CEC Newsletter 09.11.18

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NEWSLETTER www.cowesec.org info@cowesec.org

Friday 9th November

Dear parents and carers, Today we have remembered all who laid down their lives to enable us to live in peace. Our whole school assembly this morning involved every student and it was an incredible atmosphere with over 1000 students sharing the 2 minute silence together. We were delighted to welcome the Deputy Lord Lieutenant, Lieutenant Colonel David Langford MBE, the Reverend Poppee, Betty Bilk from the British Legion and Captain Paul Sydenham and Sergeant Price. Thank you to everyone who attended our sixth form open evening this week. We had a very busy night and the main inspiration zone was packed for the formal presentation - we were delighted to welcome so many students from other schools and thank our Head Boy and Girl for speaking so well. We presented our destination data which shows we have 10% higher successful university applications than the national average, 8% more successful apprenticeship applications than the national average and higher than average Russell Group and Oxbridge successful applications. Our new prospectus is available both through our website and reception. You may have seen in the press that an appeal has been launched to reimburse us for hosting Island Con after the company behind the event went into liquidation, leaving us unpaid by several thousand pounds for our letting fee. We were very proud to host the event and disappointed that the considerable fee was not paid as we had planned to use this for additional text books for our students. A former student Dan Bailey has very kindly taken matters into his own hands and launched a Go Fund Me appeal aiming to reimburse us with a partial amount of our lost fee and members of the community have also made donations directly to the academy. We have been overwhelmed by Dan’s thoughtfulness and by the support of the whole community and its generosity and care for our students. Thank you to all of you who have so generously donated for our students. In these days of austerity schools need to be financially proactive to ensure they still deliver the best education for their young people and it is making a huge difference to us to have these donations. A reminder that I hold parent forums on Tuesdays. Please either email dharrison@cowesec.org or phone on 01983 203103 asking for Donna Harrison to book in a slot in advance of each Tuesday. With best wishes, Rachel Kitley

Safeguarding Anti Bullying Week Next Week is National Anti Bullying Week and the Academy is supporting this. The theme this year is #choose respect. There will be lots of work done in tutor times and assemblies, as well as in lesson times throughout the week regarding this topic. Student leaders will be actively involved in one of our ‘Policy in Practice’ reviews and will be working to review the Academy’s Anti-bullying policies. All students will be reminded of what constitutes bullying and where to go to get help if needed. Recent student voice reports that ‘bullying is rare at the academy but if it does occur, it is dealt with swiftly and effectively.’ To celebrate the start of Anti-bullying week, the academy community will be wearing ‘odd socks’ to celebrate how we should all respect even the slightest differences about each other. We would be grateful if you could encourage your child to wear their odd socks with pride. All other uniform should be as usual.

Digital Leaders Our new CEC Digital Leader Committee also officially launches next week. The members are: Archie Tuckey Albert Krista Florence Russell Ann Kulla Erin Avery Harvey Norris Liam Moore Poppy Moody Jimmy Gilbert Eve Branaugh Erin Wynn Eddie Chambers Callum Burton Amalie Brown These students will be working with Mrs Harding to help keep the academy up to date on all the latest online education and will also help support creating resources for students and parents/carers. Attached is some further information to support parents about how to support your child online. An interesting website is also worth a look if you are interested further in this area: https://www.safetonet.com/ The academy is starting work towards the National Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 5th February 2019.

Children in Need The academy will be raising money on Friday for Children in Need. This is not a mufti day. We shall be collecting on the door any donations and each Year Team will be running different fundraising activities during the lunchtime on this day – further information will come out from them.

9JHG Remembrance Miss Gibson is so proud of her tutor group and the work they have done on remembrance.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ADMISSIONS We are opening the consultation for the proposed change to the Admissions Policy 2020-2021 on Monday 1st October. In accordance with the DfE’s 2014 statutory ‘Schools Admissions Code’ guidance the Local Governing Body of Cowes Enterprise College is consulting on the Admissions Arrangements for September 2020 because changes are proposed. The amendments are:

To reduce the Published Admission Number at Cowes Enterprise College from 270 to 210 places in Year 7 with effect from September 2020. This means that the number of places available for children in Year 7 in 2020 and all subsequent Year 7 cohorts will be 210.

For children who already have a place at the school in other year groups there will be no proposed change. This is the only proposed change to the admission criteria, all other criteria, including oversubscription, will remain the same.

A full version of the proposed changes to the admission arrangements, as well as the rationale behind them, is available to view on the academy website www.cowesec.org or hard copy from the school office. Comments on the proposed admissions arrangements should be sent to the clerk to governors jwareham@cowesec.org or by post to: Jill Wareham Cowes Enterprise College Crossfield Avenue Cowes, PO31 8HB

by 12 noon on 12th November 2018.

Year 7 Success for the week Top attending tutor group for last week:

7RJW with 99.6%! Most achievement points receiving a Student Star of the week certificate: 7BZP – Jimmy Archer & Emma Rice 7ELS – Carys Morgan, Maddison Bacon, Hayden Lythgoe & Bayleigh Edmunds 7RJW – Olivia Bateman & Mason Williams 7TMH – Poppy Moody 7RSS – Lisa Randall & Reilly Bristow 7JOM - Jamain Herbert & Joe Calder 7JAD – Maxwell Port & William Burr

A huge well done and congratulations to Taylor, Summer-Louise and Ruby for their success with The Starlight Boutique dancing group last weekend! They did fantastically well and were awarded a total of 24 medals and two trophies!

Well done! Duke of Edinburgh Skills Cookery

REMINDERS & INFORMATION Drop off , collection and car park safety Please do not use the Academy car park to drop off and collect students withour prior agreement from the Academy for you to do so. Drop off and collections should be made on Crossfield Avenue remembering that that no parking is permitted on the white ZigZag lines surrounding the pedestrian crossing outside the Academy. Please could we also remind parents that the disabled bay spaces are for holders of valid Blue Badges only. Year 11 CIDA IT Exam On Tuesday 8th January 2019 (the first day back after the Christmas break) the whole of Year 11 will be sitting a CIDA IT exam. All Year 11 students should have received an exam statement of entry in tutor time last Friday.

TERM DATES 2018-2019 For current academic year 20th October to 28th October 2018 th

29 October

Return following Half Term Holiday

21st December 2018 nd

Photo Consent and IT Agreements

Last Day of Autumn Term (early closure) th

22 December 2018 to 7 January 2019

Christmas Holiday

7th January 2019

Staff Development Day


8 January 2019

Start of Spring Term

16th February to 24th February 2019

Half Term Holiday


Thank you to everyone who has returned these to us already!

25 February 2019

Return following Half Term Holiday

6th April to 23rd April 2019

Easter Holiday


If you have not already done so, please could you fill these in and return them to Reception as soon as possible? School Transport shall start accepting privilege applications for those who have not already applied, from 9.30 am on Monday 22nd October 2018. This will be an open window with no closure date and applications for all students will be welcomed including sixth form students. Seats will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis and the Transport Team aim to process applications within 10 working days of receipt. For further information please visit https:// www.iow.gov.uk/Council/OtherServices/SchoolTransport/Privilege-Seat-on-School-Transport

Half Term Holiday

22 April 2019

Bank Holiday

23rd April 2019

Start of Summer Term

6th May 2019

Bank Holiday

25th May to 2nd June 2019

Half Term Holiday


3 June 2019

Return following Half Term Holiday

Monday following the IW Festival – TBC

Staff Development Day

19th July 2019

Last Day of Summer Term (early closure)


20 July 2019

Summer Holidays Start

Read our Sixth Form prospectus here: https://issuu.com/cowesec/docs/cowes-p16prospectus-web?e=0


TERM DATES 2019-2020 For next academic year 2nd September 2019

Start of Autumn Term

Wednesday 14th November

Year 9 Parents’ Evening

28 October to 1 November 2019

Half Term Holiday

Thurs day 29th November

Year 10 Parents’ Evening

20th December 2019 23rd December 2019 to 3rd January 2020

Last Day of Autumn Term Christmas Holiday

Last Day of Term (early closure)

6th January 2020 17th February to 21st February 2020

Start of Spring Term Half Term Holiday

3rd April 2020 6th April 2020 to 17th April 2020

Last Day of Spring Term Easter Holiday

20th April 2020

Start of Summer Term

25th May to 29th May 2020

Half Term Holiday

17th July 2020

Last Day of Summer Term

Friday 21st December


Arabian Nights – 40 cushions and lots broken bracelets needed! We are desperate for as many patterned or plain cushions as possible for our end of term production. If you have any spare at home, please could you drop them off to the drama department. We would also like any broken string bracelets


Inset days to follow

Please be reminded that we do not allow aerosols of any variety in the academy. Aerosols are subject to our behaviour policy due to the seriousness of their effect on asthmatic children. This includes deodorant and body sprays. Should students wish to bring deodorant should bring a roll on or stick deodorant

School photos Years 10 and 12

Year 9 Parents’ Evening

Wednesday 14th November, We still have some remaining 5pm—8pm photographs of Year 10 and Year 12 students. If you ordered photographs of your child through Atlas, they are available to collect from Reception. Parents and carers are welcome to collect them or students can collect at the end of the academy day.

Invitation emails have been sent to parents and carers for the forthcoming Year 9 Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 14th November from 5pm until 8pm. If you have not received this email please call 01983 203103 or email info@cowesec.org.

REMINDERS & INFORMATION Attendance Attending is the first part of succeeding!

Our whole academy attendance this week was 95.5%

Students should be in the building by 8.25am for a 8.30am prompt start in their tutor class. Any student arriving after 8.30am will be considered as being late. A reminder that the procedure to report a student absence is to call the main Academy number (01983 203103), select Option 1 and leave a message on the Student Absence Line before 8.30am. There is no direct number for the absence line. Phone calls need to be made every day of the student's absence. The absence should be followed up with a letter detailing the duration and reason for absence on the student's return to the Academy.

Uniform A reminder that piercings are not and never have been acceptable in a nose. A clear spacer must be worn or the stud removed. Also a reminder that trousers need to be non-skinny and skirts rolled to the correct length. Support from parents is appreciated with this. Further information on our uniform can be found at: http://cowesec.org/partners-and-newstarters/uniform

Geography Year 11 Intervention Sessions All year 11 geographers have been invited to intervention sessions to provide support in the lead up to the mock exams in January. The next 3 sessions will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday for the next 3 weeks until 3.45pm. Mrs Wiltshire has shared a list of the groups in lessons and also has one posted outside ET03 if you need a reminder. Thank you to everyone who came this week, and we look forward to the sessions next week focusing on Paper 1 tricky topics.

- Mrs Wiltshire, Mrs Eriksson and Miss Wisniowski

BTEC Coursework Booster Sessions BTEC Coursework Day

Saturday 17th November 9am—3pm Revision sessions on Wednesdays from 2.45—3.30pm in BU11








Cowes Combined Cadet Force (ages 12-18)


Capstan House

uCECLele Training Band



Chess Club



GCSE Art Catch Up Session



Year 7 Military Skills


CCF Office

Oasis Homework Support



Child Development/Health & Social Care Support

2.45— 4.00pm


STOMP (jazz percussion group)



Jazz Band



Science Club



BTEC Business Revision



GCSE Art Catch Up Session



Communication Club



Oasis Homework Support



CPLD/HSC Support—Years 12 and 13

2.45— 4.00pm


uCEClele (auditions required)



Chess Club



Badminton Club


Winder Centre

Props, Costume & Scenery Club



Oasis Homework Support



BTEC Business Revision




Lunch 3-4pm


Basketball Club

Winder Centre

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