NEWSLETTER Friday 27th September Dear parents and carers, A reminder as we start the new school year that we use the SIMS Parent app. This app lets you see a wealth of information that links to your child, including their rewards. At Cowes Enterprise College we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging and rewarding environment which supports learning, celebrates achievement and encourages all. Rewards and informal praise in class are both part of this. Do please have a look on the app and speak to your son/daughter to find out how many rewards they have collected so far. Well done to all our students for their calm and positive start to the school year. I very much enjoyed meeting so many of our Year 7 parents during our form tutor evening and we were pleased to receive very positive feedback from parents on how well the transition is going. We have included in this newsletter the responses to our exit survey, completed by over 100 parents, and are delighted to share that 100% of responses said that their child had settled in well at Cowes Enterprise College and over 99% of parents responding said that the academy had been supportive of their child’s first few weeks. We are really enjoying getting to know our Year 7s and are very proud of how well they are settling. A reminder that I will be holding parent surgeries twice weekly on a Tuesday afternoon from 1pm – 2.30pm and from 3.30pm – 5.30pm to enable parents to get to know me and discuss the work of the school with me directly. Attendance is by pre-booked appointments only. Please either email or phone the school on 01983 203103 asking for Donna Harrison to book in a slot in advance of each Tuesday. Rachel Kitley Click the arrows or swipe to turn pages
TERM DATES FOR 2019/20 ACADEMIC YEAR Fri 4th October
Staff Development Day
Wednesday 2nd October
World Smile Day and fundraising for Mountbatten
Wednesday 2nd October
Year 7 and 8 Info Evening
Fri 25th October
Last Day of Half Term
28th Oct—1st Nov
Half Term Holiday
Mon 4th November
Start of second half of Autumn Term
Thursday 3rd October
Year 6 Open Evening 6-8pm
Fri 20th December
Last Day of Autumn Term
Friday 4th October
Staff Development Day School closed to students
Thursday 10th October
Year 9 and 10 Info Evening
Wednesday 16th October
Year 11 Info Evening
Friday 25th October
Last Day of Half Term
23rd Dec 2019 — 3rd Jan 2020 Christmas Holiday
Mon 6th January
Staff Development Day
Tues 7th January
Start of Spring Term for all students
Fri 14th February
Last Day of Half Term
17th February—21st February Half Term Holiday
Mon 24th February
Start of second half of Spring Term
Friday 3rd April
Last Day of Spring Term
6th April—17th April
Easter Holiday
Mon 20th April
Start of Summer Term
Fri 8th May
Early May bank holiday (VE day)
Fri 22nd May
Last Day of Half Term
25th May—29th May
Half Term Holiday
Mon 1st June
Start of second half of Spring Term
Mon 15th June TBC
Staff Development Day
Fri 17th July
Last Day of Summer Term
Sat 18th July
Summer Holidays Start
Term dates can also be found on our website.
SAFEGUARDING If any parents or carers would like any support with safeguarding concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Academy reception who will put you in contact with the Safeguarding team. A reminder that we have some very useful information regarding some on the most popular social media platforms that our students are using. These can be found on our website or via this link:
STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAY Please be aware that there is a Staff Development Day on Friday 4th October, and the school will be closed to students on this day.
VISITORS TO THE ACADEMY Please could we remind all parents and carers that when visiting the Academy, they must come to Reception and be signed in by a member of staff. Visitors cannot expect to see a member of staff without a prior arranged appointment. Contact information for pastoral teams and teaching staff can be found on our website.
Thank you to all parents and carers for your full support in ensuring your child attends the academy for every session possible.
On Wednesday 2nd October Cowes Enterprise College are supporting Go Yellow for Mountbatten and celebrating World Smile Day by living life to the full, sporting winning smiles, acts of kindness throughout the day and taking time to consider one thing we are thankful for. We welcome donations for Mountbatten and will have collections on the door as well as running different fundraising activities during break and lunch times! Students should please attend in full Academy uniform as normal.
We have had a number of library books returned We still have a large number of books, which have this week, which have been soaked by the rain. been on loan since before the summer holidays. In wet weather, please could you ask your Please encourage your children to search for any children to ensure their library books are kept in a books belonging to our library, and return them to me as soon as possible. plastic bag? Many thanks Mrs Bowen
Recent feedback from parents has shown that the most common places for these books to be found are:
In the children’s own book collections
Under their beds
Please could we remind all parents and carers of our uniform expectations?
Many thanks for your help Mrs Bowen
Black jumpers should be completely black, with no visible logos. Skirts should not be rolled up. Jewellery and facial piercings of any description are NOT allowed. This includes nose piercings. The only jewellery allowed in school are one simple stud or sleeper in the lobe of each ear and a wristwatch. Any additional jewellery will be confiscated and securely stored to be collected by students at the end of the day. Additional information regarding uniform and equipment can be found on our website: You can also find information regarding footwear for our 3G pitch on our website via the link above.
YEAR 11 CAMPUS VISIT TO THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON 21 students visited the University of Southampton as part of the ‘Learn with US’ outreach programme where they experienced a sample lecture, a campus tour and a visit to the Sound Labs. Our students had the opportunity to interview Student Ambassadors from the University, they talked about their different degree courses and the opportunities to join a wide variety of clubs and societies to meet new people. Students picked up useful information on how to prepare for GCSE’s, selecting A levels and also received a free goody bag with revision supplies!
YEAR 7 TUTOR EVENING It was lovely to see so many parents at the year 7 tutor evening and great to hear all the positive feedback about how well they have settled into life at Cowes Enterprise College. Thank you to all of you who took part in our survey, the results of which are published below.
DUKE OF EDINBURGH NEWS Duke of Edinburgh cookery skills course started again this week. As the pictures show, it was like being on MasterChef. The dog training skills starts next week. Silver Duke of Edinburgh sign up also happened this week so there is a really busy calendar of activities already. New Forrest .. here we come! Students have really embraced the opportunities we have provided for them which is great to see
Wednesday saw both age groups competing in their 1st league matches of the season against Medina.
The Youth Parliament Ballot Papers that students filled our last week were handed over to Mrs Harding by Head Boy Kieran Wetherick.
The U15s put on a good team display against some strong opposition. They were unlucky - with some key players missing - not to be able to create more chances on goal themselves; however some excellent work in defence and midfield kept the scoreline down to 3-0 at half time. Unfortunately, due to other college commitments and a lack of subs a full-pitch second half could not be played so the final score had to be recorded as 6-0. Training is on Wdnesdays girls; let's build a good strong squad!
These will be passed to the Youth Parliament for the votes to be counted!
No one is too small to have their voice heard.
Team: M. Nutter, H. Moody, O. Evans, F. Colebrook, S. Slade, O. Gradwell, E. Brown, S. Savill, E. Sheath, E. Connor-Johnston and G. Hippolite.
The year 7 and 8 girls' team, however, had the opposite 'dilemma': twenty-two girls came along, all desperately keen to play. In fact, because of the quality of the squad, and a 9-0 comprehensive victory, we managed to enable the opportunity to all of them. Superb work girls! Squad: T. Siddall, E. Sharp, K. Howard, K. Parris, K. Parris, H. Hopkins, D. Melinkraite (5), J. Green (1), K. Poynter (1), W. Samuel (1), M. Bacon, G. Ross (1), E. Barnes, D. Sansom, E. Saunders, L. Wiltshire, A. Andrews, E. Whitlock, I. Newman, M. Rann, E. King, D. Palmer, F. Cowley, D. Palmer and R. MackayBlake. Official Cowes Enterprise College @CowesEC @cowesenterprise
Applications are OPEN for the Youth Commission! The purpose of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Youth Commission is to make young people part of the solution to tackling crime and improving policing, rather than being seen as part of the problem.
If you have already made a privilege seat application for academic year 2019/20 you do not need to reapply. Should you wish to apply for a privilege seat for your child to use the school bus service you will need to apply from 9am on between 9am on Wednesday 2nd October 2019. We welcome applications from those who have not yet applied for a privilege seat for this academic year. This includes applications for sixth form students.
It is made up of young people Applications will be processed on a first-come aged between 14 and 25 who: with young people in their communities to understand their policing and criminal justice concerns ...provide opportunities for young people to inform, support and challenge the Police and Crime Commissioners work
...identify the root causes of problems, make recommendations for change and work on solutions
first-served basis and further information on the privilege seat process can be found online, here: Please also note the FAQs, Code of Good Practice and Ticket Terms and Conditions sections available via this webpage. If you scroll to the bottom of the above webpage you will see which bus services have limited capacity. Do bear in mind that making an application for a privilege seat does not guarantee a seat on the school bus. Privilege seat ticket prices are set costs as
The Youth Commission is a brilliant opportunity for a follows. Please be aware that ticket costs are wide range of young people to gain new knowledge fixed - there are no discounts if a ticket starts mid and experience. Members will work directly with the -way through a half term period. Commissioner, key police officials and partners. We Up to a full term £130.00 are particularly interested in hearing from young Up to half a term £65.00 Up to a full term AM or PM only £65.00 people who have had personal experience of the Up to half a term AM or PM only £32.50 police or criminal justice system. Members gain confidence and skills in networking, Should you have any queries please contact the presenting and receive training that they can use on Transport Team at the Council via email: their CV’s. They can also use the hours they volunteer or telephone: 823780. with us towards their DofE awards and receive a reference for future jobs. Commitment involves attending the office in Winchester 6 times a year, helping complete the Big Conversation and delivering the recommendations conference. Expenses are paid and refreshments provided.
From 8.00am on Tuesday 1st October to 5.00pm on Tuesday 8th October, Colwell Common Road will be closed. This will affect the 304 bus route. The driver will be unable to collect students from the stops at Colwell Common and Brambles Corner.
Applications are open until November 1st, forms and information regarding the role are available on our The drivers will advise any affected students. website The diversionary route will be from Colwell Roundabout: The Avenue, Princes Road,
For more information you can also see Miss Jodie Silcombe Lane and Heathfield Road to rejoin Gibson – IAG & Careers Coordinator. the normal route.
YEAR 13 MINDFULNESS Year 13 have been working on mindfulness, de-stressing and managing our relaxation in form time and it has been brilliant! Here are some shots of Beth, our head girl, leading a yoga session.
We are moving on to meditation next week as well. Please do let Mrs Cody know if you are a sixth-former who would like to join us, or even start your own mindfulness activity.
Cowes Combined Cadet Force (ages 12-18)
Capstan House
Chess Club
Homework Support
Oasis Board Games
Ukulele Club
BTEC Business Coursework Booster Sessions
Isle of Wight Radio Newshounds and Communication Club
Homework Support
Oasis Board Games
Science Club
Science IZ
Chess Club
BTEC Business Revision
Homework Support
Oasis Board Games
Warhammer and Model Club
Burnet News Club
CEC Glee Club
Watch this space! More clubs to follow soon!
CCF in Capstan House
Boys Football (All Years)
Netball (All Years)
Wednesday PE Intervention (GCSE and BTEC, Years 9—Sixth Form)
Thursday Friday
3pm onwards
Girls Football (All Years) on Field or 3G Pitch
Badminton (All Years)
Military Skills for Year 7 in ED11
Basketball (All Years)