleigh J Sonny T

Huge congratulations to the following students who have achieved 100% attendance for the Autumn term!

Jasmin A Finn M Daniel B Samuel M Charlotte B Rossen M Joel B Holly M Marcos C-L Nina N Oliver C Neve P Jessica CL Harry P Matthew C Rufus R Cerys D Jayden R Adam F Haydn R Owen F Tillie S Betsy F Esme S Matthew G Illeana T-B Scarlett H Rosie T Lotti H James T Gabriella H Caitlin T Charles I Julian T Toby J Bozhan V Callum K Ellie W

YEAR 11 Toby A Leigh-Janelle M Frankie B Robert M Toby B Joel M Chloe B Brooke M Lucy C Taylor M Holly C Jimmy M Annabelle C Holly N Felix D Lauren R Abbie F Sneha S Evelyn F Ryan S Clara G Jake S Camlon H Curtis T Mia I Ben T Nate J Matheus T NicoleK Anya W

All 270 students in Year 7 have been learning about The Nativity in their religious education lessons as part of our Everyone Matters curriculum. Students have been re-telling the story of the Nativity and democratically chose their favorite story which we have included below!

The Nativity

Many years ago, a young girl of 20 years old named Mary was visited by a kind angel. Shining brilliantly, he said “My name is Gabriel and I have come with news from the Lord, God. You shall have a baby called Jesus. Joseph will take you to Bethlehem where the brightest star will shine for your son when he is born. He shall bring peace, love and forgiveness to us and be God’s son.” That same day, Mary and her friend Joseph travelled through the empty desert, the sun shining brightly, to reach Bethlehem and have God’s child. In a distant farm in the mountains, poor shepherds were rounding up their flocks. All of a sudden, a glorious star appeared. Gabriel was that star and told the shepherds about their future king. Later, three kings travelled to see the baby child, having followed God’s star to find him. With the shepherds, they arrived in Bethlehem and saw the child in a stable with his parents. Merry Christmas to you all.

COWES ENTERPRISE COLLEGE CHRISTMAS CONCERT On Thursday 12th December, our students entertained through their incredible musical talents in our Christmas Concert. Set as a relaxed night with fairy lights and refreshments, the audience had the delight of listening to impressive renditions of well-known Christmas-themed songs performed by music students across all years from 7 to 13. The programme included the Concert Band, Ukulele Club, Glee Club, CCF Band as well as a wide range of soloists. This concert was organised by the Music Department, with the help of the Drama Department, Art Department and the support of the Site Team. Thank you all for making the event so successful.

Poem written by Year 8 students Erin A and Lilly F T’was the night before Christmas and all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

As the children were sleeping all snuggled in bed, Nick came down the chimney and fell on his head. He saw a mince pie, which he ate in a flash,

Then tripped on his bootlace and fell with a crash.

When the children came running, it’s Santa they saw, Curled up in a heap as if he’d hurt his paw. The presents were late as Nick hobbled around,

CHESS TOURNAMENT CONGRATULATIONS to Oliver B (Yr 9) who became the Cowes Enterprise College Chess Champion this term. 32 chess players entered the tournament , there were many close games watched by an audience surrounding them. The concentration and tension was tangible. For many, it was the first opportunity they had to play with timers which added extra tension. Congratulations also go to Henry J (Yr 8) who made the final and to Robert C (Yr 7) and Jamie W (Yr 8) who made the semifinals. Many have already asked when the next tournament is …..after February half term!

Thank God for the ultra-fast reindeer he’d found.

Later that day, as they sat down for dinner, Poor Santa just watched and got instantly thinner.

10JHG ISLE OF WIGHT FOODBANK A huge well done to form 10 JHG who have again collected donations for the local foodbank. This is something the tutor group have done since year 7 and has always had many contributions so thanks to everyone who donated to this. Miss Gibson is dropping the donations off on Saturday.

Chess club runs on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes in BT11.

YEAR 13 ESCAPE THE GODDESS’ CURSE Congratulations to Year 13 business students who escaped the Goddess Curse random room with just over a minute to spare! The pre-release for the students' assessment focuses on escape rooms so this visit is part of their primary research!








Cowes Combined Cadet Force (ages 12-18)


Capstan House

Chess Club



Homework Support



Oasis Board Games



Ukulele Club



BTEC Business Coursework Booster Sessions



Isle of Wight Radio Newshounds and Communication Club



Homework Support



Oasis Board Games



Science Club


Science IZ

Book and Biscuit Club



Chess Club



BTEC Business Revision



Homework Support



Oasis Board Games



Warhammer and Model Club



Burnet News Club



CEC Glee Club






CCF in Capstan House



Boys Football (All Years)


Netball (All Years)


Wednesday PE Intervention (GCSE and BTEC, Years 9—Sixth Form)

Thursday Friday

3pm onwards

Girls Football (All Years) on Field or 3G Pitch


Badminton (All Years)


Military Skills for Year 7 in ED11


Basketball (All Years)


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