CEC Newsletter 25.10.19

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NEWSLETTER Friday 25th October Dear parents and carers, We hope that you all have a great week next week, recharging your batteries and preparing for the half term ahead. I hope that everyone will have some down time and relaxation after what has been a busy and yet productive half term for us all here. This has been a very key week for us at the academy with significant focus given to preparing Year 11s for mock exams, finishing schemes of work and assessments and seeing the culmination of our Year 7s first maritime project with their educational maritime showcase. I am delighted to hear from so many year 11 students that they are focusing on revision and hard at their preparation for the mock exams. Year 11s sat a mock exam and also had a session on how to write revision flashcards this week and are all now armed with the revision skills and a pack of flashcards and highlighter to aid their revision over half term and beyond. In addition, we have reminded students how to access Seneca, Mathswatch and GCSEPod and have also given out all ordered revision guides. Today we have launched the revision formally by giving every student in Year 11 their mock revision plan. This is a bespoke work booklet, different for every child, which has a full set of revision activities to help support their personal revision. We expect three hours an evening of revision for all students in Year 11 right now; students who work hard in advance of the mocks are the students who meet or exceed their target grades in the summer and go on to greater choices post 16. We are so proud of our Year 7 students who, this week, following their field trip on a boat on the Solent, have all shared their knowledge of the coastal management in the local area to members of the local community, business people and coastal or maritime experts. We have had fantastic feedback from our visitors, who were impressed with our students’ knowledge, confidence and enthusiasm. This week was a tremendously important one for our Year 7s and well done to them all. I have really enjoyed meeting parents across this half term and thank you to those parents who have joined me for finding the time to do so. My weekly forums continue next half term. Please email Donna Harrison to book in a slot in advance at dharrison@cowesec.org. Wishing you again a great recharge next week and time for revision, Rachel Kitley Click the arrows or swipe to turn pages

TERM DATES FOR 2019/20 ACADEMIC YEAR 28th Oct—1st Nov

Half Term Holiday

Mon 4th November

Start of second half of Autumn Term

Fri 20th December

Last Day of Autumn Term

23rd Dec 2019 — 3rd Jan 2020 Christmas Holiday

Mon 6th January

Staff Development Day

Tues 7th January

Start of Spring Term for all students

Fri 14th February

Last Day of Half Term

17th February—21st February Half Term Holiday

Mon 24th February

Start of second half of Spring Term

Friday 3rd April

Last Day of Spring Term

6th April—17th April

Easter Holiday

Mon 20th April

Start of Summer Term

Fri 8th May

Early May bank holiday (VE day)

Fri 22nd May

Last Day of Half Term

25th May—29th May

Half Term Holiday

Mon 1st June

Start of second half of Spring Term

Mon 15th June TBC

Staff Development Day

Fri 17th July

Last Day of Summer Term

Sat 18th July

Summer Holidays Start

UPCOMING EVENTS Friday 25th October

Last Day of Half Term

Monday 4th November All Students Start of Term Thursday 7th November

Film Studies Cineworld Trip

Tuesday 12th November

Sixth Form Open Evening 6-8pm

Wednesday 20th November Year 12 and 13 Parents’ Evening

Thursday 28th November Year 11 Parents’ Evening

Term dates can also be found on our website.

YEAR 7—’CRASHING’ PERFORMANCE Attached to the Newsletter email is a letter regarding the forthcoming performance of ‘Crashing’ for Year 7 students as part of our Everyone Matters curriculum. Please could all parents/carers of Year 7 students ensure that they read this?

TERM DATES FOR 2020/21 ACADEMIC YEAR Term dates for the September 2020—July 2021 Academic Year are now live on our website!

Click here to view.

If a student is absent, parents and carers should telephone the academy on 01983 203103 and select Option 1 before 8.30am on each day of absence, informing of the reason of absence and when their child will be returning to the academy, leaving a message on the voicemail. Phone calls need to be made every day of the student's absence. Parents are required to send a letter of explanation of absence when their child returns to school. This should be handed into reception. This letter should detail the duration and reason for absence.



Please could we remind all parents and carers that when visiting the Academy, they must Black jumpers should be completely black, V-neck come to Reception and be signed with no visible logos. They should not be round in by a member of staff. Please could we remind all parents and carers of our uniform expectations?

necked sweatshirts.

Visitors cannot expect to see a member of staff without a prior arranged appointment. Jewellery and facial piercings of any description are Skirts should not be rolled up and should be fitted to knee length or below. NOT allowed. This includes nose piercings. The only jewellery allowed in school are one simple stud or sleeper in the lobe of each ear and a wristwatch. Any additional jewellery will be confiscated and securely stored to be collected by students at the end of the day. Additional information regarding uniform and equipment can be found on our website: https://www.cowesec.org/partners-and-new-starters/uniform

Click here for contact information for pastoral teams Click here for contact information for teaching staff www.cowesec.org Official Cowes Enterprise College @CowesEC @cowesenterprise

Consultation: Admissions Policy 2021-2022

In accordance with the DfE’s 2014 statutory ‘Schools Admissions Code’ guidance the Local Governing Body of Cowes Enterprise College is consulting on the Admissions Arrangements for September 2021 because changes are proposed. The amendment is to the oversubscription criteria inserted as number 4: Children of staff who have, (1) been employed at Cowes Enterprise College for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made, or (2) have been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. The proposed Admissions Policy 2021-22 is available to view by clicking this link or hard copy from the school office. Comments on the proposed admissions arrangements should be sent to the clerk to governors jwareham@cowesec.org or by post to Jill Wareham, Cowes Enterprise College, Crossfield Avenue, Cowes, PO31 8HB by 12 noon on 12th November 2019.

SAFEGUARDING Teenagers using social media for more than three hours a day and at bedtime are likely to have poor sleep, the BBC reports. Researchers at the University of Glasgow said 13-15-year-olds may be delaying bedtime and wake during the night. Read more here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health50140111?fbclid=IwAR193UOWZ8qL1uQ_vzcpMjIQfYpse5BOBi MNrpDJfriEHpuJgbD8VAnQBE

BTEC SPORTS STUDIES RESIT AND CATCH UP The BTEC Sports Studies re-sit/catch up sitting is on Wednesday 6th November for all students who missed the first sitting or did not reach their target grade. There will be revision pages on show my homework to aid revision.

YEAR 11 MOCK REVISION Year 11 students have been given their personalised revision timetables today to support them in preparing for the mock exams in December. We have also reminded Year 11 about some of the websites they can use for revision including GCSEPod, which gives our students access to thousands of hours of professionally produced, audio-visual content which will benefit them throughout the coming year. GCSEPod has over 5,000 teacher-written, audio-visual pods which have been produced specifically for learning, homework and revision. Consistent use of just 10-minute chunks is proven to support achievement, so we hope this will be a useful tool to support our students with their revision for their exams. GCSEPod can be viewed on mobiles, tablets and PCs and the Pods can be downloaded for offline viewing. The Pods are mapped to the curriculum and students can access pre-set exam playlists which collate all the Pods relevant to a specific exam into a neatly organised list. Once your child has activated their account they can browse the Pod library and create their own playlists – just as they would when they’re listening to music. We recommend that you discuss GCSEPod with your son or daughter to ensure that they have successfully activated their accounts and encourage them to make use of this service throughout their GCSEs. All Year 11 students have already been registered with GCSEPod. If they have not done so already, they simply need to activate their account and choose a username and password. To access GCSEPod for the first time, students should follow these simple steps: Go to www.gcsepod.com and click “Login” in the top right hand corner Click “New here? Get started.” Select “Pupil” Enter your child’s name, date of birth and type the school name. Your school should appear in a dropdown list. Click on the school in this list to confirm it. Select a username, password, and a password hint to help you remember the password. Once logged in, students can search for Pods by keyword, a specific exam or subject area. For more ways you can help support your child using GCSEPod, visit www.gcsepod.com/parents where you’ll find lots more information and resources. If you have any questions regarding GCSEPod please contact Mr Chris Rice, Vice Principal, who is GCSEPod Lead for the school. For specific technical advice please use the help pages on the website or email support@gcsepod.com. Year 11 students have also been reminded about 5 simple steps to help them memorise content for their exams. These steps are: Step 1- Highlight the key points on the revision guide OR Watch the podcast in full first on GCSEPod Step 2- Make a flash card/bullet point list/mind map OR Watch podcast again, this time pausing to write down key information onto flashcards. Step 3- Copy out flash card/bullet point list/mind map over and over- x10 Step 4- Test yourself- verbally or in writing- (if you cannot remember, go back to step 3 and repeat)

Step 5- Practice exam question in timed conditions with no notes. With the revision timetables having been issued, students should now be fully focused on preparing for the mock exams. Students should be putting time aside to revise for these exams, but we are also mindful that they have homework to complete and need to look after their wellbeing at this important time. Parents and carers play a very important role in supporting students in their revision and we hope you will support them in managing their time and ensuring they work hard but also balance this with suitable rest and relaxation so they can perform at their best.

Both full days for Cowes Enterprise College students.

DUKE OF EDINBURGH NEWS This week the Duke of Edinburgh participants got into their expedition groups. They met their supervisors for the first time and have got an initial idea for their expedition aims. This year we have aims including: Surveying different types of trees along the journey 1.

Reflecting on moods and how people function in different moods 2.

Surveying litter surrounding area 3.





Looking at how vegetation changes across the island 4.


Identifying different wild flowers

E1M FIRST AID In this week’s E1M sessions, Year 8 students have been continuing with their learning of basic first aid skills including CPR and the recovery position!


Ms Lewis is very pleased with her year 7 students. They have used 2D software to design and laser cut maritime themed keyrings in their IT lesson as part of their Design Technology rotation!


PLYWOOD SECRETS BOX Today was the final make session of the first Design Technology rotation for Year 7 students completing their maritime plywood secrets box!

Well done everyone, they look great!

A group of students visited the Isle of Wight College this week to take part in the High Fives conference. Students learned lots of techniques to help with exams!


Congratulations to our year 13 students who are in the process of applying to university. Students are busy attending open days, drafting and redrafting personal statements and completing applications to a wide variety of university courses. Due to the quality of applications, several students have received early offers from Russel Group universities for courses including Computer Science Law, Biochemistry, Spanish, Politics Engineering and Biomedicine

During Food Technology, to fit in with our Maritime Curriculum, Year 7 students have been researching and cooking one pot recipes that would be suitable to serve to an off-shore crew.

Students had to consider the limited time, space and storage, availability of fresh foods and nutritional value!

DESIGN TECHNOLOGY HOMEWORK WINNER Gabby H, with her winning Design Technology homework within the Year 10 Resistant Materials Wildlife Housing project. Students were set a literacy based homework and were asked to write a 250 word piece, using Anthropomorphism as their focus for their Wildlife Housing. Anthropomorphism is where animals are attributed human characteristics; like Beatrix potter's Peter Rabbit stories. Ms Moira Henderson, Literacy Across the Curriculum Coordinator worked with the DT team to set and judge the homework to extend literacy across the curriculum. Ms Henderson said "What a fantastic piece that Gabby has produced. All the students have really done a lovely piece of work and it embodies the spirit of literacy being across the curriculum." Well done Gabby! Mentions also go to Bowie and Fina for their excellent work.

YEAR 10 BIRD BOXES Year 10 students have completed their Bird Boxes. Here are some of the many final products in the Year 10 Wildlife Housing project being made currently from recycled materials! Well done everyone, they look fantastic!

FRENCH AND SPANISH EXCHANGE TRIPS Following the success of exchange trip to Spain in June this year, we are delighted to be able to announce that we will be working again with our partner school in La Rioja on another exchange trip for June 2020. We are also excited to be introducing a French exchange trip this year to give our French students the same enrichment opportunities as their Spanish counterparts. The letters have been given out this week and spaces will be allocated on a first come first served basis. If you have any questions about the trips, please let either Miss Doughan or Mrs Rajasingam know.

CCF BIENNIAL REVIEW Last Monday, Cowes College Combined Cadet Force held it’s biennial review. The day began with a drumming and drill presentation at the front of the College in front of the Reviewing Officer Wg Cdr Martin Larwood-Hughes. In addition, Deputy Lieutenant Lt Col David Langford MBE, Major of Cowes Lora Peacey-Wilcox, Rev Andrew Poppe, WO2 Darrell Esdale and two former Contingent Commanders from the unit Gerry Moglione and Elizabeth Mead were also in attendance along with Rachel Kitley and Vicky Wells from Cowes Enterprise College to celebrate the Contingent’s 50th Anniversary since forming in 1969. Cadet presentations from Cadet Corporal Walton and Cadet Staff Sergeant Franklin were given in the Conference room. Both spoke about the wide range of opportunities, qualifications and skills that they have gained during their time within the relevant sections.

TUTOR-TASTIC DT COMPETITION Design Technology is launching a Year 7 focused competition - its Tutor-tastic! Each tutor group received paper entries during tutor time. Students will, during half term, design a 'Tutor-tastic' Pasta Salad pot! Students create their very best design, that they feel their tutor would enjoy. There is a small bit of research that they need to do and a description of how their tutor has helped them settle into life here at CEC. After half term students will hand in their entries to their tutor (make sure tutor name and student name are on the form)! Good luck Year 7!


Huge thanks to our parents, carers and students for the immensely generous The Review concluded with both the Army and RAF donations of cakes for our Prom sections combining together to demonstrate various Committee Bake Sale today! skills from fieldcraft, leadership and first aid as part of Exercise Free Vectis.

Despite the weather, it proved to be a marvelous day. Many thanks go to Wg Cdr Larwood-Hughes and all the guests for attending this special review. Thanks must also go to all the Cadets and the Cadet Force Adult Volunteers who made the day run so smoothly.

We raised an incredible £147.50.








Cowes Combined Cadet Force (ages 12-18)


Capstan House

Chess Club



Homework Support



Oasis Board Games



Ukulele Club



BTEC Business Coursework Booster Sessions



Isle of Wight Radio Newshounds and Communication Club



Homework Support



Oasis Board Games



Science Club


Science IZ

Chess Club



BTEC Business Revision



Homework Support



Oasis Board Games



Warhammer and Model Club



Burnet News Club



CEC Glee Club






CCF in Capstan House



Boys Football (All Years)


Netball (All Years)


Wednesday PE Intervention (GCSE and BTEC, Years 9—Sixth Form)

Thursday Friday

3pm onwards

Girls Football (All Years) on Field or 3G Pitch


Badminton (All Years)


Military Skills for Year 7 in ED11


Basketball (All Years)


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