CEC Newsletter 07.09.2018

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NEWSLETTER www.cowesec.org info@cowesec.org

Friday 7th September

Dear parents and carers, A warm welcome back and a special welcome to parents of Year 7 students who are becoming part of the CEC community for the first time. We enjoyed welcoming our Year 7s to the academy with their family breakfast and were delighted to see so many parents that morning. The new cohort has settled in to life at our academy very quickly. They understand our expectations, are looking smart and finding their way around the building with maturity and determination. Thank you to the Year 8-13 students who have been supportive, providing assistance and direction. It is noteworthy that all our students have started the year in superb uniform and I would like to personally thank all parents for their support with this. You may have seen news reports of our excellent summer exam results this year. I would like to congratulate all our 2017-18 Year 11 and 13 students on their successes. There was real joy in the academy on the two results days and students really have excelled. At A Level, students have achieved university places to Cambridge and a raft of other Russell Group universities. We are delighted that students have been successful in gaining places to study medicine in particular and that the very vast majority of students move on to exciting next steps in their future. At GCSE we celebrated our best ever results for the fourth year running. Despite the challenges posed by new tougher GCSEs this year and a new grading system across all subjects, students improved again on the previous year’s excellent results, with strong progress shown across key subjects. Overall, over three-quarters of students (76%) achieved a Grade 4 or higher in both English and Mathematics, with a 4 set by the Government as a benchmark pass. This was up on last year’s figure of 65%. Additionally, 50% of students achieved above a Grade 5 (defined as a strong pass) in both subjects, up from 41% in 2017 and well above expected national average. Whilst there was strong progress across the board, this was particularly evident in our English results, where a remarkable 89% of students achieved a Grade 4 or above, significantly above the national average and up 14 percentage points from last year. Notably, 72% of students received a Grade 5 or above in the subject. In Maths, 78% of pupils were awarded a Grade 4 or above, up five percentage points on last year. Additionally, 55% of pupils scored a strong Grade 5 or above. Impressive improvements were also made in Science and Humanities. A significant number of students achieved at least one Grade 9, the new top grade with an equivalence to a very high A*. One standout success story came from a student who was awarded no less than 8 Grade 9s and overall 52 Grade 9s were achieved by our students. We are thrilled to see so many students return to us in Year 12, where they will receive high quality teaching and excellent support from our dedicated sixth form team. This term I will be continuing to hold parent surgeries twice weekly on a Tuesday afternoon from 1pm – 2.30pm and from 3.30pm – 5.30pm to enable parents to meet with me personally. Attendance is by pre-booked appointments only. Please either email dharrison@cowesec.org or phone the school on 01983 203103 asking for Donna Harrison to book in a slot in advance of each Tuesday. Rachel Kitley

Welcome to Year 7 On Tuesday we were delighted to be joined by our Year 7 students and their families for our breakfast ceremony to welcome them to the Cowes Enterprise College community. After breakfast our Year 7 Tutors, Mrs Davis, Mrs Harding and Mrs Kitley welcomed each student with a handshake and pupils were given a crew badge, pencil case and water bottle to set them up for a fantastic year.

Information for Y7 parents and carers SIMS Parent, Show My Homework and Online Payment System Further information regarding use of SIMS Parent, Show My Homework and our Online Payment System will be sent to parents and carers shortly.

Once parents and carers had left our Year 7 students had the academy to themselves to enable them time to settle in and familiarise themselves with their new routine.

Year 7 Data Collection

We are really proud with how well the new year 7 intake has transitioned to CEC and are now getting to grips with their lessons and making some new friends. Staff have all commented on their fantastic behaviour and attitude towards learning. A positive start to the new school year.

Please could any outstanding Data Collection Sheets be returned to Reception as soon as possible? Please make sure that these contain your correct email address.

The majority of communication we have with parents, including weekly newsletters, is via email. We will be holding a Year 7 Tutor Evening on Tuesday 18th September, this will give you the opportunity to meet your child’s tutor and to discuss how they are settling in. In order for you to be able to book appointments, we need to email you log in information and instructions.

Safeguarding at Cowes Enterprise College Our Principles We believe that our academy should provide a caring, positive, safe and stimulating environment that promotes the social, physical and moral development of the individual child. We recognise the importance of providing an environment within our academy that will help children feel safe and respected. We also recognise the importance of enabling children to talk openly about anything that worries them and to feel confident that they will be listened to. The academy ensures that pupils are taught about safeguarding, including online safety, through various teaching and learning opportunities, as part of providing a broad and balanced curriculum. We want to work with parents to build an understanding of the academy’s responsibilities to ensure the welfare of all children, including the need for referrals to other agencies in some situations. We work with various external agencies to ensure your child receives the very best care during their time with us. For your awareness, Safeguarding arrangements in our academy are underpinned by two key principles:  Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility: all staff, governors and volunteers should play their full part in keeping children safe;  We follow a child-centred approach with a clear understanding of the needs and views of individual children. Please refer to our Academy Policy and Keeping Children Safe in Education Guidance (2018) which can be found on our website. Our contacts for Child Protection and Safeguarding are:  Designated Senior Officer: Mrs Jemma Harding – Vice Principal  Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer: Mrs Karen Jupe – Safeguarding and Agency Coordinator

Class Groups Please be aware that some class groups may change slightly over the next couple of weeks. This is normal for the start of term and will settle shortly. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the academy.

Canteen Menus Menus for the canteen are now available on our website under the ‘Parent Information’ heading. Autumn Menu—Weeks 1, 2 and 3 http://www.cowesec.org/assets/docs/Menu-Prices-September-2018.pdf

Drinks and Snacks 2018 http://www.cowesec.org/assets/docs/Drinks-and-Snacks-Menu-2018.pdf

REMINDERS & INFORMATION Drop off and collection Please be reminded that no parking is permitted on the white ZigZag lines surrounding the pedestrian crossing outside the Academy.

Floating Bridge Shuttle Bus Autumn Term tickets are now available from Reception . Tickets can be purchased online through Scopay in pack of 20 for ÂŁ10. Once payment has been made online, students should request tickets from Reception. Tickets are single use only, non-transferrable and nonrefundable. Please note that lost tickets will need to be repurchased. Students eligible for free school meals are able to request a pass to access the Floating Bridge Shuttle Bus for free. The mini bus will travel between the Floating Bridge and Cowes Enterprise College every morning. The shuttle bus will be waiting in Medina Road, visible from the ferry. The shuttle bus will leave Medina Road at 08.10am and then a second shuttle will leave Medina Road at 08.20am.

Year Teams Year 7 Mrs C Davis

Years 8 and 11 Mrs L Hughes, Miss H Davis and Mrs V Lewis

Year 9 and 10 Mr A Brown, Mrs J Rudd and Mrs V Lewis http://www.cowesec.org/our-academy/year-progress-mentors-and-year-heads

Summer 2019 External Examinations To All Parents and Carers of Students Sitting External Examinations in Summer 2019. Please can you be aware that the Joint Council for Qualifications have timetabled a contingency day for Wednesday 26th June 2019 for any GCSE and/or GCE examinations that may sustain national or local disruption during the June 2019 examination series. Therefore all students that are sitting exams next Summer must still be available to sit exams until this date. Any queries please email our Exams Officer, Mrs Hambley on ahambley@cowesec.org.

SIMS Parent SIMS Parent App is a tool that we use at Cowes Enterprise College. You can use this to view your student’s attendance, their timetable, their achievement and behaviour points and more! You can also use SIMS Parent to update your contact information. Designed with input from both schools and parents, SIMS Parent is intuitive, informative and immediate, providing parents with information on their child's progress to help inform, celebrate and support their child. You can access SIMS Parent on your browser via https:// www.simsparent.co.uk/ or by downloading the app from the App Store or Google Play! If you require a link code email to be sent please contact us via info@cowesec.org to request.

REMINDERS & INFORMATION Reporting a Student Absence A reminder that the procedure to report a student absence is to call the main Academy number (01983 203103), select Option 1 and leave a message on the Student Absence Line before 8.30am. There is no direct number for the absence line. Phone calls need to be made every day of the student's absence.

Contact Details All of our contact information can be found on our website under the ‘contact us’ heading at the top of the page. http://cowesec.org/contact-details. If you wish to speak to a member of staff on the phone, you should contact Reception on 01983 203103. Calling this number will enable us to direct you to the person best suited to deal with your query.

The absence should be followed up with a letter detailing the duration and reason for absence on the student's return to the Academy.

To avoid frustration and to deal with your call as quickly and efficiently as possible please avoid calling numbers other than 01983 203103 as there may not be a member of staff available to receive the call.

Overdue Library Books

Forthcoming Events

We have a large number of books which are still on loan from before the summer holidays.

Please encourage your children to return their library books as soon as possible

Tuesday 11th September

School photographer in for Years 7, 10 and 12

Tuesday 18th September

Year 7 Tutor Evening

Thursday 27th September

Year 6 Open Evening

Thank you Mrs Bowen


Forthcoming Trips Friday 14th September

Nuffield Theatre Trip (Years 9—13)

Friday 28th September

Harry Potter Trip

Information on our uniform can be found at: http://cowesec.org/partners-and-new-starters/ uniform. Cowes Enterprise College uniform is available online and at the Simmonds school shop on site.

Uniform Shop Opening Hours Monday: Wednesday: Friday:

12.00—1.45pm 2.45—2.35pm 12.00—1.45pm








uCECLele Training Band



Chess Club



GCSE Art Catch Up Session



STOMP (jazz percussion group)



Jazz Band



Science Club (starts Wednesday 19th September)



BTEC Business Revision



GCSE Art Catch Up Session



uCEClele (auditions required)



Chess Club



Badminton Club


Winder Centre

Props, Costume & Scenery Club






More clubs to come More clubs will be added to the list above soon, so please keep an eye on the weekly newsletter!

After School Support Sessions Food Preparation and Nutrition, Design Technology, Child Develop and Health and Social Care

We will hold after school support for NEA work or revision and recap will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Everyone welcome.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award The Bronze award is open to students over 14 years old. The expeditions take place around Easter so if a student in Year 9 has turned 14 before this point they are welcome to take part. There are many exciting opportunities within the Duke of Edinburgh’s award including MasterChef, gardening, expeditions and much more!

BTEC Coursework Booster Sessions BTEC Coursework Days Saturday 29th September Saturday 24th November 9am—3pm

BTEC Business Finance Resit Friday 12th October

Revision sessions on Wednesdays from 2.45—3.30pm in BU11

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