The Weekly August 9, 2023

Page 13

Local Breweries Are Having A Moment

With almost 10,000 craft breweries in the US, Newnan-Coweta has become well represented. Younger drinkers might be right in saying that craft brew ain’t their granddaddy’s beer, but to be fair, local breweries have become the place to hang out for all ages – from granddaddies to grandbabies.

On any given evening, the brewery scene is full of young families with their kids, Gen Xers with their adult kids, and Boomers filling up large tables with family and friends. Dogs are always present. It’s like the old neighborhood block party, but at a brewery, with better beer.

The brewery furor has hit our area and based on the crowds showing up, we are here for it. All offer a fun assortment of events, from trivia nights and corn hole tournaments to live music and food trucks. Here’s a rundown of our thriving local spots.

*Volunteer, self-appointed-expert taste testers assisted in giving notes, on multiple evenings. (We thank them for their sacrifice.)

Abide Brewing Company

These guys walked so the others could run. We salute Newnan’s oldest brewery for paving the way.

Co-founders Evan Scanian, Phillip Leonard, and Matt Kapusta started as hobby brewers, and opened Abide in 2015. Being the first, they had to deal with squaring away legal issues, on top of making great beer and running a business.

Fast forward to today: the Wertz Industrial Boulevard brewery has a taproom, an indoor game area, a stage area, and an outdoor space for games and food trucks.

High on our testers’ list were Riverfest IPA, “a smoother IPA”, Asian Persusasion, “clean”, “ginger notes”, and Jalapeno Riverfest IPA, “great for Mexican food”, “just a hint of jalapeno.” The Watermelon Sour also received high marks as “refreshing for summer.”

Cochran Mill Brewing Company

Father and son duo Ed and Jett Hattaway, from Chattahoochee Hills, started out brewing in a basement speakeasy. They decided to make it official in Fairburn: not too far from Atlanta, but still with rural vibes.

continued on page 2


Shop Local • Buy Local • Advertise Local Vol. 2, No. 10 J Wednesday, August 9, 2023 J Free The W eekly PRESORTED STANDARD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID NEWNAN, GA PERMIT #120 POSTAL CUSTOMER On sale through Sept 13. Order on the fair website. MEGA PASSES cover gate admission and UNLIMITED rides all day. Buy the Mega Pass before September 14th and … Save up to $15 11 Days of Carnival Rides, Games, Food, Fun, Art & Craft Exhibits, Contests and … Animal & Livestock Exhibits, Entertainment and More! SePTEMBEr 14-24 Coweta County Fairgrounds 275 Pine Road, Newnan • Sunday: 2 to 10 p.m.; Monday - Thursday: 4 to 10 p.m.; Friday: 4 to Midnight; Saturday: Noon - Midnight MEGA PASS Get Your $35 MegaPass Skip Lines Save Time Look for the Fair Book for details and to sign up for contests, events, and other activities at Save Money
Southern Signature Southern Signature CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE! Land Tract Clearing & Mulching

LOCAL BREWERIES continued from page 1

Head Brewer Mark Warner said, “We specialize in malt forward beers that are well balanced. Our best seller by far is our Dick ‘N the Dirt English IPA. Next to that our Wampus Kat Belgian Triple, and Zombie Harambe New England IPA are always wildly popular whenever they are on.” Our testers agreed, and also loved the margarita seltzer, a nice option for non-beer drinkers.

So what’s the best part of running a brewery? According to Warner, “The best part is bringing the community together. We want to be that brewery where you walk in and instantly feel like you’re at home. We have had proposals, weddings, family reunions, and all sorts of pivotal events happen here. It’s great when a place becomes more than just what it sells.”

Line Creek Brewing Company – The Reserve

When naming their brewery, co-founders Paul Costick, Brian Messer, Matt Ramsey, and Paul Schwinne were inspired by the creek in their backyard. Line Creek Brewing Company/The Reserve had their Grand Opening in June 2023 in downtown Newnan, with the goal to “serve the community, simply and naturally.”

They offer certain beers all year round, adding seasonal picks and limited editions to rotate on a weekly basis.

At the Grand Opening, they released their Newnan Light Lager, rated “an easy-drinking summer beer” by our testers. Other tester favorites were the Hazy’s Galaxy Quest IPA, “juicy and fruity”, and for non-beer drinkers, the Peach Seltzer was “light and fresh.”

Savor your selections inside the taproom, or catch the live music from the large covered patio, the biergarten, or the kid-(and corn-hole) friendly astroturf field.

Katie Anderson is a freelance writer based in Newnan.

You can find her on Instagram @theyellowdaisychick ■

Learning lessons from my grandson’s perspective

The older I get, the more I let things irritate me.  I seem to – more often than not – lose perspective and allow a small thing mess up my entire day … or week.

If you watch the news or just scroll through Facebook, I think you will agree that many of us have lost perspective.  We let small things and/or maybe not-so-small things, dictate too much of our life, our thoughts and our enjoyment.

I recently got a lesson on perspective from my five-year-old grandson.  He loves his cousins who live in Baton Rouge, family vacations and anything to do with water.  So, you can imagine a five-yearold’s excitement when the day finally came to begin our trip to join his cousins at the beach for our family vacation.

He is a great traveler, but this five-hour trip was long.  Excitement and anticipation were at an alltime high.  Somehow, we managed to reach our destination within five minutes of his cousins.  We get to the condo, unload, somewhat unpack, and get dressed ready to hit the water.

That’s when it happened.  Less than one hour from arrival, my grandson’s finger had been slammed in between two massive sliding glass doors.  For loss of a better term, his finger exploded.

We took him to the local emergency room.  They were wonderful with him.  His finger was broken, cut, the nail bed had been severed and his bone exposed.  They tried as best they could to get him comfortable from the pain and finally had to sedate him so they could surgically remove the nail bed.

We were then told that we were going to have to go to the Mobile (Ala.) Woman’s and Children’s Hospital. There, a pediatric orthopedic doctor could determine if the removed nail bed could be reattached or if they would need to make a new nail bed.

n The kids have returned to school, sports practices and games are back on the schedule and your life just got more hectic!

If your plate is full of tasks or has turned into a platter that is now running over, Home Helpers can help with the care and time needed to take care of your aging parents and loved ones!

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experiencing.  At one time he had three nurses holding him down as two ortho doctors were working on his finger. Luckily, shortly after this the drugs kicked in, he was no longer feeling the pain.

Fast forward and we are back in the condo. Naps had been taken, he had missed water time with his cousins, and he very much wanted to play in the water.  We wrapped his hand in 3 plastic bags and tape and we head to the pool hoping to get to play a little.

As we are walking to the pool area, my grandson exclaims, “This is the best day of my life!”  And boom!  There is it.  Perspective.  This amazing child had just had the worst, most painful 24 hours of his short life.  But none of that mattered.  He was going to get to play in the water and be with his cousins.  And THAT is what mattered.

and accepts all


/ Private Pay.

It took us an hour to arrive in Mobile, nail bed in hand. They rushed us back, referring to us as the “transplant” and they took the container holding the nail bed from me.  Once again, the ER staff was phenomenal, but it took a while for them to get control of the pain that my grandson was


We sometimes forget what matters. I know I do.  Our family vacation was altered and my grandson did not get the kind of water time he wanted, but we were still able to have fun. And if you ask my grandson, he will tell you that it was a great vacation.   Yes, something awful happened but that did not change his attitude or outlook on life.  Bad things happen, really bad things, but life moves on.  And life can bring lots of good, even after the bad. I learned a lot from my grandson that day.  I am trying to remember his attitude and perspective as I go through each day forward. I hope after hearing his story, you can, too.

Beth Dow is a Dementia and Alzheimer’s Educator, CAEd and Geriatric Care Manager. She is also the owner of Home Helpers of GA & AL in Newnan. Readers can contact her by email at  bdow@


SUNDAY: German Chocolate, Caramel Apple Pie

MONDAY: Carrot, Chocolate Mocha

TUESDAY: Key Lime, Caramel Popcorn, GLUTEN-FREE

WEDNESDAY: Banana Cream Pie, Peanut Butter Brownie

THURSDAY: Strawberry, Peaches and Cream, Baker’s Choice, VEGAN

FRIDAY: Strawberries N Creme, Peach Cobbler, Baker’s Choice, GLUTEN-FREE

SATURDAY: Strawberry Cheesecake, Kentucky Bourbon, Baker’s Choice

Page 2 H The WEEKLY H August 9, 2023 H
113 Newnan Crossing Bypass Newnan GA 30265 770-252-1400
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Yamaha donated 100 fully stocked backpacks to Coweta County Schools


Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Corporation of America is hiring new professional team members at our facility in Newnan, Georgia, due to our continued growth.

We are looking for fresh faces with a broad range of expertise to expand our amazing leadership team!

Direct Hire jobs in salaried positions are on our website. Engineers, Welders, and Supervisors who understand the manufacturing process are urged to apply. On the website, choose “Direct Hire” to review job information.

Full-time benefits include:

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“Considering a career with Yamaha has been one of the best decisions that I’ve made. It’s given me a whole lot of experience, it’s grown me a lot, not only as an engineer but as a person. And so it’s been really cool experience to get to grow up with the company, and I think that’s very valuable.”

—Will L., Manufacturing Engineer

Yamaha team members assembled backpacks filled with supplies appropriate for elementary to high school.

Yamaha donated 100 fully stocked backpacks to Coweta County School System.

Look for more photos on our website,


Front Porch Stories

When we think of seasons, we often think of the four that span from January until December. The life experiences that change us can be considered “seasons” of life. I’m in a whole new season now, and the road that has led up to this time has been a variety of challenges and successes.

My dad and I had a conflict that began when I was thirteen and continued until my late forties. Thanks to the encouragement from my brother, we eventually worked things out. The season that began at age thirteen helped me to grow extremely independent; earning my own money, relying on myself, and making adult decisions even though I was far too young to make those decisions.

Without a doubt my mom and grandmother were praying for me because I was faced with circumstances that could have altered my life in very negative ways during that time. Instead, it helped shape me to be the adult I am today.

Starting married life in another state without a phone, was another season. I’m sure this one was more difficult for my mom than for me, but it was a season nonetheless. I had to manage a home and also a job for the first time in my life, and it was a good fit.

Having kids was like a season of non-stop spring time and thunderstorms, sometimes all at once. There was nothing to prepare me for the daily responsibilities that suddenly encompassed me and my reason to exist. I had no idea how much love I could have for another human being until I held my child in my arms. Ever since that first moment, I’ve said that I cannot imagine the depth of unconditional love that God has for each of us. As a new mom, I would have died on the spot for either of my children, and God loves us even more than that. He gave His only son for every single one of us.

I cannot comprehend that amount of love.

As I look back, most of the seasons tumble into one another. Somewhere along the way I blinked, and our kids went off to college, got married and had kids of their own. I can’t even count the number of seasons between having babies and becoming a grandparent, because at age 64, they all seem to blend together like bold colors in a beautiful painting.

Though most just blend together, there are seasons that become cornerstones in our lives. The season for my family and I that stopped us in our tracks was the diagnosis of cancer in our 16-month-old grandlittle. She is almost nine and doing great now, and that season of life will forever take up a lot of space in my heart. I was half of her care team, and I saw God in so many ways during her treatment. It was when I asked God for His will, and let go of the reigns for the first time in my life. I grew more in that season than ever before. I grew in faith. I grew in courage. I grew in acceptance.

I’m thankful for all of the seasons, though some have been harder than others. I don’t know what seasons we will have before all is said and done, but I trust that God knows. He has already shown me how to shelter from the storms, and that’s good enough for me.

Kathy Bohannon is a Christian humorist and inspirational speaker. She can be reached at kathybohan@ ■ H August 9, 2023 H The WEEKLY H Page 3
Always wear your seat belt, helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Apply online at Click on Direct Hire to Apply!

Notes from Perry Street

“The Baby” is off to college.

It is hard to wrap our heads around the fact our youngest is leaving the nest. I’m sure many of you know what I’m talking about.

We tried to quit calling the youngest “The Baby,” but he was always good about it. Not only is he heading off to college this August, he’s also celebrating his 20th birthday. Time goes by so fast. I remember a particular day when I went to pick up “The Baby” and I couldn’t lift him anymore. He had grown up. I cried that day and knew we had stepped into a new season of life. We had entered these new seasons before - I remember the last time I nursed him and knew that was the last baby I would have. I cried that day too as I stepped into that season of life.

I was now a full-time mom and wife. My counseling and Life Coaching career would go on hold for many years. That is often what moms do. I was known as Levi’s, Seth’s, and Caleb’s mom. Life was about show and tell, school parties, campfires, reading to their class and carpool lines and becoming Boy Scouts. It was learning to love bugs, dirt, snakes, camping and just doing life with lots of boy hugs! We love the Three SONS of Thunder. Each son has their own unique style, personality and vibe. “The Baby” is known by everyone, including adults, as an “Old Soul.” He is also Master Shifu, who dispels his “wise words” at just the right moment. He is generous beyond measure and is a master storyteller.

Even though I was in mom mode “The Baby” often reminded me of some of my past successes and would literally say “Mom … don’t forget you got a Master’s degree and raised $500,000 dollars for the hospital.” He saw the best in everyone, and was quick to point out my best, something we as women and moms can forget about.

Winters taught all the SONS key lessons he learned and wanted to make sure they followed: Your word is your bond; honor your mother and marry someone like her; friends are not about quantity, but quality. Honor God. “Fear” no man but one - a Jewish carpenter from centuries ago. He taught them all how to cook. The Baby, okay, enough with that, let’s move on to Levi. He and Winters share a special passion for creating unforgettable recipes. Levi has his own chef knives and is known for waking up in the middle of the night to make his famous “no-knead bread.” We give his salsa, well it was mine at first but he perfected it, as Christmas gifts. He and Winters can spend hours watching cooking shows into the wee hours.

I prayed this day would come but I am not sure John Winters did. I believe he hoped the two of them would just freeze in time. Cooking and continuing to run our companies with us. Since 9th grade, Levi has done work-based learning. He would walk from Newnan High School after classes to work for Winters Media & Publishing. He and Winters spent almost every day together after school.

The youngest helped our team make Winters Media, The Paper and The Weekly what it is today. He wrote checks, balanced accounts, was our photographer at special events, designed our logos and helped deliver our publications. I have a feeling Winters will be texting Levi new recipes to try … and getting him to at least try journalism school.

I will end with what I told the two other SONS of Thunder as they left for college, “Fly my precious SON … you are ready to fly.”

The Weekly Staff

John A. Winters, Publisher, Editor

Corby Carlin Winters, Ambassador at Large

Levi Winters, Social & Visual Media

Joey Howard, Digital Editor/Business Development 404.698.0734 •

Ruth Harris Doyal, Pagination 770.254.1421 •

The Weekly is published by Winters Media & Publishing, Inc., P. O. Box 757, Newnan, GA 30264

John A. Winters, President Corby Carlin Winters, Vice President

The Weekly is our new publication, which replaces The Shopper. From 1989, the Shopper successfully served the area. The Weekly will not only continue that tradition but expand its focus on consumer-related articles for our readers and our commitment to help promote local businesses and nonprofits.

Our office is located at 15 Perry Street, Newnan, GA 30263

Mailing address is: P. O. Box 757, Newnan, GA 30264

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday - Friday 9 - 4

The Weekly reserves the right to accept or reject any advertising as we feel is in the best interest of our publication.


Page 4 H The WEEKLY H August 9, 2023 H

Weekly Kitchen with Angela

Nutty Crackers an Easy, Tasty Treat

Years ago, I was assigned to interview a local woman who had written a book about depression. Frankly, I wasn’t looking forward to it. What could be drearier than talking to some sad person, right? Imagine my surprise when the beautiful Martha Maughon greeted me with a smile on her face and a friend by her side. An afternoon of delightful conversation ensued as we talked about her helpful book, Why Am I Crying? (This was when I first learned that depression isn’t always visible on the outside, and I was young and had a lot to learn about life, so please give me some grace here.)

Aside from all that I learned that memorable afternoon, I also remember how Martha and her lovely friend were raving over some “crazy” new recipe they had just discovered. Basically, you covered saltines with melted butter and brown sugar, baked them, then topped them with chocolate chips and allowed the chocolate to melt before covering them with pecans. The result was a toffee-like confection that became quite the rage for a while, and I was happy to rediscover that old faithful recipe a few years ago.

Martha is in heaven now, and I’ve never forgotten how she helped educate others about depression— and how she educated me about making cookies with saltines!

When I was going through one of my antique-store recipe boxes the other day, I found a handwritten cracker recipe that sounded like a kissing cousin of the one Martha made. The anonymous scribe titled her recipe “Nutty Crax,” which sounds kind of like an illicit drug, so let’s just call them “Nutty Crackers” instead.

Surprisingly, these easy crackers turned out so delicious that I enjoyed them every bit as much as the toffee crackers. Since I’m starting to think about which treats I want to make for the holidays this year, I quickly realized these yummy crackers should be included. They’re simple to make, they require only a few ingredients, and they come in small portions that are perfect for sharing on cookies plates or in baskets. I hope you’ll give them a try!


Nutty Crackers

o 42 Club Crackers

o 1 stick butter

o 1/2 cup granulated sugar

o 1 teaspoon vanilla

o 1 cup slivered almonds

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a 15 x 10 x 1-inch baking pan with aluminum foil. Arrange crackers in rows on pan.

In a small saucepan over medium heat, melt butter, then add the sugar and bring to a boil. Stir mixture constantly for 2 minutes. Remove pan from heat, immediately add vanilla, and pour the still-hot mixture evenly over the crackers. Sprinkle sliced almonds on top (and I patted them down lightly to help them adhere to the crackers). Bake for 10-12 minutes, remove pan from oven, and use a knife to slightly separate the crackers before they set. Let cool and enjoy! (You probably won’t have many leftovers, but if you do, store them in an airtight container.)

Angela McRae is a freelance writer and editor from Newnan, and you can find out more about her work at Email questions and comments to her at H August 9, 2023 H The WEEKLY H Page 5
We Mean Business. 2245 Highway 34 61 Bullsboro Drive TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: (770) 567–7211 NOW OFFERING GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED LOANS
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Piedmont NEWNAN

Piedmont Is Nationally Recognized

for its Commitment to Providing High-quality Cardiovascular Care

Piedmont has received 15 American Heart Association Get With The Guidelines and Mission: Lifeline achievement awards for demonstrating commitment to following up-to-date, research-based guidelines for the treatment of heart disease and stroke, ultimately leading to more lives saved, shorter recovery times and fewer readmissions to the hospital.

Every 40 seconds, someone in the U.S. has a stroke or heart attack, and heart disease and stroke are the No. 1 and No. 5 causes of death in the United States, respectively. Studies show patients can recover better when providers consistently follow treatment guidelines.

Get With The Guidelines and Mission: Lifeline put the expertise of the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association to work for hospitals nationwide, helping ensure patient care is aligned with the latest evidence- and research-based guidelines. As a participant in both programs, Piedmont qualified for the awards by demonstrating how the organization has committed to improving quality care.

Piedmont Newnan was awarded: Get With The Guidelines- Stroke Gold Plus Award with Target: Stroke Honor Roll Elite and Target: Type 2 Diabetes Honor Roll

Local Junior Volunteers Complete Summer Program

“Piedmont is committed to improving care by adhering to the latest treatment guidelines and streamlining processes to ensure timely and proper care for heart attacks and strokes and we continue to make improvements in our Neurosciences Line in Atlanta to make it one of the top programs in the country,” William Blincoe, M.D., Chief of Staff of Piedmont’s Physician Enterprise. “The Mission: Lifeline and Get With The Guidelines programs make it easier for our teams to put proven knowledge and guidelines to work on a daily basis, which helps us ensure more people in Georgia experience longer, healthier lives.”

August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month

August is National Breastfeeding Awareness

Month and Piedmont is joining in the celebration of this year’s theme, This is Our Why. Piedmont is dedicated to ensuring every family that chooses breastfeeding receives resources as we support, promote and protect breastfeeding to ensure their success.

“We are well aware of the benefits of breastfeeding for babies and mothers,” said Lewis Jackson, M.D., Piedmont’s regional medical director for pediatrics and a practicing pediatrician with Piedmont Physicians Group. “Studies show breastfeeding protects babies from various diseases and conditions such as ear infections, asthma, and obesity. For mothers, breastfeeding may lower the risk of certain cancers, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and reduces the risk of developing heart disease later in life.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 60 percent of mothers stop breastfeeding earlier than they intended due to an absence of ongoing support. Piedmont’s physicians and dedicated lactation specialists strive to ensure mothers receive education, resources, and support throughout the baby’s first years.

Piedmont Newnan offers Breastfeeding

Basics classes free of charge for expecting parents in the community, as well as inpatient

and outpatient lactation support by on-staff certified lactation consultants. Our experienced pediatricians also work with families on an individualized plan that works best for mom and baby post-delivery.

“Each family’s breastfeeding experience is unique, which can present different needs and/ or challenges,” said Dr. Jackson. “Establishing a plan together, we find the techniques that work best for each family to provide the most benefit to babies and moms.”

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend exclusive breastfeeding for about six months. Breastfeeding, along with complimentary foods should continue for the next six months and for as long as both mom and baby desire.

Online resources can also provide information on the benefits of breastfeeding. The United States Breastfeeding Committee, www., has resources dedicated to key facts about breastfeeding. Additional resources can be found from the American Academy of Pediatrics,, and the CDC,

For information on maternity services at Piedmont or to find a physician for your child or family, visit

745 Poplar Road, Newnan, GA 30265


Piedmont Newnan Hospital would like to thank this year’s Junior Volunteers that just completed their summer program at the hospital. The program is not an internship, but rather a volunteer opportunity for rising 10th, 11th and 12th grade students from Coweta County, as well as the children and grandchildren of Piedmont Newnan employees and volunteers.

“The Junior Volunteer program is a service to Piedmont Newnan and provides an opportunity for students to gain exposure to a hospital environment while contributing to their community,” said Jeannie Johns, Volunteer Services Specialist at Piedmont Newnan.

Junior volunteers serve in various departments throughout the hospital, including inpatient floors, the Emergency Department, Supply Chain, the Mother/Baby unit, Engineering, Respiratory, Imaging, Cardiac, Dietary, Patient Access, EVS, and Rehab Services. Junior volunteers receive a free lunch and also build relationships through their experience.

“Our program has so much to offer students that are looking for a career path in the medical field,” said Jeannie Johns. “They donate their time over the summer and bring so much joy to our patients and staff. Students also have an opportunity to learn firsthand about different roles within the hospital and it helps them navigate career paths and college choices. It

truly is an awesome program for students and I love watching them grow and learn from it.”

Piedmont Newnan started the Junior Volunteer program to give students in the community an opportunity to explore a career in healthcare.

“While volunteering with us, students may see themselves entering the healthcare field, or they may learn that it is not their calling,” said Johns. “It is good to have new experiences, learn what you are passionate about, and start making plans concerning your career path. In short, this is a growing experience.”

Students that participate in the program commit to volunteering a minimum of four hours a week throughout the summer program, which is offered in June and July each year.

If you have questions about volunteer opportunities at Piedmont Newnan Hospital, please contact Piedmont Newnan Volunteer Services at The applications for next year will be available in December, and can be picked up at the hospital’s front desk or by emailing Volunteer Services. The program is limited to a certain number of participants each year and students who are accepted must be able to attend a two-hour orientation the first week of June.

Save the Date for Piedmont Newnan Soiree – Friday, November 17 from 7 to 11 p.m. at the Newnan Centre, benefitting Piedmont Newnan Oncology Services. For more information on sponsorships and tickets, visit

Page 6 H The WEEKLY H August 9, 2023 H
Piedmont’s Transition to Practice Nurse Residency Program is designed for new graduate nurses or nurses with less than one year of hospital experience, to gain valuable nursing experience in the field.
Congratulations to our recent Nurse Residency Graduates
Kate Harris with Patient Access Jordyn Riley supply chain Kemora and Lidia eating lunch H August 9, 2023 H The WEEKLY H Page 7 Got the Back-to-School Blues? EXCELLENT prices, EASY financing, GREAT Customer service Check out Nissan’s All Electric Crossover ARIYA and our large inventory of New and Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles! CARES ABOUT YOU! As you prepare for your last minute Summer Vacations or to head Back To School Check out our RENTAL DEPARTMENT Great prices! Excellent cars! Smith Automotive Group, family owned and operated, offers a fresh, new approach to your car buying experience. 783 Bullsboro Dr. (next to Zaxby’s), Newnan, GA 30263 770.254.3800 SALES SERVICE RENTALS

Real Es tate Weekly The

How Is The Local Real Estate Market?

The local real estate market is cooling off. Properties are still being listed and sold, but the activity and sales numbers have dropped dramatically. I have noticed the decline in showing activity with new listings this summer. We are not seeing the amount of showings that we saw earlier in the year and the years preceding that.

In fact, the number of sales in Coweta County, from June 2022 to June 2023, were down over 18 percent per Georgia Multiple Listing Service (GAMLS). A seasonal and summer lull in real estate is common as people often go on vacations but the lull seems more pronounced this summer.

Listing inventory is still a problem as well. There are not many options for buyers as they go look for a home. A low supply of listings has kept real estate prices steady even though buyer demand has tailed off. New listings were down over 20 percent, from June 2022 to June 2023 per GAMLS. At the time that I am writing this, there are only 416 homes for sale in Coweta County per GAMLS. The averages sales price of a home was basically flat, year-over-year, in Coweta. The average sales price for June 2023, in Coweta County, was $453,304 per GAMLS.

High interest rates are keeping many potential buyers from purchasing homes. Depending on income, debt and credit scores, mortgage rates are anywhere from six to seven and a half percent right now. The days of two and three percent rates, from two to three years ago, are long gone. Another factor is a low consumer

confidence. Many people feel the economy is in a poor or “shaky” state and are delaying making large purchase such as a home. The consumer confidence survey showed that only 21.9% of consumers felt that business conditions were “good.” This was down from 23.4% the previous month.

What does all this mean for our market here? The market is certainly cooling off from arguably the greatest seller’s market of all time.

I would say that the market is actually in a healthier state now.

Buyers have a much better chance, with less competition, of securing a property than they did just a year or two ago.

continued on page 9

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WELL BUILT 4-SIDED BRICK RANCH ON QUIET CUL-DE-SAC with new roof, central heat & a/c, and paved carport. Formal Dining room. Spacious family room/den. 3 BR/2 BA. Handsome updated kitchen with granite countertops, newer cabinets, stove, dishwasher & refrigerator. Storage building. See today! $269,900 FRANK

1948 2023

Serving All Your Real Estate Needs Since 1948.

MLS #10180013

DELIGHTFUL 4-SIDED BRICK RANCH ON ROSCOE ROAD has Living Room w/fireplace, Formal Dining Room, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, updated Kitchen! Hardwood floors. Master bedroom has access to spacious, fantastic covered deck overlooking fenced backyard with KOI pond with waterfall, garden area, patio, workshop, greenhouse, man cave and storage rooms - ideal for hobbies and entertaining. OCHOSA Home Warranty provided by Sellers. See to appreciate at $349,900! Frank/Jess.

12 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS IN BOHANNON WOODS, GRANTVILLE. BULK SALE ONLY. Easy access to I-85, Atlanta, Newnan, LaGrange and Columbus. Seller will only sell as a bundle, not individual lots. $420,000.

BEAUTIFUL & SPACIOUS BRICK HOME w/ hardwood floors, high ceilings on full, finished basement. 4 BR, 4 ½ BA. LR with fireplace opens to screened porch. Kitchen has granite countertops. Separate DR. Primary BR has remodeled master BA w/ large walk-in shower, jacuzzi tub. Attic has expansion potential. Double garage. Shop area. Excellent schools, great location w/ easy access to downtown Newnan, I-85.

MLS #10158946

48.45 ACRES ON FRANKLIN HWY! BEAUTIFUL, WOODED LAND WITH STREAM! Great timber, hunting, recreation or development tract. Timber cruise completed in 2020 - $72,675. Mixture of hardwoods and pines. Spacious and private! $411,825. Jess.

MLS #10179829

BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATED HOME & ADJACENT LOT! Easy access to bypass/Hwy 34, Ashley Park, I-85 & downtown Newnan. Completely renovated kitchen w/new flooring, cabinets, c-tops, bkspl & SS appl. Lg GR w/vaulted ceiling. Spacious primary bedroom w/renovated bath. Lg secondary br’s. Screen porch, Deck. Spacious backyard & add’l lot! A must see! $359,900 Jess.


2 VACANT BUILDING LOTS IN WEST COWETA COUNTY with county water and electricity available. Country setting on East Coggin but easy access to Newnan, Franklin, and Carrollton. $60,000 per lot. Frank and Jess.

Call for more informaton on these and other available lots / land and commercial listings.

109 RESIDENTIAL LOTS IN MANCHESTER, GA! Manchester city water, sewer & electricity available. Schools nearby! Walk to downtown Manchester. Chestnut Glen Subdivision. $3,270,000. Frank/Jess


3 WOODED VACANT LOTS in West Coweta in Ashley Woods. Easy access to Newnan, Franklin, or Carrollton. $29,900 per lot. Frank/Jess



12 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS in Grantville. Easy access to I-85, Atlanta, Newnan, LaGrange and Columbus. Sold ‘as is’. $420,000 Bulk Sale Only. Frank/Jess.

MLS #10169807

APPROXIMATELY 43.597 ACRES OPEN AND WOODED. 4 HOUSES ON PROPERTY. Approximately 2-acre pond. Frontage on Hwy 75 and Landrum Road in Fairburn. See to appreciate by appointment only $6,000,000. Jess /Frank.



RESIDENTIAL LOT ON BERRY AVENUE IN TOWN. All utilities available. $29,900 Frank.

AMLAJACK 255.5+/- ACRES WITH HALF MILE FRONTAGE ON I-85 between 2 industrial parks. $17,890,600. Frank.

2.86 ACRES on BETHLEHEM ROAD NEAR MORELAND. Mostly wooded with mature hardwoods. Good building site. Soil test already done. See to appreciate. $68,000. Frank. COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE FOR LEASE – 3,200 s/f upstairs office space - $750 per month (Owner/Agent) Frank. UNDER


Page 8 H The WEEKLY H August 9, 2023 H
MLS #10183581 MLS #10132017 ACRES ZONES GENERAL COMMERCIAL, HWY 29 NORTH OF NEWNAN! Convenient to HWY 34 Bypass and downtown Newnan. Great opportunity for many potential uses. New Price $499,900. Frank/Chip. Frank/Jess. MLS #10101800 MLS #10184718
$730,000. Jess/Frank.

While mortgage rates are high, they are still historically moderate compared to when rates were in the teens and near 20 percent just a few decades ago. Coweta is still a nice and desirable place to live with a low cost of living and access to many great amenities. The local real estate market will continue to turn, it just not may be the speed we all grew accustomed to the last couple of years.

Jess Barron is an Associate Broker with Lindseys, Inc. Realtors and former President of the Newnan-Coweta Board of Realtors. ■


August 9, WEDNESDAYS …

■ Ballroom Dancing Classes in Sharpsburg Wednesdays, August 9, 16, 23 and 30. 7 to 9 p.m., 105 Main Street. Contact Rachel Ferguson 770.487.8611 for dance class questions.

August 10, THURSDAY

■ Watercolor Classes in Sharpsburg 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. AND Line Dancing Classes in Sharpsburg 7 to 9 p.m. Thursdays, August 10, 17, 24 and 31, 105 Main St. Contact Rachel Ferguson 770.487.8611 for dance class questions and Kay Stanley for art class questions.

■ Summer NewnaNights at Greenville Street Park from 6 to 9 p.m. Live music, food trucks, & fun! The Expectations 8.10

■ SAHS's monthly meeting ... Murder in Coweta County Join Coweta County Historian Mark Puckett for a discussion of the famous Murder in Coweta County case. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., Program 7 p.m. 6 Couch St, Senoia, GA 30276 Check Facebook and Instagram.

August 11, FRIDAY

■ Early Registration DEADLINE for Sunrise on the Square 5K

The race set for Sat., Sept. 2 at 8 a.m. features a 5k USATF certified course.

August 11, FRIDAY

■ Sunset Sounds with Matt Pudas in PTC’s Drake Field Bring your chairs, grab dinner and a drink and get ready to rock out under the stars! 7 to 10 p.m. 155 Willowbend Rd., PTC

August 12, SATURDAY

■ Peeking into Woodpeckers and Outcrops at The Bend

A mile hike and discussion of different tree climbing birds, and how outcrops are formed. 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Don't forget comfortable hiking shoes, plenty of water, and bug spray. Pre-register at 770.254.7271. $5 day pass. 425 Bobwhite Way, Newnan

■ Walk with a Doc in PTC Warm-up at 8:15 a.m., Walk begins promptly at 8:30 a.m. 215 Northlake Drive. Peachtree City

■ Coweta Touch-A-Truck Day with the Paw Patrol

12 noon to 2 p.m. at Ashley Park, between DSW and Positanos. Bearcat, Patrol Cars, Fire Truck, Army Vehicles and more.

August 13, SUNDAY

■ Comedian Tim Hawkins at UnityBaptist Church

This comedic genius is bringing his signature blend of humor and music to Unity Baptist. 7 p.m.

August 14, MONDAY

■ Senoia Area Blood Drive at Senoia UMC (229 Bridge Street) from 3 to 7 p.m. This blood drive is co-sponsored by the local church and the Optimist Club of Senoia. There will be the “famous” grilled cheese sandwiches.

August 16, WEDNESDAY

■ Senior Friends will hold a meeting at 11:30 a.m. in the Boardroom in the Golden Corral. Our speakers will be ladies from the Quilts of Valor organization. The program will conclude with quilts being presented to three of our members. All seniors are welcome. 605 Bullsboro Drive.

August 17-20 & 24-27, THURSDAY-SUNDAY

■ The Importance of Being Earnest at Newnan Theatre Co. Oscar Wilde’s classic is a delight from the first cucumber sandwich on as Jack’s double life catches up with him. The problems are resolved in an extremely charming and quite unexpected way as Jack and Algernon discover the importance of being earnest while answering to the name of Ernest. 24 1st Ave, Newnan, 770-683-6282

August 17, THURSDAY

■ Small Business Expo & Resource Opportunity hosted by West Central Georgia Black Chamber. Business Owners and Entrepreneurs Come, Create Connections, Grow, Learn and Engage. Prepare to be Inspired by Dynamic Speakers and Leaders! 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Coweta County Fairgrounds, 275 Pine Road, Newnan. Tickets: Information visit

■ The Fabulous Equinox Orchestra at The Nixon Centre Inspired by the style and swagger of legendary entertainers like Frank and Dean and Sammy, the favorite melodies from recent history–a dash of Motown, a shot of Country, some folk and rock sprinkled on top–and the stories behind them, serving up a musical banquet that feeds every soul. 7 p.m., Tix $1520. 1523 Lower Fayetteville Rd., Newnan, 770.254.2787

August 18, FRIDAY

■ The Great Pollinator Count Day One at The Bend Join us to count the pollinators around our Visitor's Center from 1 to 4 p.m.! Pick up your pollinator count sheet at the front desk of the Visitor's Center, then count all the pollinators you see for 15 minutes. We will submit the findings to UGA. All returned pollinator count sheets win a prize. 425 Bobwhite Way, Newnan Look for more upcoming events on page 10

The Reverse for Purchase H August 9, 2023 H The WEEKLY H Page 9 Jess Barron • 770.486.9552 100 N. Peachtree Parkway, Suite 11 Peachtree City Tues-Sat, 10 am-5 pm • Mon by Appt Only End SummerofSale Designer Services Available Financing Available 30%–50% OFF STOREWIDE IN-STOCK & QUICK-SHIP ITEMS AVAILABLE The company s not aff l ated w th or acting on behalf of or at the direction of HUD/FHA or any other government agency Georg a Residentia Mortgage Licensee No #44082; Orig nator License # 29273 ©2023 Longbridge Financ a , LLC NMLS# 957935 1 nternat ona B vd Suite 900 Mahwah New Jersey 07495 1-855-523-4326 For l cens ng nformat on go to: www nm sconsumeraccess org For addit ona Longbridge icensing and d sc osures please visit https:// ongbr dgef nanc al com/l cens ng Not a l products and opt ons are avai able in al states Terms subject to change without notice Certa n cond tions and fees apply Th s is not a oan commitment Al oans sub ect to approval House Hunting? Time to Make a Move? NMLS #957935 (551) 264-5036 (Office) NMLS #268066 Give you the advantage when presenting your offer to a selling agent and seller, especially in today's competitive market. Catch any potential credit or asset issues prior to writing a contract or risking any earnest money deposits Help expedite your loan closing process Now may be the perfect time to make a move! Contact me today to learn more: (678) 283-7057 Mark Maudlin Branch Office 137 E Morgan Street Un t A, C arksvil e, GA 30523 NMLS #2474486 This material has not been reviewed, approved or issued by HUD, FHA or any government agency. A pre-approval is a conditional customer approval which means a lender has looked at most of the required supporting documentation for your loan upfront It's a quick process and of no cost to you - it's good for 60 days and can be updated if needed! Having pre-approval can:
you know a reverse mortgage can be used to buy a new home? This retirement solution can help you boost your cash flow post-purchase or increase your buying power to get the home you really want Get Pre-Approved! (678) 283-7057 (Cell)
REAL ESTATE continued from page 8 send event details to

Zen Monkey’s News and Musings …

Mick Jagger, lead singer for The Rolling Stones, just celebrated his 80th birthday. The Stones performed as recently as last year.

State Representative Lynn Smith (R-Newnan) recently hosted the Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra at the Georgia State Capitol. This trip marks the Scottish orchestra’s fourth visit to Georgia since the signing of its sister city/sister county agreement with Newnan and Coweta County.

Monty Python’s Life of Brian was marketed in Sweden as “so funny it was banned in Norway.”

There’s a new motorcycle gang taking to the streets in Newnan and Coweta County. The Stilettos on Steel, LLC organization is a female-owned business that provides membership and networking services to female motorcycle riders across the United States. The mission of the organization is to help women who dream of riding to take the next step in becoming a motorcycle rider. The recently formed Newnan chapter “Newnan - The City of Homes - held their first event at Bigfoot Cycles. For more information, please reach out to the Newnan Chapter Regional Coordinator Ginger Queener at

In Finland they have ‘National Sleepy Head day’, where the last person in a family to wake up is thrown into a lake or the sea by the rest of the family.


There are now 23 international companies making their home here in Coweta, which is quickly becoming a hub for global industry. Countries represented in Coweta include: Japan, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, England, Netherlands, France, Taiwan, Ireland, Norway, Canada, Austria, China, Israel and Italy.

Goats are immune to poison oak/ivy and are used to control the growth of the toxic plants by grazing. Even better, the toxicants don’t pass through their milk.


August 18, FRIDAY

■ High School Football

• Trinity Christian at Woodward Academy

■ Jazz in the Park with Robin Latimore Newnan Cultural Arts Commission's Jazz In The Park! at Greenville Street Park. Music, laughter, and fun will start at 7:30 p.m.

■ Senoia Alive After 5 with Kris Youmans Shopping, Dining, Music with Kris Youmans & Her Mighty Fine Band 7 p.m.

August 19, SATURDAY …

■ Sharpsburg Market Day 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Questions

■ Senoia Farmers’ Market 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 40 Travis St. Locally sourced farmers market. EVERY Saturday.

■ Market Day in Franklin, GA on the Franklin Square the 3rd Saturday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Produce, clothes, crafts, furniture, yard sale items and more.

■ The Great Pollinator Census at Coweta Extension Office

A fun and family friendly citizen scientist experience and collect data for the Great Southeast Pollinator Census! Count how many and what type of insects land on a plant during a 15 minute window and learn about different pollinators. 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Coweta UGA Extension Office Pollinator Garden and Demo Garden, 255 Pine Road, Newnan, 770.254.2620

■ The Great Pollinator Count Day Two at The Bend

Join us to count the pollinators around our Visitor's Center from 1 to 4 p.m.! Pick up your pollinator count sheet at the front desk of the Visitor's Center, then count all the pollinators you see for 15 minutes. We will submit the findings to UGA. All returned pollinator count sheets win a prize. 425 Bobwhite Way, Newnan

■ What is Bald and Flies? at The Bend

Take a hike with the Park Naturalist at the Day Use Area to look for a bald eagle nest and learn cool facts about the majestic bird. Must pre-register 770-254-7271. 425 Bobwhite Way, Newnan

■ College Football Kickoff Breakfast with Tony Barnhart Coweta Samaritan Clinic’s Fundraiser. Tickets/info are available at Sponsorships are also available!

■ Coweta-Fayette Kickoff at Newnan HS

• East Coweta vs Starr’s Mill

• Newnan vs Sandy Creek

• Northgate vs Whitewater

■ Beer, Bourbon & Wine Fundraiser at Train Depot

This Newnan-Coweta & Howard Warner Boys & Girls Clubs annual event starts at 5 p.m. at the Historic Train Depot. The event will feature tastings of some of the finest offerings of Beer, Bourbon, and Wine. The Silent Auction will feature items and experiences for everyone to enjoy and will be paired with a live Cork Pull featuring numerous fine wines. Info 2023bbw/ givesmart For more info Dami Saliu at

Look for more upcoming events on page 12


MLB – Atlanta Braves (70-39)

July 29 – Milwaukee Brewers ... W, 11-5

July 30 – Milwaukee Brewers ... W, 8-6

July 31 – Los Angeles Angels ... L, 1-4

Aug. 1 – Los Angeles Angels ... W, 5-1

Aug. 2 – Los Angeles Angels ... W, 12-5

Aug. 4 – at Chicago Cubs ... W, 8-0

Aug. 5 – at Chicago Cubs ... L, 6-8

Aug. 6 – at Chicago Cubs ... L, 4-6

Aug. 7, Mon. – at Pittsburgh Pirates, 7:05 pm – BSS

Aug. 8, Tues. – at Pittsburgh Pirates, 7:05 pm – BSS

Aug. 9, Wed. – at Pittsburgh Pirates, 7:05 pm – BSS

Aug. 10, Thurs. – at Pittsburgh Pirates, 12:35 pm – BSS

Aug. 11, Fri. – at New York Mets, 7:10 pm – BSSE

Aug. 12, Sat. – #at New York Mets, 1:10 pm – BSSE

Aug. 12, Sat. – #at New York Mets, 7:15 pm – FOX

Aug. 13 , Sun.– at New York Mets, 7:10 pm – ESPN

Aug. 14 – New York Yankees, 7:20 pm – BSS

Aug. 15 – New York Yankees, 7:20 pm – BSS / TBS

Aug. 16 – New York Yankees, 7:20 pm – BSS

# Day / Night Doubleheader

All Home Games played at Truist Park

MLS – Atlanta United (9-7-8)

July 15 – Orlando City ... L, 1-2

July 25 – at Inter Miami ... L, 0-4

July 29 – Cruz Azul ... T, 1-1 CAZ wins on PKs

Aug. 20 – at Seattle Sounders, 10:30 pm – Apple TV

Aug. 26 – Nashville SC, 7:30 pm –Apple TV

Aug. 30 – FC Cincinnati, 7:30 pm – Apple TV

All Home Games Played at Mercedes-Benz Stadium

WNBA – Atlanta Dream (15-13)

July 30 – Washington Mystics ... W, 80-73

Aug. 1 – at Las Vegas Aces ... L, 72-93

Aug. 3 – at Phoenix Mercury ... L, 71-91

Aug. 6 – Indiana Fever ... W, 82-73

Aug. 10, Thurs. – at Seattle Storm, 10 pm – NBATV / BSSE

Aug. 12, Sat. – at Los Angeles Sparks, 7:30 pm – BSS

Aug. 13, Sun. – at Las Vegas Aces, 9 pm – BSSE / CBSSN

Aug. 18 – Chicago Sky, 7:30 pm – ION TV

All Home Games played at Gateway Center Arena

NFL – Atlanta Falcons (0-0**)

Aug. 11, Fri. – at Miami Dolphins**, 7 pm – FOX 5

Aug. 18, Fri. – Cincinnati Bengals**, 7:30 pm – FOX 5

Aug. 24, Thurs. – Pittsburgh Steelers**, 7:30 pm – FOX 5

** Preseason

All Home Games played at Mercedes-Benz Stadium

BSS – Bally Sports South / BSSE – Bally Sports Southeast


Aug. 15 – Feb. 29 – Squirrel, Opossum & Raccoon

Aug. 15 – March 15 – Falconry (Squirrel)

Hunting & Fishing License Info: Call 1-800-366-2661



Jackson Lake – Aug. 6 ... 528.92 ft. (Full 528 ft.)

Lake Allatoona – Aug. 6 ... 839.29

Page 10 H The WEEKLY H August 9, 2023 H
[ [
[ [
[ [
[ [
[ [ [
[ [ [
[ [ [
[ [ [
(Full 840
Lake Harding – Aug. 6 ... 520.26
(Full 520
Lake Lanier – Aug. 6 ... 1,068.67 ft (Full 1,071
632.24 ft. (Full 635 ft.) SUNRISE / SUNSET Wednesday, Aug. 9 – Rise 6:57 am; Set 8:30 pm Thursday, Aug. 10 – Rise 6:58 am; Set 8:29 pm Friday, Aug. 11 – Rise 6:59 am; Set 8:28 pm Saturday, Aug. 12 – Rise 6:59 am; Set 8:27 pm Sunday, Aug. 13 – Rise 7:00 am; Set 8:26 pm Monday, Aug. 14 – Rise 7:01 am; Set 8:25 pm Tuesday, Aug. 15 – Rise 7:01 am; Set 8:24 pm SPORTSMAN’s CORNER
Lake Logan Martin, Ala. – Aug. 6 ... 464.87 ft. (465 ft.) Lake Martin, Ala. – Aug. 6 ... 490.03 ft. (Full 491 ft.) Lake Wedowee, Ala. – Aug. 6... 792.66 ft. (Full 793.0 ft.) West Point Lake – Aug. 6...
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August H August 9, 2023 H The WEEKLY H Page 11 Plus tax. Additional oil, diesel or synthetics extra. Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. See dealer for details. Expires 8/29/23. Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. Expires 8/29/23. Plus tax. Additional oil, diesel or synthetics extra. Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. See dealer for details. Expires 8/29/23. $1995 1 OIL & FILTER CHANGE Includes up to 5 Quarts of Oil, New Filter and Multi-Point Inspection 4-Wheel Alignment $129.95 Reg. $9995 Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. Expires 8/29/23. BATTERY INSPECTION Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. Expires 8/29/23. $3995 $7995 Wishing Everyone A Great 2023-24 School Year! Scott Evans Nissan Dodge • Chrysler Jeep from all of us at

Back-to-School Tips To Help Coweta County Students Excel

School is back in session, and it’s the perfect time for parents to get involved and take steps to ensure this school year will be successful.

Nora Ann Wood, a retired high school counselor from Central Educational Center (CEC) in the Coweta County School System, offers some tips to help parents and students have a great school year.

“You want your child to be successful, enjoy school as much as possible and have a good day,” Wood said.

Tips for Success

1. Find your child’s school supply list. Parents can look on the website for their child’s school to find the list of items they are required to purchase this year.

2. Search for deals or get freebies. Look for sales on back-to-school items, such as clothing, backpacks and school supplies. If your budget is tight, attend school supply giveaways hosted by local churches and nonprofit organizations, including One Roof Ecumenical Alliance Outreach and Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA). The Salvation Army can also help families in need with food and clothing.

3. Attend open houses and meetings with teachers. Before the first day of school, parents should attend the open house at their child’s school so they can get to know the teachers, counselors and other administrators. It’s recommended to bring the child to the open house. If parents can’t attend because of work or other responsibilities, they should try to find a relative or friend who can go in their place. Throughout the school year, it’s important for parents to set up appointments with teachers and attend scheduled parent-teacher conferences.

4. Build relationships with teachers, school staff and administrators. After the school year begins, parents should stay in contact with their child’s teachers and counselors to build relationships with them. This will make it easier for

parents to have open communication about their student’s progress.

5. Use the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Parents should regularly visit the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to check their child’s grades and track their progress.

6. Get updates from Coweta County School System (CCS)-TV News. To find out highlights and updates from Coweta County schools, tune in to CCS-TV News, which can be accessed through the Coweta County School System’s website.

7. Get involved in the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). When possible, parents should join the PTO at their child’s school to get involved with supporting the school’s teachers and educational experience.

8. Be active in your child’s education. It’s important for parents to ask children about their day, which can often be done effectively while riding in the car. Ask open ended questions, such as “Tell me what you did in school today” or “Show me the work you brought home.” Let younger children know that you’re looking in their backpack for homework or notes from their teacher. This shows students that their parents are interested in what they’re doing.

9. Take advantage of after-school programs. After-school programs are a great option for elementary school students. These programs allow students to play with other kids in a safe environment and get help with their homework.

10. Get help with classes early. If your child is having trouble with a certain class or subject, seek assistance when they first start having issues. Reach


continued from page 10

August 24, THURSDAY …

■ UptownCheapskate Grand Opening

176 Banks Crossing, Fayetteville. Look for their ad!

■ Book Launch Party for Last Laird of Sapelo

Hometown author, T.M. “Mike” Brown is launching his new historical novel, “The Last Laird of Sapelo” at the McRitchieHollis Museum. 5:30 p.m. reception with refreshments, followed by book talk / signing. Call the museum at 770-2510207 or email

74 Jackson Street, Newnan

August 25, FRIDAY …

■ Sailing Towards the Sun at The Bend

Visit the park and take a look at the sun from 3 to 6 p.m.! Look for sunspots with Astronomer Klaus Hodapp through a solar filtered telescope. $5 per vehicle. Pre-register at 770-254-7271

425 Bobwhite Way, Newnan

■ 3rd Annual Clays for Community Sporting Clay Shoot

Come out and support Coweta Fayette EMC Operation Round Up. Registration opens at 8 a.m. Shoot starts at 8:45 a.m. Big Red Oak Plantation, Gay, GA. Sign up:

■ High School Football

• Central Christian at Vidalia Heritage

• East Coweta at Newnan

• Heritage School at Chambers Academy

• Northgate at Starr’s Mill

• Trinity Christian vs Fellowship Christian

out to your child’s teacher or counselor for advice on tutoring options or resources before the problem gets too far along. Many teachers are willing to tutor students before or after school.

11. Explore future career paths. Take advantage of technical classes at CEC and work-based programs that enable students to acquire skills in a variety of fields, such as automotive, cosmetology or aviation, or gain work experience in an industry they’re considering for a future career. Students can discover what they enjoy doing and better understand what certain jobs are really like. Also, parents should get involved in the class registration process so they can know what courses are offered.

12. Consider dual enrollment and AP classes. With dual enrollment, high school students can take college courses at local universities, including West Georgia Technical College, University of West Georgia and Clayton State College, free of charge. Students can earn college credit and get some of their college education paid for, allowing them to eliminate some future college debt. In addition, students can take Advanced Placement (AP) classes (college level courses operated by the College Board) and then take the AP exam to qualify for college credit.

Back-to-School Health Checklist

Your child’s health is also a priority during the back-to-school season. The state of Georgia requires that all children attending public and private schools, including day care, Head Start, pre-kindergarten, and kindergarten through 12th grade, receive immunizations for these vaccine-preventable diseases: diphtheria, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, Hib, measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis, tetanus, varicella (chickenpox), polio, pneumococcal, and meningococcal disease, according to the Georgia Department of Public Health’s District 4 Public Health’s website.

When enrolling in a Georgia school for the first time, students must have these documents on file:

August 25-26, FRIDAY & SATURDAY …

■ 2nd Annual Sharpsburg Book Fair

Friday Dinner and Silent Auction fundraiser 6 to 9 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. FREE to the public. Music, food trucks, and lots of authors (50+) with books for all ages and genres at A. O. Bridges Community Center. Fundraiser jmkdZa7te8 Questions, email

August 26, SATURDAY

■ Brooks Market the 4th Saturday of the month Jan. -Oct., Honey, cakes, coffees and teas, arts, crafts, soaps, treats for pets and much more. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 961 Hwy 85 Connector, Brooks GA 30205

■ Hike & Paddle at Chattahoochee Bend State Park

Contact Friends of Chattahoochee Bend State Park for more information.

■ Freebird Lynyrd Skynyrd Tribute at the Ville - Fayetteville Amphitheater

August 27, SUNDAY

■ Painting in the Park at The Bend

Join us from 10 to 11 a.m. in painting something at the park, from the smallest beetle to the tallest tree. Supplies will be provided, and the program will take place in the Day Use Area. $3 per person, and a $5 park pass for your vehicle. Make sure to pre-register 770-254-7271. 425 Bobwhite Way, Newnan

August 28, MONDAY

■ Literary Circle Book Club at Newnan Carnegie from 10 to 11 a.m. To discuss Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. Registration is required: https://www. 1 LaGrange St., Newnan, 770.683.1347 —

Look for more events in upcoming issues, our website and Facebook

• Georgia Immunization Certificate (Form 3231)

• Georgia Certificate of Vision, Hearing, Dental, and Nutrition Screening (Form 3300)

• Certified Birth Certificate

The District 4 county health departments, which includes Coweta County, offer quality, low-cost vaccines. Health department staff will complete the forms that are required by schools. Appointments are required. To make an appointment, folks can call 800-847-4262.

The Coweta County Health Department is at 70 Hospital Road in Newnan. For questions not related to scheduling an appointment, call 770-254-7400.

Bring a copy of the child’s immunization record to the appointment. If parents or guardians don’t have a copy of the child’s record and past immunizations were provided in Georgia, the health department should be able to access the Georgia Registry of Immunization Transactions and Services (GRITS).

Seventh grade immunization requirements: Rising seventh grade students, or students entering a Georgia school for the first time in grades eight to 12, must have received one dose of the Tdap vaccine and one dose of meningococcal vaccine.

Eleventh grade immunization requirements: Effective July 1, 2021, children 16 and older who are entering the 11th grade must have received one booster dose of the meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4), unless their initial dose was administered on or after their 16th birthday.

Immunization and Screening Fees: Children without health insurance are eligible to receive a discounted rate. Most insurance plans or Medicaid cover immunizations and vision, hearing and dental screenings. County health departments accept a range of insurance plans. Payments can be made by cash, Mastercard or Visa.

For more information about the immunization schedules for children from birth to 6 years old and 7 to 18 years old, visit: https://www.district4health. org/services/child-health/immunizations-andschool-requirements/.

Page 12 H The WEEKLY H August 9, 2023 H
Save Money! Skip Lines! ON SALE NOW. It includes Gate Entrance Fee AND Unlimited Rides! September 14-24, 2023 with a

Ask your County Agent

Q. There are huge hornets in my yard, but I Cannot Find a Nest. What Can I Use to Kill Them?

A. If they are flying around your lawn and are about 1 ½” to 2” long, then you are probably seeing cicada killers. We see them in July and August every year, but some years we see more than others. This is one of those years. We have had many calls about them.

Cicada killers can be intimidating because they are the largest wasp in Georgia, but they are not something that we have to worry about. Cicadas, on the other hand, should be very afraid. Cicada killer wasp adults feed on nectar but use paralyzed cicadas to feed their young.

Female cicada killers are hard to provoke to sting. The female uses her stinger to paralyze her prey (cicadas) rather than in self-defense. The female’s attention is focused on providing food for her babies, so she poses little threat to humans.

Cicada killers prefer to nest in sandy open sunlit areas. As the female digs, she kicks out soil that forms a semicircle around the burrow opening. She burrows six to ten inches into the ground, prepares a chamber, catches a cicada to fill the chamber, lays an egg on the cicada, and seals the chamber. She may do this over a dozen times in one burrow.

When a female finds a cicada, she paralyzes it with her stinger, straddles it, and attempts to fly with it to her burrow. Because the cicada typically weighs more than she does, these flights are usually hops, with more dragging than gliding.

The egg hatches in a few days and the larva feeds on the paralyzed cicada until nothing is left but a shell. Then the wasp larva pupates within the burrow, remaining there until the next spring.

Males cannot sting; their only defense is intimidation. They patrol the nesting area, trying to divert attention away from the female, allowing her to fill her nest with cicadas. Meanwhile the male is using threatening tactics to distract potential predators. He may even dive bomb perceived threats. Since the males do not have stingers, they are completely harmless. They must rely on bluff, bluster, and bravado to protect their families.

Because cicada egg laying can be damaging to trees and shrubs, cicada killer wasps are very beneficial, providing free biological control. However, homeowners who do not want these wasps around can modify

their lawn to be unappealing. A thick healthy turf with no bare spots will exclude cicada killer wasps. If turf is thin in nesting areas, identify turf problems that make the turf weak and correct them.

Cicada killer wasps are active for only a few weeks and are usually gone by mid-August in most of Georgia.

For more information about cicada killers, contact the Coweta County Extension office at 770-254-2620 or and ask for the publication, “Herbs in Southern Gardens”.

The University of Georgia College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences is an equal opportunity, affirmative action organization. ■ H August 9, 2023 H The WEEKLY H Page 13
Photo Credit 1: Cicada killer – Ronald F. Billings, Texas Forest Service,
#1 in the #2 Business! We offer 24-Hour Emergency Service Mitchell Septic Service Residential & Commercial • Install & Cleaning Licensed & Insured • Competitive Prices 678-673-4910 1,000 Gallons $450 1,500 Gallons $550 You are invited to join us to participate in the Great Southeast Pollinator Census Fun for all ages Sessions last only 15 minutes Go to the Census Website to learn more Saturday, August 19, from 9:30am — 11:30am Continuous Counting sessions at the Coweta UGA Extension Office Pollinator Garden and Demo Garden 255 Pine Road Newnan, GA 30263 (770) 254-2620 Master Gardener Extension Volunteers will be present to explain the counting process and answer questions about “Starting a Pollinator Garden.”
Photo Credit 2: Cicada Killer - Jessica Louque, Smithers Viscient,
Extension Volunteers will be present to explain
process and answer questions about 'Starting a Pollinator Garden.
the counting


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NOW HIRING – LKQ PICK YOUR PART in Fayetteville, GA is seeking to fill various positions. To apply, visit and select ‘Careers.

NOW HIRING – Smallcakes Cupcakery in Newnan is seeking to hire a Parttime Baker with decorating experience. Immediate opening. Stop by and grab an application today at 113 Newnan Crossing Bypass, Newnan


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CAREGIVERS – Home Helpers of GA & AL seeking qualified Caregivers. Available shifts – days, evenings, overnight and/or weekends. Competitive wages, extensive training, supportive work environment and paid time off. Apply online at or call 678.876.5118


NEWNAN COWETA HUMANE SOCIETY Check website for list of animals at local animal control facility and foster care animals. Call 770.253.4694

Page 14 H The WEEKLY H August 9, 2023 H
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