NEWSLETTER Friday 5th July Dear parents and carers, It seems unbelievable that we are nearly at the end of this academic year. It has been a rich and busy year in which the academy continues to move forward with commitment and passion to provide the very best learning experiences and successes for students both in and out of the classroom. We have high expectations for what we can achieve as an academy and consider ourselves to have much more to do but celebrate our successes this year as we move ever forwards. This week we have had much on as ever and tonight is one of the absolute highlights of the year with our Creative Arts Showcase. This evening will deliver a number of events, performances and exhibitions from the Creative Faculty and we are very much looking forward to this exciting event which brings together the hard work and passion shown to the arts at Cowes Enterprise College across the year. In addition, this week we have had a number of students experiencing sailing at UKSA and visiting the 1851 Trust in Portsmouth. The 1851 Trust support the America’s Cup sailing team and students were taught about the science behind sails and made their own model sails, as well as experiencing the hands on tech deck. We have also had our GCSE Geography field trips for Year 10 this week and I have enjoyed hearing from the students how useful they found this experience. On Monday we had our sixth form induction day and we were delighted to see the vast majority of our Year 11s return to us for this day, and also to meet such a large number of external students who are joining our Cowes community in September. Students spent the day getting to know each other as sixth formers and rotated through a number of workshops and taster sessions which aimed to get them confident and well set up for September. Students also had time to begin to plan how they would make our sixth form charter bespoke to them; our charter involves a set of guaranteed experiences designed to ensure that students can excel. In addition to our Russell Group and Oxbridge support programme, Young Enterprise and the Duke of Edinburgh scheme, this offers opportunities to have weekly timetabled work experience to support university applications, for instance at St Mary’s Hospital, for our medical applicants. I continue to enjoy my parent surgeries as meeting parents and hearing your thoughts is key for me. This term my parent surgeries continue on Tuesday afternoons. Please either email or phone the school on 01983 203103 asking for Donna Harrison to book a pre-booked slot. With best wishes, Rachel Kitley Click the arrows or swipe to turn pages
A reminder that we have some very useful information regarding some on the most popular social media platforms that our students are using. These can be found on our website or via this link:
Thank you to all parents and carers for your full support in ensuring your child attends the academy for every session possible. A reminder that parents should letters-and-communication telephone the academy on 01983 203103 and select Option 1 before 8.30am on each day of absence, informing of the reason of absence and when their child will be returning to the academy, leaving a message on the voicemail. Phone calls need to be made every day You can also find information on of the student's absence.
keeping children safe while online gaming, top tips for managing screen time and online safety tips for parents of teenagers. If any parents or carers would like any support with safeguarding concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Academy reception who will put you in contact with the Safeguarding team.
Parents are required to send a letter of explanation of absence when their child returns to school. This should be handed into reception. This letter should detail the duration and reason for absence.
Regent Pharmacy in Shanklin, and soon in their East Cowes branch, are offering FREE menstrual products to anyone who needs them. This will be available over the summer holidays!
Please could we remind students, parents and carers of the importance of bringing a water bottle each day to the academy. Water bottles can be filled from one of the many water dispensers around the academy during break or lunch times. A hydrated brain is a happy brain! Thank you for your support.
3G PITCH UPDATE A reminder that previous progress updates can be found on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Use of the 3G pitch will require specific footwear. Only studded football boots (screw-in or moulded) should be worn on the pitch. It is important that the studs must be fitted correctly to the shoe sole and in a way that they cannot capture the turf fibres. All studs must be fully tightened and there must be no gap between the studs and the sole of the boot. All studs must be free of sharp edges, have a smooth and undamaged surface and totally free of sharp burrs. Flat soled trainers or ‘astro trainers’ should not be worn on the 3G pitch. Cowes Enterprise College are very excited to have joined Instagram! We look forward to working with students to share the excellence that happens in the academy every day!
Follow us there @cowesenterprise!
You can find us on Facebook at Official Cowes Enterprise College
We are also on Twitter Follow us @CowesEC
OAT SOUTH GIRLS’ STEM TRIP Seven of our year ten girls attended the first OAT South STEM girls Accelerate programme this week. Students visited the University of East London where they met female STEM role models and heard about different careers related to STEM subjects. They also had a tour of the campus and a really engaging study skills session about effective methods and approaches to revision. The students all participated in the sessions with enthusiasm and were a real credit to the School. A huge thanks to all 7 students for a brilliant school visit!
YEAR 10 GEOGRAPHY FIELD TRIPS Thank you to all those year 10 Geographers who attended their geography field trips this week. Students gathered some really useful information to help them compare two areas of Southampton and also to consider how areas change and regenerate after deindustrialisation. This will then be used to support students with their fieldwork based questions next year in their exam preparations. Miss Wisniowski and Mrs Wiltshire
LOST PROPERTY We have a considerable amount of lost property at Reception. We will be sorting through this and disposing of or donating anything that has not been collected by the end of term (Friday 19th July) so please make sure you have had a look before this date or it will be gone!
SIXTH FORM NEWS A BRIGHT FUTURE FOR COWES SIXTH FORM We were delighted to welcome prospective Year 12 students to Cowes Sixth Form induction day on Monday 1st July. We were especially pleased to welcome a large number of students from other senior schools across the Island. All students attended sessions related to our bespoke Charter activities with guest speakers from industry, volunteering organisations, Young Enterprise, apprenticeship and university providers. Cowes Sixth Form Charter is our program of employability and enrichment skills development that will ensure our students submit excellent applications and develop the skills required to excel at university, apprenticeships or employment. Charter is one of the reasons why Cowes Sixth Form students enjoy such excellent results with university places. Cowes Sixth Form admissions team are really waiting in anticipation for GCSE results day to enrol our future year 12.
INTERNATIONAL ATHLETICS EXCELLENT AT COWES SIXTH FORM Congratulations and good luck to Year 12 students Mollie B and James H who are jet-setting to Gibraltar to represent us at the International Island Games. Mollie will be competing in the prestigious 100m and James in the 800m. Both will also run in the relay events. The Island Games is a biennial event involving thousands of athletes from across the globe — from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean, the North Atlantic to the Caribbean.
Attention Year 7s! The English Department has an exciting opportunity for you to go to London and see a live performance at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre on Friday, September 20th! The trip cost includes coach fare, a tour of the theatre, a sword fighting and costume demonstration and, of course, a ticket to see this magical comedy! Space are limited and will be allocated on first come, first served basis! Letters will be available on Monday during your English lesson so get yours and book your place as soon as you can! We are asking for a contribution of £48 per student.
In the final week, Years 7 and 8 will participate in two fully immersive music days of high quality professional instruction and workshops. The music drop down days will involve practical music making and widening musical experiences from professional musicians and highly experienced specialist music teachers. The full day sessions will facilitate deep exploration of musical concepts and ensure that students keen to extend their performance and composition skills have access to expert support and guidance. The Year 7 day will take place on Tuesday 16th July and Year 8 will be on Thursday 18th July.
GO SAIL! TRIP On Tuesday 60 students went to INEOS and sailing at UKSA on the Go Sail trip. Students participated in a sails workshop where they designed and tested their own sails and saw all the cutting edge technology in action.
They also had a really fun and engaging sailing session.
There will be a second opportunity for students to take part in the 'Go Sail' trip, combined sailing and Tech Deck visit with the 1851 Trust on the 18th July. Letters are available from Reception. Please collect, fill and return ASAP to secure a space!
JUNIOR MATHS CHALLENGE WINNERS 13 students in Year 7 and 28 students in Year 8 received either Gold, Silver or Bronze certificates from UKMT for their results in the Junior Maths Challenge this week. Joseph B in Year 8 as well winning a Gold certificate, won a Best in Year certificate and Best in School certificate and qualified for the next round. Rees H also won a Best in Year Certificate along with his Gold Certificate. The names of the other winners are below: YEAR 7 Zayon N Constance M H Lucy R-S Izzie H Liberty M Jamie W Amelie R Amber B Erin W Mason W Theo H L Jacob H-S
Silver Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze
YEAR 8 Jackson H Alfie G Sky S Rusen U Fletcher G Daisy A-H Max F Lucy B Connie H Alex H Toby M Isabel F Oscar T Luke J Oscar R Grace S Evelyn SJ Joe C Rebecca F Leah E Libby D Ella B Eadie S Harry B Liam D Amelie D Oliver B
Gold Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze
The number of students using our shuttle bus service has reduced significantly during the academic year to the point where it is now no longer financially viable to run. Due to the increased running costs and the falling number of student using the service, we have decided that from the 19th of July 2019 we will no longer offer this facility to our students. We apologise for any issues this may cause and hope that the additional time will allow you to make suitable arrangements for September 2019. Thank you in advance for your understanding and continued support.
REMINDERS & INFORMATION UPCOMING DATES Weds 5th July Creative Showcase Evening Thurs 11th July Year 6 Transition Day one Fri 12th July
Year 6 Transition Day two
Mon 2nd September
Staff Development Day
Tues 3rd September
Staff Development Day
Weds 4th September
Year 7 Only and Year 12 Induction
Thurs 5th September
Start of Autumn Term—All students return
Fri 4th October
Staff Development Day
Fri 25th October
Last Day of Half Term
28th October—1st November
Half Term Holiday
Mon 4th November
Start of second half of Autumn Term
Fri 20th December
Last Day of Autumn Term
23rd December 2019 — 3rd January 2020
Christmas Holiday
Mon 6th January
Staff Development Day
Tues 7th January
Start of Spring Term—All students return
Fri 14th February
Last Day of Half Term
17th February—21st February
Half Term Holiday
Mon 24th February
Start of second half of Spring Term
Friday 3rd April
Last Day of Spring Term
6th April—17th April
Easter Holiday
Mon 20th April
Start of Summer Term
Fri 8th May
Early May bank holiday (VE day)
Fri 22nd May
Last Day of Half Term
25th May—29th May
Half Term Holiday
Mon 1st June
Start of second half of Spring Term
Mon 15th June TBC
Staff Development Day
Fri 17th July
Last Day of Summer Term
Sat 18th July
Summer Holidays Start
Thurs 18th July 2nd Opportunity Go Sail Trip Fri 19th July Sat 20th July
Last Day of Summer Term Early Closure—Students finish 12.10pm
Start of Summer Holidays
RESULTS DAYS GCE (A Level) Results
from 9am on Thursday 15 August th
GCSE Results
from 9am on Thursday 22nd August Any results that are not collected on those days will be posted home that day via first class, signed for post.
YEAR 11 AND 13: PUBLISHING EXAM RESULTS AUGUST 2019 As has become a custom celebration of success, we will be sharing students individual GCSE and A Level results with the county press. If you would prefer your son/ daughters results not to be submitted then please email before 1st August 2019 to have them removed. GCSE results printed state student name and the number of passes, A Levels only the code of the subjects passed.
Term dates can also be found on our website.
LIBRARY BOOKS Please could you encourage your children to return their library books as soon as possible? All books should be back in the library before the summer holidays. Thank you!
Cowes Combined Cadet Force (ages 12-18)
Capstan House
uCECLele Training Band
Chess Club
GCSE Art Catch Up Session
Year 7 Military Skills
CCF Office
Oasis Homework Support
Child Development/Health & Social Care Support
2.45— 4.00pm
GCSE PE/Sports Studies Intervention (Coursework/Revision)
STOMP (jazz percussion group)
Jazz Band
Science Club
BTEC Business Revision
GCSE Art Catch Up Session
Communication and Radio Club
Oasis Homework Support
CPLD/HSC Support—Years 12 and 13
2.45— 4.00pm
Burnet News Club
uCEClele (auditions required)
Chess Club
Badminton Club
Winder Centre
Props, Costume & Scenery Club
Oasis Homework Support
BTEC Business Revision
GCSE PE/Sports Studies Intervention (Practical Trampolining and Exam Prep)
Lunch 3-4pm
Basketball Club
Winder Centre
Netball South of England Training
Sports Hall
Miss Vidovic & Miss Duffin
BTEC Coursework—Year 11
Miss Vidovic
BTEC Coursework—Year 11
Miss Vidovic
Outside Pitch/ Sports Hall
Mr Hughes & Mr Hartup
Indoor Football - All years
Sports Leaders—All years
Sports Hall
Miss Vidovic
Rugby—All years
Outside Pitch
Mr Brown
Girl’s Football
GCSE/BTEC Practical and Revision - Year 11
Sports Hall
Miss Vidovic & Miss Duffin
Rugby—All years
Outside Pitch
Mr Brown
Indoor Cricket—Year 7 to 9
Winder Centre
Mr Hughes
Basketball—All years
Sports Hall
Mr Hughes
Sports Captain’s Activities—All years
Sports Hall
Miss Vidovic
Mrs Beck