The PAPER August 2023

Page 10 Vol. 7, No. 4  August 2023 The POSTAL CUSTOMER PRESORTED STANDARD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID NEWNAN, GA PERMIT #120 FREE JESS BARRON, GRI Vice President / Associate Broker Million Dollar Club, Phoenix Member 678-857-9350 14 Jackson Street, Newnan, GA 30263 • 770-253-6990 • “Serving All of Newnan and Coweta County Since 1948” REALTORS PAPER PAPER Coweta County Fairgrounds • 275 Pine Road • September 14 -24 Get your MegaPass before September 14 Don’t be part of the multitude. Be THIS dude! Save Time! Skip Lines! Save Money with MegaPass! Gate Fee and Unlimited Rides just $35 “You have two lives. And the second begins when you realize you only have one.” Mário Raul de Morais Andrade, Brazilian poet


The story of Bolla wines is 140 years of a storied history! From a small family inn in the 1880s to producing fine regional wines from Italy today, Bolla wines are award winning wines. Hand-harvasting and created in a style that is very much Italian, the goal of Bolla is to capture those special nuances so that you will experience the authentic taste of Italy in every glass.

6:30 p.m. on Fridays, August 11 & 25, Saturdays, August 12, 19 and 26 and Wednesday, August 23. Cost is $35 per person (+ tax) … includes 6 pours of wine, a glass of wine, and charcuterie board pairings. Must RSVP and pay in advance. Call or stop by.


2 | The PAPER | August2023 | Located right off Main Street at 202 Fayetteville Road, Palmetto Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. | Sat. 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. | Sun. closed 770.703.5027 • Family Owned & Operated Prescriptions within minutes Unique & Creative Gifts Minutes from Arbor Springs, Canongate, Tyrone & Serenbe Joey & Emily Burg The Classic Market & Wine Shoppe 15 Main St., Suite 1B, Senoia • 770.727.9140 •
miss out! Email to be added to the “first to know” list.
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by | August2023| The PAPER| 3 THE CUMMINS FIRM Accident & Injury Cases Criminal & DUI Law Extensive Courtroom Experience Former Judge & Prosecutor Free Consultation 678-590-5590 • THECUMMINSFIRM.COM 75 jackson street, suite 402, newnan, georgia 30263 S M A L L B U S I N E S S E X P O S M A L L B U S I N E S S E X P O & R E S O U R C E O P P O R T U N I T Y & R E S O U R C E O P P O R T U N I T Y J O I N U S T H U R S D A Y , A U G U S T 1 7 , 2 0 2 3 J O I N U S T H U R S D A Y , A U G U S T 1 7 , 2 0 2 3 Attention Business Owners & Entrepreneurs join us to Create Connections, Grow, Learn and Engage! Allen Fox Georgia Department of Economic Development Corinne Thornton GA Dept. of Community Affairs, LaGrange, Georgia Terri Denison Georgia District Director, U S Small Business Admin Rachel A Davis Executive Director, Greater Wealth Works Stephaney Bolden Business Development Resource LiftFund Terry Lee Community Affairs Specialist, Federal Deposit Insurance Location: Newnan Fairground 275 Pine Rd Newnan, GA Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm EDT For more information visit Scan our QR Code to get your Tickets! PREPARE TO BE INSPIRED BY DYNAMIC SPEAKERS AND LEADERS!!!!

Notes from Perry Street

“The Baby” is off to college.

It is hard to wrap our heads around the fact our youngest is leaving the nest. I’m sure many of you know what I’m talking about.

We tried to quit calling the youngest “The Baby,” but he was always good about it. Not only is he heading off to college this August, he’s also celebrating his 20th birthday. Time goes by so fast. I remember a particular day when I went to pick up “The Baby” and I couldn’t lift him anymore. He had grown up. I cried that day and knew we had stepped into a new season of life. We had entered these new seasons before - I remember the last time I nursed him and knew that was the last baby I would have. I cried that day too as I stepped into that season of life.

I was now a full-time mom and wife. My counseling and Life Coaching career would go on hold for many years. That is often what moms do. I was known as Levi’s, Seth’s, and Caleb’s mom. Life was about show and tell, school parties, campfires, reading to their class and carpool lines and becoming Boy Scouts. It was learning to love bugs, dirt, snakes, camping and just doing life with lots of boy hugs! We love the Three SONS of Thunder. Each son has their own unique style, personality and vibe. “The Baby” is known by everyone, including adults, as an “Old Soul.” He is also Master Shifu, who dispels his “wise words” at just the right moment. He is generous beyond measure and is a master storyteller.

Even though I was in mom mode “The Baby” often reminded me of some of my past successes and would literally say “Mom … don’t forget you got a Master’s degree and raised $500,000 dollars for the hospital.” He saw the best in everyone, and was quick to point out my best, something we as women and moms can forget about.

Winters taught all the SONS key lessons he learned and wanted to make sure they followed: Your word is your bond; honor your mother and marry someone like her; friends are not about quantity, but quality. Honor God. “Fear” no man but one - a Jewish carpenter from centuries ago. He taught them all how to cook. The Baby, okay, enough with that, let’s move on to Levi. He and Winters share a special passion for creating unforgettable recipes. Levi has his own chef knives and is known for waking up in the middle of the night to make his famous “no-knead bread.” We give his salsa, well it was mine at first but he perfected it, as Christmas gifts. He and Winters can spend hours watching cooking shows into the wee hours.

I prayed this day would come but I am not sure John Winters did. I believe he hoped the two of them would just freeze in time. Cooking and continuing to run our companies with us. Since 9th grade, Levi has done work-based learning. He would walk from Newnan High School after classes to work for Winters Media & Publishing. He and Winters spent almost every day together after school.

The youngest helped our team make Winters Media, The Paper and The Weekly what it is today. He wrote checks, balanced accounts, was our photographer at special events, designed our logos and helped deliver our publications. I have a feeling Winters will be texting Levi new recipes to try … and getting him to at least try journalism school.

I will end with what I told the two other SONS of Thunder as they left for college, “Fly my precious SON … you are ready to fly.”


John A. Winters, Publisher, Editor

Corby Carlin Winters, Ambassador At Large

Joey Howard, Digital Editor / Sales 404.698.0734

Levi Winters, Social & Visual Media

Ruth Harris Doyal, Composition 770.254.1421

The PAPER office is located at 15 Perry Street, Newnan, GA 30263

Mailing address is: P. O. Box 757, Newnan, GA 30264

Office Hours: Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9 - 4. 770-254-1421

e-mail: web:

The PAPER is published by Winters Media & Publishing, Inc., P. O. Box 757, Newnan, GA 30264

John A. Winters, President Corby Carlin Winters, Vice President

The PAPER is distributed throughout Coweta County and surrounding areas. You can find it at restaurants, banks, tourist locations, hotels, convenience stores, libraries and other high visibility locations. For more information …

4 | The PAPER | August 2023 |

2023 // Newnan, GA

¡Eleva tu negocio!

La Aceleradora Grow Now es un programa de capacitación integral diseñado para ayudar a los emprendedores desfavorecidos a obtener conocimiento y recursos para empezar y fortalecer sus empresas.

El programa consta de cinco sesiones semanales que van desde el marketing y las ventas hasta las finanzas, las cuales son presentadas por el personal de LiftFund y expertos locales en negocios. Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de reunirse y aprender de colegas dueños de negocios en un entorno de aprendizaje híbrido. Se proporcionarán laptops a los primeros 10 participantes elegibles

Acelerador Grow Now ofrecido a emprendedores en Newnan, GA y zona circundante:

Fecha límite de solicitud: 8/8/2023

Fechas de la Aceleradora: 8/15/23-9/15/23


La Aceleradora Grow Now inclu rá os s guientes módulos Cada módulo tendrá una durac ón de dos horas y incluye nstrucción dirigida por expertos debates en grupo y ejercicios

Lienzo de Modelo de Negocio

Creación de Marca

Marketing D g tal

Estrategia de Ventas

Finanzas y Financiamiento de Negocio


Sesión Informativa

Escanea el código QR a a derecha para obtener detalles de la sesión informat va y para el registro:

Para preguntas comuníquese con Sandra Y Gonzalez 281-210-5538 sgonzalez@ iftfund com

La Aceleradora Grow Now 2023 está financiado en parte a través de un acuerdo de cooperación con la Administración de Pequeños Negocios de los Estados Unidos. LiftFund es un orgulloso recipiente de la Subvención PRIME SBA 2022-23 para apoyar y expandir nuestros servicios de apoyo empresarial a mercados desatendidos en Texas, Alabama y Georgia. Obtenga más información sobre nuestras actividades de PRIME contactando a Bridget Ross, Vicepresidenta de Apoyo a las Empresas. | August2023| The PAPER| 5 Circa Market HOURS: Monday - Saturday 10 am to 6 pm Sunday 1 to 5 pm Circa Coffee HOURS: Monday - Friday 6:30 am to 7 pm Saturday 8 am to 7 pm Sunday 9 am to 5 pm 865 Senoia Road, Tyrone 770-683-7991 Watch for daily updates on Instagram and Facebook Come experience the Ambiance, the Inspiration, the Finds and Fellowship! Join our movement to build a sustainable future. Clean out your closets, bag up your preloved clothes, and have Dry Cleaning Connect deliver them to Clothes Less Traveled Nonprofit Thrift Shop! You’ll be reducing waste entering landfills while funding local charities and scholarships. It’s a win-win! Call us for clothing donation pick up … 770.435.0781 Dry Cleaning is now a proud partner of Clothes Less Traveled TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Asista a la sesión informativa el 27 de julio de 5:30pm-6pm EDT para obtener más información sobre la Aceleradora Grow Now que se ofrece a os dueños de negoc os en Newnan, GA y zona circundante ¡APLICA HOY!

The Interview with Hank Arnold

Briefly describe yourself and what you do/did.

I’m a follower of Jesus, devoted husband to my beautiful wife Shelly, father of 5, one son, Sebastian and four daughters, Makayla, Janie, Lexi, and Kennedi. I’m a recovery advocate and friend of Jimmy K.

I was born and raised in Griffin and now a resident of the best community in all the land, Newnan.

I’m the founder and director of an independent, nonprofit, grassroots, Recovery Community Organization, Coweta FORCE.

Sebastian, 23, and his girlfriend, Rylee Lester, were killed Jan. 5 of this year in a tragic car accident. They were on their way back home to Oklahoma after a three-week visit with us here in Newnan over the Christmas holidays.

Best piece of advice you’ve received.

If you want something you’ve never had, you must do something you’ve never done.

If I had it to do over …

Loss has taught me to always tell the people I love how I feel about them regularly.

Drive that extra mile, send that message, make that phone call, spend that Saturday, make things right often and quickly.

You are going on an extended solo trip. What three albums and three books would you take?


Jack Johnson, In Between Dreams

Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon

Pacific Dub, Million Pieces


Spiritual Principal a Day

The New Testament

Sarah Young’s, Jesus Calling

Tell us one thing about yourself that few people know. I once hitchhiked from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Atlanta.

You are hosting a dinner party for six. What five people, living or dead, would you invite and why.

1) My oldest child, Sebastian Arnold, because I’d do anything to have one more encounter with him in this life.

2) My Grandfather, Everette Moore, because he was the most influential man who taught me so much through his example.

3) My grandmother Daphne Moore, because she always loved me unconditionally and my fondest childhood memories were created with her.

4) Jesus, because He’s the absolute best and I’d love to be physically united with Him in this life.

5) My wife, Shelly, because I’d love to share this experience with her.

This group has had the greatest influence on my life and it would be a fantastic opportunity to all be together!

Name an as yet unfulfilled dream. Get a masters degree in social work.

If you weren’t doing what you are, you would be … Working with at-risk youth or living a super simple life off the grid with lots of adventure.

Your go-to food.

Cheeseburgers are my favorite!

Favorite movies(s):

The Goonies

Pulp Fiction

Dogs or cats?

Dogs for sure. We have two, Stella is a six-year-old shih tzu and Marlee is a five-year-old labradoodle.

Your favorite quote.

If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself. Henry Ford

I believe in the power of community and working together toward a common goal for the betterment of humanity.

Name something that you are extremely glad you did or accomplished.

I’m a person in long-term recovery. What that means to me is I haven’t used a mind or mood altering substance to change the way I experience life since January 10th, 2010.

Making the choice to be in recovery has given me the ability to be my true authentic self and it’s a part of every fiber of my being. It allows me to be a better husband, father, son, brother, neighbor, and community member.

What advice would you give your younger self.

God is and always has been for you.

It’s okay to be who you are.

Get busy learning to love yourself and discover your purpose! 

6 | The PAPER | August 2023 |
©2021 Huntington Mark, LLC. Independently Owned and Operated. SAT and Advanced Placement (AP) are registered trademarks of the College Board. PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the College Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc. None of these entities were involved in the production of, and do not endorse, this program. *Not valid with any other offers. **Grade level results are based on cumulative average grade level increases in reading and math for 17,445 students from 2010-2014 using the full set of available student data. ***Results are based on surveys of 3,289 Huntington students graduating in 2019, using their initial Huntington Academic Evaluation and final SAT/ACT test score. HLC4079.1 A SUMMER AT HUNTINGTON LEADS TO A BETTER SCHOOL YEAR • K-12 TUTORING • TEST PREP • HOMEWORK HELP • STUDY HALL • ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE COACH AVERAGE INCREASES 2+ GRADE LEVELS in math and reading** on SAT score*** on ACT score*** in scholarship offers*** SAVE $100* ON AN ACADEMIC EVALUATION (VALUED AT $195) 470-289-4090 1111 Lower Fayetteville Road, Unit 1200, Newnan 229 POINT INCREASE 5.4 POINT INCREASE $71,149.00 PER STUDENT TUTORING & TEST PREP AVAILABLE IN-CENTER OR ONLINE Catherine Sprague, President Coweta County Schools System start back to school August 2nd Visit for more important dates.


SUNDAY: German Chocolate, Caramel Apple Pie

MONDAY: Carrot, Chocolate Mocha

TUESDAY: Key Lime, Caramel Popcorn, GLUTEN-FREE

WEDNESDAY: Banana Cream Pie, Peanut Butter Brownie

THURSDAY: Strawberry, Peaches and Cream, Baker’s Choice, VEGAN

FRIDAY: Strawberries N Creme, Peach Cobbler, Baker’s Choice, GLUTEN-FREE

SATURDAY: Strawberry Cheesecake, Kentucky Bourbon, Baker’s Choice

113 Newnan Crossing Bypass Newnan GA 30265 770-252-1400

The Reverse for Purchase

boost your cash flow post-purchase or increase your buying power to get the home you really want|August2023|The PAPER|7 Join us Saturday, August 19th at Newnan’s Historic Train Depot for our annual Beer, Bourbon & Wine Tasting Event benefiting the Boys & Girls Clubs of Coweta County. The evening starts at 5 p.m. and will be filled with good drinks, better friends, and a full Silent Auction! The event will feature tastings of some of the finest offerings of Beer, Bourbon, and Wine. The Silent Auction will feature items and experiences for everyone to enjoy and will be paired with a live Cork Pull featuring numerous fine wines. Come share a drink (or two) with some old friends, or maybe make a couple new ones. Make sure to browse our Sponsorship Opportunities to become more involved and advertise your business or organization to hundreds of Coweta County citizens. Newnan-Coweta Club Howard Warner Club benefiting 2023bbw/givesmart 60 East Broad Street, Newnan, GA 30263 For tickets and partnerships, please visit: Donna Pollard Agency Owner Donna Pollard Agency INC Allstate Insurance Company 48 Main Street, Suite 2B, Senoia, GA 30276 770.692.1431 • Cell 404.316.4405 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday Auto  Home  Life  Retirement Personalized Service Trusted Advice Georgia Resident a Mortgage Licensee No #44082; Orig nator L cense # 29273 ©2023 Longbridge F nancial, LLC NMLS# 957935 1 International Blvd , Suite 900, Mahwah, New Jersey 07495 1-855-523-4326 For licensing information go to: www nmlsconsumeraccess org For additional Longbr dge licensing and disclosures please visit: https://longbridge-financial com/licensing Not al products and options are available in a l states Terms subject to change without notice Certain conditions and fees apply This s not a loan commitment All loans sub ect to approval NMLS #268066 House Hunting? Time to Make a Move? Give you the advantage when presenting your offer to a selling agent and seller, especially in today's competitive market Catch any potential credit or asset issues prior to writing a contract or risking any earnest money deposits Help expedite your loan closing process NMLS #957935 (551) 264-5036 (Office) Now may be the perfect time to make a move! Contact me today to learn more: (678) 283-7057 Mark Maudlin Branch Office: 137 E Morgan Street Unit A Clarksville GA 30523 Branch NMLS #2474486 This material has not been reviewed, approved or issued by HUD, FHA or any government agency The company is not affiliated with or acting on behalf of or at the direction of HUD/FHA or any other government agency A pre-approval is a conditional customer approval which means a lender has looked at most of the required supporting documentation for your loan upfront It's a quick process and of no cost to you - it's good for 60 days and can be updated if needed! Having pre-approval can:
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 Red Letters Radio Show with Andrah P’Lonas 5 to 6 a.m.

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 Connecting The Kingdom with Debra Harris Tuesday Mornings 10 to 11 a.m. Sponsored By Newnan City Church

 Health, Happiness, and Harmony Hour with Dr. Louis Boynton Wednesday Mornings 10 to 11 a.m.

 Know Your Rights with Charles H. Cauble 2nd and 4th Thursday Mornings 10 to 11 a.m.

 Faith Works with Pastor Jimmy Ellison Friday Mornings 10 to 11 a.m.

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Mr. Personality

Newnan’s Goodwill Ambassador

August: The highlight for this month is my seventy-fourth birthday!

Try this, if anyone is interested in giving me a birthday gift, don’t. Instead, give that same amount of money to your favorite charity in the name of Jesus. You see, the Divine Spirit is blessing me beyond words every day. I would like to see this idea catch on and spread like gossip. I can see the headlines now: “Extra, Extra, Read All About It!” People all over Coweta County donating to their favorite charity in the name of Jesus. Perhaps it will grow worldwide. Now this is what I would call a real fine birthday present. You know of course that this is not my brilliant idea, as it just popped up in my mind and my thoughts flowed freely from my pen thanks to the Divine Spirit. Such sweet blessings are truly a daily experience. This leads me to my second chapter of my short essay on “selftalk.” By paying close attention to the very manner in which I speak to myself provides me the opportunity to determine the thoughts and concepts that are truly my own and not from the collective consciousness I was born into.

A) My life is now defined by my positive attitude, gratitude, and God-given purpose that is shaped by my positive end results of my daily spiritual experiences. It is through careful self-talk that is indeed truly essential. B) Therefore, I choose to express my heart, mind, and spirit through small simple words that are more meaningful and peaceful than larger pretentious words. C) My self-talk is determined by which self I am addressing at any given time, such as myself of yesterday, myself of today, or myself in the now. This can result in different types of self-talk that in turn will determine the use of different words for each self expressed.

This Book of the Month goes hand-in-hand with my essay on selftalk and my use of small simple words used in a big way that heals, that spreads love and joy in the process. The book is titled “Shift: Change You Words, Change Your World” by Janet Smith Warfield. This is exactly what I learned to do and my world is indeed changed for the better in a constant positive way daily. I love the way she expresses herself. She speaks about the mystical experiences, words, and emotions, as I too have seen the transformation the author speaks of through the exchanging of negative words for positive ones. I stress that one must be fully aware of the collective consciousness one has been born into to determine who is talking to whom. This book will challenge your mind and give you much to ponder upon, and the author included a warning on page XIV herself. Until next time, Peace, Love, and Much Respect Your friend, Mr. Personality 


8 | The PAPER | August 2023 |
1515 Lower Fayetteville Rd. v Newnan, GA 30265 v 678.673.5486 v v PARTIES v WEDDINGS v FUNDRAISERS v MEETINGS v BANQUETS v TRADE SHOWS v AND MORE

Piedmont NEWNAN

Piedmont has received 15 American Heart Association Get With The Guidelines and Mission: Lifeline achievement awards for demonstrating commitment to following up-to-date, research-based guidelines for the treatment of heart disease and stroke, ultimately leading to more lives saved, shorter recovery times and fewer readmissions to the hospital.

Every 40 seconds, someone in the U.S. has a stroke or heart attack, and heart disease and stroke are the No. 1 and No. 5 causes of death in the United States, respectively. Studies show patients can recover better when providers consistently follow treatment guidelines.

Get With The Guidelines and Mission: Lifeline put the expertise of the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association to work for hospitals nationwide, helping ensure patient care is aligned with the latest evidence- and research-based guidelines. As a participant in both programs, Piedmont qualified for the awards by demonstrating how the organization has committed to improving quality care.

Piedmont Newnan was awarded: Get With The Guidelines- Stroke Gold Plus Award with Target: Stroke Honor Roll Elite and Target: Type 2 Diabetes Honor Roll

Local Junior Volunteers Complete Summer Program

“Piedmont is committed to improving care by adhering to the latest treatment guidelines and streamlining processes to ensure timely and proper care for heart attacks and strokes and we continue to make improvements in our Neurosciences Line in Atlanta to make it one of the top programs in the country,” William Blincoe, M.D., Chief of Staff of Piedmont’s Physician Enterprise. “The Mission: Lifeline and Get With The Guidelines programs make it easier for our teams to put proven knowledge and guidelines to work on a daily basis, which helps us ensure more people in Georgia experience longer, healthier lives.”

August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month

August is National Breastfeeding Awareness

Month and Piedmont is joining in the celebration of this year’s theme, This is Our Why. Piedmont is dedicated to ensuring every family that chooses breastfeeding receives resources as we support, promote and protect breastfeeding to ensure their success.

“We are well aware of the benefits of breastfeeding for babies and mothers,” said Lewis Jackson, M.D., Piedmont’s regional medical director for pediatrics and a practicing pediatrician with Piedmont Physicians Group. “Studies show breastfeeding protects babies from various diseases and conditions such as ear infections, asthma, and obesity. For mothers, breastfeeding may lower the risk of certain cancers, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and reduces the risk of developing heart disease later in life.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 60 percent of mothers stop breastfeeding earlier than they intended due to an absence of ongoing support. Piedmont’s physicians and dedicated lactation specialists strive to ensure mothers receive education, resources, and support throughout the baby’s first years.

Piedmont Newnan offers Breastfeeding Basics classes free of charge for expecting parents in the community, as well as inpatient

and outpatient lactation support by on-staff certified lactation consultants. Our experienced pediatricians also work with families on an individualized plan that works best for mom and baby post-delivery.

“Each family’s breastfeeding experience is unique, which can present different needs and/ or challenges,” said Dr. Jackson. “Establishing a plan together, we find the techniques that work best for each family to provide the most benefit to babies and moms.”

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend exclusive breastfeeding for about six months. Breastfeeding, along with complimentary foods should continue for the next six months and for as long as both mom and baby desire.

Online resources can also provide information on the benefits of breastfeeding. The United States Breastfeeding Committee, www., has resources dedicated to key facts about breastfeeding. Additional resources can be found from the American Academy of Pediatrics,, and the CDC,

For information on maternity services at Piedmont or to find a physician for your child or family, visit

Piedmont Newnan Hospital would like to thank this year’s Junior Volunteers that just completed their summer program at the hospital. The program is not an internship, but rather a volunteer opportunity for rising 10th, 11th and 12th grade students from Coweta County, as well as the children and grandchildren of Piedmont Newnan employees and volunteers.

“The Junior Volunteer program is a service to Piedmont Newnan and provides an opportunity for students to gain exposure to a hospital environment while contributing to their community,” said Jeannie Johns, Volunteer Services Specialist at Piedmont Newnan.

Junior volunteers serve in various departments throughout the hospital, including inpatient floors, the Emergency Department, Supply Chain, the Mother/Baby unit, Engineering, Respiratory, Imaging, Cardiac, Dietary, Patient Access, EVS, and Rehab Services. Junior volunteers receive a free lunch and also build relationships through their experience.

“Our program has so much to offer students that are looking for a career path in the medical field,” said Jeannie Johns. “They donate their time over the summer and bring so much joy to our patients and staff. Students also have an opportunity to learn firsthand about different roles within the hospital and it helps them navigate career paths and college choices. It

truly is an awesome program for students and I love watching them grow and learn from it.”

Piedmont Newnan started the Junior Volunteer program to give students in the community an opportunity to explore a career in healthcare.

“While volunteering with us, students may see themselves entering the healthcare field, or they may learn that it is not their calling,” said Johns. “It is good to have new experiences, learn what you are passionate about, and start making plans concerning your career path. In short, this is a growing experience.”

Students that participate in the program commit to volunteering a minimum of four hours a week throughout the summer program, which is offered in June and July each year.

If you have questions about volunteer opportunities at Piedmont Newnan Hospital, please contact Piedmont Newnan Volunteer Services at The applications for next year will be available in December, and can be picked up at the hospital’s front desk or by emailing Volunteer Services. The program is limited to a certain number of participants each year and students who are accepted must be able to attend a two-hour orientation the first week of June.

Save the Date for Piedmont Newnan Soiree – Friday, November 17 from 7 to 11 p.m. at the Newnan Centre, benefitting Piedmont Newnan Oncology Services. For more information on sponsorships and tickets, visit | August2023| The PAPER| 9
Piedmont Is Nationally Recognized for its Commitment to Providing High-quality Cardiovascular Care
Piedmont’s Transition to Practice Nurse Residency Program is designed for new graduate nurses or nurses with less than one year of hospital experience, to gain valuable nursing experience in the field.
to our recent Nurse Residency Graduates
770.400.1000 •
745 Poplar Road, Newnan, GA 30265
Kate Harris with Patient Access Jordyn Riley supply chain Kemora and Lidia eating lunch

Zen Monkey’s News and Musings …

Mick Jagger, lead singer for The Rolling Stones, just celebrated his 80th birthday. The Stones performed as recently as last year.


Senoia Area Blood Drive on August 14th

State Representative Lynn Smith (R-Newnan) recently hosted the Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra at the Georgia State Capitol. This trip marks the Scottish orchestra’s fourth visit to Georgia since the signing of its sister city/sister county agreement with Newnan and Coweta County. [ [ [

Monty Python’s Life of Brian was marketed in Sweden as “so funny it was banned in Norway.” [ [ [

There’s a new motorcycle gang taking to the streets in Newnan and Coweta County. The Stilettos on Steel, LLC organization is a female-owned business that provides membership and networking services to female motorcycle riders across the United States. The mission of the organization is to help women who dream of riding to take the next step in becoming a motorcycle rider. The recently formed Newnan chapter “Newnan - The City of Homes - held their first event at Bigfoot Cycles. For more information, please reach out to the Newnan Chapter Regional Coordinator Ginger Queener at [ [ [

In Finland they have ‘National Sleepy Head day’, where the last person in a family to wake up is thrown into a lake or the sea by the rest of the family. [ [ [

There are now 23 international companies making their home here in Coweta, which is quickly becoming a hub for global industry. Countries represented in Coweta include: Japan, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, England, Netherlands, France, Taiwan, Ireland, Norway, Canada, Austria, China, Israel and Italy.

Goats are immune to poison oak/ivy and are used to control the growth of the toxic plants by grazing. Even better, the toxicants don’t pass through their milk.

Register before 8.11

Saturday, September 2 at 8am.

Begins in Downtown Newnan and spans through “The City of Homes!”

Save the date! Senoia Optimist Club to host free Fishing Derby on September 16

Your Summer Concerts Source for Info, Tickets & more

Magic 98.1 is a sponsor of the Fred’s 2023 Summer Concert Series

Listen and win tickets on … Magic 98.1 &

H August 5 … Black Jacket Symphony / Saturday Night Fever

H August 18 … Clint Black

H August 19 … Interstellar Echoes: Pink Floyd Tribute

H September 3 … Gin Blossoms + Tonic + Fastball

H September 23 … Cheap Trick

Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m to 3 p.m.

The race features a 5k USATF certified course. Runners are encouraged to register prior to August 11, which is the end date for early registration.

10 |The PAPER |August2023 |
Proudly handling the prescription and medical needs of Newnan and Coweta County residents since 1984.
Candles, Clothes, Coffee and so much more
770-253-1121 40 Hospital Road
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Your Local Radio music • talk • sports
your radio / digital advertising … contact William Barber 770.231.6807
Ruth Bruner (seated), visiting from Texas, gave blood for the first time at the blood drive last May. Proud sister, Jean Cotton (member of Senoia UMC and the Senoia Optimist Club), served Ruth some snacks to help ensure that all was well. You, too, can make a difference in the lives of others by donating at the August 14th drive at the local church.

The Journey with

Paper readers, have you ever felt left out? Of course you have, I’m sure everyone has. As firmly grounded as I am in myself and my relationships, I have as well. I’ve felt it in my marriage, with my kids, in my friendships. It happens. FOMO (fear of missing out) is an anagram for a reason!

As a matter of fact, I’ve had such severe FOMO in the past that I’ve stressed myself out not to miss things and made my life unnecessarily chaotic because of it. I’ve had my feelings hurt and wondered if people just don’t like me when I saw a major birthday party on Facebook for someone I thought was a good friend that I wasn’t invited to. Perhaps it slipped their mind, perhaps we weren’t as good of friends as I thought … but either way, what was done was done and there was nothing I could do about it then. And definitely, nothing I can do about it now.

Then there’s being someone you aren’t to make other people happy … so you get included and have more ‘friends’. You can try and try, and try, but you’re never going to make everyone happy. Just because you want to be included and involved, and are genuinely nice to people, does not mean they will accept you and/or include you. It’s unfortunate but sometimes it just is what it is. Maybe they’ll come around, maybe they won’t. I recently told a good friend of mine that occasionally, I will allow myself to believe that I don’t have any friends. Which is RIDICULOUS. I’m here to tell you during a period of sound mind that I have real friends (not just social media connections) that I’m still in contact with from high school, when I was pregnant with my first born in Florida, from my last job in two states and on and on.

Our negative thoughts can get the best of us! You have to be comfortable in your own skin and confident that the right people will be there, at the right time, which is no easy frame of mind for people that have struggled with insecurities now or in the past. But the past is just that, in the past. Holding on to things is fine if feelings aren’t attached. I hold onto things to remind me not to repeat the same behavior but I don’t feel badly towards one person or group of people as I move on, mainly since I’m not a fan of torturing myself.

So, as you continue on in your Journey – know you are loved, you are liked, and you are missed. Know that even if things aren’t going your way and even if you’re going through some really tough times – everything in our life helps us grow. Whether it’s something superficial we really shouldn’t be getting upset about, or something serious like a damaged friendship – this too shall pass. You will grow, you will be better. If you allow yourself to be.

Until next time, friends!

Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out. – John


Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Corporation of America is hiring new professional team members at our facility in Newnan, Georgia, due to our continued growth.

We are looking for fresh faces with a broad range of expertise to expand our amazing leadership team!

Direct Hire jobs in salaried positions are on our website. Engineers, Welders, and Supervisors who understand the manufacturing process are urged to apply. On the website, choose “Direct Hire” to review job information.

Full-time benefits include:

• Health Insurance, Dental and Vision

• 401K

• Profit Sharing

• Tuition Reimbursement

• Local Discounts

“Considering a career with Yamaha has been one of the best decisions that I’ve made. It’s given me a whole lot of experience, it’s grown me a lot, not only as an engineer but as a person. And so it’s been really cool experience to get to grow up with the company, and I think that’s very valuable.” |August2023|The PAPER|11
Always wear your seat belt, helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Apply online at Click on Direct Hire to Apply!

The MUSIC … Local&Live

Newnan‘s Kris Youmans Band has a unique rootsy, country sound with a bit of Western swing that makes them a perfect edition to GPB’s Georgia’s Country Connection series at

We are fortunate she writes The Music column for us at The Paper.

“Music gives a soul to the Universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” …Plato

*Check out the music calendar for Mad Mexican - consistently good music and great food.

*The Cellar/Bays always has a music calendar that offers a variety of bands and genres.

Featured artists this month is The Band O.N.E.

Roben Pinson and Linda Pinson have been husband and wife for 35 years and were married five years before they started playing music together in their first band called Milestone. When Milestone disbanded it was inevitable for the music to continue. With the addition of drummer Mark Pietrofere, bassist Scott Stillman, and keyboardist / vocalist Becky Clark, The Band O.N.E. began in a big way.

Local & Live Venues …

Call ahead to check on Live music dates and times!


20 Jefferson Street, Newnan 770.683.6328

Live Jazz on Wednesdays

Acoustic on Thursdays in The BAYS

Live Music Friday and Saturday nights

Performances at 8 p.m. in The BAYS.

Call for reservations for The CELLAR dining room.

8/03 … Rylee Banks

8/04 … Third Shift

8/05 … The Band O.N.E. 8/09 … Jimmy G, Tommy T

… Jack Anthony

THE MAD MEXICAN 2 East Court Square, Newnan 770.683.9545

Come for great food and live local music.

Roben started his music career as a cellist, also learning to play guitar in his teens. He was influenced by rock bands such as The Beatles, Rush, The Who and tailors his style to the wide variety of music that The Band O.N.E. offers. Linda began her music journey with piano and vocal lessons in high school chorus. Big influences for her are Linda Ronstadt, Barbara Streisand, Stevie Nicks and Adele. Mark has been playing drums for 40 years and was influenced by Buddy Rich, and Led Zeppelin’s drummer Jon Bonham. He also adds great vocals to the band’s sound. Becky’s resume is long and varied - Show director at The Legacy Theater in Tyrone, a teacher, vocalist and actor. Scott played trumpet in high school and jazz bands. His roots are in folk, bluegrass, and jazz, giving him a solid foundation for his bass work.

The Band O.N.E. focuses on a wide variety of styles from folk to jazzfrom rock to country. They tailor their sets and sound to the venue and the crowd. Catch one of their shows to hear a band that is not only professional, but fun & diversified!

Look for them at The Cellar August 5th and SummerGrove Golf Club September 1st.


on the Square, Fayetteville Marvelous Marvin presents Saturday Night Blues on the Southside8:30 p.m.

You’ll hear the best local and regional blues!

SENOIA ALIVE AFTER 5 Main Street, Senoia

A monthly event in Senoia featuring Live Music, shopping, activities, vendors, food trucks! 5 - 9 p.m. Alive after Five!

8/18 … Kris Youmans & Her Mighty Fine Band

David Puett, Patrick Thompson, Warren Hall, Jerry Lee


365 Fayette Place, Fayetteville S.A.E. Live Music presents:


477 Rome St, Carrollton 678.664.2082

Open Mic Wednesdays!

Live Music Friday & Saturday Nights


335 SummerGrove Parkway, Newnan | 770.251.1800

Friday Night Dinner & Music

8/04 … Kris Youmans Band

8/11 … Midnite Cruzers

8/18 … The Dreamers

8/25 … The Wyatt Band

9/01 … The Band O.N.E.


26 Carriage Oaks Dr., Tyrone Live music on Wednesdays 7 to 9 p.m.

Saturdays 8 to 10 p.m.

Sundays 4 to 7p.m.

Kris Youmans is originally from Savannah, GA where she was part of the River Street music scene early on and is greatly influenced by music of the southern culture. Kris’ interests are focused on local music, organizing music fundraisers, her three grown children, life on Pierce Chapel, Hank the Dog (who also has an ear for music) and Marcy who is all ears when it comes to Live music.

Contact Kris with questions, comments, suggestions or just to say you like her column



20 Longstreet Ave., Turin UMC

Music every 1st and 3rd

Saturdays of each month

starting at 6:30 p.m.

Gospel, Bluegrass and Country. Good Music, Good Fellowship!

8/05 … Coleman Family

Frank Brannon & My Way

Kirkland & Friends

8/19 … The Reid Family

Silver Valley Boys

Country at Heart

FRIEND’S TABLE (former Highland Bakery & Kitchen) 238 City Circle,PTC 678.369.7820

Live music every weekend 6-9 p.m.

8/19 … Jeanine Duke


102 B Guthrie Way, PTC 770.629.5591

Every Sunday 12:30-3 p.m. Jeanine Duke


1329 Bullsboro Drive

8/10 … Jeanine Duke


300 City Center Parkway, Fayetteville 770.731.1641

8/04 … Threadbare Skivvies

8/05 … Peter Fodero

8/12 … Brian Rivers

8/19 … Butch Watson


18 Savannah St., Newnan

8/04 Jason Bowen

8/05 Duncan Bros Music


18736 Hwy 85, Gay 8/05 Mary Martin


206 Clark St., LaGrange 706.443.4838

A true listening room featuring hidden treasures and legendary singer/songwriters in an intimate setting. Shows at 7:30 p.m.

8/04 … Front Porch Collective

8/12 Michael Reno Harrell

8/19 Barry Waldrep

8/26 Mojo Parker (Blues Series # 4)

RPM FULL SERVICE 15 Jackson Street, Newnan 770.683.1414

Live music and restaurant venue, pet friendly patiocall ahead for music lineup.

*Every Sunday music on the Patio

*Karaoke every weekend

Open Mic Wednesdays 8:30 p.m.

THE ALAMO 19 W. Court Square, Newnan 770.683.2526

Call ahead for events, dates and times.


1875 E. Main St., Hogansville 706.637.9444

Family oriented Mexican cantina and grill with friendly atmosphere and live music. Call ahead for music line up.

Karaoke nights every Friday & Saturday.

8/02 … Daniel Toole 8/09 … TBA 8/16 … Spencer

8/23 … Ricky Lee

SAE Jam Band & Open Mic

Every Saturday 8-11 p.m.

R&B, Blues, Jazz & Oldies


150 Huddleston Rd., PTC 770.731.1641

8/05 … Liberty Road

8/05 … Jukebox Disciples

8/11 … Jimmy G & Tommy T

8/12 … Mary Martin

8/18 … Wired Banjo

8/19 … Ward Abel

8/25 … Butch Watson

8/26 … Brian Rivers

Open Mic Night

Every Sunday, 6 to 9 p.m.

Come out to see local talent and sign up to play!

De Shawn Parker is your Host.

8/31 … David Ellis

8/30 … Daniel Toole

12 |The PAPER |August2023 | _____________________________________________________________________________________
Christopher 8/11
Chuck & Nick 8/16
SAE Jazz 8/17
Third Up Band 8/18
Jukebox Disciples 8/19
SAE Jazz
… The Expectations & 8/11 … Jeanine Duke Cellar Dining Room 6 p.m.
… John
8/23 … Tim Shepard
8/25 … Max Reggae
8/26 … Pete & Pete 8/30 … Jeanine Duke
8/02 Lerogie 8/04 Ashley
8/05 Larry
8/09 Michael
8/11 Ellis Lowery 8/12 Joey Troup 8/16 Trevor Meadows 8/18 John Hensley
8/19 Jack
Christopher 8/23 Ellis
8/25 Chad
8/30 Aaron
¯ THE TROPIKAL BIRD 167 Banks Rd @ Banks Station, Fayetteville SAE Live Jazz Friday Nights 7-11p.m.


455 S Glynn St. #107, Fayetteville

Tony Howard’s Tina Turner Tribute 8/05

Early Bird Tickets

Get ready to groove to the soulful tunes of “The Tony Howard Motown Revue Tribute to Tina Turner & Other Ladies of Soul.”

Doors Open at 4 p.m. Meet, Greet & Refreshments: 4 - 5 p.m.

Showtime: 5:30 p.m.

Tony Howard has been doing his sold-out Motown Revue shows for 15 years. His fresh and energetic show features legendary songs from The Temptations, Aretha Franklin, Diana Ross, Whitney Houston, Bruno Mars, Tina Turner and a special tribute to Elvis!

SUMMER NewnaNights

Main Street Newnan

announces their monthly summer event series at Greenville Street Park.

Family friendly music, food trucks, veno booths.

8/10 … The Expectations


1339 Upper Big Springs Road, LaGrange, GA 706.882.5296

Family owned winery and cafe … beautiful winery with tasting room and vineyard.

Every Friday and Saturday

the Winery features a local performer in the Tasting Room. Starting around 6 p.m. on Fridays and 2 p.m. on Saturdays until close at 10 p.m. Call to get up-to-date lineup for music.

8/12 … Daniel Toole


1 Main St., Senoia Senoia’s 1st Craft brewery!

Bring the kids, dogs, and your favorite takeout food.

All music starts at 7 p.m. unless noted differently

8/25 … Daniel Toole



1875 E. Main St., Hogansville 706.637.9444

Family oriented Mexican cantina and grill with friendly atmosphere and live music. Call ahead for music line up.

Karaoke nights every Friday & Saturday.

8/02 … Daniel Toole

8/09 … TBA

8/16 … Spencer

8/23 … Ricky Lee

8/30 … Daniel Toole


700 Lincoln St., LaGrange 706.298.6500

Every SundayMusic starts at 4 p.m.


2850 Hwy. 54, Peachtree City 770.486.2696

All Shows Start at 8 p.m.


1st Saturday of every month! (Around the Newnan Courthouse) August 5 and … 10 a.m. and goes until 2 p.m. All ages and levels of play welcome. Join in the fun by singing along or bring your acoustic instrument. Lots of networking for musicians going on during the performances.

The Expectations perform 8/10 Greenville Street Park Check

PRESENTED BY SPONSORS GET TICKETS NOW! Bring Your Own Food & Drink + Food Trucks Onsite! “Dockside” at Arnall Grocery Co. Saturday, August 5, 6:30 p.m. Live Music, Food and Fun. Bring your favorite chair and stay awhile! 32 E Washington St., Newnan
Fayetteville Look for Front Porch Collective at LaGrange’s Pure Life House of Music Look for Michael Reno Harrell at LaGrange’s Pure Life House of Music Look for Barry Waldrep at LaGrange’s Pure Life House of Music Look for Kris Youmans at Her Mighty Fine Band at Senoia’s Alive After 5 August 18
our website for The Weekend Guide for the lastest live


Centre for Performing & Visual Arts

1523 Lower Fayetteville Rd., Newnan, GA 30265 770.254.2787

Main Street Newnan

6 First Avenue, Newnan, GA 30263 770.253.8283

Market Day • Saturday, August 5 & September 2, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

The Market will feature over 55 unique spaces, with a variety of one-of-a-kind gift items. Market Day favorites include: fresh locally grown produce, honey, jams & jellies, pottery, art, hand-woven baskets, leather products, etc.

Summer NewnaNights • Thursday, Aug. 10 at Greenville Street Park on the 2nd Thursday during the months of June-August from 6-9 p.m. Live music, food trucks, & fun! The Expectations 8.10

Labor Day Sidewalk Sale • Friday, Sept. 1

This is an all-day shopping event where visitors are invited to walk the downtown streets and shop the best deals of the year.

The Carnegie Library

1 LaGrange Street, Newnan • 770.683.1347

Exercise Is Medicine, Gentle Yoga and Crochet, Book Club with Lola, Literary Circle Book Club, and more.

Invasion of Normandy August 17, 2:30 to 4 p.m. Guest speaker Willard Womack will discuss D-Day, the Normandy invasion. This event began a major turning point in WWII, which nine months later ended the war with Germany. Leaders, the soldiers, their equipment, impactful decisions, well-known and unknown stories will be discussed and there’s trivia.

**Registration with Eventbrite at:

Visit for information.

The Fabulous Equinox Orchestra • August 17, 7 p.m. Inspired by the style and swagger of legendary entertainers like Frank and Dean and Sammy, Davis & Johnson are making their own revisions to the Great American songbook. This recipe for 100% audience approval includes the favorite melodies from recent history–a dash of Motown, a shot of Country, some folk and rock sprinkled on top–and the stories behind them, serving up a musical banquet that feeds every soul.

Sunrise on the Square Road Race 5K • Sept. 2, 8 a.m. The Sunrise on the Square Labor Day Road Race is a local favorite, and has been held annually in Downtown Newnan on the Saturday before Labor Day for over 40 years! The race begins in Downtown Newnan and spans through “The City of Homes”.

City of Newnan’s Leisure Services

Some events require reservations and space is limited.

40 Greenway Court, Suite D, Newnan • 770.683.3724

Check their website and Facebook page for more information.

LocaL TheaTre

24 1st Ave, Newnan • 770-683-6282

N.I.T.W.I.T.S. Once Upon a Time Improvisation Show

August 5, 8-10 p.m.

Newnan Theatre Company’s improvisational comedy troupe, N.I.T.W.I.T.S., began fifteen years ago to bring something more than “just plays” to the community.

The Importance of Being Earnest • Aug. 17-20, 24-27

Oscar Wilde’s classic is a delight from the first cucumber sandwich on as Jack’s double life catches up with him. The problems are resolved in an extremely charming and quite unexpected way as Jack and Algernon discover the importance of being earnest while answering to the name of Ernest.

The Legacy TheaTre

The Legacy Theatre

1175 Senoia Rd., Suite C., Tyrone, GA., 30290

Southside Theatre Guild

20 W Campbellton St, Fairburn, GA 30213 770-969-0956 •

Movie Night at the Wadsworth: Moana • August 4 6 to 8 p.m. 25 Jefferson St., Join Newnan Leisure Services for a showing of the 2016 Disney animated film, Moana. Due to high demand of the Movie Night at the Pool, Leisure Services decided to host a second showing the night before with meet and greet opportunities with Moana and Maui! Registration is required. Visit City of Newnan’s website fro more information. The film is rated PG for peril, some scary images and brief thematic elements.

Newnan Cultural Arts Commission

Jazz in the Park

August 18 & September 15. Special nights of music, laughter, and fun in the Greenville Street Park. Robin Latimore will perform August 18 at 7:30 p.m. It will be a memorable experience you won’t want to miss!

McRitchie-Hollis Museum

74 Jackson St., Newnan • 770.251.0207

T.M.Brown’s Book Launch Party Thurs., August 24, 5:30 to 7 p.m. -- T. M. “Mike” Brown is launching his new historical novel, “The Last Laird of Sapelo” at the McRitchie-Hollis Museum. Come at 5:30 for the reception with refreshments*, followed by book talk and signing. Portion of the book sales proceeds benefit Newnan-Coweta Historical Society.

Event bookseller: Newnan Book Company FREE event. No online registration, but RSVP is appreciated so that they know how many to expect. Please call the museum at 770.251.0207 or email Or go to to RSVP

Pilliard Dickle’s 1 1/2 Man Show • August 31, 7 p.m. at Newnan’s Historic Train Depot

14 |The PAPER |August2023 |

Murder in Coweta County Case Discussion • August 10

Join Coweta County Historian Mark Puckett for a discussion of this famous case. August 10, Doors open at 6:30 p.m., Program 7 p.m. 6 Couch St, Senoia, GA 30276 Facebook and Instagram.

Check Facebook for the latest.

Senoia Farmers Market


8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 40 Travis St., Senoia senoiafarmersmarket

Fresh local produce, vendors and artisans. on Facebook.

Senoia Area Blood Drive

August 14, 3 to 7 p.m. at the Senoia United Methodist Church

Senoia Alive After 5 August 18, 5 p.m.

Shopping, Dining, Music with Kris Youmans & Her Mighty Fine Band 7 p.m. and More

Senoia PorchFest 2023

Coweta County Genealogical Society & Library

8 Carmichael St., Newnan

Wed. - Fri., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Check Facebook for info



9110 Selborne Lane, Suite 210, Chattahoochee Hills, GA 30268

Save the dates: September 21-October 1, 2023. Soirée, Concert, Spoken Word, Cirque Show This Fall, a big top tent will raise out of the Wildflower Meadow to host two weeks of arts performances as part of the first ever “Under The Tent” Series, brought to you by Art Farm at Serenbe.

Serenbe Farmers Market • Saturdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the Selborne Green. Fresh produce, artisanal prepared foods, fine arts and crafts.

Serenbe Farms Tours Saturdays 3 p.m. on The Farm in Grange to learn about growing organic produce.


Sept. 3, 3 p.m. 20 of Senoia’s porches will host local bands and musicians. An Artist Alley on Pylant Street will display local artists’ artwork. There will be food trucks with food and beverage. A Children’s Corner will provide activities for younger participants. Visit for more information on these and upcoming events in Senoia.


Visit website for calendar

City of Fairburn

Visit website for calendar

Fairburn Farmers Market

Fridays • Aug. 4, 4-7 p.m. Popcorn & A Movie

August 10 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fairburn Annex Third Friday Concert August 18 6 to 10 p.m.

Walk with a Doc in PTC • Saturday, August 12 Warm-up at 8:15 AM, Walk begins promptly at 8:30 AM 215 Northlake Drive. Peachtree City, GA 30269

Farmer Street Cemetery Commission Community Meeting

The City of Newnan welcomes you to join the Farmer Street Cemetery Commission at a community drop in event designed to gather input on potential future improvements to the Farmer Street Cemetery August 7, between 6 and 8 p.m., at the Howard Warner Gymnasium at 55 Savannah Street, Newnan, GA 30263.

Chattahoochee Bend State Park

425 Bobwhite Way, Newnan, GA 30263

Honeybee Jamboree • Saturday, Aug. 5 Come down to the park to celebrate and learn about bees! There will be five different booths to explore at the visitor’s center. The booths will include an observation hive, a bee craft, and more! Please call the Park Visitor Center to register. 770.254.7271 Bring water and comfortable shoes for walking around. $3 per person $5 parking.

Hike / Paddle 2023 • Aug. 26, Oct. 14, 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. You must contact before you go 770.254.7271

Check website and Facebook page for upcoming events!

West Central Georgia Black Chamber’s Small Business Expo

Thursday, August 17 at Coweta County Fairgrounds 275 Pine Road, Newnan

Look for ad on page 3 for more info.

Amp Concert Series:

The Amp at Adamson Square 118 Bradley St., Carrollton

Sister Hazel August 5 8 to 10 p.m. Sponsored by Scott Evans Nissan and Scott Evans Chrysler/Dodge/ Jeep/Ram.

Sept. 8 at PTC’s Drake Field 5 to 9 p.m.

Drake Field, 155 Willowbend Rd, Peachtree City, GA 30269

A free public market with music, entertainment, food and artists. Check their Facebook page for more information.|August2023|The PAPER|15
Senoia Area Historical Society History Museum Look for Town of Sharpsburg’s Facebook Page for their calendar of events
the date: Fall Plant Sale
October 14

P rofessiona L s P or T s

MLB Baseball


Aug. 2, Wed. – Los Angeles Angels, 12:20 pm – BSS

Aug. 4, Fri. – at Chicago Cubs, 2:20 pm – BSSE

Aug. 5, Sat. – at Chicago Cubs, 2:20 pm – BSSE

Aug. 6, Sun. – at Chicago Cubs, 2:20 pm – BSSE

Aug. 7, Mon. – at Pittsburgh Pirates, 7:05 pm – BSS

Aug. 8, Tues. – at Pittsburgh Pirates, 7:05 pm – BSS

Aug. 9, Wed. – at Pittsburgh Pirates, 7:05 pm – BSS

Aug. 10, Thurs. – at Pittsburgh Pirates, 12:35 pm – BSS

Aug. 11, Fri. – at New York Mets, 7:10 pm – BSSE

Aug. 12, Sat. – #at New York Mets, 1:10 pm – BSSE

Aug. 12, Sat. – #at New York Mets, 7:15 pm – FOX

Aug. 13, Sun. – at New York Mets, 1:40 pm – BSSE

Aug. 14, Mon. – New York Yankees, 7:20 pm – BSS

Aug. 15, Tues. – New York Yankees, 7:20 pm – BSS / TBS

Aug. 16, Wed. – New York Yankees, 7:20 pm – BSS

Aug. 18, Fri. – San Francisco Giants, 7:20 pm – BSSE

Aug. 19, Sat. – San Francisco Giants, 7:20 pm – BSSE

Aug. 20, Sun. – San Francisco Giants, 1:35 pm – BSSE

Aug. 21, Mon. – New York Mets, 7:20 pm – BSS

Aug. 22, Tues. – New York Mets, 7:20 pm – BSS

Aug. 23, Wed. – New York Mets, 7:20 pm – BSS

Aug. 25, Fri. – at San Francisco Giants, 10:15 pm – BSSE

Aug. 26, Sat. – at San Francisco Giants, 4:05 pm – FS1 / BSSE

Aug. 27, Sun. – at San Francisco Giants, 4:05 pm – BSSE

Aug. 28, Mon. – at Colorado Rockies, 8:40 pm – BSS

Aug. 29, Tues. – at Colorado Rockies, 8:40 pm – BSS

Aug. 30, Wed. – at Colorado Rockies, 8:40 pm – BSS

Aug. 31, Thurs. – at Los Angeles Dodgers, 10:10 pm – BSSE

Sept. 1, Fri. – at Los Angeles Dodgers, 10:10 pm – BSSE

Sept. 2, Sat. – at Los Angeles Dodgers, 9:10 pm – BSSE

Sept. 3, Sun. – at Los Angeles Dodgers, 4:10 pm – BSSE

# Day/Night Doubleheader

All Home Games played at Truist Park

MLS Soccer


Aug. 20, Sun. – at Seattle Sounders FC, 10:30 pm – Apple TV

Aug. 26, Sat. – Nashville SC, 7:30 pm –Apple TV

Aug. 30, Wed. – FC Cincinnati, 7:30 pm – Apple TV

Sept. 2, Sat. – at FC Dallas, 8:30 pm – Apple TV

All Home Games played at Mercedes-Benz Stadium

WNBA Basketball


Aug. 3, Thurs. – at Phoenix Mercury, 10 pm –Amazon/BSS

Aug. 6, Sun. – Indiana Fever, 3 pm –ESPN3/BSS

Aug. 10, Thurs. – at Seattle Storm, 10 pm – NBATV / BSSE

Aug. 12, Sat. – at Los Angeles Sparks, 7:30 pm – BSS

Aug. 13, Sun. – at Las Vegas Aces, 9 pm – CBSSN / BSSE

Aug. 18, Fri. – Chicago Sky, 7:30 pm – ION TV

Aug. 22, Tues. – Las Vegas Aces, 7 pm – CBSSN / BSSE

Aug. 25, Fri. – Los Angeles Sparks, 8 pm – ION TV

Aug. 27, Sun. – at Indiana Fever, 4 pm – NBATV / BSS

Aug. 29, Tues. – Phoenix Mercury, 7 pm – BSSE

Sept. 1, Fri. – at Minnesota Lynx, 8 pm – ION TV

All Home Games played at Gateway Center Arena

NFL Football


Aug. 11, Fri. – at Miami Dolphins**, 7 pm – FOX 5

Aug. 18, Fri. – Cincinnati Bengals**, 7:30 pm – FOX 5

Aug. 24, Thurs. – Pittsburgh Steelers**, 7:30 pm – FOX 5 ** Preseason Game

All Home Games played at Mercedes-Benz Stadium

Georgia Bone andJoint offers After Hours Orthopedic UrgentCare along with specialty trainedSports Medicine doctors.

Whether you are a weekend warrior or a high school, college, or professional athlete and suffered an injury, you need to see a doctor with the highest level of training and experience in sports medicine. At Georgia Bone & Joint, our sports medicine doctors take a team approach in helping you return to your favorite sports and activities, working to keep you in the game! Our sports medicine doctors are specialty trained in the treatment and care of sports-related injuries and conditions, such as torn ligaments (ACL and MCL), torn cartilage (meniscus), sprains, fractures and more. We offer both non-operative and operative care options for our patients. At Georgia Bone and Joint, we offer very flexible treatment options including Telemedicine, best-in-class Physical Therapy on campus, as well as our own ambulatory surgical center to serve our patients. Georgia Bone & Joint is proud to be the Sports Medicine provider for our community schools as our doctors have been on the sidelines helping athletes since 1984.

Appointments 770.502.2175 &

16 |The PAPER |August2023 |
1755 Hwy. 34 E, Suite 2200, Newnan 125 Grand Oak Drive, Fayetteville 145 Medical Boulevard, Stockbridge After Hours Clinic - Immediate Orthopedic Urgent Care (Newnan Location) Monday-Friday 5 pm to 9 pm • Saturday 8 am to 12
TV Affiliations: BSS – Bally Sports South BSSE – Bally Sports Southeast



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50 lbs bags in stock

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14 Jackson Street, Newnan, GA 30263

MLS #10148023

CHOICE 10.13 ACRES ZONED COMMERCIAL (C2) ON HWY 74 (SENOIA ROAD)! Adjoins Georgia World of Beverages. 579 ft of frontage on Highway 74, and additional 385 ft +/- of frontage on Landrum Road. $3,500,000. Frank/Jess.

MLS #10120310

HURRY ON THIS 14.41+/- WOODED ACRE TRACT ON US HWY 29 approximately 5 miles north of Newnan! 819.25’ Road frontage. Small pond. Ideal for development, church, school, estate size lot or possible subdivision. $599,900. Frank / Chip.


Associate Broker 678-857-9350

• 770-253-6990

MLS #10178434

WELL BUILT 4-SIDED BRICK RANCH ON QUIET CUL-DE-SAC with new roof, central heat & a/c, and paved carport. Formal Dining room. Spacious family room/den. 3 BR/2 BA. Handsome updated kitchen with granite countertops, newer cabinets, stove, dishwasher & refrigerator. Storage building. See today!

$269,900 FRANK

Serving All Your Real Estate Needs Since 1948.

MLS #10180013

DELIGHTFUL 4-SIDED BRICK RANCH ON ROSCOE ROAD has Living Room w/fireplace, Formal Dining Room, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, updated Kitchen! Hardwood floors. Master bedroom has access to spacious, fantastic covered deck overlooking fenced backyard with KOI pond with waterfall, garden area, patio, workshop, greenhouse, man cave and storage rooms - ideal for hobbies and entertaining. OCHOSA Home Warranty provided by Sellers. See to appreciate at $349,900! Frank/Jess.


BEAUTIFUL & SPACIOUS BRICK & VINYL HOME w/ hardwood floors, high ceilings on full, finished basement. 4 BR, 4 ½ BA. LR with fireplace opens to screened porch. Kitchen has granite countertops. Separate DR. Primary BR has remodeled master BA w/ large walk-in shower, jacuzzi tub. Attic has expansion potential. Double garage. Shop area. Excellent schools, great location w/ easy access to downtown Newnan, I-85. $730,000. Jess/Frank.

MLS #10158946

MLS #10179829

BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATED HOME & ADJACENT LOT! Easy access to bypass/Hwy 34, Ashley Park, I-85 & downtown Newnan. Completely renovated kitchen w/new flooring, cabinets, c-tops, bkspl & SS appl. Lg GR w/vaulted ceiling. Spacious primary bedroom w/renovated bath. Lg secondary br’s. Screen porch, Deck. Spacious backyard & add’l lot! A must see! $359,900 Jess.


2 VACANT BUILDING LOTS IN WEST COWETA COUNTY with county water and electricity available. Country setting on East Coggin but easy access to Newnan, Franklin, and Carrollton. $60,000 per lot. Frank and Jess.



MLS #10101800


2 WOODED VACANT LOTS in West Coweta on East Coggins Road. Easy access to Newnan, Franklin or Carrollton. $60,000 per lot. Frank/Jess.


12 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS in Grantville. Easy access to I-85, Atlanta, Newnan, LaGrange and Columbus. Sold ‘as is’. $420,000 Bulk Sale Only. Frank/Jess.

48.45 ACRES ON FRANKLIN HWY! BEAUTIFUL, WOODED LAND WITH STREAM! Great timber, hunting, recreation or development tract. Timber cruise completed in 2020 - $72,675. Mixture of hardwoods and pines. Spacious and private! $411,825. Jess.


MLS #10169807

APPROXIMATELY 43.597 ACRES OPEN AND WOODED. 4 HOUSES ON PROPERTY. Approximately 2-acre pond. Frontage on Hwy 75 and Landrum Road in Fairburn. See to appreciate by appointment only $6,000,000. Jess /Frank.


2.86 ACRES on BETHLEHEM ROAD NEAR MORELAND. Mostly wooded with mature hardwoods. Good building site. Soil test already done. See to appreciate. $68,000. Frank. COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE

RESIDENTIAL LOT ON BERRY AVENUE IN TOWN. All utilities available. $29,900 Frank.


AMLAJACK 255.5+/- ACRES WITH HALF MILE FRONTAGE ON I-85 between 2 industrial parks. $17,890,600. Frank.

FOR LEASE – 3,200 s/f upstairs office space - $750 per month (Owner/Agent) Frank.


18 |The PAPER |August2023 |
MLS #10183581 MLS #10132017 RESIDENTIAL LOTS IN MANCHESTER, GA! Manchester city water, sewer & electricity available. Schools nearby! Walk to downtown Manchester. Chestnut Glen Subdivision. $3,270,000. 6.7 ACRES ZONES GENERAL COMMERCIAL, HWY 29 NORTH OF NEWNAN! Convenient to HWY 34 Bypass and downtown Newnan. Great opportunity for many potential uses. New Price $499,900. Frank/Chip. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS IN BOHANNON WOODS, GRANTVILLE. BULK SALE ONLY. Easy access to I-85, Atlanta, Newnan, LaGrange and Columbus. Seller will only sell as a bundle, not individual lots. $420,000. Frank/Jess. MLS #10184718
1948 2023
for more informaton on these and other available lots / land and commercial listings.

Real Es tate The PAPER

How Is The Local Real Estate Market?

The local real estate market is cooling off. Properties are still being listed and sold, but the activity and sales numbers have dropped dramatically. I have noticed the decline in showing activity with new listings this summer. We are not seeing the amount of showings that we saw earlier in the year and the years preceding that.

In fact, the number of sales in Coweta County, from June 2022 to June 2023, were down over 18 percent per Georgia Multiple Listing Service (GAMLS). A seasonal and summer lull in real estate is common as people often go on vacations but the lull seems more pronounced this summer.

Listing inventory is still a problem as well. There are not many options for buyers as they go look for a home. A low supply of listings has kept real estate prices steady even though buyer demand has tailed off. New listings were down over 20 percent, from June 2022 to June 2023 per GAMLS. At the time that I am writing this, there are only 416 homes for sale in Coweta County per GAMLS. The averages sales price of a home was basically flat, year-over-year, in Coweta. The average sales price for June 2023, in Coweta County, was $453,304 per GAMLS.

High interest rates are keeping many potential buyers from purchasing homes. Depending on income, debt and credit scores, mortgage rates are anywhere from six to seven and a half percent right now. The days of two and three percent rates, from two to three years ago, are long gone. Another factor is a low consumer confidence. Many people feel the economy is in a poor or “shaky”

state and are delaying making large purchase such as a home. The consumer confidence survey showed that only 21.9% of consumers felt that business conditions were “good.” This was down from 23.4% the previous month.

What does all this mean for our market here? The market is certainly cooling off from arguably the greatest seller’s market of all time.

I would say that the market is actually in a healthier state now.

Buyers have a much better chance, with less competition, of securing a property than they did just a year or two ago.

While mortgage rates are high, they are still historically moderate compared to when rates were in the teens and near 20 percent just a few decades ago. Coweta is still a nice and desirable place to live with a low cost of living and access to many great amenities. The local real estate market will continue to turn, it just not may be the speed we all grew accustomed to the last couple of years.

with Jess Barron

Jess Barron is an Associate Broker with Lindseys, Inc. Realtors and former President of the Newnan-Coweta Board of Realtors. ■

Newnan Carnegie Library has new Fall hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Sunday Closed.

1 LaGrange Street, Newnan | August 2023 | The PAPER | 19 • 770.486.9552 100 N. Peachtree Parkway, Suite 11 Peachtree City Tues-Sat, 10 am-5 pm • Mon by Appt Only End SummerofSale Designer Services Available Financing Available 30%–50% OFF STOREWIDE IN-STOCK & QUICK-SHIP ITEMS AVAILABLE We’re a Boutique Lender. We Specialize in Client Service and Helping Borrowers Achieve their Dreams! Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group, L.L.C. NMLS #72043 ( is an Equal Opportunity Lender. Located at 600 Lynnhaven Parkway Suite 100 Virginia Beach, VA 23452. Cherie Bell Sr. Mortgage Banker, NMLS #414585, Licensed in AL, GA #414585 770-312-8714 Office: 470-683-4100 x 5424 | Fax: 844-458-9893 |

The Film Fix … Streaming Edition

Capsule Reviews … New Rating System - A “Fix" is recommended with a rating between 6 and 10! a “No Fix” with ratings of 1 to 5 isn’t.

W. Hickman is an entertainment attorney, filmmaker, college professor, and novelist. More about Jonathan can be found by visiting

In Theaters:

Haunted Mansion (in theaters now) – l Fix Rating 6/10 —

The decades-old Disney amusement park attraction gets a reboot (see 2003’s “The Haunted Mansion” starring Eddie Murphy), this time with a talented, well-known ensemble cast. The result is a kid-friendly comedy with minimal scares.

When engineer Ben Matthias (LaKeith Stanfield) meets and ultimately loses the love of his life, he becomes a hapless drunk. He makes money conducting history walking tours in New Orleans. One day, he’s visited by Father Kent (Owen Wilson), who promises him a big payday if he takes a photography job in an old mansion outside town.

Naturally, this is the title of the haunted piece of real estate, and when Ben steps foot in the place, he enters a very spooky world. The new owner is a doctor named Gabbie (Rosario Dawson). She’s brought her young son Travis (Chase Dillon) to the mansion, hoping to get a new start. Unfortunately, the place is inhabited by many terrifying and annoying apparitions.

Since Ben’s invented a unique camera and lens that can capture images of ghosts, Gabbie and Father Kent reason that he might be able to help them exorcize the mansion. As their investigation proceeds, they turn to Harriet (Tiffany Haddish), a medium, and then to college professor Bruce (Danny DeVito). Reluctantly, they form a ghost-fighting team.

“Haunted Mansion” is an uneven film that gets the job done. However, the terrific Stanfield is in a completely different movie, as he delivers a sincere performance while everyone else has their tongues firmly in their cheeks. The story contains heartfelt emotion positioned next to campy, sitcom-style comedy banter.

Recent Oscar-winner Jamie Lee Curtis appears briefly hamming it up alongside a completely wasted Tiffany Haddish—both actresses are much better than this material.

Oppenheimer (in theaters now) – l Fix Rating 10/10 —

The atomic bomb makes a thunderous, awe-inspiring appearance in “Oppenheimer,” Christopher Nolan’s sprawling ensemble epic. Still, the concentration on physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer’s monstrous ego makes the film more of a personal story and less of a historical one.

An oppressive sense of urgency is built into this artful telling of one man’s pursuit of immortality. As the momentous events in Europe and the Pacific marched forward during WWII, the brilliant physicist was put in charge of the project to develop the powerful war-ending weapon.

Nolan’s typical storytelling structural touches set the film in various time periods, both before and after the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The movie is shot in IMAX, a large-format film typically associated with capturing expansive vistas and thrilling action sequences. With the assistance of Oscar-nominated cinematographer Hoyte Van Hoytema (see “Dunkirk”), Nolan moves the wide angles in closer than usual IMAX productions.

“Oppenheimer” is a visual and narrative achievement that towers above anything I’ve seen so far this year. The palpable drama is so thick that it is almost unbearable. And while Cillian Murphy is a standout in the lead, Robert Downey, Jr., is a lock for end-of-year nominations as a supporting actor.

The production is flawless. I was both taken aback by Nolan’s craftsmanship and intimidated by the skill he exhibits in his storytelling. The success of the third act, which often evades lesser directors, demonstrates the work of an unparalleled master who learned from his misstep with 2020’s “Tenet.” “Oppenheimer” is an unabashed masterpiece befitting the outstanding atomic achievement and securing the physicist’s legacy in a way that is sad, inspiring, and without pretense.

Streaming Selects:

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (now streaming) – l Fix Rating 6/10 — “Rise of the Beasts” isn’t a bad “Transformers” film. It’s a sequel to 2018’s entertaining and successful spinoff “Bumblebee.” What’s confounding is that since “Rise” is set in 1994, its place in the series canon seems incongruous. Is this a reboot? Inquiring minds want to know.

I’d call “Rise” a reboot that builds on the goodwill generated by “Bumblebee” while bringing into the fold the franchise’s variant “Beast Wars.” The story has a Transformer race known as the Maximals seeking refuge on Earth. When a planet-devouring evil entity named Unicron finds its way to our world, the Maximals join the Autobots to save the day.

(formerly HBO Max):

Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty (Season 2 premieres on August 6) – HBO’s hit basketball series returns with its second season. Season one of this high-concept show took viewers to the 1980s and followed the efforts of Hall of Fame player turned coach Jerry West (Jason Clarke) and Lakers owner Jerry Buss (John C. Reilly) to build one of the biggest NBA franchises in history. The allstar cast of familiar faces is combined with some newcomers playing famous players and historical figures. The raucous series comes from producers Adam McKay, Max Borenstein, and Jim Hecht.

Heart of Stone (August 11) – Netflix continues to bet big on blockbuster action films on the small screen. After the success of the Chris Hemsworth vehicle “Extraction” and its recent sequel, the streaming behemoth gives “Wonder Woman” star Gal Gadot a massive platform that hints at a franchise. From the team that brought Netflix the Charlize Theron led “The Old Guard” in 2020, “Heart of Stone” is another familiar story of a shadowy agency combating threats to international security. “Fifty Shades” heartthrob Jamie Dornan and German star Matthias Schweighöfer (see “Army of the Dead”) round out the ensemble cast.

Harlan Coben’s Shelter (series premiere on August 18) – The bestselling author Harlan Coben (see “Safe” and “Tell No One”) produces another adaptation of his pulpy, popular writing with a series based on the 2011 novel “Shelter.” Secrets swirl as teen Mickey Bolitar (Jaden Michael) moves to a new town following his father’s death, and his mother enters rehab. When a classmate disappears, Mickey and his new friends investigate. Is Mickey’s father really dead? The mystery deepens as Mickey tries to find answers.

Fix Rating 10 / 10!

Ahsoka (series premiere August 23) – Rosario Dawson returns as Jedi Knight Ahsoka Tano in this “Star Wars” series. Trailers give off a definite “Mandalorian” vibe, but one hopes that the lessons learned from Tony Gilroy’s terrific series “Andor” will carry through to “Ahsoka.” Dawson is perfectly cast in a role that was only a supporting character in previous live-action series entries. If this show manages to capture a little “Andor” magic and builds upon the impressive narrative developments conveyed in installments of the animated “Tales of the Jedi,” Disney may have an opportunity to continue its successful “Star Wars” universe expansion.

Theatrical Teasers:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (August 1) – This animated franchise entry is yet another adaptation of the 1980s comic book property, this time from the minds of Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg, and Jeff Rowe (see his work on “The Mitchells vs. the Machines” and “Gravity Falls”).

Meg 2: The Trench (August 4) – Jason Statham returns to kick in the nose not just one killer prehistoric shark but at least two of the beasts. The first one was campy fun, but this sequel comes from directing auteur Ben Wheatley (see “High-Rise” and “Kill List”).

The Last Voyage of the Demeter (August 11) – Bram Stoker’s blood-sucking character never seems to die, and this new take on the classic 1897 novel focuses on Dracula’s voyage from Carpathia to London. Trailers look frightening as no one is safe aboard the Russian schooner Demeter.

Gran Turismo (August 11) – A talented cast led by David Harbour and Orlando Bloom tries to buck the bad video game adaptations trend with this take on the bestselling PlayStation property. The story has a gamer taking his skills to the real world. “District 9” director Neill Blomkamp helms this one.

Blue Beetle (August 18) – After the recent failure of “The Flash,” the DCEU looks to regain some ground with the fun appearing “Blue Beetle.” The story has a recent college graduate selected against his will by an alien symbiote in the form of a scarab to host its power. While the wholesale reboot of the DC Comics film franchise is well underway, one wonders where this entry will land once the new vision firmly takes hold.


20 |The PAPER |August2023 |
Regal Cinemas Georgian 14 Ashley Park 237 Newnan Crossing Bypass, Newnan 844.462.7342 NCG Cinemas at Fischer Crossings 55 Fischer Crossings Blvd., Sharpsburg 678-326-4460|August2023|The PAPER|21 Plus tax. Additional oil, diesel or synthetics extra. Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. See dealer for details. Expires 8/29/23. Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. Expires 8/29/23. Plus tax. Additional oil, diesel or synthetics extra. Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. See dealer for details. Expires 8/29/23. $1995 1 OIL & FILTER CHANGE Includes up to 5 Quarts of Oil, New Filter and Multi-Point Inspection 4-Wheel Alignment $129.95 Reg. $9995 Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. Expires 8/29/23. BATTERY INSPECTION Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. Expires 8/29/23. $3995 $7995 Wishing Everyone A Great 2023-24 School Year! Scott Evans Nissan Dodge • Chrysler Jeep from all of us at

The Bookmark with Susan Crutchfield

New Hours, Fun Fall Programs and Book Recommendations

Wow what a summer it has been! We have had so much fun at the Carnegie Library this summer welcoming thousands of people through our doors. By the time you read this the kids will be back in school. That may feel like the end of summer but we all know weather wise we have quite a few months left. So, I hope everyone still has time to enjoy a good book by the pool.

We know once school begins again it is more difficult to make it to the Carnegie with the kids to pick up books and enjoy the library so we are excited to announce that we are expanding our hours! We will now be staying open until 6 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays and we will be open 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays. We hope these expanded fall hours will give you an opportunity to visit us!

We also have some amazing fall programs coming up for children, adults and teens! Some of the programs on the horizon are Invasion of Normandy with Willard Womack, Teen Recycled Book Art, Preschool Open Play, Lego Club, Chess Club, Teen Open Art, Armchair Travelers-London and so, so much more. You can always check out our schedule at for more information.

I want to leave you with some book recommendations. These do not have a specific theme but are just books I have read recently that I have enjoyed and rated five stars.

Charm City Rocks by Matthew Norman—This book is set in Baltimore and centers around a music teacher, Billy and a former rock star, Margot. It had a very sweet love story and I enjoyed reading about Baltimore. The supporting characters in this book also had good storylines including Billy’s ex-wife and son and Margot’s ex-husband.

River Sing Me Home by Eleanor Shearer—This book is set on the island of Barbados in the 1830s. The Emancipation Act of 1834 frees all slaves but at the Providence Plantation the master announces they have to continues to work for him for six years. So one of them, Rachel decides to run. This book is about her journey to find her five children who were sold away from her. This book ripped my heart to shreds and put it back together several times. The writing in this book was stunningly beautiful. I felt like I was in this world with Rachel. It’s enraging, tragic, beautiful and ultimately about a mother’s deep & abiding love and determination.

No Exit by Taylor Adams—This is a thriller about a blizzard, a group of strangers and so much creepiness and tension! This was a terrifying book. The trapped atmosphere with no help but your own wits is just the scariest setting. Let’s be real I would have died within the first hour. But luckily Darby is made of sterner stuff than me so this book was full of suspense and cleverness.

The Light Pirate by Lily Brooks-Dalton—This is a dystopian book set in the future in Florida. Weather patterns and rising sea levels are changing the make up and climate of Florida. During a devastating hurricane Wanda is born. This book follows her throughout the years as her life rapidly changes. This is a book about survival, nature, found family, and community. The writing in this book was really beautiful. We hope to see you at the Carnegie soon! 

Susan Crutchfield is the director of the Carnegie Library in Historic Downtown Newnan. She also is a professional photographer and enjoys volunteering with the Newnan ArtRez and the Newnan Theatre Company.

• 1/3rd of Georgia’s children start school unprepared to learn?

• 75% of Georgia’s students who are poor readers in third grade will remain poor readers in high school?

How Do Books Help?

The more words a child hears, the larger the child’s vocabulary and the larger the child’s vocabulary, the more likely the child will be a proficient reader. However, in order to read with a child, books must be in the home.

in support of our Give BIG campaign.

22 |The PAPER |August2023 |
The Bookmark is sponsored by Coweta Public Library System
P.O. Box 336, Newnan, GA 30264 The Coweta County Ferst Foundation mission is to provide a free monthly age-appropriate book for every child under the age of five in Coweta County.
Did You
• 61% of low-income families do not have a single piece of age-appropriate reading material in their home?
This ad generously donated by Precision Tune Auto Care
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 | MORELAND | You can help. Join us for our big fundraiser …

delivering the services that enhance the quality of life throughout Coweta County.

Abby’s Closets

Did you know

There are over 50+ Abby’s Closets in elementary, middle and high schools providing school supplies and smiles to students every day of the school year?

Just like most everything, school supply costs have increased making shopping challenging for many families.

We are beginning our preparation to ensure these special spaces are stocked and ready for the student’s return in just a few short weeks!

If you would like to help support this mission that is “All Abby” by donating supplies or joining our Abby’s Closet Volunteer Team we would love to hear from you!

If you are a business that would like to partner with us supporting a specific school’s Abby’s Closet please email 3sisters@

Thank you!

Psalm 91:11 #allforabby #1Life1Choice #helpingallstudentssucceed

Abby’s Angels Foundation’s mission is to provide the tools and encouragement to learn through Abby’s Closets. Abby’s giving spirit and love of fun new school supplies serve students in a welcoming and colorful space. We hope these special corners will be a bright spot in a student’s day and a resource for support and needs.|August2023|The PAPER|23
70 Sewell Road | Newnan, GA 30263 | 770-683-5516 | NewnanUtilitiesGA @NewnanUtilities NewnanUtilities NewnanUtilities
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From the first water supply in Newnan from Bolton Spring in 1893, to the first flicker of electricity that lit a downtown Newnan street corner, Newnan Utilities has been committed to


Everyone has their “go-to” place to eat. It might be with linen tablecloths and waiters in ties, or where you throw peanuts on the floor and carve your initials in the wooden tables. Whatever and wherever, it’s your “joint.” There are lots of these places around here, and we’re out to find them all in The Joints column. And yes, all are White Monkey approved.

Alo Farms … 678.489.4423 • 629 Hwy 74 South, PTC Red and Green Oakleaf, Sweet Crisp, Red and Green Butter and Muir Lettuce. Microgreen broccoli, basil, cucumbers, spinach, scallion and more.

Apollo 2 Steaks … 770.667.4811

33 1/2 Broad St., Newnan

Authentic Philly cheesesteaks, cheesecake and more!

Cafe 1485 470.627.3043, 1485 GA 34 East, Newnan

Serving breakfast and lunch, this chef-driven restaurant reminds one of a diner … offering omelets, French toast, corned beef, biscuits and gravy, shrimp and grits. Shrimp Po-Boys, Cubanos, Hamburgers and more.

CC’s Wings … 770.252.2755 • 23 Franklin Road, Newnan

Do a pretty big take-out business. Usual flavors with fish and burgers on the menu as well.

Christy’s Cafe … 770-683-7512 • 27 Jackson St., Newnan

One of the more popular breakfast joints in town. Regulars know the secret menu. Also open for lunch. The front porch is popular, especially with dog owners. Down home grub.

Chylaca’s Mexican Restaurant & Grill … 770.252.6821

20 Bullsboro Dr., Newnan • 3154 E. Hwy. 34, Newnan …

Two locations serving up some of the best dishes around. People rave about their salsa and rice. We are also partial to the Tacos Carne Asada and the El Cabo.

Coweta Country Junction … 770.253.5999

1502 Hwy. 29 North, Newnan

Arguably the best wings in the county. Big and juicy.

Dunc’s BBQ Kitchen … 678-673-6644

98 Jackson Street, Newnan

Great joint that includes beef brisket, all-you-can-eat catfish and shrimp, smoked chicken and pulled pork. Killer banana pudding and their white sauce is The Bomb.

El Taquito … 770.252.2777

1389 Highway 29 South, Newnan

It’s located inside a gas station. Their Coke is from Mexico and has sugar. This is the real deal. They have photos up above the counter and you can just point and salivate at the same time.

Fabiano’s Pizzeria … 770.683.2683

19 North Court Square, Newnan

Very popular pizza joint. It’s their other items that really make a hitsoups, sandwiches, garlic knots and bowls of tater tots.

Windy Hill Family Farms

Garlic Thai … 770.683.7515 • 16 North Court Square, Newnan For those who love Asian food, as in Thai cuisine, sushi and noodles, Garlic has to be on the top of anyone’s list. Seafood, lamb, beef, chicken, all the proteins are there in some amazing sauces including several curry spices.

Goldens on the Square 770.251.4300

9 East Court Square, Newnan, GA 30263

The menu changes daily but there are always several meat/fish offerings, vegetables, salads and desserts.

If you are looking for some good ol’ Southern comfort food, you would be hard pressed to beat Golden’s.

H.J. Wings & Things 770.755.6192, 485 Hwy 16 W, Newnan Great wings, excellent hamburgers and top of the line cheesesteaks - and you know how serious we are about our cheesesteaks. But other “things” to consider are their shrimp, fish, massive salads, sandwiches, wraps, and … okay, wings again.

The Half Shell … 770.502.9911 • 1690 Hwy. 34 East, Newnan Hot dogs and oysters. Hey, it’s an Alabama thing. Onion rings, fried mushrooms are a secret hit. And don’t forget the crawfish. Hemrick’s Grocery, Deli & Cafe 770.253.6667

10 Franklin Road, Newnan • Open 24 hours. Charley’s Chicken and all the sides. A breakfast menu too. There’s Blimpie - America’s Sub Shop. Look fo Maui Wowi Hawaiian Coffees and Smoothies; Baja Fresh, Mexican Food; and an Uncle Maddio’s Pizza.

HomeStyle Kitchen & BBQ … 404-228-2887

400 Carlton Rd., Unit A, Palmetto Soul Food and Barbecue. Grab and Go, Ready-to-Eat Meals. Japaneck Frank Hibachi Cuisine 30 Main St., Suite C, Senoia • 678.621.4202 This joint is all about something different. Different foods, different cooking styles, sushi, hibachi … different. Think flat tops, shrimp, steak, salmon, grilled veggies, ginger sauce, the perfect fried rice and more ...

JR’s BBQ 404.391.3846 • 191 Pine Road, Newnan He’s located on the side of the road in a little trailer. The smoker is outside. Just go ahead and stop for a BBQ sandwich and you will be hooked.

Lisa Créperies … 48 Main Street downtown Senoia Cafe: 770.727.9566

Lisa’s Créperie has some amazing dessert crépes. But you’d be missing out if you didn’t try their breakfast and lunch “sandwich crépes.” Let’s just say their simple ham and cheese creépe would put your mama’s to shame and make her cry. And the “Lisa’s Crépe,” which is basically a ham crépe on steroids, is awesome. Heck, everything is. Come support this veteran-owned joint right in the middle of downtown Senoia.

The Mad Mexican … 770.683.9545 • 2 East Court Square Southern BBQ meets Mexican tacos. A unique take on Mexican dishes - burritos, quesadillas, nachos - with that Southern flair. Now serving margaritas … and awesomeness.

Matt’s Small Town Pizza … 770.599.1226 53E Main St, Senoia.

There is nothing “smalltown” about their pizza, or wings or anything else. Very casual atmosphere with beer, wine and even gluten free pizza if you prefer.

Modern Thai 678-834-5403 •

54 Carriage Oaks Drive, Tyrone.

A few offerings … Panang Beef … sliced beef tenderloin sautéed in panang curry topped with minced kaffir lime leaf and bell pepper served with jasmine blue rice. Or Spaghetti Keo Mao: stir fried spaghetti, shrimp, scallop, calamari, sweet onion, bell peppers, green beans with fresh chili, garlic & Holy basil. And Deep fried calamari rings with tentacles in salt and pepper batter served with pineapple chili sauce.

The Red Door Cafe 770-599-6838 • 86 Georgia Hwy. 85, Haralson, GA If you are ever in Haralson, Georgia, make sure and stop at Williams Grocery for some of the best sausage in the country. And you can try it right next door at the Red Door Cafe. You can have breakfast or lunch. On weekdays, they usually have two meat specials with plenty of vegetables. Or order off the blackboards.

The Redneck Gourmet 770.251.0092

11 N. Court Square, Newnan . Where you go to see a lot of people you know. It’s unpretentious with a little quirkiness - think Redneck Caviar. Hamburgers, hotdogs, sandwiches and salads. Everyone eats here.

RPM Full Service … 770.683.1414

15 Jackson Street, Newnan

Great pub food. Those into Reubens give it high marks. They have this Cod of Thunder that we aren’t sure anyone has ever finished. A very dog friend porch that always gets high marks.

Señor Taco … 678.723.7255,

75 Main St., Senoia

If you happen to be out and about in Senoia, you have to try out Senor Taco. It is so good they’ve had to move across the street to a bigger place. Any place that serves you two different salsas with chips.

She Craft Company … 678.884.6323

929 Senoia Road, Tyrone

The chef calls it “Asian Confusion.” We call it fun and unique. A Korean/Chinese/Southern place - grilled brussel sprouts, meat Bulgogi sliders.

24 |The PAPER |August2023 |
Locally grown beef products including steaks, roasts, sausage and more. Farm Stand Hours: Friday 3 to 6 pm Saturday 10 am to 4 pm Friend us on Facebook to see weekly specials. NEW FARM STAND 1300 Rockhouse Rd. , Senoia, GA 30276 SHORT RIBS Buy 1, Get 1 FREE with coupon in August. One per customer with coupon.|August2023|The PAPER|25 Will Edwards Consumer/Commercial Lender NMLS# 1409018 Joe Borchardt Consumer/Commercial Lender NMLS# 1743683 Harold McCoy Consumer/Commercial Lender NMLS# 713337 Yetta Richardson Consumer/Commercial Lender NMLS# 1480751 We Mean Business. 2245 Highway 34 61 Bullsboro Drive TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: (770) 567–7211 NOW OFFERING GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED LOANS • Light Housekeeping • Errand Services • Bathing & Hygiene • Local Transportation • Meal Preparation • Social Engagement • Organize Household Our Exceptional Caregivers can assist you with ... 284 Bullsboro Drive, Newnan GA 30263 678-876-5118 All offices are independently owned and operated. • Pick up Prescriptions • Go to Religious Services • Go for Walks • Laundry • Puzzles & Games • 24-Hour Monitoring & more. Are you an Exceptional Caregiver? Join our team today! Now hiring Caregivers, CNAs and PCAs. Competitive wages. To apply, visit: or call/text: 678-597-9510. Home Helpers Home Care is a provider for VA Homemaker / Home Health Aide Program, and accepts all Long-Term Care Insurance and Family-Funded / Private Pay. n The kids have returned to school, sports practices and games are back on the schedule and your life just got more hectic! If your plate is full of tasks or has turned into a platter that is now running over, Home Helpers can help with the care and time needed to take care of your aging parents and loved ones! #1 in the #2 Business! We offer 24-Hour Emergency Service Mitchell Septic Service Residential & Commercial • Install & Cleaning Licensed & Insured • Competitive Prices 678-673-4910 1,000 Gallons $450 1,500 Gallons $550

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Local Breweries Are Having A Moment


With almost 10,000 craft breweries in the US, Newnan-Coweta has become well represented. Younger drinkers might be right in saying that craft brew ain’t their granddaddy’s beer, but to be fair, local breweries have become the place to hang out for all ages –from granddaddies to grandbabies.

On any given evening, the brewery scene is full of young families with their kids, Gen Xers with their adult kids, and Boomers filling up large tables with family and friends. Dogs are always present. It’s like the old neighborhood block party, but at a brewery, with better beer.

The brewery furor has hit our area and based on the crowds showing up, we are here for it. All offer a fun assortment of events, from trivia nights and corn hole tournaments to live music and food trucks. Here’s a rundown of our thriving local spots.

*Volunteer, self-appointed-expert taste testers assisted in giving notes, on multiple evenings. (We thank them for their sacrifice.)

Abide Brewing Company

These guys walked so the others could run. We salute Newnan’s oldest brewery for paving the way.

Co-founders Evan Scanian, Phillip Leonard, and Matt Kapusta started as hobby brewers, and opened Abide in 2015. Being the first, they had to deal with squaring away legal issues, on top of making great beer and running a business.

Fast forward to today: the Wertz Industrial Boulevard brewery has a taproom, an indoor game area, a stage area, and an outdoor space for games and food trucks.

High on our testers’ list were Riverfest IPA, “a smoother IPA”, Asian Persusasion, “clean”, “ginger notes”, and Jalapeno Riverfest IPA, “great for Mexican food”, “just a hint of jalapeno.” The Watermelon Sour also received high marks as “refreshing for summer.”

Cochran Mill Brewing Company

Father and son duo Ed and Jett Hattaway, from Chattahoochee Hills, started out brewing in a basement speakeasy. They decided to make it official in Fairburn: not too far from Atlanta, but still with rural vibes.

Head Brewer Mark Warner said, “We specialize in malt forward beers that are well balanced. Our best seller by far is our Dick ‘N the Dirt English IPA. Next to that our Wampus Kat Belgian Triple, and Zombie Harambe New England IPA are always wildly popular whenever they are on.” Our testers agreed, and also loved the margarita seltzer, a nice option for non-beer drinkers.

So what’s the best part of running a brewery? According to Warner, “The best part is bringing the community together. We want to be that brewery where you walk in and instantly feel like you’re at home. We have had proposals, weddings, family reunions, and all sorts of pivotal events happen here. It’s great when a place becomes more than just what it sells.”

Line Creek Brewing Company – The Reserve

When naming their brewery, co-founders Paul Costick, Brian Messer, Matt Ramsey, and Paul Schwinne were inspired by the creek in their backyard. Line Creek Brewing Company/The Reserve had their Grand Opening in June 2023 in downtown Newnan, with the goal to “serve the community, simply and naturally.”

They offer certain beers all year round, adding seasonal picks and limited editions to rotate on a weekly basis. At the Grand Opening, they released their Newnan Light Lager, rated “an easy-drinking summer beer” by our testers. Other tester favorites were the Hazy’s Galaxy Quest IPA, “juicy and fruity”, and for non-beer drinkers, the Peach Seltzer was “light and fresh.”

Savor your selections inside the taproom, or catch the live music from the large covered patio, the biergarten, or the kid-(and cornhole) friendly astroturf field.

26 | The PAPER | August 2023 |
is a freelance writer based in
You can find her on Instagram @theyellowdaisychick.

Operation Round-Up awarded a grant to the organization to assist with the funding of a living space renovation to accommodate serving additional families in the local community, including those with mobility issues.

Hope Revisited is a 501(c)(3) that strives to create a safe and stable environment where families disconnected due to life circumstances learn to thrive and achieve sustainable unifications for generations to come

NEW! Art Supply Grant Application

In support of Keris’ passion, Keris Kares Inc. would like to provide individual $200 Art Supply Grants to qualifying elementary school art teachers.

The art teachers will be awarded a $200 gift card to Walmart or Hobby Lobby to purchase supplies for the schools’ art program.

The Art Supply grant cycle opens each July and is based on availability of funds. Complete applications will be reviewed in the order received. Once reviewed, KKI will contact the grant requestor to confirm the application has been accepted or declined. Applicants are available for one grant per academic year.

Keep in mind … September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Going Gold Initiative

The month of September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month, which was created to spotlight the importance of research and awareness to aid in finding cures for pediatric cancer. Contact us at to get involved. | August 2023 | The PAPER | 27 R O U N D U P Y O U R U T I L I T Y B I L L T O D A Y ! B y p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n O p e r a t i o n R o u n d U p , y o u w i l l c o n t r i b u t e a n a v e r a g e o f 5 0 ¢ p e r m o n t h … a s m a l l a m o u n t t o m a k e a b i g d i f f e r e n c e i n o u r l o c a l c o m m u n i t i e s !
* S C A N T H E Q R C O D E T O S I G N U P .
ad was generously donated by Deidre K. Bembry State Farm as part of our
BIG campaign to highlight and promote nonprofits.
28 | The PAPER | August 2023 | Got the Back-to-School Blues? EXCELLENT prices, EASY financing, GREAT Customer service Check out Nissan’s All Electric Crossover ARIYA and our large inventory of New and Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles! CARES ABOUT YOU! As you prepare for your last minute Summer Vacations or to head Back To School Check out our RENTAL DEPARTMENT Great prices! Excellent cars! Smith Automotive Group, family owned and operated, offers a fresh, new approach to your car buying experience. 783 Bullsboro Dr. (next to Zaxby’s), Newnan, GA 30263 770.254.3800 SALES SERVICE RENTALS

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