The Cowes Charter Key Stage 5
What is the sixth form Cowes Charter? Our Sixth Form Charter provides a guaranteed set of experiences for all our sixth form students. Here at Cowes Sixth Form, we make it a requirement for all our sixth form students to continue to develop beyond the curriculum to prepare for the next stage of what life brings. Our Charter delivers a variety of cultural, creative and sporting experiences, community service, careers and employability activities, work experience and volunteering. Participation is an integral and compulsory part of being a student at Cowes Sixth Form. Your involvement and commitment will help you to broaden as a person, build confidence and enhance social and employability skills. You will also have the ability to give back to our community and most importantly, have fun!
What is the sixth form Cowes Charter? Your Charter experiences will be essential support for your Personal Statement when applying for further education, apprenticeships or employment. Potential employers and universities are looking for well-rounded individuals who have made a significant contribution to the academy and local community, in addition to academic excellence. Your Charter activities are tracked and monitored by the Sixth Form Pastoral Team and your Form Tutor in order to ensure that you are developing a balanced and effective range of skills and experiences related to your future plans and aspirations. At sixth form level, in addition to our guaranteed experiences, we work with you to develop a bespoke Charter experience which provides you with exactly what you need to help you towards your personal goals and ambitions. The following pages set out you both our guaranteed experiences and further opportunities to create your bespoke Charter.
We hope that you enjoy your Charter— enjoy the challenge!
Academic Met: Make a strong transition from KS4 into KS5 and gain support for your future options through bridging materials, taster lessons and dedicated time to talk to our sixth form teachers and team through the enrolment process.
Receive a timetable which includes dedicated subject independent study time to extend your learning well beyond your guided learning hours.
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Academic Access one to one progression meetings with senior teachers, to discuss your progress, your future plans and how to Met: fulfil your potential.
Access further study skills support, including specific training on higher level independent study skills such as the Met: Cornell note taking method.
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Academic Receive free intervention and support with cutting edge learning tools and bespoke intervention plans including Met: online support.
Receive regular feedback from your teachers on your academic strengths and areas of development.
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Academic Have access to the sixth form dedicated and excellent facilities, including IT suites and study rooms. Met:
Take part in mock examinations to give you the confidence and experience to perform well in your final KS5 examinations. This will also give accurate and reliable information about your progress and how you can be best Met: supported.
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Academic Receive detailed and bespoke support to enable you to achieve your future progression plans, which could include joining the academy’s Russell Group, Medical or Oxbridge Met: Aspire Programmes.
All students will be given appropriate access arrangements for KS5 examinations.
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Academic Develop literacy skills which prepare you for degree level reading and writing.
Take part in challenging, invigorating lessons and a wellMet: sequenced KS5 curriculum.
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Careers and Progression Receive a bespoke post-18 support, information, advice and guidance including detailed apprenticeship, university Met: application and Personal Statement guidance.
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Careers and Progression Benefit from the guidance of our full time IAG Careers and Enrichment Co-ordinator, one of the very few careers leaders in the country to have undertaken the Teach First Careers and Met: Employability Leadership Programme.
Experience Universities and Colleges through open days, Met: events and visits, both on and off site.
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Careers and Progression Receive detailed, one to one support around choosing universities, university courses and understanding entry Met: criteria and university league tables.
Be prepared for and supported through the results day and Met: adjustment process.
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Careers and Progression Be prepared and supported through all the broader elements needed to enable your progress post-18, including support Met: around gaining grants, funding and accommodation.
Be prepared and supported fully for the post-18 application process, including through mock interviews and utilising the skills of experts such as those from business and academia. Met:
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Careers and Progression Benefit from full access to the Cowes Enterprise College alumni to offer bespoke support and advice and for work Met: experience opportunities.
Experience the high level career talks, workshops and opportunities offered through events such as the Noel Turner Met: Science Festival.
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Careers and Progression Benefit from the mapped programme of employer encounters, talks and visits offered throughout the academic Met: year.
Access the academy’s University and Career Resources to ensure you gain bespoke information, advice and guidance. Met:
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Pastoral Access high-quality pastoral support to protect your Met: wellbeing and academic progress.
Participate in well being intervention support including skills training such as Yoga and meditation to protect your mental Met: health and build resilience.
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Your bespoke Charter Develop your leadership skills by applying to become a part of the sixth form leadership team. The team leads initiatives, organises events, gets involved in academy decision making and plays a leading role in sixth form life, the wider school and local community. Met:
Join Young Enterprise: The scheme offers an excellent opportunity to develop entrepreneurial and team building skills. Met:
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Your bespoke Charter Run an enrichment club for students in the lower school in an activity you feel passionate about. Met:
Develop leadership skills through your involvement with the Met: Sports Leaders programme.
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Your bespoke Charter Join our debating society and/ or take part in our Model UN or Mock Trials to develop your knowledge of current Met: affairs, confidence and communication skills.
Gain broader experiences, skills and knowledge through participating in the Duke of Edinburgh scheme, which we offer at Bronze, Silver and Gold level. Met:
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Your bespoke Charter Gain leadership opportunities through your social action campaigns, which might include being a leader or member of Met: the academy’s Eco-Council or School Council.
Undertake work experience and volunteering in the local community through a long term placement or by your support of one off events. We work hard to establish long term volunteering opportunities for students to support their personal statements and places have previously been in hospitals, businesses and with support groups such as the dementia cafĂŠ. Met:
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Your bespoke Charter Take part in and organise fund raising for charity.
Become a subject peer mentor for a student in another year group. Support a student or group of students in a weekly lesson, or out of lessons, to share your expertise and be Met: an academic role model.
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Your bespoke Charter Become a reading buddy for a student in the lower school.
Become a pastoral peer mentor for a student in another year group. Support a student or group of students to reflect on their behaviour choices and to model excellence to them. Met:
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Your bespoke Charter Become an academy ambassador and help the academy out on our numerous open evenings, events and academy Met: tours.
Get involved in our drama, art and music events and productions. There are many opportunities both on stage or off, including acting, make up, stage management and set design. Met:
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My reflections Use the spaces across this booklet, and here, to record notes which you will use for your Personal Statement.
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