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Let’s Talk Makeup and Sustainability
Violet Reynolds, RMT
Now practicing at CN Health & Wellness 715 Canada Avenue, Downtown Duncan
Practice focuses on pain management, Somatics and Stress Reduction
To Make an Appointment 250 597-3959 or somayogaviolet@gmail.com
Natural Beauty and Fashion
Open Mon - Fri 10am-5pm Sunday 12-4pm
There are multiple elements to truly mastering a sustainable life. For many, it is a lifelong process of improvement, which at times can feel overwhelming. However, when making consumer choices, it is becoming easier to align yourself with companies who are invested in ecologically sustainable practices.

When considering your natural skincare and makeup purchases, let’s explore four technical areas which companies use to determine how products comply to ecological standards.
1. Purity of ingredients: Product ingredients are taking from nature (rather than man made in a laboratory) and do not include harsh chemicals, heavy metals or synthetic dyes and perfumes.
2. Vegan ingredients: No animal ingredients have been used and also has not been tested for safety on animals. (cruelty-free)
3. Minimal packaging: Including refillable, reusable containers. (Pop your used blush out of its compact and pop a new one in) This also includes using natural inks and dyes.
4. Highly recyclable and/or biodegradable: Packaging is made for recycled materials or natural ingredients with minimal processing (for example, eye pencil lids made from corn) Finished container can be easily recycled or reused.
By aligning yourself with companies that have already done their homework, you can feel good about using the products you purchase. You can be confident in knowing that not only does your skin look and feel great, you’ve made the world just a touch greener. Every little bit helps.
Come into Prudence to learn more about our new in-house recycle program and to check out our large selection of natural, sustainable cosmetics, including our newest line Pink-House.
Let’s Talk Makeup and Sustainability

DeAnna Cross is a marketing consultant and ecostylist for Prudence Naturals. Instagram: @deannamcross