The Weekly February 15, 2023

Page 12

February events …

Free Movie Night

Wadsworth Auditorium

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever! The film is rated PG-13 for sequences of strong violence, action, and some language. 25 Jefferson St., downtown Newnan

February 24 & 25, FRIDAY & SATURDAY …

■ Newnan’s FUMC Spring Children’s Consignment Sale

The semi-annual Newnan FUMC Spring Sale will be Friday, Feb. 24 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday, Feb. 25 from 8 am. to Noon. Half price Sale Saturday. Cash or check only. 33 Greenville Street, Newnan 30263. For info, call 770-253-1237 or visit Look for ad inside.

February 24 & 25, FRIDAY & SATURDAY

■ Drop Dead Elegant - Interactive Murder Mystery & Dinner Tickets going fast.

February 25, SATURDAY

■ Tire Amnesty / Keep Newnan Beautiful 678.673.5505 or email Look for ad inside.

■ Oscar Gala The Board of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Coweta County invites you to the 16th Annual Oscar Gala. This popular black-tie event will take place at 7 p.m. at the Newnan Centre. Proceeds from the Annual Oscar Gala benefit the Boys & Girls Clubs of Coweta County. Sponsorships, tickets and more …

Look inside for more events.

Shop Local • Buy Local • Advertise Local Vol. 1, No. 41 J Wednesday, February 15, 2023 J Free The W eekly PRESORTED STANDARD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID NEWNAN, GA PERMIT #120 POSTAL CUSTOMER Southern Signature Solutions Home Improvement Redefined CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE! SHINGLE ROOFS • DECKS • METAL ROOFS • SIDING PATIO ROOFS • BARNS • WINDOWS & More ... 678-850-0431 GetAHomeMakeoverIn2023 As low as $79 per month. Ask about Military, First Responders, Healthcare, Senior and Cash Discounts! A Black History Month Celebration Join the African-American Museum and Newnan-Coweta Historical Society Thurs., Feb. 23 at the Newnan Historical Train Depot, 60 E. Broad St., for a celebration in dance, music, song, spoken-word and a brief lecture. Join in for two dance performances, drumming, and live music by percussionist and jazz player Jerry G. White, an appearance by singers Arnotti-Stephens and more! Light refreshments. This event is FREE. For more information: 770.251.0207. Join Newnan Leisure Services at the Wadsworth Auditorium February 17 at 7:30 p.m. for another Free Movie Night event! They will be presenting the 2022 Marvel Cinematic Universe feature
Newnan Theatre Co.’s February 16-19 production of They Came from Mars and Landed Outside the Farndale Avenue Church Hall in Time for the Townswomen’s Guild’s Coffee Morning 24 First Ave., Newnan, 770.683.6282,
Page 2 H The WEEKLY H February 15, 2023 H NEWNAN Health Solutions 770-683-6772 • FULL SPECTRUM and BROAD SPECTRUM CBD Pharmaceutical Quality: Capsules • Gummies • Creams Sublingual Oil • Lotions • Massage Oil Newnan’s CBD Superstore We take the guesswork out of your CBD treatment! Home Healthcare and CBD Products 15 Baker Road Newnan, GA 30265 HOURS: Mon-Fri, 10 am-5 pm Sat, 10 am-2 pm Sun / Holidays: Closed HEMP derived CBD Oils, Gummies, Capsules and Creams. Full Spectrum and THC FREE. CBD, CBN, Delta 8 & 9. (all products contain less than 0.3% THC) All The CBD You Need! NOTARY PUBLIC Available Here Compression Hosiery All Sizes & Strengths $265 UPRIGHT WALKERS From $195 KNEE WALKERS From All Inventory GUARANTEED New and Unused. No pre-owned or returned items! Single Fold Aluminum RAMPS for Wheelchairs, Scooters & Walkers. 600 lbs. Capacity. 2ft, 3ft, & 4ft lengths Also 6-in. Threshold RAMPS “Quality Starts At Our Front Door” H ome S tyle K itc H en 400 Carlton Road, Unit A • Palmetto GA 30268 (Same Plaza as Texaco Station, across from Burger King) Southern-Style Cooking Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Hours: Mon-Fri, 7 am-6:30 pm • Sat, 7 am-6:30 pm Sun, closed 404-228-2887 Well-prepared, Quality Food ... Great Prices! New Chef • New Menu New Hours! (Menu includes Baked Chicken, BBQ, Fresh Veggies, Mac-n-Cheese, Desserts, & always Fresh-Made Coffee) 678-673-5505 • TIRE AMNESTY DAY Saturday, February 25 8 a.m. - Noon Hunter Recreational Complex 2970 Hwy. 16 East Sharpsburg 30277 Call or Email with any questions. • Car & Truck Tires are FREE for Coweta County Residents. • Passenger Tires with rims – $5 each. • Large Equipment Tires – $25 each. • Tractor Trailer Tires with rims – $15 each. Car/Truck, limit 50 tires • Tractor Trailer, limit 10 tires

Kathy Bohannon’s Front Porch Stories

We live in an area where the geese gather to host a dramatic flyover daily. I wasn’t accustomed to their habits, as where we were living previously we only had the steady stream of crows and hawks. But we now have some wetlands near, and the geese have greeted us almost daily. I figured they would be migrating, but according to, they have been Georgia birds since the 1970s.

There are two species in Georgia, the Canada Goose and the Snow Goose. I’m pretty sure ours are Canada geese, but really all I can tell is that they are definitely geese, and they fly with perfect form while honking orders from one part of the flock to another.

The weather finally gave us a chance to have some much-anticipated porch time this week. It is more than a breath of fresh air; it’s like a salve to the soul, this sitting quietly while sipping the morning coffee. I found myself listening for the sounds of the geese brigade, but either they have flown off or they were up much earlier than us.

Not to be outdone, there were plenty of small birds singing away, flitting from tree to tree, greeting the day with the vigor that only birds greet with. There is much chirping while staring from their perches into the grass for the occasional unfortunate worm or two. I have not yet learned if our resident birds are wrens, robins or chickadees, but they are all welcome here.

There was a time I “had” a whippoorwill. Not “had” as in the caged version, but “had” as in it lived on our property and would sing its song throughout the summer. It would sing each night and was actually pleasant to hear. Guests in our home found otherwise, as the whippoorwill’s song only gave them a restless night.

Having few trees, I doubt we will see much nesting as we did when we lived in the country. There was a wren family that came back every year to nest in the corner of our front porch. We were careful not to disturb them, mainly because the babies were so cute and we wanted them to thrive. We couldn’t be sure whether it was the parent birds or the hatchlings that returned each year, but return they did, and I got some great pictures. Those pictures didn’t come easy, as I had to cling to the porch rails and stretch as high as I could to get just the right angle. If they were awake, the babies would match my stretch with their own, hoping that I was the mom or dad bird bringing them food. Their little bobbing heads would wobble on skinny necks, eyes not yet open, and mouths as wide as could be. I always found myself wishing I had a worm or two to give them, but that was definitely the parent’s job and I wouldn’t want to stand in the way of their duties. Besides, the parents process the food, and that’s what the chicks needed. While I’m hoping at some point that the whippoorwill will find us again and sing his summer songs, chances are the geese will be the ones that entertain us as we wait for them porch side. And the small birds that frequent our yard now, will fill in the gaps. We will embrace whatever nature brings, but I sure do get attached to the “regulars” and I hope to see them again soon.

Some upcoming March events … Main Street Newnan's Market Day, Senoia's Alive After 5 is back, Main Street Newnan's Spring Art Walk, Senoia Farmers' Market and Keep Newnan Beautiful's Electronics Recycling

Meet Wilma Blunt, an ‘Exceptional Caregiver’

Prior to being a CNA, for 13 years I was a daycare provider. I absolutely loved caring for young children because they give unconditional love.

I received most of my training working in nursing homes. I thought all seniors were sweet like my grandmother. Oh, was I wrong! As time passed, I learned how to navigate the good, the bad and the ugliness of the business.

February Daily Menu

SUNDAY: German Chocolate, Chocolate Covered Cherry

MONDAY: Carrot, Crazy Zoo Cookie, Baker’s Choice

TUESDAY: Key Lime, King Cake, Baker’s Choice, GLUTEN FREE

WEDNESDAY: Banana Split, Pink Oreo Cheesecake, Baker’s Choice

THURSDAY: Strawberry, Italian Cream Cake, Baker’s Choice, VEGAN

FRIDAY: Strawberries N Creme, Pink Champagne, Baker’s Choice, GLUTEN FREE

SATURDAY: Strawberry Cheesecake, Chocolate Covered Strawberry (Choc Cake)

Kathy Bohannon is a freelance writer and Christian entertainer. She can be reached at kathybohan@ 113

Now I’m employed with what I consider to be one of Newnan’s finest agencies – Home Helpers. I’ve been given the opportunity to choose when and where I work. While employed with this amazing company, I have learned a great deal concerning seniors. I’ve learned that the same unconditional love I received from the children, I also receive from the seniors.

I am truly grateful for the training and recognition I have received from Home Helpers. I would like to thank them once again for this opportunity and to continue to serve those in need.

For the 10th consecutive year, Home Helpers of Georgia and Alabama, based here in Newnan, has earned the recognition as a 2023 Best of Home Care – Provider of Choice Award winner. The Best of Home Care – Provider of Choice Award is based on client satisfaction ratings collected from telephone interviews performed by HCP. The home care providers who earn this award consistently exceed the industry standards for quality in-home care.

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And more. OUR EXCEPTIONAL CAREGIVERS OFFER HELP WITH: 284 Bullsboro Drive, Newnan GA 30263 678-876-5118 All offices are independently owned and operated. Are you an Exceptional Caregiver? Join our team today! Now hiring Caregivers, CNAs and PCAs. Competitive wages. To apply, visit: or call/text: 678-597-9510.
48 E Washington St Downtown Newnan 678-857-3484 truebalanceofnewnan.comPairing Biomagnetic&HealingBodywork Energy Breathwork Acupuncture Massage Massage Acupuncture Breathwork Energy-Bodywork Healing & Biomagnetic PairingJDM Atelier with Meditation Movement Yoga, Pilates, && Pilates, Yoga, Meditation with Atelier JDM let spring, to add to Balance. True be it this routine your thing one going you’re IfIf you’re going to one thing your it be True Balance. routine this to add spring, let soul. and body mind, the for Good Good for the mind, body and soul.
Newnan Crossing Bypass, Newnan
for only $13 With Coupon. 1 Coupon per visit. Cannot be combined with other offers. Excludes Gluten-Free and Vegan Cakes. Expires 2/28/23

Notes from Perry Street

I am writing this on Jan. 29, which also happens to be our anniversary. Not some work anniversary, but 29 years ago The Little Black Dress and I said “I do” in front of a lot of people. I mean a lot.

Corby’s gown was pink. Because, well, she had worn it during Miss Oklahoma pageant competitions. It meant a lot to her. She and her mom added a lot to The Dress (the gown, not the LBD), like a 325-foot trail and 6,000 beads or so. And everyone, myself included, went “wow” when she entered.

Today also marks the fourth day without hi-speed Internet … how was that for a transition?

Take pause and think about what not having hi-speed Internet really means, because I can assure you we have. No television, no Netflix and other streaming services, no streaming video games, no working from home (at least in our world), no searching on Google to win an argument; no being able to find out how to do Project X on YouTube … no, no, no.

Let’s get some things out of the way before we delve deeper into the hell that has become our lives. I mean, is there a better First World Problem than no Internet? Yes we have cell service. That’s like saying would you like a DVD or an 8-track?

One. Yes, we have rebooted the modem countless times. And when I say countless, I literally mean I can’t remember how many times we have done that.

Two. We have unplugged the modem from the power source. We have waited 10 seconds, 30 seconds, one minute and an hour.

Three. We followed the nice guidelines from the AT&T voice robot who 1. told us to do all the above and then 2. sent some magic dust through the Internet lines to fix the problem.

Ever talk with a robot?

“Did that solve your problem?”


“Thank you for using AT&T.”

We finally got a human, AJ was his name. He and I did not have an easy time communicating with each other. Somehow, he also did the magic dust thingy and asked if the modem was working.

“No. We still have two blinking green lights and two blinking red lights where it says ‘broadband’ on the modem.”

“I am not showing any outages in your area.”

Flash back to the movie Cool Hand Luke - “What we have here is a failure to communicate.”

We point out that, based on our neighborhood Facebook page, there are some other AT&T clients reporting similar issues. Did I slip up and say “AT&T?” Sorry about that AT&T. My bad. Anyway, AJ with AT&T again utters “I am not showing any outages in your area.”

So, we will have a technician coming out to save us. Said technician won’t be out to fix our wretched lives until Monday, Jan. 30. My conversation with AJ was on Thursday, Jan. 26.

Of course all of you want to know how we are surviving. The days aren’t so bad, I can go to an Internet-capable office, play golf, go for a walk, etc. But it is the nights when you feel the walls closing in.

We have resorted to talking to each other. We are reading next to a roaring fire. By reading, I mean books. We have talked about playing board games or even cards. I can’t count (meaning I have no idea, but it’s a lot) how many times I have reached for the remote to see what is on the television or opened up my laptop to do some laptopneeded thing.

And so we wait. And look to the East.

John A. Winters, Publisher, Editor

Corby Carlin Winters, Marketing/Public Relations

Joey Howard, Digital Editor/Business Development 404.698.0734 •

Levi Winters, Social & Visual Media

Seth Winters, Ad Design

Ruth Harris Doyal, Pagination 770.254.1421 •

The Weekly is published by Winters Media & Publishing, Inc., P. O. Box 757, Newnan, GA 30264

John A. Winters, President Corby Carlin Winters, Vice President

The Weekly is our new publication, which replaces The Shopper. From 1989, the Shopper successfully served the area. The Weekly will not only continue that tradition but expand its focus on consumer-related articles for our readers and our commitment to help promote local businesses and nonprofits.

Our office is located at 15 Perry Street, Newnan, GA 30263

Mailing address is: P. O. Box 757, Newnan, GA 30264

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday - Friday 9 - 4

The Weekly reserves the right to accept or reject any advertising as we feel is in the best interest of our publication.


Page 4 H The WEEKLY H February 15, 2023 H
The Weekly Staff
“Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the east,” Gandalf speaking to Aragorn, telling him when he will help to fight at Helm’s Deep. The Two Towers.

Women’s Heart Programs Scheduled for American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month and the goal is to raise awareness about everyone’s risk for heart disease and the steps to take for prevention. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States, which is why The Dottie Fuqua Women’s Heart Support Network offers a holistic wellness program that aims to prevent the onset and support those with cardiovascular disease through high-caliber education and wellness coaching. The free program is supported by philanthropic support to promote equity and access for all women.

Piedmont Heart Institute seeks to educate women regarding their heart disease risks and to empower them to take control of their heart health. Lifestyle changes can reduce risk by up to 80 percent. The program is offered at Piedmont Atlanta, Piedmont Fayette and Piedmont Newnan. The Women’s Heart Support Network has many free events and ongoing classes available to help educate women about their risks of heart disease and empower them to do what they can to prevent it.

Workshops in February include:

• Nuts ‘N Berries Store Tour with Dr. Neacsu will take place Wednesday, Feb. 1 at 10 a.m. at 4272 Peachtree Rd NE in Brookhaven.

• Smoothie Bowl Bonanza with Catt Jordan will take place on Saturday, Feb. 11 at 11 a.m at Trillith Studios, 200 Trillith Pkwy in Fayetteville.

• SMART Mindfulness Training is an eight-week course facilitated by Dr. Rollings that will start on Feb. 23 at 9 a.m. and is hosted virtually via Zoom.

• 21-Day Accountability Challenge will start on Tuesday, Feb. 28 at 12 p.m. Maureen Sweatman, Chief Joy Officer of Joyful Living Coaching, will lead a 21-Day Challenge that focuses on getting the accountability you need to create new habits and meet your 2023 goals.

There are also several recurring online classes offered each week. Strength and Power Fitness is a 45-minute class offered Tuesdays at 9 a.m. Guided Meditation is offered Tuesdays at 5 p.m. and on Fridays at 11 a.m. Pilates is offered on Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m. Yoga is offered on Mondays at 11 a.m. and on Thursdays at 5 p.m. No prior experience is required for any of the classes. Learn more about The Women’s Heart Support Network and these free programs, as well as register, at

New CT Scanner at Piedmont Newnan Produces Advanced Images

A breakthrough in computed tomography (CT) technology is enabling physicians at Piedmont Newnan Hospital to obtain high accuracy, low dose, and stunning, high-resolution, information-rich images. The hospital is now able to offer advanced cardiac imaging on the new Somatom FORCE, a dual-source CT scanner that produces advanced imaging in a short amount of time and with a much lower dose of radiation.

“The images produced, and the speed and relative ease of the procedure, makes this a very valuable piece of technology for our physicians, our imaging department, and the patients they care for,” said Vicki Kaiser, COO of Piedmont Newnan. “I was fortunate enough to try the new dual source CT and was very impressed with the incredible image it was able to create.”

The dual source CT enables the user to perform an entire adult chest, abdomen, and pelvis study in only one second, so patients do not need to hold their breath. This is especially helpful for patients who present with shortness of breath or those being evaluated for pulmonary embolism. The physician and radiologist can now make faster, more confident decisions and deliver timely intervention. In cardiac imaging, the dual source CT can obtain an entire study within a single heartbeat, capturing even the fastest-moving anatomy such as the right coronary artery.

“My scan showed blockage in one of my arteries due to my genetics, despite being physically fit and eating right,” said Kaiser. “My dad died of heart disease in his fifties, along with other members of my extended family, but with this new technology available, I’m confident he could have lived a much longer life.”

For anyone that is experiencing symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath, or for those with a strong family history of heart disease, it is recommended that they see a cardiologist.

“With advanced imaging the new CT provides, we are able to obtain high resolution images of the arteries supplying blood to the heart,” said Sujith Kuruvilla, M.D., cardiologist who specializes in hypertension, heart failure, and cardiovascular imaging. “The absence of cholesterol build-up in the arteries on the test effectively rules out the likelihood that symptoms are from blocked arteries, while if blockages are present, the scan can detect the type of cholesterol build-up and any further testing needed. The scan can also help us recommend treatment options, including the use of cholesterol lowering medications, which slow down the progression of cholesterol build-up in the arteries and reduce the risk of death from future heart attacks.”

Piedmont Newnan has consistently earned the MI Registry’s Platinum Performance Achievement Award since 2019, which recognizes Piedmont Newnan’s commitment and success in implementing a higher standard of care for heart attack patients and signifies that Piedmont Newnan has reached an aggressive goal of treating these patients to standard levels of care as outlined by the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association clinical guidelines and recommendations.

“These recognitions demonstrate our staff and physicians’ consistent commitment to safety and high quality, patient-centered care,” said Kaiser. “Advanced technology like the dual source CT helps them deliver that care and continue to make a positive difference in every life they touch.”

To learn more about radiology and imaging services at Piedmont Newnan, visit

Piedmont Heart Institute Newnan Added Three New Cardiologists in Second Half of 2022

Piedmont Heart Institute, Piedmont Healthcare’s nationally recognized heart and vascular program, welcomed three new cardiologists to Newnan in 2022 as part of its commitment to expand access to these critical sub-specialties.

“By adding these talented physicians, we are able to provide greater access to heart and vascular care for Piedmont patients throughout the state of Georgia,” said Charles L. Brown III, M.D., CEO of Piedmont’s Physician Enterprise. “Because of the generous philanthropic gifts we have received and as a result of our commitment to be a national leader in this area, we are able to expand our cardiovascular services and make a positive difference in the lives we touch.”

The following physicians have joined Piedmont Heart in Newnan since July of 2022:

• Ajay Kaja, M.D. – (general cardiology) joined Piedmont Heart Institute in Fayetteville and Newnan on July 24. Dr. Kaja earned his medical degree at NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada Osmania Medical College, completed his residency at Creighton University Medical Center and his fellowship in cardiology at the University of Kansas Medical Center. He is board certified in Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease, and is also certified by the National Board of Echocardiography Inc.

• Bashar Al-Turk, D.O. - (general cardiology) joined Piedmont Heart Institute in Fayetteville, Newnan and Sharpsburg on July 25. Dr. Al-Turk specializes in cardiovascular disease, echocardiology and nuclear medicine and received his medical degree from Lake Eri College of Osteopathic Medicine. He completed his internship and residency in internal medicine at the University of Florida College of Medicine, where he also completed his fellowship in cardiovascular disease. His clinical interests include the treatment of heart failure and coronary artery disease with an emphasis on prevention and lifestyle medicine. He is board certified in Internal Medicine.

• Ahmadreza (Reza) Karimianpour, D.O. – (cardiology, electrophysiology) joined the Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology at Piedmont Heart Institute in Buckhead, Fayetteville, and Newnan on Aug. 8. He received his medical degree from Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine, completed his residency at Cleveland Clinic and his fellowships in cardiovascular disease and cardiac electrophysiology at the Medical University of South Carolina. Dr. Karimianpour’s clinical interests include catheter ablation of complex arrhythmias as well as cardiac device implantation and management, with a special interest in treatment of ventricular tachycardia and sudden cardiac death. He is board certified in Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease.

About Piedmont Heart

Piedmont Heart Institute is ranked top in Georgia for cardiology and heart surgery by U.S. News and World Report, ranks in the top 5 percent in the country among cardiovascular organizations and is the only program in Atlanta consistently recognized with the Cardiac Care Excellence Award – a mark of quality it has earned for more than 10 years. Piedmont is an international leader in cardiovascular research, enabling patient access to innovative therapies not available elsewhere. For more information, visit H February 15, 2023 H The WEEKLY H Page 5
The SOMATOM Force Dual Source CT produces faster, more advanced images.

Real Es tate Weekly The

2023 Real Estate Forecast

You may have noticed that the real estate market has changed dramatically recently. We saw the strong seller’s market peak earlier in the year. Homes were selling at all-time high prices with record demand from buyers. We were regularly seeing multiple offers over list price with cash buyers typically winning these competitive bidding wars. I received 23 offers on one listing and 21 on another. This has all changed.

With mortgage rates up from three percent and four percent to seven and eight percent, the market has really changed. The number of homes available for sale, which was a huge problem earlier in the year, is slowly increasing but demand has cooled off. Many buyers have decided to wait to purchase until interest rates go down. These two developments, along with a historic inflation increase, have slowed down the real estate market considerably. Listings are taking much longer to sell, weeks and months instead of days. The number of showings has decreased considerably as there are just not as many buyers in the market. Now is a better time to buy than it was earlier in 2022.

We are seeing a buyer’s market take shape. While the real estate market is cooling, prices have decreased some but not significantly. They are still holding close to where they have been earlier in the year. I do see 2023 as a good time to be a buyer, as I expect prices and mortgage rates to decrease.

Lawrence Yun, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) chief economist, expects home sales to decline by seven percent in 2023, while the national median home price will increase by only one percent. In 2024, Yun projects a strong rebound for the housing market, with a 10 percent jump in home sales and a five percent increase in the national median home price. According to Yun, 2023 would be a better time to purchase a home than waiting to 2024.

If mortgage rates can drop from seven percent, that would be the optimal time to buy. According to the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), mortgage rates should be close to 5.4% by the end of 2023. If you are trying to “time your home purchase” this might be the time frame to aim for from what I am seeing and hearing in our marketplace.

Jess Barron is an Associate Broker with Lindseys, Inc. Realtors and former President of the Newnan-Coweta Board of Realtors ■

Page 6 H The WEEKLY H February 15, 2023 H
#1 in the #2 Business! We offer 24-Hour Emergency Service Mitchell Septic Service Residential & Commercial • Install & Cleaning Licensed & Insured • Competitive Prices 678-673-4910 1,000 Gallons $425 1,500 Gallons $525 We Make Loans up to $15,000 770-253-5230 384 Bullsboro Drive • NEWNAN All loan terms and applicable APR’s depend on meeting our underwriting and income criteria for the loan size requested and may require collateral. Active duty military, their spouse or dependents covered by the Military Lending Act (“MLA”) may not pledge a vehicle as collateral. 1st Franklin Financial Corporation, NMLS #141654, Georgia Residential Mortgage Licensee #5656. 1stFranklinFinancial Call Stop by Apply online at Loans to help you do life. Newnan GA_Generic_4.6x4.6.indd 1 1/28/2019 8:50:43 AM • Large and Small Land Tract Clearing and Mulching • Construction Site Grading and Clearing • Retaining Walls and Sod • Driveway and Private Road Construction • Existing Driveway Refresh / Asphalt Millings Install • Paver Patios and Fire Pits QUALITY SERVICES OFFERED 678-850-0431 Southern Signature Southern Signature CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE! Land Clearing, Grading, Driveways & More 125 Temple Avenue • Newnan 770-253-2341 We do Title Bonds! (formerly Williams Insurance Agency) Insurance for Home Auto Renters Business We’ve Got You Covered! u u u u The PAPER March issue coming soon … The area’s ultimate what to do, see and eat publication!

Coweta County 4-H Helps Teens be Relationship Smart

By the age of 18, it is estimated that 95% of teens will have experience in romantic relationships. Teens who are in healthy relationships are more likely to feel better about themselves, have higher self-esteem levels, achieve more in school, and have better relationships with their families. About one in five teens say most of their friends are in unhealthy relationships and one in ten teens have been hit, slapped, or physically hurt on purpose by their boyfriend or girlfriend. Does your teen have the emotional intelligence to handle challenging situations in his or her dating relationships?

Developmentally, one of the ways adolescents explore who they are is through relationships. How adolescents approach these relationships is influenced by the relationships modeled around them. While some youth may have witnessed and learned about positive couple interactions from good models, many may have witnessed only poor models of couple relationships. Educational programs on healthy relationships can help youth develop skills to make smart relationship choices and avoid risky behaviors. The decision-making and relationship-building skills youth can learn through this programming can also spill over into other relationships with parents, peers, and teachers.

Dating is an opportunity for teens to learn about themselves and what they want in a future long-term committed relationship. Forming healthy relationships can help teens learn important skills such as cooperation, appropriate behavior, compromise, sensitivity, and the ability to understand others’ feelings. These skills can lead to future healthy relationships in adulthood. On the other hand, unhealthy relationships can put teens at risk for early sexual activity, depression, and poor social skills. Wise choices will assist teens in achieving their education, employment, relationship, and family goals, while poor relationship choices may create barriers to these goals.

Love Notes is a research-based curriculum designed for high school teens that incorporates hands-on activities to focus on skills and knowledge necessary for healthy dating relationships. The curriculum, developed by The Dibble Institute, offers developmentally appropriate information that addresses personal development, goals and values, what healthy (vs abusive) relationships look like, current relationship dynamics, and important communications skills. It appeals to young people’s aspirations, rather than merely emphasizing what they must avoid.

The first lessons explore who the teens are and what they expect for their future. Lessons continue with discussions about the characteristics of relationships including recognizing if it is healthy or unhealthy, making smart decisions, and having good communication skills. The curriculum builds to include the six parts of intimacy (Hint: it’s not only physical), the dangers of moving too fast in relationships, and the burdens that could happen with unhealthy relationships. Each lesson ends with a “Parent-Teen Connection” where teens are encouraged to have honest discussions with parents and trusted adults. Parents play a very important role in helping their teens learn what is healthy in a relationship and what is not. Parents can also help teens better understand the feelings they experience and how to manage them.

To learn more about the Love Notes curriculum for your child, you are invited to attend a virtual Q&A session

hosted by Mr. Bill Hammond on Thursday, February 16th at 6:30 pm. Contact the Coweta County Extension office at 770-254-2620 or email 4-H Agent, Bill Hammond, at to sign up.

For a short overview about the Relationship Smarts program, visit

An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Veteran, Disability Institution

Bill Hammond is the Coweta County 4-H Youth Development Agent. His role includes overseeing all 4-H programming in the county including specialty clubs, S.A.F.E. (Shooting Awareness, Fun and Education) teams, volunteers, school clubs, and other 4-H programs and events. ■

Are you an Exceptional Caregiver? Join our Home Helpers team today! Now hiring Caregivers, CNAs and PCAs. Competitive wages. To apply, visit: or call or text: 678-597-9510.

Lessons can be learned from Groundhog Day

For some of you February means Valentine’s Day.

A day of love, chocolate and flowers.  But for me, February is all about the Groundhog.

I love Groundhog Day.  Full disclosure, it is my birthday….but it really is a cool tradition.

The first Groundhog Day was in 1887 and has its roots in ancient Christian and German traditions as a way of predicting weather.  In Germany, the rodent predictor of choice was a hedgehog.  German settlers in Pennsylvania switched to using groundhogs due to their abundance. Groundhogs are also called Woodchucks and whistle pigs –because they whistle when they are frightened or looking for a mate….which too can be frightening.

So as the story goes in 1887, a groundhog hunter from Punxsutawney declared that Phil, the Punxsutawney groundhog, was America’s only true weather-forecasting groundhog. Since that time, other weather predicting groundhogs have  made their way across America – from Birmingham Bill to Staten Island Chuck to Shubenacadie Sam in Canada, and our very own General Beauregard Lee.   But since 1993, our furry weather predicting friends have had to share their notoriety with weatherman Phil Conners, aka Bill Murray, in the movie Groundhog Day. In the film, Phil Conners relives the same day over and over.  Soon he learns that by making a few adjustments to his life, his day can net different results.  And the lessons relayed in this movie are more predictable than the weather.

Lesson 1: Be kind to others.  I try to always remember that I do not know what others are going through, but there is a good chance they are struggling.  Try hard to remember that everyone is carrying something. Some folks hide it better than others, but we all have our junk.

Lesson 2: Try different things. Life is never boring.  You may just need to spice it up a little.  Take a class, try new foods, move outside of your comfort zone.

Senior Living Advice

You are never too old to experience something new.   Lesson 3: You can’t fight the weather. Just because it is raining outside doesn’t mean it has to be dark and gloomy inside. Carry your own weather is a concept from Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Carrying your weather can be as simple as keeping a pleasant or professional disposition or as challenging as consistently living by what you deeply value. At the heart of it, however, is always a choice.

Lesson 4: To find real love, work on you.  The right person may not be out there because you aren’t the right person yet.

Lesson 5: Life is what you make it. We often see examples of people coming from the same devastating situation, yet one thrives while the other is stagnant. Whatever life has dealt you, take it and make the most out of it.  If you allow your past to define you, your past wins.  Don’t let it.    Whatever General Lee’s prediction for weather, the real predictor of how our weather will go in 2023 is how well we can follow these lessons. Don’t be afraid of your shadow, step out into 2023 and shine!

Beth Dow is a Dementia and Alzheimer’s Educator, CAEd and Geriatric Care Manager. She is also the owner of Home Helpers of GA & AL in Newnan. Readers can contact her by email at  bdow@



& select H February 15, 2023 H The WEEKLY H Page 7 Coweta County 4-H
Huge New Year’s Day Sale!!! ONE DAY ONLY! Jan 1, 2017! BRING YOUR TOOLS, PULL YOUR OWN PARTS! WE
155 Roberts Road • Fayetteville GA 30214 • 770-461-1247 or 1-800-962-2277 •
Page 8 H The WEEKLY H February 15, 2023 H Two Great Furniture Locations Proudly Serving Coweta County. 4279 N. Hwy. 27 Carrollton 770-830-0880 640 N. Glynn St. Fayetteville 678-545-6755 OPEN MONDAY-SATURDAY 10 am - 6 pm AND MATTRESS

Deal Finder: Tips for the upcoming 2023 Tax Season

Tax season has arrived, and the countdown has started for taxpayers to file their federal and state income taxes by the deadline.

It’s important for taxpayers to be informed of the latest tax information and seek the assistance of experienced tax preparers if they choose to get help with filing their tax returns. This will prevent tax issues and costly problems with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) later on.

To help readers file their taxes successfully, Chuck Johnson, a certified public accountant with offices at 560 Newnan Crossing Bypass, Suite 125, in Newnan, offers some tax tips for the 2023 tax season:

Q: What are the biggest changes that taxpayers can expect for the 2023 tax season?

A: Not very many, if any, big changes. Tax rates were changed for inflation. The standard deduction

for all filers was increased. The Child Tax Credit was reduced for 2022.

Q: Is there anything else that taxpayers need to know about the 2023 tax season?

A: File early, file electronically. If you are getting a refund, choose direct deposit versus getting a

check. Much quicker and much safer.

Q: When does tax season end?

A: Tuesday, April 18th

Q: Are there new income tax brackets and standard deductions for the 2023 tax year?

A: Tax brackets changed for inflation. The standard deduction for single filers is $12,950, married filers is $25,900, head of household filers is $19,400 and married filing separate filers is $12,950.

Q: Do these changes apply to tax returns filed in 2023 or 2024?

A: These changes are for the 2022 tax returns. These will adjust again next year.

Q: Are there now higher contribution limits for retirement accounts?

A: In 2022, the IRA max is $6,000 and $7,000 if 50 or over. In 2023, the IRA max is $6,500 and $7,500 if 50 and over. The 401(k) max in 2022 was $20,500, and if 50 and over the max was $27,000. In 2023, the 401(k) max is $22,500, and the 50 and over max is $30,000.

Q: Are there mileage rate and FSA contribution limit increases for the 2023 tax year?

A: The 2023 mileage rate has increased to 65.5 cents per mile. The maximum HSA contribution amounts for 2023 are $3,650 for self-only coverage and $7,300 for family coverage.

Q: Do you have any additional tax tips or advice for readers?

A: The main tip is file as soon as you have all of your tax documents, e-file your return, and if you are due a refund, choose direct deposit for that refund.

MLS #10094129

MLS #20005781

24+/- ACRES ON POPLAR ROAD AT YEAGER ROAD INTERSECTION. Already zoned C-6 with water and sewer. Ideal for multiuse development. $7,000,000 for all or will consider subdividing front 5 acres for $500,000 per acre and back 19+/- acres for $250,000 per acre. Frank / Chip.

MLS #10120310

HURRY ON THIS 14.41+/- WOODED ACRE TRACT ON US HWY 29 approximately 5 miles north of Newnan! 819.25’ Road frontage. Small pond. Ideal for development, church, school, estate size lot or possible subdivision. $599,900. Frank / Chip.

MLS #10110852

2 VACANT BUILDING LOTS IN WEST COWETA COUNTY with county water and electricity available. Country setting on East Coggin but easy access to Newnan, Franklin, and Carrollton. $60,000 per lot. Frank and Jess.

MLS #10021670

12 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS IN GRANTVILLE. BULK SALE ONLY. Easy access to I-85, Atlanta, Newnan, LaGrange and Columbus. Seller will only sell as a bundle, not individual lots. $420,000. Frank/Jess.


3 VACANT LOTS IN ASHLEY WOODS. Subject to Covenants & Restrictions of record. Nicely wooded lots. No HOA. Possible bsmt lots. Lots 15, 16 & 17 are available for $29,900 each. Frank.

MLS #10110540

NEW CONSTRUCTION IN NEWNAN! 4BR/3BA CRAFTSMAN style ranch on 1.57+/- Ac w/easy access to downtown Newnan & I-85. Open floor plan in quiet rural setting. Bldr is offering $2,000 in closing costs & an interest rate buy down w/preferred lender. Estimated completion – March 2023. $420,000. Jess.

POTENTIAL COMMERCIAL LOT in choice Highway 34E Corridor! Excellent opportunity with high traffic count. Easy access to I-85 and Peachtree City! $49,900. Jess / Frank.


MLS #10119008


SITE OF PROPOSED NEW INTERCHANGE ON I-85 NORTH OF NEWNAN 255 Acres on I- 85 North of Newnan. Between 2 Industrial parks, 27-acre Lake. All utilities available $70,000 per acre Frank owner/agent.

MLS #10101800

109 RESIDENTIAL LOTS IN MANCHESTER, GA! Manchester city water, sewer & electricity available. Schools nearby! Walk to downtown Manchester. $30,000 per lot. BULK SALE ONLY.



2 WOODED VACANT LOTS in West Coweta on East Coggins Road. Easy access to Newnan, Franklin or Carrollton. $60,000 per lot. Frank/Jess.

RESIDENTIAL LOT ON BERRY AVENUE IN TOWN. All utilities available. $29,900 Frank.

6.47 ACRES ZONED GENERAL COMMERCIAL! Convenient to Hwy 34 Bypass & downtown Newnan. Great opportunity for many potential uses. New Price $499,000. Frank and Chip


12 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS in Grantville. Easy access to I-85, Atlanta, Newnan, LaGrange and Columbus. Sold ‘as is’. $420,000 Bulk Sale Only. Frank/Jess.

Residential Lot within walking distance to Atkinson Elementary and Newnan High School. Build your dream home! $85,000. Jess. SOLD! SOLD!

AMLAJACK 255.5+/- ACRES WITH HALF MILE FRONTAGE ON I-85 between 2 industrial parks. $17,890,600. Frank.

VACANT LOTS IN ASHLEY WOODS SUBDIVISION. Subject to Covenants and Restrictions of record. Nicely wooded lots. Possible basement lot. Lots 15, 16 & 17 are listed and priced individually at $29,900 each. Frank.


COMMERCIAL H February 15, 2023 H The WEEKLY H Page 9
MLS #10073522 MLS #10054454
ROAD COMMERCIAL LISTING. 24+/- ACRES zoned C-6 (multiple uses) commercial. Water and sewer already in place. $7,000,000. Will subdivide. Frank/Chip. COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE FOR LEASE – 3,200 s/f upstairs office space - $750 per month (Owner/Agent) Frank. Price and terms subject to prior sale and change without notice. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. UNDER CONTRACT UNDER CONTRACT JESS BARRON, GRI Associate Broker 678-857-9350 14 Jackson Street, Newnan, GA 30263 • 770-253-6990 FRANK BARRON Associate Broker 770-231-9535 “Serving All of Newnan and Coweta County Since 1948” 1948-2023 “Serving All Your Real Estate Needs Since 1948”

Where to find your next copy of The Weekly JOIN US ON SOCIAL MEDIA

Platinum Point, LaGrange St., Newnan HS area, Bullsboro Dr., Avery Park, Lake Hills, Happy Valley Cir., Timberidge, Cedar Creek Rd., Roscoe Rd., Macedonia Rd., Buddy West Rd., Hwy. 27 North, Sargent, Hwy. 34 West, Powers Crossroads, and Smokey Rd.

If you’re not in that area, look for your copy in our racks at one of these locations …

 Central Library, 85 Literary Lane, Sharpsburg

 Chick-fil-A, 505 Bullsboro Drive, Newnan

 Crook’s Cost Plus Market, 249 Temple Avenue, Newnan

 Leaf & Bean, 22 West Court Square, Newnan

 Little Giant Farmers Market, 487 Jackson Street, Newnan

 Little Giant Farmers Market, 2005 Highway 16, Sargent

 Newnan Post Office, 18 Greenville Street, Newnan

 Piedmont Newnan Hospital, 745 Poplar Road, Newnan

 Senoia Post Office, 68 Broad Street, Senoia

 Sharpsburg Post Office, 6545 Highway 54, Sharpsburg

 Summit Family YMCA, 1765 Highway 34 East, Newnan

 Town & Country Restaurant, 8 Franklin Road, Newnan

You can always find a copy on our website

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Page 10 H The WEEKLY H February 15, 2023 H DID YOU KNOW UNITED BANK HAS TWO NEWNAN LOCATIONS? Come See Us! 2245 Highway 34 @ Sullivan Rd. & 61 Bullsboro Dr. 20 Bullsboro Dr., Newnan 770-252-6821 3154 Hwy. 34 East, Newnan 770-502-0122 Sun.-Thurs. 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m.-10:30 p.m. Margarita Specials Tuesday Margarita regular lime 12 oz. $550 Thursday Pitcher of margaritas regular lime 64 oz. $2099 Lunch Specials Monday - Friday starting at $7.25 Saturdays 6:30-9:30 p.m. Bullsboro Drive Location $5 Off $30 or More Purchase Not valid Friday & Saturday. Must present coupon. Not valid with any other offers. Tax not included. Dine in only. Expires 3.7.23. $5 Off $30 or More Purchase Not valid Friday & Saturday. Must present coupon. Not valid with any other offers. Tax not included. Dine in only. Expires 3.7.23. Next week’s Weekly will be direct mailed to downtown
Winters Media & Publishing, Inc. APRIL 15, 2023
@wintersmediapublishing TWITTER


with Angela

Some new cookies for your valentine

Among my cookbooks is a tattered copy of Meta Given’s 1953 Modern Family Cook Book. It once belonged to my grandmother, and that’s the only reason I keep it. I have zero interest in cooking some of these so-called modern recipes, including—I kid you not—Cold Jellied Tongue and Scrambled Brains. But what I am very much interested in is why my grandmother apparently used this book as her personal recipe-filing system.

In between two pages about “Conserving Minerals and Vitamins,” she tucked a page of recipes, now yellowed, ripped from the December 5, 1982, issue of Grit. Was it the Date Cake she was interested in making? The Chicken Noodle Casserole? Only the Lord knoweth.

And why did she hide so many recipes inside the chapter titled “Eggs”? The Market Bulletin was apparently a favorite source for clipping recipes, with Pound Cake, Oatmeal Pie, and Easy Tuna Casserole making the (literal) cut.

Like my grandmother, I gather recipes from hither and yon. Today, I obtain new recipes from two vastly different sources—old recipe boxes and the internet.

I recently came across an online recipe from the Detroit News that was attributed to a 1958 clipping from the Pittsburgh Press for valentine cookies that are made with oatmeal and cut into heart shapes. I’m always up for a new shaped cookie recipe, since you can make them for any holiday you like, and these cookies came out of the oven so tasty and crispy that I wanted to share the recipe with you. Full disclosure: I liked the plain ones best, but since it’s February, I couldn’t resist a little embellishing.



Oatmeal Cookies

o 2-1/2 cups all-purpose flour

o 1 teaspoon baking powder

o 1/2 teaspoon salt

o 3/4 cup butter, room temperature

o 3/4 cup sugar

o 2 tablespoons milk

o 1 large egg

o 1 teaspoon vanilla

o 1 cup uncooked oats (either quick or old-fashioned is fine)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Sift flour, baking powder, and salt into a bowl, whisk, and set aside. In bowl of a stand mixture, cream butter and sugar. Add milk, egg, and vanilla and combine. Add flour mixture to the wet ingredients and beat until well blended, about 2 minutes. Stir in the oats by hand. The dough will be very sticky, so divide it into two discs, place each one between two sheets of wax paper, and roll the dough out to 1/4-inch thickness. Let dough chill in the refrigerator for several hours until firm. Using one portion of dough at a time, quickly cut out the heart shapes before placing them on cookie sheets prepared with cooking spray. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, until cookies are just beginning to brown around the edges. Yields 3 dozen 2-inch cookies.

Optional glaze: Sift one cup of confectioners’ sugar into a small bowl. Add two tablespoons of milk or amount needed to achieve spreading consistency. Lightly drizzle glaze on tops of cookies and add sanding sugars, nonpareils, or other embellishments as desired.


Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Corporation of America is hiring welders for our facility in Newnan, Georgia, due to our continued growth. We are looking for hardworking dedicated people! Benefits include insurance, 401k, profit sharing, tuition reimbursement, and more.

“Working at Yamaha has given me an awesome career trajectory. My job has given me financial stability, which has enabled me to have two kids in college right now.” H February 15, 2023 H The WEEKLY H Page 11 Weekly
Angela McRae is a freelance writer and editor from Newnan, and you can find out more about her work at Email questions and comments to her at
Always wear your seat belt, helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Apply online at Click on Direct Hire to Apply! Full-time benefits include: • Health Insurance, Dental and Vision • 401K • Profit Sharing • Tuition Reimbursement • Local Discounts

Zen Monkey’s News and Musings …

Notes from here, there and the Internet …

Thanks to a partnership with Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Corporation, the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office recently took delivery of a brand-new custom Yamaha Wolverine ® X4 1000 side-by-side off-road vehicle. “This gives us a tool to get out into the woods quicker than a dog or a human,” said Toby Nix, public information officer for the sheriff’s office. “That’s an immediate benefit for those calls.” [ [ [

Retirement isn’t an age, it’s a financial status.

The Newnan Fire Department announced the promotion of Lieutenant Victor Kline to Fire Captain. Captain Kline, who owns a degree in criminal justice, began his service with the Newnan Fire Department in 1998.

The Georgia House of Representatives’ Committee on Assignments named State Representative Lynn Smith (R-Newnan) as the Chairman of the House Natural Resources & Environment Committee. “I am honored to continue serving as Chairman of the Natural Resources & Environment Committee,” said Rep. Smith. “Since beginning my chairmanship in 2005, I have sought to find the balance between the environmental and economic needs of the state to ensure quality of life for all Georgians.”

Master of Science sounds way more impressive than PhD.

West Georgia Technical College has received a $50,000 donation from Kia Georgia to expand upon the College’s existing Precision Manufacturing and Maintenance lab located at its Coweta County campus in Newnan. “We are extremely grateful for our partnership with Kia and their continued investment in our students,” said WGTC Foundation Executive Director Brittney Henderson.

GeorgiaForward recently selected Abigail Strickland as one of the 45 promising professionals to serve the organization’s 2023 Young Gamechangers (YG) program.Gamechangers brings professionals from across the state to work on the persistent challenges of one Georgia community. Abigail Strickland has been employed by the City of Newnan since 2017. Abigail was first hired as the Special Event Coordinator, but now serves as the Main Street Manager. [ [ [

Cowboys go “yee haw,” ninjas go “hee yaw.”

Check it out - three flag football teams in the Coweta County Recreation League were recently invited to play in the Red Zone Games at Mercedes Benz Stadium in Atlanta. The Steelers, led by Head Coach Ron Troxler; the Falcons, led by Head Coach Michael Leech; and the Vikings, led by Head Coach Joey Johnson, all got to play exhibition games on the field that is home to the Atlanta Falcons and Atlanta United.

In other political news, Sen. Matt Brass, R-Newnan, was named chairman of the Georgia Senate Rules Committee. He has served on the committee, as well as chairing the Banking and Financial Institutions Committee previously.

We’d save a lot of room burying people perpendicular to the ground above rather than parallel.

Page 12 H The WEEKLY H February 15, 2023 H
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1515 Lower Fayetteville Rd. v Newnan, GA 30265 v 678.673.5486 v v PARTIES v WEDDINGS v FUNDRAISERS v MEETINGS v BANQUETS v TRADE SHOWS v AND MORE YOUR PREMIER EVENTS VENUE All teachers with valid school ID invited to shop Thursday night (preview night) at 5:30. You don’t need preview ticket, just ID. The ID HOLDER only allowed to enter sale. Join the Newnan-Coweta and Howard Warner Boys & Girls Club Saturday, February 25th for the 16th Annual Oscar Gala at The Newnan Centre! This black tie event will feature live entertainment, delicious food and wine, open bar beverage service, and a fabulous Silent Auction! Consider a sponsorship, donations, auction bids and / or tickets to attend. Help make their mission possible! Dress up and dance the night away for a great cause Find more Zen in our March publications
[ [ [ H February 15, 2023 H The WEEKLY H Page 13 Plus tax. Additional oil, diesel or synthetics extra. Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. See dealer for details. Expires 3/7/23. Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. Expires 3/7/23. Plus tax. Additional oil, diesel or synthetics extra. Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. See dealer for details. Expires 3/7/23. $1995 1 OIL & FILTER CHANGE Includes up to 5 Quarts of Oil, New Filter and Multi-Point Inspection 4-Wheel Alignment $129.95 Reg. $9995 Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. Expires 3/7/23. BATTERY INSPECTION Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. Expires 3/7/23. $3995 $7995 We Keep Your Auto On The Road No Matter What The Season!



SEC – Georgia Bulldogs (15-10, 5-7)

Feb. 7 – Ole Miss ... L, 74-78

Feb. 11 – Kentucky ... W, 75-68

Tues., Feb. 14 – LSU, 8:30 pm – SEC Network

Sat., Feb. 18 – at Alabama, 6 pm – SEC Network

Feb. 21 – at Arkansas, 9 pm –SEC Network

ACC – Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets (9-16, 2-13)

Feb. 8 – Notre Dame ... W, 70-68

Feb. 11 – at Wake Forest ... L, 70-71

Wed., Feb. 15 – Virginia Tech, 7 pm – ACC Network

Sat., Feb. 18 – Florida Tech, 2 pm – ESPN-Plus

Feb. 21 – at Pittsburgh, 7 pm – TBD


NBA – Atlanta Hawks (29-28)

Feb. 7 – at New Orleans Pelicans ... L, 107-116

Feb. 9 – Phoenix Suns ... W, 116-107

Feb. 11 – San Antonio Spurs ... W, 125-106

Mon., Feb. 13 – at Charlotte Hornets, 7 pm – BSSE

Wed., Feb. 15 – New York Knicks, 7:30 pm – BSSE

Feb. 16-23 – ALL-STAR BREAK

Feb. 24 – Cleveland Cavaliers, 7:30 pm – BSSE

Feb. 26 – Brooklyn Nets, 3 pm – BSSE

Feb. 28 – Washington Wizards, 7:30 pm – TNT

March 3 – Portland Trailblazers, 7:30 pm – BSSE

March 4 – at Miami Heat, 8 pm – BSSE

MLS – Atlanta United (0-0)

Jan. 28 – at Chattanooga FC ... T, 3-3 (Friendly)

Feb. 15 – Toluca FC, TBD (American Family Ins. Cup)

Feb. 25 – San Jose Earthquakes, 7:30 pm – Apple TV

March 4 – Toronto FC, 7:30 pm – Apple TV

March 11 – at Charlotte FC, Noon – Apple TV/FOX

MLB – Atlanta Braves (0-0 Spring Training)

Feb. 25* – Boston Red Sox (Cool Today Park) ,1:05 pm

Feb. 26* – at New York Yankees (Tampa), 1:05 pm

Feb. 27* – Toronto Blue Jays (Cool Today Park), 1:05 pm

Feb. 28* – at Minnesota Twins (Fort Myers), 1:05 pm

March 1* – Tampa Bay Rays (Cool Today Park), 1:05 pm

March 2* – at New York Mets (Port St. Lucie), 1:10 pm

March 3* – at Houston Astros (West Palm Beach), 1:05 pm

March 4* – #Minnesota Twins (Cool Today Park), 1:05 pm

March 4* – #at Baltimore Orioles (Sarasota), 1:05 pm

* denotes Spring Training Game

# denotes Split Squad


Aug. 15 – Feb. 28 ... Squirrel, Opossum, Raccoon

Aug. 15 – March 15 ... Falconry (Squirrel)

Oct. 1 – March 15 ... Falconry (Rabbit, Quail, Grouse)

Oct. 15 – Feb. 28 ... Grouse

Nov. 5 – Feb. 28 ... Crows

Nov. 12 – Feb. 28 ... Quail / Rabbit

Nov. 15 – Feb. 28 ... Snipe

Dec. 1 – Feb. 28 ... Fox, Bobcat

Hunting & Fishing License Info: Call 1-800-366-2661 Visit


Jackson Lake – Feb. 12 ... 529.02 ft. (Full 528 ft.)

Lake Allatoona – Feb. 12 ... 829.48 ft (Full 840 ft.)

Lake Harding – Feb. 12 ... 519.98 ft. (Full 520 ft.)

Lake Lanier – Feb. 12 ... 1,070.89 ft (Full 1,071 ft.)

Lake Martin, Ala. – Feb. 12 ... 483.81 ft. (Full 491 ft.)

Lake Wedowee, Ala. – Feb. 12 ... 784.74 ft. (Full 793.0 ft.)

West Point Lake – Feb. 12 ... 629.69 ft. (Full 635 ft.)


Wednesday, Feb. 15 – Rise 7:21 am; Set 6:24 pm

Thursday, Feb. 16 – Rise 7:20 am; Set 6:24 pm

Friday, Feb. 17 – Rise 7:19 am; Set 6:25 pm

Saturday, Feb. 18 – Rise 7:18 am; Set 6:26 pm

Sunday, Feb. 19 – Rise 7:17 am; Set 6:27 pm

Monday, Feb. 20 – Rise 7:16 am; Set

– Rise



CHILDREN’S CONSIGNMENT SALE – The semi-annual Newnan FUMC Spring Sale will be Friday, Feb. 24 from 9-5, and Saturday, Feb. 25 from 8-Noon. Half price Sale Saturday. Very gently used items such as children’s clothing (infant to size 16), accessories, baby gear, bedding, books, furniture, games and more. Cash or check only. 33 Greenville Street, Newnan 30263. For info, call 770.253.1237 or visit


“WE BUY HOUSES” Any condition. Cash. Quick closing. Mike 678.409.8600

WE BUY: scrap metal, junk cars, old appliances, stoves, refrigerators, washers, dryers, dish washers & batteries. Gentry Recycling 770.253.5770

WE BUY CARS – LKQ PICK YOUR PART buys cars . 7 days a week. For info, call 1.800.962.2277 or visit:

WE PAY TOP DOLLAR for aluminum, copper, brass. Gentry Recycling 770.253.5770


T PLATINUM AUTO SALES LLC Very Nice Vehicles for Sale … $10,000, $5,000 and under. * Financing Available * Mike 678.409.8600


3 CHOICE LOTS IN ASHLEY WOODS, County water available. Just $29,900 each. Frank, Lindsey’s, Inc. Realtors – 770.253.6990


24+/- ACRES ON POPLAR ROAD AT YEAGER ROAD INTERSECTION. Already zoned C-6 with water and sewer. Ideal for multiuse development. $7,000,000 for all or will consider subdividing front 5 acres for $500,000 per acre and back 19+/- acres for $250,000 per acre Frank/ Chip, Lindseys, Inc. Realtors, 770.253.6990


SEPTIC – Residential, commercial or install or cleaning. Call Mitchell Septic Service at 678-673-4910. No. 1 in the No. 2 Business. $425 for 1,000 gallons; $525 for 1,500 gallons. 24-Hour Emergency Service available. 3/22

SHINGLE ROOFS – Metal Roofs, Decks, Siding, Patio Roofs, Barns, Windows and More. Angie’s List 2020 Super Service Award. Call today for a free estimate. Discounts for Military, First Responders, Healthcare, Seniors and Cash. Southern Signature Solutions, 678-850-0431.

10% OFF ANY TREE SERVICE for senior citizens and veterans from Arbor Tech Tree Service when you mention this ad. Experts in tree removal, trimming/pruning, and stump grinding. Emergency service. Free Estimates. Certified ISA Arborist on staff. Call 678.633.2986

HOME IMPROVEMENT We proudly do painting, remodeling, decks, doors, basements, gutters, windows, roofing, columns, flooring, plumbing, kitchens, wood repair, electrical. ALL types of handyman jobs. NO job too small. Successfully over 30 years in business. 770.252.5458 Very reasonable rates.

TREE REMOVAL – 24/7 Emergency Service, Tree-Shrub Pruning and Trimming, Commercial and Residential, Licensed/Insured. Want It Your Way, Call Us Right Away. Misael’s Tree Service & Stump Grinding. Call 678.301.0153


NOW HIRING – Headley Construction is now seeking Construction Superintendents. Previous experience in new construction or renovation is preferred but will train highly-motivated candidates. Great pay, 401K, paid holidays & PTO, home every night. Apply in-person at 44 East Washington St. in Newnan or email resume to: 3/22

SMALLCAKES IS HIRING – Want to work someplace fun with flexible scheduling? Smallcakes Cupcakery Newnan is hiring for part-time closing cashiers! Shifts are 2-4 days per week, with opening weekend shifts also available. Apply in the store today!! 113 Newnan Crossing Bypass, Newnan 30265. For info, call 770.252.1400.

NOW HIRING – LKQ PICK YOUR PART in Fayetteville, GA is seeking to fill various positions. To apply, visit and select ‘Careers.’


WE NEED HELP! Knowledgeable technicians with own tools. Pay based on experience up to $35 flat rate. Monday thru Friday 8-5. Contact us at Jamie’s Automotive, LaGrange. 706.242.4927

CAREGIVERS – Home Helpers of GA & AL seeking qualified Caregivers. Available shifts – days, evenings, overnight and/or weekends. Competitive wages, extensive training, supportive work environment and paid time off. Apply online at or call 678.876.5118


NEWNAN COWETA HUMANE SOCIETY. Check website for list of animals at local animal control facility and foster care animals. Call 770.253.4694



Page 14 H The WEEKLY H February 15, 2023 H
more information call: Angie Hogsed 678-472-8384 Lindsey’s, Inc. Realtors 14 Jackson Street, Newnan, Ga. 30263 770-253-6990 Superior Tree Service No Job Too Big or Too Small. Give Us A Call free estimAtes Naomi Thompson 678-491-4703 199 Wilson Circle, Newnan, GA 30263 This policy has exclusions, limitations, and terms under which the policy may be continued in force or discontinued. For costs and complete details of coverage, please contact your agent or the health plan. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthcare Plan of Georgia, Inc. Independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ANTHEM is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. SHOP • CLICK and APPLY ONLINE at HEALTH INSURANCE AFFORDABLE PPO MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PLANS AND MEDICARE SUPPLEMENTS • GEORGIA CHAMBER SMART GROUP • Health Plans for 2-50 employees • Individual PPO Medical Plans • Medical • Dental • Prescriptions GEORGIA HEALTH COVERAGE John B. Williams, Jr. Authorized Independent Agent 770.253.9283 CMS ID #YO114_20_120785_I_C_0001 Form #508169GASENMUB_0001
6:28 pm
6:29 pm
Tuesday, Feb. 21

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Much More Than a Place to Work

Winpak Films Inc. is growing to meet the demand for food packaging and other flexible film products around the world. As we expand our capacity, we are dedicated to much more than hiring machine operators, logistics pros, maintenance, and lab technicians to support our production growth. Importantly, we are committed to supporting your growth and advancing your career.

For starters, we’ve created a supportive, clean and safe work environment that has made many of our employees stay with us for decades and even inspire their children to come to work for us. Then we reward their loyalty with exceptional working conditions and a great employment package, plus the opportunity to live in and raise families with the small-town advantages of Senoia and nearby Peachtree City, Ga.

Overall, we’re known for nurturing an environment that’s better than 95 percent of workplaces around the world.

What Can Winpak Offer You?

Our commitment to a wellrounded benefits program goes beyond medical insurance to include dental, vision, telemedicine, a flexible spending account, and life and disability benefits. If you work at Winpak 30+ hours a week on a continuous basis, you’re eligible for benefits. Your eligibility begins the first of the month following 60 days of hire with the company. Employees can expect:

• Outstanding medical & supplemental insurance

• Retirement Programs / 401K

• Paid vacation & sick leave

• Career advancementoperators today could be managers tomorrow

• Friendly, helpful production teams & managers

• Company-paid training

• Creative work schedules

How Much Could You Earn?

Our stepped-up wage scale starts at $16 per hour for entry level employees with the opportunity for higher earnings every 3 months in just the first year, On the first anniversary of hire you could be earning $18 to $20 per hour, depending on your job title and performance. Jobs include Machine Operators, QA Lab Technicians, Logistics Operators, Storeroom Attendants, Plate Mounters, and Apprentice Press Operators. Extrusion Operators can earn up to $21.59 per hour, depending on skill level.

Everything we do reflects how much Winpak cares for our employees and wants to keep them and help them succeed. We’re eager to tell you more about our available jobs, our exceptional products, and a workplace that feels like more than just work. Contact:

Contributing to a Sustainable Future

At Winpak, sustainability is more than just a buzzword, it’s engrained in how we work and manage our resources. We provide opportunities for active employee engagement in various initiatives which align with our sustainability pillars. This enables us, as an organization, to work together to become a better corporate citizen and contributor to a better planet.

“They really show their appreciation for you.”

About Winpak Ltd. Winpak designs and supplies innovative packaging to some of the world’s largest brands.

As an employee of Winpak Films, you are part of Winpak Ltd., an $853 million company with 12 manufacturing facilities in North America encompassing locations in Illinois, New Jersey, California, Canada and Mexico. Our facilities’ total floor space would cover 40 football fields and we employ more than 2,500 people. We started operations in 1978, and our corporate headquarters is in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. Winpak is listed on the TSX (WPK). H February 15, 2023 H The WEEKLY H Page 15
“Our products are mainly used in food packaging and medical applications.” H. Phan IT’S OUR NATURE TO PROTECT TM WINPAK Films Inc. 100 Wihuri Pkwy., Senoia, GA 30276 678-633-8788 What We Produce in Senoia Capabilities in our 300,000 square-foot Senoia plant encompass: Blown Film Extrusion — Barrier and non-barrier films for high performance MAP bags and sealant films Barrier Shrink Film Extrusion — PVdC and EVOH barrier films; Traditional, High Abuse, Bone Guard Converting Operations — Bag and pouch making; Shrink bag converting; Ten-color flexographic printing; Photo polymer plate making; In-house graphics.
“I appreciate how my co-workers train me in a way I can understand.”
M. Boswell
Find Out More and Grow with
or call 678-633-8788 Choose a Career that makes your child want to follow in your footsteps  Outstanding medical and supplemental insurance  $3,000 referral bonus  $2,000 signing / retention bonus  Retirement programs / 401K  Paid vacation and sick leave  Career advancementoperators today could be managers today  Company-paid training  Monthly performance awards  Creative work schedules Extrusion Operators can earn up to $23.50 per hour, depending on skill level. For entry level employees our stepped-up wage scale starts at $17 per hour with the opportunity for higher earnings every 3 months in just the first year. On the first anniversary of hire you could be earning $19 to $20 per hour, depending on your job title and performance. Night shift positions earn an extra $1.50 per hour. Jobs include Machine Operators, QA Lab Technicians, Logistics Operators, Storeroom Attendants, Plate Mounters, and Apprentice Press Operators.
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