Friday 8th February
Dear parents and carers We have had a full and productive week and we were pleased to welcome two national directors and one regional director to the Academy. They were bowled over with our state of the art facilities and the calm, productive, positive ethos shown throughout the college and could see the school was moving forward rapidly. You may have seen the press coverage this week of the Isle of Wight Youth Council’s first Youth Voice Awards (YoVA). We are very proud of this achievement as Cowes Enterprise College was one of only two schools to receive the silver award from the Isle of Wight Youth Council for our engagement with our students. Student Voice is of great importance to us and we are delighted to have our work recognised with this award. Thank you to all students who work hard to strengthen the school through their work on the student council. It has also been great to celebrate the success of our Warhammer team; four students took part in the first Warhammer Schools League Event in Newport on Sunday and collected a number of awards, including winning the event overall. Thank you to Mr Murphy and Mr Murdoch for their work in Warhammer Club each week and for supporting the students at the competition this weekend. As we move into our last week of the half term, we look forward to our Year 11 Revision Plan Launch Evening. This evening, taking place on Thursday 14th February, will introduce and explain the personalised revision guides that subject leaders have been working on to aid each student in achieving their targets. This evening will also present an opportunity for parents and carers to find out more about how we can work together to support our students as we approach exam season. A reminder that my parent surgeries continue this term on Tuesday afternoons. Please either email or phone the school on 01983 203103 asking Donna Harrison to book a pre-booked slot. With best wishes, Rachel Kitley
ATTENDANCE #AttendanceMatters. Thank you for all of the positive feedback on our first Attendance shout out! This was the first shout out to remind parents, carers and students of the importance of attending. We will be send more attendance shout outs soon! Thank you for supporting us to support your child in achieving their best. If parents and carers would like any support with attendance, please contact our Family Liaison Assistant, Mr J Carey.
SAFEGUARDING Do you know what your child is looking at online? Do you know what your child is posting online? Do you and your child know who they are really talking to online? We have recently had a few comments from students regarding who they are talking to on Fortnite. We have dealt with these concerns but ask parents to please support us by ensuring they know the answers to these questions and have discussed with their children that they know how to be safe online. If parents or carers feel they need support with this at any point please do not hesitate to contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs J Harding.
Important Notice for Parents and Carers of Students Sitting External Examinations in Summer 2019 Please be aware that the Joint Council for Qualifications have timetabled a contingency day for Wednesday 26th June 2019 for any GCSE and/or GCE examinations that may sustain national or local disruption during the June 2019 examination series. Therefore all students that are sitting exams next Summer must still be available to sit exams until this date. Any queries please email our Exams Officer Mrs Hambley
REVISION PLAN LAUNCH EVENING THURSDAY 14TH FEBRUARY – 6PM We would like to invite parents and carers of Year 11 students to a Revision Plan Launch Evening to introduce and explain their personalised revision guide on Thursday 14th February at 6.00pm. We anticipate the meeting will last approximately 30 minutes. We have been continually monitoring students’ progress and keeping a close eye on how judgements and predictions compare with where we would expect them to be. The subject leaders have been working to produce a revision guide for each student to help them in achieving their targets. The Revision Plan Launch Evening will be an opportunity for you to find out more about how we can work together to support them as we approach their final exams. We look forward to seeing you there.
WARHAMMER WINNERS On Sunday the 3rd of February at the Warhammer Shop in Newport, Oliver, Beni, William and their captain Marcus took part in the first competitive Warhammer Schools League Event against Medina College. Points were awarded for sporting behavior, how the team worked together and how they conducted themselves over the course of the day as well as for winning games. The students’ conduct was exemplarily in all categories and came home with a plethora of prizes. The team won the event overall and picked up the award for Most Sporting Team. William won the Referee Award for Best Playing Attitude. Marcus won Best General for leading the team so brilliantly, he also picked up Most Honorable Warrior for being the players’ player of the day.
In winning the team have now qualified for the semifinal, which will take place at Warhammer World in Nottingham in April.
BTEC SPORT BOOSTER SESSION Miss Vidovic will be providing an opportunity for students in year 11 who are studying BTEC Sport as an option or through games to attend an additional booster session during Half Term on Thursday 21st February. Miss Vidovic will be there to support students throughout the day. These booster sessions had a hugely positive impact last year with the student’s fantastic achievements in sport and Miss Vidovic will be encouraging all students to attend who have not yet reached a grade for unit two. The students need to meet in the school reception at 9.00am and will finish at 2.00pm. Students attending the day will be expected to stay until work is completed to the best grade possible. There will be no canteen facilities during the day and students should bring anything they want to eat and drink with them.
The student leadership team at CEC have been recognised for their efforts by the Isle of Wight Youth Council and have been awarded a Silver Youth Voice Award (YoVA). Cowes Enterprise College are one of only two schools to receive this award!
Mr Murdoch went to collect the award on behalf of the Student Council and Form Representatives at County Hall on Tuesday evening. We have been praised specifically for the variety of ways we actively listen to our students and the prominent role the elected school council plays in the running of the academy.
You can read coverage of this at Island Echo and On The Wight: Click here for Island Echo Click here for On The Wight
UPCOMING ACADEMY DATES Thursday 7th February— Friday 15th February
Year 10 Mocks
Thursday 14th February
Revision Plan Launch Evening
Friday 15th February
Last day of Half Term
Friday 22nd February— Wednesday 27th February
Berlin Trip
Monday 25th February
Return after Half Term Break
Monday 25th February— Friday 1st March
Year 11 Mocks
Wednesday 13th March
Year 7 Parents’ Evening
Thursday 28th March
Year 8 Parents’ Evening
16th February to 24th February 2019 25th February 2019
Half Term Holiday Return following Half Term Holiday
6th April to 23rd April 2019 22nd April 2019 23rd April 2019
Easter Holiday Bank Holiday Start of Summer Term
6th May 2019 25th May to 2nd June 2019 3rd June 2019
Bank Holiday Half Term Holiday Return following Half Term Holiday
17th June 2019
Staff Development Day
19th July 2019 20th July 2019
Last Day of Summer Term (early closure) Summer Holidays Start
UNIFORM REMINDER Thank you to all our parents for working so hard to ensure that uniform is correct for your children. A reminder that if students wish to wear a black jumper it should be a plain black ‘V’ neck jumper. We have seen an increase in the number of black jumpers worn that have a ‘round’ neck and have logos. These are not part of our uniform.
Click here for further information on uniform.
UPCOMING SIXTH FORM TRIPS There are trips coming up to Parliament and The Old Bailey for Law and Sociology students, get your forms from your teacher or talk to Miss Gibson if you have any questions!
Drop off , collection and car park safety
At you can find:
Information on uniform Our Sixth Form prospectus Links to our previous newsletters
Contact information And much more!
Please be aware that our local community police have been monitoring cars outside the academy that are stopping illegally on the zigzag line. The reason we continually ask parents not to stop here is for the safety of all students and those arriving for our on-site nursery. A letter has been emailed to all parents from our community police to inform parents that to ensure the safety of all our community, if there are cars stopping on the lines outside, they will be issuing fines as this is against the law. Many thanks for your continued support.
Cowes Combined Cadet Force (ages 12-18)
Capstan House
uCECLele Training Band
Chess Club
GCSE Art Catch Up Session
Year 7 Military Skills
CCF Office
Oasis Homework Support
Child Development/Health & Social Care Support
2.45— 4.00pm
GCSE PE/Sports Studies Intervention (Coursework/Revision)
STOMP (jazz percussion group)
Jazz Band
Science Club
BTEC Business Revision
GCSE Art Catch Up Session
Communication Club
Oasis Homework Support
CPLD/HSC Support—Years 12 and 13
2.45— 4.00pm
uCEClele (auditions required)
Chess Club
Badminton Club
Winder Centre
Props, Costume & Scenery Club
Oasis Homework Support
BTEC Business Revision
GCSE PE/Sports Studies Intervention (Practical Trampolining and Exam Prep)
Lunch 3-4pm
Basketball Club
Winder Centre
HOW TO JOIN A CLASS ON SENECA LEARNING Step 1: Open an internet browser (not internet explorer) Step 2: Go to Step 3: Click on “Get Started” or “Sign Up” Step 4: Create account – use your school email Step 5: Click on “Classes & Assignments” Step 6: Click on “Join Class” Step 7: Type the code given by your science teacher
SCIENCE REVISION SESSIONS Unless otherwise states, sessions will be on Wednesdays from 3pm Date
13/02/2013 18/02/2019 27/03/2019 06/03/2019 13/03/2019 20/03/2019 27/03/2019 03/04/2019 08/04/2019 15/04/2019 24/04/2019 01/05/2019 08/05/2019 14/05/2019 15/05/2019 16/05/2019 21/05/2019 22/05/2019 27/05/2019 05/06/2019 07/06/2019 11/06/2019 12/06/2019 12/06/2019 14/06/2019
CMU (SC16)
P3P4 B4 C5 P5P6 B6 C6
C3 February 1/2 Term RSS (SC13) P3 CHD (SC18) B4 SSC (SC19) (14/03/19) C5 LMP (SC11) P4 CHD (SC18) B6 CMU (SC16) C6
Teacher RML (SC04) PBG (SC02) CMU (SC16) DDD (SC03) RML (SCO4) LYG (SC03) (29/03/19) RML (SCO4)
Easter Holidays P7P8 C1C2C3 B1B2B3 B1-B3 & B7 C1C2C3 C1-C3 & C7 P1P2P3P4 P1-P4 & P9 B4B5B6 B4-B6 & B7 C4C5C6 C4-C6 & C7 P6P7P8 P5-P8 & P9
LMP (SC11) P5P6 SSC (SC19) (02/05/19) B1B2B3 CHD (SC18) B1B2B3 PM P1/P7 RML (SC04) C1C2C3 AM P3/P9 LMP (SC11) P1P2P3 PM P5/P11 May 1/2 Term CHD (SC19) B4B5B6 PM P2/P8 SSC (SC16) (10/06/19) C4C5C6 AM P4/P10 LMP (SC11) P4P5P6 AM P6/P12