2 minute read
Where Do We Go From Here

Iposed this question to a friend as BC began loosening the many public health mandates we have been living with. For seven years, before COVID arrived, she and I used to have six+ hour conversations weekly in favourite restaurants over endless plates of appys. We figured we have had less than 48 hours’ total face-toface time since the world shut down two years ago. Our physical separation has been a huge emotional loss for us both. Struggling to figure out what was going to happen next, I equated my own anxiety to ever moving goal posts. The COVID-19 pandemic exasperated stress, anxiety, loneliness, depression that many people had been able to cope with before. Studies in 2021 revealed those impacts, including a jump in those struggling with mental health from 1/3 pre-pandemic to 2/3. Also noted was that mental health agencies were only seeing the tip of the iceberg of people struggling with negative issues. Referrals to CFLA jumped almost 400% this past year. As mandates start to lift, many people will struggle to cope. Some may isolate more now that masks aren’t required; those fearful of the unvaxed may feel more stress not knowing who is or isn’t when the passport program finishes in April. Stress can cause us sleepless nights, lack of motivation, unrelated angry outbursts, or depression. Being able to talk through things that negatively impact our lives is a tried and tested method
for coping. CFLA focuses on individual’s immediate and future concerns, and over eight weekly sessions, work on resiliency that enables personal growth. Solutionfocused brief therapy, as available through Cowichan Family Life, provides a confidential supportive environment to understand what external forces impact our behaviours, identify those to change, and helps set goals to move forward. Strength-based support from our trained, caring volunteer counsellors guide people to tap into their inner resources and find solutions. CFLA offers affordable inperson or virtual counselling support, and personal growth workshops (Healing Anger, Communicating with Confidence). Our office is open Monday to Friday 10-3. Call for a free 40 minute intake appointment, or visit our website at www.cowichanfamilylife.org. Madelaine MacLeod is CFLA’s Executive Director who looks forward to stationary goal posts.