Message from Mrs Cody
Well done for getting through the mock exams with such an excellent attitude. We’re so impressed with you. Remember they are a practice and now we reflect on them. Let me know if I can help you with any issues arising from the mock exams.
Rewards and celebrations
From now on the Sixth Form will be getting reward points just like lower school Please hassle your teachers about this! There will be an end of term celebration assembly with awards as well and you might even get a postcard. It will go on your UCAS reference and prizes are being planned as well!
If you would like to be involved, there are some great charter options you might not have considered:
Blog – Interested in journalism or politics? Let your voice and ideas be heard!
LGBTQ+ Pride – working on a float to celebrate at IW Pride next year. Debate club - Trinity and Georgia are starting a debate club which will run on a Tuesday lunchtime in ED13 and will debate controversial issues. Great for those interested in studying Law or Politics and brilliant for the UCAS statement – please come along!
News & Updates Official Cowes Enterprise College @CowesEC @CowesEnterprise
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Law news…
We are choosing books for our law society members to read and reflect on in their personal statements.
Dan Carey – a human rights lawyer who has worked on death row and was voted ‘Young Lawyer of the Year’ will be giving a talk to our aspiring lawyers at 3pm on Monday 27th March If you are interested in studying law, come along!
First Aid
If you are interested in emergency First Aid training there will be a charter session from a specialist nurse coming up soon.
Upcoming Event: Bath trip
Looking forward to a great day out in Bath on 22nd March. Information will be given out during E1M on Wednesday 15th March. Official Cowes Enterprise College @CowesEC @CowesEnterprise
oyer encounters –GKN Aerospace
GKN Aerospace are coming in to talk to you on March 15th in E1M.
Make sure you don’t miss out on work experience and career opportunities
‘ GKN is the world’s leading multi-technology tier 1 aerospace supplier. With 38 manufacturing locations in 12 countries, we serve over 90% of the world’s aircraft and engine manufacturers. We design and manufacture innovative smart aerospace systems and components. Our technologies are used in aircraft ranging from the most used single aisle aircraft and the largest passenger planes in the world to business jets and the world’s advanced 5th generation fighter aircraft.’
World Book Day Dress Up
Thanks to the 6th Form students who dressed up, you looked fabulous!
Can you guess the literary character?
EPQ presentation evening
This year’s EPQ Presentation Evening on 9th February was our biggest and best event so far! Parents, visitors, staff and students were treated to an incredible range of eye-catching and inspiring displays, many accompanied by themed nibbles and home-baked snacks.
The evening was launched by the band ‘Now Only’ who gave an amazing performance to open and close the presentations. Visitors then enjoyed an impressive range of memorable creations; including a virtual chat with rugby player James Clare, sipping a ‘Cosmopolitician’ cocktail or trying out Tropic skincare.
The academic standard was incredibly high this year and the students were all outstanding. Official Cowes Enterprise College @CowesEC @CowesEnterprise 01983 203103