The PAPER June 2023

Page 4

Kemp named Principal at Newnan High; Other Personnel Changes announced by Board

From Coweta County Schools Press Release

In a recent called meeting, Dr. Gamal Kemp, currently the principal of Lee Middle School, was approved by the Coweta County Board of Education as the new principal of Newnan High School.  The board also approved Dr. Jacqueline Stephens as the new principal of Brooks Elementary School at that meeting.

Both positions will become effective next school year, starting July 1, 2023. Kemp will replace Dr. Chase Puckett, who is leaving NHS to become the school system’s new Director of Instructional Services and Gifted Education.  Stephens will replace Dr. Jillian Andrew, who is leaving Brooks to become the school system’s new Director of Assessment and Accountability.

Dr. Gamal Kemp is a 14-year educator, a Coweta native and graduate of Newnan High School (class of 2003), and a graduate of Morehouse College, where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in psychology.  In addition, Kemp has earned a Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction through Walden University, a Specialist degree in Educational Leadership at Columbus State University, and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Walden University.

Before coming to Coweta Schools, Kemp worked for the GriffinSpalding School System where he taught science and worked as an assistant principal.  He came back home to the Coweta County School System in the 2017-18 school year as an assistant principal at Evans Middle School, and was then chosen as the principal of Lee Middle School in the 2021-22 school year.

Kemp said he has enjoyed his time as principal of Lee Middle, Continued on Page 2 Vol. 7, No. 2  June 2023 The POSTAL CUSTOMER PRESORTED STANDARD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID NEWNAN, GA PERMIT #120 FREE JESS BARRON, GRI Vice President / Associate Broker Million Dollar Club, Phoenix Member 678-857-9350 14 Jackson Street, Newnan, GA 30263 • 770-253-6990 • “Serving All of Newnan and Coweta County Since 1948” REALTORS PAPER
Passing of the Torch: The new Newnan High Principal Dr. Gamal Kemp (left) talks with former NHS Principal Dr. Chase Puckett on the high school campus last week.
“Be so good they can’t ignore you.”
SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 4 6 7 8 9 11 1213  The Art of Reading & Teen Open Art Day at the Carnegie &  Backyard Association Meeting 14 15 19  Juneteenth & 20  Doc Magic at the Carnegie &  Newnan -Coweta Art Association Reception at Nixon Centre 21 22 23 25 26 28  Gentle Yoga at the Carnegie 29  Preschool Craft & Teen Pottery Workshop at the Carnegie 30 18  Father’s Day! 10 24 1948-2023 Come Celebrate 1 to 4 p.m. 14 Jackson St. Teacher of the Year at The Nixon Centre  First Friday in Tyrone &  Concert at the Fred  STAR Kids Presents Disney’s 101 Dalmatians Kids 5 p.m. at The Nixon Centre  STAR Kids presents Disney’s Finding Nemo Jr. 5 p.m. at The Nixon Centre 27  Sunglasses Day FREE MOVIE MONDAYand Popcorn Puss in Boots: The Last Wish 10:30 a.m. at Wadsworth Auditorium For more information on these and other local events inside and check with hosts or on our website, at The Classic Market. Look for ad. Hug Your Cat Day! National German Chocolate Cake Day FREE MOVIE MONDAY Greenville Street Park 6 to 9 p.m. Concert at the Fred and Popcorn GA State MTB Championship & Banquet at Brown’s Mill. 5  Crochet at the Carnegie & Check out Coweta County Public Library’s 2023 Summer Reading More info in Bookmark column &  Concert at Greenville Street Park First Ave Park 10 a.m. to Noon GA State MTB Championship & Banquet at Brown’s Mill. https://goneriding. com/2023-gsc-final/ Look for Newnan Theatre Co. ad for info on fun summer camps! What to Do, See & Eat … More more inside!  Zoo Pro Adventures at the Carnegie  Atlanta Shakespeare Co. at Central Library for info 3 Some events are subject to change. Most events require reservations. Check with them before you go. Look inside for more info on these and other events. 2 1 inside for more! Braves vs Mets June 6, 7 & 8 Look for Braves schedule inside! Lewis Grizzard Games in Moreland  Adaptive Sports: Swimming for 18+ y/o differently-abled persons Newnan Leisure Services 678.673.5506 & Senoia Alive after 5 & PTC’s Sunset Sounds Market Day & Senoia’s Market &  African American Museum’s Grand Opening Check out the Music Column  Jeanine Duke is at The Cellar Look for more Local, Live Music inside Thursday’s Flavor is ? Look for their ad inside Summer Up! 16 & IN THE PARK 17 SUMMER SOLSTICE Continued on Page 2
Steve Martin

Kemp named NHS Principal

Continued from Page 1

but is looking forward to the challenge of Newnan High.

“I always wanted to come back to my community in my education career, in Coweta, and support teachers here because of the support they gave me as a student,” he said.  One teacher in particular Kemp cited was former Newnan High School educator Susan Mullins, who taught him Spanish and tutored him in the subject after school.  She also encouraged him at the time to join the first teacher cadet class at Newnan High, “and I agreed, and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”

“Dr. Mullins is one of the people who really got me involved in education,” said Kemp.  “I love the family atmosphere here in our community and at Newnan High School, so there is definitely a level of excitement for me in being able to go back to Newnan High and to support the school that supported me.”

Dr. Jacqueline Stephens is a 25-year educator and administrator and has served as the assistant principal of Northgate High School since 2018. Stephens moved to Coweta from a teaching career in the western U.S. She was hired at Northgate after serving as an elementary school principal in Goodyear, Arizona. Stephens earned her Bachelor’s degree and her Master’s degree in Curriculum from California State University, Bakersfield, and earned her Master’s degree in Educational Leadership and her Doctoral degree in Organizational Leadership from Grand Canyon University. Her posting at Brooks means a return to elementary education for her, “so I’m very excited.  I feel like I’m going back to my people,” said Stephens.

The new principal appointments are part of a larger than normal set of administrative changes for the Coweta School System, driven largely by the retirement of long-time system leaders.

Earlier this year, School System Assessment and Accountability Director Julie Raschen announced her retirement from the system at the end of this year, and system Director of Instructional Services and Gifted Education Schwanda Jackson retired in March. Madras Middle School Principal Lorraine Johnson also announced that she will finish her career after 17 years at the head of the north Coweta School after this school year as well.

In their regular May meeting, the school board approved a recommendation to appoint Newnan High’s Chase Puckett to succeed Jackson, and Brooks’ Jillian Andrew was approved to succeed Raschen in those roles.

Also earlier in May, the Board appointed current Madras Assistant Principal Herbert Betts to succeed Lorraine Johnson as Principal of Madras Middle School, following her retirement later this spring. The Board also approved East Coweta High School Assistant Principal Hap Hines as the new high school Principal of the Central Educational Center. Hines will replace current CEC principal David Dement, who was approved in April to become the principal of Smokey Road Middle School in the upcoming school year.

In March, the board also appointed Lee Middle School Assistant Principal Amy Addison to succeed Dana Ballou as the Principal of Northside Elementary School, after Ballou retires later this spring.

2 | The PAPER | June 2023 | The Classic Market & Wine Shoppe’s 15 Main St., Suite 1B, Senoia • 770.727.9140 • theclassicmar & Summertime Lunch Series Monday, 6.19 Prosecco Join us at the Classic Market for a pizza and prosecco luncheon. Take a break from the kids and the heat and join us for some sparkling wines paired perfectly with some awesome pizza! We are limiting this event to only 12 people per event, so contact us immediately to save your spot! Monday, June 19, 2023 • 11:30 a.m. OR 1 p.m. Just $17 for three (2 ounce) pours of Prosecco, Pizza, Veggies, Chips, and a Cookie. RSVP. Pay over the phone at 770.727.9140 or in person at the store. Check our website for other evening tastings! Branch Office: 137 E. Morgan Street Unit A, Clarksville, GA 30523. NMLS #2474486. This material has not been reviewed, approved or issued by HUD, FHA or any government agency. The company is not affiliated with or acting on behalf of or at the direction of HUD/FHA or any other government agency. Georgia Residential Mortgage Licensee No. #44082; Originator License # 29273 ©2023 Longbridge Financial, LLC NMLS# 957935. 1 International Blvd., Suite 900, Mahwah, New Jersey 07495. 1-855-523-4326. For licensing information, go to: For additional Longbridge licensing and disclosures, please visit: Not all products and options are available in all states. Terms subject to change without notice. Certain conditions and fees apply. This is not a loan commitment. All loans subject to approval. Contact Mark Mauldin, your local Reverse Mortgage Consultant. Rewriting the Rules of Retirement Retirement comes with more time for the things you love. A reverse mortgage can help you fund them. Pay off your existing mortgage to eliminate monthly payments Get additional income tax-free cash to use for what matters most Continue to own your home just like a traditional mortgage
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Notes from Perry Street

I wrote this column seven years ago … almost to the day. The only things I would add are that the subject of this column has destroyed our ability to form correct sentences, understand how to balance a checkbook or even write a check. Handwriting is now hieroglyphics or chicken scratch at best. We send money (what, pray tell, is “cash”) and write entire chapters with apps. Conversations, at least the face-to-face kind, are replaced by texts.

Not too long ago, I realized I did not know any of my sons’ cell phone numbers.

I discovered this while filling out some form and had to include one of their numbers. Had no clue what it was. Talk to him all the time on the phone, but I wasn’t even sure about his area code.

Horrible parent right?

But let’s switch chairs here. How many of you know your kids or grandkids’ cell numbers by heart?

Years ago I had countless phone numbers memorized. Had no choice. I was not one to carry a phone book around. Friends, family, businesses, restaurants, knew them all. Now, I can unequivocally state I know my number and the Little Black Dress’ number.

I also know my home phone number, but I try to never call it because I don’t want to call and have myself answer. Just a weird phobia I have.

So here’s what I’ve learned: smartphones are just making us dumb. And we are getting to the point where some of us cannot survive without them.

We don’t need to memorize anything anymore. We have our contacts in our phone. We have the important ones on speed dial.

We have everything we need, until we don’t.

Example 1: The LBD has been in Oklahoma the last couple of weeks serving as chaplain for the Miss Oklahoma pageant. One night I get a call from one of her friends she’s hanging out with in Oklahoma. Now, getting a call from a friend when your wife is out of town kind of makes your heart stop for a moment. Was she in an accident? Is she hurt?

It was The Dress.

So I’m all “what are you doing calling me on your friend’s phone/you freaked me out/don’t ever do that again” rant and she basically tells me to zip it. Appears she left her phone somewhere and borrowed her friend’s to call.

The LBD’s problem was she and some other friends were going out later that night and she couldn’t call them because she didn’t know their phone numbers – they were on her phone.

Example 2: Eldest SON of Thunder is helping deliver our new weekly newspaper this summer. Out of the blue his phone just up and died.

He’s freaking because he can’t contact his friend for lunch. I told him to use my phone. He doesn’t know his friend’s number. I shake my head.

I suggest he go out and deliver some more newspapers. He looks at me strangely, points to his phone and said, “it’s dead. I can’t use GPS.” I suggest he try this thing called a “paper map.”

He looks at me like I’m a Neanderthal who just saw fire for the first time. Smartphones are making us dumb. We are using our brains less and less and rely on buttons instead.

My father-in-law, up until he died a few years ago, ran a successful veterinary practice for 50 years. He never used a cell phone. He never had an email address. If he needed to remember something, he’d pull out this little pocket spiral notepad that was all crumpled up and write it down with a stubby pencil he sharpened with a pocket knife that was older than he was. He did alright.

As for me, I think I’m going to spend the next few days learning my sons’ phone numbers, just in case.

Until next time. 


John A. Winters, Publisher, Editor

Corby Carlin Winters, Ambassador At Large

Joey Howard, Digital Editor / Sales 404.698.0734

Levi Winters, Social & Visual Media

Ruth Harris Doyal, Composition 770.254.1421

The PAPER office is located at 15 Perry Street, Newnan, GA 30263

Mailing address is: P. O. Box 757, Newnan, GA 30264

Office Hours: Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9 - 4. 770-254-1421

e-mail: web:

The PAPER is published by Winters Media & Publishing, Inc., P. O. Box 757, Newnan, GA 30264

John A. Winters, President Corby Carlin Winters, Vice President

The PAPER is distributed throughout Coweta County and surrounding areas. You can find it at restaurants, banks, tourist locations, hotels, convenience stores, libraries and other high visibility locations. For more information …

4 | The PAPER | June 2023 |

Donna Pollard Agency Owner

Donna Pollard Agency INC

Allstate Insurance Company

48 Main Street, Suite 2B, Senoia, GA 30276

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June Daily Menu

SUNDAY: German Chocolate, Chubby Hubby

MONDAY: Carrot, Chocolate Cream Pie

TUESDAY: Key Lime, Holly’s Sweet Cookie, GLUTEN FREE

WEDNESDAY: Coffee & Donuts, Pineapple Upside Down

THURSDAY: Strawberry, Candied Pig, Baker’s Choice, VEGAN

FRIDAY: Strawberries N Creme, Tequila Sunrise, Baker’s Choice, GLUTEN FREE

SATURDAY: Strawberry Cheesecake, Coconut Rum, Baker’s Choice | June 2023 | The PAPER | 5 Circa Market HOURS: Monday - Saturday 10 am to 6 pm Sunday 1 to 5 pm Circa Coffee HOURS: Monday - Friday 6:30 am to 7 pm Saturday 8 am to 7 pm Sunday 9 am to 5 pm 865 Senoia Road, Tyrone 770-683-7991 Watch for daily updates on Instagram and Facebook Where New Meets Old. Come See and Touch. CIRCA EVENT RENTAL Follow us to learn more on booking tents, tables, chairs and more … 202 Greenville St., LaGrange, GA 30241  706.882.8665 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Saturday 9 a.m. to Noon  Closed Sunday . 113 Newnan Crossing Bypass Newnan 770-252-1400
With Coupon. 1 Coupon per visit. Cannot be combined with other offers. Excludes Gluten-Free and Vegan Cakes. Expires 6/20/23
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Mark Your Calendar! Make Some Plans! The Rotary Club of Newnan’s

If I had it to do over …

No regrets. Don’t spend much time looking in the rear view mirror.

You are going on an extended solo trip. What three albums and three books would you take?


Sting - My Songs

Mozart - Essential Mozart

The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds


3 Random books - love to read anything!

You are hosting a dinner party for six. What five people, living or dead, would you invite and why.

My family! I love the amazing conversations around our dinner table.

If you weren’t doing what you are, you would be … A High School Teacher.

Your go-to food. Cheeseburger!

Favorite movies(s):

My friends would tell you I haven’t watched anything of significanceI did watch and love Schitt’s Creek.

Dogs or cats?

Have 3 dogs and 5 cats - can’t pick!

Your favorite quote.

Read this a long time ago in a Dale Carnegie class. Has stuck with me.

“I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being; let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”

Name something that you are extremely glad you did or accomplished. Moved to America.

What advice would you give your younger self. Don’t listen to your older self! 

6 | The PAPER | June 2023 | Visit our website and select the What To Do category to find more events. Located right off Main Street at 202 Fayetteville Road, Palmetto Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. | Sat. 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. | Sun. closed 770.703.5027 • Family Owned & Operated Prescriptions within minutes Unique & Creative Gifts Minutes from Arbor Springs, Canongate, Tyrone & Serenbe
Briefly describe yourself and what you do/did. I work for a large private company in their Protein business. I have the privilege to work with great people in plants throughout Canada, the United States and Mexico. Best piece of advice you’ve received. My father - It’s all about the Meat! My mother - Hang on to it as long as you can - once you give it up, you may never get it back. The Interview with Bradley Down ©2021 Huntington Mark, LLC. Independently Owned and Operated. SAT and Advanced Placement (AP) are registered trademarks of the College Board. PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the College Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc. None of these entities were involved in the production of, and do not endorse, this program. *Not valid with any other offers. **Grade level results are based on cumulative average grade level increases in reading and math for 17,445 students from 2010-2014 using the full set of available student data. ***Results are based on surveys of 3,289 Huntington students graduating in 2019, using their initial Huntington Academic Evaluation and final SAT/ACT test score. HLC4079.1 A SUMMER AT HUNTINGTON LEADS TO A BETTER SCHOOL YEAR • K-12 TUTORING • TEST PREP • HOMEWORK HELP • STUDY HALL • ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE COACH AVERAGE INCREASES 2+ GRADE LEVELS in math and reading** on SAT score*** on ACT score*** in scholarship offers*** SAVE $100* ON AN ACADEMIC EVALUATION (VALUED AT $195) 470-289-4090 1111 Lower Fayetteville Road, Unit 1200, Newnan 229 POINT INCREASE 5.4 POINT INCREASE $71,149.00 PER STUDENT TUTORING & TEST PREP AVAILABLE IN-CENTER OR ONLINE Catherine Sprague,
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Coweta County Genealogical Society & Library 8 Carmichael St., Newnan Wed. - Fri., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. OPEN HOUSE June 3, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Check Facebook for info

With more than 30 years’ experience in pediatric orthopedic care, Georgia Bone and Joint is proud to offer the only pediatric specialty orthopedic service on Atlanta’s Southside, giving families the highest quality of care for growing bones and muscles at our Newnan & Peachtree City Offices. Our pediatric orthopedic doctors specialize in providing the highest level of care and compassion to children experiencing orthopedic injuries or conditions. From toddlers to teens, Georgia Bone & Joint provides a broad range of services for children and the entire family all under one roof by offering families everything from a full PT gym and therapists for young bones, X-Ray and MRI services, and the convenience and cost-effective options with our on-site Ambulatory Surgery Center. Georgia Bone and Joint also offers an AFTER HOURS CLINIC for families because we know injuries with active kids can happen anytime. Our Newnan Location is open for families 6 days a week, M-F from 5 to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Scheduled appointments are available and walk-ins are welcome. | June 2023| The PAPER| 7 70 Sewell Road | Newnan, GA 30263 | 770-683-5516 | NewnanUtilitiesGA @NewnanUtilities NewnanUtilities NewnanUtilities
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From the first water supply in Newnan from Bolton Spring in 1893, to the first flicker of electricity that lit a downtown Newnan street corner, Newnan Utilities has been committed to delivering the services that enhance the quality of life throughout Coweta County.
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Mr. Personality

Newnan’s Goodwill Ambassador

June: The highlights for this month are D-Day on the 6th, Flag Day on the 14th, Father’s Day on the 18th, and the first day of Summer on the 21st.

I shall revisit Seldon’s Barbershop for my Summer haircut. Seldon is an old school barber, I highly recommend and appreciate his profession and skills. Tell him Mr. Personality sent you. Shop local and respect the old-schoolers.

Sisters Three is an interesting new boutique located on Greenville Street. A most unique boutique that you must experience for yourself. Tell them you saw it in John Winters’ free The Paper. I found another amazing batch of National Geographic magazines at the Hospital Road Library. All are of a vintage date and all are truly a treasure trove of information with amazing pictures. The subject matter shows how all of life is truly connected throughout the entire world and universe. Every book contains many adventures, yes indeed.

I would like to give a shoutout to my dear friend Faith A. Farrell, AKA “Frosty.” Faith has an essay in the Coweta Magazine called “Getting Frank With Faith.” She is a very talented writer for sure. I swear that her picture was taken when she was 13 years old, but she says not. Faith is an accomplished artist, my good friend, and a joy to be around.

Ever since I read the book “Holy Moments” by Matthew Kelly, I have been experiencing nothing but holy moments each and every day, truly amazing.

I have noticed that as my flesh and blood body declines, the more my spirit grows and shrinks. Daily positive experiences encourage me to follow my spiritual journey, to focus upon my faith in Christ Jesus, and share my spiritual adventure with all walks of life.

I now have over 600 spirits to converse with, text, write, and share my Spiritual Love Letter Ministry as much as I can. Such is indeed my God-given purpose for my remaining earthy experience.

This brings me to my favorite part of the column: The Book of the Month. Each book is chosen to impart wisdom and knowledge, as well to be entertaining, in depth, and in scope.

I am giving more space and thought to my Book of the Month to extend the highlights and key points in greater detail. This Book of the Month is titled “Faith That Pleases God” by Bob George. The author’s main point is that (A) We Christians are saved with our faith in Christ Jesus, not through works, prayers, or intellectual thinking; but simply through faith in Christ Jesus.

As such there (B) is nothing more for us to do as it has all been done for us through Christ Jesus, we therefore (C) need to only accept what God has freely given, our salvation through Christ Jesus shed his blood on the cross. The very same blood (D) covers our sins forever more even to this day. The author points out overwhelming evidence of the New Testament that our sins have been forever forgiven.

Therefore, we can not fall in and out of (E) fellowship. We are either in fellowship and saved, or we are out of fellowship and lost. The author also provides scriptures throughout this book that should be read more than once. An exciting read for sure.

Until next time, Peace, Love, and Much Respect Your friend Mr. Personality 

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BIKECOWETA ( Check out their Facebook page Georgia State MTB Championship & Banquet June 24 and 25 at Brown’s Mill. Sign up at … | June 2023 | The PAPER | 9 4279 N. Hwy. 27 Carrollton 770-830-0880 640 N. Glynn St. Fayetteville 678-545-6755 OPEN Monday-Saturday 10 am - 6 pm


Paragon is excited to announce The Resilient Mind And Body (REM-BOD) Conference. Let us take you on a journey where your mind and body can thrive, where you can find the tools to build your inner resilience and overcome any obstacle. REMBOD is more than just an event - it’s an experience that will leave you feeling empowered, inspired, and connected.

Our keynote speakers are experts in the field of resilience, mental health, and wellness. They will share their knowledge and wisdom, inspiring you to tap into your own inner strength and find the resilience you need to thrive in today’s world. Come discover the beauty of mindfulness and the power of meditation. Learn your stress zones and see the impact of diet and exercise on your wellbeing. Learn how to cultivate inner strength, self-love and find your purpose and inner peace.

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We understand that not everyone can attend in person, which is why we offer live streaming options. You can enjoy the conference from the comfort of your own home or gather a group of friends or colleagues and grow your connections in a meaningful way.

Invest in yourself today and join us for the Resilient Mind and Body (REMBOD)conference. Let us help you discover the resilience within you, and empower you to overcome any obstacle that comes your way!

10 | The PAPER | June 2023 |
1515 Lower Fayetteville Rd. v Newnan, GA 30265 v 678.673.5486 v v PARTIES v WEDDINGS v FUNDRAISERS v MEETINGS v BANQUETS v TRADE SHOWS v AND MORE

Our Presenting Sponsor:

Our Hats and Hooves 2023 May 6th Fundraiser was a great success!

We’d like to thank all of our sponsors for your generous support. Each and every one of you made our event possible and we are incredibly grateful to you for your support of ELEVATE and of our students.

With Your Help We raised $175,000!

Winners Circle Sponsor:

Garland of Roses Sponsors:

Thoroughbred Sponsors:

 Coweta County Water & Sewerage Authority  Coweta-Fayette EMC

 Crain Oil  Cranford Orthodontics  Davis Building  GigBag Media

 Honda of Newnan  Integrated Science & Engineering  Piedmont Newnan

 Southern Vein Care  State Farm Agents of Coweta County  Emily and Wes Gates

Jockey Sponsors:

 Joy Barnes, Realtor Berkshire Hathaway  Stan & Ginger Queener

 Abraham Gun & Pawn  Anderson Tate and Carr

 Christopher & Katherine Tondee  Direct Service Solutions

 Delta Community Credit Union  Evelyn Jones  Georgia Power

 J. Ryan Brown Law, LLC  Josey Young & Brady  Kate Wren

 Kelly O Henderson Attorney  KRB Communications

 Laurie & Dorothy Pope  Legacy Business Cultures  Matthew and Orren Swope

 Nissan of Newnan  Progressive Heating, Air & Plumbing  RBM Wealth Management

 Renee Horton American Family Insurance  RDJE  Sharpsburg Pizza and Pub

 Southern States Bank  Tomco Construction  Truist Bank  United Bank

 United Community Bank  University of West Georgia  West Georgia Technical College

Churchill Downs Sponsors:

 Alexis Anderson  Skin & Bambi Edge  True Natural Gas

 Congressman Drew Ferguson  Friends of Lynn Smith


Along with our Sponsors, BIG THANKS to our



Shout Out to

 Life of the South Catering

 Heard That Music

 WOW! and also

 Event Maestro Entertainment

Funds raised from this event will go directly to programmatic efforts which include our school-wide volunteer mentoring program where we connect community members and school resources for the purpose of fostering the development of a caring relationship between a responsible adult and a student in the Coweta county school system. These funds will also support the efforts of our on-campus based Site Coordinators who serve as advocates for our students. Site Coordinators focus on attendance, behavior, and course work. They also help identify students in need of assistance and connect those students—and family members—to community resources that can help remove obstacles to student success. These and many other as needed programs work to allow us to achieve our mission of “ELEVATING students to success in school, in our community, and in life.” | June 2023 | The PAPER | 11

The MUSIC … Local &Live

Newnan‘s Kris Youmans Band has a unique rootsy, country sound with a bit of Western swing that makes them a perfect edition to GPB’s Georgia’s Country Connection series at We are fortunate she writes The Music column for us at The Paper.

“Music gives a soul to the Universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” …Plato

*Check out the music calendar for Mad Mexican - consistently good music and great food.

*The Cellar/Bays always has a music calendar that offers a variety of bands & genres.

Local & Live Venues …

Call ahead to check on Live music dates and times!


20 Jefferson Street, Newnan 770.683.6328

Live Jazz on Wednesdays

Acoustic on Thursdays in the Bays

Live Music Friday and Saturday nights

5/31 … Mark Miller

6/01 Pete & Hannah

6/02 DJ Brass Kings

6/03 Chuck & Nick

6/07 Stoney Dennis

6/08 Mary Martin

6/09 Mystery Tramp

6/10 The Third Up Band

6/14 Mark Miller

6/15 Aaron Watkins

6/16 The Band One

6/17 Midnite Cruzer

6/21 Jeanine Duke

6/22 Newnan City Limits

6/23 The Michaels

6/24 Pete & Pete

6/28 Twice Shy

6/29 John Hensley

6/30 Luis Alas -2 Special Performances @ 8 p.m. & 9:45 p.m. Call for reservations, after reservations are filled, it’s first come first served.


2 East Court Square, Newnan 770.683.9545

Come for great food and live local music.

5/31 … Three Guys Pickin’

6/02 Joey Troup

6/07 Clint Zimmerman & Austin James

6/09 Aaron Watkins

6/10 Stella Weaver

6/14 Lerogie

6/16 John Hensley & Kevin Walker -Summer

Wined Up

6/21 Larry Mills

6/23 Jack Anthony Christopher

6/24 Joey Troup

6/28 Ellis Lowery

6/30 3 Guys Pickin’


15 Greenville St., Newnan 678.877.6571


Benefit Concert 6.17

5-9 p.m. A night of family fun under the stars, food trucks, kids activities & live music by the Kris Youmans Band, John Hensley, Aaron Watkins & Jeanine Duke. All proceeds go to NICU Parents Club supporting families during and after their NICU journey. Helping is Healing!

THE BRICKS ON CHURCH STREET 13 Church St., Grantville, GA 678.877.6571

The Bricks on Church Street in Grantville features local and live music events and is a good choice for your own special events.


TAVERN on the Square, Fayetteville Marvelous Marvin presents Saturday Night Blues on the Southside8:30 p.m.

You’ll hear the best local and regional blues!

6/03 Tripp & The Breakers 8:30 p.m.

THE VILLE AMP 302 Lafayette, Fayetteville

6/24 Easton Corbin 8 p.m. Songs: Marry That Girl, A Little More Country Than That, Roll With It, & other hits

SENOIA ALIVE AFTER 5 Main Street, Senoia

6/16 … Live Music, shopping, activities, vendors, food trucks! 5 to 9 p.m.


477 Rome St, Carrollton 678.664.2082

Open Mic Wednesdays!

Live Music Friday & Saturday Nights

6/09… Diva Duo 7 p.m.

Favorite songs presented in new fun ways !


335 SummerGrove Parkway, Newnan | 770.251.1800

Friday Night Dinner & Music

6/02 … Pete & Pete

6/09 … Midnite Cruzer

6/23 … Toby Nix

7/07 … The Wyatt Band


20 Longstreet Ave., Turin UMC Music every 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month starting at 6:30 p.m. Gospel, Bluegrass and Country. Good Music, Good Fellowship!

6/03 … Second Coming River’s Edge Kirkland & Friends

6/17 … Bound Together Hwy 5 Overdrive Roustabouts


3150 Hwy 34 E, Sharpsburg


6/10 Daniel Toole


303 E Main St., Hogansville 678.590.7412

6/10 … Kevin & Alison Wallace 7-10 p.m.

6/17 … Dexter Tolson 7 p.m.

6/24 … Seth Cagle 7 p.m.

Kris Youmans is originally from Savannah, GA where she was part of the River Street music scene early on and is greatly influenced by music of the southern culture. Kris’ interests are focused on local music, organizing music fundraisers, her three grown children, life on Pierce Chapel & Hank the Dog (who also has an ear for music!) Contact Kris with questions, comments, suggestions or just to say you like her column

6/10 Rylee Banks

6/16 Ryan Slice

6/17 Brian Rivers

6/23 Ward Abel

6/30 Southside Band

7/01 Threadbare Skivvies


206 Clark St., LaGrange 706.443.4838


1339 Upper Big Springs Road, LaGrange, GA 706.882.5296

Family owned winery and cafe … beautiful winery with tasting room and vineyard.


215 Northlake Drive, PTC

6/10 Daniel Toole 10 a.m.

FRIEND’S TABLE (former Highland Bakery & Kitchen)

238 City Circle,PTC 678.369.7820

Live music every weekend

6-9 p.m.

6/02 Matt Moskal

6/03 … Mose Davis

6/09 … Comedy Night

6/10 … Ray Ellis

6/16 … Counter Funk Band

6/17 … Sonny Mose Trio

6/23 … Comedy Night

6/24 … Venus Kings Band

6/30 … Jeanine Duke


102 B Guthrie Way, PTC 770.629.5591

Jeanine Duke

Every Sunday 12:30-3 p.m.


1329 Bullsboro Drive

6/29 Jeanine Duke


300 City Center Parkway, Fayetteville 770.731.1641

All shows at 6 p.m.

6/10 Peter Fodero

6/17 … Butch Watson

6/18 … Jilly Bean & The OG

6/30 … Mary Martin


150 Huddleston Rd., PTC 770.731.1641

6/02 Jimmy G & Tommy T

6/03 Threadbare Skivvies

6/09 Peter Fodero

A true listening room featuring hidden treasures and legendary singer/songwriters in an intimate setting.

Shows @ 7:30 p.m.

6/10 Dear Darlingintense and powerful lush 3-part harmonies/folk/jazz/ neo-classical vibe.

6/16 Adam Hood - A songwriter and frontman who has carved out a southern sound that mixes soul, country & American roots music.


15 Jackson Street, Newnan 770.683.1414

Live music and restaurant venue. pet friendly patiocall ahead for music lineup.

*Every Sunday music on the Patio

*Karaoke every weekend

Open Mic Wednesdays 8:30 p.m.


19 W. Court Square, Newnan 770.683.2526

Call ahead for events, dates and times.

Open Mic Night

Every Sunday, 6 to 9 p.m.

Come out to see local talent and sign up to play!

De Shawn Parker is your Host.

SUMMER NewnaNights

Greenville Street Park

6/08, 7/13 … Taking place on the 2nd Thursday of each Summer month from 6-9 p.m. Various activities for the family, food trucks, vendors, & family friendly music. Some downtown businesses stay open late.

Every Friday and Saturday the Winery features a local performer in the Tasting Room. Starting around 6 p.m. on Fridays and 2 p.m. on Saturdays until close at 10 p.m.

Call to get up-to-date lineup for music.

6/10 Daniel Toole 3 p.m.

6/10 Mary Martin 6:30-9:30 p.m.

Catch more of Mary in Columbus on 6/03 for the

Tiny Stage Concert 5-6:30 p.m.

Also at Line Creek Brewery

-The RESERVE in Newnan on 6/09 @ 6 p.m.


1 Main St., Senoia

6/16 … Daniel Toole 7 p.m.


700 Lincoln St., LaGrange 706.298.6500

Call for live music events!

6/04 … Nick Mayfield

6/11 … Michael Conrad Johnson

6/18 … Kris Dewberry

6/25 … Twice Shy 4 to 7 p.m.



1875 E. Main St., Hogansville 706.637.9444

Family oriented Mexican cantina and grill with friendly atmosphere and live music. Call ahead for music line up.

Karaoke nights every Friday & Saturday.

5/31 … Daniel Toole 6:30 p.m.

Local & Live Music

continued on page 18

12 | The PAPER | June 2023 | _____________________________________________________________________________________
Check out Jeanine Duke @ Palmer’s on 6/02, The Alchemist on 6/04, Crust & Craft on 6/09, Big Shots Kitchen & Bar on 6/11, 18th & 25th, Greenville Street Park 6/17 at 5 p.m., The Cellar 6/21, Big Joes 6/29, and Friend’s Table 6/30. Jeanine Duke

Much More Than a Place to Work

Winpak Films Inc. is growing to meet the demand for food packaging and other flexible film products around the world. As we expand our capacity, we are dedicated to much more than hiring machine operators, logistics pros, maintenance, and lab technicians to support our production growth. Importantly, we are committed to supporting your growth and advancing your career.

For starters, we’ve created a supportive, clean and safe work environment that has made many of our employees stay with us for decades and even inspire their children to come to work for us. Then we reward their loyalty with exceptional working conditions and a great employment package, plus the opportunity to live in and raise families with the small-town advantages of Senoia and nearby Peachtree City, Ga.

Overall, we’re known for nurturing an environment that’s better than 95 percent of workplaces around the world.

What Can Winpak Offer You?

Our commitment to a wellrounded benefits program goes beyond medical insurance to include dental, vision, telemedicine, a flexible spending account, and life and disability benefits. If you work at Winpak 30+ hours a week on a continuous basis, you’re eligible for benefits. Your eligibility begins the first of the month following 60 days of hire with the company. Employees can expect:

• Outstanding medical & supplemental insurance

• Retirement Programs / 401K

• Paid vacation & sick leave

• Career advancementoperators today could be managers tomorrow

• Friendly, helpful production teams & managers

• Company-paid training

• Creative work schedules

How Much Could You Earn?

Our stepped-up wage scale starts at $16 per hour for entry level employees with the opportunity for higher earnings every 3 months in just the first year, On the first anniversary of hire you could be earning $18 to $20 per hour, depending on your job title and performance. Jobs include Machine Operators, QA Lab Technicians, Logistics Operators, Storeroom Attendants, Plate Mounters, and Apprentice Press Operators. Extrusion Operators can earn up to $21.59 per hour, depending on skill level.

Find Out More and Grow with Us

Everything we do reflects how much Winpak cares for our employees and wants to keep them and help them succeed. We’re eager to tell you more about our available jobs, our exceptional products, and a workplace that feels like more than just work. Contact: or call 678-633-8788

Contributing to a Sustainable Future

At Winpak, sustainability is more than just a buzzword, it’s engrained in how we work and manage our resources. We provide opportunities for active employee engagement in various initiatives which align with our sustainability pillars. This enables us, as an organization, to work together to become a better corporate citizen and contributor to a better planet.



Capabilities in our 300,000 square-foot Senoia plant encompass:

Blown Film Extrusion — Barrier and non-barrier films for high performance MAP bags and sealant films Barrier Shrink Film Extrusion — PVdC and EVOH barrier films; Traditional, High Abuse, Bone Guard Converting Operations — Bag and pouch making; Shrink bag converting; Ten-color flexographic printing; Photo polymer plate making; In-house graphics.

“They really show their appreciation for you.” V. Smith

About Winpak Ltd. Winpak designs and supplies innovative packaging to some of the world’s largest brands.

As an employee of Winpak Films, you are part of Winpak Ltd., an $853 million company with 12 manufacturing facilities in North America encompassing locations in Illinois, New Jersey, California, Canada and Mexico.

Our facilities’ total floor space would cover 40 football fields and we employ more than 2,500 people. We started operations in 1978, and our corporate headquarters is in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. Winpak is listed on the TSX (WPK).

______________________________________________________________________________________ | June 2023| The PAPER | 13
products are mainly used in food packaging and medical applications.” H. Phan
IT’S OUR NATURE TO PROTECT TM WINPAK Films Inc. 100 Wihuri Pkwy., Senoia, GA 30276 • 678-633-8788
We Produce in Senoia
“I appreciate how my co-workers train me in a way I can understand.”
M. Boswell
Choose a Career that makes your child want to follow in your footsteps  Outstanding medical and supplemental insurance  $3,000 referral bonus  $2,000 signing / retention bonus  Retirement programs / 401K  Paid vacation and sick leave  Career advancementoperators today could be managers today  Company-paid training  Monthly performance awards  Creative work schedules Extrusion Operators can earn up to $23.50 per hour, depending on skill level. For entry level employees our stepped-up wage scale starts at $17 per hour with the opportunity for higher earnings every 3 months in just the first year. On the first anniversary of hire you could be earning $19 to $20 per hour, depending on your job title and performance. Night shift positions earn an extra $1.50 per hour. Jobs include Machine Operators, QA Lab Technicians, Logistics Operators, Storeroom Attendants, Plate Mounters, and Apprentice Press Operators. DID YOU KNOW UNITED BANK HAS TWO NEWNAN LOCATIONS? Come See Us! 2245 Highway 34 @ Sullivan Rd. & 61 Bullsboro Dr.

Real Es tate PAPER The Home Inspections and Real Estate

Home inspections are an important part of a real estate transaction. I have been disappointed to learn that many consumers do not realize that they have the option to have a home inspection on the property they are purchasing. In a typical transaction, the opportunity to conduct a home inspection occurs during your due diligence period. This is the point, in a contract, where the buyer has a negotiated length of time, usually 7-21 days, to conduct their due diligence on the property. Home inspectors will typically charge a few hundred dollars for an inspection, depending on the size of the property and other factors like a crawlspace. Georgia is one of about 20 states that have not adopted licensing for home inspectors. It is important to consider a home inspector’s training and background when considering who to use. Your Realtor should have a pool of trusted home inspectors for you to consider.

A home inspector will thoroughly inspect the property you are purchasing. This includes structural, functional, and even cosmetic issues. I would recommend an engineer for structural issues however.

Typically, home inspectors will provide an in-depth report for you about the house that will include safety issues, major defects and minor items. The due diligence is the time of the contract where the buyer can ask the seller to resolve the issues on the home inspection report or provide a price reduction, closing costs, etc. in lieu of repairs. The repairs are negotiable.

The real estate market has not always provided buyers with a due diligence period and the opportunity for home inspections. In fact, “buyer representation” is still a rather new concept. Historically, the real estate market practiced more of a “buyer beware” mindset during a real estate transaction. As a broker/agent, you listed a

property, received buyer calls/leads and worked with the buyer yourself. It was not uncommon for a listing agent to represent both the buyer and seller in what is called dual-agency. Georgia is one of a few states where dual-agency is still practiced. The market has shifted in the last few decades to where buyer representation and due diligence periods, in a contract, are a normal part of most transactions.

A home inspection often carries a negative connotation to sellers. They can see it as the buyer beating them down on price or picking their house apart. A home inspection can be a good thing for sellers if they complete one upfront. It is a wise move to have a home inspection conducted before you list a property so you can have any potential problems taken care of before you list the property and not in the middle of a transaction. I would strongly recommend this, especially in an older home. This will allow you, as a seller, to obtain top-dollar and a quicker closing.

Jess Barron is an Associate Broker with Lindseys, Inc. Realtors and former President of the Newnan-Coweta Board of Realtors. ■

14 | The PAPER | June 2023 |
We’re a Boutique Lender. We Specialize in Client Service and Helping Borrowers Achieve their Dreams! Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group, L.L.C. NMLS #72043 ( is an Equal Opportunity Lender. Located at 600 Lynnhaven Parkway Suite 100 Virginia Beach, VA 23452. Cherie Bell Sr. Mortgage Banker, NMLS #414585, Licensed in AL, GA #414585 770-312-8714 Office: 470-683-4100 x 5424 | Fax: 844-458-9893 | and GUNS We Have the Best Deal on License Transfer and Great Prices on Guns and Ammo Call Jeff Bugg 470.686.1449 Proudly handling the prescription and medical needs of Newnan and Coweta County residents since 1984. LEE-GOODRUM PHARMACY Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m to 3 p.m. 770-253-1121 40 Hospital Road Candles, Clothes, Coffee and so much more
Look for more Local, Live Music in
Youman’s column on
SUNDAY June 18th
Look for Kirkland and Friends at Hollonville Opry House at Turin’s UMC on June 3
pages 12 and 18 Look for Adam Hood at Pure Life House of Music in LaGrange June 16
with Jess Barron

FRANK BARRON Associate Broker 770-231-9535


“Serving All of Newnan and Coweta County Since 1948”

JESS BARRON, GRI Associate Broker 678-857-9350

14 Jackson Street, Newnan, GA 30263 • 770-253-6990

MLS #20005781

24+/- ACRES ON POPLAR ROAD AT YEAGER ROAD INTERSECTION. Already zoned C-6 with water and sewer. Ideal for multiuse development. $7,000,000 for all or will consider subdividing front 5 acres for $500,000 per acre and back 19+/- acres for $250,000 per acre. Frank / Chip.

MLS #10120310

HURRY ON THIS 14.41+/- WOODED ACRE TRACT ON US HWY 29 approximately 5 miles north of Newnan! 819.25’ Road frontage. Small pond. Ideal for development, church, school, estate size lot or possible subdivision. $599,900. Frank / Chip.

MLS #10162803


2 WOODED VACANT LOTS in West Coweta on East Coggins Road. Easy access to Newnan, Franklin or Carrollton. $60,000 per

. Frank/Jess.


12 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS in Grantville. Easy access to I-85, Atlanta, Newnan, LaGrange and Columbus. Sold ‘as is’. $420,000 Bulk Sale Only. Frank/Jess.

MLS #10162670

NICELY WOODED TRACT! IDEAL FOR HOMESITE IN GOOD AREA OF NORTH MERIWETHER COUNTY! Has 643’ of road frontage on one side of Callaway Road and 384’ of frontage on the other. 321a+/- road frontage on Johns Road. Nicely wooded tract with pines and hardwoods. Lots of wildlife including deer and turkey. $90,100. Frank

.8 ACRES VACANT LOT IN DEVELOPED SUBDIVISION. Subject to Covenants and Restrictions of record. Nicely wooded lot. Possible basement lot. Additional Lots 15 & 17 are available for $29,900 each. Frank.


RESIDENTIAL LOT ON BERRY AVENUE IN TOWN. All utilities available. $29,900 Frank.

AMLAJACK 255.5+/- ACRES WITH HALF MILE FRONTAGE ON I-85 between 2 industrial parks. $17,890,600. Frank.


NEW POPLAR ROAD COMMERCIAL LISTING. 24+/- ACRES zoned C-6 (multiple uses) commercial. Water and sewer already in place. $7,000,000. Will subdivide. Frank/Chip.


FOR LEASE – 3,200 s/f upstairs office space - $750 per month (Owner/Agent) Frank.

.8 ACRES, VACANT LOT IN DEVELOPED SUBDIVISION. Subject to Covenants and Restrictions of record. Nicely wooded lot. Possible basement lot. Lot 15 has a 15’ easement along western boundary for access to detention pond. Additional Lots 16 & 17 are available for $29,900 each. Frank. LEASED

CHOICE 10.13 ACRES ZONED COMMERCIAL (C-2) ON HWY 74 (SENOIA ROAD). Adjoins Georgia World of Beverages. 579’ frontage on Hwy 74 and additional frontage on Landrum Road (385’+/-). $3,500,000. Frank | June 2023| The PAPER | 15
MLS #10073522 MLS #10132017 MLS #10110852 LOT 2: VACANT LOT IN WEST COWETA COUNTY with county water and electricity available. Country setting on East Coggin but easy access to Newnan, Franklin, and Carrollton. $60,000 Jess. 109 RESIDENTIAL LOTS IN MANCHESTER, GA! Manchester city water, sewer & electricity available. Schools nearby! Walk to downtown Manchester. Chestnut Glen Subdivision. $30,000 per lot. BULK SALE ONLY. Frank/Jess. 6.67 ACRES ZONED GENERAL COMMERCIAL! Convenient to Hwy 34 Bypass & downtown Newnan. Great opportunity for many potential uses. New Price $499,900. Frank and Chip. 12 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS IN GRANTVILLE. BULK SALE ONLY. Easy access to I-85, Atlanta, Newnan, LaGrange and Columbus. Seller will only sell as a bundle, not individual lots. $420,000. Frank/Jess. MLS #10101800 lot
MLS #10110853
VACANT 1.711 ACRE LOT IN WEST COWETA COUNTY with county water and electricity available. Country setting on East Coggin but easy access to Newnan, Franklin, and Carrollton. $60,000. Jess/Frank. MLS #10148023 MLS #10162804 VACANT LOT IN DEVELOPED SUBDIVISION. Subject to Covenants and Restrictions of record. Nicely wooded lot. Possible basement lot. Additional Lots 15 & 16 are available for $29,900 each. Frank MLS #10162805 UNDER CONTRACT 678.552.8978 MOBILE WELDING. CUSTOM WORK. REPAIRS. FENCES. GATES. HANDRAILS. FURNITURE.
COURTHOUSE TAVERN ON THE SQUARE, FAYETTEVILLE Marvelous Marvin presents Saturday Night Blues on the Southside - 8:30 p.m. You’ll hear the best local and regional blues!
LOT 5:

Thank you for allowing us to serve you since 1948.

Newnan native Lindsey Hand Barron founded Lindsey’s, Inc. in 1948 when he purchased the Austin Appliance Company, holding the Westinghouse Appliance franchise in Newnan. The R.E.A. was just coming into Coweta County, so many people had no electricity, appliances, well pumps or wiring. The demand was great and the supply of good and electrical contractors was limited due to the aftermath of WWII.

Starting with one truck and two electricians, the business quickly grew to include not only electrical, plumbing, heating and air-conditioning, but furniture and appliances as well as the Pepsi Cola franchise in 13 counties.

In 1958, Lindsey’s Inc. moved from LaGrange Street to the building now occupied by the Newnan Times-Herald, Lindsey Barron began selling off the original businesses,

Frank H. Barron, who was first licensed in 1969, serves as president and has been full time with the company since July, 1973, and served as the Qualifying Broker from 1978 until 2019. Frank graduated in 1973 from the University of Georgia with a BA degree majoring in Real Estate. He is a GRI graduate and has served the local Board of Realtors in all capacities including two terms as president and one term as regional vice president of the state association and also the past president of the Newnan Coweta Chamber of Commerce and the United Way. He also served on the Board of Directors of the Bank of Coweta and has served on the board of Directors for The Summit YMCA and The Heritage School and as a Trustee of Wesley Woods Foundation in Atlanta. Frank was named as the Coweta County Citizen of the Year in 2014. His 50 years of local real estate experience has guided the company since 1978. He continues to be involved in the community through the Newnan Coweta Board of Realtors, the Newnan Kiwanis Club and has been an active Deacon of the First Baptist Church of Newnan. Frank was named as the first member of the NCBOR Hall of Fame in 2019 and is a Gold Phoenix Member of the NCBOR Million Dollar Club. He is an avid sportsman and outdoorsman. Frank is married to the former Vicki Wood of Newnan. Frank is father to Jess, Jenny and Vic, and has three grandchildren and two great grandchildren

Thomas W. (Chip) Barron, first licensed in 1968, has been with the company full time since 1977, co-owner since 1978, serves as Executive Vice President and he has been the Qualifying Broker since 2019. Chip has a BA Degree from Emory University plus a Law Degree from Mercer University and has been a member of the Georgia Bar since 1974. His legal background has proved invaluable in assisting agents in drawing and wording contracts. He is a past president of the local Board of Realtors, and serves on the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the Georgia MLS. Chip is a former multiple term chairman and deacon of First Baptist Church of Newnan and is a former three-term member of the Mercer University Board of Trustees as well as a former member of the BB&T Bank Advisory Board. He is past president of the Newnan Kiwanis Club and past chairman of the Board of The Newnan Coweta Chamber of Commerce, Newnan Hospital, the local American Red Cross and the local United Way. Chip was Realtor of the Year in 1991 and has received the Phoenix Award, the Silver Award and the Gold Phoenix Award. Chip was named as an NCBOR Hall of Fame member in 2020. Chip is a sports fan and an avid golfer and is married to the former Margaret MacLennan of Charleston, SC, has three children and eight grandchildren.

focusing on real estate and insurance. The Pepsi and furniture businesses were sold and in 1962, the real estate business relocated to 12 Jackson Street. Later, the insurance business was sold to Glover Insurance Company.

In 1973, Frank H. Barron joined his father in the business and in 1977, Thomas W. “Chip” Barron, also joined his father. That same year, Lindsey Barron sold the business to his two sons, with Frank becoming principal broker and president and Chip being named executive vice president and associate broker.

With the next generation strongly rooted in the real estate firm, Lindsey’s is truly a locally owned and operated third generation, family business serving Newnan and Coweta County for 75 years.

Tom Barron is a third generation member of the Lindsey’s team and graduate of Newnan High School and Mercer University. Tom holds several real estate designations CMRS, SRS, SRES, AHWD and he is a member of the Georgia Association of Realtors (GAR) and National Assoication of Realtors (NAR). Tom has sold over $175 Million in sales and he has received the Newnan Coweta Board of Realtors Top Producer Awards in 2013, 2015, 2020, 2021 and 2022. He has served as Past President of the Newnan Coweta Board of Realtors (2012), as well as served on the Habitat for Humanity and Keep Newnan Beautiful boards. He is married to Kristin Langley of Macon and they have two daughters and a son. Tom is an active member of the First United Methodist Church in Newnan and an avid Braves and UGA fan.

Jess Barron was born and raised in Newnan, Georgia and is a third generation realtor. He is a graduate of Auburn University with a BSBA in Finance. He also holds a Master’s Degree from the University of South Carolina. Jess has been a licensed realtor, in Georgia, since age 20. At age 23, he earned his broker’s license from Barney Fletcher Real Estate School in Atlanta. Jess earned his GRI designation in 2019. The Graduate Realtor Institute (GRI) designation is held by less than 20% of Realtors nationally. He also is a Real Estate Negotiation Expert (RENE), Seller Representative Specialist (SRS), Accredited Buyer Representative (ABR) and a Certified Military Residential Specialist (CMRS). In 2023, Jess earned his Broker’s license for the state of Alabama. He is a member of the National Association of Realtors (NAR), Georgia Association of Realtors (GAR), Georgia Multiple Listing Service and Newnan-Coweta Board of Realtors (2018 President).

Jess is a Phoenix Member (Youngest Member) of the NewnanCoweta Board of Realtors Million Dollar Club. In 2015, Jess was named the Humanitarian of the Year Award for the Newnan-Coweta Board of Realtors. Jess also was named the 2014 Best of Trulia Top Agent Award (Given to the Top 1% of all agents on Trulia). In 2019, Jess was awarded the 2018 Realtor of the Year from the Newnan-Coweta Board of Realtors. Jess is married to Meredith Rich, of Peachtree City, GA. Meredith and Jess were married, in May of 2016, at Hilton Head Island. In 2018, Meredith and Jess had twin daughters, Braelinn and Bentley. Meredith and Jess attend Southside Church and First Baptist Church of Newnan. He has served as Treasurer for the Coweta Community Foundation and a Board Member for Chattahoochee Now. Jess now serves as a Director for the Wesley Woods Foundation, as well as the Board of Trustees for The Heritage School in Newnan and a Board Commissioner for the Housing Authority of Newnan. Jess is an avid sports fan and enjoys traveling during his free time.

14 Jackson Street, Newnan, GA 30263 • 770-253-6990 •
Join Us to Celebrate our 75th Anniversary ✦ Wednesday, June 14, 1 to 4 p.m. ✦ 14 Jackson St., Newnan 16 | The PAPER | June 2023 | | June 2023| The PAPER | 17 14 Jackson Street, Newnan, GA 30263 • 770-253-6990 •
Jess Barron 678.857.9350
Serving All Your Real Estate Needs … for 75 Years … 1948 - 2023
Tom Barron 404.936.7422 Frank H. Barron 770.231.9535 Chip Barron, Broker 770.301.6843 Cam Carden 404.925.5599 Dawn Sosby 678.469.7722 Kim Ivery 770.560.6008 Carol Holden 678.641.3905 Angie Hogsed 678.472.8384 Riese Carden
Jodie Shepard 678.953.2694 Robert Hinely 678.877.5874 Mike Barber 404.867.9848 Alyson Atkins 770.301.8028 Don Phillips 770.301.4801 Marshall Ashford
404.477.4351 Sam
Buddy Powell Karen Nalewako Chris Bass Brittney Powell
Candler Candler Jim Wicker
770.713.5437 Rodrea
Barber Doug Hand

Look for Local, Live Music at Arnall’s Local & Live Music

continued from page 12


141 Main St., LaGrange, GA 706.298.5485

Live Music Friday & Saturday Nights! Food and Drink specials all week!

Thursday is Karaoke night.

Open Mic Night, 8 p.m.on

June 14th, 21st, & 28th

Open to all musicians, singers, poets. This open mic is designed for solo, duo, trios only. Hosted by Crest Pointe Entertainment

6/03 … John Paul Barry & Jeremy Neese 9 p.m.

6/16 … GP38 9 p.m.


2850 Hwy. 54, Peachtree City 770.486.2696

All Shows Start at 8 p.m.

6/02 … The Vicki Wyatt Band

6/03 Limited Edition

6/09 Third Shift

6/10 Block Party

6/16 The Band 85 South

6/17 Kyle Bradley Band

6/23 Dueling Pianos

6/24 Thomas Tillman

6/30 THEM


1st Saturday of every month! (Around the Newnan Courthouse)

June 3, July 1 and … 10 a.m. and goes until 2 p.m. all ages and levels of play with acoustic instruments.

Live Music M

301 Lafayette Ave., Fayetteville, GA 30214 770.719.4173

Easton Corbin June 24 Back n Black Pandora’s Box July 15 AC/DC & Aerosmith Tributes

The Legendary Wailers July 29 featuring Junior Marvin Everclear August 19


Frederick Brown Jr. Amphitheater

201 McIntosh Trail, PTC 770.631.0630

Check website for 2023 Concert Series! at Boyd Park 110 Smith Street, LaGrange, GA 30240 706.298.5434

Check website for the latest Concert Series!

Special Guest: Linecreek Bluegrass

32 East Washington Street • Newnan GA 30263 770-253-4556

Hours: M-F, 8-5:30; Sat, 8-2

---- Locally Owned and Operated Since 1869 ----

Your Summer Concerts Source for Info, Tickets & more

Magic 98.1 is a sponsor of the Fred’s 2023 Summer Concert Series

Listen and win tickets on … Magic 98.1 &

H June 2 … Grand Funk Railroad / Wet Willie Low Ticket Alert

H June 9 … Rick Springfield / Sasha Hurtado Low Ticket Alert

H June 10 … Toad the Wet Sprocket / Marcy Playground

H June 17 … Morris Day / Midnight Star

H June 24 … ASO / Def Leppard

H July 1 … Belinda Carlisle

H July 22 … CarPool (Cars Tribute) / Hyndesight (Pretenders Tribute)

H August 5 … Black Jacket Symphony / Saturday Night Fever

New Concert H August 18 … Clint Black

H August 19 … Interstellar Echoes: A Tribute to Pink Floyd

H September 3 … Gin Blossoms + Tpnic + Fastball

NEW DATE H September 23 … Cheap Trick SOLD OUT

Your Local Radio music • talk • sports

For your radio / digital advertising … contact William Barber 770.231.6807

June 16 • July 14 at PTC’s Drake Field

Drake Field, 155 Willowbend Rd, Peachtree City, GA 30269

A free evening of music that starts at 7 p.m. Bring a chair, and dinner, and dine and dance under the stars.

18 | The PAPER | June 2023 | ¯ WQEE 99.1 FM The Key … Talk • Sports • Music and … 5 1/2 W Washington St., Newnan, GA Jordan Communications, LLC • 770.347.9947 •  Red Letters Radio Show with Andrah P’Lonas 5 to 6 a.m.  JC Sports News Hour 7 to 8 a.m.  RyanoRadio Penitentiary With Ryan O Neal News, Interviews &
8 to10 a.m.  Connecting The Kingdom with Debra Harris Tuesday Mornings 10 to 11 a.m. Sponsored By Newnan City Church  Health, Happiness, and Harmony Hour with Dr. Louis Boynton
Mornings 10 to 11 a.m.
10 to 11 a.m.
Plus Other Great Local
… • Columbus River
• Columbus Chatt A Hoots Baseball • Landmark Christian School Sports • SEC Network! New Local Shows Coming Soon & Home of the Best Classic Soft Rock
 Know Your Rights with Charles H. Cauble 2nd and 4th Thursday Mornings
 Faith Works with Pastor Jimmy Ellison Friday Mornings 10 to 11 a.m.
Radio Shows
Dragons Hockey
Look for John Hensley & Kevin Walker at The Mad Mexican June 16 …Summer Wined Up Look for Stoney Dennis at The Cellar June 7
check our
and Facebook on Fridays for the latest music notes!
website | June 2023 | The PAPER | 19 Plus tax. Additional oil, diesel or synthetics extra. Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. See dealer for details. Expires 7/3/23. Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. Expires 7/3/23. Plus tax. Additional oil, diesel or synthetics extra. Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. See dealer for details. Expires 7/3/23. $1995 1 OIL & FILTER CHANGE Includes up to 5 Quarts of Oil, New Filter and Multi-Point Inspection 4-Wheel Alignment $129.95 Reg. $9995 Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. Expires 7/3/23. BATTERY INSPECTION Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. Expires 7/3/23. $3995 $7995

The Film Fix … Streaming Edition

Capsule Reviews … New Rating System - A “Fix" is recommended with a rating between 6 and 10! a “No Fix” with ratings of 1 to 5 isn’t.

Jonathan W. Hickman is an entertainment attorney, filmmaker, college professor, and novelist. More about Jonathan can be found by visiting

In Theaters:

The Boogeyman 3 (June 2) – l NO Fix Rating 5/10 — The generically named “The Boogeyman” has its moments early but, ultimately, devolves into a run-of-the-mill creeper.

The movie is overt and unengaging as a rumination on grief and recovery. The silliness of the underdeveloped narrative and characterizations undercut what jump scares exist.

When a recently widowed psychiatrist named Will Harper (Chris Messina) is visited in his home office by a strange man named Lester Billings (David Dasmalchian), he becomes concerned and calls the cops. Lester tells a story about the mysterious death of his three children. But as Will makes the 911 call, Lester goes upstairs and appears to hang himself in the closet of Will’s deceased wife’s art studio.

Will’s teen daughter Sadie (Sophie Thatcher) discovers the man’s lifeless body but not before hearing strange sounds coming from the closest. Did Lester kill himself, or was there something insidious in the closet that carried out a murder?

“The Boogeyman” is familiar and frustrating. An adaptation of a Stephen King short story by the same name, the film struggles to sustain interest over its one-hour and thirty-eight-minute running time. The film’s trailer has spoiled the best sequences, including a counseling session by Dr. Weller (LisaGay Hamilton) and a pulsating red light.

Performances are strong, especially by Thatcher and the young Vivien Lyra Blair, who plays Sadie’s younger sibling.

The CHEF …

Instead of finding something original in the King source material involving a scary thing that inhabits the closets of children, the script, credited to three writers, never takes time to develop any convincing mythology for the beast. All we gather is that it hates the light, yet every character seems perfectly content to spend most of their time in the dark.

That universal darkness is a solid metaphor for everyone involved in this production.

Streaming Selects:

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (Season 2 starts on June 15) — Paramount Plus is the place for “Star Trek” in all its variations. “Strange New Worlds” is a prequel to the original series and follows Captain Christopher Pike (Anson Mount), the breakout character reintroduced in the “Star Trek: Discovery” series. Season two continues the adventures of Spock (Ethan Peck), Nyota Uhura (Celia Rose Gooding), and others.

The Idol (Season 1 starts on June 4) – The trailer proclaims this the sleaziest Hollywood story ever. And based on the reception at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, it appears to live up to that promise, with gratuitous sex scenes, prevalent drug use, and chronicling lots of

The Chefs column highlights our local culinary masters. They share a recipe that has a lot of meaning to them and thankfully, how to make it. (Well at least most of it, sometimes secrets must remain that.) This month’s chef is …

Chef Lance F. Jeffers Jr.

I was born in Brooklyn, New York, and raised in a family that reveled in the experience of food. That experience involved not only the shopping and preparation, but the coming together to share over a great meal.

I started working in restaurant kitchens at the age of 12. That led to attending the Culinary Institute of America 77-79, and Mercer University 84-88. My apprenticeships included the Quilted Giraffe Restaurant, New York City, and the Midnight Sun Restaurant, Atlanta.

Among the positions I’ve held include banquet chef at the Atlanta Airport Marriott; executive chef, Embassy Suites, Buckhead, Atlanta; executive chef, Marriott Hotel, Norcross; executive chef, Jennings

bad behavior. The show tracks a pop star named Jocelyn (Lily-Rose Depp) as she tries to recover from a nervous breakdown. Her recovery involves a relationship with a nightclub owner named Tedros (The Weeknd). Expect plenty of envelope-pushing with this one.

Extraction 2 (June 16) – The pandemic hit “Extraction” helped to build Netflix’s action bona fides. The first film was a solid actioner, and the trailers tease even more non-stop bone-crunching thrills. That film had “Thor” star Chris Hemsworth playing a covert hostage extraction expert named Tyler Rake. He managed to save the life of the son of an imprisoned drug lord in India in the first outing. And it appeared that Rake died in the first installment. Of course, he survived to return in the sequel, nursing his wounds but ready for another mission.

The Crowded Room (series premiere June 9) – “Spider-man” star Tom Holland plays Danny Sullivan, a young man accused of a horrifying murder. But while it appears that Sullivan is the culprit, an investigator named Rya Goodwin (Amanda Seyfried) isn’t convinced. “The Crowded Room” is set in 1979, and three episodes are helmed by exciting director Brady Corbet (see “Vox Lux” and “The Childhood of a Leader”).

Film Fix continued on page 22

Just a few photos of some of Chef Lance’s creations …

Mill Country Club, Athens; food & beverage director, executive chef, The Coweta Club Newnan; adjunct instructor AOS culinary arts program West Georgia Technical College.

Currently, I am the food and beverage director and executive chef at Newnan Country Club. 

SHRIMP NCC Jumbo Gulf Shrimp Sauce with Golden Belgian Pepper, Blood Orange, Papaya, Sauce Choron, and Saffron, Parmesan Pilaf

SHRIMP SAUTE Yield 1 Portion

Shrimp u-15s 4 each

Clarified butter 1 ounce

Onion fine dice 2 ounces

Golden pepper fine dice 2 ounces

Papaya puree 1 ounce

Blood orange juice 1 ounce

Salt and pepper to taste

Method: Heat clarified butter in sauté pan. Add onion, and pepper sauté for 2-3 minutes. Add shrimp and sauté 2-3 minutes. Add papaya, and blood orange juice reduce by 1/3. Season with salt and pepper.

SAUCE CHORON Yield 16 Ounces

Butter, simmering 12 ounces

Whole eggs 2 each

Lemon juice 1 ounce

Tabasco ¼ ounce

Salt ¼ teaspoon

Diced tomato 2 ounces

Method: Place eggs, lemon juice, salt, and Tabasco in blender. Blend to combine. Slowly ladle simmering butter into blender, add tomato. Blend for another 10 seconds. Hold warm.


Whole butter 2 ounces

Par-boiled rice

1 cup

Chicken stock 12 ounces

Bay leaf

1 each

Saffron threads ½ teaspoon

Shredded parmesan ½ cup

Method: Melt butter in sauce pot. Add rice and coat with melted butter. Add chicken stock, bay leaf, and saffron. Bring to one boil. Cover reduce heat to a simmer cook for 18 minutes. Let stand 2 minutes, fold in parmesan and serve.

20 | The PAPER | June 2023 |


Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Corporation of America is hiring welders for our facility in Newnan, Georgia, due to our continued growth. We are looking for hardworking dedicated people! Benefits include insurance, 401k, profit sharing, tuition reimbursement, and more.

“Working at Yamaha has given me an awesome career trajectory. My job has given me financial stability, which has enabled me to have two kids in college right now.”

Full-time benefits include:

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• Local Discounts | June 2023| The PAPER | 21
Always wear your seat belt, helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Apply online at Click on Direct Hire to Apply!

Film Fix continued from page 20

Secret Invasion (series premiere June 21) – Samuel Jackson returns to the role of Nick Fury in this thriller about the shapeshifting Skrulls who have, you guessed it, engaged in a secret invasion. Joining him in his quest is Talos the Untamed (played by gifted actor Ben Mendelsohn). The cast is deep with Oscar-winner Olivia Colman playing a special agent, “Game of Thrones” star Emilia Clarke as Talos’ daughter G’iah, and the welcomed return of Cobie Smulders as former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Maria Hill. This series looks gritty and is cast in the vein of “Captain America: The Winter Soldier.”

as private eye Barnaby Jones. Some of you might remember the popular CBS series that ran until 1980. Watching this one could be fun, especially since Peacock reintroduced the episodic mystery format with the excellent “Poker Face.”

Theatrical Teasers:

Strays (June 9) – Will Ferrell voices a dog named Reggie in this R-rated story of an abandoned canine who joins other strays to get back at his insensitive former owner. Jamie Fox is also part of the voice cast.

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (June 9) – Are audiences ready for another outing of the transforming robots? 2018’s “Bumblebee” was a good “spin-off” and may have helped get this franchise back on track. Hopefully, this mechanical “beast wars” narrative will firmly put 2017’s “Transformers: The Last Knight” in the rearview.

The Blackening (June 14) – Director Tim Story (see “Barbershop” and “Ride Along”) tackles the horror-comedy genre with this high-concept mashup. In “The Blackening,” seven friends get trapped in a cabin with a killer, and blood-soaked, comic hilarity ensues.

surrounding criminal allegations involving star Ezra Miller, audiences will finally get this big-budgeted superhero epic featuring not only the Flash but a couple of Batmen as well. While DC’s “Shazam” sequel proved weak and forgettable, this film and “Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom” scheduled for December hope to compete with the flagging Marvel franchise.

Asteroid City (June 23) – Word is strong for director Wes Anderson’s follow-up to 2021’s uneven anthology film “The French Dispatch.” “Asteroid City” features many of Anderson’s regulars (like Jason Schwartzman) together with a few new faces, including Tom Hanks. The colorfully presented story has a Junior Stargazer convention disrupted by world-changing events. Could it be a visit from aliens?

Barnaby Jones 1973 (seasons 1 through 8) – Throwback time! No, this isn’t a reboot. Prime will carry all eight seasons of Buddy Ebsen

The Flash (June 16) – After waiting for the controversy to die down

The Featured Joint

Everyone has their “go-to” place to eat. It might be with linen tablecloths and waiters in ties, or where you throw peanuts on the floor and carve your initials in the wooden tables. Whatever and wherever, it’s your “joint.” This month’s featured joint is …

Apollo 2

One of our favorite cheesesteak joints has moved to a bigger location - and fortunately for us, it’s just a stone’s throw away from our office.

For you old downtown Newnan folks, Apollo’s Steaks has moved to the old “Mother’s” location across from the Coweta County government building. The expanded space (they originally had three tables), is a big improvement.

As to the cheesesteaks, well they have steak, chicken, steak/chicken, fish, veggie and even mushroom. You have options. We like options and we love their cheesesteaks. And yes, they are served on

Amoroso rolls. “Amoroso” is an Italian word loosely translated as “bread of the gods.” Trust us. Looking for something else? Whiting, catfish, tilapia, flounder, shrimp and some awesome sides are also available. Side note, fried shrimp is pretty awesome.

Apollo will be in the back on his flattop cooking away. Make sure and say “hey.” You might get a fist pump. Fist pumps are good.

Tuesday - Saturday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. • 33 ½ Broad St. • 770-667-4811

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (June 30) – Stephen Spielberg handed over directing duties for this fifth Indiana Jones adventure to James Mangold (see “Ford v Ferrari”). A big splashy premiere at the Cannes Film Festival yielded largely positive reviews, with critics already praising it as superior to the much-maligned 2008 sequel “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.” In “Dial of Destiny,” our favorite archaeologist (played by a sometimes de-aged Harrison Ford) must recover an artifact that could change the course of history. Yeah, it looks like Nazis might be involved.

22 | The PAPER | June 2023 | The Veggie Patch Now Open 1502 US Hwy 29, Newnan, GA 30263 Hwy 29 N. & Hal Jones Rd. Roundabout just north of the Country Club Open 7 Days A Week Monday-Saturday 8:30-7; Sunday 8:30-6 Like Us On Facebook Veggie Patch Produce Market Thank you for supporting us … your small family owned local business! Fresh Produce … Fruits, Veggies and more Trees ✿ Plants ✿ Ferns Flowers ✿ Baskets
Look for more Joints and more Chef articles and recipes at | June 2023| The PAPER| 23 #1 in the #2 Business! We offer 24-Hour Emergency Service Mitchell Septic Service Residential & Commercial • Install & Cleaning Licensed & Insured • Competitive Prices 678-673-4910 1,000 Gallons $450 1,500 Gallons $550 Fast & Friendly Service • 134 Millard Farmer Ind. Blvd. • 770.251.4808  Free Delivery  Compounding  Health Aids & Medical Equipment  Great Selection of Boutique Children’s Clothing, Teas, Seasonings, BBQ & Hot Sauces, Rubs, Honey, Large Selection of Gifts and More Much More Than Your Neighborhood Pharmacy! With a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC), you can use the equity you’ve built in your home for major purchases, repairs and renovations, debt consolidation or other unexpected expenses. Whatever your needs may be, we are here to help you take the next step forward. This is banking at its best. This is Banking Forward. All loans are subject to credit approval. Equal Housing Lender. NMLS# 403455. Member FDIC. 145 Millard Farmer Industrial Blvd • Newnan, GA 770.683.6222 • Money Available When You Need It
Hill Family Farms Locally grown beef products including steaks, roasts, sausage and more. Farm Stand Hours: Friday 3 to 6 pm Saturday 10 am to 4 pm Friend us on Facebook to see weekly specials. NEW FARM STAND 1300 Rockhouse Rd. , Senoia, GA 30276 Grand Re-Opening Special GROUND BEEF Buy 2, Get 1 FREE with any purchase in June. One per customer with coupon.

Laundry Service

Don’t waste precious family time doing chores! We can help. Using high-quality, fragrance and dye-free detergents, we’ll sort, launder, dry, and fold your laundry. Then we’ll pack it ready to be opened and put away. It’s as simple as 1-2-3.

We’ll schedule prompt pickup and speedy delivery of your laundry.

Abby’s Angels Foundation

all the schools with

Abby’s Closets

helping provide students with the school supplies, tools, a quiet space and the encouragement to learn.

The closets will be stocked and ready for the the new school year in August.

Abby’s giving spirit and love of fun new school supplies serve students in a welcoming and colorful space. We hope these special corners will be a bright spot in a student’s day and a resource for support and needs.

24 | The PAPER | June 2023 |
Psalm 91:11 #allforabby #1Life1Choice #helpingallstudentssucceed
770.435.0781 $10 IN FREE CLEANING with your first order.

The Bookmark with

Susan Crutchfield

Summer Fun at the Library!

Some of my favorite summer memories include going to the library and checking out huge stacks of books every week. It was wonderful to walk into the cool library and just enjoy browsing through the books and choosing what to take home. And the summer reading program was my favorite. You got prizes for doing something that you loved to do. It was the best!

We are gearing up for a summer of fun at the Carnegie Library! We are excited to bring you a variety of amazing programs this summer for our community members of all ages.

Most of our children’s programs will be held on Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a.m. This year we are excited to welcome returning performers including Doc Magic, Todd Key and Ms. Bette Hickman’s The Art of Reading. We will also be adding some new programs including a pottery class and Mad Science with Dr. White.

We will also be offering nine programs for teens throughout the summer including an improv workshop, balloon making workshop and teen pottery workshop.

Mayor Keith Brady will be presenting his Mayor Brady’s 2023 Summer Reading Challenge. For every 10 minutes you read this summer you will shade in one block on your official reading challenge sheet. When you complete 60 minutes you can get a treat at one of our local businesses! The challenge will run June 1st-July 27th and culminate in Mayor Brady’s End of Summer Ice Cream Sundae Party on July 29th. This is for kids who have completed Kindergarten through fifth grade. Pick up a reading log at the Carnegie or visit

Of course, we will also offer programs for adults as we do year-round. A familiar program that will be returning is Armchair Travelers. In June we will be discovering Paris and in July we will be exploring Greece! Back by popular demand will be Game Day and Bingo.

We look forward to seeing everyone this summer. For the full schedule and details on our programs this summer please visit the Carnegie’s social media and Eventbrite pages!

I have a few book recommendations for you if you are by the pool or at the beach! First off Every Summer After by Carley Fortune is a must read! This book went back and forth between the present and the past. And I just love books that incorporate summer and young love. This one made me happy and I want to be at the lake! Another suggestion I have is for a thriller, Reckless Girls, by Rachel Hawkins. This is a suspenseful and a little creepy book set on a remote island and you never really know who to trust. This is a perfect book to read poolside.

We look forward to seeing everyone this summer. And I hope everyone has an amazing summer full of sunshine, fun and books! 

Susan Crutchfield is the director of the Carnegie Library in Historic Downtown Newnan. She also is a professional photographer and enjoys volunteering with the Newnan ArtRez and the Newnan Theatre Company.

It’s Summer. It’s Hot! Read A Book or A Lot!

Did You Know?

• 61% of low-income families do not have a single piece of age-appropriate reading material in their home?

• 1/3rd of Georgia’s children start school unprepared to learn?

• 75% of Georgia’s students who are poor readers in the third grade will remain poor readers in high school?

How Do Books Help?

The more words a child hears, the larger the child’s vocabulary and the larger the child’s vocabulary, the more likely the child will be a proficient reader. However, in order to read with a child, books must be in the home. | June 2023| The PAPER| 25 The Bookmark is sponsored by Coweta Public Library System Coweta Ferst Foundation, P.O. Box 336, Newnan, GA 30264 This ad generously donated by Precision Tune Auto Care in support of our Give BIG campaign. The Coweta County Ferst Foundation mission is to provide a free monthly age-appropriate book for every child under the age of five in Coweta County. Visit our website for more information:


Centre for Performing & Visual Arts

1523 Lower Fayetteville Rd., Newnan, GA 30265 770.254.2787

Georgia Academy of Dance & the Performing Arts present Cinderella, The Growing Up of Annabell Pots (to the music of Rodgers & Hammerstein, Gershwin, & more) and A Celebration of Contemporary Dance. Performances are June 3rd & 4th. Tickets available at

STAR Kids presents Disney’s

101 Dalmatians Kids • June 23, 5 p.m.

STAR Kids presents Disney’s Finding Nemo Jr. • June 30, 5 p.m.

around downTown

Main Street Newnan 6 First Avenue, Newnan, GA 30263 770.253.8283

Market Day • Saturday, June 3 & July 1, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

The Market will feature over 55 unique spaces, with a variety of one-of-a-kind gift items. Market Day favorites include: fresh locally grown produce, honey, jams & jellies, pottery, art, hand-woven baskets, leather products, etc.

Summer NewnaNights • June 8

The Summer NewnaNights will take place on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 6 - 9 p.m. and will feature family friendly music and entertainment.! The park will also be filled with various festivities, food trucks and vendor booths/sponsor booths.

Summer Wined-Up • June 16, 5-9 p.m.

The downtown wine-tasting event that takes place each year during the month of June. Individual tastings occur at a different downtown business, where guests should expect to perform a “wine walk” that moves through over 25 host locations. The merchants who host this event will feature different hor d’oeuvres and a variety of whites, reds, and specialty blend wines for guests to sample.

Jenna Kim Jones • July 1, 7-9 p.m.


Regal Cinemas

Georgian 14 Ashley Park

237 Newnan Crossing Bypass, Newnan 844.462.7342

NCG Cinemas at Fischer Crossings 55 Fischer Crossings Blvd., Sharpsburg 678-326-4460

McRitchie-Hollis Museum

74 Jackson St., Newnan • 770.251.0207

LocaL TheaTre

24 1st Ave, Newnan • 770-683-6282

• The NITWITS will be holding FREE improv workshops every Saturday in July

• Auditions for our next interactive murder mystery & dinner

Frankenstein’s Monster Prom will be on June 13 & 14

• Season tickets are available for the 2023-2023 season. They can be purchased online or by visiting the box office.

• NTC is excited to now be offering acting classes as well as a Conservatory for actors to improve their skills. See our website for more details.

The Legacy TheaTre

The Legacy Theatre

1175 Senoia Rd., Suite C., Tyrone, GA., 30290

The Little Mermaid • June 30 - July 30

Based on one of Hans Christian Andersen’s most beloved stories and the classic animated film, Disney’s The Little Mermaid is a hauntingly beautiful love story for the ages. With music by eighttime Academy Award winner, Alan Menken, this fishy fable will capture your heart with its irresistible songs, including “Under the Sea,” “Kiss the Girl” and “Part of Your World.”

Known for her relatable, true-to-life brand of humor, Jenna Kim Jones- the comedian for the everyday woman, will be performing a set of all-new material at the Wadsworth Auditorium. The observational, self-deprecating comedian, SiriusXM’s #2 mostplayed female comedian (behind Joan Rivers) and eighth overall across all ten channels, will use the one-night-only performance to record her next album.

The Carnegie Library

1 LaGrange Street, Newnan • 770.683.1347

Exercise Is Medicine, Gentle Yoga and Crochet, Book Club with Lola, , Literary Circle Book Club, and more.

Lunch and Learn: The Restorative Power of History Friday, June 2, Noon to 1 p.m

Chris Joyner, an investigative reporter with The AJC, will talk about his journey unearthing the trials of Carrollton sharecropper Clarence Henderson and its generational impact on a family and community.

40 Greenway Court, Suite D, Newnan • 770.683.3724

Flower Festival June 3, 5 p.m. Check their website and Facebook page for more information.

Visit and for information. Look for Joy of Container Gardening, Hometown Novel Nights and Build-A-Catapult Challenge are some upcoming May events. Some events require reservations and space is limited.

Southside Theatre Guild

20 W Campbellton St, Fairburn, GA 30213 770-969-0956 •

26 | The PAPER | June 2023 |


9110 Selborne Lane, Suite 210, Chattahoochee Hills, GA 30268

Serenbe Farmers Market • Saturdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the Selborne Green. Fresh produce, artisanal prepared foods, and fine arts and crafts.

Serenbe Farms Tours Saturdays 3 p.m. on The Farm in Grange to learn about growing organic produce.

Cruizin Coweta Car Show at Coweta County Fairgrounds

Second annual Cruzin Coweta Car Show!

Many awards,giveaways,food trucks, and DJ on stage!

June 3, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Newnan Leisure Services host their inaugural National Recreation and Park Association Family Health and Fitness Day on June 10, from 10 a.m. to Noon at First Avenue Park. Enjoy quick exercise sessions presented by local health and fitness providers, visit local vendors for wellness tips and food, and let the kids run wild through the blow-up obstacle course. Contact Katie Mosley, Leisure Services Manager.; 678-673-5507

Free Movie Monday June 12 & 26 at Wadsworth Auditorium

Minions: The Rise of Gru June 12, 10:30 a.m. 25 Jefferson Street, Newnan, GA 30263

Join Newnan Leisure Services for another Free Movie Monday event! They will be presenting the 2022 Illumination animated hit Minions: The Rise of Gru! Free popcorn will be provided whether you are dressed as a minion or not. The film is rated PG for action, violence, and rude humor.

Puss in Boots: The Last Wish June 26, 10:30 a.m.

Join Newnan Leisure Services presentsthe 2022 Shrek franchise spinoff! Make sure all nine of your lives are available to enjoy this movie with some free popcorn! The film is rated PG for rude humor and language, action/violence, and some scary moments.

Mark Your Calendar. Play Ball for Lewis!

The Lewis Grizzard Games …

3 Days of Summer Fun … June 22-24

Lewis Grizzard won his fame as a writer; he began as a sports reporter. He loved playing and writing about all sports. In his youth he lettered in high school sports in baseball and basketball. Join us for this tribute to Lewis; ball games for all ages!

Free participation, but registration required

Come out and play and cheer the teams on!

Enjoy exhibits from the Coweta County Sports Hall of Fame!

Thanks to our partners at the Coweta County Parks & Recreation Department and the Coweta County Sports Hall of Fame!

KICK-OFF is Thursday, June 22 4:30 p.m. at Sprayberry’s BBQ 229 Jackson St. Newnan, GA 30263

Music, prize give aways and contests.

Dine at Lewis favorite BBQ restaurant!

Ceremonies honoring Lewis Grizzard kick off a weekend of fun.

YOUTH GAMES Friday, June 23, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Temple Avenue Complex, Coweta County Parks & Recreation Dept.

39 Hospital Rd. Newnan, GA 30263

Young athletes compete in Softbal,Basketball Games and Contests.

FINALE Lewis Grizzard Invitational Softball Game

Saturday, June 24, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Temple Avenue Complex

Coweta County Parks & Recreation Dept.

39 Hospital Rd. Newnan, GA 30263

Sports journalists and area celebrities face off in this exhibition game.


Senoia Area Historical Society History Museum

6 Couch St, Senoia, GA 30276 Facebook and Instagram.

Check Facebook for the latest.

Emily Nadeau Travels • June 8 Embark on an extraordinary visual journey as Emily shares her 30 year exploration of the world. Light Fare 6:30 p.m. Program 7 p.m.

Senoia Farmers Market

Saturdays 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 40 Travis St., Senoia senoiafarmersmarket on Facebook. Fresh local produce, vendors and artisans.

Senoia Alive After 5 June 16, 5 p.m.

Senoia Shopping, Dining, Music and More

Visit for more information on these and other upcoming events in Senoia.


Chattahoochee Bend State Park

425 Bobwhite Way, Newnan, GA 30263

Hike and Paddle 2023 • July 1, July 29, August 26, October 14, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. You must contact before you go and get information 770.254.7271

Check website and Facebook page for upcoming events!

Zen Monkey’s News and Musings …

Gov. Brian Kemp signed six bills recently at the Coweta County campus of West Georgia Technical College. The bills - House bills 163, 155, and 607, and Senate bills 246, 3, and 86 - will increase workforce opportunities in high-demand career fields and support higher education. [ [ [

At age thirty you have spent a month having birthdays. [ [ [ According to Fox TV, Chick-Fil-A’s first ever official location has shut its doors after 50 years. In 1967, Truett Cathy opened the first Chick-fil-A restaurant in Atlanta’s Greenbriar Mall on Greenbriar Parkway. Owners did not give a reason for the closure. [ [ [

Michelle Grasso of GSC World Travel is among the newest graduates of the Virtuoso® Certified Travel Advisor (VCTA) program, an elite category within the travel industry. Designed to fast-track the development of those who are new to the travel advising profession or the Virtuoso network, the intensive VCTA program boasts a strong record of catapulting newcomers into million-dollar producers, as graduates sell an average of 74 percent more than their peers.

[ [ [

23 years later, we still don’t know who let the dogs out. [ [ [

Newnan High School senior Lacey Daniell has been named the recipient of the 2023 Community Service Team Scholarship from the Coweta Community Foundation. The award was presented on April 17 at the group’s end-of-the-year celebration at the Newnan-Coweta Chamber offices. Lacey served on the CST for all four of her years in high school and served as an officer last year. She plans to study journalism at the University of Colorado-Boulder. [ [ [

All 13 members of West Georgia Technical College’s 2023 dental hygiene class earned a 100 percent pass rate on their regional clinical exams. Twelve students took the Central Regional Dental Testing Services exam (CRDTS) and one student took the American Board of Dental Examiners (ADEX). [ [ [

Our parents let us stay over at a strangers house just because we were friends with their kid. [ [ [

Race For The Orphans raised $80,000 during this year’s road race. The money will go to help eight families adopt 10 children.

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Lindsey’s Inc. Realtors is celebrating its 75th anniversary this month. Come by and join the celebration on June 14 from 1 to 4 p.m. Their office is located at 14 Jackson Street in downtown Newnan. For more information, call 770-253-6990 or visit

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This year’s Valedictorians and Salutatorians are: Newnan High School … Valedictorian – Thomas Dean • Salutatorian – Jaret Webb East Coweta … Valedictorian – Andrew Brown • Salutatorian – Dean Khot Northgate High School … Valedictorian – Bronwyn Armitage • Salutatorian – Hudson Huynh

[ [ Pinocchio’s nose can grow infinitely as long as he keeps lying, making him an infinite source of wood and, in turn, a valuable construction resource.

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Dr. Gamal Kemp, currently the principal of Lee Middle School, was approved by the Coweta County Board of Education as the new principal of Newnan High School. The board also approved Dr. Jacqueline Stephens as the new principal of Brooks Elementary School. The appointments take effect July 1.

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Coweta-Fayette EMC’s Operation Round Up Foundation hosted its inaugural Swing Fore Operation Round Up Golf Tournament recently at Newnan Country Club. The tournament raised over $20,000 to help provide grants to non-profits and enhance educational opportunities to local students through CFEMC’s Operation Round Up Trust.

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You never see commercials for new cereals. There are no new cereals. For some reason, cereal innovation ceased in the 90s.

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Drug Free Coweta DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day had roughly 39 drive-by participants that brought in unused, expired, and unwanted medications across the county. Across DEA’s Coweta County Division, which comprises Newnan and Sharpsburg, over 127 pounds of expired, unused, or unneeded medication were turned in at two collection sites.

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The unluckiest person in the world will be the person who dies last of old age before the cure for aging gets invented. | June 2023 | The PAPER | 27
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Piedmont NEWNAN

Hydration Advocation: How to Maintain a Healthy Relationship with Water

As warmer weather approaches, our bodily needs fluctuate. While getting more sunshine is an overall plus for both our mental and physical health, the extra heat causes us to sweat more, which, when coupled with the extra physical activity that accompanies the next few months, means we’re all definitely going to need to up our water intake.

Speaking of water intake, determining the right amount for a healthy adult to drink is a bit more nuanced than the “eight cups a day rule,” even under normal circumstances. For starters, there’s the fact that water is present in a lot of other foods and beverages we consume every day.

“Fruits, sodas, and even coffee, none of which should be your sole source of hydration, also contribute to your water consumption, so it’s important to factor them in when keeping track of how much you’re drinking in the day,” says Matthew Roberts, D.O., who specializes in family medicine.

According, to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, an adequate daily fluid intake, taking into account that 16 ounces is equivalent to a typical bottled water, is:

continued on page 29

A Week of Thanks

Piedmont Newnan Hospital leaders showed their appreciation for the dedication and hard work of employees and volunteers during Healthcare Week and Nurses Week, May 7 through 13. Each day, there was a different event to thank and celebrate hospital staff for making a positive difference in every life they touch.

CPM Advanced Surgical Specialists in Newnan Joins Piedmont Physicians Group

Piedmont Physicians Group would like to welcome Elizabeth Almon, M.D., Clifford Cranford, Jr., M.D., Joseph Morris, III, M.D., Frank Powell, M.D., and Jennifer Pate, N.P., to its healthcare team. Their practice, formerly named CPM Advanced Surgical Specialists, is now Piedmont Physicians Surgical Specialists CPM.

“We are excited to have these CPM providers join the Piedmont family,” said Charles L. Brown III, M.D., CEO of Piedmont’s Physician Enterprise (or Mike Robertson, CEO of Piedmont Newnan). “This excellent team of doctors has years of experience in the medical field, and will provide outstanding services and care for our patients.”

These four physicians, who all grew up in Coweta County, have been serving their patients in Newnan combined for more than 30 years.

“CPM has had a great relationship with Piedmont over the years, providing services and performing surgeries at Piedmont Newnan Hospital,” said Dr. Powell. “This merger will strengthen that relationship and allow us to continue to provide excellent care to our community for years to come.”

Dr. Almon is a board-certified General Surgeon with the American Board of Surgery and is a member of the Southeastern Surgical Congress. She earned her Medical degree from Mercer University and completed her internship and residency at the Medical Center, Navicent Health in Macon, GA. Dr. Almon then returned to her hometown to practice at Piedmont Newnan where she has special interests in minimally invasive and robotic surgery. Since returning to Newnan, she has been a speaker at the Georgia Chapter of the American College of Surgeons. She was elected Chairman of the Department of Surgery at Piedmont Newnan and serves on the Piedmont Clinic Surgical Services Clinical Governance Council.

Dr. Cranford is board-certified with the American Board of Surgery and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. He is a member of the American College of Gastroenterology, the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, and the

American Society of Gastrointestinal Surgeons. He specializes in GI diseases, colonoscopy, endoscopy, and hemorrhoids.

Dr. Morris is a board-certified General Surgeon by the American Board of Surgery and a member of the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery. He completed a fellowship in advanced laparoscopic surgery. He performs all types of general surgery procedures and specializes in robotic hernia repairs, laparoscopic gall bladder surgery, anti-reflux surgery, colon surgery, and bariatric surgery.

Frank Powell, MD, is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons. He has performed breast and general surgery in Newnan, Georgia, for the last 30 years. He is a 6th generation physician practicing in Coweta County and treats all types of abdominal wall hernias, gastrointestinal tract disorders, and gallbladder diseases. He did research at the Swiss Red Cross in Bern, Switzerland in overwhelming bacterial infections. Over the last 15 years, he has taken a particular interest in breast cancer, including high-risk patients, although he has taken care of breast cancer throughout his entire career. He played an instrumental role in establishing the Newnan Breast Center and the Piedmont Newnan Hospital Combined Breast Clinic. In addition, he enjoys mountain biking and spending time on the lake with his family in his spare time.

The practice also includes a Family Nurse Practitioner, Jennifer Pate, MSN, APRN, FNP-C. She earned her MSN and BSN degrees from Clayton State University in Morrow, GA after earning her Associate degree in Physical Therapy from the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta, GA. Jennifer has over 26 years of clinical experience as a physical therapist assistant and registered nurse working with patients at a variety of rehabilitation facilities and most recently with those with spinal cord injuries. She has also provided nursing care for pediatrics, family medicine, internal medicine, and cardiology. Jennifer is a member of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), the Associations of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN) and the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board

Piedmont Physicians Surgical Specialists CPM accepts most major insurance plans. The office is located at 775 Poplar Road, Suite 260, in Newnan, Ga. To schedule an appointment or for more information, please visit or call 770-502-2150.

28 | The PAPER | June 2023 | 745 Poplar Road, Newnan, GA 30265 • 770.400.1000 •
Elizabeth Almon, M.D. Clifford Cranford, Jr., M.D. Joseph Morris, III, M.D. Frank Powell, M.D. Jennifer Pate, N.P.

The Journey

Friends, today you’re going to read about something that every one of us has (whether we believe we do or not) – choices. Did you know that it is estimated that the average adult makes about 35,000 somewhat conscious decisions every day? Whether you are intentionally or actively making those choices, is completely up to you.

Writing this at 6 a.m., I’ve probably already made at least 100 choices … most of which I don’t remember. I decided to wake up, to take a shower, what clothes to put on, to check my email from bed, what shoes to wear for walkability that work with my outfit, if I really need to go to the networking event on my calendar or have a complete office day (which I really need), to stop at Starbucks for a triple espresso to mix into my protein drink for breakfast, to be sitting at my computer writing this column right now … the list goes on and on.

Lately I’ve been thinking about and doing some inside work about big picture choices that every single one of us has. The choice to continue to work at a job, the choice to continue to choose your

Hydration Advocation

continued from Piedmont Page

• About 92 ounces of fluid a day for women

• About 124 ounces of fluid a day for men

*Contact your doctor regarding the recommended amount of daily fluid intake specific to your health status.

Again, this also factors in fluid-intake from other foods and beverages—food is responsible for around 20% of fluid consumption, the rest coming from beverages. And, while you’re going to be craving more cold drinks during the warmer months, you’re also likely going to be eating more fruits as they start coming into season, which will also bump up the amount of water you’re consuming.

It’s also important to remember that there are a lot of factors that cause individual variation. As illustrated above, the recommended daily amount varies based on sex, age, weight, and any underlying health conditions, which will also cause that number to change. Ultimately, the best way to determine whether or not you need to drink more water in that moment is to pay attention to your body. A dry mouth, dizziness, and fatigue are all typical signs of dehydration, but you can also pay attention to urine color: pale yellow being ideal, dark yellow-to-orange signifying dehydration, and clear urine signifying overhydration.

That’s right—you can actually drink too much water. The dangers of overhydration are much less emphasized than dehydration, but water intoxication is very possible, and it’s important that we remember, in the midst of trying to keep ourselves healthy and hydrated, that we don’t overcompensate and plunge ourselves into the other extreme. On average, a healthy adult’s kidneys can process one liter of water per hour (33.81 ounces), so it’s important that you don’t drink more than 2 bottles of water an hour, also taking into account what else has been consumed during that timeframe. This is a common issue for athletes, marathon runners, and anyone engaging in intensive exercise, for which an alternative to excessive fluid consumption is pairing electrolytes with your water intake. Electrolytes speed up the rate at which your body is able to process and thereby start feeling the effects of hydration, decreasing the likelihood of overdoing it on your beverages.

It may require some extra steps on your part to keep up with summer and take care of your body at the same time—on either side of the hydration spectrum—but maintaining a healthy relationship with water will provide the kind of longstanding benefits you don’t want to miss out on.

For additional tips and tricks on staying hydrated, check out Piedmont’s newsroom, or have a conversation with a physician near you (visit to search for locations in your area).

spouse and the choice to be happy. That’s right, the CHOICE to be happy. Every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every year, you decide (consciously or unconsciously) your degree of happiness.

Let’s not also underestimate the power of the butterfly effect. For those unfamiliar, the butterfly effect is the theory that even tiny actions such as the flapping of a butterfly’s wings can result in big events such as massive storms. The way I think about it is that my negative attitude or half-thought-out response could have a negative impact on someone else, whether I intended that or not. So, even when I’m having a bad day, I try my very best to make other people feel like I care. Because at the end of the day, I do. But one bad day or negative interaction from me can really affect the way someone else’s day or moment goes … and I’m not ok with that. That’s a choice I make every day, intentionally.

So, I want to encourage you. Be aware, be thoughtful, be in control of the only thing you are capable of being in control of – you. Prioritize your decisions instead of being reactionary to other people, develop your own core values and learn from bad decisions. Don’t repeat things that don’t serve you well. Decide. Be intentional. Love yourself enough through your Journey – the good, bad and the ugly. What the rest of that looks like is up to you.

“At every moment, we always have a choice, even if it looks like we don’t. Sometimes that choice may simply be to think a more positive thought.”

June 23 at PTC’s Drake Field 5 to 9 p.m. Drake Field, 155 Willowbend Rd, Peachtree City, GA 30269

A free public market with music, entertainment, food and artists.

Thanks for Karing! | June 2023 | The PAPER | 29
This ad was generously donated by Deidre K. Bembry State Farm as part of our Give BIG campaign to highlight and promote nonprofits.
A BIG Thanks to all of our amazing runners, sponsors, donors, and vendors for participating in the 9th Annual Keris Kares Royal Run! Your participation helps us KARE for families, kids, and teachers.

MLS Soccer


May 31, Wed. – New England Revolution, 7:30 pm – Apple TV, FS1

June 3, Sat. – at Los Angeles FC, Postponed

June 10, Sat. – D.C. United, 7:30 pm – Apple TV

June 21, Wed. – New York City FC, 7:30 pm – Apple TV

June 24, Sat. – at New York Red Bulls, 7:30 pm – Apple TV

July 2, Sun. – Philadelphia Union, 4 pm – FOX / Apple TV

July 8, Sat. – at CF Montreal, 7:30 pm – Apple TV

All Home Games played at Mercedes-Benz Stadium

MLB Baseball


May 31, Wed. – at Oakland A’s, 3:37 pm – BSS

June 2, Fri. – at Arizona D’backs, 9:40 pm – BSSE

June 3, Sat. – at Arizona D’Backs, 10:10 pm – BSSE

June 4, Sun. – at Arizona D’Backs, 4:10 pm – BSSE

June 6, Tues. – N.Y. Mets, 7:20 pm – TBS / BSS

June 7, Wed. – N.Y. Mets, 7:20 pm – BSS

June 8, Thurs. – N.Y. Mets, 7:20 pm – BSS

June 9, Fri. – Washington Nationals, 7:20 pm – BSSE

June 10, Sat. – Washington Nationals, 4:10 pm – BSSE

June 11, Sun. – Washington Nationals, 1:35 pm – BSSE

June 12, Mon. – at Detroit Tigers, 6:40 pm – BSS

June 13, Tues. – at Detroit Tigers, 6:40 pm – BSS

June 14, Wed. – at Detroit Tigers, 1:10 pm – BSS

June 15, Thurs. – Colorado Rockies, 7:20 pm – BSSE

June 16, Fri. – Colorado Rockies, 7:20 pm – BSSE

June 17, Sat. – Colorado Rockies, 4:10 pm – BSSE

June 18, Sun. – Colorado Rockies, 1:35 pm – BSSE

June 20, Tues. – at Philadelphia Phillies, 6:40 pm – TBS / BSS

June 21, Wed. – at Philadelphia Phillies, 6:40 pm – BSS

June 22, Thurs. – at Philadelphia Phillies, 1:05 pm – BSS

June 23, Fri. – at Cincinnati Reds, 6:40 pm – BSSE

June 24, Sat. – at Cincinnati Reds, 4:10 pm – BSSE

June 25, Sun. – at Cincinnati Reds, 1:40 pm – BSSE

June 26, Mon. – Minnesota Twins, 7:20 pm – BSS

June 27, Tues. – Minnesota Twins, 7:20 pm – BSS

June 28, Wed. – Minnesota Twins, 12:20 pm – BSS

June 30, Fri. – Miami Marlins, 7:20 pm – BSSE

July 1, Sat. – Miami Marlins, 4:10 pm – BSSE

July 2, Sun. – Miami Marlins, 1:35 pm – BSSE

July 3, Mon. – at Cleveland Guardians, 7:10 pm – BSS

July 4, Tues. – at Cleveland Guardians, 7:10 pm – BSS

July 5, Wed. – at Cleveland Guardians, 7:10 pm – BSS

July 7, Fri. – at Tampa Bay Rays, 6:40 pm – BSSE

July 8, Sat. – at Tampa Bay Rays, 7:15 pm – FOX

July 9, Sun. – at Tampa Bay Rays, 1:40 pm – BSSE

All Home Games played at Truist Park

WNBA Basketball


June 2, Fri. – Las Vegas Aces, 8 pm – ION TV

June 9, Fri. – New York Liberty, 7:30 pm – ION TV

June 11, Sun. – Connecticut Sun, 4 pm –BSSO / ESPN3

June 13, Tues. – at New York Liberty, 8 pm – BSSE

June 15, Thurs. – at Connecticut Sun, 7 pm – Amazon / BSSO

June 18, Sun. – at Indiana Fever, 4 pm – BSSO

June 20, Tues. – at Dallas Wings, 8 pm – NBATV / BSSE

June 23, Fri. – New York Liberty, 7:30 pm – ION TV

June 28, Wed. – at Washington Mystics, 7 pm – NBATV / BSSE

June 30, Fri. – Washington Mystics, 7 pm – ION TV

July 2, Sun. – Los Angeles Sparks, 3 pm – BSSO / ESPN3

July 5, Wed. – at Los Angeles Sparks, 10 pm – BSSE

July 7, Fri. – at Chicago Sky, 8 pm – ION TV

All Home Games played at Gateway Center Arena

TV Affiliations:

BSS – Bally Sports South • BSSE – Bally Sports Southeast

Lewis Grizzard Games June 22-24

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32 | The PAPER | June 2023 | NISSAN STORES Smith Automotive Group, family owned and operated, offers a fresh, new approach to your car buying experience. 783 Bullsboro Dr. (next to Zaxby’s), Newnan, GA 30263 770.254.3800 SALES SERVICE RENTALS Come by and check out Nissan’s All Electric Crossover ARIYA & our HUGE INVENTORY of SIZZLING HOT DEALS for the SUMMER! ON NEW & CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED VEHICLES! We Have Your Make • Model • Color • Finance Deal GET road trip ready with our RENTAL dEALS

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