The Weekly March 15, 2023

Page 4

Coweta County at Shenandoah Opens to the Public on March 20

Coweta County is excited to announce that Coweta County at Shenandoah will open to the public on Monday, March 20.

Coweta County at Shenandoah, the former AMC Theater located at 87 Newnan Station Drive, will house the Tax Commissioner’s Office, which includes the Property Tax and Tag Office, and the Elections & Voter Registration Office. Two state agencies, including the Department of Driver Services (DDS) and the Department of Veterans Service, will also relocate to this facility by summer 2023. The services provided to citizens at this new facility will include tag renewals, vehicle registrations and titles, pay property taxes, register to vote, and early vote. There will also be a new drive-thru option for the Tax Commissioner/Tag Office services to better serve our citizens.

“We are thrilled to provide our citizens with a relevant facility that enhances services and provides easier access and additional parking,” says Chairman John Reidelbach. “We are incredibly

grateful for our architect Joe Gardner, his team, and construction partner J&R Construction & Development, who worked diligently with us to expand and renovate this facility to help serve our growing population.”

As background, Coweta County purchased the 6.22-acre parcel in July of 2021 following an internal needs assessment. Two predominate space needs came about including a desire for expansion of the Elections & Voter Registration and the Tag/Tax Offices.

To prepare for the relocation, the Tax Commissioner’s Office, which includes the Property Tax and Tag Office, will be closed on Friday, March 17. Citizens can renew their auto tags online or using the kiosk at the Kroger located at 1751 Newnan Crossing Boulevard during this time.

To stay up to date on the latest, please visit


More Music Festival March 18

Mark you calendars! Get your tickets to the March 18th Make More Music Festival at Foundation Auditorium.

More Music is committed to providing music education opportunities to at-risk youth and cultivating community through the unifying art of learning to play music.

Help them celebrate the inaugural Make More Music Festival from 4 to 9 p.m. There will be food trucks including Mad Mexican, Mother Clucker's and Foundation Ice Cream, auction items, and merchandise for sale. Some favorite local bands to appear …

John Hensley Band 4:30 p.m.

Matt & Ashley Morris 5:30 p.m.

Murphy G 6:30 p.m.

More Music students 7 p.m.

Kris Youmans Band 7:15

Kris Youmans Band 7:15 p.m.

Leonard Washington 8:15 p.m.

Show up and support shaping student's lives through the power of music because music matters.

For more information and tickets, visit moremusicfoundation. org or

The Foundation Auditorium is located at 6 Perry Street, Newnan. Free parking available.

Land Tract Clearing & Mulching

Shop Local • Buy Local • Advertise Local Vol. 1, No. 44 J Wednesday, March 15, 2023 J Free The W eekly PRESORTED STANDARD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID NEWNAN, GA PERMIT #120 POSTAL CUSTOMER
Southern Signature Southern Signature CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE!

An ‘80s song that will ‘totally change your life’

Written in 1981, a popular song by an English punk rock band The Clash hit the charts a year later. The song was titled “Should I Stay or Should I Go.”

It can still be heard today on TV in Levi’s commercials and in the 1980s-themed NETFLIX series Stranger Things

Initially, the song was used in the second episode of Stranger Things in 2016 where the character Jonathan introduces it to his younger brother Will.  Jonathan tells Will the song is going to, “totally change your life!”

It was actually a song about a breakup and a guy in a relationship pondering if he should stay in that relationship or go. But I like the Stranger Things angle on the song better ... where it can “totally change your life!”

As we grow older and as the weather grows colder and drearier, it is really easy to answer the question, “should I stay or should I go?” with a very firm “I’m gonna stay!” answer.  I’m gonna stay in the house,  in my chair with my TV, my dog, and my blanket. I’m just going to stay right here.

But ... that is not the right answer. The answer to “should I stay or should I go?” should always be a loud energetic GO!  It is so easy to stay at home, but it is so good for you to get out.

People need to be around people.  I don’t know why but that is just how it works best.  A recent study found that social isolation significantly increased a person’s risk of premature death from all causes.  And that the risk rivaled those of smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity. Social isolation was also associated with about a 50 percent increase risk for dementia.

Now you might be telling yourself, “I’m not isolating.  I go to work or go to the grocery store or church.”  But just going through the motions of

Senior Living Advice

life does not mean you are living your life.  Often, the job itself gives you an excuse to isolate with excuses such as – I have to work tomorrow, get up early, I’m tired, etc.  And all these may be true … but sometimes a little fun with friends is worth being tired the next day.

A few years ago before I truly understood the impact socialization can have on you physically and mentally – and if you had asked me to go out on a rainy, cold Wednesday night after work – I would have told you no way! Today, if someone calls and asks if I want to do something, I don’t even ask what it is … my answer 99 percent of the time is going to be yes.

Now most of the time, I am the one doing the calling and I do get turned down, but unfortunately for my friends, it doesn’t deter me.  I will call them again.

So as we have about a month more of dreary and cold weather, when you ask yourself – should I stay or should I go – remember the right answer can totally change your life!

Beth Dow is a Dementia and Alzheimer’s Educator, CAEd and Geriatric Care Manager. She is also the owner of Home Helpers of GA & AL in Newnan. Readers can contact her by email at  bdow@

Page 2 H The WEEKLY H March 15, 2023 H Saturday, March 25 • 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Behind Newnan City Hall, 25 LaGrange Street ELECTRONICS RECYCLING Call or Email with any questions. 678-673-5505 • Desktops Laptops / Tablets Servers Mainframes Network Hubs Network Switches Cell Phones Desktop Phones and Systems Keyboards / Mice Check Processing Gaming Consoles LCD (flat screen) Monitors CD-ROMS Floppy Drives Circuit Boards Power Supplies Hard Drives UPS and UPS Batteries Ni-MH/Ni-CAD Batteries Lithium Batteries Car Batteries Cable / Wire Gaming Controllers Toner / Inkjet Cartridges Blu-Ray Players Printers Fax Machines Copiers Scanners Typewriters Modems Stereos VCR Radios DVD-Players CD - Players Dock Stations TVs and Computer Screens are $20 each. TOURNAMENT 1356 North Highway 29 , Newnan, GA 30263 $1,000 Hole-in-1 Giveaway to first player to make a hole-in-one on Hole #17 4 Man Fort Lauderdale Format $500 per team (including 2 Mulligans per Player) … 18 holes, cart and lunch Prizes, Pro Shop Credits, Lunch and more NEWNAN Registration 9 a.m. • Shotgun Start 10 a.m. Hole sponsorships available $100 per hole. Additional donations appreciated. For more info, sponsorships and to register contact Chip Barron, Golf Committee Chairman, 770.301.6843 Please send checks and registration forms by April 7, 2023. Make checks payable to: Newnan Kiwanis Club and Mail to: Newnan Kiwanis Club, c/o Chip Barron, 14 Jackson Street, Newnan, GA 30263 ALL MONIES GO TO A GREAT CAUSE … THE KIWANIS CHILDRENS’ FUND. CLOSEST TO THE PIN PRIZE ON ALL FOUR PAR 3 HOLES $25 per hole PRO SHOP CREDITS …1st Place Team Prize $400 ($100 per player) 2nd Place Team Prize $300 ($75 per player) • 3rd Place Team Prize $200 ($50 per player) Worst Team Prize $100 ($25 per player)
Golf Tournament
Newnan Country Club
Newnan Kiwanis Club
Thursday, April 13 at

Kathy Bohannon’s Front Porch

As a rule I do not open my door for salesmen. But the one that came last weekend was worth every single dollar I gave him.

I first saw him on my security camera. There he stood, politely waiting for someone to answer the door. He was clearly well trained in his field because he even stepped back after knocking with hands folded in a very professional manner.

It was so easy to just open the door to this guy that clearly had something to sell. Whatever it was, he had it in huge black bags that he had hauled by wheelbarrow. And it was a really big wheelbarrow.

“This guy” was my seven-year old grandlittle Jack.

I opened the door and greeted the cutest little salesman ever. “Whatcha’ got in that wheelbarrow?” I asked. He gestured by pointing over his shoulder. “Oh, that? It’s pine straw that I raked up and bagged all by myself! And if you don’t mind me saying, it sure looks like you need some.”

I didn’t mind him saying, but it was hard to resist scooping him up and hugging him. I had to remember this was a professional visit and must be treated as such.

“Hmmm. So where exactly do I need pine straw?” I asked. He was more than happy to demonstrate.

“Well,” he said as he pointed under the bushes, “You need it here, and here, and definitely right here.” He then walked over to the side of the house. “Have you even seen this?” he asked. “You’re going to need both bags!”

What he said was true. We could sure use some pine straw under those bushes. “Well, how much is a bag?” I asked.

“It’s ten dollars per bag,” he said with assurance. “But if you get two bags,” he stopped to count on his fingers. “It will be twenty… um… that’s right, twenty dollars a bag.” That smile and those blue eyes just melted me right then and there. I’m sure my husband is glad Jack didn’t say fifty per bag, because I would pay anything at this point.

“Will you spread it for us?” I wasn’t sure how much of his services he offered. “Not for just ten dollars a bag, sorry!” he shrugged his shoulders. “But it’s still a great deal!”

I gave him the money and he placed both bags (which were almost as big as he is) on the porch. I sug gested he put the bill in his pocket, but he said both pockets have holes in them. He clenched the bill in his hand and grabbed the handles of that big wheelbarrow and started to leave.

He paused for a moment and ran back to me. “Did I tell you that now I have enough money to take Claire to the movies?” He flashed that smile and those baby blues, and at that moment I felt like Claire is about to be the luckiest girl in second grade.

It was dark by now, and I watched him push that huge wheelbarrow from our cul-de-sac to his. I waved at my son who was watching him from their driveway.

A few days later as we were leaving the subdivision, we met up with our daughter in law and the kids. Jack rolled his window down. “Grandma Bo! Guess what?” I couldn’t imagine. “She said YES!”

My heart skipped a bit, knowing that while I will remember this for the rest of my life, I’m thinking there’s a little girl named Claire who will also remember the sweetest boy ever.

Contact Kathy at

March Daily Menu

SUNDAY: German Chocolate, Caramel Vanilla Cream

MONDAY: Carrot, Thin Mint, Baker’s Choice

TUESDAY: Key Lime, Blueberry Lemon, Baker’s Choice, GLUTEN FREE

WEDNESDAY: Millionaire Pie, Peanut Peanut Butter, Baker’s Choice

THURSDAY: Strawberry, Chocolate Coconut, Baker’s Choice, VEGAN

FRIDAY: Strawberries N Creme, Irish Car Bomb, Baker’s Choice, GLUTEN FREE

SATURDAY: Strawberry Cheesecake, Mallow Charm H March 15, 2023 H The WEEKLY H Page 3 125 Temple Avenue • Newnan 770-253-2341 We do Title Bonds!
Insurance for Home Auto Renters Business We’ve Got You Covered! u u u u
(formerly Williams Insurance Agency)
48 E Washington St Downtown Newnan 678-857-3484 Massage Acupuncture Breathwork Energy-Bodywork Healing & Biomagnetic Pairing& Pilates, Yoga, Movement Meditation with Atelier JDM If you’re going to one thing your it be True Balance. routine this spring, let add to Good for the mind, body and soul. 113 Newnan Crossing Bypass, Newnan 770-252-1400
Get a 6 PACK for only $20 With Coupon. 1 Coupon per visit. Cannot be combined with other offers. Excludes Gluten-Free and Vegan Cakes. Expires 3/31/23

The Boys and Girls Clubs

16th annual Oscar Gala at the Newnan Centre

The Weekly Staff

John A. Winters, Publisher, Editor

Corby Carlin Winters, Ambassador at Large

Levi Winters, Social & Visual Media

Joey Howard, Digital Editor/Business Development 404.698.0734 •

Ruth Harris Doyal, Pagination 770.254.1421 •

The Weekly is published by Winters Media & Publishing, Inc., P. O. Box 757, Newnan, GA 30264

John A. Winters, President Corby Carlin Winters, Vice President

The Weekly is our new publication, which replaces The Shopper. From 1989, the Shopper successfully served the area. The Weekly will not only continue that tradition but expand its focus on consumer-related articles for our readers and our commitment to help promote local businesses and nonprofits.

Our office is located at 15 Perry Street, Newnan, GA 30263

Mailing address is: P. O. Box 757, Newnan, GA 30264

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday - Friday 9 - 4

The Weekly reserves the right to accept or reject any advertising as we feel is in the best interest of our publication.


Page 4 H The WEEKLY H March 15, 2023 H


now - March 24

■ R E L A Y Art Exhibit in The Vault Gallery at Wadsworth

This exhibition celebrates the powerful relationship between artists and their current or former instructors. Featuring art by Newnan area middle and high school teachers. Closing reception is Friday, March 24 from 5 to 8 p.m. during the Art Walk. Gallery hours: Tuesday-Friday, 2 to 6 p.m. 25 Jefferson St., Newnan

March 13-17, MONDAY-FRIDAY

■ Lucky Ducks Join City of Newnan Leisure Services in a multi-day hunt for rubber ducks throughout the City Parks. Rubber ducks will be hidden and each day a hint will be provided to help you find them. Once a duck is found, it needs to be brought to Leisure Services to be exchanged for a prize pack! Leisure Services, 25 Jefferson Street, Newnan, GA 30263

March 16, THURSDAY

■ Hometown Novel Nights Fresh Voices, New Books

Join the Newnan Carnegie Library and Hometown Novel Writers Association, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., as they discuss "Fresh Voices, New Books", hearing from some fresh local talent and the new material they are offering readers. Register: Eventbrite at:

1 LaGrange St., Newnan, 770.683.1347

March 17, FRIDAY St. Patrick’s Day

■ Senoia Shenanigans & Senoia Alive After Five Senoia’s St. Patrick’s Day themed event with a leprechaun costume contest, food trucks, activities and more! 5 to 10 p.m.

March 18, SATURDAY

■ 2nd Annual Dog Microchipping Event hosted by Newnan Police Department 9 a.m. at the Coweta County Fairgrounds. $20 - All dogs must be on a leash or in a carrier. Appointments or walk-ins are accepted. The Newnan Kennel Club will be having a 3-day event March 17-19 featuring Fast CAT (Course Ability Tests). Call or email Newnan Animal Control for appointments. Phone: 770.254.2355 ext 163 / Email: choffman@newnanga. gov /

■ Make More Music Festival 2023 @ Foundation 6 Perry St See front page story or visit

March 21, TUESDAY

■ AARP Smart Driving Course at Newnan Carnegie

9:30 a.m. Upon completion, you may qualify for an auto insurance discount. Registration/applicable fee to AARP is required, contact Jesse Johnson at or 678.485.0655 to register. 1 LaGrange St., Newnan, 770.683.1347

■ The Other Night School: An Evening with Elena Passarello Blackwell Prize-Winner at UWG - Newnan. 6 p.m. reception, 6:30 p.m. talk. New York Times critically acclaimed author and Whiting Award Winner Elena Pasarello will read from her essay collections Animals Strike Curious Poses and Let Me Clear My Throat. Passarello is winner of this year’s Blackwell Prize in Writing, a $10,000 award supported through the generosity of The Blackwell Trust of Newnan. Free and open to the public. 80 Jackson St., Newnan. Register

Look for more events in our next issue!

Outdoors: The Pursuit of Nothing

Overwhelmed, stressed out, or simply peopled out?  You are not alone my friend.

As I write this, I’m tired, have about 127 things to do and only time to do about three of them. This doesn’t include the three things that I would like to do.  We all have our limits and if you are like me, you stay at your limit at all times.  Time to slow it down and what better place to do it than outdoors.

Let’s go!

Rules are a big part of life and if you are going with me to unwind and relax we need to lay down some rules.  I usually choose to unwind alone but since you are tagging along we will follow these rules to maximize the use of our highly coveted and hard to come by slow down time.

First rule:  NO (at least minimal) TALKING and secondly: this time will be spent outside.

As for Rule #1, this includes not talking to each other unless completely necessary.  Keeping the conversation to a minimum will help us focus on the fact that we are doing nothing and on purpose.

Necessary topics include:

1. Jesus – The Lord can always and should always be mentioned anyplace, anytime.

2. What snack would you like? –Snacks like fruit, trail mix, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and such as that.

3. Do you want another Dr Pepper? –Multiple Dr Peppers and some bottled water are a must (got to stay hydrated).

4. What song do you want to play next? – I like to play country music, I prefer ‘80s and ‘90s but have come to enjoy some

Shane’s “Pursuit of Nothing” location.

of the current artists as well.

5. Do you need more bait? – Always bring plenty of bait such as worms, minnows and crickets.

6. Is that a snake? – Snake identification is always important, relaxing or not.

7. Cloud shapes – Cloud shapes can account for many hours of nothingness.

8. Did you just get a bite? – Always keep a check on your companion’s fishing equipment in case they dose off.

9. Chair positioning – Chair positioning is important to avoid sun in the eyes and/or sunburn.

And 10. Is it too dark? – As for the darkness conversation, if you have to ask, it’s not too dark.

As you can see the only real conversation left to have is about Jesus and snakes, the remainder has now been made clear.  So let’s

move on to the location of our pursuit of nothing.

The elusive day of nothing, for me, must take place outdoors.  I have a particular place in mind.  It has a lake full of fish, lots of trees, and some open fields.   It’s far enough from any road that it is quiet and peaceful.  There are enough trees around the lake that I can stay in the shade all day.

I have obtained as a gift what is called a zero gravity chair (no you can’t borrow it) and it is ripe for napping.  I have taken many naps by this lake only to be awaken by a catfish trying to yank my pole out of my slumbering hands.  I know how to remedy this issue. I simply reel my line in and remove the bait then chunk it back out there.  That will teach those fish to interrupt my nap.

This time of year an important thing to remember is the pollen count. In March the pollen count is usually bearable, somewhere in the millions (partially kidding).  However, in April, that count goes into the trillions (partially kidding) which may require the use of a gas mask or at least a covid mask.  This doesn’t stop my pursuit however.  I can push through it with some sneezing and nose blowing.  There is also a product called Alkalol that is effective in clearing out the nasal passages this time of year.  Talk to your pharmacist about that one.

Nothing is an elusive rascal.  Everything this world throws at us is against the idea of nothing.   Work hard, be good at what you do, provide for your family, and help some others along the way, but don’t forget to slow down.

Nothing is there for the taking, we just keep passing it.  Slow down and catch it.


NBA – Atlanta Hawks (34-34)

March 4 – at Miami Heat ... L, 109-117

March 6 – at Miami Heat ... L, 128-130

March 8 – at Washington Wizards ... W, 122-120

March 10 – at Washington Wizards ... W, 114-107

March 11 – Boston Celtics ... L, 125-134

Mon., March 13 – Minnesota Twolves, 7:30 pm – BSSE

Fri., March 17 – Golden St. Warriors, 7:30 pm – BSSE

Sun., March 19 – at San Antonio Spurs, 4 pm – BSSE

March 21 – Detroit Pistons, 7:30 pm – BSSE

March 22 – at Minnesota Timberwolves, 8 pm – BSSE

March 25 – Indiana Pacers, 5 pm – BSSE

MLS – Atlanta United (2-0-1)

Feb. 25 – San Jose Earthquakes ... W, 2-1

March 4 – Toronto FC ... T, 1-1

March 11 – at Charlotte FC ... W, 3-0

March 18 – Portland Timbers, 7:30 pm – Apple TV

March 25 – at Columbus Crew, 7:30 pm – Apple TV

April 1 – New York Red Bulls, 7:30 pm – Apple TV

MLB – Atlanta Braves (6-7-2 Spring Training)

March 8* – Team Dominican Republic ... L, 0-9

March 9* – #at Toronto Blue Jays (Dunedin) ..L, 1-3

March 9 – #Team Puerto Rico ... W, 9-0

March 10* – at Tampa Bay Rays ... W, 3-2

March 11* – Detroit Tigers ... L, 7-16

March 12* – at Pittsburgh Pirates (Bradenton) ... W, 11-3

Mon., March 13* – Baltimore Orioles, 1:05 pm

Tues., March 14* – at Philadelphia Phils (Clearwater), 1:05 pm

Wed., March 15* – Houston Astros, 1:05 pm

Thurs., March 16* –at Tampa Bay Rays, 1:05 pm – BSSE

Fri., March 17* – at Boston Red Sox (Fort Myers), 1:05 pm

Sat., March 18* – Philadelphia Phillies, 1:05 pm

Sun., March 19* – at Minnesota Twins (Fort Myers), 1:05 pm

March 20* – Tampa Bay Rays, 1:05 pm

* denotes Spring Training Game # denotes Split Squad


SEC – Georgia Bulldogs (16-16, 6-12)

Feb. 25 – Missouri ... L, 68-85

Feb. 28 – Florida ... L, 67-77

March 4 – at South Carollina ... L, 55-61

March 8 – #LSU ... L, 67-72

# SEC Tournament

ACC – Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets (15-18, 6-15)

Feb. 28 – at Syracuse ... W, 96-76

March 4 – at Boston College ... W, 73-65

March 7 – ##Florida State ... W, 61-60

March 8 – ##Pittsburgh ... L, 81-89 ## ACC Tournament


Aug. 15 – March 15 ... Falconry (Squirrel)

Oct. 1 – March 15 ... Falconry (Rabbit, Quail, Grouse)

Hunting & Fishing License Info: Call 1-800-366-2661 Visit


Jackson Lake – March 12 ... 528.67 ft. (Full 528 ft.)

Lake Allatoona – March 12 ... 833.78 ft (Full 840 ft.)

Lake Harding – March 12 ... 520.27 ft. (Full 520 ft.)

Lake Lanier – March 12 ... 1,070.84 ft (Full 1,071 ft.)

Lake Martin, Ala. – March 12 ... 486.32 ft. (Full 491 ft.)

Lake Wedowee, Ala. – March 12 ... 784.57 ft. (Full 793.0 ft.)

West Point Lake – March 12 ... 632.28 ft. (Full 635 ft.)


Wednesday, March 15 – Rise 7:48 am; Set 7:47 pm

Thursday, March 16 – Rise 7:46 am; Set 7:47 pm

Friday, March 17 – Rise 7:45 am; Set 7:48 pm

Saturday, March 18 – Rise 7:44 am; Set 7:49 pm

Sunday, March 19 – Rise 7:42 am; Set 7:50 pm

Monday, March 20 – Rise 7:41 am; Set 7:50 pm

Tuesday, March 21 – Rise 7:40 am; Set 7:51 pm H March 15, 2023 H The WEEKLY H Page 5

Spring Art Walk Friday, March 24

A celebration of local art hosted by Main Street Newnan, around the courthouse square in downtown Newnan, 5 to 9 p.m.

Businesses extend their hours to host store-front exhibits and demonstrations curated by a variety of Newnan’s finest artists.

Visitors can expect to stroll through over 25 locations and see the work of multiple artists with a wide variety of art styles and mediums, including: oil on canvas, engraving, pottery, photography, jewelry-making, fiber arts, performing arts and acrylics.

Good Vibes Ride … Changing Lives

A Family Patterns Matter Fundraiser … Fun for the Whole Family Family Patterns Matter is partnering with Faith Riders for a great event … They will host a motorcycle ride at Madras Park Saturday, March 25. There will be a food, great raffle items, music, vendors and family fun. Begins at 9:30 a.m. Kickstands up at 11 a.m. Pre-register online and get a t-shirt. $20 bike and $5 passenger.

Family Patterns Matter works with marginalized youth to bring art and music therapies, journaling, life and socail skills to help plan their future after high school graduation. Through their programs they provide resources that bring change and success. They believe all children deserve the opportunity to reach their full potential. Youth, through these programs, are defined by their potential not their circumstances. Family Patterns Matters mission is “equipping the next generation for a better tomorrow.” 2355 US Hwy 29, Newnan. Visit for more information.

Meet Marcy Anthony of Home Helpers, an ‘Exceptional Caregiver’

Home Helpers Home Care introduces its second ‘Exceptional Caregiver’ of 2023 this month – Marcy Anthony.

“I have been doing home healthcare for about seven years now and it has been the most challenging, yet rewarding job I have ever had,” says Marcy.

“Helping families maneuver through their new way of life has become a joy for me, knowing that I have helped them breathe a little easier at the end of the day.”



• Light Housekeeping

• Errand Services

• Bathing & Hygiene

• Local Transportation

• Meal Preparation

• Social Engagement

• Organize Household

• Pick up Prescriptions

• Laundry

with Angela

Eating like a King on dollar dishes

Thanks to the talented lifestyle influencers of Instagram, I found myself decorating for St. Patrick’s Day. At first, I didn’t believe I had anything green to decorate with, but I read somewhere to “shop your home” first, so I did. I found a green teapot, a green cake stand, and books with green spines. I discovered green McCoy and Shawnee planters. And that reminded me it was time to pull out my green grill plates. One day, I was antiquing in Madison, Georgia, when I visited an antique mall where a table held $1 items. That’s a rarity inside an antique mall, so I hurried over. Three green Depression glass grill plates were on the table, and I grabbed them. One had paint on it, but I was betting I could get it off. I did. So what’s a grill plate? Unlike those rectangular divided plates you ate off in school or at the Piccadilly, round grill plates are divided in half, with the bottom half offering the meat entrée, and the top half again divided in half, each of these smaller sections keeping the vegetables from cozying up to the entrée. While food separation is not a huge concern to me, I hear it’s important to people like Meg Ryan’s character in When Harry Met Sally, who didn’t like to have her foods comingled.

Still, I like to use grill plates when serving meat and veggies for supper, like this Chicken a la King dish. While I’ve made several different versions of Chicken a la King, I like this one from the Old Southern Tea Room cookbook from Mississippi. I had assumed the name meant I would be eating “like a king,” but alas, food historians say the dish was either created by or made for a man whose last name was King (or possibly Keene). So much for the royal pedigree, but a creamy chicken-and-mushroom dish to serve over rice is a nice bit of comfort food all the same.

The entree looks pretty on grill plates, where the vegetables mind their manners and stay in their lanes. Quite a pleasing setup, if you ask me.

Recipe Chicken a la King

o 1 (5-pound) chicken

o 1 cup chopped celery

“From giving love ones a break to helping my patient feel comfortable, it’s all a rewarding feeling.” Marcy is a single mother of four and is going to school to become a Registered Nurse.

• Call Reminders

• 24-Hour Monitoring

• Companion Calls

• And more.

For the 10th consecutive year, Home Helpers of Georgia and Alabama, based here in Newnan, has earned the recognition as a 2023 Best of Home Care – Provider of Choice Award winner. The Best of Home Care – Provider of Choice Award is based on client satisfaction ratings collected from telephone interviews performed by HCP. The home care providers who earn this award consistently exceed the industry standards for quality in-home care.

284 Bullsboro Drive, Newnan GA 30263


All offices are independently owned and operated.

Are you an Exceptional Caregiver? Join our team today! Now hiring Caregivers, CNAs and PCAs. Competitive wages. To apply, visit: or call/text: 678-597-9510.

o 1/2 cup chopped bell pepper

o 1/2 cup chopped parsley

o 5 tablespoons cornstarch

o 2 cups milk

o 1 small (2-ounce) jar pimientos

o 2 small (7-ounce) cans mushrooms

o 6 hard-boiled eggs, sliced

o 1/2 stick butter

o Salt and pepper to taste

In a large pot, cover chicken with water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and let simmer for about 1 hour, until tender. Debone and cut into large pieces. Strain and use remaining broth (I had about 6 cups) to cook celery, bell pepper and parsley, cooking until tender. Add a few tablespoons of water to the cornstarch to make a paste, then add to the broth and vegetables and whisk until completely blended. Add milk and whisk, then fold in chicken, pimientos, mushrooms, eggs and butter. Season as desired. Yields 10-12 servings.

Page 6 H The WEEKLY H March 15, 2023 H Weekly Kitchen The
Angela McRae is a freelance writer and editor from Newnan, and you can find out more about her work at Email questions and comments to her at
Go to Religious Services
Go for Walks
• Puzzles & Games
• Water Plants
• Care for Pets
• Meal Delivery Service

Screening for Colorectal Cancer is Critical, Especially for People at High Risk

March is national colorectal cancer awareness month, and doctors at Piedmont Newnan Hospital hope to educate people in the community about the importance of regular colorectal cancer screenings, especially for individuals at high risk.

“Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the U.S.,” Ibrahim Adamu, M.D., general and colorectal surgeon at Piedmont Newnan, said. “A colonoscopy is the best screening test available for colorectal cancer, and many of these cancers can be prevented through regular screenings.”

Most people should get their first colon cancer screening, a colonoscopy, at age 45. The American Cancer Society updated its screening guidelines in May 2018, lowering the recommended screening age from 50 to 45.

“African American men and women are considered high risk for this type of cancer, with a 20 percent higher rate of developing colon cancer, and a 45 percent higher mortality rate,” Dr. Adamu said.

In 2016, there were an estimated 17,000 new colon and rectal cancer diagnoses in African American men and women. Yet, the disease is preventable with proper screenings. Colonoscopy screenings are the number one way to detect disease or find polyps before they become cancerous.

“Some people may not experience any symptoms at all, but symptoms to look for are a change in bowel habits, unintentional weight loss and loss of appetite,” said Adamu. A colonoscopy is a procedure that allows for examination of the inside of the colon, helping doctors to identify precancerous polyps, which are abnormal growths in the colon or rectum. Any polyps or abnormal tissues found during a colonoscopy can be removed and sent to a laboratory for testing.

“Early stages of colorectal cancer usually present no symptoms,” Dr. Adamu said. “This is why screening is crucial because when found early, colorectal cancer is highly treatable.”

Both men and women should have a colonoscopy starting at age 45, however, people at an increased risk may start earlier. It is recommended to get tested every 10 years after that, unless there is a higher risk of colon cancer or someone has previously had cancer.

“Anyone with an immediate family member with a history of colon cancer, such as a parent or sibling, should be tested 10 years earlier than the recommended age of 45,” said Adamu. “Anyone with a genetic disposition or genetic disease should also be tested earlier.”

Risk factors for colorectal cancer include personal or family history of colorectal polyps or cancer, history of inflammatory bowel disease, racial and ethnic background, obesity, and smoking.

For more information on colon cancer and preventative screenings, visit

Recent Promise 360 Winners Honored

Each month, Piedmont Newnan recognizes employees who fulfill Piedmont’s purpose to make a positive difference in every life we touch through outstanding demonstration of our values of championing patient-centered care, exemplifying teamwork and connections, being an owner and embracing the future.

Recent DAISY Honorees Recognized

First Friday Hero Program Re-Launches

Honoring local first responders who go above and beyond the call of duty

In March, Piedmont Newnan Hospital will re-launch its First Friday Hero program, and honor local first responders who have gone above and beyond the call of duty.

Piedmont Newnan created the First Friday Hero program in April 2019, but took a pause at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, when the hospital and community were stretched on resources.

“We are excited to restart this program and recognize those in our community that make a positive difference in every life they touch,” said Vicki Kaiser, COO at Piedmont Newnan. “It is heartwarming to read all the nominations we receive and learn about how our first responders go above and beyond to help those in our local communities get the help they need.”

The First Friday Hero program is designed to recognize first responders on a monthly basis who have gone above and beyond the call of duty. Their line of work is often a thankless job and Piedmont Newnan wants to make the community aware of our local heroes and all they do to make Coweta County and our surrounding communities a better and safer place. H March 15, 2023 H The WEEKLY H Page 7 745 Poplar Road, Newnan, GA 30265 • 770.400.1000 •
Melinda Kimmons, RN, ICU, Promise 360 Champion Lynne Anderson and Christian Crumbley, Rehabilitation, Promise 360 Spotlight Winners Tracy Rogers, Patient Care Tech, (left) and Sydney Hagley, Patient Transporter, (right) Promise 360 Spotlight Christopher Penticuff, CT Tech, Promise 360 Champion The DAISY Award for extraordinary nurses recognizes the super-human work nurses do everyday. McKenzie Brunel, RN, IMCU Charity Daly, RN, IMCU Tiffany Kennedy, RN, Med/Surg

Q. I would like to start growing herbs.

Where should I begin?

A. Herbs work well in any landscape and are a wonderful addition, especially for those who enjoy harvesting their own plants for cooking scrumptious dishes. I love growing basil and rosemary to use in the kitchen. In fact, both of my sons enjoy picking basil leaves to make caprese salads and snipping rosemary stems to add flavor to our steaks.

If you’re going to grow herbs, choose a location that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. A soil pH range of 6 to 7.5 is fine for most herbs, although some, such as rosemary or lavender, prefer the pH slightly higher, in the 7.5 range.

Herbs do well in average soil but prefer well-drained, loamy or sandy conditions. It’s important to test your soil prior to planting to determine the actual pH, and then add the appropriate amount of dolomitic lime to

adjust it. Most herbs are not heavy feeders, and a moderate amount of fertilizer will provide all the nutrition they need. Some herbs, such as basil, chives and parsley, may require additional fertilizer since they are often heavily harvested.

It is a great idea to plant in raised beds or containers, especially if drainage is a concern. Raised beds can be constructed of rocks, landscape timbers, or other materials. Make sure that containers have plenty of holes for drainage.

Pine straw or bark mulch around your herb plants will help maintain even moisture around the root system. It also helps to discourage weeds and provides a layer of protection from extreme temperatures.

Most herbs are fairly drought tolerant and require water only during drier periods. Herbs grown in containers and raised planters may require more irrigation than those grown directly in the ground.

Herbs can be grown from seeds, cuttings or plant divisions. If you are new to gardening, you may want to skip the propagation step altogether and just buy container plants. Later, you may wish to start new plants from seeds or cuttings.

While there are many herbs that can be planted, this is a good list of culinary herbs for beginning gardeners. As you gain confidence as an herb gardener, other varieties can be added.

 Basil – This annual prefers full sun and moderate moisture. Clip the flowers to encourage bushiness and prolong the life of the plant. The leaves can be used in tomato sauce and pesto.

 Mint - This perennial prefers sun or partial shade and semimoist soil. Plant in a container to keep it from spreading. Mint can be used in desserts, teas and as a garnish.

 Oregano – This perennial prefers sun and moderate moisture. The leaves can be used in preparing meats and vegetables.

 Sage – This perennial prefers sun and moderate moisture. Trim the plant to promote bushiness. The leaves can be used in preparing meat and in cheese and potpourri.

 Chives – They are perennials that prefer sun or partial shade and moderate moisture. They can be used in preparing eggs, meats and vegetables.

 Rosemary – This perennial can be enjoyed year-round from the garden. It is drought-resistant after established and should be planted in full sun. It can grow 3-5 feet tall.

You will find some of these herbs at the Master Gardener Spring Plant Sale coming up on April 15th at the Coweta County Fairgrounds.

For more information about growing herbs, contact the Coweta County Extension office at 770-254-2620 or and ask for the publication, “Herbs in Southern Gardens”.

The University of Georgia College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences is an equal opportunity, affirmative action organization.

Photo Credit: UGA Center for Urban Agriculture.

Page 8 H The WEEKLY H March 15, 2023 H
Now Open 1502 US Hwy 29, Newnan, GA 30263 Hwy 29 N. & Hal Jones Rd. Roundabout just north of the Country Club Open 7 Days A Week Monday-Saturday 8:30-7; Sunday 8:30-6 Like Us On Facebook Veggie Patch Produce Market Thank you for supporting your small family owned local business! FRESH PRODUCE Veggies, Fruits, Plants Pickles, Jams & Jellies
Ask your County Agent
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Real Es tate Weekly The Five Common Contingencies in Real Estate

As a Realtor, we deal with contingencies in contracts every day. As a consumer, you may or may not be aware of these contingencies. Contingencies are provisions that must be met for the property transaction to be completed or the buyer is entitled to terminate the contract and receive their earnest money back. They are critical in our contracts and in protecting our clients.

The most well-known contingency is the home inspection contingency. This gives the buyer the right to have the property that they are purchasing professionally inspected and request repairs and/or a credit from the seller by a certain date. The home inspection is typically completed during the due diligence period of a purchase and sale agreement.

Another popular contingency is the appraisal contingency. This allows the buyer time to have the property appraised by a neutral third party, typically the buyer’s mortgage lender’s appraiser. If the appraisal comes back lower than the sales price or with required repairs, the buyer may negotiate with the seller to handle such requests during the appraisal contingency.

The financial contingency protects the buyer should they not be approved to obtain a mortgage. An example of this would be the buyer losing their job during the financial contingency. The buyer would be protected and would receive their earnest money back in this situation.

Perhaps the most important but least talked about contingency is the title contingency. You cannot sell a property without clear or good title. There is a pre-written language in our Georgia Association of Realtors (GAR) forms that allows the buyer to examine title and terminate the contract, without penalty, should there be any issues. Most sellers will try to resolve any issues with title to push the transaction through. However, this is not always possible. An example of this would be a property owner, recently divorced, that has unpaid spouse support or alimony to their former spouse. I have seen this hold up contracts before when it cannot be resolved.

A home purchase is the largest financial investment most people make. When purchasing real estate, it is essential that you have a well thought out plan, with contingencies in a contract, to protect you. Many issues can be discovered throughout the course of a transaction, and you need to protect yourself. I highly recommend working with an experienced Realtor to do so.

Jess Barron is an Associate Broker with Lindseys, Inc. Realtors and former President of the Newnan-Coweta Board of Realtors. ■


Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Corporation of America is hiring welders for our facility in Newnan, Georgia, due to our continued growth. We are looking for hardworking dedicated people! Benefits include insurance, 401k, profit sharing, tuition reimbursement, and more.

“Working at Yamaha has given me an awesome career trajectory. My job has given me financial stability, which has enabled me to have two kids in college right now.”

Magic 98.1 is a sponsor of the Fred’s 2023 Summer Concert Series

H April 22 … Pat Benatar & Neil Giraldo / Chris Trapper

H May 5 … Cheap Trick H May 19 … Departure (Journey Tribute)

H June 2 … Grand Funk Railroad / Wet Willie

H June 9 … Rick Springfield / Sasha Hurtado

H June 10 … Toad the Wet Sprocket / Marcy Playground

H June 17 … Morris Day / Midnight Star

H June 24 … ASO / Def Leppard H July 1 … Belinda Carlisle

H July 22 … CarPool (Cars Tribute) / Hyndesight (Pretenders Tribute)

H August 5 … Black Jacket Symphony / Saturday Night Fever

H August 19 … Interstellar Echoes: A Tribute to Pink Floyd

Listen and win tickets on … Magic 98.1 & H March 15, 2023 H The WEEKLY H Page 9 Your Local Radio music • talk • sports Radio | Digital | Social | Podcasts | Influencers| Data | Events For your radio / digital advertising … contact William Barber 770.231.6807 Your Summer
Source for Info, Tickets & more
with Jess Barron
Always wear your seat belt, helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Apply online at Click on Direct Hire to Apply! Full-time benefits include: • Health Insurance, Dental and Vision • 401K • Profit Sharing • Tuition Reimbursement • Local Discounts

Recognizing mental health issues, where to find help

Mental health is equally as important as physical health, so it’s critical to recognize if we’re having mental health challenges and know where to seek help, if needed.

A growing number of adults and youth across the United States are facing mental health problems. Nearly 21 percent of U.S. adults experienced a mental illness from 2019 to 2020, which equals more than 50 million people, according to a 2023 report from Mental Health America. The survey also found:

• Most individuals with a substance use disorder in the U.S. aren’t receiving treatment. In the past year, 15.35 percent of adults had a substance abuse disorder, and 93.5 percent of these individuals didn’t receive any treatment.

• Millions of adults in the U.S. are reporting serious thoughts of suicide (4.84 percent), which totals more than 12.1 million people. The highest rate is among multiracial individuals. For adults who identified with two or more races, 11 percent reported serious thoughts of suicide.

• Over one in 10 youth in the U.S. are experiencing depression that is severely impairing their ability to function at school, work or home, with family or in their social life. In the past year, 16.39 percent of youth (ages 12 to 17) reported suffering from at least one major depressive episode. More than 2.7 million youth (11.5 percent) are experiencing severe major depression.

• More than 1.5 million youth (6.34 percent) reported a substance use disorder in the past year and met the criteria for an illicit drug or alcohol use disorder.

• Over half of adults with a mental illness (54.7 percent) don’t receive treatment, equaling more than 28 million individuals nationwide. The Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities offers some tips to help people of all ages navigate mental health issues.

“We recommend people reach out for help when these problems begin to be a cause for concern or when they begin to impact the person’s ability to relate to others, perform typical duties, or otherwise begin to interfere with their quality of life,” said Dawn Peel, director of crisis intervention for the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities. “It’s very important to reach out early for intervention instead of waiting until the condition rises to the level of a crisis.”

What is Mental Illness?

Mental illnesses are conditions that affect thinking, emotions and behaviors, according to Mental Health America. There are more than 200 classified forms of mental illness, and some common disorders include depression, bipolar disorder, dementia, schizophrenia and anxiety disorders. Symptoms may include changes in mood, personality, personal habits and/or social withdrawal.

These illnesses may be caused by a reaction to environmental stresses, genetic factors, biochemical imbalances or a combination of these. The brain has changed in a way that makes the person unable to think, feel or act as desired, but with proper care and treatment many individuals learn to cope or recover from a mental illness or emotional disorder.

Signs and Symptoms

Here are some common signs and symptoms for

mental illness in adults and adolescents from the National Alliance on Mental Illness:

• Excessive worrying or fear

• Feeling excessively sad or low

• Confused thinking or problems concentrating

• Extreme mood changes, including uncontrollable “highs” or feelings of euphoria

• Prolonged or strong feelings of irritability or anger

• Avoiding friends and social activities

• Difficulties understanding or relating to others

• Changes in sleeping habits or feeling tired and low energy

• Changes in eating habits such as increased hunger or lack of appetite

• Changes in sex drive

• Difficulty perceiving reality (delusions or hallucinations, in which a person experiences and senses things that don’t exist)

• Inability to perceive changes in one’s own feelings, behavior or personality (”lack of insight”)

• Overuse of substances like alcohol or drugs

• Multiple physical ailments without obvious causes (such as headaches, stomach aches, vague and ongoing “aches and pains”)

• Thinking about suicide

• Inability to carry out daily activities or handle daily problems and stress

• Intense fear of weight gain or appearance

In children, symptoms of mental health conditions are behavioral, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. These symptoms may include:

• Changes in school performance

• Excessive worry or anxiety, such as fighting to avoid bed or school

• Hyperactive behavior

• Frequent nightmares

• Frequent disobedience or aggression

• Frequent temper tantrums

Where to Seek Help

Receiving proper care and treatment are essential

to overcoming mental illness, but some people may not have health insurance or can’t afford mental health services with a therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist. The Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities recommends these resources:

• Georgia Assn. of Community Service Boards:

“In Georgia, there is a network of Community Service Board providers who can assess and treat individuals with mental health conditions,” Peel said. “They serve individuals who are uninsured as well as those who are underinsured and provide a wide array of services to include assessment, medication management, counseling and other supportive services.”

For more info, visit and use the Resources tab to find providers in your area.

• Georgia Crisis and Access Line: The Georgia Crisis and Access Line (GCAL) provides 24/7/365 crisis assessment services, but it can also link people to treatment providers in their area regardless of insurance or insurance type. GCAL can be reached by calling 800-715-4225 or by text/chat using the MyGCAL app which can be downloaded for Apple and Android devices.

• Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities: Visit the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities website and click on the tab to Find Services & Contacts: https://

• Federally Qualified Health Centers: Many Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) in Georgia provide primary care and behavioral health services. For more information, visit https://

ZEN … Notes from here, there and the Internet …

The Coweta County School System extends its deepest sympathies to the family, friends and long-time colleagues of Mrs. Sue Brown, who passed away on Saturday, February 18. A life-long educator and music teacher, Mrs. Brown also served 16 years on the Coweta County Board of Education representing District 2, and was the first woman to serve as school board chair. [ [ [

THIS IS SO SAD ... RIP Mr. Henry! Great employee and ambassador for Arnall Grocery Company for so many, many years. He will surely be missed. From Arnall Grocery: “Sorry to report that Mr. Henry Vaughn has passed away. He loved to take care of his customers. The loyalty and dedication he showed is unsurpassed. He is missed by many.” [ [ [

Yamaha’s commitment to Community isn’t just through straight donations. We also encourage our team to volunteer, and we back that up with a promise. As our team turns in the hours they have volunteered with a nonprofit, we donate $15 for every hour back to the organization they supported. [ [ [

BBQCountry announces TINA CANNON as the 4th of 12 Professional Pitmasters for Season 1 of Barbecue Country. Tina Cannon has over 35 years in the culinary industry. She is a classically trained chef that has worked in many capacities in professional kitchens. Tina volunteers at the local culinary school teaching and inspiring students in various culinary classes. In 2022 Tina cooked over 50 K meals alone, single handedly for Meals on Wheels of Coweta. [ [ [

Page 10 H The WEEKLY H March 15, 2023 H
This policy has exclusions, limitations, and terms under which the policy may be continued in force or discontinued. For costs and complete details of coverage, please contact your agent or the health plan. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthcare Plan of Georgia, Inc. Independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ANTHEM is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. SHOP • CLICK and APPLY ONLINE at HEALTH INSURANCE AFFORDABLE PPO MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PLANS AND MEDICARE SUPPLEMENTS • GEORGIA CHAMBER SMART GROUP • Health Plans for 2-50 employees • Individual PPO Medical Plans • Medical • Dental • Prescriptions GEORGIA HEALTH COVERAGE John B. Williams, Jr. Authorized Independent Agent 770.253.9283 CMS ID #YO114_20_120785_I_C_0001 Form #508169GASENMUB_0001 Give our team a call today or visit our website for a FREE QUOTE 770-683-6793 184-A Jefferson Pkwy • Newnan GA 30263 Enjoy the freedom, summer is coming soon! Call now for low rates on boats, RVs, motorcycles and recreational vehicles! Morris & Spradlin Insurance Group E-editions • News • Photos • Entertainment • Advertising Info & more H March 15, 2023 H The WEEKLY H Page 11 Plus tax. Additional oil, diesel or synthetics extra. Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. See dealer for details. Expires 4/4/23. Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. Expires 4/4/23. Plus tax. Additional oil, diesel or synthetics extra. Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. See dealer for details. Expires 4/4/23. $1995 1 OIL & FILTER CHANGE Includes up to 5 Quarts of Oil, New Filter and Multi-Point Inspection 4-Wheel Alignment $129.95 Reg. $9995 Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. Expires 4/4/23. BATTERY INSPECTION Cannot be combined with any other offers. One discount per service with coupon. Other restrictions may apply. Expires 4/4/23. $3995 $7995

Doug Hand has joined Lindsey’s, Inc. Realtors

Doug Hand was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia and is a second generation realtor. He graduated from Presbyterian College with a BS in Business. With over 13 years of experience as a licensed Realtor, Doug’s experience spans all aspects of residential, land and commercial real estate. Doug is a big sports fan and enjoys playing golf, going to concerts and spending time with family. Please reach out to Doug with any real estate needs or questions. He would be glad to help!

MLS #20005781

24+/- ACRES ON POPLAR ROAD AT YEAGER ROAD INTERSECTION. Already zoned C-6 with water and sewer. Ideal for multiuse development. $7,000,000 for all or will consider subdividing front 5 acres for $500,000 per acre and back 19+/- acres for $250,000 per acre. Frank / Chip.

HURRY ON THIS 14.41+/- WOODED ACRE TRACT ON US HWY 29 approximately 5 miles north of Newnan! 819.25’ Road frontage. Small pond. Ideal for development, church, school, estate size lot or possible subdivision. $599,900. Frank / Chip.

JESS BARRON, GRI Associate Broker 678-857-9350

MLS #10110852

2 VACANT BUILDING LOTS IN WEST COWETA COUNTY with county water and electricity available. Country setting on East Coggin but easy access to Newnan, Franklin, and Carrollton. $60,000 per lot. Frank and Jess.


NEW LISTING ON WHITE OAK GOLF COURSE. Delightful brick home with great floorplan. Has family room with brick fireplace, 5 bedrooms, 3 ½ baths, formal dining room, gourmet kitchen with upgraded appliances, cooking island, and receiving room, front and side porches plus fenced backyard for outdoor living. Beautifully landscaped with fruit trees, firepit, brick patio and walkways and so much more. See to appreciate at $650,000. Frank/Jess.



MLS #10021670

12 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS IN GRANTVILLE. BULK SALE ONLY. Easy access to I-85, Atlanta, Newnan, LaGrange and Columbus. Seller will only sell as a bundle, not individual lots. $420,000. Frank/Jess.


3 VACANT LOTS IN ASHLEY WOODS. Subject to Covenants & Restrictions of record. Nicely wooded lots. No HOA. Possible bsmt lots. Lots 15, 16 & 17 are available for $29,900 each. Frank.

MLS #10101800

109 RESIDENTIAL LOTS IN MANCHESTER, GA! Manchester city water, sewer & electricity available. Schools nearby! Walk to downtown Manchester. $30,000 per lot. BULK SALE ONLY. Frank/Jess


2 WOODED VACANT LOTS in West Coweta on East Coggins Road. Easy access to Newnan, Franklin or Carrollton. $60,000 per lot. Frank/Jess.

RESIDENTIAL LOT ON BERRY AVENUE IN TOWN. All utilities available. $29,900 Frank.

MLS #10073522

6.47 ACRES ZONED GENERAL COMMERCIAL! Convenient to Hwy 34 Bypass & downtown Newnan. Great opportunity for many potential uses. New Price $499,000. Frank and Chip


12 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS in Grantville. Easy access to I-85, Atlanta, Newnan, LaGrange and Columbus. Sold ‘as is’. $420,000 Bulk Sale Only. Frank/Jess.

AMLAJACK 255.5+/- ACRES WITH HALF MILE FRONTAGE ON I-85 between 2 industrial parks. $17,890,600. Frank.

Residential Lot within walking distance to Atkinson Elementary and Newnan High School. Build your dream home! $85,000. Jess. SOLD! SOLD!

VACANT LOTS IN ASHLEY WOODS SUBDIVISION. Subject to Covenants and Restrictions of record. Nicely wooded lots. Possible basement lot. Lots 15, 16 & 17 are listed and priced individually at $29,900 each. Frank.

SITE OF PROPOSED NEW INTERCHANGE ON I-85 NORTH OF NEWNAN 255 Acres on I- 85 North of Newnan. Between 2 Industrial parks, 27-acre Lake. All utilities available $70,000 per acre Frank owner/agent.


NEW POPLAR ROAD COMMERCIAL LISTING. 24+/- ACRES zoned C-6 (multiple uses) commercial. Water and sewer already in place. $7,000,000. Will subdivide. Frank/Chip. COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE

FOR LEASE – 3,200 s/f upstairs office space - $750 per month (Owner/Agent) Frank.

Page 12 H The WEEKLY H March 15, 2023 H
#10119008 MLS #10054454 GREAT INVESTMENT AND in Newnan. Income producing property with three tenants.$129,900. Jess/Tom. MLS #10120310
Price and terms subject to prior sale and change without notice. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. UNDER CONTRACT UNDER CONTRACT
14 Jackson Street, Newnan, GA 30263 • 770-253-6990 FRANK BARRON Associate Broker 770-231-9535 “Serving All of Newnan and Coweta County Since 1948” 1948-2023 MLS #10136808 BEAUTIFUL 7.42+/- ACRES IN NEWNAN with open fields, pecan trees, hardwoods and pines, big 50x31 barn with horse stalls. Large rustic farmhouse sold ‘as is’. House recently rented for $950/month. Several great home sites on this property. Build your dream home and have your own private farm with easy access to Newnan and Franklin. $217,000 Jess/Tom. LEASED 20 Bullsboro Dr., Newnan 770-252-6821 3154 Hwy. 34 East, Newnan 770-502-0122 Sun.-Thurs. 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m.-10:30 p.m. Margarita Specials Tuesday Margarita regular lime 12 oz. $550 Thursday Pitcher of margaritas regular lime 64 oz. $2099 Lunch Specials Monday - Friday starting at $7.25 Saturdays 6:30-9:30 p.m. Bullsboro Drive Location $5 Off $30 or More Purchase Not valid Friday & Saturday. Must present coupon. Not valid with any other offers. Tax not included. Dine in only. Expires 4.18.23. $5 Off $30 or More Purchase Not valid Friday & Saturday. Must present coupon. Not valid with any other offers. Tax not included. Dine in only. Expires 4.18.23. H March 15, 2023 H The WEEKLY H Page 13 AND MATTRESS 4279 N. Hwy. 27 Carrollton 770-830-0880 640 N. Glynn St. Fayetteville 678-545-6755 OPEN Monday-Saturday 10 am - 6 pm Your #1 Made in the USA Furniture Dealer!




Saturday, April 1, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Senoia Area Historical Society's History Museum, 6 Couch St., Senoia


“WE BUY HOUSES” Any condition. Cash. Quick closing. Mike 678.409.8600


For more information call: Angie Hogsed 678-472-8384

Lindsey’s, Inc. Realtors

14 Jackson Street, Newnan, Ga. 30263 770-253-6990


WE BUY: scrap metal, junk cars, old appliances, stoves, refrigerators, washers, dryers, dish washers & batteries. Gentry Recycling 770.253.5770

WE BUY CARS – LKQ PICK YOUR PART buys cars . 7 days a week. For info, call 1.800.962.2277 or visit:

WE PAY TOP DOLLAR for aluminum, copper, brass. Gentry Recycling 770.253.5770


T PLATINUM AUTO SALES LLC Very Nice Vehicles for Sale … $10,000, $5,000 and under. * Financing Available * Mike 678.409.8600


3 CHOICE LOTS IN ASHLEY WOODS, County water available. Just $29,900 each. Frank, Lindsey’s, Inc. Realtors – 770.253.6990


24+/- ACRES ON POPLAR ROAD AT YEAGER ROAD INTERSECTION. Already zoned C-6 with water and sewer. Ideal for multiuse development. $7,000,000 for all or will consider subdividing front 5 acres for $500,000 per acre and back 19+/- acres for $250,000 per acre Frank/ Chip, Lindseys, Inc. Realtors, 770.253.6990


SEPTIC – Residential, commercial or install or cleaning. Call Mitchell Septic Service at 678-673-4910. No. 1 in the No. 2 Business. $425 for 1,000 gallons; $525 for 1,500 gallons. 24-Hour Emergency Service available. 3/22

SHINGLE ROOFS – Metal Roofs, Decks, Siding, Patio Roofs, Barns, Windows and More. Angie’s List 2020 Super Service Award. Call today for a free estimate. Discounts for Military, First Responders, Healthcare, Seniors and Cash. Southern Signature Solutions, 678-850-0431.

10% OFF ANY TREE SERVICE for senior citizens and veterans from Arbor Tech Tree Service when you mention this ad. Experts in tree removal, trimming/pruning, and stump grinding. Emergency service. Free Estimates. Certified ISA Arborist on staff. Call 678.633.2986

HOME IMPROVEMENT We proudly do painting, remodeling, decks, doors, basements, gutters, windows, roofing, columns, flooring, plumbing, kitchens, wood repair, electrical. ALL types of handyman jobs. NO job too small. Successfully over 30 years in business. 770.252.5458 Very reasonable rates.

TREE REMOVAL – 24/7 Emergency Service, Tree-Shrub Pruning and Trimming, Commercial and Residential, Licensed/Insured. Want It Your Way, Call Us Right Away. Misael’s Tree Service & Stump Grinding. Call 678.301.0153


NOW HIRING – Smallcakes Cupcakery in Newnan is seeking to hire a Parttime Baker with decorating experience. Immediate opening. Stop by and grab an application today at 113 Newnan Crossing Bypass, Newnan. 4.12

NOW HIRING – Headley Construction is now seeking Construction Superintendents. Previous experience in new construction or renovation is preferred but will train highly-motivated candidates. Great pay, 401K, paid holidays & PTO, home every night. Apply in-person at 44 East Washington St. in Newnan or email resume to: 3/22

NOW HIRING – LKQ PICK YOUR PART in Fayetteville, GA is seeking to fill various positions. To apply, visit and select ‘Careers.

WE NEED HELP! Knowledgeable technicians with own tools. Pay based on experience up to $35 flat rate. Monday thru Friday 8-5. Contact us at Jamie’s Automotive, LaGrange. 706.242.4927

CAREGIVERS – Home Helpers of GA & AL seeking qualified Caregivers. Available shifts – days, evenings, overnight and/or weekends. Competitive wages, extensive training, supportive work environment and paid time off. Apply online at or call 678.876.5118


NEWNAN COWETA HUMANE SOCIETY Check website for list of animals at local animal control facility and foster care animals. Call 770.253.4694

2ND ANNUAL DOG MICROCHIPPING EVENT at Coweta County Fairgrounds, March 18 at 9 a.m.

Page 14 H The WEEKLY H March 15, 2023 H
Superior Tree Service No Job Too Big or Too Small. Give Us A Call free estimAtes Naomi Thompson 678-491-4703 199 Wilson Circle, Newnan, GA 30263 Georgia Baptist Childrens Homes, WinPak and YAMAHA are now hiring. Check out their ad in this issue.
for Sharpsburg. at 29, at help Christian 28 Bullsboro Dr. 28 Bullsboro Dr. Newnan, GA 30263 Newnan, GA 30263 (770) 502-7007 (770) 502-7007 Purchase, Finance or Rent-to-Own Purchase, Finance or Rent-to-Own Portables Only Portables Only Steel Tube Buildings Steel Tube Buildings For Most Any Use Most Any Use Custom Built Custom Built Family owned since 1969 Family owned since 1969 AllSteelSiding AllSteelSiding Wood or Steel Framed Wood or Steel Framed Rent-to-Own Rent-to-Own RV Covers RV Covers Why Buy from McGuire’s? The BEST framed building on the market.  Wood frame sizes 8 x 8 to 16 x 28  Aluminum, Steel or Wood siding  Delivery or Built On-Site  Purchase, Finance or Rent to Own  Steel frame from 12x20 to 50x 200+  Wide Color Variety  Many options for custom orders  Better standard features and more options than any other building brand!

Much More Than a Place to Work

Winpak Films Inc. is growing to meet the demand for food packaging and other flexible film products around the world. As we expand our capacity, we are dedicated to much more than hiring machine operators, logistics pros, maintenance, and lab technicians to support our production growth. Importantly, we are committed to supporting your growth and advancing your career.

For starters, we’ve created a supportive, clean and safe work environment that has made many of our employees stay with us for decades and even inspire their children to come to work for us. Then we reward their loyalty with exceptional working conditions and a great employment package, plus the opportunity to live in and raise families with the small-town advantages of Senoia and nearby Peachtree City, Ga.

Overall, we’re known for nurturing an environment that’s better than 95 percent of workplaces around the world.

What Can Winpak Offer You?

Our commitment to a wellrounded benefits program goes beyond medical insurance to include dental, vision, telemedicine, a flexible spending account, and life and disability benefits. If you work at Winpak 30+ hours a week on a continuous basis, you’re eligible for benefits. Your eligibility begins the first of the month following 60 days of hire with the company. Employees can expect:

• Outstanding medical & supplemental insurance

• Retirement Programs / 401K

• Paid vacation & sick leave

• Career advancementoperators today could be managers tomorrow

• Friendly, helpful production teams & managers

• Company-paid training

• Creative work schedules

How Much Could You Earn?

Our stepped-up wage scale starts at $16 per hour for entry level employees with the opportunity for higher earnings every 3 months in just the first year, On the first anniversary of hire you could be earning $18 to $20 per hour, depending on your job title and performance. Jobs include Machine Operators, QA Lab Technicians, Logistics Operators, Storeroom Attendants, Plate Mounters, and Apprentice Press Operators. Extrusion Operators can earn up to $21.59 per hour, depending on skill level.

Find Out More and Grow with Us

Everything we do reflects how much Winpak cares for our employees and wants to keep them and help them succeed. We’re eager to tell you more about our available jobs, our exceptional products, and a workplace that feels like more than just work. Contact: or call 678-633-8788

Contributing to a Sustainable Future

At Winpak, sustainability is more than just a buzzword, it’s engrained in how we work and manage our resources. We provide opportunities for active employee engagement in various initiatives which align with our sustainability pillars. This enables us, as an organization, to work together to become a better corporate citizen and contributor to a better planet.


About Winpak Ltd. Winpak designs and supplies innovative packaging to some of the world’s largest brands.

As an employee of Winpak Films, you are part of Winpak Ltd., an $853 million company with 12 manufacturing facilities in North America encompassing locations in Illinois, New Jersey, California, Canada and Mexico.


Our facilities’ total floor space would cover 40 football fields and we employ more than 2,500 people. We started operations in 1978, and our corporate headquarters is in Winnipeg, MB, Canada. Winpak is listed on the TSX (WPK).

IT’S OUR NATURE TO PROTECT TM WINPAK Films Inc. 100 Wihuri Pkwy., Senoia, GA 30276 • 678-633-8788

What We Produce in Senoia

Capabilities in our 300,000 square-foot Senoia plant encompass: Blown Film Extrusion — Barrier and non-barrier films for high performance MAP bags and sealant films Barrier Shrink Film Extrusion — PVdC and EVOH barrier films; Traditional, High Abuse, Bone Guard Converting Operations — Bag and pouch making; Shrink bag converting; Ten-color flexographic printing; Photo polymer plate making; In-house graphics. H March 15, 2023 H The WEEKLY H Page 15
are mainly used in food
medical applications.” H. Phan
“Our products
packaging and
really show their appreciation for you.” V.
“I appreciate how my co-workers train me in a way I can understand.”
M. Boswell
Choose a Career that makes your child want to follow in your footsteps  Outstanding medical and supplemental insurance  $3,000 referral bonus  $2,000 signing / retention bonus  Retirement programs / 401K  Paid vacation and sick leave  Career advancementoperators today could be managers today  Company-paid training  Monthly performance awards  Creative work schedules Extrusion Operators can earn up to $23.50 per hour, depending on skill level. For entry level employees our stepped-up wage scale starts at $17 per hour with the opportunity for higher earnings every 3 months in just the first year. On the first anniversary of hire you could be earning $19 to $20 per hour, depending on your job title and performance. Night shift positions earn an extra $1.50 per hour. Jobs include Machine Operators, QA Lab Technicians, Logistics Operators, Storeroom Attendants, Plate Mounters, and Apprentice Press Operators. DID YOU KNOW UNITED BANK HAS TWO NEWNAN LOCATIONS? Come See Us! 2245 Highway 34 @ Sullivan Rd. & 61 Bullsboro Dr.
Page 16 H The WEEKLY H March 15, 2023 H SALES SERVICE RENTALS Smith Automotive Group, family owned and operated, offers a fresh, new approach to your car buying experience. Nissan of Newnan 783 Bullsboro Dr. (next to Zaxby’s), Newnan, GA 30263 770.254.3800 Let’s not forget to … STAY SAFE, WEAR YOUR MASKS, WASH YOUR HANDS REGULARLY, PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING … because we care!
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