CEC Newsletter 23.11.18

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NEWSLETTER www.cowesec.org info@cowesec.org

Friday 23rd November

Dear parents and carers, We have shared in a busy week again since I last wrote to you. On Monday we had a Year 13 mock Oxbridge interview trip and tomorrow students are coming in to the academy to continue this work. We have had a very positive visit from our Ormiston Academies Trust enrichment co-ordinator and she was both extremely impressed with our enrichment offer and the fantastic facilities we have here. We have also had a series of governor link visits which have all gone well and been very helpful support for our work. Every day this week form groups have had attendance breakfast celebrations with Mrs Harding, our Vice Principal, for top tutor group attendance for the last half term. Congratulations to all the forms with excellent attendance. Students who attend school every day are proven with research to achieve higher results. Year 11s are in the last stages of revision before the mock exams and we have launched an exciting revision app called ‘GCSE podcast’ with the year group recently. This has hundreds of podcasts and videos, all lasting between 3 and 5 minutes, to support revision. In form time, Year 11s have been writing flash cards and learning our 5 step approach to note taking. Research tells us that students who follow this method will use their revision time more effectively than those who don’t. This week students have also had some reminders on appropriate behaviours around the building. A series of assemblies planned for next week will remind students of expectations in the building; I would appreciate parents also discussing at home our high behaviour expectations. Our academy has a very positive feel to it and I know students feel proud to be a part of our community. It is important that we maintain this calm, happy and productive atmosphere at all times. Thank you to all the parents who have so far joined me for a parent surgery since September. A reminder that I hold them twice weekly on a Tuesday afternoon from 1pm – 2.30pm and from 3.30pm – 5.30pm to enable parents to get to know me and discuss the work of the school with me directly. Attendance is by pre-booked appointments only. Please either email dharrison@cowesec.org or phone the school on 01983 203103 asking for Donna Harrison to book in a slot in advance of each Tuesday. With best wishes, Rachel Kitley

Safeguarding Please be aware that our local community police have been monitoring cars outside the academy that are stopping illegally on the zigzag line. The reason we continually ask parents not to stop here is for the safety of all students and those arriving for our on-site nursery. A letter has been emailed to all parents from our community police to inform parents that to ensure the safety of all our community, if there are cars stopping on the lines outside, they will be issuing fines as this is against the law. Many thanks for your continued support.

Attendance Every morning this week tutor groups with the highest attendance for the last half term have been enjoying having breakfast tea with Mrs Harding as part of our Attendance Breakfast Celebration initiative – our ABC. Turning up is the first part of success; it is as easy as your ABCs! Huge congratulations to 11SRR, 10JRC, 9ANW, 8DVF and 7RBW! Many a croissant, pain au chocolate, brioche and cup of tea was shared and enjoyed.

Loom Bands Please be aware that loom bands are banned from the Academy. Thank you for your support with this.

Year 11 - BTEC Online Sport Exam On Tuesday 22nd January 2019 all of Year 11 will be sitting the BTEC on-line Sport Exam which is the external exam element of the course. There will be three sittings throughout the day at 9.00am, 10.30am and 12.30am. The exam is 60 minutes long.

Unlike the CIDA exam on Tuesday 8th January students do not need to be kept isolated under exam conditions so they will be able to attend lessons when they are not in their test. There will be seating plans on the Examination board in the MIZ on morning of the exam. Year 11 form tutors and the year team will also have lists of student’s exam rooms. Any queries please contact our Exams Officer Mrs Hambley ahambley@cowesec.org

Arabian Nights coming soon…. Tuesday 18th, Wednesday 19th, Thursday 20th December at 7pm. Our school play this year is Arabian Nights adapted by Dominic Cooke for the RSC. A wonderful series of stories originally from Persia and India. The play celebrates the power of storytelling and imagination. We are working very hard to create a colourful and extraordinary version of these amazing stories. What is all about well…. King Shahrayar’s heart is broken by his wife’s betrayal and his anger ripples through the kingdom as he reaps revenge on all “the daughters of the city… Curse life, curse the world and curse all women!” His Vizier (the Kings right hand man) has two beautiful daughter’s Dinarzad and Shahrazad. Shahrazad knows she can save the King; she has the most magical stories to melt his heart, if only he would … listen!

Tickets will be on sale next week so please come along and support us.

Duke of Edinburgh Skills Cookery

Well done to the Year 8 students who raised £24 for Children in Need!

Diary competition for Year 7 Following the release of the latest ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ book, Puffin Books and the National Literacy Trust have launched a national competition, for children in school years 3 - 7

What do you have to do? Write a diary entry, of up to 500 words, about the most exciting snow day you’ve ever had, or could imagine 

Diary entries must be written or printed

Entries must be handed to Mrs Bowen, by the end of the school day, on 21st January 2019

You are only allowed to submit one entry each

The winner’s name will be announced in February 2019 The winning pupil will receive the following prizes:- A Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Meltdown print signed by Jeff Kinney - £100 worth of Puffin Books 10 runner ups will receive:- A Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Meltdown print signed by Jeff Kinney The school of the winning pupil will receive:- £500 worth of Puffin Books


Upcoming Academy Dates Thurs day 29th November Thursday 6th December Thursday 13th December (4—6pm)

Monday 17th December

Year 10 Parents’ Evening

Start of mock exams

21st December 2018 22nd December 2018 to 7th January 2019 7th January 2019 8th January 2019

Last Day of Autumn Term (early closure) Christmas Holiday Staff Development Day Start of Spring Term

Christmas Fayre

16th February to 24th February 2019 25th February 2019

Half Term Holiday Return following Half Term Holiday

6th April to 23rd April 2019 22nd April 2019 23rd April 2019

Easter Holiday Bank Holiday Start of Summer Term

6th May 2019 25th May to 2nd June 2019 3rd June 2019

Bank Holiday Half Term Holiday Return following Half Term Holiday

Monday following the IW Festival – TBC

Staff Development Day

19th July 2019 20th July 2019

Last Day of Summer Term (early closure) Summer Holidays Start

(Invitation emails sent Weds14th Nov)

Carol Service

18th—20th December

Arabian Nights Performances

Friday 21st December

Last Day of Term (early closure)

Year 11 CIDA IT Exam On Tuesday 8th January 2019 (the first day back after the Christmas break) the whole of Year 11 will be sitting a CIDA IT exam. All Year 11 students should have received an exam statement of entry in tutor time last Friday.

Find term dates for next year on our website: https://www.cowesec.org/partners-and-new-starters/term-dates

Year 10 Parents’ Evening Thursday 29th November, 5pm—8pm Invitation emails have been sent to parents and carers for the forthcoming Year 10 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 29th November from 5pm until 8pm. If you are unable to attend this evening please let us know—please call 01983 203103 or email info@cowesec.org. If you need any assistance with bookings, please contact Reception.

Uniform A reminder that piercings are not and never have been acceptable in a nose. A clear spacer must be worn or the stud removed. Also a reminder that trousers need to be non-skinny and skirts rolled to the correct length. Support from parents is appreciated with this. Further information on our uniform can be found at: http://cowesec.org/partners-and-new-starters/uniform

HPV Vaccinations for Year 8 Girls HPV Vaccination Session for 2nd dose: Wednesday 1st May 2019 Catch-Up Session: Friday 17th May 2019

REMINDERS & INFORMATION Attendance Attending is the first part of succeeding!

Our whole academy attendance this week was 94.6%

Students should be in the building by 8.25am for a 8.30am prompt start in their tutor class. Any student arriving after 8.30am will be considered as being late. A reminder that the procedure to report a student absence is to call the main Academy number (01983 203103), select Option 1 and leave a message on the Student Absence Line before 8.30am. There is no direct number for the absence line. Phone calls need to be made every day of the student's absence. The absence should be followed up with a letter detailing the duration and reason for absence on the student's return to the Academy.

December Mocks-Year 11 and Year 13

Drop off , collection and car park safety

The December mocks for Year 11 and Year 13 start on Thursday 6th December and will end on Thursday 20th December.

Please do not use the Academy car park to drop off and collect students withour prior agreement from the Academy for you to do so. Drop off and collections should be made on Crossfield Avenue remembering that that no parking is permitted on the white ZigZag lines surrounding the pedestrian crossing outside the Academy.

All students with mock exams will receive an Individual Candidate Timetable which will show the date, time, exam room and seat number for each of their exams. These timetables will be given our during tutor time next week. There will also be seating plans on the examination notice board in the MIZ each day showing both the morning and afternoon exams. If you have any queries regarding the mock exams please contact our Exams Officer Mrs Hambley at ahambley@cowesec.org

Please could we also remind parents that the disabled bay spaces are for holders of valid Blue Badges only.

The deadline for payments is fast approaching. Please ensure your balance is paid by 10th December. There is a parents meeting on Wednesday 16th January at 7pm.

Our huge thanks to everyone who has donated items to us already, we are so grateful for everything we have received. We are still in need of the following items:

Join us on Thursday 13th December from 4—6pm to be in with a chance of winning this huge cuddly reindeer!

Sweets Chocolate Biscuits Cakes Toiletries Drinks Cans Tins Pre-owned toys in good condition (for our toy stall!)

Items suitable for raffle prizes

Kind donations of the above items would be very gratefully received.

SPORTS NEWS Schools Badminton Tournament This year’s Isle of Wight Schools Badminton Tournament was held on 6 th November with over a hundred pupils from seven schools. Cowes Enterprise College was represented by eight pairs in total. All teams played really well and to the best of their ability producing some excellent and close fought matches against pairs from Medina College, Christ the King, Bay Academy, Ryde Academy Carisbrooke Academy and Ryde School. Results for Cowes students were as follows: Key Stage 3 girls’ pair, Isabelle Pearson and Jess Gilbert finished a convincing first against pairs from Christ the King. Key Stage 3 boys Oliver Parkhouse and Henry Price Rogers lost only one game but faced strong opposition from a Carisbrooke Academy pair who were the eventual winners. In the Key Stage 4 competitions girls’ pair Tia Kirwin and Holly Coshell won their group, losing in the final to a very strong pair from Christ the King College, Sneha Sanyal and Lauren Rayner also played very well producing some enjoyable matches. Key Stage 4 boys all played extremely well with three of the four pairs reaching the semi-finals. Curtis Thompson and Harvey Wheeler eventually lost at this stage to Oliver Evans and Richo Hadibroto, and Aaron Scott-Roberts and James Fletcher defeated a pair from Bay Academy to set up a well fought final with Aaron and James emerging as winners from the initial 19 pairs. The other pair, of Will Drake and Harry Gwilliam played well to finish second in their pool. Thanks must go to Mr Hughes for organising a great competition and also for the other teachers and volunteers who helped to make it run smoothly. The trophies for the tournament were provided by Mrs Leigh who has been a long-time supporter of junior badminton on the Island, and in fact taught Mrs Spalding to play. But an especial well done to all competitors for representing Cowes Enterprise College in such a creditable, sportsman-like manner, we look forward to their future success. Mrs Spalding

Year 11 student Billy Cragg made everyone proud with his success at the UK Scooter finals recently. Billy was the only contender from the Isle of Wight and made it to 12th place out of all riders who took part from across the UK. Congratulations Billy!

Northern soul Dance Club! For Year 7 Mondays after school in the Dance studio 3 – 3.45pm With Miss Smith








Cowes Combined Cadet Force (ages 12-18)


Capstan House

uCECLele Training Band



Chess Club



GCSE Art Catch Up Session



Year 7 Military Skills


CCF Office

Oasis Homework Support



Child Development/Health & Social Care Support

2.45— 4.00pm


STOMP (jazz percussion group)



Jazz Band



Science Club



BTEC Business Revision



GCSE Art Catch Up Session



Communication Club



Oasis Homework Support



CPLD/HSC Support—Years 12 and 13

2.45— 4.00pm


uCEClele (auditions required)



Chess Club



Badminton Club


Winder Centre

Props, Costume & Scenery Club



Oasis Homework Support



BTEC Business Revision




Lunch 3-4pm


Basketball Club

Winder Centre

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