I am delighted to welcome you to Cowes Enterprise College, a successful and supportive academy.
As Principal, I am extremely proud of the many things that combine to make Cowes Enterprise College such a special place. Our motto, ‘Educate for Life’, encapsulates our vision; education prepares us not simply for exams but for life itself and all it presents to us.
Cowes Enterprise College is a dynamic and yet disciplined place to learn. We benefit from the guidance and ability to share what is best across the Ormiston Academies Trust.
Our last Ofsted inspection judged us to be ‘Good’ and in recent years we have consistently achieved progress that places us highest for the Isle of Wight. We aim for all of our students to achieve excellent academic results which will enable them to go on to university or apprenticeships. Indeed, many gain places at top Russell Group universities, including Oxbridge, well-equipped to study a wide array of courses ranging from Medicine, Engineering and Law to the Arts. Yet we are also an inclusive academy which embraces every type of student and we believe that anyone can excel. This philosophy is at the core of what Cowes Enterprise College is all about.
Our curriculum is innovative and flexible, meeting the needs of an individual student. Throughout their time at Cowes, students are provided with an impressive range of subject choices. We teach everything from Personal Development to Music, Psychology to Spanish, Graphics to Design Technology, Economics to Physics, Media to Business, Computing to Sociology. Our passion for learning and enjoying the challenge, however, extends well beyond academic life. We also work hard to develop the cultural, sporting, moral and social side of our students and our school year is packed with sports tournaments, drama productions, creative showcases, clubs, trips and charity and social action work. We are known for our strong relationships between staff and students which allow for individual talents to be nurtured and developed.
Our facilities are superb, with an inspirational building, extensive IT facilities, large expansive playing fields, the only full size all-weather flood-lit pitch on the Island. We also have exceptional post-16 facilities with designated study, support and social areas. Our staff are true teaching experts and continue to develop further through our collaborative CPD programme and networks.
Ultimately, what makes Cowes Enterprise College special is not the buildings or facilities but our desire to keep on improving, our commitment to always put our students above anything else and our belief that the Cowes’ community is a family. Cowes is a unique place to grow, develop and succeed, for staff and students alike and our students are safe, happy and fulfilled.
We know that the care we take in supporting students and parents during this important time of transition is second to none and I am delighted that your son or daughter want to be a part of something special here at Cowes. I very much look forward to meeting you and to working with you and your sons and daughters and I extend a warm welcome to you.
Rachel Kitley, Principal
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Senior Leadership Team
Rachel Kitley
Victoria Wells Vice Principal
Tom Harding Vice Principal
Hazel Walker Vice Principal
David Sanchez-Brown Assistant Principal
Richard Marinelli Business Manager
Stephen Williams Facilities Manager
Danielle Godfrey Assistant Principal
Roger Lyon Assistant Principal
James Milligan Assistant Principal
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Karen Clifford Assistant Principal
Data Collection
Important data collection and consent forms
It is important to fill in all of the data collection and parental consent forms included in the pack. Please complete and return these to Reception.
360-degree Virtual Tour and Videos
Please visit our website to access our 360-degree virtual tour of the academy where you can interactively look around the school, click on links to view information about each subject’s curriculum and view the entire site and surrounding area from above.
The Academy Day
07:45 Dining room open to students (breakfast available)
08:00 School opens
08:25 Latest time of arrival to be in class on time! 08:30
Period 3
Period 4 13:45 Period 5 14:45 Academy day ends
16:30 Academy closes to students unless there is an organised activity
10:50 Break 11:10
Registration 08:50 Period 1 09:50 Period
12:10 Lunch 12:45
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Required items
Academy blazer, worn around the academy at all times, may be removed in lessons with the teacher’s permission.
A plain black V neck pullover, (absolutely NO logos) may be worn in addition to, but not instead of, the blazer.
Smart black trousers, must be loose-fitting and about the same width from knee to ankle, not skinny fit or cropped length.
Optional alternatives
An academy kilt or smart black shorts, both worn at knee length or below.
White collared shirt, tucked in and worn with academy tie. A white revere collar blouse, tucked in, without tie.
Plain black or white knee or ankle socks or tights, or plain tan tights (trainer socks are not allowed).
Plain black school shoes or trainers (absolutely NO logos). Boots, heels, open toes, sling-backs etc. are not acceptable.
Jewellery must not be worn. No facial piercings. One simple stud or sleeper may be worn in the lobe of each ear. A simple wristwatch may be worn. Smart watches are not allowed.
Makeup must not be visible. Non-natural hair colour is not allowed. Hairstyles should be moderate and appropriate for school. Hair dye is not recommended for children at secondary school age. However, if used, hair colour should remain natural and not undermine our high standards of appearance. Haircuts which are less than grade 1, markings, tramlines or symbols are not allowed. Notwithstanding the above, CEC explicitly protects students and staff who come to school with natural hair and protected hairstyles associated with their racial, ethnic and cultural identities. Please contact the Academy if you think that this might apply to your child.
Nail varnish must only be clear in colour, and no false nails of any description are permitted.
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PE Kit
Required items
• Academy PE polo shirt with CEC logo
• Academy black shorts or plain black shorts
• Academy red and black socks or plain red or plain black sports socks
• White or black ankle socks for indoor or outdoor for summer activities
• Non-marking trainers (separate from school shoes)
• Football or rugby boots for 3G pitch
• Shin pads
• Hair tie
• Earring tape, if earrings are unable to be removed
Optional extra PE uniform items
• For colder month an academy track top with CEC logo is available from Simmonds Alternatively, a plain black crew neck jumper or school V neck black jumper can be worn
• As an alternative to black shorts, students may wear either academy leggings with the CEC logo, or plain black jogging bottoms
• Gum shield (for contact sports)
• CEC-branded team hoodie is available for purchase via the PE department. Team hoodie can be worn to and from team fixtures but is not to be worn during timetabled PE lessons.
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3G Pitch Pitch Guidance
For better performance please observe these guidelines and recommended footwear.
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The following items should be brought every day:
• A sensible school bag (rucksacks are ideal) that is big enough to take an A4 exercise book without damaging it.
• A pencil case containing:
- Black or blue pen (at least two)
- Pencil(s) and sharpener
- Red pen (for corrections)
- Eraser
- Ruler
- Protractor
- Set square
- Pair of compasses
- Glue stick
• Scientific calculator; we recommend either Casio fx-83GTX or fx-85GTX. For sixth-form students studying mathematics at A-Level, we recommend a Casio fx-991EX scientific calculator.
• It is desirable to have coloured pencils/pens and highlighter pens.
• For those with long hair, a method of tying hair back for practical activities in science or technology.
• A bottle for water. Students are encouraged to drink and may keep a suitable bottle of water on their desk. They can be filled from water dispensers around the academy. Flavoured waters, fizzy or sugary drinks are not allowed in lessons.
Mobile Phones
The academy has a strict no mobile phones policy for the safeguarding of all. Mobile phones must not be visible or used at the academy at any time. They must be switched off and in student bags at all times during the academy day. If a mobile phone is seen or heard during the academy day it will be confiscated and will need to be collected by a parent or carer.
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Care, Guidance and Support
We strive every day to create an education that sees the young people of Cowes and the community beyond get the very best, not just in an academic sense but also in developing the skill set, confidence, attitudes and aspirations that will provide the catalyst for sustained success throughout their lives.
Our ambition is:
• To empower students to become independent and confident with the self-belief that they can influence change
• To provide the support and guidance to teach them skills they will need in adulthood
• To encourage and develop in all members of the academy, our core values of:
• Anyone can excel
• Enjoy the challenge
• Be inclusive
• Share what is best
The safety and wellbeing of students are of paramount importance for us at the academy and our pastoral system is designed to ensure each individual child has both the support and guidance that they need throughout their learning time with us. We actively encourage students to develop the key skills of teamwork, communication and respect in all that they do.
The Pastoral Team
The academy is divided into four groups for the pastoral care of students. Each year has a head of year that travels up through each key stage with them.
The year heads are:
• Across years 7, 8 and 9: Mrs Tanner-Rolf, Mrs Rudd and Mrs Thomas
• Across years 10 and 11: Mrs Lewis and Miss Monaghan
• Across years 12 and 13: Mr Sanchez-Brown (Assistant Principal) and Mrs S Cody.
We also have our Inclusion Intervention Lead – Miss Carrie-Anne Cooke – who delivers a range of specialist interventions to support students across a wide variety of areas, e.g. ELSA, social skills, study support.
Each student is assigned to a tutor group where they have access to quality mentoring and support.
To recognise the maritime heritage of Cowes, we have named our house system after four famous J-class yachts, and each student joins the ‘crew’ of one of the four yachts: Britannia, Endeavour, Enterprise, Shamrock.
Each crew focuses on developing a sense of group identity while linking with the community and involving students in intra-academy competitions.
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Special Educational Needs
We welcome everyone into our community and the academy endeavours to make available inclusive provision to ensure that all students, including those identified with a disability or special educational needs, can enjoy and benefit from a broad and balanced education. All students have access to the curriculum at an appropriate level, so that they may achieve their full potential.
The academy has been designed to be fully accessible to students with a physical disability, with lifts and ramps for wheelchairs. The spacious corridors and circulation spaces and good acoustics in classrooms also make the academy very suitable for students with sensory impairment.
We are committed to narrowing the attainment gap between students with special needs and other students and offer a range of personalised learning interventions/opportunities to support this. We are very proud of all our students and their achievements.
Special Educational Needs Coordinator
Mrs Slade-Carter and her team gather information about any individual SEND needs from previous schools, to make sure that support and inclusion continues into and throughout secondary school for students that require it. Each SEND student is given a ‘passport’ which is distributed to all relevant teaching staff. Mrs Slade-Carter and her team work from a base called the Success Centre.
Our curriculum is planned around the fact that all students now need to remain in education or training until they are 18. Students choose examination courses as they move into Key Stage 4. The ‘options’ process for GCSEs starts in year 9 where they will be able to choose a number of different subjects to study – including different languages, Design Technology, Media Studies and Music Technology. Careers education and guidance is also available throughout every year group in order to prepare students for their next steps in higher education, careers and university applications.
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Life Science and Everyone Matters
Life Science and Everyone Matters (E1M) are the academy’s ‘curriculum for life’, drawing together Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), SMSC, sex and relationship education, citizenship, safeguarding, mental health and wellbeing, careers education and enterprise, financial capability and work-related learning, study skills, a key focus on outstanding oracy and skills and literacy development, character and resilience personal development, equality and diversity education, a thread of modern British values, religious studies and a broadening awareness of cultural capital and social action to create and influence change. This curriculum both broadens horizons and enriches lives while preparing all children for the modern world.
The four main key aims of this curriculum is to ensure our students are:
• Fully equipped with the resilience to take on challenges to excel in the modern world
• Able to question and interact with the world with awareness, confidence and respect
• Able to have tolerance and be able to live successfully in a diverse world
• Fully equipped with the self–belief that they can influence change
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We run a wide and inclusive programme of clubs for students of all years 7–13, including: sailing club (12+), chess club, a wide variety of sports clubs, drama clubs, boat building, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (year 9+), Combined Cadet Force (year 8+), Warhammer and many more.
The link between school attendance and achievement is proven. The academy expects students to be in school every day and does not endorse term-time leave unless under exceptional circumstances. We have a dedicated Family Liaison Assistant who is able to work with families to support student attendance where necessary. The academy also works closely with the local authority Education and Inclusion Service (EIS) to further support our high expectations of school attendance.
Rewards and Sanctions
We believe in rewarding hard work at the academy and in recognising the tremendous efforts and achievements that occur daily by our students.
Occasionally, students behave in ways that are unacceptable. Staff at the academy aim to deal with this in the most effective way to help students learn acceptable standards of behaviour. We will work hard to communicate any problems to parents as quickly as possible. For further information, the academy’s behaviour policy can be accessed via our website.
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Enrichment at Cowes is at the heart of our curriculum. In all year groups, we run the Cowes Charter where we encourage your son or daughter to participate in a wide range of enrichment activities to enable them to achieve both inside and outside of the classroom.
The Cowes Charter is part of our guarantee to every Cowes Enterprise College student. In addition to high levels of attendance and academic progress, they will build a portfolio of experiences throughout each year, based on access to a wide range of experiences, to develop both their academic and personal skills to be the best they can be.
The charter covers five key areas:
• Perform for a variety of audiences
• Take advantage of enrichment opportunities
• Make a contribution to society
• Show all-round learning
• Be involved in the wider life of the school
Hearing Your Views
We will ask parents for their views about the academy through surveys and consultations. The academy’s governing body is also keen to ensure that it gets to hear the views of parents and students. Governors also regularly attend academy events.
Information about the governing body can be found on our website: www.cowesec.org.
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Transport to school is currently dealt with by the Isle of Wight Council school transport team. To view the services available please visit the Isle of Wight Council website at: https://www.iow. gov.uk/schools-and-education/home-to-school-transport/
School Meals
The service is cashless, enabling parents to credit their children’s accounts online so that students do not need to carry cash to school. Students eligible for free school meals have their accounts credited automatically and they pay for their meals in exactly the same cashless way as all students. It is possible for parents to check on what their children have been eating using the online ScoPay system.
Lockers are available for students to leave books and equipment safely at school. The arrangements about how these are allocated and managed will be given during the induction process in the summer term.
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Home-Academy Communication
We try hard to ensure excellent communication links between the academy and students’ homes. As well as contact via the telephone or in person if there is an issue, we also use:
• The SIMS Parent app, which enables parents to check the attendance, behaviour and progress of students ‘live’ online, and SIMS InTouch, which allows us to communicate with parents via text message or email.
• Regular news updated added to the academy website.
• Parents’ evenings, both to provide parents with feedback from teachers about progress and information on key events such as choosing GCSE subjects.
• Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
• Progress updates and reports.
• Show My Homework – a system to enable parents to view the homework set by teachers.
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We believe that the achievement of young people in secondary school is much more than their examination results. With the help of parents and families, we hope above all to help the children who join us to leave as well-adjusted and confident young adults.
Academic success is, however, still important. Examination results for the academy have improved steadily over the last few years and are now significantly higher than the Island’s results average. We continue to have high expectations and focus on where we know that we can still do even better.
The charts on the following page give a summary of our recent examination results. We have also included further information on subject performance for those who would like this detail.
• Achievement at GCSE is significantly above the Isle of Wight average, above the national average and continues to improve year on year.
• Our focus is not just on achieving a pass at GCSE – many students gain top grades and we challenge students of all abilities to gain the best grades possible.
• The progress that students make across 8 subjects is also improving significantly year on year across all pupil groups and now above the national average.
• The performance of students in the sixth form is strong with many students achieving top grades at A-Level.
• With the guidance and support of our experienced team of sixth-form tutors, in 2019 all of the students who wanted to go to university gained places, with most going to their first choice institution. University destinations include Oxbridge and Russell Group universities.
We set ambitious targets for all our students so that they can achieve their best. We have rigorous tracking systems so we can spot when students fall behind and intervene to support them, as well as provide parents with good quality information about progress. This includes the use of online systems for communication; all homework is listed online and parents’ consultation appointments are booked via our online system. We are committed to our focus on teaching and learning so that teachers have a wide range of strategies to help students make good progress in each lesson every day.
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Examination Results
The proportion of students gaining A*–C grades, now grades 9-4, in English and Maths is above the national average and was 68% in 2019. The trends for the key measure of Progress 8 is shown below.
Subject Results 2019
Subject 9-4 grades 9-1 grades No. of students English language 69% 96% 157 English literature 75% 97% 156 Maths 74% 99% 157 Biology 95% 100% 41 Chemistry 95% 100% 41 Physics 98% 100% 41 Combined science 54% 100% 115 French 73% 100% 11 Spanish 93% 100% 14 Geography 54% 97% 67 History 56% 100% 57 Computer science 30% 97% 33 Art and design 95% 100% 55 Food development and nutrition 67% 100% 12 Film studies 67% 90% 21 Music 30% 100% 10 PE 57% 100% 23 Resistant materials 62% 100% 21 Religious studies 55% 97% 110 Business studies 93% 100% 28 Child development 75% 100% 8 Health and social care 100% 100% 12 IT 59% 59% 17 Music technology 100% 100% 8 Sports studies 77% 100% 119 Cowes Enterprise College | In-Year Transfer Applicaiton Information Booklet | 17
A-Level Results
Almost a third of A-Level entries were graded A*–A in 2019, and 42% of entries achieved A*–B. 12% of the entries gained the top A* grade, with 9 students in the cohort achieving all A*–A grades. The average grade for all academic qualifications was a C+, a significant increase again on the previous year’s results.
Outstanding performances were seen in English, Maths and science – traditionally strong subjects for the school. Cowes also achieved real success in its vocational subjects, with the average applied general result jumping from Merit to Distinction+.
“ Congratulations to all the pupils and staff at Cowes Enterprise College and the wider team at Ormiston Academies Trust, on such an impressive set of results.
“ A-Level results day marks the moment so many young people will make choices that can shape the rest of their lives, so whatever path they choose, every pupil at Cowes Enterprise College should do so full of confidence.”
Schools Minister, Lord Agnew
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