CEC Newsletter 06.03.20

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NEWSLETTER Friday 6th March

Dear parents and carers, We have continued the busy momentum of last week into this one. We have ensured that all students in Year 7 had the opportunity to visit the Mary Rose in Portsmouth as part of our Maritime curriculum. This visit begins a unit of work on Tudor social history and uses the Mary Rose as an engaging launch point for student led enquiry on many aspects of Tudor life. Students made inferences from the hundreds of artefacts found on the Mary Rose on themes such as religion, multiculturalism and pastimes. We would like to thank the Mary Rose Trust for working collaboratively with us over many months to provide bespoke workshops and development of resources, alongside our History staff, to ensure our History curriculum is rich and rooted in our local context. We had a number of comments about how well-behaved our students were from staff on the boat to volunteers at the museum – one volunteer said he had never seen such a smartly dressed school. A warm congratulations to Year 7 for representing our school community so well. Assemblies this week have been on the theme of respect and asking students to reflect upon how they show their respect in all aspects of their life – in and out of school and across our community. My parent surgeries continue on Tuesday afternoons. Please either email dharrison@cowesec.org or phone the school on 01983 203103 asking for Donna Harrison to book a pre-booked slot. With best wishes, Rachel Kitley

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Last Day of Spring Term

6th April—17th April

Easter Holiday

Mon 20th April

Start of Summer Term

Fri 8th May

Early May bank holiday (VE day)

Fri 22nd May

Last Day of Half Term

25th May—29th May

Half Term Holiday

Mon 1st June

Start of second half of Spring Term

Mon 15th June TBC

Staff Development Day

Fri 17th July

Last Day of Summer Term

Sat 18th July

Summer Holidays Start

TERM DATES FOR 2020/2021 ACADEMIC YEAR 1st September 2020

Staff Development Day

2nd October 2020

Staff Development Day

26th October to 30th October 2020

Half Term Holiday

18th December 2020

Last Day of Autumn Term

21st December 2020 to 1st January 2021

Christmas Holiday

4th January 2021

Staff Development Day

5th January 2021

Start of Spring Term

15th February to 19th February 2021

Half Term Holiday

26th March 2021

Last Day of Spring Term

29th March to 9th April 2021

Easter Holiday

12th April 2021

Start of Summer Term

3rd May 2021

Bank Holiday

31st May 2021 to 4th June 2021

Half Term Holiday

14th June 2021 (to be confirmed)

Staff Development Day

16th July 2021

Last Day of Summer Term

TERM DATES FOR 2021/2022 Term dates for the September 2021 to July 2022 academic year are now live on our website. You can view these via this link: https://www.cowesec.org/partners-and-new-starters/ term-dates

UPCOMING EVENTS Monday 9th—Thursday 12th March

Year 7 Trips to CECAMM

Tuesday 10th March

EPQ Presentation Evening, 5-7pm

Wednesday 11th March

Year 7 and Year 8 BAE Systems Roadshow

Wednesday 11 March

Invitation emails sent for Year 10 Parents Evening

Wednesday 25th March

Year 10 Parents Evening


Recent letters can be found on our website, under the ‘Communication’ heading and then selecting ‘letters and communication’.

Click here to view recent letters.

Any student in need of sanitary products can see Mrs Harding, visit any of the Year Offices, The English Office or see Mr Carey in First Aid who will all be able to assist.

If a student is absent, parents and carers should telephone the academy on 01983 203103 and select Option 1 before 8.30am on each day of absence, informing of the reason of absence and when their child will be returning to the academy.

Phone calls need to be made every day of the student's absence.

Parents are required to send a letter of explanation of absence when their child returns to school. This should be handed into reception. This letter should detail the duration and reason for absence.

There are lots of websites who offer self-help for young people, and we have included a list of some of these below. Click the information to be taken to the organisation’s website. •

FRANK - Confidential information and advice for anyone concerned about their own or someone else's drug or solvent misuse

B-EAT Youth Helpline - online community information, help and support for anyone affected by eating disorders

Young Minds - The UK's leading charity committed to improving the emotional • wellbeing and mental health of children and young people ChildLine - The UK's free helpline for • children an young people, providing a confidential counselling service for any child or young person with a problem

Kidscape - the first charity in the UK established specifically to prevent bullying and sexual abuse It Gets Better Project - created to inspire hope for young people facing harassment.

The Mix - Free, confidential telephone helpline finding young people the best help whatever the problem

Brook Advisory Service - The UK's leading provide of sexual health services and advice for young people under 25.

Samaritans—Volunteers who listen in • confidence to anyone in any type of emotional distress without judgement or telling people what to do

Winston's Wish - The helpline offers support, information and guidance to all those caring for a bereaved child or young person

BAE SYSTEMS ROADSHOW BAE Systems in partnership with the RAF and the Royal Navy are coming to Cowes Enterprise College to deliver their exciting Roadshow to Year 7 and Year 8 students on Wednesday 11th March.

The Roadshow was devised in response to the Government's acknowledgement that there is already a shortfall of ‘home grown’ scientists and engineers to meet the needs of the country and by capturing the interest of young people aged 10 – 13, we can hopefully increase the numbers that take STEM subjects and ultimately increase the pool of talent in years to come. Their brand new show for 2020 will focus on Energy. The content of the show is closely aligned to the Science curriculum to support learning in schools and will feature several interactive elements for both students and teachers alike. They will also introduce students to real life energy considerations within their Sponsor Organisations.



Please could we remind all parents and carers of our uniform expectations, as stated in the Academy Uniform Requirements, available on the website.

Please ensure that trousers are loose fitting and about the same width from knee to ankle. Black jumpers should be completely black, V-neck with no visible logos. They should not be round necked sweatshirts. Skirts should not be rolled up and should be fitted to knee length or below. Jewellery and facial piercings of any description are NOT allowed. This includes nose piercings. The only jewellery allowed in school are one simple stud or sleeper in the lobe of each ear and a wristwatch. Any additional jewellery will be confiscated and securely stored to be collected by students at the end of the day. Make up must please be non-visible. This means that no students should be wearing false eyelashes. Any student wearing these will be asked to remove them, they will be confiscated and stored securely to be collected by students at the end of the day.

Year 11 BTEC Students • •

Supported Coursework Sessions— Wednesdays, 2.45-4pm in BU11 1:1 Coursework Audit Sessions, with you or you and your parents if this is helpful. You can arrange a time with Miss Gibson to go through tour work and write a to-do list to help On Demand support—you can email for help any time. Targeted weeks of intervention for small groups of students. Saturday Intensive Revision Sessions—Saturday 14th March and Saturday 16th May

For Business Studies Students •

Supported Coursework Sessions— Wednesdays and Thursdays, 2.454pm in BU11 On Demand Support—Everything available is on Show My Homework and you can email for help any time. 1:1 Coursework Audit Sessions, with you or you and your parents if this is helpful. You can arrange a time with Miss Gibson to go through tour work and write a to-do list to help

STUDENTS VISIT GERMANY FOR BELSEN 75 PROJECT On Wednesday 5th March two year 12 students, James and Rosie, were accompanied by Miss Lawrence on a one-day visit to Germany as part of the Belsen 75 project. Following their introductory seminar in London last weekend they had guided tour of the former concentration camp and participated in a memorial ceremony at dusk which was an incredibly thought-provoking experience. Rosie and James will now be delivering the final part of the programme- their legacy project, in the coming months to help educate the school community about this very important topic.

EPQ PRESENTATION EVENING TUESDAY 10TH MARCH, 5-7PM, ALL WELCOME All are welcome to the year 13 EPQ Presentation Evening on Tuesday 10th March from 5pm-7pm. The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is an A-level standard qualification that involves choosing a topic, carrying out research, then creating a report to be presented to an audience. It is a fantastic opportunity for students to prepare for university style assignments and gives them the chance to research anything they like or create a product. The EPQ is an inspiring course that enables students to extend themselves and reach areas of interest beyond their usual studies, often enabling them to achieve better University offers and opportunities. At Cowes, we provide a comprehensive programme, supported by experts from Southampton University, to allow students to excel in their projects. The presentation evening gives student the chance to present a wide variety of topics and this year we have a fascinating range of products from fashion brands to documentaries, and reports covering topics from fairy tales to serial killers.


BOAT BUILDING The Maritime boat building club this week continued with making good the panels and supports on the restoration of the wayfarer, as well as presenting the new marine plywood panels that are being cut to fit. YEAR 7 TRIPS TO THE MARY ROSE This week, all Year 7 students have been taking it in turns to visit Portsmouth Dockyard to see the Mary Rose. Students were taught about the Battle of The Solent in 1545 from the point of view of the Isle of Wight. Students used the Mary Rose Museum collection of artefacts to investigate Tudor medicine, navigation and multiculturalism. They also looked into what lead to the tragedy of the sinking of the Mary Rose which was apparently one of Henry VIII’s favourite ships!

MUSIC, DANCE & DRAMA FESTIVAL On Tuesday evening, the CEC Glee Club had the amazing opportunity of performing for this year’s edition of the Isle of Wight Music, Dance and Drama Festival. This performance happened at the All Saints’ Church in Ryde, and the club had the amazing opportunity of using the wonderful acoustics in the church to deliver a stellar performance, for which the club scored 84 points in total, being commended at the end of it and bagging the second place in the category! This is an amazing feat, especially given the fact that the rehearsals for the performance were mostly led by some of the wonderful Year 9 students involved with the club. Massive congratulations to the Glee Club performers, here is to many more accolades!

WORLD BOOK DAY COMPETITION WINNERS As part of our World Book Day celebrations, we held a lunchtime competition – children had to find 8 members of staff, who were on duty, and get a book title from each of them. We had over 40 children taking part in the competition, and a bit of a rush to the finish line! Well done to the following 10 children, who were first back to my desk with all 8 titles, and who each received a £5.00 Amazon gift voucher:-

Rory M Imy B Sam C Dylan E Kyra P Kiera P Millie M Will S Jody S Ann K

Congratulations to Scarlett H in Year 10 for winning her group and receiving a distinction at the Isle of Wight Music Festival! The adjudicator was so impressed with Scarlett’s performance that she has been asked to sing in the Festival Gala at the end of March. We are very proud of Scarlett’s achievement and wish her the best of luck performing at WORLD BOOK DAY LANGUAGES COMPETITION! We are running a competition to celebrate World Book Day! the Gala! Correct answers will be entered into a draw and may win a prize!! Deadline is end of Monday 9th March. HOW DO I ENTER? 1. Pop along to the Languages Office upstairs in Shamrock and look at the notice in the window. 2. Select the set of 8 French or 8 Spanish book covers. 3. Translate the 8 titles into English on a piece of paper [You may use a dictionary]. 4. Give your translations to Mrs Jackson in SK03 or to your Languages teacher. GOOD LUCK!!

SIXTH FORM CHARTER MASTERCHEF Last Friday evening was the final of the sixth form Masterchef competition. It was very close and we all ate some fabulous food. The overall winners were Akhilla and Jenny with the dish of the day going to Beth and Angeline for their Butternut Squash curry. Students had four heats before the highest two scoring teams going ahead to the final. The first week was an invention test where all students have to make something using shortcrust pastry and any other ingredients on the bench. There were some more creative recipes on this first week and our expert taster Mr Wiltshire had a tough job scoring the cuisine. Week two was all about budget so students had to come up with their £1 meal ideas. This was everyone's chance to get a dish together that they had praticed and knew well. Week three was the technical bake week where students had to make a traditional Victoria Sponge cake using the same ingredients. This round was a blind judging round. The fourth and final heat week was a double points week where students were judged on presentation as well as taste. This was also a blind taste test for Mr Wiltshire. This was by far the most successful week of the heats. And the all important scores … Names

Izzy and Ana Danny and Mo Caine, Fred and Kieran Akhilla and Jenny Morgan and Marcus Esme and Ella Angeline and Beth Will and Jonjo




22nd Nov

6th Dec

10th Jan

4 1 2 7 2 6 5 2

5 4 7 4 8 5 6 0

0 2 5 7 3 4 5 6

Canape 24th Jan 0 14 6 17 6 17 18 6


9 21 20 35 19 32 34 14








Cowes Combined Cadet Force (ages 12-18)


Capstan House

Chess Club



Homework Support



Oasis Board Games



Ukulele Club



Film Club

2.45pm for duration of film CA13

BTEC Business Coursework Booster Sessions



Homework Support



Oasis Board Games



Science Club


Science IZ

Book and Biscuit Club



Warhammer and Model Club



Drama Club



Year 11 BTEC Supported Coursework Sessions



Business Studies Supported Coursework Sessions



Podcast and Radio Communication Club



Chess Club



Homework Support



Oasis Board Games



Burnet News Club



Business Studies Supported Coursework Session



Year 10 BTEC Supported Coursework Sessions



CEC Glee Club





Meeting Point




Capstan House


Indoor Cricket (All Years)


Old Sports Hall


ED11 and SC14


Changing Rooms

Military Skills (Year 7)



Ski Fit


Sports Hall






Sports Hall

Wednesday PE Intervention (GCSE and BTEC, Years 9—Sixth Form) Girls Football (All Years)

Sports Leaders (to start as advertised)



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