Friday 24th May
Dear parents and carers, As we come to the end of another busy half term, I would like to thank the Cowes Enterprise College staff for all that they have done to support our students over the last half term. We’ve enjoyed numerous trips and sporting events, challenges and competitions, workshops, clubs, interventions and visiting speakers to name but a few. We know how enriching such experiences are and appreciate the time and effort that goes into making them a success. Congratulations also to all the students who took part in the Junior Maths Challenge – students have now received their Bronze, Silver and Gold levels and should feel proud of their efforts and hard work in Maths. The GCSE exams continue to progress well and I should like to commend the students in Year 11 for their resilience and dedication. We are very proud of the entire year group. We wish them all the best with their revision over half term whether they are in the academy taking part in the various interventions we have in place or are revising hard at home. This week we have been visited by colleagues from our Trust, Ormiston Academies Trust and by one of the family founders of the Ormiston charity. They met with students, hearing about their views on the academy and our visitors were immensely impressed with their confidence and positivity, and also by the very diverse opportunities students have with us. The Ormiston Academies Trust is a national trust which is wholly committed to ensuring that education enriches lives and broadens horizons, believing that everyone can excel, we should share what is best, be inclusive and enjoy the challenge and these values are ones we wholly subscribe to.
I continue to enjoy my parent surgeries as meeting parents and hearing your thoughts is key for me. This term my parent surgeries continue on Tuesday afternoons. Please either email or phone the school on 01983 203103 asking for Donna Harrison to arrange a pre-booked slot. And finally, I wish you all a great half term and a much needed rest before our final half term of the year, which begins on Mon day 3rd June. With best wishes, Rachel Kitley Click the arrows or swipe to turn pages .
Until Friday 7th June, Year 11 students will be expected to attend their normal timetable for all subjects until the final exam and/or coursework and assessments are completed and handed in. Where a subject is fully completed before Friday 7th June students are expected to attend normal lessons in this subject where supervised revision/work will be carried out for other forthcoming exams. From Monday 10th June Year 11 students are expected to attend timetabled lessons for those subjects that they are yet to complete their exams in. Students will also be expected to attend the extra timetabled revision sessions prior to some exams. They are, however, permitted to continue with ‘independent studies’ at home for subjects where all exams for the subject have been fully completed. If a student wishes to complete ‘independent study’ in college, arrangements for this will be made.
At CEC many students continue to work hard to notify us when there are new apps and new groups that are released online and also when there is online activity that may be threatening the safety of some of our community and/or putting them in potentially vulnerable positions. It has once again been brought to our attention that there are some students who are regularly using group chat facilities and often these are anonymous. Please be reminded of an app to be aware of called ‘Tellonym’ – shared through Instagram and Snapchat—which allows anonymous messages to be sent to a group. There are many ways that you can support and keep your children safe online but regular supervision and access to electronic devices regularly and holding passwords for their apps can go a long way in ensuring their safety. Other ways include installing apps that help you track children’s online content and searching and many of these are advertised and recommended through the NSPCC website. Thank you for your support and if you would like any further support with how to keep your child safe online, please do get in touch with the academy where a member of the Safeguarding Team will be more than happy to discuss further.
Thank you to all parents and carers for your full support in ensuring your child attends the academy for every session possible. A reminder that parents should telephone the academy on 01983 203103 and select Option 1 before 8.30am on each day of absence, informing of the reason of absence and when their child will be returning to the academy, leaving a message on the voicemail. Phone calls need to be made every day of the student's absence. Parents are required to send a letter of explanation of absence when their child returns to school. This should be handed into reception. This letter should detail the duration and reason for absence.
GEOGRAPHY FIELDTRIPS The rest of the year 10 geography fieldwork trips took place this week and continued to be very successful. The students this week again were very well behaved and hard working. Mrs Wiltshire and Miss Wisniowski would like the thank the students for their effort during these trips as well as teachers and parents for allowing us to take the students out on these lovely little outings.
Miss Wisniowski’s humanities group have recently been studying Canada’s Residential School system. Indigenous children were forced into schools that were meant to assimilate them into the white Canadian population. Miss Wisniowski asked her students to do a piece of work in response to an animated video they had watched about a boy who had escaped from one of these schools. Here are just a few of the beautiful responses she got from the group:
A fabulous lesson with Year 9 learning about heat transfer, cooking methods and how they affect the sensory qualities of food. They also learnt about the Health, Safety and Hygiene surrounding BBQs. We hope the weather stays bright and warm over the Half Term break so you can also enjoy a BBQ or two.
On the last day of term Year 7 were treated to an interactive assembly from 7BZP focusing on social media, opinions and influencing. The girls performed the ‘Cup Song’ alongside a singing solo, Connor attempted a Guinness world record and the boys reenacted a debate in the houses of parliament with Jimmy making a fantastic Theresa May! Well done 7BZP for informing and making us more aware about the laws, guidelines and risks associated with YouTube and other social media platforms which leaves you open to trolling.
Half Term Events Get Hands on with History at Carisbrooke Castle Get stuck into the tales that shaped our history, at a fairytale castle like no other. In an exciting week of hands on activities for kids, take to the lists in junior jousting, or try on suits of armour like the knights and squires of old. Gasp in amazement as our storytellers share the myths and legends that shaped our history, or learn tactics and sword skills needed for an epic kids battle!
Sat 25 May - Sun 2 Jun 2019
10am – 5pm
Normal entry fees apply. English Heritage Members go free.
The Great Victorian Show at Osborne It’s the 200th anniversary of the birth of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, and we’re holding a most magnificent show in their honour. Join the beloved royal couple as their carriage arrives at Osborne alongside a splendid parade, and take part in an extravaganza of arena action, hands on fun and exciting sideshows. Experience the spectacle of our brand new display of horsemanship, and be amazed at the fantastic inventions of Victoria and Albert's time. Marvel at the thrills, spills and danger of fire shows, polish your manners at butlers' school and learn everything you need to know about 19th century tricks, tonics, lotions and potions. Send the kids to ride the helter-skelter, play on swing boats, or to laugh out loud at the traditional entertainments. Just like Albert in his great exhibition of 1851, our Great Victorian Show will delight in the innovation and enterprise of the era, with exhibits to excite and amaze. Join us this May half term, for it will truly be a celebration fit for royalty!
Tue 28 May – Thur 30 May 2019 10am – 5pm
Book online before Monday 27 May to receive a 10% discount on your tickets.
Normal entry fees apply. English Heritage Members discount £3.50 per adult/£2.10 per child.
NOTICES FROM SCHOOL TRANSPORT As an outcome of the recent agreed changes to the opening times of a number of island secondary schools, it has been necessary for the Isle of Wight Council to make significant amendments to the network of contracted home to school bus services. Further to this, there has been a continual reduction in the number of students entitled to free home to school transport over the past few years. As a result, the service 306 will cease at the end of this academic year. However for the small number of students who are entitled to free home to school transport, who currently access the contracted service due to be cancelled, they will be provided with a bus pass to access public bus services or alternative provision where necessary. Please see below a brief overview of the amendments, full details of the revised services will be available on our webpages over the coming weeks 304 – Freshwater, Totland, Yarmouth and Shalfleet
- A slight timing change to align with the new opening hours
306 – Newport and Northwood
- Service cancelled
The Transport Service will continue to offer the Privilege Seat Scheme for students who are not eligible for free home to school transport where spare capacity exists, further details of which shall be circulated soon. Should you have any queries or concerns regarding these changes please contact the Council’s Transport Service:
The dates for the privilege seat application window for academic year 2019 have been finalised. Should you wish to apply for a privilege seat for your child to use the school bus service you will need to apply between 9am on Monday 3rd June 2019 and 4pm on Friday 14th June 2019 for children in school years 0 – 11, only. You will not be able to apply for privilege seats for sixth form students (school years 12 – 14) at this time. Please note that the online form will only be live between the above times and that applications received outside of this window will not be accepted. Further information on the privilege seat process can be found online, here: OtherServices/School-Transport/Privilege-Seat-on-School-Transport. Please also note the FAQs, Code of Good Practice and Ticket Terms and Conditions sections available via this webpage. If you scroll to the bottom of the above webpage you will see the bus services for which you can apply. This information will be live from 9am on Monday 3rd June 2019. Should the service you require not be listed you will not be able to apply for that service at this time. Do bear in mind that making an application for a privilege seat does not guarantee a seat on the school bus. Privilege seat ticket prices are set costs as follows: Up to a full term £130.00 Up to half a term £65.00 Up to a full term AM or PM only £65.00 Up to half a term AM or PM only £32.50 Should you have any queries please contact the Transport Team at the Council via email: or telephone: 823780. Important Points to Note Information on all bus services will be available on the website from 9am on Monday 3rd June 2019. There will no longer be merged bus services to Carisbrooke and Christ the King Colleges due to the changes to start and finish times. Some services to other schools will also change or be removed. There will be a strict payment deadline for making payment. Should you miss this deadline, the seat offered to your child will be offered to the next child on the waiting list (should one exist) and your application will be cancelled. Once applications have been processed by the Transport Team you will be able to see the status of your application online as well as make payment without having to contact the Council.
3G PITCH UPDATE FOOTWEAR Use of the 3G pitch will require specific footwear. Only studded football boots (screw-in or moulded) should be worn on the pitch. It is important that the studs must be fitted correctly to the shoe sole and in a way that they cannot capture the turf fibres. All studs must be fully tightened and there must be no gap between the studs and the sole of the boot. All studs must be free of sharp edges, have a smooth and undamaged surface and totally free of sharp burrs. Flat soled trainers or ‘astro trainers’ should not be worn on the 3G pitch.
SCIENCE REVISION SESSIONS Unless otherwise states, sessions will be on Wednesdays from 3pm
Date 05/06/2019 07/06/2019 11/06/2019 12/06/2019 12/06/2019 14/06/2019
B4B5B6 CHD (SC19) B4-B6 & B7 PM C4C5C6 SSC (SC16) (10/06/19) C4-C6 & C7 AM P6P7P8 LMP (SC11) P5-P8 & P9 AM
B4B5B6 P2/P8 C4C5C6 P4/P10 P4P5P6 P6/P12
WELLBEING A thought for the week ahead….
“If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours!” - Dolly Parton
A reminder that students need to login to Show My Homework via a web browser or the app using the ‘Sign in with Office 365’ button (pictured).
They should then use their full school email address and school IT password.
Please be aware that other sign in options will not work and student are unable to reset or change any login details from home.
REMINDERS & INFORMATION UPCOMING ACADEMY DATES Monday 13th May Friday 17th May Friday 24th May Monday 3rd June
Start of Exam Season HPV Vaccination Catch Ups Last Day of Half Term (normal closure time of 2.45pm)
First Day of Half Term (Summer 2)
YEAR 8 OPTION CHOICES A letter has been sent home today with Year 8 students confirming their options choices. Copies of these letters have also been emailed home.
If you have any questions regarding UPDATING PERSONAL INFORMATION the options process please email or call 01983 We would like to ensure that all information 203 103. we hold on both students and parents/ carers is up to date.
If you move house or have any change of circumstance please ensure you notify the college and let us know? You can call direct on 01983 203 103 or email Many thanks
TERM DATES Sat 25th May to Sun 2nd June Mon 3rd June
Half Term Return following Half Term
Mon 17th June
Staff Development Day
Fri 19th July Sat 20th July
Last Day of Summer Term (early closure)
Summer Holidays Start
Click here for 2019/20 term dates.
If your son or daughter has any food allergies could you please notify us as soon as possible as it is important that we are made aware of this?
A Medication Administration Form should be completed for any pupil bringing medication into the college. These forms can be collected from reception.
Please do not use the Academy car park to drop off and collect students without prior agreement from the Academy for you to do so. Drop off and collections should be made on Crossfield Avenue remembering that that no parking is permitted on the white ZigZag lines surrounding the pedestrian crossing outside the Academy. Please could we also remind parents that the disabled bay spaces are for holders of valid Blue Badges only.
Any medication such as Epipens should be kept up to date and students with serious allergies should keep an Epipen on them at all times. Caterlink provide food within the college, they welcome students to freely ask about ingredients or allergies. We pass them information regarding which students have food allergies but the responsibility is with the student to identify themselves to Caterlink staff if they have any concerns or questions regarding food content. Caterlink menus are regularly published in our newsletter. Many thanks.
Cowes Combined Cadet Force (ages 12-18)
Capstan House
uCECLele Training Band
Chess Club
GCSE Art Catch Up Session
Year 7 Military Skills
CCF Office
Oasis Homework Support
Child Development/Health & Social Care Support
2.45— 4.00pm
GCSE PE/Sports Studies Intervention (Coursework/Revision)
STOMP (jazz percussion group)
Jazz Band
Science Club
BTEC Business Revision
GCSE Art Catch Up Session
Communication and Radio Club
Oasis Homework Support
CPLD/HSC Support—Years 12 and 13
2.45— 4.00pm
Burnet News Club
uCEClele (auditions required)
Chess Club
Badminton Club
Winder Centre
Props, Costume & Scenery Club
Oasis Homework Support
BTEC Business Revision
GCSE PE/Sports Studies Intervention (Practical Trampolining and Exam Prep)
Lunch 3-4pm
Basketball Club
Winder Centre
Netball South of England Training
Sports Hall
Miss Vidovic & Miss Duffin
BTEC Coursework—Year 11
Miss Vidovic
BTEC Coursework—Year 11
Miss Vidovic
Outside Pitch/ Sports Hall
Mr Hughes & Mr Hartup
Indoor Football - All years
Sports Leaders—All years
Sports Hall
Miss Vidovic
Rugby—All years
Outside Pitch
Mr Brown
Girl’s Football
GCSE/BTEC Practical and Revision - Year 11
Sports Hall
Miss Vidovic & Miss Duffin
Rugby—All years
Outside Pitch
Mr Brown
Indoor Cricket—Year 7 to 9
Winder Centre
Mr Hughes
Basketball—All years
Sports Hall
Mr Hughes
Sports Captain’s Activities—All years
Sports Hall
Miss Vidovic
Mrs Beck