2 minute read
April Events
1 Island Visions: The Art of Robert Sears, Cowichan Valley Arts Council Annex, 2687 James St., Duncan until 04/14 FREE
1-8 Registration open for Spring Fine Arts Show, Cowichan Valley Arts Council https:// cowichanvalleyartscouncil.ca/ fine-arts-show/
2 Sense of Place: Landscape art from Rory MacDonald, Sharron Campbell, Nana Goodship, Angela Andersen and Peter Spohn. 2687 James St., Duncan until 04/30
3 Times They Are A Changing 11-3pm Heritage Museum 2851 Church Way, Mill Bay millbaymalahathistory.com also 04/10/17/24
4 Discovering the Deep Life in our Last Wilderness 9:30am Cowichan Valley Naturalists Zoom cvns@naturecowichan.net
5 Opening Sense of Place: Landscape art, meet the artists 4- 7 pm. Cowichan Valley Arts Council Gallery FREE
6 & 7 Artist tour, Sense of Place: Landscape painting, w/ Nan Goodship and Peter Spohn 04/07 Rory MacDonald, Sharron Campbell, Angela Andersen, 12 -12:30 PM Cowichan Valley Arts Council Gallery 2687 James St. FREE
9 Tony Turner CFG Coffeehouse 7pm Duncan United Church Hall 246 Ingram Street www.cowichanfolkguild.ca
10 Cowichan Folk Guild AGM 1pm Providence Farm Dining Room 1843 Tzouhalem Rd, Duncan cowichanfolkguild.ca
11 Elder College: Yoga and Meditation for Seniors with Saroj Sund Mondays April 11-May 16 10-11am. Registration (250)7487529
13 Raising Protagonists for Social Change Spiritual Upliftment and Conversation 3 Baha’i friends 7:15-8:30pm Call for details Laurice Tim & Lee 250 748 2585
13 Heart Berries: A Memoir 5-7pm Warmland Book & Film Collective Zoom WarmlandBFC@ gmail.com
16 Warmland Calligraphers, Cowichan Valley Arts Council Annex until 04/30 FREE 17 Easter at the Hub Fair Event Live Music Easter Egg Hunt Pancake Breakfast 10-2pm 2375 Koksilah Rd, Duncan cowichanhub.ca
18 Art Odyssey for Kids, Mondays 3:45-4:45 pm, Cowichan Valley Arts Council, ages 9-13 Register online
18-22 5-Day Mask-carving course w/Alert Bay carver Rupert Scow, Cowichan Valley Arts Council Studio $300
19 Behavior Change for Conservation 7:30pm Cowichan Valley Naturalists Zoom cvns@naturecowichan.net
21 The Lure of Paris Elder College 10-12pm 250 758 7529 Runs to 05/26
22 Happy Earth Day!
22 & 23 Cherry Point Artists Art Show & Sale 10-6pm St. Peter’s Church 5800 Church Rd, Duncan
23 Promise Valley Farm & Creamery Grand Opening Event 10-4:30PM Vendors, Guernsey lattes, Farm Tours 11am & 1:30pm 7088 Richards Trail Duncan
23 Spring Birding by Ear Elder
College 8:30-11:30am 250 758 7529
23 Gounod’s Mass to St. Cecilia Cowichan Consort Orchestra & Choir 7:30pm Christian Reform Church 930 Trunk Rd $20
24 Chemainus Classical Concerts Pianists Ann Mendenhall Catharina de Beer Emily Armour & Rykie Avenant 2pm St. Michael’s Church 2858 Mill St $25/$10 250 748 8383
24 Native American Flutes in the Forest 1-3pm rommyflutes@shaw. ca FREE
27 Raising Protagonists for Social Change Part 2 Spiritual Upliftment & Conversation 3 Baha’i friends 7:15-8:30pm call for details Laurice Tim & Lee 250 748 2585
28 Waldorf Early Childhood Education 8-9PM Zoom Lecture swpa@sunrisewaldorfschool.org
30 Ben Sures Live in the Chapel 7pm Providence Farm 1843 Tzouhalem Rd, Duncan www.cowichanfolkguild.ca $20/$25
30 Silk painting workshop 10 am–4pm. Cowichan Valley Arts Council Studio $90